rohirriiim · 7 months
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TENTOO DAY GIFT EXCHANGE ► dimension hopping rose + an ogling doctor for @insomniac-101
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angelic37 · 7 months
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TENTOO DAY GIFT EXCHANGE ► milestones for @demdifferentstories-29 (Happy birthday Lily!)
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
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tentoorose foreshadowing throughout s1-4 for @fullpriceforlatepizza 💙
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tentoodaygiftexchange · 9 months
hey, remember how there's two tenth doctors? know what else there are two of, in a year?
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The tentoo day gift exchange is back!
The 2nd of October, or (10/2) is ALSO TENTOO DAY!
We are, once again, organising a gift exchange stretching across various mediums, exclusively for our favs in Pete’s World💞🥰
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bronzeagepizzeria · 7 months
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for @letoghanima as part of the @tentoodaygiftexchange. happy (belated) tentoo day!!
tentoo x rose; post journey's end au
Three years after Bad Wolf Bay, the Doctor and Rose find themselves trapped deep beneath the earth, relying on each other for survival.
It’s only a matter of time, really. Once Jackie steps off their zeppelin (finally!) they’ll be off, and he’ll be free from the evil clutches of bureaucracy.
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elialys · 1 year
A Tentoo x Rose story for the wonderful @cersxisbitch as part of the @tentoodaygiftexchange event! 
He's not cradling her bump tonight, nor has he pressed his lips to her tense skin to murmur words she cannot hear, only feel.
He’s using one finger on her, the tip of it gently tracing patterns on the curve of her stomach. At first, she wonders if he’s spelling letters, trying out the few names they’re considering for her, but Rose quickly dismisses the idea, not recognizing any letter—nothing English. What he’s drawing isn’t random, though.
There is intent in the way his fingertip slowly moves upon her.
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nostradamus0 · 1 year
have you ever stood on a shore, felt the water change heights?
for @badxwolfxrising for the @tentoodaygiftexchange!
read on ao3
“Can you be happy here?” Rose’s hand is warm against his chest. His hands are warm, too. (He’ll have to get used to that.) 
Her palm is flat over his sternum and she must be able to feel his single heart beating against her skin—he wonders if it bothers her. He wonders if she heard what he didn’t say, the silent: with me, after can you be happy?
“Can you?” She asks, her lips like a feather against his forehead as she speaks. There’s a long moment where all that exists is right here: the rain on the window and the warm hand on his chest and the soft breath on his forehead. She’s curled as close to him as two people can be, and it’s been a long time since he’s been vulnerable where someone could see him.
I love you, he wants to say. He said it earlier and he wants to say it again now, but the words don’t form easy. They even fall from his lips, but they make no sound.
I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, he wants to say. But he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to now, when the dust of the day has settled, the heat of the moment faded, and she never said it back. Maybe she doesn’t want him to say it. In the dark hotel room, with the light off and the sky navy-grey and overcast out the window, he wishes he knew how to ask. He wishes he could see her face but thinks it might be easier if he can’t.
“I’ll be happy wherever you’re happy,” he says, his voice soft. “I always have been.”
Her answering exhale is shaky and her fingers twitch against his chest like she might curl her hand into a fist, clutching the fabric of his shirt that he got in the gift shop when they’d arrived, tired and weary and a little bit lost. When she speaks, her voice is so low he wouldn’t hear it if she weren’t so close, if her words weren’t murmured like a secret in his ear.
“Doctor,” she breathes. “Look at me.”
He says nothing in response but tilts his head to meet her eyes. They glisten in the darkness of the hotel room, warm and deep and longing, like she’s reaching for something she can’t quite grab hold of.
She shifts her body to better meet his gaze and her silhouette falls into the soft light from the moon that peeks through the clouds, and for the first time, he’s close enough to measure the impact of the time they’ve been apart in her eyes. Perhaps Rose has been dragging her grief around as much as he has, the absence of her next to him like a weight around his hearts heart that dragged heavier with each passing day. He wonders if it’s possible to hold her close enough to chase that grief away; there’s no room inside this new body for that sorrow.
