#tftsmp flint michigan
zecoritheweirdone · 1 year
[slowly pokes my head inside the tftsmp tag] hullo? hullo hullo? anybody there?
i kept seeing tftsmp posts on my dash occasionally, recently,, and like. i was reminded of this really really old wild west fic idea i made a while back? so long back that i don't actually remember when,, because i only really shared it in a few discord servers, and never got that much of a response from it,,, and so i never did anything with it.
but since the tag is actually, like. sort of being used, now? i figured... i'd give y'all an offering, mayhaps?
n-e-ways,,, hehehehhhhoooo au where john john and the bandits are ghosts, ft. my rushed art.
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it's been, like– maybe a year or so since i even thought about this idea,, so i'm afraid i don't have much to share outside of a small handful of snippets,, sksjsksjsk. but like. basically, all four of them become ghosts, and then... ghost shenanigans, basically.
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since i’ve watched the wild west finally I can say I loved everyones performance. I mean Tubbos got me laughing so hard when he appeared. The mustache, very stylish. And the ,,you covered the evidence’’ whispers to sheriff, and the ,,i got my revange!” after shooting Michael were so good. Fucking Jack Kanoff. This dude. I love him. Just everything about him was so good. Best villain. And Connor being just....Connor . Mason my beloved ( sapnap did such a good job playing his character! It was amazing). Karl did an amazing job as always. You can see from my other posts I already love John John and Sheriff Sherman Thompson (i just really like this type of character that sheriff was. The scene where he decided to in the end take part in the show off duel was great, and him constantly being one week from retirement - just amazing). Fucking Crops. This man got me wheezing so hard. 
Ron Ronson.
William Williamson was so great too! His obsession(? was it? it was just mentioned) with the bandits coming in and just touching things in his shop but not buying anything? genius and - no im kidding i loved Michael (Ron). He was so funny. The scene where he tried shooting- i just-i love. And his accent. And the ,,im ron ronson son of ron ronson etc.. was lovely. And his wife being a chicken-just-i died. 
thats it thats the post. Join me in the appreciation. 
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knine-nights · 3 years
Tales from the SMP Theory #2
More Theories
Got another theory about a detail that’s still probably just them figuring out the series but could have an in-universe explanation!
Theory time:
So in The Village That Went Mad and The Wild West, there are people who are in their normal Minecraft skins; Dream and Connor. But they’re not Dream and Connor, they’re Cornelius and Flint “Connor” Michigan respectively. So what gives?
What if it’s cause, for Karl, the timelines are blending and he’s seeing people who aren’t there. He sees Cornelius and his mind is seeing Dream, he sees Flint and his mind is seeing Connor.
He’s also clearly gotten vibes from people of their Dream SMP counterparts: in The Masquerade, he tell Lyaria (played by Niki) "You give me vibes of somebody I would compete for the love of and then get third place in.” which is in reference to him getting 3rd place in Niki’s Love or Host. And while Love or Host isn’t canon to Dream SMP (as far as I’m aware), it does give us an understanding that, even though these people aren’t their Dream SMP counterparts, Karl gets those vibes from them. Even when it isn’t clearly stated that they’re ancestors/descendants. 
Just think it’s a cool idea.
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who-ate-my-jam · 3 years
Not William Williams saying "oddly presumptuous of you" when Karl was giving his best friends 4 lyfe speech the night before the duel
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planetquest · 3 years
nonononono his name is not flint michigan, no fucking retconning, his name is connor eatspants and he wears a sonic onesie and phases out of existence sometimes and is my absolute favorite character to ever come out of tftsmp 
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
So more TFTSMP headcanons because it is coming back and I really should finish this up. I like some of them and others ehh kinda.
The Wild West:
William: He is 27 years old. He has no wife or kids. He loves his job as a shop owner. Man trained with a gun to protect his shop. He bakes to relieve stress, he also drinks to do the same.
John: He is 17 years old. John was brothers with Moon (the butler). He was taught by his mom how to do math and read. She died when he was 11 in childbirth (Giving birth to Moon). He raised Moon for the next 6 years by himself (since no one likes orphans in this universe). He became the bar owner when he was 14 to earn money. Moon would do the singing. He never stopped caring for Moon but he (and everyone else) thought he was killed and either eaten by animals or Crops. John obviously died by gun and the bar closed down. (Not that this wasn't already dead basically). He was buried next to his mom and 'brother'.
