Hey. I’m reading a book from the 80s about alien elephants that invade earth. What is your opinion on this concept, Frank?
I think I've been on this planet long enough that I would be able to enjoy this sort of thing (probably the reason I have the kind of tolerance for "out there" fiction that I have).
If anyone has an example of the kind of "out there" fiction that Frank would enjoy, I'd be curious to hear about it!
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vanellygal · 1 year
“Now who might you be, hm? Another machine?” Megabyte asked, his head tilted. The virus looked intrigued, and despite his frightening appearance he didn’t mean any harm.
Megabyte's appearance didn't bother Tim one bit. The shorter humanoid looked up at the other with his red and blue eyes. "Hi!". He chirped. "Yeah, I'm a railizen, a type of android.". The blonde struck his hand out to shake. "I'm Tim, it's nice to meet you! May I ask for your name?".
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ohhyperbola · 4 months
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Recent Hancocks.
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caddy-crystal-queen · 2 years
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
The red head looks thoughtful for a moment.
"Maybe something not so secret, but I honestly wish I could safely touch things without crystallizing them. A part of me also longs for those old days at the Foundation, where I was allowed to visit a huge library every two weeks, I had a few friends there that I miss, and of course my beloved Doctor. It's not worth it without him there..." she looks saddened at that
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shrews-art · 11 days
White chrysanthemums for grief, lavenders for devotion 🌸
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papyrjam · 1 month
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the crossover no one asked for but (i) desperately needed: dungeon meshi/survivor
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tribe breakdowns and first tribal results because you KNNOOOW falin's gonna be one of those "everyone else here deserves it more!!!" first outs. she probably beefs a section of the first physical challenge and assumes a majority of the blame despite everyone else saying otherwise
edge of extinction for an excuse to 1. make falin hang out with anyone else who gets eliminated and 2. the juicy drama of who comes back from the edge of extinction post-merge looking absolutely FUCKED UPPPP and *hungry*......to WIN
marcille also wears her buff as a little bow scrunchie around her partial ponytale ala my favorite winner, bob <3
kabru is doing amazing pre-merge forging alliances and the second the merge hits and he has to meet laius it's so joever. kabru is crazy and wants him OUT but he can't propose it without sounding like he's playing too hard. he is constantly looking for immunity idols.
chilchuck follows show rules to a T: you can rifle through anyone and everyone's shit as long as you don't steal anything! he is also constantly looking for an immunity idol. he lies about his job, his family, EVERYTHING is kept up tight during down time. BUSINESS.
so my opinion is: unless you got senshi out pre-merge, he is winning. he is just going to win just like bob. he's affable, he's capable, he's smart -- give! the dilf! the million dollars!
and finally: no matter what happens. the second that there is a food auction, a food reward, a food anything - marcille activates every cell in her body bc she wants to win so badly. there ain't many cells to activate after withering away but she wants it!!
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weadapt · 1 year
I think it’s interesting storytelling how in the beginning of the game Cal says the Sixth Sister’s name, Masana Tide, and reminds her of who she used to be—and it visibly distresses her because it hurts what was done to her and Cal isn’t wrong in what he’s saying. The shocking thing for me was the moment when Cal said “It’s time to set you free”. It was such a surreal feeling hearing Cal say that, those kinds of words, to know he decided it was time to strike her down; it’s understandable because she killed his entire crew, but for Cal to be the executioner in that way was scary to see coming after only experiencing the young kid he was in Fallen Order. Now you really get the feeling Cal has been through a lot, he’s grown as a man since Fallen Order and he’s calloused, not entirely in a bad way given he’d have to be to survive but still in a depressing way, as a result. I know overall and gameplay wise, Cal has killed a lot of people, it’s nothing new, but storytelling wise it’s a serious moment for Cal. It’s a moment you know is going to follow him the rest of the game for character development. After he kills her, it’s made clear by the music and by Cal’s body language that this isn’t a good thing coming from him. It isn’t a triumph. Even BD-1 knows and worries for Cal with his little “Boop…?” and Cal is only able to respond rather shakily, “Yeah… I’m okay”.
When he meets up with Bode and Bravo and they ask him what happened to the Inquisitor, he gives a simple, no emotion, “Dead”. The long pause of Bravo not saying anything in response to me says a lot; it feels like he isn’t used to Cal having a reaction like that.