She’s glowing in the silver light. With the movement of every inhale, exhale, the moon catches a little differently on her hair and it shimmers like liquid gold. She’s directly in line with the window, framed in the center where the light shines and lands on her, making her look like something made of magic. Finally, she says, carefully like each word must be exactly the right one—
“I knew I was making a choice when I kissed you at Bad Wolf Bay, and I knew my choice was you. I wouldn’t have done that if it wasn’t what I wanted.” 
Her hand over his heart slides up to his jaw, curling around his cheek. She holds his face in her palm and strokes her thumb across the apple of his cheek and the salt-stained skin under his eye.
“So yes,” she says, her words delicate and soft, flowing into each other. “I’ll be happy here.”
“I love you.” It tears out of his mouth and he exhales sharp, from deep in his chest like the words had built up and kept him from breathing. There’s something so endless in the way her eyes glimmer as she holds his gaze, and he recognizes the look from gentle moments they’ve shared before: draped against each other on the couch in the library, sitting around the table at Christmas after he’d regenerated, trapped in a dungeon in Cardiff, I’m so glad I met you—
Rose had looked at him like that just hours ago, when a harsh breeze was chopping the waves that broke against the shore of the bay, her quivering hand flat over his one heart as he offered her the rest of his life, desperate for her to want it. Now, she looks at him like that in the midnight of a dark hotel room in a coastal town in Norway. They’ll leave for London in the morning, where his one life will begin to take shape. He hopes there’ll be a house with doors and carpets and a mortgage, and that someday he’ll stand on a street corner with her at 2 a.m. and wait for a taxi. 
The desire to love Rose until he dies has been a fist around his throat and a rock between his lungs for nearly as long as he’s known her, amplified after his regeneration until it consumed him. Humanity was something he craved and could not have. She wasn’t someone he was allowed to hold forever. 
He has to breathe more often now, and the single heartbeat in his chest will take getting used to. His body runs warmer and the need for sleep has already pulled at him in a way it has never done before. It doesn’t matter. These things make him human; they make him someone who can tell Rose he loves her without the fear that time is not on their side.
“I love you.” The silver-white of the near-full moon is a halo behind her as she speaks. The soft edges of her silhouette are framed by light and she is the only familiar thing in this universe. “I didn’t say it back earlier; I should’ve. I wanted to.”
“It’s okay,” he tells her. “We have time.” 
A small smile pulls at the corners of her mouth, and his fingers itch to pull her back against his body, into his arms. It’s nice to be able to see her eyes as they lie facing each other, close enough that he can catch glimpses of her features in the dark, but he needs to still be holding on, so he clutches her hand and her knee knocks against his as she presses their bodies closer until they breathe the same air and he can see the exhaustion in her eyes. She exhales and he inhales. His chest rises and hers falls. In the hours since they’ve left the bay, he’s barely gone a moment without her hand in his. These hands were made to hold hers, he thinks. 
This whole body was made to be with hers.
“I don’t feel like I’m running out of time with you anymore.”
“You aren’t,” she says. “You won’t.” 
Her voice is a fierce whisper that catches and cracks. It’s like she’s defending him from something he can’t see. Maybe she’s trying to warn the universe away from them, as if to say: we have suffered enough. Let us have this.
“You won’t lose me again,” Rose says, her palm soft against the curve of his cheek. Her hands are gentle as she touches him, desperate to reassure them both that this is real, and it makes his throat swell and his eyes burn and flutter. His one heart expands until it is big enough to take the space of two. “You said we could grow old together. I’m holding you to that.”
She’s soft soft soft: the cadence of her words and the affection in her eyes. Her skin on his skin. The desperation in her love. He can feel her heartbeat through her wrist where he’s clutching her hand—her pulse pressed against his. The promise to grow old together is an easy one to make. He thinks he would promise her anything right now, her eyes shining in the light of the moon in the universe that will become his home more intimately than the first ever could.
