#thank u for asking mwah <3
oatmilksgf · 1 year
how's the new hairrrr
omg the new hair is Great i still don’t know how to style it but i’m vibin w it so much <3
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yj-98 · 10 months
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theloveinc · 2 months
OKAY hear me out but touya WITH a job getting ready at your cute vanity and pink room. struggling to put up his cargo pants/ slacks with the belt, while running over to get his coat off of the fuzzy pink chair in the corner. he's forced to fix his hair and check if his face looks the least presentable in your mirror filled with polaroids before he goes out and it's SO funny to watch him do that omg. i'm gonna die
(pt. i!)
WAHHH mismatched socks, the elastic of his calvin kleins (that u bought him) peeking out at his backside; he nearly trips over his work bag that's waiting for him on the floor and practically slides right into your full-length mirror--you're really rooting for him and even though he wouldnt say it, he'd try to strangle himself if he lost his job for being late just one too many times--because he's rushing to get out the door.
you can hear him from the kitchen where you're putting together lunches (not for him specifically, but because you already make something for yourself, you might as well...you're welcome, touya), AND YES IT'S SO HARD not to laugh when the door bursts open and he's looking like a little fool with his black and white hair actually combed down and smudges around his eyes from trying + failing to get your eyeliner off of him.
(also, did he use your hairspray that was sitting on your vanity? maybe. okay, yes. though it's no surprise he knows where everything you own is lmfao)
he stills refuses to let you put things in a lunch box, but no way in HELL he's not shoving the wrapped sandwich and bento full of fruit into his bag before !!! kissing you goodbye!!!
it's truly like a dream come true 'coz even though part of him feels like a DOG having to work for the man, making you happy is what MAKES HIM HAPPY and being able to fill your (and now! his) room with more cute and pink things is his new favorite hobby...
(and even though he blushes like hell doing it, the next lunch date he's picking you up from, he's paying the whole table's bill in CASH and not taking no for an answer. makes him feel the best he has in a while. even though he's still eating everyone's leftovers lmao.)
slay the house down HOUSTON I'M DECEASED!!!!
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sighonaraa · 2 months
Any thoughts about Foggy’s family reacting to Matt being back in the post-blip Daredevil fic?
HOUGH. thank you for asking this my love because i DIDN'T have any thoughts about it and now i DO. oh BOY DO I!!!!
See, what seems to be a million years ago, now, Anna's son brought home his roommate from college for Thanksgiving. He had told them all that Matt was different, whispered hushed through the phone, that he didn't come from anywhere nor have anywhere to return to, and that it had taken days of embarrassing pleading on his part to get Matt to even reluctantly agree to the visit. So Anna had said okay, honey, sounds good, and then she'd hung up the phone and worried with her husband as to what exactly it was that Foggy was bringing home with him. (What it was, was this: A kid, mop-haired and shy, mumbling please and thank you and offering to clean the dishes and jerking with surprise every time her husband clapped him on the shoulder.) (What it was, was this: Anna's third son.) She remembers Foggy telling her about Matt's--disappearance, the first time. She'd kept making an extra serving of dinner and dessert, just in case he returned, and eventually, he had. A bit quieter than before, a bit sadder, but whole. She doesn't remember Foggy telling her about Matt's second disappearance. Her own hands had been gritty with dust, or ash, or whatever it was they called it. She'd watched her husband crumble to pieces between her palms and then she had to open the front door to tell her son that his father was gone, only to find out that her other son was gone, too. And yet. And yet. Her husband is here again, and Matt is-- Matt is sitting at her kitchen table, socked feet tucked up beneath him, Foggy at one shoulder and Karen at the other, and he's saying please and thank you and offering to clean the dishes and it's like no time has passed at all, even though so much of it has. She passes her fingers through his hair as she sets their plates on the table. He doesn't flinch, not anymore. Instead, his body leans into the touch, and remains.
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fullmetalscullyy · 7 months
emma i would love to see u tackle royai and cooking for each other (or sharing in food). there's such a warmth and intimacy in making something for someone. it's whole purpose is to sustain life!!!
so........ how about......... three wee royai moments where they're cooking together............. :)
here with me
read on ao3
summary: there was a reason // i collided into you // Roy and Riza cooking (providing for one another) throughout the years
rated: g | words: 2718 | tags: royai, cooking, young royai, post-canon, happy, childhood friends, sickfic, post promised day
Riza shuffled into the kitchen, following the smell of cooking, to find Roy standing over the hob, stirring something within a pot. And whatever it was, it smelled delicious. It was so flavoursome, it made her eyes water and caused her to break out into a coughing fit, announcing her presence.
