#technology when used responsibly can be a great boon to our world
skaruresonic · 5 months
Wacky Workbench Good Future (JP)'s theme is the concept of adorableness distilled in audio form. I listen to it and I'm just like
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p e r f e c t t e c h n o (dial-tone and xylophone noises)
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thedigitalhorizon · 8 months
The Role of Technology in Modern Democracy: A Double-Edged Sword
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In an era where the digital landscape is ever-evolving its inclufence on our lives in inescapable. From social networks that keep us connected 24/7, to platforms that have democratized knowledge, technology seems to be the driving force of modern society. But have you ever stopped to consider its impact on our democracy? Let's delve into the complex relationship between technology and modern democracy—a relationship that's both promising and fraught with peril.
Increased Accessibility: Democracy at Your Fingertips
One of the shining achievements of technology is how it has made democracy more accessible. Gone are the days when town hall meetings and door-to-door campaining were the only ways to engage with your community. Today, you can Tweet your local representative, participate in online forums, and even host digital petitions. Apps like Nextdoor and platforms like Change.org are empowering local communities to have a say in their governance.
Transparency and Accountability: Can Big Data Keep Big Brother in Check?
We often hear about "Big Data" in the context of marketing or even surveillance. But the flip side is that it can serve as a powerful tool for transparency. Various countries are implementing blockchain technology to ensure transparent voting systems. Moreover, data analytics can track how funds are used in public projects, rooting out corruption and fostering accountability.
Information Overload: The Dark Side of Digital Freedom
While it's amazing to have information at our fingertips, the downside is the sheer volume that we have to sift through. The rise of "fake news" and the spread of misinformation poses serious threats to an informed electorate. Recall the Cambridge Analytica scandal? It perfectly illustrates how information can be manipulated to subvert democratic processes.
Data Security: The Achilles Heel of Digital Democracy?
With great power comes great responsibility. This is especially true for technology’s role in safeguarding our democratic systems. From concerns about foreign interference in elections to alarming data leaks, digital democracy is vulnerable. It poses a difficult question: How can we balance the need for open, accessible systems with the need for security?
Automation and AI: Algorithmic Democracy or Digital Despotism?
Technology isn’t just limited to social media or data analytics; it also includes automation and AI. Estonia, for instance, uses a machine learning algorithm to allocate its police forces, leading to a dramatic reduction in crime rates. However, the use of algorithms for public decision-making also raises serious ethical concerns. Who writes the code? Who ensures it is free from bias?
Conclusion: The Road Ahead
So, is technology a boon or a bane for modern democracy? The answer, as with most things, is not black and white. Technology offers incredible opportunities for enhancing democratic processes but also introduces challenges that require vigilant oversight and ethical considerations.
The road ahead is filled with both challenges and opportunities. But one thing is clear: technology is here to stay, and it's up to us to ensure that we harness its immense power for the greater good of our democratic systems. After all, democracy is of the people, by the people, and for the people—even in the digital age.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned to The Digital Horizon for more insights, tips, and recommendations on navigating the digital world.
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
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This is my favorite part of the morning. It’s quiet. Our puppers, Kolby, and our kitties have been fed and Kolby has been let out to do his business. I have my coffee — on the couch with an ice pack on my knee — composing this post.
Sweet silence.
Ars Technica: “Brian Kernighan said hello, asked how their US visit was going, and dropped off hundreds of lines of code that could add Unicode support for AWK, the text-parsing tool he helped create for Unix at Bell Labs in 1977.”
It’s so encouraging to see a legend of computing going strong.
Steven Beschloss: “I didn’t intend to return to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis so soon, but the combination of his latest nastiness combined with the emerging approach of his newly decided Democratic opponent, Charlie Crist, made it clear that the Florida race for governor represents more than the question of who will lead Florida into the future. This is shaping up to be a battle between leadership driven by anger and cruelty and leadership that believes kindness and compassion must define our fate.”
I can’t for the life of me understand why people vote for someone so cruel. He has every trait that made Trump such a disaster and he’s a lot smarter than Trump, which makes him even more dangerous.
Democrats are winning because they are the party of freedom. The freedom to choose. The freedom to make a living wage. The freedom to love. The freedom to vote. The freedom to live on a sustainable planet. Republicans are losing because they are a cult that worships a moron.
— Bradley Whitford (@BradleyWhitford) August 24, 2022
Platformer: “Zatko maintained his public silence for eight months — and then showed up on Tuesday throwing bombs.”
My initial reaction to this news was it would help Musk get out of the Twitter deal. Now I don’t think it’ll help him.
He’s still gonna need his $54.20 per share.
There’s also the ever popular musk.social sitting out there for a $1MM donation to Planned Parenthood. Quite a deal!
Puck News: “‘It’s not been a fun morning,’ Stacy Spikes told me today from New York, where he’s been prepping the new and (hopefully!) improved MoviePass.”
I totally took advantage of MoviePass in 2017. I saw a few movies and it was so worth the price.
This new and improved version could be a boon to movie theaters looking to put butts in seats in our endemic COVID world.
Macworld: “The problem is that, with a month or so to go before macOS Ventura goes final, the System Settings app in the beta is a bit of a disaster. Unless things change in a hurry, Apple is in danger of replacing one of the worst system apps in macOS with a new app that’s just as bad or worse.”
I would love to know why this new OS app is so klunky. I haven’t experienced it myself but from all accounts it’s a real mess.
Now, it could be the app is waiting on some changes from the SwiftUI team to fix some nasty bugs or, perhaps, we’re seeing learning pains from the developer responsible for the app? It happens to the most seasoned developer when you have to make that brain shift to a new paradigm.
If it manages to ship in a buggy state with a terrible user experience it doesn’t bode well for SwiftUI. Who wants to invest their time in a technology that’s not ready for prime time?
Of course SwiftUI is the future of app development for all Apple Platform based applications, it’s just really ugly at the moment.
SwiftUI is amazing until you're totally blocked on something dumb like a custom back button. (Yes, you can hide default and add your own. Yes, that breaks back swipe. Yes, you can override the pan gestures. No, you can't prevent it from fucking up a NavigationPath.)
— Craig Hockenberry (@chockenberry) August 26, 2022
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Fresnoland: “In 2021, the Fresno area experienced 69 days over 100 degrees – a record-breaking number of days, according to data from the National Weather Service. There have already been more than 50 days over 100 this year.”
I was born and raised in the great San Joaquin Valley of California. Yes, it’s hot, no way around it, but these increasing days over 100 degrees isn’t good in so many ways. Climate change is real and we’ve screwed ourselves. The human toll is just getting started.
Jalopnik: “Tesla CEO Elon Musk is none too pleased with Tesla drivers who are pointing out major issues with the company’s Full Self-Driving software, according to Insider.“
Have you seen some of the very damning videos of Tesla’s running over child sized mannequins? It’s really disturbing and Musk isn’t happy about it. He wants them pulled. So much for open feedback.
Fully Self Driving vehicles is a pipe dream at the moment and Tesla is experimenting right out in the open. Tesla’s are dangerous cars when used in FSD mode and it should be banned from general use until Tesla can consistently demonstrate it works.
The UC system was free for Californians until the late 60s when Reagan, then Governor, cut state funding.https://t.co/E5Mf2NPN1c
— Derek Powazek (@fraying) August 24, 2022
Yes, believe it or not, University of California schools were once free to attend. As a nation we need this to come back. Make all State Colleges and Universities free. If you want to go to Harvard that’s fine, you can pay for your education. It gives folks choice and will make America a better place.
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Education in India
"Education of mind is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think".
-Albert Einstein.
Education is the key to one's transformation in leading one to be a responsible individual. India jumped five ranks in the Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI) 2019, as per a report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit grabbing the 35th position globally. India secured a total score of 53, based on three categories – policy environment, teaching environment, and overall socio-economic environment. The country ranked 40th with an overall score of 41.2 across categories in 2018.
The new education scheme launched in 2020 is designed to provide skill-based learning. India has made particular strides in the policy environment with respect to the new national education policy that explicitly mentions future-oriented skills such as critical thinking, communication, and entrepreneurship. 6% of GDP is to be allocated to the education sector alone. The Ministry had also proposed to start a degree level full-fledged online education program along with apprenticeship embedded degree or diploma courses in 150 higher educational institutions which will begin by March 2021.
But will this bring about any change to the existing model of the boring semester system prevalent in Indian universities?  
Some of the major problems of the Indian Education system (especially in the higher education sector)  are-
1. Privatization of educational institutes and Fee Hike
What is common among countries such as Germany, France, Sweden? Yup! Free education!! Yet a degree from these places is world-renowned. For example, all educational institutes of Germany are Government funded and are always in touch with industries.
In addition to private universities, technical and professional institutes like IIM’s have an expensive curriculum. For instance, IIM’s charge Rs. 2 lakh per semester for MBA classes; most of the Private Engineering Institutes charge around 2 lakh an academic year. It is beyond the reach of the common man. Privatization of higher education has led to the growth of profit-hungry entrepreneurs.