Then we have Rayvis. Cal defeats him in battle and asks him to join in the fight against Dagan. He doesn’t want to kill Rayvis—“You don’t have to do this”. The oddly tragic part to me is that Rayvis has dreams of seeing Tanalorr again. If Dagan succeeds his dream will be realized, but he’s given up on the dream and wants a warrior’s death now. He wants to die, and in his mind, honorably, by Cal’s hands, and he’s going to force Cal to do it. But for Cal it’s another execution on his part. He pauses before he lifts his saber and kills Rayvis. It isn’t a triumph. Again we’re given a sudden swell of music to tell us the emotion behind the action of killing Rayvis. You can see it’s affected Cal badly. BD-1 seems to ask Cal the same question as before, “Boop…?” but this time Cal doesn’t acknowledge the question and just replies, “We should go”.
Killing Dagan hurts for Cal too. Dagan is a Jedi, someone who held onto the Order, who tied his entire identity to it and all of his goals are focused on restoring the Order and fighting to change the universe. Just like Cal in a way. Dagan is single-mindedly focused on the mission, so obsessively, he lost himself and the one he loved as a result. Cal understands and see the parallel of that kind of drive in his own mission against the Empire and it terrifies him. Dagan could’ve helped him fight the Empire but it became another tragic moment of having to kill a once fellow Jedi. This is another tragedy. Bode doesn’t care about Dagan being dead on the floor but Cal does. Cal has enough respect to place Dagan’s lightsaber on his chest. Cal pauses to reflect but Bode immediately gets back to getting the compass.
We have this interesting arch of reactions to killing his opponents. They were each killed for the mission. It was necessary. They each started the fight against him. No matter the reason though, it’s still very painful for Cal.
Cal is being pushed into this direction of forcing him to question his beliefs and who he is. His whole identity at this point has been tied to the Order, of being a Jedi, and it’s very clear by his conversations in Fallen Order that it really matters to who he is. By the end of Survivor, we have three fallen Jedi: Masana Tide, Dagan Gera, and Bode Akuna. So who is Cal Kestis? What will he become? Is he doomed to fall like they did? That’s what troubles him—“Let’s just say I don’t wanna end up like him [Dagan]”.
He’s afraid he’s going to lose himself.
The fear is almost realized when he’s about to kill another opponent. The one behind the murders of his friends and mentors. Cal’s been killing each of his main opponents up to the point at Nova Garon—this one will be no different. Except killing the man who sent Bode on the mission to infiltrate his team is different. Cal is on the edge of losing himself to the Dark Side. In Fallen Order he pleaded for Cere not to use the Dark Side because “She’s stronger than that”, “[she] still had a choice”. But Cal is failing to remember any of that for himself. He wants to kill because he’s angry, grieving, and in immense pain. Merrin has to bring him back—“This is not you!” There’s a question of whether or not Cal would’ve been able to stop himself if Merrin hadn’t been there though.
When we get to the final battle, Merrin is warning Cal of what’s likely going to happen but he ignores her for a while which prompts her to say, “Well? Say something!” He doesn’t want to acknowledge that Merrin is right and they’re likely going to have to kill Bode, and with that, taking Kata’s father away—a loss of family Cal and Merrin know too much about. So they both try and give Bode every chance to stop and turn away from what he’s done, despite how much Bode had hurt them. Sadly, Cal once again is forced into using the Dark Side to prevent Bode from killing Merrin. It was worth it. It was worth using it to save Merrin. He couldn’t let her be killed. He couldn’t see that happen before his eyes like he had with all of his friends and mentors.
After everything is over, there’s this sickly feeling left behind. Not simply because of Bode’s death, but because of the impact on Merrin realizing Kata has lost family just like she and Cal had, but also because of the impact the death of Bode has on Cal. And after Cal carries away Bode’s body, the music changes to an eerie, ominous, high pitch, minor key when we see Cal board the Mantis. The kind of change in music which lets the audience know there’s something seriously wrong. Things are different now. Cal’s different. And he knows it.
He’s lost in time watching the pyre, reflecting on everything that had happened but also on how grateful he is to Cere, but he knows the impact of her loss will continue to be with him for the rest of his life. Just like Jaro Tapal. Another guiding force in his life is gone. With Cere and Cordova gone, there is no longer any Jedi wisdom to seek out. He’s now alone in that way as a Jedi.