And although it caused Roy to startle at the sudden, loud sound, he still grinned over at her.
He almost toppled off the chair onto the floor, in an endearing, hopeless, sort of way, but that was neither here nor there.
The reason he was currently kneeling on a chair though, was because he wasn’t quite tall enough to reach the hob to cook. Although in his teenage years, Roy’s growth spurt still hadn’t hit him yet (much to his dismay), so he’d taken a leaf out of Riza’s book and dragged a chair over from the table so he could see what he was doing. Bless his wee cotton socks too, because before Riza had interrupted and startled him, he’d looked so precious up there, his tongue peeking out from between his lips as his brow furrowed in concentration, eyes darting back and forth between the pot and the piece of handwritten paper beside it, which presumably detailed the recipe of whatever he was cooking.
Riza tightened the blanket around her shoulders and wrinkled her nose in response to the sneeze which was threatening her. “What are you doing?”
Roy beamed at her. “Cooking.” He answered as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
He shrugged. “You’re ill. It was the least I could do. Plus, I wanted to.”
“You wanted to.” She blinked at him, unable to comprehend what was happening.
Roy nodded in cheerful agreement, nonplussed about her surprise.
“Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Nope.” Roy even popped the ‘p’.
“Well. Let me help at least –” Riza reached forward to busy herself with assisting him, but Roy was having none of it.
“Ah. Ah!” He swatted at her playfully, brandishing his wooden spoon to keep her back and out of reach. “No. Go and sit down.”
Riza frowned. “Roy, no –”
“Riza, yes. Go and sit down. I’ll cook.”
Sensing she would get nowhere with him and too exhausted and shivery to argue she ambled over to sit at the kitchen table, like he directed.
Riza felt bad though, that he was doing all of this for her while she was ill. He was here to learn alchemy. He was a guest in her home. His family were paying her father to tutor him. And now he’d been left to cook for himself – and her – too? It was too much. Her ailing body failing her was no excuse, and yet, he would have none of her continued attempts to try and help him. Her offers were met with playfulness and patience, but a firm reply which said no. He could manage on his own.
Riza still didn’t feel safe enough to venture far from him and his cooking shenanigans though. He’d once shared how he’d almost burned his aunt’s house down when he cooked and Riza was still unsure if it was a joke or not.
So she watched him like a hawk while he chattered away. Probably to fill the silence, which made her feel even worse, because her ill brain could barely keep up with his train of thought and she felt as though she should offer him something, not just silence. But it was too much for her exhausted body and mind to comprehend.
It was… nice, though. To listen to him. To hear his voice. To hear his stories which he obviously enjoyed telling and sharing.
Secretly, Riza loved it.
It was nice to be doted on for once.
To be cared for.
They both sat down at the table together without incident a short time later. Her bowl of soup was presented to her with a flourish, complete with pristine presentation. One would have thought the young man was a professional cook.
Taking a cautious sip of her soup, Riza politely and gently ignored how Roy was waiting and watching for her reaction as she sampled his dish.
It was… good. Great, actually. Extremely tasty. She tried not to be too surprised at how good it was given how much he’d put himself down about his cooking abilities in the past, but this was delightful. Perfect for her sore throat, and delicious. Not too much for her tender stomach to put away either. It was just enough.
He’d created the perfect dish for her.
Riza swallowed it down and relished in how it soothed her aching throat. And immediately went back for another taste.
“Is it okay?”
Riza glanced up, noticing how nervous he looked, even as she almost started to devour and hoover up his homemade soup.
Still, her face flushed pink. “Yes,” she replied, not quite able to fully find her voice with his attention so directly upon her. It was because of her cold, for sure.
No other reason.
“It’s good. Very tasty.”
Her appraisal lit up his entire face. Roy sat up a little taller in his chair. His shoulders rolled back and his head perked up, but it was nothing compared to the pure joy which brightened his entire being, illuminating him from within.
“Good. I’m glad.” He looked extremely pleased with himself as he tucked into his own dinner.
*             *             *            *             *            *             *
“Riza?” Roy’s disembodied voice called out to her from the doorway to her home.
