#tftsmp jack kanoff
zecoritheweirdone · 1 year
[slowly pokes my head inside the tftsmp tag] hullo? hullo hullo? anybody there?
i kept seeing tftsmp posts on my dash occasionally, recently,, and like. i was reminded of this really really old wild west fic idea i made a while back? so long back that i don't actually remember when,, because i only really shared it in a few discord servers, and never got that much of a response from it,,, and so i never did anything with it.
but since the tag is actually, like. sort of being used, now? i figured... i'd give y'all an offering, mayhaps?
n-e-ways,,, hehehehhhhoooo au where john john and the bandits are ghosts, ft. my rushed art.
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it's been, like– maybe a year or so since i even thought about this idea,, so i'm afraid i don't have much to share outside of a small handful of snippets,, sksjsksjsk. but like. basically, all four of them become ghosts, and then... ghost shenanigans, basically.
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mairen-marionette · 2 years
Tftsmp Incorrect Quotes, Wild West Edition
Sherman: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. The Priest: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. John: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Jack: Mason, keep an eye on Connor today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Mason: Sure, I’d love to see Connor get punched. Jack: Try again. Mason, sighing: I will stop Connor from getting punched.
Michael: Do you take constructive criticism? Percy: I only take cash or credit.
William: Violence isn't the answer. Crops: You’re right. William: *sighs in relief* Crops: Violence is the question. William: What? Crops, bolting away: And the answer is yes. William, running after him: NO-
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lasnevadas69 · 2 years
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jack kanoff attempt
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“How am I supposed to focus when you’re looking at me like that?” for Jack and Mason please. We love gay cowboy bandits in this house for real.
“Focus, Jack. We can’t rob the bank if you keep missing.”
Mason threw a bottle in a random trash can as Jack struggled to shoot at a target. He needed target practice before they decide to rob that bank, maybe then they can get a shot out of the sheriff.
“How am I supposed to focus when you’re looking at me like that?”
Jack lifted up his scarf to cover up most of his face as he shot and missed the target once again. Dang it.
Mason looked at Jack confused for a second before chuckling.
“What? Am I making you nervous? Can’t shoot when you have eyes on you?”
“Shut up!”
Jack’s face was flushed as he shot again and managed to hit the side of the target. Well, better than not hitting it at all.
“Hm, that’s an improvement.”
“Shut up.”
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galaxy-lilies · 6 months
For the ship game - c!quacknap? :]
I ship it!
1. What made you ship it? it was in part due to karlnapity, but i loved the dynamics of the three even as duos. plus Quackity and Sap are closer at least lore wise since Sapnap was the one who seeked out Q and still left the door open for him in Kinoko even after the fallout between Q and Karl. Plus both are fiercely loyal and protective of the things they love and don't take kindly to betrayal. Oh and 10000% blaming the TFTSMP wild west episode, i love jack kanoff and mason so much <3 <3
2. What are your favorite things about the ship? the angst, the fluff, their chemistry, the two being dramatic but silly characters, the las nevadas quacknap aus, etc, etc. There are so many things that I can't just choose one kjHSDKJ Like I said before their loyalty is admirable but i love the idea of playing with how it can be their fault
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I know its a common end-game idea that if the lore fully panned out then quacknap would get together and karl would be left behind after everything but idk, maybe it's the angst aspect but i dont think they would be able to return to one another / find a romantic refuge in each other again. Too much has happened. Plus Sapnap still doesn't know that Quackity tortured Dream and while Sapnap definitely has attempted to move on from the idea of ever saving Dream, i don't know if he would see Q in the same light again.
Doesn't mean things can't work out you know, maybe they do return to each other, maybe they don't, both avenues are interesting to explore
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
I went on a TftSMP binge yesterday before watching The Maze for the first time and I thought it would be fun to rank them :D Thats it, lets start !!
The Beach Episode: Ive only watched this one once when it first came out and it was so boring and I disliked it so much that when it came time to watch it again as part of my rewatch(es), I just didnt. The premise is fun enough but the execution is really lacking and I really hate how it breaks continuity, I know its petty but that kinda stuff is really important to me. I dont have much else to say, I didnt like it very much and if it were up to me, it wouldnt be canon but it clearly is so. whatever
The Haunted Mansion: Again, the premise is fun and I like the idea of a tale taking place in like, the near future and still featuring some characters we know from the present day mixed in with original characters, but again, I thought the execution was lacking. TftSMP lives and dies by its characters imo and I didnt particularly like any of them. The twins were pretty cute and I always enjoy Schlatt's performance but idk it just wasnt enough for me
The Town That Never Was: Honestly, I keep forgetting this one and I wasnt sure if I should even watch it since I didnt watch it the first time around but I watched it now and I cant say I regret it. It does feel very disconnected and it does feel weird to count it as part of TftSMP but its a neat little episode 0-type thing (even if it does feel pretty out of character for Karl ngl lol)
The Village That Went Mad: Ah, the one that started it all. Im so glad the fandom looked at this one and collectively decided that Karl was a time traveller because without it we probably wouldnt have gotten the rest of the series without it! Its pretty neat, although I do wish they did a bit more roleplaying because the most entertaining parts were definitely the in-charcter interactions
The Lost City of Mizu: This is where TftSMP starts getting really good imo. Its kind of an interesting how it almost acts as a transition of sorts, from the more gamified format to more traditional roleplay. Ive already made a post about this, but I think itd be neat if they would remake this one, because the concept is so good and I really enjoyed the interactions between Cleetus, Benjamin and Ranboos character (I forgot his name sry) but the format and the need to rush through the story felt really restricting. I also really enjoyed the details about the lack of food and stuff going wrong with the oxygen system which I never really noticed on my previous watches but really came to appreciate this time. I also liked how clueless Ranbob seemed, I honestly dont think that was an acting choice I think cc!Dream was just actually inexplicably unprepared but I thought it was really funny. Like, it seemed like he wasnt given a name or didnt have one prepared so he just made it up on the spot lol
The Pit: The premise of this one was really fun! I am a little upset that we didnt get the Ran lore that was apparently planned but it worked fine without it. Honestly, I dont have much to say, the characters were fun, I do wish we couldve seen them interact among each other a bit more but I still liked it.
