marouane92783 · 15 days
‏قَـالَ ابنُ الجَوْزِي -رَحِمَهُ الله- :
تلاوة القرآن،
تعمل في أمراض الفؤاد
ما يعمله العسل في علل الأجساد .
📙 "التبصـرة "صـ ٧٩
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be-best-be · 8 months
El piso me tiembla sólo cuándo lo veo a usted mi amor.
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Pero ahora la muchacha ya no era ni libre ni inocente: se debía a su propio pasado. Estaba lastrada por el peso de la memoria, que es un huésped doloroso y exigente.
Temblor, Rosa Montero
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macspaguer · 10 months
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lapazdelmar · 6 months
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Decirlo, sintiendo cada letra como una caricia
Escribirlo, donde una palabra no se pierda en el mar de emociones
Sugerirlo, por esa inexactitud de lo improbable
No dejar que ningún cuaderno quede vacío de sentires sin memoria
La distancia y el tiempo no pueden ser excusas cuando el sentimiento es próximo y ardiente, ese temblor que hace a las estrellas desmoronarse
Si sientes el amor por alguien, no lo susurres al eco del universo y que el viento lo lleve lejos… Grítalo.
Un beso infinito
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Me nublaba la vista, el cigarrillo quemaba mi garganta, las lágrimas brotaban de mi ser, las piernas me temblaban, no escuchaba nada más que mis pensamientos y la taquicardia que sentía en mi pecho.
Crisis ansiosa.
Chica Lunar (L.C)
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cathy-plus-e · 6 months
I love when I say things about my country and people (sometimes) get surprised at the point of not believing me
«You guys have earthquakes everyday!?»
Yeah, at least I only feel the ones above 5.0 richter and well we are too used to the earthquakes... The ones that make people start to worry here where I live are actually above 6 or 7 Richter?
Anyways if you are curious you can check this
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callmeanxietygirl · 7 months
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senig-fandom · 2 years
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Alguien dijo septiembre sorpréndeme y mira lo que nos trajo TvT otro temblor bien culero XD
Para mis patriotas del Centro y Sur espero y estén bien y que no le pase nada a ustedes y ni a sus familiares.
Ya por lo menos saben que Centro esta a punto de demandar a Naturaleza XD y que espera que sea la ultima vez que tiemble XD
Bueno es todo, espero y estén bien, saludos y abrazos.
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marouane92783 · 15 days
‏قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله :
ولا يزال الولد الصالح يستغفر لأبيه ، حتى يُغفر له ، ثم ترفع درجته في الجنة .
📚 شرح الوصية الصغرى : (131)
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papitasleys · 2 years
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Tuve miedo. Me asustó tanta belleza, porque la belleza es la mezcla de lo hermoso y lo terrible.
Temblor, Rosa Montero.
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
September 19, Mexico
For those that don't know (which I'm guessing are most folk that share this little corner of the internet with me), september 19, today, is a very important day round here in my home country.
This day in 1985 there was a devastating earthquake in Mexico that destroyed the city (CDMX) and severely affected the rest of the country. The generations that lived through it and still live today all have dreadful stories and often share them with their families (both my parents shared theirs with me, so did one of my grandmothers).
My mother told me of how she was walking home from school, holding onto 4 of her 5 younger siblings, as they made their way through the rubble. My dad told me of how he spent days looking at the missing bullet board in case one of his friends was there. My grandma told me of how she was home, standing under an archway while holding onto her baby.
As a way to honor those affected by what happened then, it became tradition to perform a drill as prevention in case it ever happened again. So that all mexicans could be prepared.
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And, in 2017, it did.
Now, I have a story of my own from that day. Still, september 19. I remember I was at school and we had the ever present drill. I remember joking around with my friends like we always did (we were very young back then, maybe 14). It was a day like any other.
Until it wasn't.
I remember we were in lunch break, and I was eating my usual cheese sandwich while sitting on my usual planter with my back to this huge tree. I was talking with my friends, and that's when I saw one of them swinging. I remember thinking she was dancing. But then, I turned around and saw some posters fall to the floor from where they were hanging on some windows. I then turned behind me and saw this huge red antena (that was behind the school) swinging so widly I thought it would fall on us. I remember blurting out: Está temblando! (it's shaking; as in, there's an earthquake).
A friend of mine said the same thing at the same time. And that's when the alarm started. I jumped to my feet, leaving my lunchbox on the stone planter and grabbed one of my friend's hand (the one I thought was dancing). I turned to my friends and just blurted a "let's go", pulling them to the safe zone (we have them everywhere; several in every school, in every mall, office, the street, everywhere). Students and teachers started flooding the schoolyard we were in, the younger students sobbing and holding hands. I remember looking around in a frenzy, cus one of our friends was also part of the younger students and I couldn't find her.
While I was looking around, I saw the flagpole swinging from side to side, just as wildly as the antena. The huges trees that had always seemed so sturdy were also swinging. I remember watching as my lunchox, which was left on the planter, jumped over and over as it got closer to the edge until it eventually fell. More posters fell too. The not dancing friend started crying, and I kept holding her hand. I kept mumbling "where's Giselle", still looking. The alarm kept going. More lunboxes fell. People were screaming for each other, teachers were grabbing students, calling for them. I remember it was so LOUD.
And then, quiet.
The alarm stopped, the ground no longer shook, nothing else fell. I remember only hearing the sniffles and occasional sobs from the students. One of my best friends pointed and said "she's there", letting me know our younger friend was safe. I nodded, still squeezing my not dancing friend's hand as she cried.
The next hours were weird. We moved to the soccer court and sat in circles, with our friends. Some were googling what happened and yelling it out for everyone to hear. Some were making rounds to check on all their friends. Some were standing so close to teachers they were basically stuck at the hip. And many of us were desperately trying to contact our families. I called EVERYONE. My parents, my grandparents, uncles and cousins and people I barely talked to. I kept holding my crying friend, and comforted the others that were just realising they were scared. I worried for my sister, barely starting primary and all alone in a school she didn't like.
As the parents arrived to take us home, some sobbed and held their kids. My mum held my hand as we walked to the car, my sister trailing behind.
The next few days were rough. School was canceled. I found out many homes, offices and schools fell. People were left homeless. People died. One of my best friends told me all the pictures and decorations hanging in his house had fallen and some smashed upon impact. I didn't get out of the house all week. My mum and I were stuck to the news, hearing of rescuers and volunteers. Of civilians taking water bottles and sandwiches to the most impacted zones.
People recovered, slowly. Some with PTSD and trauma, others (like me), with the occassional paranoia. We all hate the sound of the alarm. The first time I heard it after 2017, I remember getting goosebumps, my heart beating. And then laughing with the others because we were nervous.
Now, why am I making this post? Why am I huddled in the library listening to Glee and writing this post? Because it's september 19, 2022. And it happened again.
I'm lucky. My school barely felt it. My loved ones are ok. I felt the need to cry for a few minutes, and my hands are still shaking a bit. But I'm ok. I don't know if others are yet. After all, the earthquake just happend. I suppose I'll find out soon.
All of this to say, if you have mexican friends out there, if you have mexican mutuals here, send them some love. We need it, for the scare if nothing else.
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geekord · 10 months
Conchetumare, no se sentía un temblor así desde hace tiempo.
Que buen servicio, me pase un susto de que se podía haber puesto peor. 10/10 lo sentiría de nuevo.
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shanny-miau-blog · 2 years
Están bien? 😟
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