“I want nothing else,” he says, clear and honest, vulnerable in a way he couldn’t allow himself to be before he was given this human body. (Suddenly, a lifetime-ago memory jolts in his chest and he can nearly hear the echo of it ringing in his ears—
“Then what?”
“I dunno. Find a planet, get a job, live a life.” 
He’s talking about houses; doors and things; “You’d have to get a mortgage!” She’s laughing, singing the words like she’s teasing, but there’s something in her eyes that he hadn’t noticed at the time. Something like longing.
“What about me?”)
“Do you have a mortgage?” He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over them. There’s a beat of nothing in which anxiety crawls into his chest, but then she laughs, bright and happy and a little bit desperate.
“No,” she says, dropping her face into the crook of his shoulder. “I rent a flat on the estate—bit like the old one.”
He swallows. There are words in his mouth that taste like longing. “I’d like one, someday,” he murmurs. “A mortgage—a proper house. Doors, windows. That sort of thing.” 
“Yeah?” Her voice is muffled by the cotton of his shirt, but still soft and gentle. Patient. Like she’s willing to wait for him to be ready. (Truth is, he’s been ready for a while, just not human enough for that to matter.)
“Maybe we could . . . we could share?”
He can’t see her smile but he can feel it against his shoulder and squeezes her hand even tighter; holds her a little closer to his chest.
“I’d like that,” she says, and after a short pause, presses a feather-light kiss to his shoulder. The heart he’s still getting used to stutters in his chest. She flips their joined hands and curls them against her sternum, pressing his palm against her heart, where he can feel two beats—calm and steady—pulsing together within him.
For the first time in the Doctor’s life, he can’t feel time and space twisting and spinning around him. He can’t see all that is, all that was, all that ever could be. For the first time, all that exists is right here.
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thirdeyeblue · 1 year
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The Doctor & Rose
Drawn as a companion piece to Stargazing, written by @elialys and given as a Tentoo Day gift for our friend @cersxisbitch — a brilliant writer and artist! 💖
Check out my other Tentoo/TenRose fanart on Deviantart or Pillowfort 💖 (NSFW content warning)
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lordy-lou · 6 months
everything smoky-smelling (1/1, complete)
for naaer, in a slight AU where empire of the wolf has gone rather... wrong.
The first year that Mia sees the woman is on her seventh Halloween.  Her papa had taken her trick-or-treating—talking the entire time about how it’d been very boringly different in the universe he’d been born in (she didn’t believe his stories half the time, but she knew at least this part was true)—and she’d been so very occupied with jumping from perfectly crunchy leaf to leaf that she didn’t realize she’d wandered away from her father’s watchful gaze.
No.  That wasn’t true.
She’d sneakily let go of his hand and hidden as she’d run, because he’d been so very sad as he’d spoken about the differences and because every time he started to say Mum’s name his voice broke like he’d been about to cry, and she hated hearing him cry.  He’d never really done it in front of her, but after—after, she’d been able to hear it from their bedroom and it made her heart hurt so very much, her silly, smiling papa all serious and downcast.  
As for her, how she felt—well, it was hard to say.  Grandpa Pete had gently told her that there was still a chance that Mum could come back from wherever she’d faded to, and Grandpa Pete didn’t always get along with Papa but he’d never lied to her because he’d also told her there was a chance Mum wouldn’t get back and Grandma Jackie had slapped him for saying so, right there in front of her.  But he’d given her a tight hug afterwards, and said that Mum was the best person he knew and that if she could, she’d find her way back no matter what.  
So.  Mia wasn’t quite sure how she felt.  She missed Mum.  She missed Papa’s real smiles.  But she also had her grandparents, her Yuncle Tony (young uncle, he’d insisted, and she’d smashed the words together to spite him) even if he did annoy her most of the time, and she still had her papa and the baby TARDIS coral in her room, which whispered music of comfort.
(Papa had asked her how she was doing, a week ago, and Mia had told him she had a very full life and whenever she got down, the TARDIS would sing to her.  He’d gotten one of those sad smiles again and cupped her chin and kissed her forehead as he always did.)