“I’m scared… I almost lost myself… I don’t know if I’m ready.”
Cal and the audience are left with the dreadful realization—
“I don’t know if I’m ready for what comes next”.
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eeveekitti · 3 months
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day 16: the monk achievement
healthiest sibling relationship ever
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maljaws · 5 months
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Apologies for being late!
Life and thumbnailing this was, messy, but for @hermannsprecursors , Happy Secret Surviviors 2023!
My prompt was “I’m SUPER into the religious motifs if IHNMAIMS, and I would LOVE something that leans into that. Torment those bitches with their robo god, Yk?”, I hope I did it justice! The lamb of god was a particular inspiration!
This was made to be a phone background specifically, under the cut will be how it works on my phone, I would’ve asked you your phone but I hope it works well on yours! Also, other unused thumbnails, including a few stained glass ideas I may revisit one day!
Feel free to use it! Id love to see it in use!
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maidahselky · 4 months
IHNMAIMS Babysitter AU
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Also weezer toddlers
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vanellygal · 1 year
The cat-like AM was busy attempting to terrify the local conspiracy theorist after a day of knocking over trash cans in his anger at Joshua. Ted had noticed the chaos from out the window, and now had a serious, albeit nervous expression.
“I- I think we need to do something about that AM-Cat thing…” He said.
Sure enough, the local conspiracy theorist, Desmond, was being terroized by AM. The whole scene played in front of them from a distance. "Damn you vile feline Terminator creature! I will no longer cower in fear!". Desmond bravely grabbed onto a metal bat and swung at the other. He temporarily disappeared from their view, but seconds later he ran in terror.
Joshua watched the entire scene, and facepalmed. He let out a long sigh. "Yeah, that we do.". He turned away from the window. "Oh, did I tell you he payed me a visit at my store today? He really thought that I'd hand you over.". He shook his head. Joshua pondered, and put his finger to his chin. "Hm, I suppose we could somehow lure AM to us. Then we'd catch him, and disconnect him from his vessel.". He referred to the cat bot AM was using.
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ohhyperbola · 1 month
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Drew Hancock and Gene being cozy together to loosen up a bit.
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hermannsprecursors · 5 months
You know it baby! Happy secret survivor to @cognitivity !!!! They asked for anything revolving around AM and Ted, especially if it was based on Ted's psychodrama in the game, so off I went, and I replayed the damn thing to go get sometihng cool from said psychodrama. I wound up settling on, well, the quote used in the piece. I had a lot of fun figuring this one out! Hope you don't mind that it's my personal designs of these fucknuts, I just wanted an excuse to draw my 3-faced AM because I find him particularly terrifying
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My first full piece done in Clip Studio Paint too, very excited to be moving up as an artist :D
.... Also maybe i posted it today out of spite of the deadline being changed LOL love u Moth
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altschmerzes · 1 year
just gonna say this though: i am profoundly disappointed and angry that ted lasso became just another show in a long line of shows that disregard and fail victims/survivors when writing narratives about child abuse.
what we saw at the end of that finale was supposed to be a montage of happy endings. everyone got what they wanted, what they needed, everyone was happy. but what they showed us was not jamie’s happy ending. it was his father’s.
because what we saw wasn’t an acknowledgement of anything that happened to him. (i would’ve had issues with this regardless, even if this had happened, but-) this was not a ‘let’s sit and laugh and smile and go through photos and reconcile’ that came after an acknowledgement, an apology, a validation of anything jamie went through. there was no recognition of what he suffered because of that man, no amends, nobody on this show ever once so much as used the word ‘abuse.’ once, one time, did one person refer to something that happened as ‘traumatizing.’ and it just falls in line with every other show out there who wrote a storyline about an abusive parent clearly approached from the point of view of a parent and not the point of view of someone who was victimized.
people can choose to reconcile with abusers for all sorts of reasons, and i get that. but jamie is not a human person making choices for complicated personal reasons. he is a character in a show being written by writers who are making choices, and none of those choices involved validating or even directly recognizing the profound harm caused by emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. in a montage of happy endings, that was not a happy ending for an abuse victim, when he was shown sitting happy and smiling and hanging out with his abuser, who never once took accountability for what he did, never mind the show allowing for the possibility that sometimes people CAN actually cause so much harm to others that they are not entitled to their victim’s time and forgiveness, and it may not be safe or healthy for them to give it. that was a happy ending for an abuser, who got what HE wanted, what made HIS life better.