The pandemic hit students hard even in terms of fees where they had to pay for resources they aren't going to use such as sports facilities, library, college WiFi when it is uncertain when the student is expected to return. Students also pay a hefty sum to clear backlogs.  
2. Reservation and Scholarships-
There is nothing worse than this! There are several deserving candidates who lose out to a student who has reservations. From a student's point of view and on a personal note, it is not wrong to reserve seats for the backward classes, but at what cost? The cut-off for getting admission anywhere is ridiculously low!! In some cases, it is as low as negative marks wherein technically a candidate simply can write his/her name on the sheet and walk out knowing that there is no competition while students who are from the general category need to slog even more. This extreme advantage reservation candidates get, creates a big hole in the general category student's confidence due to the severe competition.  
If there must be a competition, it must be a healthy one and on equal terms.
There is no fault in providing financial aids to such economically backward students. However, it is INJUSTICE when a general category student loses out a seat due to such preferences. There are several students who buy fake caste certificates to gain an edge and there is no system to verify the same.  
Another quota which adds to the misery is "DISABILITY". Ask yourselves! Is it really important? In what way has this disability stopped you from studying? It's not that you are blind and couldn't read. I have seen people who have a broken toe/leg or a broken finger in the non-dominant hand getting a PwD certificate and reducing their cut off marks to succeed or gain entry into institutes.
3. Quality of Teachers
This is common not only in Universities but also in rural schools. There is always a fear to ask questions because it may not be taken well by the teachers. There is a sizeable figure of lecturers/profs who fail to answer the doubts of the students and blame the student for their incompetence. As students, let us face it, we've been teaching ourselves. There are very few teachers out there who genuinely teach the subject. A proper system must be introduced to filter out the teachers and train them in general.
Today as much as a professor would claim to lecture in class, it is a mere PPT template that has been running in the department from time immemorial. Several Professors are overqualified on paper but underqualified to teach. What is the point of all those degrees and doctorates if he/she can't teach properly?
Teaching is a gift and having a great teacher is always a boon to a student. Statistically, a student falls in love with the subject even more only if the teacher is amazing! The same teacher is also responsible to make a student feel repulsive towards the subject because of the latter's sloppiness.
4. Outdated Syllabus
What can be more annoying than learning something that has no practical value in today's fast-paced technological world? Even though we have reached wherever we are because of the predecessor tech, too much emphasis shouldn't be given. Modern-day adaptations of the previous concepts must be taught in addition to the archaic method.
5. Getting Certified through various Platforms
As useful it might seem from a knowledge point of view, it isn't particularly useful when it comes to non-circuit courses or even circuit courses for that matter. Students just have to solve MCQ's (to which already they have answers) or a format of repeated questions to clear the course and obtain a "Certificate". Let's be honest, we don't even remember what was taught in the course 2 semesters down the lane due to a lack of opportunity to apply what we learned.
6. Ridiculous Timelines-
Every semester is so tightly packed with tons of pointless assignments, tests, quizzes and what not?. Deadlines from colleges end up with one compromising their personal tasks. A student is bound to have fun during the semester weekends. You can't expect a student to work day in and day out without any period of relaxation by dumping pointless assignments. The student is mounted with unnecessary pressure and in most cases given work only in the last moments.
7. The Attendance Drama
No student will shy away from the fact that the main reason for going to class is to maintain a "minimum" attendance requirement of 75-85%. This bogus rule to ensure that a student has to attend class does not guarantee that he/she is learning in class.  The fact that students feel forced to attend class rather than feeling enthusiastic for the same, speaks volumes for itself.
The overall education system is to be blamed. The craze for a few branded courses like engineering and medicine is another thing that our society has to look beyond. The University management is an embodiment of Poor structure and planning and the system is trash in several colleges. No matter which institute, the system is just a lazy lump of corruption. Certain managements do not even work on their student's needs in order to get placed in companies and blame the students for their incompetence. They do not provide the necessary training to the students who later finds a lot of difficulty in seeking a job due to the lack of strong fundamentals. Greedy managements tactfully lure the parents into enrolling their children there. The students thus do not know the value of that course and simply assume that marks, grades, and the degree certificate will enable them to be industry-ready.
The Education Policy 2020 looks promising for the fact it is a good start considering the present scenario. It has its own advantages and disadvantages. In short, academic, vocational and extracurricular activities have been given weightage. As amazing as it looks on paper, its implementation is going to play a key role in the change!
As a society, we must change the notion that having a degree and being qualified are two very different things. You can have a degree but still, be an idiot.
Let us just hope with crossed fingers that the upcoming generations have a better system than ours with the successful implementation of the Education Policy 2020.
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dgcatanisiri · 4 years
I said I’d hoped to get this out by the end of the month. FINALLY, the next installment of my series of Hypothetical DLCs. 
Welcome to DG’s Listing of Wish These DLC Existed, where I theorize, speculate, and just kinda generally throw ideas at the wall about DLCs for games I love that never happened and never will happen, but damn, I’d like to see them anyway. 
Because I have ideas, I can’t get them made as mods, I don’t have time to make them into fic, and they’re never going to happen anyway, so why not put them up in a public place? After all, they’re tie ins to games I have no control over anyway, so it’s not like I’ll ever make money off of them anyway. And, as I’m not bound by any hardware limitations in terms of crafting ideas, or production cycles dictating when the game’s endpoint is, these can and do go on a great deal longer than the standard lifespan of a game.
A review of the format: There will be a name for the DLC, a brief synopsis, a reference to when this hypothetical DLC would become available/if and when it becomes unavailable, and then an expansion/write up of the ideas going in to them. Some ideas will have more expansion than others, because I’ve just plainly put more thought into them - in a lot of cases, I wrote them down just on the basis of ‘this idea seems pretty cool,’ and then gave them more context later on.
Feedback is welcome! Like an idea? Don’t like an idea? I welcome conversation and interaction on these ideas. Keep it civil, remember that these are just one person’s ideas, we can discuss them. Perhaps you’ll even help inspire a part two for these write ups! Because I do reserve the right to come up with more ideas in the future - these are the ideas that I’ve had to this point, but the whole reason this series exists is because I come up with new ideas for old stories.
With the KOTOR games both dealt with, we move on to the next category of the BioWare franchises, Mass Effect. This one took a while, considering the much more open-ended aspect of choices within the Mass Effect universe. And ME2′s edition is going to take a good long while as well, considering... Well, I’ll explain that when I get there. 
Anyway. Given the way that Mass Effect carries decisions forward, there is an additional category for the ideas within these editions, where there’s a brief summary of the way they will impact future games - granted, most of these are ME2 letters and ME3 war assets, but it’s still worth making a note of.
Also, given the context of ME1′s rather open-ended structure, where there aren’t really any serious plot breaks or boundaries that prevent advancement too soon, aside from Virmire and Ilos not being unlocked until events in the plot, assume that, unless otherwise noted, these DLCs are all available at any point after Shepard is made a Spectre and given command of the Normandy, and, obviously, must be played before Ilos. 
To business!
First Contact
As a Spectre and Alliance officer, Commander Shepard is called in when an Alliance team goes missing after reporting they had made contact with a new alien species. The Normandy is assigned to recover the team and establish peaceful relations if at all possible – yet there is a mystery here, one that the natives are not happy to welcome meddling in...
So, yeah, the basic idea here is simply that, with the whole Reaper thing, we don’t really get to see much of the more basic ideas of space exploration – big plot trounces little ideas. And first contact is as basic a concept for a scifi series as you can get. In my book, that’s the advantage of DLC in this series, to go for the smaller scale stories.
So let’s go into detail. We’re going to need a character to act as the exposition fairy – I vote that, at least in the briefing, this is coming from Pressley, so we can offer him a little more characterization and involvement (let’s honestly consider “Pressley gives a briefing that offers him more characterization, involvement, and general utilization” a thing for all of these, since he really doesn’t get a lot of usage in ME1, which is probably why he’s not really replaced on the Normandy after this game, and take this opportunity to give his character some expansion so that his death can mean a little more when ME2’s prologue goes down). He’s giving the baseline facts about why the Normandy is going in and handling this situation.
Obviously, the First Contact team has gone out of contact, and the Normandy is tasked to discover what has happened to them and make the best of the situation they end up in. I’m not locking this to after recruiting Liara, but I do picture her, Kaidan, and Ashley getting some fair use in any and all of these (a few in particular – we’ll get there when we get there), both because of their role as love interests and because of their general attitudes and thematic roles – Liara’s the wide-eyed idealist (considering her romanticizing of the protheans – any culture that refers to themselves as an “empire” is not going to be a peaceful collection of philosophers and scientists), Ashley’s the reasoned cynic, and Kaidan is something of the balance between them – cautious optimism and ready for if/when things go to shit.
The arrival finds Shepard and company on our new world (location to be decided – given Citadel rules on activating dormant Relays, it’s probably best that this is a planet within an already existing cluster, and we probably ought to put it somewhere within the boundaries of Alliance space, what with them taking lead on this first contact). The locals seem welcoming and friendly, but there’s a clear air of uncertainty – are they a threat, where’s the Alliance contact team, why are they acting like they know something that Shepard and crew don’t?