“In the kitchen.”
Roy entered the room a few seconds later, surprisingly. Riza hadn’t expected him to come straight through to see her. Snow still caked the edges of his boots and the shoulders of his thick winter coat, but he didn’t appear to be too bothered about it. Neither was she, honestly. A little water from melted snow would dry up quick enough, so it wasn’t a problem.
And when he did make his immediate appearance within the room, Roy was ruffling his hair to dislodge the snowflakes which had caught in his dark strands. And like always, Riza’s attention was drawn to him immediately.
As soon as he entered the room.
(It was really becoming a problem.)
Riza had turned to greet him, but the sight of him made her pause.
His hair was tousled, slightly wet from being out in the snow and curling at the ends due to the damp. Since he’d joined the military, he’d started to fill out within his own body with all the physical training they had him doing. His arms, which had been long and gangly as a teen, were now corded with muscle, same with his legs. And now, when he moved to dislodge those pesky snowflakes, his newly discovered biceps flexed. Quite nicely, too.
Not that Riza had been staring, of course.
Definitely not.
Riza’s face flamed and she hastily turned back to the stove. “Did you get everything you needed?” She was grateful her voice remained steady as she spoke because on the inside it felt as if her entire being was quivering like a leaf, as it often did around her childhood friend nowadays.
A pesky new discovery, but one she would manage. Through sheer willpower alone.
Riza vowed she would not make Roy uncomfortable with the things which churned within her gut and her chest over him.
“Yep. I got a discount on the vegetables as well. I think the lady in the shop likes me,” Roy chuckled.
Riza felt her stomach twist and the bubbling, happy feeling which had been fizzing within her died.
Crumbled into ash.
Riza buried it. Buried it deep and locked it down tight. Jealousy had no place here and she was too old, too mature, now, to even consider such a thing.
“Yeah. She was very sweet and kind.”
Roy was a friend. An old friend, who she loved dearly.
Nothing more.
Never mind the fact he’d called Riza and been on the first train back when he learned how her father’s health had taken a downturn. Riza had presumed it was to ask her father about flame alchemy while he still had the chance, but in response to voicing her assumptions to him, Roy’s gaze has hardened. His jaw had locked and he hadn’t looked happy about something. He’d even gone as far to leave the room and once he’d returned, a few hours later, he’d looked dejected, but resigned.
Riza still hadn’t figured out why he’d acted and looked that way. And their friendship felt slightly different because of it.
But perhaps it was simply Riza’s imagination.
“What’s wrong?”
Riza startled and suddenly, he was there. At her elbow. Roy even lifted a hand to grasp her elbow gently, initiating contact with his thumb and forefinger which made her stomach flutter with troublesome butterflies, as it always did.
“What do you mean?”
His eyes searched her face, his brow furrowed and face concerned. Riza just averted her gaze, turning back to dinner before Roy could see too much. Before he could figure anything out she’d rather keep hidden for the sake of their friendship.
Her one-sided affections were hers, and hers to deal with alone. She would not burden him with them.
Riza didn’t dare look at him, but his sudden response confused her. “What?”
“Nothing.” Roy sounded so nonchalant, such a twist from how he’d looked just a moment ago, which brought Riza’s attention back to him. But Roy had already turned away and was walking over to the kitchen table to unpack his shopping bags.
Riza dropped it. She didn’t want to dwell for too long on what he’d meant by that innocent “nothing”. That sudden realisation which laced his tone.
Her poor heart had endured and suffered enough recently, and she didn’t want to add anymore pressure to it. She owed herself that much currently, at the very least.
Roy appeared by her elbow again, making Riza’s heart jump and stutter. “Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Um…” Her brain was scrambled. Disjointed after trying to make sense of what had just happened between them.
But Roy waited patiently for her brain to stop short circuiting and catch back up with the present.
“Actually… Yes. Would you mind mashing the potatoes?”
Roy beamed at her. “I would love nothing more, Riza,” he replied rather dramatically, equipped with a wink.
Her stomach tumbled again, but Riza forced her brain to reign it in. She reminded herself he was just being Roy. Playful and fun.
The complete opposite of her.
But… Riza was slowly learning. Thanks to him. Thanks to his influence.
She was grateful for that, at least.
Roy rolled up his sleeves, exposing his now toned forearms, and Riza quickly darted her gaze away, unable to linger on the sight for too long. She studied the stew within the pot before her as if her life depended upon it instead, ignoring the young man working methodically (muscles flexing and all) and humming quietly – while so at ease – by her side.