Mia crunched another leaf, golden and crisp, beneath her sparkling sneakers.  She’d gone as a fairy this year because it was good luck to dress as one of the fae in order to blend in with them during dark the night, according to her books.  They wouldn’t be tempted to steal one of their own; they only stole humans.  The streetlights buzzed as Mia tracked her way towards the park in hopes of claiming a seat on the swingset.  She didn’t think it’d be very busy, not tonight while everyone was out going door-to-door, but sometimes it was hard for her to predict how other people would do things.  Her teachers were prime examples: if she spoke too well in class, they’d be uncomfortable instead of interested like Papa.  Some of the other kids would tease her for using too many big words or long sentences, and it’d taken a bit of experimentation to figure out what was and was not okay to say.  
The streets were very quiet.  And then, suddenly, the streets were very dark when compared to the bright light bursting forth from the park gate.
There was a sound like someone ripping through thick fabric, and a woman in a blue leather jacket stumbled into reality from nothingness.
read more on ao3 here
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mesfantomes-marie · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler Additional Tags: Romance, World Travel, Established Relationship, Tentoosday (Doctor Who), tentoodaygiftexchange Summary:
Since their first impression of Paris didn’t quite cut it, they decided to give it another chance.
for @melusine0811
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When in Barcelona Chapter 1 (Doctor Who (2005) fanfiction)
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Story Summary
Feeling that the Doctor and Rose haven't properly delved into their new relationship, Pete and Jackie send the couple on a vacation to Barcelona. In an exotic location without the demands of work and life, the pair find themselves testing the unspoken, unclarified boundaries neither of them have dared to cross before. And is it really ever an adventure with the Doctor and Rose without a bit of trouble?
1/3 chapters. For @tentoodaygiftexchange, dedicated to @thirdeyeblue. Prompts: first time, aphrodisiac, and exotic location,
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Word Count: 10234
Chapter Content/Tags: Holiday/travelling; sexual tension/frustration; beach day; swimming.
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hellaleg · 7 months
it's tentoo gift exchange time baby !! @tentoodaygiftexchange
for the always lovely @angelic37 prompts fulfilled were pets & mia ! an extra little treat under the cut <3
couldn't resist doing a few little quick sketchies for this fic as well
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angelic37 · 7 months
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TENTOO DAY GIFT EXCHANGE ► movie night for @demdifferentstories-29
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insomniac-101 · 6 months
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Here is some fanart I made to accompany the wedding fic I made for the lovely @hgracieeees for @tentoodaygiftexchange
A Union Of Timelines
Main Pairing: Tentoo/Rose Tyler Summary: A wedding fic with these two idiots in Scotland; need I say more? Word Count: 9,411 Chapters: 1/3
“Hold on–Doctor, be careful!” Rose whispers (yells) as he switches between clawing at her waiting hand and the stone ledge. Out of all the hasty and ill-timed decisions to pull on the day before their wedding, scaling her balcony was not one she thought him capable of, and for that, she could just about smack herself on the forehead for being so naive.
This is the Doctor she's talking about; of course, he’d do this!
“Shhh….tell the whole east side of Scotland now, why don’t you?” He whispers back, equally hasty but tinged with a wee bit more panic. She glances down at his feet; his slippers are slipping on the stone slabs– or rather, her mum’s bunny slippers are currently sliding on the slabs. She frowns. Of course, leave it to him to follow one impulsive decision with another. 
‘I defeated the Sycorax unscathed in a pair of jim jams and a borrowed robe, Rose; what is one building going to do?’ The sheer cheek to say that when she told him this was an awful idea. She just about shooed him away with a blunt,’ A lot,’ but he was far too stubborn to hear reason– already three steps up the stone wall before she could so much as ready a few choice words of her own
Two things concerning the unscathed comment... One, during that specific incident, he did not, indeed, come out unscathed. In fact, his mere existence at all is due in part to the loss of a hand that took place on that day. Two, he is fully human now as far as it matters, so there is no repeat of number one in the case that something does indeed go wrong, and sorry for the cynicism, but she’d rather marry him as he is, not in a full body cast.