I know, we’re running the risk of retreading the ground of Feros and the thorian here, but, one, honestly, I like Feros, so I’m okay with revisiting it as a concept at least, two, it’s not like BioWare doesn’t recycle their own plots all the time anyway, even granting that they usually don’t do it within the same game, and three, I see it ending in a different place, so we’re going with this.
Anyway, investigation, suspicion, blah, blah, blah... I swear, the fun would be in the investigation, the building mystery, so I’m skipping over the work for the sake of a summary. The end result is that of course the natives killed the team, but the reason is because this is a group of descendants of a prothean subject race. They’d engaged in a revolt, adapted/stolen a colony ship, and flew off into the black, and done this right around the time of the initial stages of the Reaper invasion of the prothean empire – the protheans had bigger fish to fry (or be fried by, depending on how you use the metaphor), and given how proud the protheans are, I can see them covering this up in the name of saving face, both of which allowed these people to escape the notice of the Reapers – systematic destruction or not, finding one lone ship in the depths of space isn’t “needle in a haystack,” it’s “needle in the midwest.” It’d have been one thing if they’d found a planet to establish themselves on right away, but they dove into the black without a clear destination – also use this to emphasize WHY most Council explorations tend to stick to familiar clusters with an established Mass Relay nearby, that space is vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big.
As a detail for this race, I’m gonna include one of my headcanons for the protheans, since, hey, my DLC idea – while the protheans developed their technology around the Mass Relays and such, as the Reapers intended, the tech of their own design, without the influence of external powers, would have more of an organic bent to it, that they were more inclined to “grow” their tech than build it. Like they accepted the Mass Effect as a foundation for their tech, the Citadel as a base, but they weren’t all that happy about it, just never quite getting their own designs really match the designs of “inusannon” technology in effectiveness. So in response, this species turned towards cybernetics (maybe they’re members of the zha’til, to connect them having this knowledge with the tidbits Javik offers in ME3? *shrug* I’ll use them as the name for this species for simplicity’s sake, because that’s less awkward than no name at all, but I’m not married to it being them), to not just give them an edge against the protheans when they came after them, but also to serve as a taunt towards them, a statement of “you fear technology, so we’re going to become the personification of your boogeymen.”
So the survival of these zha’til has been their hidden nature, and they have developed into a pure xenophobic society – no aliens are accepted among them, and, with the appearance of Shepard’s team, they are fully of the belief that there will be those who come after. They can recognize that the appearance of outsiders once means it will happen again. And they will be ready – Shepard’s crew is a boon for them, allowing them access to biologies of not just humans, but asari, turian, krogan, and quarian. They’d prepared for the damage the protheans could do upon finding their retreat, spent fifty thousand years becoming something the protheans would have to fear. Of course, Shepard’s gonna have to ruin it. I can see them trying the ‘we’ll erase the coordinates, put up a warning buoy, ensure no one comes here’ argument, but that’s not flying with these guys, since organic nature tends towards curiosity, and just blanking the system would leave a mystery, one that organics would want to solve, and a warning buoy can malfunction or be ignored – they want total isolation, and, even if the odds are like one in trillions, that’s too high for them, so they’d sooner be the only life in the galaxy.
I’m thinking the solution is in their reliance on their tech, having attained this symbiosis with it that they all are implanted – tech can be hacked, it can malfunction, it can be a vulnerability as much as an asset. Going way back to the start of the involvement of Kaidan, Liara, and Ashley, here’s them all getting to voice their solution, with Ashley going the straightforward route of “they’re a threat, they’ll keep being a threat, they don’t want to change and stop being a threat, I don’t want to commit genocide, but I also want to defend the Alliance, and those options look mutually exclusive right now,” Liara is all “think of what they could offer us, their history is invaluable, they were contemporaries of the protheans, what might they know, and even if we have the ability to wipe out an entire species, that’s an action that can never be undone,” and Kaidan is the middle ground of “the leaders and people we’ve spoken to made a threat, but we can’t call the entire population of this planet genocidal maniacs, surely there must be something we can do to find a reasonable solution.”
It basically comes down to Shepard getting to hack the tech, and then faced with the decision – a) wiping them out by way of effectively setting all their implants to electrify themselves – they’ve shown themselves to be a threat, they have violent intentions towards other life in the galaxy, and nothing indicates that there is any dissent among their population, especially if their implants can allow for like planetary consensus or something, b) shutting down the tech, their greatest threat, as a way to keep most of them alive, but reducing their civilization to like Bronze Age – the Citadel races would certainly be willing to help the zha’til recover, but it’s not like they’d be happy to accept it, or c) use this as the way to force them to come to the table and negotiate in good faith, under the threat of destruction as a result of them using this weapon, give them a chance, with the downside being that they have done nothing to indicate that they deserve this chance, or that the second they develop a workaround, they’ll be back to threatening all alien life.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Letter from the head of a Council-approved research team, investigating the planet, with or without inhabitants.
ME3: Assuming the zha’til survive, a representative is on the Citadel, offering their aid. If they were reduced, they are a significantly smaller War Asset.
The Citadel’s Wards house people from across the galaxy, and murder is a common occurrence. When the murder victim is a prominent Alliance politician, however, one whose controversial opinions made him a target for non-humans, the Alliance can only trust one person to investigate on the Citadel – the first human Spectre, Commander Shepard. 
Honestly, the Citadel could absolutely support its own game. Just the pieces we get of it from the trilogy and the Citadel DLC tease a massive station that probably has a population higher than some planets. So there’s A LOT to do here (indeed, looking over my notes for this, I have at least one DLC focused entirely on events on the Citadel in each game, and all of them can utilize entirely new areas, so...). And, really, who doesn’t enjoy an old-fashioned ‘whodunnit’ murder mystery?
Obviously, we have more than just the basic mystery happening here, or else we’d just have a standard sidequest, not a full DLC length story. I feel like this needs to go in depth on corruption within Citadel politics – poke around my blog, you’ll find I’m HIGHLY critical of the Council’s handling of the Saren matter, where they appoint a C-Sec officer with a reputation for not playing by the rules as the only investigator of the Eden Prime incident, give him roughly a day to look in to things, (Shepard’s out about sixteen hours, according to Doctor Chakwas, they arrive at the Citadel, get summoned to the Council, and encounter Garrus, at which point the trial is about to start, with no indication that more than hours at most have passed) and then TELL him that his investigation is over, Saren is allowed access to the files of the man he is accused of killing, an eye witness report of Saren’s murder of Nihlus is completely dismissed, while the data file Tali extracts from a geth, which Anderson says upon hearing that he’s never heard of this happening (to say nothing of the quarians’ status among the Citadel races) is deemed “irrefutable evidence”... There’s A LOT that is at best questionable about how the Council handles things. And that’s just sticking with the first game.
So I’d like to pull back some of the veil on Citadel politics, and use that to explore the human-alien friction. Due to Shepard’s rising profile throughout the series, we kinda lose a lot of the big level details of this, and it’s one of those things I like about the Mass Effect universe circa the first game – humanity ISN’T the big kahuna, they’re the latest arrivals, and the rest of the galaxy thinks they’re a bunch of jerks trying to take what they haven’t earned.
Hence where we start – our victim is an Alliance politician, someone who’s got one of those jobs that makes them friends and enemies of the same people. Obviously, this means that there are a lot of people on the Citadel (and outside the Citadel) who would easily be picked up as suspects – again, we’re going an investigative route, to help show off Shepard as a tactician, to show off their brains as well as their brawn.
This is going to lead us first to explore more of the Citadel Tower, the place where the Council and other assorted political figures meet. Udina probably plays a part in things, considering he IS the ambassador at this point, so he’ll probably be talking to Shepard about matters along the way, something of our regular check-in point (plus good to offer him some more characterization and expand him somewhat).
Obviously, with a murder mystery, we investigate through the location, taking us through the Tower and into its deeper structure, to the point that Shepard ends up in the Tower’s basement (or whatever we call the lowest level). Down here, the discovery is that there’s (what else) a conspiracy. Humanity is moving too fast – they’ve only been here for about thirty years and they already have an embassy, are angling for a spot on the Council, how long until they replace all the races who were here first on the Council, make the Citadel humans only?
I feel like we could also get some retroactive elements of Cerberus’s human supremacy in play here, suggest that our victim was being manipulated by them and used to advance their agenda – not just to foreshadow how Cerberus gains prominence in the next game, but also to show that even well-intentioned people are preyed upon by Cerberus’s actions (hello Paragon Shepard). Cerberus didn’t mind using him for their objectives, even if he’s not some pro-human bigot.
Speaking of, let’s tie in Terra Firma a little more into this – they seemed to have some influence in the first game, then drop off the face of the earth, so yeah, let’s throw them in somehow. Like I see that as part of our concluding decision, where the replacement political figure is one of their people, so they seem like the “obvious suspect” red herring – I think by this point we’ve established with these that one of my priorities is worldbuilding, and, again, Terra Firma dropped off the face of the series when it seemed to have developing prominence in the first game.