Side by side, they cooked. For each other. For themselves.
A small smile teased Riza’s lips at the domesticity of it all. It tugged at her heart strings. It brought her a sliver of dangerous hope. A childish vision of the future. It made her insides bunch up at the thought of him doing it with someone else… That lady in the shop perhaps, whoever she was…
Despite it all, Riza had never been happier in that moment.
Right now, he was here with her.
No one else.
That may be the case in the future – and that was okay. Riza could make peace with that, for his sake and his happiness. Her little, budding – but difficult – feelings for her friend would never be voiced or known.
And that was okay.
They’d disappear eventually, Riza was sure. If he found someone, it would be all right. Because in the end, Riza would still have him as a friend. She’d still have him in her life.
And that was enough.
She wasn’t brave enough to lose him.
(Just yet).
It would be too much for him to give up everything for her. Far too much. He had his goals and his dreams, and she was a quiet, lonesome man’s daughter. She had nothing at all to offer, but she could still be his friend. Throughout it all, without fail, she’d offer all the support she had for him to see everything he desired come to fruition.
That would be enough…
Riza supposed.
“For the record, the lady in the shop was in her seventies. Nothing to get jealous over.”
Riza whipped around and smacked him on the arm with carrot while he guffawed away to himself.
*             *             *            *             *            *             *
Riza knocked on the Colonel’s door. Hayate whined quietly by her side and sat in place patiently as he waited for his second favourite human to make an appearance.
It was adorable how he’d taken to him.
(Riza understood the feeling.)
“Lieutenant!” Roy’s smile was like a beacon in the dark. It transformed his entire face, and he perked up instantly as soon as he set eyes on her.
Again, Riza understood the feeling.
“Good evening, Colonel.”
He opened the door further and stepped aside, inviting them inside his home. “Come on in.”
Hayate was eager and was already tugging on the lead as he hurried towards the Colonel to jump around his shins.
He was a good dog. He never really bothered or pestered anyone – except her and Roy. As soon as he was around either of them, he begged for attention, eager for pets, and always wanted to be the centre of attention. Every time. He loved them both unconditionally and equally, it seemed.
Riza adored him for it.
Roy chuckled and crouched to pay attention to his adopted little dog while Riza walked inside and shed her coat. Ever the gentlemen, Roy raised from his crouch – much to Hayate’s vocal dismay – and offered to take her coat and hang it up.
“How are you today?”
Always asking after her. Always enquiring how she was doing.
“I’m fine, sir. And thank you for the invite. It was much appreciated, as always.” Riza turned to Hayate who was staring adoringly up at Roy. “Hayate missed you, so I’m sure he was grateful for the opportunity to visit.”
“Just Hayate?”
Riza narrowed her eyes at him, watching as his danced as a smile teased his lips.
“Yes,” she deadpanned.
Roy’s mouth parted in mock shock as he placed a hand upon his chest, over his heart, before breaking out into laughter.
He even stuck his tongue out at her.
Just like he did as a boy.
“Come in.” Roy gestured further into his home. “I know I promised a lovely, relaxing evening,” he winked, “but it seems I’m still having some trouble.”
Riza’s concern for him instantly flared as he lifted his hands, wiggling his fingers and inadvertently brandishing his scarred palms from the Promise Day.
“I could use a hand in the kitchen, if you wouldn’t mind, Lieutenant,” he smiled sheepishly. “I tried already… with disastrous results.”
Riza opened her mouth to reply, only to be halted by a different smile, one which spread across Roy’s face and softened his features entirely. “I thought we could cook together. Just like old times.”
His sweet, boyish smile transported her back through the years, to all the times they’d done this before.
A million times before.
Some of the happiest moments of Riza’s life.
And Riza’s heart tugged at the nostalgia of it all. At how he’d remembered she’d once quietly admitted it was one of her favourite memories of her childhood with him – when they’d worked and cooked together. Provided for themselves and one another. At its basest, given each other the gift of care and sustenance.
And he’d remembered.
Riza rolled up the sleeves of her cardigan. The Colonel’s eyes sparkled with delight at her acceptance.
“Is there anything you need me to do?”
Their age-old question to one another.
Something that was just theirs.