i dont know why i hoped for better on this subject when this show has honestly consistently dropped the ball with recognizing and reckoning with the abuse it wrote, when literally every show seems to pull this shit. but im still, as an abuse survivor who loves this show, feel incredibly stung and hurt not only by what they pulled last episode but by what they added in there at the end of the finale. to anyone else out there feeling as hurt by that as i do, im so sorry. we deserve better from the people telling our stories, and we deserve versions of our stories that don’t prioritize Family Togetherness and Blanket Forgiveness Forever at the expense of the health, safety, and happiness of survivors.
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solar-sonar · 2 years
I am once again thinking about how genius the Game Over screen for Devil Survivor was.
This game goes out of its way to establish that the characters in game are summoning demons out of a hacked version of the same video game console that you are playing on.
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Then when you die due to some unforeseen bullshit because this is an SMT game, your screen goes black and you get the following two messages:
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It completely shatters the barrier between player and game when you are suddenly shown the same screen that the characters would be seeing as they die. It's downright chilling, and I've never seen another game do anything like it.
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izzyspussy · 1 month
there's a meta post going around that i disagree with heavily and i wanna say why but i don't wanna be argumentative in op's notes so i'm making a vaguepost instead
a) i don't really remember anything in canon that would provide evidence to say ted is untruthful or inaccurate by saying jamie is "getting good minutes" at city. the one (1) game we see him play for them he IS a starter, and not only that he plays for the entire game (and is also shown to be behaving well, encouraging his teammates, and playing cooperatively). jamie mentioning that he doesn't start every time or play the full 90 every game and is on the bench sometimes really doesn't indicate that he's unfavored as a player, due simply to the fact that Manchester City is a huge, well funded team with more talent to cycle through than it could ever manage to use all of consistently. we also have to keep in mind that TL is not the real world, and while 24 is not a young player anymore here on covid-19's Earth, it is said that jamie is at the beginning of his career several times in canon. it may be unrealistic, but it's not an unreliable narrative - some suspension of disbelief is necessary. jamie is still a junior player in the world if TL so it's not a snub to him or evidence that he's not doing well if he's not a permanent fixture on the starting lineup with more established players on a large and star studded team.
b) and honestly more importantly: abuse makes you crazy. it makes you irrational and/or emotionally unstable. it truly does not matter at all if the rest of your circumstances are "the dream" or not. it does not matter if you might even personally think that bad is worth putting up with for the sake of keeping the good. sometimes people do make that call I won't say that doesn't happen, but it is really unlikely to be a logical cost-benefit analysis of a decision. so like... even if james never treated jamie any worse than exactly what we saw in canon (which i would also say is already quite a bit worse than just "sucking"), there it is not even the slightest leap to think he'd "throw away the dream" to get away, whether he could ideally tough it out or not. sometimes you make choices that are the wrong choices! sometimes you do something irrational and based on emotional impulse! that's true even if your life is relatively easy and low stress and you have a strong support network and no mental illness or trauma responses to manage! and every new factor that contributes to stress makes it exponentially more likely.
say you have a high pressure job, and it's also very physically taxing, and also you have a restricted diet, and also you just made yourself vulnerable and were rejected with no explanation, and also you recently got dumped, and also your mom is disappointed in you, and also you don't have any close friends, and also your abuser can show up any time he wants even at your workplace and push you around and scare you and humiliate you and relentlessly insult you and make sure you never feel any sense of accomplishment or enjoyment from the activity that you love and spend the vast majority of your daily life working hard at and the entirety of your life maintaining your ability to perform. and yeah, you've got your dream job. objectively you're doing very well. but boy i tell you what with all that shit you can fucking bet you're crazy too! and when you're crazy you make decisions that are also crazy!! and btw self sabotage is one of the most common maladaptive behaviors of all time!!!
anyway in conclusion: sometimes coming up with a well reasoned explanation is not necessary (and may even make less sense) when the explanation of bad reasoning has already been provided for you
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