Anyway, back to the plot. Obviously, Shepard has to do something about this conspiracy. The problem is, of course, while extreme, they represent a dominant view among the Citadel races. And it’s one that has validity to it, humans are demanding more power than any other race in the Citadel’s history (this cycle, anyway, who knows about the previous ones?), and to these races, they are seen as aggressive in that pursuit.
Here’s the thing, and I’ve gone over this in my critiques of the Council before – humans are aggressive about getting more representation because of a handful of things. Number one, humans are out to advance, we recognize that we learn best from making mistakes, while the Citadel races seem to abide by a code of “none shall advance faster than the slowest.” That no advancement is made until all are “capable” of benefiting from it in certain ways, despite how we have the example of multiple species not even being able to compete on a level playing field with races like the asari, the salarians, or the turians – the volus are a client race of the turians, despite having been a part of the galactic community longer. It’s why we see the relative stagnation – the asari discovered the Citadel two thousand years ago, and yet so much of it is still a mystery.
Number two, humans are aggressive because the Citadel races were aggressive to them first. The First Contact War started because Citadel law is that no one shall activate dormant Mass Relays. Thing is, humanity opened Relay-314 at a time that they’d never even heard of the Citadel and its government. So the turians who opened fire first? They were holding humanity to the standards and rules and laws of a governmental body that they didn’t even know existed until the shooting started.
That the turians enforce this law so rigidly, and that the asari and salarians don’t seem to understand how much the asshole it makes them, is the honest source of a lot of the tension between the races in the game.
Like, I vehemently disagree with the racist attitudes of the Terra Firma asshole we meet, but he’s not wrong in pointing out that if you see a kid playing with a matchbook, you take the matches away, but you don’t shoot them for good measure. The turians started the conflict, and you can tell that the Citadel races never acknowledge their responsibility in this – it’s all “humans are so aggressive” without any understanding of why a species whose introduction to the greater galaxy came at a cost of life and involved acts of violence inflicted on them, literally on the basis of information that by definition, they could not have, just MIGHT hold a grudge.
...So, uh, bringing this back around to the topic at hand... This is where we get to the central conflict. Our Terra Firma assholes who are all “Earth first!” have a valid point that the Council and the Citadel races mistreat humanity, and wrap it up in condescending bullshit, so the fact that they’re looking to take some kind of action to do something about this is understandable, even if they’re doing it wrong. The opposition is the conspiracy folks, the ones who murdered the outspoken human, all in the name of protecting their people from perceived human aggression.
And yes, it really does all come down to something that simple, as both sides are right and both sides are wrong, and now someone has to clean up the mess their hostilities have created. I do want this to really come down to something so simple and, on paper, easy to resolve, because when this kind of thing happens in our world, it’s frequently just as on paper simple, but, because of the emotions involved and the personal grudges accumulated, no one is able to take that step back and try to make amends (not saying that as a value judgement, just a fact – sometimes it is appropriate to address the personal grudges, sometimes you need let them go for the greater good).
There’s an interconnectedness to the Citadel races in the course of the series, and this is one of the ways to showcase that, by displaying that both of these peoples need each other in the course of the continuation of this cycle’s civilizations. So Shepard’s ultimate decision is about making a decision, and the hard work is in making them both recognize and acknowledge that they are both wrong – pulling this off right, meaning Shepard found all the ways to make good in-roads with both factions so they’ll listen when they make a big persuasive speech, we have the legitimate grievances acknowledged and at least on course to be redressed (one of the galactic news reports can, if the Alliance fleet is sacrificed to save the Destiny Ascension, say that the turians are considering reparations – maybe with this option, this happens regardless). Pulling it off wrong, Shepard has to side with one faction or the other, leaving tension and hostility remaining unresolved, impacting future relations.
Post Game Followups: 
ME2: Emails from the sided faction, talking about their political advancement.
ME3: Impact on Citadel politics, affecting the attitude of the populace in the Citadel Defense Force
Old Wounds
Shanxi was the site of the First Contact War. Since then, the human colonists have resisted alien interference and involvement on their world. But things become complicated when a turian effort at reparations ends up as a hostage situation. Naturally, the Alliance has one person they want to send in to help smooth things over – Commander Shepard.
An Ashley focus mission, we’re giving her the spotlight here – consider this something of a proto-loyalty mission, since the game itself didn’t have these. Because Shanxi is a place that means a lot to her and her family, so we’re going to say that she is on this mission. That obviously also limits this to a pre-Virmire position in the plot, because she may not make it off of that planet.
Shanxi is talked about, but it’s never even given a flyby in the games proper, and so we head there. And, especially with the context of the last entry in this list, I feel like there should be some effort to acknowledge that there should be reparations to humanity – like I said there, the turians discovered humans on Shanxi and decided to openly attack them, hold them to laws and rules that they had no way of knowing existed, and then decide that humans are the aggressive ones because of how they respond? Yeah, that’s bullshit.
So we have a situation where a group of turians have this realization and are trying to convince the people of Shanxi of their good intentions. Shanxi is, understandably, reluctant to believe it. Shepard is going in to smooth things over, try and ease the tensions that are inevitably flaring up, and Ashley is, ultimately, conflicted about how to feel about this whole matter – this is Shanxi, Williams are not exactly welcome here. But there is still a feeling of responsibility here all the same, because her family impacted this world and now she’s here to help try to build a bridge. The “hostage situation” of the synopsis will actually take place during the course of events – before that happens, we get a chance to explore Shanxi, learn about the history there.
This seems like a point to bring it up: Ashley’s grandfather surrendering Shanxi, in the name of preventing a massacre, and being branded a traitor for it makes little sense to me. Of course, I get that surrendering looks bad, if you’re only looking at the act, and not the motivation. People were losing their lives, he acted to protect them. The Alliance military being unforgiving assholes is not unbelievable, but the general public going along with it, refusing to have his name cleared, even decades later, is.
So we’re going to have to dig into the reasons for this. People on Shanxi will resent the Williams for the surrender – they wanted to fight to the bitter end, and they passed this along to their kids. The “death before dishonor” crowd think it would have been better to have fought to the last – sent a stronger message to the Citadel about the wrongness of that whole “shoot first, ask questions later, blame the victim for everything” approach. They’re the ones who lead the charge against Williams’ actions, saying he was weak for surrendering to the turians. Meanwhile others are aware that he saved lives.
If anything, this makes things difficult for Ashley. As much as she lives under the specter of her family, she is not quite sure about what life would be like if he’s cleared – even knowing that things would be better, her family not getting shit details and crap assignments, it means getting a new perspective on the future that she never expected and needs to process that.
Core plot is still the hostage situation, one that Shepard ends up being involved in. The hostage takers are a group demanding more for the turians in terms of reparations – they can’t bring back the dead, of course, but the turians aren’t giving enough in their eyes. I don’t know, let’s say that it’s coming across as a perfunctory kind of apology, the “We’re sorry you feel we disrespected you” kind of reaction, which... Yeah, I totally see the turians doing that and the humans calling bullshit.
I mean, yeah, you want more to it than just “we’re angry” and such, because that’s a pretty straightforward mission, but the idea here is as much for exploring Ashley’s character and development over just an outright mission story. This is about her, and we’re going to explore her through this as much as the plot, so the plot can get away with being fairly limited in scope or scale, because this is about the character.
And this means that Ashley needs to have the big moment of resolving the crisis, rather than Shepard. Like, RPG, we’ll say Shepard gets the option to decide who gets that moment, but let’s be real, to culminate her arc in this DLC, it should be her. Bookend the portrayal of her grandfather with her – depending on how Shepard’s interacted with her, with how much digging they did into the history of the place, how they’ve interacted with the people, and it leads to Ashley (or Shepard) being able to talk down the hostage takers, defuse the situation, resolve things peacefully. If they can’t, violence ensues.
Resolution-wise, we’d be looking at the turians being upset and nearly starting conflict all over again because “you humans are too damn aggressive,” “the turians aren’t negotiating in good faith and wish they’d blasted humanity back to the stone age,” blah blah blah. Variation is in how the situation was resolved – peaceful resolution leads to the agreement to try this again later, let hostilities die down a little before trying to fix these long-standing grudges, violent is that the turians walk away, the human diplomats basically going “well, we’ll try this again at some point, hopefully.” And, for Ashley, she’s resolved some of her family’s old ghosts – best case scenario, she’s given Shanxi a different memory of the Williams clan, and can walk away with a tangible note on her record that, regardless of how anyone else might try to creatively reinterpret her record, says that her contribution saved lives.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Email from diplomatic representative about the advancement of the talks over the previous two years.
ME3: If peacefully resolved, a joint human-turian task force is a war asset.
The Ascension Project is a home for human biotics. Rumors reach Captain Anderson that there is a biotic extremist group attempting to subvert the teaching and draw them towards pro-human interests, and he asks Commander Shepard to investigate what could be a threat to the human-Citadel alliance.