“Why yes, Riza, I do believe there is.”
read on ao3
comments and kudos are always much appreciated!! 🥰🥰
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nyanfish · 4 months
WOE SKETCH REQUEST BE UPON YE. i like aigis's fuckass bob so draw her :>
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LOVE how you phrased this request. yes I will draw her fuckass bob for you, absolutely 07
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bfwonu · 2 years
"i'm going to ruin you." + jeonghan :D
pairing: jeonghan x afab!reader wc: a lil over 1k tags: this is smut - minors DNI. dom!jeonghan, brat!reader, reader has a vagina, some pussy slapping, masturbation (f), poor attempts at dirty talk, descriptions of sexting (f -> m)
a/n: huge thank you reia (@maijunejuly) and ae (@mangogyu) for helping me proofread !! <3
hannie just got out, i’ll be over in 20  i want you on the bed in the pink set when i get there.
both your heart and stomach do somersaults as you re-read your boyfriend’s texts, giddily heading to your bedroom to get ready for his arrival.
jeonghan left early for work today. and, despite your insistence that you would gladly wake up early with him on your days off so you could at least see him before he left (even if it meant your eyes are barely open and you only remember fragments of the kisses and see you laters), he still lets you sleep in every time.
(jeonghan’s logic is that he’ll have plenty of time to spend with you when he gets home, and to him that was more than worth the wait. he likes how peaceful you look in the morning, cheek squished against your pillow and a halo of hair framing your head. he likes the way your lashes flutter ever-so-slightly when he presses a kiss to your cheek, the subconscious smile that graces your lips when he pulls away. the fluttering fondness that lingers in his stomach is just enough to tide him over until he’s able to see you again.)
what jeonghan failed to consider, however, is that you woke up extra needy this morning, and he wasn’t there to do anything about it. which is why you decided to menace him a bit and send him photographic evidence of your desire throughout the day; selfies of your pert nipples covered only by a tight top, pictures of the wet patch on your cotton panties, provocative captions about missing him attached to each. jeonghan replied to none of them for fear of starting something in his office bathroom that he wouldn’t be able to finish, but rest assured he drove home irritated and reluctantly hard at your actions.
you’ve been quite the brat today, there’s no point in denying it. the only thing you managed to not do was touch yourself…until now, that is. 
in your excited haste to get ready, you left yourself with a solid thirteen minutes before your lover got home. you truly did try to be patient, legs folded and hands smoothing over the covers mindlessly. but after a few minutes the anticipation started to eat you alive, heat rushing to your core just thinking about what might happen once jeonghan returns. you figured you could rub a quick one out without him noticing (and boy, were you so, so wrong).
feather-light touches over your merely covered breasts travel further and further down until you’re rutting your clothed cunt into your own hand, fingers teasing your entrance over your thong. you then slip them under the fabric and into your hole with ease, already wet with anticipation, and you groan when the heel of your palm grinds deliciously against your clit. the pressure of your fingers is dull compared to jeonghan’s, but your imagination fills in the blanks and you find yourself approaching your high much sooner than you expected.
lost in your own arousal, you don’t hear the front door of your apartment click open and shut, nor do you hear footsteps approaching the open door to your bedroom. it’s not until he loudly clears his throat do your eyes snap open, fingers halting mid-thrust as you spot him leaning against the doorframe. oh, you are so screwed.
“go on,” jeonghan slowly makes his way to the side of your bed, arms crossed. “don’t let me stop you.” his eyebrows raise expectantly, but you know he doesn’t mean it. you’ve already done more than enough damage. 
“i’m sorry,” you pout, removing your fingers from your pussy and biting your lip at the lewd pop. “i just- i missed you so much…”
jeonghan tilts his head tauntingly. “oh, so you thought it would be okay to tease me like that all day? do you know how hard it was to focus in my meetings?” he seethes, “i even chewed out one of my interns because i was so wound up.” a sliver of guilt bubbles in your chest, hoping you didn’t add too much stress to your boyfriend’s day. your worry is put at ease, though, when you spot the tent in his pants. your gaze flickers back up to meet his, a mischievous glint in your eye, and you don’t miss the way the corner of his mouth quirks up when you do so. you know he loves it just as much as you do– almost as much as he loves you.