‘Oh, you worry too much. I’m great at climbing; some might say even extraordinary— everything will be fine,’ he had reassured her, again, big pleading eyes and all, when his flawless reasoning fell flat and she looked at him like he grew a second head. Didn’t take long after that, to drag her into another one of his schemes, with how utterly irresistible that pout of his is. Damn him for being so hard to say no to; otherwise, they wouldn’t be in this mess– with him clinging to her hand, feet sliding, while she does everything in her power to pull this daft man of hers up the stone ledge.
She could kick herself for this. Maybe then, Jackie would have reason enough to set both of them straight with a good smack upside the head. But above any genuine worry, also swells a fondness for his madness, and in spite of her better judgment, her love for him seems as blinding as it is all-encompassing, for it is that very reason that she pulls harder.
“Just heave with your back–good, that’s it. You must’ve been a rock climber in a past life, Rose Tyler. You have one hell of a grip!” He says in that manic, breathless way that is so him as he uses her desperate grip on his hands to muster up some sense of stability in his back legs.
She grunts out when his wriggling gets especially taxing on her shoulders , “Oh, I’ll show you just how good my grip is if you don’t get your arse–” but the rest of her threat remains unsaid when a swift switch of positions on his end, manages to get his body more than halfway up the stone ledge, and they capsize. Falling to the ground with a clap of dust that momentarily renders them a coughing heap of limbs.
You can read the rest of the fic here on AO3 :)
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tentoodaygiftexchange · 6 months
All gifts have been posted! Please make sure to reblog/kudos these if you haven't!
'Milestones' and 'Movie Night' for @demdifferentstories-29
'Dimension Hopping Rose' for @insomniac-101
When in Barcelona for @thirdeyeblue [prompts: aphrodisiac, first time, exotic location]
Love Is Not Consolation, It Is Light for @gay-destiel [prompts: hallucination, hurt/comfort, touch-starved]
when love speaks for @hellaleg [prompts: mia, domestic fluff]
And Under We Go for @letoghanima [prompts: mission gone wrong]
big eyes for @angelic37 [prompts: pets, mia]
Extremis for @gay-destiel [prompts: hurt/comfort, hallucinations, touch-starved] special thanks for stepping in as a pinch-hitter!
baby it's halloween (and we can be anything) for @holdinontostars [prompts: domestics, kid fic]
everything smoky-smelling for @naaer [prompts: outsider pov, halloween]
A Union of Timelines for @hgracieeees [prompts: wedding]
Resolutions in Satin for @badxwolfxrising [prompts: lingerie, misunderstandings]
the tongues of dying men for @bronzeagepizzeria [prompts: memory loss]
cleptomania for @lordy-lou [prompts: mia, philosophy of time, causal nexus]
Thank you for participating ❤️
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bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year
The Patience of Ordinary Things
For @thirdeyeblue 💖 as part of the @tentoodaygiftexchange
Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Emotional hurt/comfort, pining, first time, emotional sex
‘From the very first trip they’d embarked on together, it’d just felt… right. She’d barely known the man, and yet they were so incredibly in sync, in touch with each other’s every move—and now… it felt like she just didn’t know how they fit anymore.
He’d changed, and she’d changed too, and the feelings were still there, stronger than ever, but the equation had been flipped on its head entirely.
With no TARDIS and no more regenerations, stranded in this reality for the remainder of their lives, they were expected to make…this work.
And what was this, anyway?
He’d told her he loved her, and that impromptu snog they’d shared on the beach had been fantastic, of course, (something she thought about a lot, in fact, and did he think about it too?) but now they were stuck. Stuck in this odd limbo that included sharing a flat and sharing meals and fluttering around each other without actually saying anything, on the precipice of becoming something more, and not making a single push to actually do so.’
Read on AO3
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