We had Ashley’s loyalty mission, here’s Kaidan’s. The advancement of human biotics was a running thread through the background of ME1, but sort of fell by the wayside as the series expanded its scope in successive games, so this is a chance to explore that further. And we’re going to do so in part by building on the mission in game that involves Chairman Burns, the Alliance Parliament member who is taken captive by L2 biotics seeking reparations.
Obviously, we see Grissom Academy, the site of the Ascension Project, in ME3, but hey, for one, I like the idea that (retroactively, anyway) this means that Shepard is returning there in the course of the third game, and for two, it’s entirely reasonable to make the Academy large enough to house areas that we just didn’t see in the course of the mission there. Plus we’re seeing it (at least to start) in less of a state of chaos as exists in ME3.
Again, we’re starting lowkey. The idea here is more infiltration first – if extremists are trying to coopt kids’ education, odds are sending in soldiers is gonna tip them off quick and easy. So instead this is going to be framed as an “Alliance biotic recruitment” kind of thing – “The Alliance wants you!” and all that sort. That’s the cover as Shepard’s team heads in. The name of the game here is stealth, that we’re not here to set off alarms, just to ensure that there’s no attempt at subversion of the Alliance’s goals of peaceful coexistence with the Citadel races.
As a sidenote, both this and the Ashley DLC are basically me engaging in retroactively applied stories to further justify why it is that Kaidan and Ashley get the Spectre wings come ME3 – as it is, that kinda feels more like a bone being thrown to humanity in the name of appeasing them with Earth captured by the Reapers, as well as Udina wanting a loyal bodyguard, as opposed to something that their skill and ability has earned them the position. I want some exploration of the skill that justifies them getting that position.
So, yeah, we see the Ascension Project in its glory, causing a bit of a stir of memories for Kaidan, aware that this is more like what he should have experienced at BAaT. He’s glad that there are biotics who are getting to learn about their abilities in a safe environment that isn’t going to treat them like trash – whether or not that’s the military boot camp way, these are kids who have been, by a quirk of fate and chance, given these incredible powers without their consent, they deserve sympathy and understanding regarding their lives abruptly turned upside down, not demands that they show the same level of skill as people who train through their lives to be weapons.
Another investigation story, as we look in on the various teachers, learning more about what the state of affairs with regards to biotics are – if Mass Effect Andromeda is going to say that Cora felt outcasted and isolated because of her biotics, lets at least make this have a tangible feeling of what the actual culture and society she left behind is dealing with, considering that this is something that I’ve seen EVERYONE side-eying at best with her. At least offer it some grounding in the universe so it’s not just her, in effect, whining that she felt alone when we have characters like Kaidan, who killed someone with his biotics as a teenager, and Jack, who was tortured from infancy in an attempt to build a better biotic.
Anyway. The idea is to see more about what the biotics go through, and to better explain what biotics even are to the uninitiated (re: the audience). Biotics are just an accepted part of the universe in the games as is, but these are still a relatively recent thing for humanity, and we don’t really know how people are handling it.
Honestly, I’m kinda inclined to fully lean into a “biotics = homosexuality” metaphor. Like, personal stuff here, that’s one of the things that really... bothers me about the way Cora is handled in Andromeda, that she has this very queercoded story in terms of her self-acceptance, to the point of at one point, in reference to her biotics, saying “what if someone had told me ‘that’s okay’?” about herself. And that’s a line that defines queer narratives, but it is coming out of this cis-straight person’s mouth. So yeah, I’m gonna fix that how I can, since canonically, Kaidan is a bisexual man, and he gets the focus here, and we’re gonna take advantage of this. I may have issues with how BioWare handles their not-straight characters, but since they’re not actually making this, I’m gonna take full advantage.
Oh, right. Plot. Something, something... We get to the overall plot. Of course, we can sway a few people over – these biotic extremists are looking for belonging and acceptance above all. We see things like Major Kyle’s biotic cult, biotics are looking for something that gives them a place, beyond just the military stuff – what happens to the biotic who is a pacifist, where do they fit in when the only place that really seems to accept biotics is the Alliance military? Yeah, sure, these extremists would be testing the idea of “pacifism,” but it’s still the general concept we’re going with.
Like with the above Ashley story, it comes down to Kaidan getting the option to take the lead on this. You know how in the situation in the base game with Chairman Burns, Kaidan will interject about being an L2, like those extremists? Last time I played through, I kinda felt like he should have been more in the lead on that mission, that it should have been his answer to Garrus and Doctor Saleon, or Wrex and the family armor, something like that. So we’re going to have a similar situation here. Like with Ashley above, his ability to talk down the leader of this group depends on how well the player investigated – find the details, talk to the right people, that sort of detective stuff (because I like there being more to gaining experience in games that just combat).
That’s especially meaningful because this particular pro-human person, the one leading these biotic extremists? He worked at BAaT, was one of the people supposedly tasked with watching the situations with the turian biotics who had been brought on. He knew Kaidan. Kaidan knew him. In some ways, because of what happened with Kaidan, that’s why he was inspired to this – letting aliens teach biotics to these children, dictate those terms, WAS abuse, and, in his mind, humans can’t let their children be so violently abused by aliens again.
Kaidan says he dealt with his past in the game proper. But this is still an echo of it, someone who he once knew, worse, someone who cites what happened to him as reason for what he’s doing. Which is why it’s important for Kaidan that he be the one to resolve this. As ever, it can be resolved with words or violence, yay Paragon/Renegade system. For Kaidan, though, it’s just important to see this through and make sure that he has this dealt with.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Email from a class of biotics saved.
ME3: Student saved during the Grissom Academy mission is among the students encountered here, their presence gives a boost to the biotic students war asset
Ruins of Preita
An asari colony world has discovered a prothean archive that could rival those on Mars. Due to the concerns of the Reapers, Commander Shepard and crew go to investigate – and find an empty world, the archaeology team missing. Finding the missing team leads into a world lost to the galaxy for over fifty thousand years – and a threat even the protheans locked away!
So, now we have a Liara loyalty mission story. If you’ve paid any serious attention to my blog over the years, you’re probably having a laugh at my expense here – I’m always complaining about an overfocus on Liara, and yet here I am, adding to her content specifically. Hey, I’m at least playing fair and giving her time alongside Ashley and Kaidan. Hell, that’s why I’m doing this. I gave them time in the sun, and it’s fair that I give her the same.
But yes, I want to explore Liara’s character through the lens of her as an archaeologist, which basically gets a little lip service in the games proper, but ultimately means nothing. She is supposed to be an expert on the protheans and an archaeologist of renown, and yet that gets dumped as her actual profession in ME2, so that she can “be a very good information broker,” which... Not to dismiss her in what is meant to be a focus mission for her, but that ends up being told, rather than shown. Let’s let her play to her strengths.
This is a mission about her getting to flex that muscle. She learns about this archive – actually, thinking about it, let’s say that this was a dig that she had the chance to go on instead of the Therum dig, and chose it instead in the name of it being more isolated (more on that later). With the latest report she’s read about it, she thinks it’ll be an assist to Commander Shepard – if nothing else, the fact that Saren was interested in Eden Prime’s prothean beacon means that a new prothean archive might well be a lure for him, and he might well show up, or have Benezia or one of her agents go there in his stead. It could lead them to Saren, is what she’s using as her justification for telling Shepard to go and check this out.
Obviously it won’t, because game mechanics, but it’s a solid enough reason to get us where we’re going, which is an asari planet. Here’s where we get a chance to see Liara in her element AND see this pushback against her theories. It bugs the hell out of me that Liara says that her theory of the cycle of extinction is dismissed by other asari because of her youth – by framing that dismissal of her peers with having to do purely with her age, it says that in the two thousand years since the asari discovered the Citadel, to say nothing of anything that might have been included in the prothean archive in the Temple of Athame, NO ONE ELSE has put forward the idea of the cycles. That Liara is the first to put those pieces together. In more than two thousand years. And, as things turn out, she is 100% correct about there being a constant cycle of civilization and extinction.
My suspension of disbelief breaks at that. That she and she alone has developed this theory – this theory that is absolutely fact – in two thousand years. Bare minimum, I would have said that she was part of a fringe collection of scientists who just don’t have the evidential support to justify this being the mainstream view. But it’s the canon we have to work with, so, fine. But this disagreement when it comes to theories on the extinction of the protheans would be another point of why Liara didn’t go on this excursion, that these other researchers are those who do not share her beliefs, and, as she believes, that would mean they would shun her.
But it’s important that these researchers not just be strawmen – they may have held opposing views to Liara, that doesn’t mean they would dislike her. In point of fact, one of them has to have considered herself a friend to Liara, for reasons I’ll get in to in a bit. But these are going to be people who are all for the most part entirely likeable and reasonable. They just don’t agree with Liara’s stance.
Or at least, the records and logs they’ve left behind make them entirely likable and appear reasonable. Because, of course the research team is missing when Shepard and team arrive – like research teams in these scenarios are ever able to avoid going missing and being presumed dead.