“and now here you are, touching yourself without permission,” jeonghan purrs, before letting out a scoff. “couldn’t even wait another 20 minutes ‘til i got home.”
another meek apology is all you can muster, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second with your legs still spread and bottom lip caught between your teeth. jeonghan kneels on the bed in front of you, thumb pressing a painfully slow line up your clothed pussy. you let out a whimper at the minimal relief it gives you.
“guess i’ll just have to punish you then, hm?” 
you whine his name in defiance, hips bucking up into his hand in search for more friction. the whining probably isn’t helping your situation, but if you don’t cum soon you think you might cry. 
as much as he wants to indulge in you— because he’s finding it nearly impossible to appear unaffected by your desperation— jeonghan is feeling a little mean today, delivering a slap to your aching clit over your panties instead. you gasp, jaw going slack when the sting morphs into pleasure almost immediately after.
“so needy, even after being a brat today,” he chides, but the fire in his eyes falters momentarily in a silent question: was that okay? 
your boyfriend smirks at how quickly you nod your head– you liked it much more than either of you expected. you feel even more arousal seep out of your cunt as he does it again, a little harder this time, and you let out another whine. getting him riled up at work was so worth it.
“oh, angel,” jeonghan chuckles darkly, “i’m going to ruin you.”
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nymika-arts · 9 months
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that's a big number!! i can't even count that high
thank you guys so much for sticking around with me on my weird little blog, you make this such a fun place to be and to share my work, whether you're here for my art, my gifs, my writing, or just my charming personality 😌 seriously though, if you've ever left a like or a reblog or a comment on something i've made, or sent me a nice ask or dm, just know you've made me smile and i truly appreciate you!
now for the fun stuff:
send me a 🥸 + a word prompt and i will draw a weird little guy for you. but u have to promise to take care of him. [mutuals only]
send me a ✨ + your creations tag and i'll rec a few of my recent faves and tell you why i love them
send me a 🌅 + a word/colour (or even a character/tv show/movie!) and i'll make a little moodboard for you (for example, send ' + ocean" for an ocean themed board)
send a 🎶 + a word/vibe or a character and i'll make a mini-playlist for you
feel free to also treat this as an open ask game! send me questions, top 5's, ask for recs, make me choose, etc etc
i'll rb this a few times for people to see, feel free to rb to spread it around if it suits you 🥰 thank you guys again for supporting me and for just hanging out. love u lots!
tagging some mutuals below:
@herodiaz @deareddie @blackberrygf @renecdote @catdadeddie @fcntasmas @tripleaxeldiaz @tawaifeddiediaz @dearestdiaz @buttercupbuck @nicolasnelsons @rewritetheending @icarusbuck @bigfootsmom @lucydonato @eddiediaaz @bieddiediaz @jamiettart @astroxnot @mellaithwen @like-the-rest-of-la @kitchenscene @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @herosiris @princessfbi @buckactuallys @diazly @hattalove @clusterbuck @theedorksinlove @cinematicnomad @mistmarauder @homerforsure @grumpycakes @bilosan @stationoneeighteen @drysdaales @useramor @firefam
u guys don't have to participate if you're not interested i just want u to know that i appreciate u 💖 if i forgot anyone i'm sorry there are holes in my brain but i love u too
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
not sure if i actually ship bartylily but i am very intrigued by them….would definitely read if u ever wrote anything for them 👀👀
how do u think them and jeg would interact?? i feel like the existence of bartylily would throw james & reg off so much lmaooo
CASS I ADORE U AND I’M KISSING U SO HARD FOR THIS it’s such an honour to hear that you’d read them if i ever write anything for them <3 (which i definitely will, they’re in my mind too often)
OOOOOOH I JUST GIGGLED OUT LOUD i think their reactions would be . very fun and wildly different. like reg would be surprised at first and i don’t think he’d get it. like barty, he has this specific view of lily in his mind and he doesn’t understand how barty could’ve fallen for her in the first place and viceversa. they don’t make sense to him but he isn’t . mean or judgemental about it, i feel like none of barty’s friends would be (they’d tease him and take the piss out of him all the time tho, bc that man is Down Bad). after he actually Sees them together a couple of times he starts to get it. they shouldn’t make any sense but they do and they work surprisingly well together so . he stops questioning it at some point and is just supportive