Jack: He is 33 years old. He was from a farming family so he doesn't really have an education. On his family farm lives his younger sisters. He does have a wife (not that he loves her) and they have 3 boys all 5 years old. He was mad when he found out about his wife's political views but he still left the kids with her. He hasn't visited in a year. He is gay~ . He died and Crops ate him (no duh). No one knew who his wife was so she never knew he died.
Sherman Thompson: He is 58 years old. Was not born in this town which is why he is basically the only competent person in town. Back where he was born he left behind his parents and siblings. Unmarried man and no kids. His kids are his pet horses. Retirement is great for him because he just left the town after a week and moved to a nicer area.
Mason: He is 25 years old. Unmarried childless man. He has 1 half brother as Mason was a result of an affair. Very quiet as he prefers to not talk. He did get a slight education from his 'dad' and mom. He left home at 15 and has taveld ever since. He met the rest of his gang at 20. Man is also gay. He died (no duh). No one to mourn.
Ron Michael: He is 35. He had his chicken wife and unhatched egg (he is the dad okay). His parents are dead and his sister married and left this town. As I said , he has an unhatched baby. Man sounds like a robot so who knows if the kid is even his. 
Flint "Connor" Michigan: He is Connor. No really, he is Connor whose parents are SONIC and Elise(??).
Crops: He is 28 years old. No one knows where he came from but he arrived when he was 24. He has always been a cannibal just more ob the down low until he realised just how dumb this town was. He left the town after the ending of the tale. He has siblings (4 sisters and 1 brother) he hasn't seen since he was 18 since no one wants a cannibal in the family.
Percy: He is 48 years old. He has no family, none at all. He has a gambling addiction. He loves animals more than people. When he was a kid he was taghut math and reading which is why he is a banler now. May or may not have killed a person before. While not quite friends with John he did mourn him, at least a little bit, not enough to not take shit from the bar but whatever.
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
Hybrid headcanons (Tftsmp)
The Village that Went Mad:
Miles Memington: Human
"Catboy": Cat-Human (duh)
Bob: Human
Helga: Human-Succubus Hybrid (Hey she gets around) (That also means small bat wings)
Jimmy: Human (Wife may cheat but he married a Succubus hybrid)
Robin: Human-Avian (Small Dove wings also I still like him being a doctor so.. little angel, with the added irony of the town telling him to go to hell)
Jack: Sheep Dog - Human Hybrid
Cornelius: Cow-Forest Fae Hybrid (Man was mysterious and was most defiantly dating Catboy) 
The Lost City of Mizu:
Issac: Fae? - Human (He is something supernatural mixed with Human, a Time Traveler hitched a ride within him)
Benjamin: Dog-Human (Mixed Dog)
Charles: Avian-Human (Too Small to fly | Finches Wings)
Cletus: Human
Ranbob: Enderman - Human - ??? Hybrid (??? Equals Sheep if in my Sheep Bench Trio AU)
The Masquerade: 
Sebastian: Human
Butler: Enderman-Human hybrid
Drew P. Wiener: Avian-Human hybrid (Pigeon)
Billiam the Third: A Pig Hybrid (not Piglin)
Lyaria: Something is Mystical about her so, ???-Human hybrid
James: Dog-Hybrid (All these Hybrids are based on Vibes but idk why he gives dog vibes | Airedale Terrier Dog Hybrid)
Oliver: Human
The Wild West:
William: Human
John: Fennec Fox-Human (Not every Ranboo should be part enderman)
Jack: Coyote-Human Hybrid
Sherman Thompson: Piglin-Human
Mason: Human
Ron Michael: Human-Avian (Mockingbird)
Flint "Connor" Michigan: He is Connor until proven otherwise so Hedgehog-Human hybrid
Crops: Bobcat-Human Hybrid
Percy: Human
The Haunted Mansion:
Joey: Human-Dog
Zachary: Human
Ash: Human 
Rash: Human - Sheep
Greg: Human
Porkums: Pig Hybrid
Francis: Cow-Hybrid
Gump:  Human
The Pit:
Edward: Human
Ran: Enderman-Human
Porkius the 7th: Piglin Hybrid
Watson: Reindeer-Human Hybrid
Jackie: Demon-Human Hybrid (This dude Stood in Lava)
Bartholomew: Human
Genevieve: Wolf-Human Hybrid
John Grievous: Human
Levi: Wolf-Human Hybrid
Laggius Maximus: Human or Dog hybrid
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