This sparks a conflict with Liara – she’s glad that they’re able to try and find them, maybe even rescue them, but she’s also guilty because she should have been on this expedition, should have been with them. Liara’s got a tendency to put things on her own shoulders (see her reaction after Thessia, assuming you don’t have Javik/don’t take the interrupt to get them to an accord). Hell, ideally, this would be something done after Noveria and her mother’s death to explore that some – I hate how by the time you try to speak with her about it, she’s already pulling that “I choose to remember Benezia as she was” thing, seeming to either be accepting or repressing what happened, when what happened is that, regardless of the why, her mother is dead, and Shepard pulled the trigger.
So yeah, while this is a mission available at any point after doing Therum, in my mind, it’s best to take this after Noveria for the ability for Liara to lash out at Shepard for not being able to rescue her mother, how do they think that they can save these people, one among them a friend of hers, look at that, it’s another situation where Shepard is going to fail to rescue someone who mattered to her!
That is her breaking point, where she can’t bottle this all up anymore. That, for the sake of the mission, for “the greater good,” she’s bottled up her feelings and anger and resentment and fear, and yet, here and now, she can’t help it, she has to address it. She knows it’s unfair to Shepard – she heard about indoctrination, understands that it was something horrible for Benezia, that Benezia accepted no alternative to death, but people she cares about keep getting caught in the line of fire, all in the name of what, exactly? “The greater good”? “The ends justifying the means”? Chance and circumstance?
Hell, include some elements tying her closer to Ashley and Kaidan at this point – it connects the crew together more for when the Virmire decision hits, considering that this game only has banter in the Citadel elevators, which, given fast travel, is heavily skippable, and competes with news reports. There needs to be more development of the character interactions, so let’s do some character interaction here, if nothing else. (And maybe also include a post-Virmire conversation with her about how SHE feels about the loss of Ashley/Kaidan, yes I’m moving out of the scope of this DLC idea, but it’s good for characterization, dammit!)
Investigation happens, records and logs do the ‘ominous mood building’ thing... The end result is that what happened was that this planet once housed a prothean lab. A bio-engineering lab. They were creating something that (stated ambiguously, since Shepard won’t know about the Reapers properly yet at this point in the timeline) was meant to fight the Reapers, be something that could stand against them and protect the protheans. But by the time that it was done, the war was all but over, the protheans having lost. The protheans never got the chance to let it loose, pulling up stakes from the facility before the Reapers hit it. But as time wore away the tech, this thing they created has gotten loose on its own after a few thousand years. This thing is like the rachni on Noveria, having been grown in isolation – there was nothing else on this planet, it was literally the only kind of life around, even before getting to it being engineered as a weapon above all else. It’s too mad to save, must be put down.
Easier said than done, of course. The archaeological team are contained inside of it (I’m thinking held in some kind of crystal-like stasis pods on its back), and is drawing on them for life, sort of in the same way that Malak used the Jedi captives on the Star Forge in KOTOR, where it taps into them and heals itself based on their life force. So the Paragon/Renegade choice in here revolves around how much effort Shepard’s going to put in to saving the captives. Freeing them before they get used as batteries, probably with Liara using her biotics to rescue those who they manage to get loose (meaning she’s unable to act as support in combat because she’s busy focusing her biotics), or just killing them first – with Liara distracted and unable to provide support, that justifies the Renegade stance, because it’s one less source of firepower against the thing as it tries to either kill them or add them to its collection.
That’s important because that aforementioned friend of hers is going to be rescued either way the player chooses – Liara will insist on getting her out alive, even if Shepard foregoes saving the others. Regardless of the player choice, Liara’s friend survives, and, once the creature is dead, she’ll respond to how Shepard chose to resolve the situation, if she’s the sole survivor or if Shepard made an effort to rescue everyone. She’s grateful for her survival either way, but she’s angry about the failure to save the others if they were abandoned.
For Liara, though, the ultimate result is seeing something of the protheans being knocked off their pedestal – regardless of the reason (which, yes, we know to be extinction by Reapers), they abandoned this creature, left it to be consumed by madness. The point here is seeing Liara have a moment where she grows up – she has to acknowledge the protheans she pictured for the last century were flawed (Partially because it bothers me the way she speaks of the protheans with such rose-colored glasses even by ME3, when she says “it’s clear they prized knowledge, growth, and cooperation with the rest of the galaxy,” even before Javik sends that image crashing – a species who form an empire, whose legacy is memorialized as an empire, is not going to be first and foremost wise scholars). She’s realizing that whatever the reasons were for creating this, whatever caused them to leave it behind, they still did this to an innocent being that they were responsible for. It’s something of her “loss of innocence” moment, considering that Benezia’s death currently doesn’t really provide that (though, again, we ARE also addressing that... Details.)
Her friend is also going to get a few moments with Liara, talking about the archaeology team, and commenting about how Liara’s development has gone. This is a moment for Liara, to really help give her a character arc in the game proper – considering that she can be left on Therum until right before Ilos, she kinda doesn’t have much of one as it is. Also, this gives a chance for Liara to exist outside of Shepard’s world, considering how she bubbles herself into it as the trilogy progresses. This is someone who’s only really in Liara’s orbit, not Shepard’s, and it gives her a little more grounding and existence outside of Shepard.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Letter from Liara’s friend, commenting about how she handled Shepard’s death, expressing concern for her losing direction
ME3: The creature’s remains have been examined, providing a War Asset, if the archaeologists were saved, they provide an additional boost, Liara’s friend has a cameo on the Citadel after Thessia
An Alliance space station on the fringe of the Terminus system abruptly goes silent. As the Normandy’s stealth systems can get there without letting any invaders know, as well as Commander Shepard’s skill, Captain Anderson sends them to check on the station. The batarians specifically have been known to be in the area, but there remains the possibility that this is something worse...
Okay, out of the loyalty mission structure and direct character work, back to isolated stories in the setting. So, the frontier of space? I say this as a lover of scifi from a young age: It is TERRIFYING. You are on the edge of all that’s known, and any number of things, things you could never conceive of because they are so outside of your frame of reference, could show up and kill you. A flimsy barrier of glass (or transparent aluminum or whatever material they make those big honking windows out of) is all that separates you from a suffocating death.
Yeah, we’re doing a psychological horror story here. I suppose technically AGAIN, considering the stuff around the disappeared archaeologists in the above DLC idea, but that was as much about Liara as the atmosphere. This is pure paranoia and suspicion.
The inspiration I’m going with here is KOTOR 2’s opening on the Peragus mine. Something happened here, and the people are all dead or missing – a handful of corpses, but, yet again, we’ve got logs to find, and they’ll include people who we can’t identify among the dead. Because that gives motivation to stick around and solve things, rather than just blow the place to hell.
The first guess is that there’s a batarian slave raid happening here. There are indications that the Alliance officers here were thinking this at first, that this was some raid in progress – sure, it wasn’t open violence, but maybe they were softening things up, trying to get on board, lower defenses, and then let the slave ships show up and take everyone left. That’s what their last attempt at an outgoing message suggested, it’s what Shepard and company show up expecting.
But that wasn’t the case. The investigation continues through the station, with Shepard searching for signs of anyone still alive. And as they proceed through the station, there’s something that seems to keep just passing out of view. Something else is here with them.
Again, I’m skimping on the exposition here, just because the investigation is the important part, and that’s hard to develop without a layout of the station itself in front of me, and what and how the narrative has to adapt to the environment, but also because this is a very atmospheric style story, where the focus is in the build up, the mystery, the way to get to the big reveal of just what it is that happened here. In a story like this, the tension in this is built with how many times you think you’re going to have an encounter with “the monster” before you actually do.
This particular “monster,” as it turns out, is some kind of energy creature, something that came to the station from the unknown depths of space, drawn by the station’s power core emissions. All indications are that this is simply some space-born lifeform that evolved naturally, and isn’t like some Reaper weapon or anti-Reaper weapon. Just some non-sapient lifeform, drawn in by the power core (maybe it had been specially modified, to further explain why this station and why now), and ending up killing the inhabitants of it.
The thing about this is that I’m going to emphasize here is that I DON’T want this as some kind of creation of the Reapers or their servants OR something that was cooked up to combat them. This thing is entirely independent of anything to do with Reapers. One of the things that I appreciated with ME1 over the later games was the “lived in” nature of the galaxy, where there were a handful of things shown and revealed in the course of the story that just spoke to there being life and civilization wandering through the galaxy for countless millennia. Life is pretty persistent when given the chance, and there’s surely life that exists in the depths of space that is so completely alien to our understanding that we might not even recognize it as such. This creature is one such example of life but not as we know it.
Obviously, there’s a straight up Paragon/Renegade choice of killing or sparing the creature, finding some way to lure it off and away from the station. I’m also inclined for a neutral option of trying to humanely capture it – it’s a creature unlike anything they know, it could show them so many things about the greater universe in the examination – but I’m not sure I feel like there’s enough room in the series for that kind of variation, given the limitations – this IS meant to be DLC, you know? Or at least, hypothetical DLC. Either way, though, the end result is that there is a boss battle, Shepard having to either kill it or weaken it, the station is cleared of the threat and the Alliance gets to have the station back, with talk of it being repurposed into some kind of early warning system regarding threats from outside Alliance/Citadel space (hint hint, nudge nudge).