james however. is Appalled. Baffled. Disgusted even. this might just be one of the worst things that’s ever happened to him. it’s not even about jealousy, he’s with reg (sorry it’s the jeggy obsession) and only sees lily as a friend but barty is his Least Favourite Person in existence. he already has to spend too much time around him bc he’s reg’s best friend and now??? now he’s with lily??? bc not only they get along but they’re also dating??? yeah no Fuck That
don’t get me wrong i feel like almost all of lily’s friends wouldn’t take kindly to the news at first (obviously this depends on how u portray both friend groups and their opinions of each other but to me . they never truly get along u know) but i think that they’d grow to accept it at some point. even if begrudgingly. marlene and mary at least. the jury is still out about sirius + remus + peter
but james??? oh he Hates it. and Hates it forever. he’s happy to see lily happy, yeah, but that’s about it. he’s the man who gets up in the middle of the wedding to try and oppose even if he knows there’s no stopping them (reg is incredibly embarrassed and hating his life choices and trying to get him to sit back down) (barty finds it absolutely hilarious and is delighted to know he’s causing james this much turmoil even after so many years) (lily is very much Done and this is exactly why she didn’t want to invite james) (but barty needed reg there and everyone knows that reg and james are a package deal) (anyway i digress)
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tojisun · 5 months
i loved the way you wrote ur recent toxic!dbf!biker! simon, but his actions have got me HEATED!! the AUDACITY!!! he’d never, and i mean NEVER, ever hear from me again!! i’d be praying on his downfall, though, hoping he crashes his bike and dies!!!!!
HAKDIEKRJ (this was about ‘dear john’) im so sorry for how late im responding to this but thank you so so much teehee!!
no fr. simon is not a good man in this version (i dont think he ever will be tbh. and even then, i dont want him ending up w reader bc, well, why give someone like this a happy ending? yea i love simon [OUR SIMON THE GOOD ONE] but ive been drawing ideas from irl experience so personally when reader gets out of this, no more second chances n do-overs i fear.)
AND YES! ive been a fool but NEVER LET ANYONE PLAY W U THE WAY toxic dbf!SIMON IS W READER!!!!
im giggling at u all collectively saying u hope his bike crashes tho 😭
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mirrortouchedsea · 1 month
Madaleo 20? Love your work!
ask game
…on a scar.
The wound on his hand was healing well, scar tissue knitting his palm together. Despite all of the jobs he had taken recently, Madara had only sustained minor injuries. At least, minor injuries that drew blood. His body was sore all over but he had to push through it. Couldn't have all of ES gossiping about him like that if he could help it.
Madara runs his hand under some water in the communal kitchen sink. If anyone asked, he could say a knife slipped while cooking or something. Not entirely believable for him but better than the alternative.
He hears a familiar voice humming down the hall, lighter than air as a melody is born in the moment to his favorite musical genius. Madara smiles and turns off the water, running to catch Leo in a hug before the other boy could surprise him.
"Mikejimama! I'm back in Japan!" Leo hugs him back enthusiastically. It had been a few months since the two had seen each other, what with Madara's odd jobs and Leo living in Italy with Izumi most of the year.
"Leo-san!" Madara doesn't have the words to tell Leo how happy he is to see his boyfriend.
They pull away, Leo's eyes shining as he starts telling Madara about his life in Italy, the types of people he works with and all of the food (he insists that Madara should come with them next time so they can try out these cafes near their apartment together). Madara nods along, soaking in all of Leo's voice for safe keeping.
At some point, Madara finds himself bringing up a hand to brush aside Leo's hair from his face and Leo's eyes seem to trace the movement. His face falls and Madara realizes its the hand with the fresh scar.
"You're taking care of yourself right, Mama?" Leo brings his own hand up to Madara's, thumb tracing over the scar.
"Of course, Leo-san. I just cut myself while cooking last week. Don't worry about it." The lie slips from him easily, but neither of them buy it. Leo doesn't push, he never does (but maybe he should, someday, when they're safe and thousands of miles from here. Madara wants him to push for truth), but he brings Madara's palm to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss, and another and another, until Madara is laughing and Leo follows suit.
Madara pulls Leo in for a gentle kiss on the lips, still laughing, still smiling.