The Wild West: Full disclosure, The Masquerade has been a long time favorite of mine and I was very sure it was gonna be my top one and while I ended up being right, this one is still very high up the ranking and it is the funniest one for sure. There were so many funny and dare I say iconic moments, I dont think I could list them all but my top three moments were: "This is where I keep my mail and. wife", Percy's introduction and exchange with John John, any moment with Jack Kanoff. I also appreciate the reference to The Masquerade :D
The Maze: I was soooooo excited when I read the premise and I'd be a lying if I wasnt a little bit dissapointed at the execution. However, Slimecicle absolutely carried this entire thing on his back, I absolutely adored his performance. That ending twist was also just great, idk why it got me the way it did but it elevated the entire episode for sure. The lore it ended on was also really interesting, although a bit disappointing in retrospect now thats basically over. I hope they integrated some of the lore from TftSMP into the main storyline as well because I do think its very interesting
The Masquerade: MY FAVORITE :DDDDD I adore murder mysteries in fancy mansions and I adore masquerades so yeah, ofc I love this one. I loved everyones fancy outfits, I loved Techno as Sir Billiam III, I loved Karl flirting with Mason, I loved the twist UGHHH. I also thought this episode was really funny, even if not as funny as The Wild West. My standards for humor arent that high tbh, I just liked how they made fun of rich people lmao. I think my favorite moment was probably the one where Karl was hiding in that closet with Sebastian and he was getting murdered right next to him, it was surprisingly tense. All around great, I loved it
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sunnytime54 · 3 years
Karl really saw all of our theory’s about him falling in love with different versions of SapNap and Quackity throughout history on his travels. And then said no.
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netheritenugget · 3 years
Jack Kanoff has made the advancement [Silence, Democrat]
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tiffycat · 3 years
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they’re here to terrorize your town and steal your beeré
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
They killed me 'cause I was a bad beetch
Jack Kanoff, from beyond the grave
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justalittlelemony · 3 years
on one hand, I think it's useless to theorize whether or not tales from the smp characters are related to the smp characters. like, even if c!technoblade is a descendant of sir billiam, that doesn't add anything to either story or character on the other hand, I am obsessed with the idea of drew p. weiner, jack kanoff, c!quackity, and cletus all being related
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mairen-marionette · 1 year
Tftsmp Incorrect Quotes, Wild West Bandits edition
Jack: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Mason: The cow??? Jack: What? Connor: Mason, W H Y?
Jack: Mason, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Mason: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Jack: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Connor.
Jack: If Mason and I were drowning, who would you save? Connor: You two can’t swim? Mason: It’s a hypothetical question, Connor! who would you save? Connor: my time and effort.
Jack, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Mason: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Jack: Orange soda, please! Mason: I'll have the strawberry soda. Connor: Me too, strawberry soda. Jack:
The squad is trying to con some random guy Mason: Um, Jack, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family? Jack: We need money! Mason: You're scamming him? Jack: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him? Mason: What?! No way! Jack: Why not? We already stole Connor! Connor: Hey guys Mason: No, we didn't. Connor can think and talk for himself, he can do whatever they want! Connor: I wanna steal
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npc-dudebro · 3 years
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It’s missing Jack Kanoff hours
Tftsmp pls come back ;-;
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andettan-art · 3 years
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“oh god he’s got a gun”
Crops Spouse my beloved....
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galaxy-lilies · 2 years
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Jack Kanoff my favorite Democrat Hater
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
dsfkSNFFNDSREUHGSFHDOPWR Thinking about writing a one shot where Mason and Jack are plotting but their conversation keeps turning into compliments about Karl while Conner is in the back like “you two need to talk about something?”
Like “That son of a bitch is gonna PAY. I’m gonna watch the life fade outta his dumb lookin... soft beautiful iridescent eyes.” “Yeah! What makes him think he’s so tough? Those colors ain't natural. (But god are they gorgeous on him) Bet that stupid outfit’s hiding some weak scrawny... warm... tender arms i’d love to be held in...”
would yall be interested in that?
edit: it’s done yall here’s the link
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