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Emails from the new station commander, referring to the reopening of the station and the fate of the creature
ME3: Station as a war asset, exo-biologists as a war asset, how they examine space-faring life in the galaxy and if they can be adapted in some way to resist the Reapers
A mercenary contacts the Normandy, claiming to have information regarding Saren. Following this lead, however, proves to open a separate can of worms, as the mercenary reveals their connections to a cult of people who view synthetics as the next step in organic evolution, and, knowing of Saren’s ties to the geth, seek to stop Shepard – or convert them.
So the idea here is to give more attention to something that seemed to be a running plot thread during ME1 and ME2 – machine cultists. The ExoGeni survey team on Trebin got huskified by an unknown artifact, and in ME2, there’s the mine on Aequitas. Yes, technically that hasn’t happened yet, shush. But we observe this in action in the games proper, and no one ever actually acknowledges it beyond the simple immediate reaction.
So what we have here is a merc, trying to contact Shepard, claiming they have info on Saren. No one really believes it – if Saren’s working with geth, he would have no need for the liability of organic agents. Yet they also can’t really ignore the idea either because Saren is why they’re out here (I really intend to take advantage of the idea that the whole party cast comes back for these with a full on mission briefing/discussion to kick this off – sounds like some fun opportunities for character dynamics with them debating the validity of this claim).
The result of going in takes Shepard and team to a planet where, initial impression, something is OFF about this place. It’s a prefab colony in early colonization, and something about how the people act just doesn’t seem right. They seem to be in an almost trance-like state that no one can snap them out of, a fact that immediately puts everyone on edge.
The merc is here (let’s say he’s a turian), and keeps things frustratingly vague until the arrival of a leader of the colony. The kicker with him being that he appears partially huskified (sorta like the Cerberus goon on Mars that Ashley/Kaidan find). Yet he still seems to be able to act seemingly independently. Of course, someone this obviously not-right has made himself a target, but all the people in the colony, including the merc, are all on his side.
Shepard can try to fight out of this, but they’re overwhelmed – there IS an entire colony of people, and there’s still the possibility of getting them free, Shepard has a responsibility to not shoot civilians (no matter what trigger-happy Renegades might think), and the team at least is willing to take that stand.
The explanation is that this is a group of wanna-call-themselves “next phase of organic evolution,” people who believe that they are the future. That’s what got their attention about Saren and Shepard, knowing about how he is working with the geth (it was an open session of the Council when they got made Spectre, after all). They look to Shepard as a potential threat.
When we encounter Machine Cultists in the game proper, they’re too far gone to really give any explanation. The comics seemed to draw on this – in Mass Effect Evolution, Saren’s brother uncovered one on Palaven, the Illusive Man was involved, Saren had to nuke from orbit the location of this device and his brother with it. We’re kinda going into the same territory with this, but, you know, Shepard gets to save the day.
So the merc shows up, trying to explain, offer the sales pitch (i.e.: the carrot), try to convince Shepard that their leader has the right idea, that this is a true joining of organic and synthetic, and that it will avert the “coming apocalypse” (just in case the whole ‘Reaper artifact’ element wasn’t certain for anyone playing). Then the cult leader shows up to offer the threat (i.e.: the stick), the warning that whatever Shepard expects to do, they will not be able to succeed.
For pacing reasons, I think of this as a pre-Virmire thing, so there’s not a direct awareness on Shepard’s part that just being around a Reaper artifact is a cause for Indoctrination, leading to a period of wondering how this happened and assuming it comes from direct interface – this is as much an explanation for why, if the implication is that the cult leader got to interface with a prothean beacon of some kind (actually Reaper, in the same manner as the vision that Object Rho offers in Arrival), they don’t have Shepard try to interact with this one, that they’re afraid of Shepard becoming like these people.
Anyway, jailbreak sequence! Because we can do better than just running a game of Simon in order to get Shepard out of their cell. Shepard finagles a way out of the cell block and to the colony’s science lab (it’s a frontier world, they need a science lab just to stay aware of all the new things they discover here). Among the things there is the record of what happened here, and specifically the existence of the artifact. Leads to a simple solution – blow up the artifact, and see what that does.
Of course, the artifact is guarded in the heart of the colony’s main site. We meet up with the merc again, who’s seeming a little uncomfortable – the indoctrination hasn’t completely taken root in him, and so there’s some question of maybe he can be reached. Paragon/Renegade here about dealing with him – kill him or spare him. That sparing will come back in a short while
Because now there’s the colony leader – the cult leader, effectively, at this point – to deal with. He’s angry about the damage Shepard has done to everything, ranting about plans to bring the glory of evolution to the galaxy. Yeah, he’s round the bend, the device effectively having melted his mind (okay, yeah, I’m getting flashes of Kenson here, but hey, same tech, so it’s not ripping off, it’s continuity!)
After dealing with him, the plan is to blow the artifact sky high. Here’s where the merc comes back into play – he says he’s too far gone, and wants to be the one to push the button on this thing, die with it. It’s his way of having a good death after this. Another Paragon/Renegade choice about his fate before blowing the thing sky high – the colony, unfortunately can’t be saved, anyone not killed getting there dies when the device is blown.
There’s an after action briefing, too, where, because, again, the idea here is that this is pre-Virmire, the crew really discuss the horrors of what “these Reaper machines” can do, and what if they’re not some geth red herring or something.
Basically, my idea here is that this is adding to the atmosphere and mystique of the Reapers, in a way that, with the game proper focused on the concept of advancing the plot, doesn’t get a chance. This is a more traditional feature of building up the menace, by showing the insidious nature of things, having the Reapers’ subtle side at play – we see references of Indoctrination, but we don’t really get the horrors outside of some talk – sure, there are the salarians who are in the Virmire facility, and Benezia’s talk, but it’s all second hand. This is a case where we see the effects spread across the entire colony, which, given resources in the game, is all of a planet we get to encounter, and Shepard and company are the only ones who aren’t, and that can go to the paranoia, where the people surrounding them all are giving off the vibes of being a threat, but they’re not doing anything. What can I say, I am a sucker for a good atmospheric story.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Email about the aftermath of the colony’s destruction, and the research done on the corpses on the effects of Indoctrination
ME3: War asset surrounding Indoctrination research, preliminary anti-Indoctrination tech being introduced around the Catalyst facility, if the merc sacrificed himself, his family offers a boost to turian military morale on the basis of how one of their own resisted (pointedly ignoring Saren)
The Mass Relays are the ancient devices that allow faster than light travel throughout the galaxy. The Charon Relay specifically was one that opened the way for humanity to join the races of the Citadel. This only makes a sudden distress call from the Relay all the more urgent, and Admiral Hackett believe that of everyone in the Alliance, Commander Shepard is right for the job.
So the Mass Relays are these massive facilities that are a key point throughout the entire trilogy. Why, exactly, do we never see one up close aside from transition screens? We should totally get to explore one! Like, I realize that it’s never explicitly said if there’s any kind of command station, or if “guarding a Mass Relay” was a ship-based action or if there was actual, physical contact with one, but I’m saying that something of the size of the Relays, even if much of it is a solid object, you maintain SOME sort of command structure within it in order to monitor and examine things. Even if the Reapers have some kind of robotic drones or Keeper analogues running around, doing standard maintenance, I cannot be convinced that there is not SOME areas of the actual Mass Relay that house facilities for organic life to work in. Especially considering the design having the light sources along the hull that we traditionally associate with acting as windows on starships and space stations.
So yeah, this is an adventure taking us into the workings of a Mass Relay proper. The general idea is that there’s a distress call from the Charon Relay, which is something that really worries the Alliance – lose the Charon Relay, humanity loses their connection to the galaxy at large. And the Alliance doesn’t want the Citadel to know about this, at least not right away – if something is impacting how the Relays function, the Council is going to demand getting involved, and the Alliance DEFINITELY doesn’t want to give the non-human races a free pass into humanity’s home system, so they’re calling on Shepard.
Also part of the novelty of this is that I kinda want to have the chance to explore what it’s like for those who are not exploring the stars in this setting – the Mass Relay’s crew is alive and intact and interactable. This isn’t one of the many cases of showing up too late to be able to properly save people (I’m looking mostly at ME2 on this count, even before we add in the above and below of my own creation).
Head of the team on the Relay is an engineer, not a soldier (pulling a name out of hat for them in the name of simplicity in this write up... Let’s go with Sarah Manning, just because my Orphan Black DVDs happen to be right next to me as I’m writing this and it offers as good as a placeholder as any – feel free to picture Tatiana Maslany as this character if you so choose, though, by the rules of this series, in an ideal world, this would have been DLC produced for ME1 in 2007, so this character would probably be at least a decade, probably more, older than she would have been at the time, oh no, I’ve gone cross-eyed...). She’s not just concerned about the Council finding out – not that she’s a Terra Firma type, just that she has Earth related pride and considers the Charon Relay humanity’s, and, on a personal level, HERS, given her responsibility for it – but also the lives on board. She wants to protect and preserve as many lives as she can.