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fearandhatred · 17 days
Good Omens fandom ask game! I will ask numbers 1 and 4! ❤️
hiii thank u sm for the ask <33
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
i vaguely knew about it before because i saw a post on twitter of these two sitting on the bench and i was like Huh. people are shipping two old men again. cool i guess
and then months later in september last year i found out my mom's amazon prime subscription also means she has amazon prime video so i watched it! and now i also ship two old-ish men-ish
2. what is (if you read) your favourite good omens longfic?
i haven't read and bookmarked many longfics but one i go back to more often is mourning doves by sleepyimpulse. angst <3
and a wip i've been dying for an update for would be better to read and eat cake in a Soho bookshop than to reign in Hell by kaesa!! insane plot and equally insane smut + gorgeous writing
ask game
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HIII my darling omg you're so lovely hehehehe <333 WELLL on a good day, like day 2 after washing it, it does look like that!! but most of the time....it looks a lot frizzier or just. weirdly dry :(( how i love curly hair.... GAHHH but i have been planning to get shorter bangs, realllly want to get like sally albright vibe bangs later this year i feel like that would be so fun :))
(like... WOULD BE SO CUTE!!!!! i haven't had short bangs since i was like seven though so would be a bit of a change!!!)
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hi hi !! sorry if this is weird but i just saw the tags you left on my poly!sashisu drabble and when i tell you i was giggling and kicking my feet reading through them?? i genuinely got so giddy going through your tags and seeing your reactions 🥹
i can’t tell you how much better you’ve made my day so thank you so so much for being so sweet !! your words made me smile like an idiot and i’m so glad you enjoyed reading my silly lil drabble (bonus points that you’re a fellow sashisu enthusiasts bc i swear there aren’t enough of us hehe)
anyways thank you so so much for all the love !! hugging you so tight rn <333
u are so sooooo welcome, that drabble made my whole night!! tysm for writing it in the first place <333 FELLOW SASHISU ENJOYER WE MUST STICK TOGETHER….. 🫂🫂🫂 i’m hugging u soo tightly too 🫂🫂🫂🫂 no but i’m so glad my tags could make u happy, u deserve all the praise and more!! i know i alr said it but i seriously adore how u wrote their dynamics and care for each other :’3 u understand sashisu like no one else… i love them so dearly…..
ANYWAY just know ily <3 + that drabble will stay in my heart forever n ever!! tysm again!! <33
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hearandfunger · 9 months
you are so funny I hope both sides of your pillow are cold ily
Thank u so much. my pillow is so comfy rn i have never felt better in my li
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did someone hear something
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stevebabey · 1 year
you tell steve ONE TIME that his stubble is scratching your skin when you kiss and at every moment he can find, he's rubbing his cheek against yours like a cat just to annoy you. and then the next morning when you've woken up with a beard burn mark all over your face he walks in clean-shaven like :( who could have done that to my baby :( lemme at them :(
YES that is what i’m talking about!!
omg just like a cat, ur so right, it’s one of those things he does after he gives u a kiss :) he’ll give you a kiss and just buries his face in your neck after, nosing along your face in a way that almost nuzzling :) and makes a content like hmmr every time :) and u love it a lot actually, until he gets stubble. and like ur ever gonna complain about that— when he has a shadow of it across his jaw, just coming in it’s actually downright sinful how good he looks and your thoughts usually end up thinking about how the scrape of it would feel between your thighs- but!! it’s less good for kisses :( he’s all scratchy now, even just when giving a peck, but even more so when he does his lil rub up — so u gotta tell him :( “stevie,” you’re pouting a bit bcos you don’t rlly want him to shave it, or discourage his nuzzles in anyway but ur honest to god getting sanded away here. “s’too scratchy,” you say, tugging him back from you just an inch during a lazy kiss on ur bed. in an instant, he’s frowning, peering down at you and trying to figure out what you mean. you just let your thumbs rub over the edge of his jaw, caressing the rough stubble there and you can see steve’s eyes light up when he gets it! but instead of being a lovely caring considerate boyfriend, steve just grins a bit too mischievously and comes back in, rubbing all up your cheek on purpose this time, the bastard :( u can’t even be mad, the scratchy tickling feeling makes u laugh and steve does the most to rub his stubble against u. and ofc, the next morning when ur reaping the consequences of his actions, he’s all clean shaven and smooth in the face — but so mean to u :( pretending it wasn’t his fault u have irritated skin like oh baby, who did this :( who scratched up my honey :( while dotting a dozen kisses over his own work!! the bastard!! you can’t find it in yourself to be annoyed bcos when he proposes to fight the guy who did this to u, it makes u proper belly laugh and stevie just looks so very in love so it’s all worth it :’)
come send stebe thoughts ?
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