The interior of the facility is a mix of reasonably sensical designs, in the areas meant for humanoid habitation, and something far more Eldritch abomination-y when we start moving out of those areas. And, you know, we pretty much HAVE to move out of them as time goes on, since that’s like half of the fun of this concept.
But we start in the more familiar areas, where everything seems normal. Except the people are missing (yes, I know I’m relying on this concept a lot, but it’s good as an in universe mystery and out of universe programming so that the game doesn’t have to account for like a dozen NPCs to fill space). In this instance, the distress signal itself indicates that the Relay’s station commander had ordered their people to a designated safe zone within the Relay’s structure, which is where Shepard will need to head to uncover things. Sarah’s staying in the control area, trying to ensure that nothing else goes wrong.
At some point in the midst of this, I do want the question of if the Relay will be/has to be destroyed to come up, better establish the idea that will come up in Arrival of the destruction of Relay in the game proper.
The exploration takes Shepard into the Eldritch-y areas, which, sadly, because I am a wordsmith and not a picture kind of person, I can really only describe as messing with perception and going all Escher in the design. Basically, the idea is to present the interior and heart of the Relays as being these massively complex and complicated machines that function on a level not really human (or, in the case of the non-human races in the game besides the Reapers, human adjacent). Because, first of all, this is faster than light travel, which means this is this is this franchise’s handwave for how anything happens on multiple planets and is dealt with in (in-universe) real time, and second, Sovereign talked about a level of existence beyond our own and such. This leans into that kind of concept – yeah, sure, we may have the Reapers be shown as effectively fundamentally understandable, but let’s at least justify the hype a little, huh?
The big idea here is that we’re kinda throwing back to the puzzle style of play that you used to see in computer games in like the nineties. That’s why perspective is going to be a part of this. Basically, the engineers on the Relay found something that tripped the security systems, sort of “unhinging” standard reality around them, getting them lost in the various extra layers (dimensions?) that the Relay works in.
I don’t really know if I see any kind of real boss or major decision here, because this is basically about the gimmick over anything else – Mass Effect isn’t a bad place for a gimmicky throwback, right? Maybe... Ah, something’s clicking here for me – the guy responsible for all of this happening in the first place. He was trying to access an archive – he initially thought it was prothean, but he’s been able to realize that this is much older. He wants to get this information, and is the last one we rescue. The issue is that it’s going to be a choice – rescue this guy and lose the archive, or save the archive and he dies. Like, I’m thinking that there’s some kind of rip or maybe a miniature black hole that’s sucking in the both of them and Shepard can only save one. That’s a solid Paragon/Renegade choice, especially since I could see arguments for both.
Anyway, once the crew’s all rescued and the choice made, Manning gets back to Shepard and says that this is about to get slapped with a security clearance so high she’d “probably have to kill [herself] just for remembering [she has] it” (because yes, I want that as an actual quote), and recommends that they get off the Relay before any superior officers show up to rake them over the coals for their involvement – Shepard’s a busy person, doesn’t need to get bogged down in the red tape that’s sure to come.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Email from Manning regarding the Relay’s subsequent stability
ME3: Manning’s team as a war asset/the archive being tapped for Crucible data and information on the Reapers (mutually exclusive – the team will have disbanded after the loss of the one member if the archive was recovered)
Planet of Peace
An attempt at colonizing a planet, with the aid of all Council races, in an effort at fostering galactic peace, sounded great on paper. The diplomats jumped on the opportunity. The reality has been... less than stellar. Considering the first human Spectre a bridge between races, the Council asks Commander Shepard to try and help smooth over relations.
Frankly, while I understand the focus on the threat of the Reapers, honestly, this seems like a legitimate issue that would be an instant demand for the first human Spectre. And, given the tension and hostility between the races (even beyond humanity against everyone else), it seems like a natural fit, in all honesty. Because it does seem like all the canonical colony worlds always start as one species attempting to tame a single world, rather than taking advantage of the unifying effort of the galactic community.
At the forefront of this colony is the retired human ambassador to the Council, Ambassador Goyle (Anderson mentions her when talking about his candidacy for the Spectres and we see her in the first of Alec Ryder’s memories, now we get to make her a character we get to interact with). This was her passion project specifically, thinking that all races had something that they could offer one another and need to come together.
Basically, she’s underscoring what I like to think of as a core concept of the series, being stronger together than separately.
But, of course, there are tensions. I mean, not even just because we wouldn’t have a plot without it. She is concerned that there might be some extremists getting involved – aren’t there always? When things are tense, some idiot’s always going to come along, see the stacks of dynamite, and decide to light a match. She is specifically asking that Shepard come to help resolve some issues, using their symbolism. Her request is fully aware of this being an exercise in flag waving, but it’s an important bit of flag waving – doing this here can make the galactic community a more stable place.
Bringing back in the element of having the cast back for these, I want to include quite a bit of companion content in this one, including something like how Dragon Age 2’s Mark of the Assassin DLC had a short companion quest for everyone. On a planet that’s a melting pot of the various races that make up the Citadel species, there’s going to be something for everyone here somehow. I don’t know what specifically right now – these write ups focus on the main plot, not the sidequests. But these are things that are there.
As for what is happening on the planet, on the small scale, there’s your standard culture clash brushfires, things that seem small and petty, but have accumulated for the people involved because they’re in such close proximity. But there is a strong Terra Firma presence as well, the “Earth for humans!” type, in addition to similar groups among the traditional Citadel races – this is still only a handful of decades past humanity’s entry, and as we’ve discussed before, the arrival of humanity has made things much more chaotic than they were before, and there’s more than a little resentment among the non-human races for humanity’s attitude and approach to things coming across almost as if they’re demanding more, without anyone Citadel side acknowledging that First Contact was a shit show of THEIR making (scroll back up and see Investigations for more on that...)
But the larger scale conflict is a group out to make sure that this planet fails in its mission and goal, drive a wedge between factions. I’m thinking of going the Star Trek VI route on this, that this group is an ironic banding of humans and non-humans, determined to see peace fall apart at the cost of allying with their supposed enemies, and using “look at how easily they turned on their own to stop this!” as a justification for their own hypocrisy.
Going with the Star Trek VI reference, this group is gearing up for an assassination attempt on Ambassador Goyle herself, believing that stopping her will stop the advancement of this idea. Now, Commander Shepard HAS to save her, we’re not doing the question of “can they stop it in time?” but, for all those pro-humanity xenophobic “Cerberus was right all along!” types, the response of Shepard will be to either name the conspirators and why or utilize their designated fall guy.
BUT WAIT! That’s not the end of this one. See, we’re also going to get an aftermath – the results of this will impact how the population react, and there’s a second story mission that requires a plot progression to access.
Returning to this planet (I feel like it would get some ambitious name like “Hope” or something, but I think it’s kinda provincial for the planet to carry a human name, so...), things are even tenser than before. We get to actively see how the fallout is impacting things, with people drawing lines based on the earlier assassination attempt. This is a lot like how the turian weapons merchant on the Citadel in ME2 will respond differently based on how Shepard resolved ME1 – side with one faction in the first part, their supporters approve of you and their opposites are angry with you, and vice versa.
Goyle appreciates Shepard’s return, because she’s seeing the place beginning to collapse. She’s feeling ready to throw in the towel because of how poorly things are going. Still, until the place closes its doors, she’s going to stand up and act like the leader she’s here to be. Shepard saved her life, she’s going to commit it to preserving this colony. But she wants Shepard’s help all the same, because they can leverage that heroism to helping put things here right.
Of course, here’s where we get to the big finale choice – are you going to strengthen this colony or break it? And sure, it seems straightforward on the idea of what’s good and what’s bad, but here’s the thing that the overall narrative develops through investigation – the Alliance and the Citadel need to allocate their resources. Part of the reason that the sanctioned colonies tend to be dominated by one species or another is a matter of need – when you have a primarily human/asari population, you’ll have to import in resources for turians, things like that – even if they’re trying to grow them on their own, they probably need to import like soil for nutrients and such.
And that not only gets costly, that can divert resources that are more greatly in need. In the long term, this could tie up resources that are needed elsewhere. In the short term, if trying to make these disparate races and cultures work together and play nice is taking up this much time and effort, isn’t it possible, isn’t it plausible, that there are better things to be doing with those resources?
So, do we try and heal the divide and potentially tie up resources in what has been an uphill climb from the start, and right before the Reaper War begins (for all you forward thinkers reading this), or do we cut our losses and focus on making these types of cross-species initiatives at a later point in time? That’s the Paragon/Renegade choice here.
The resolution comes and Ambassador Goyle will be either thankful for the effort or resigned that her great initiative isn’t going forward. Regardless of Shepard’s actions, she’s thankful that they at least made an attempt – she isn’t going to see them as failing if they opted to cut the losses, but herself.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Letter either from Ambassador Goyle, reporting on the colony, or a news service announcement of her having further withdrawn from the public eye after the colony’s failure.
ME3: For Paragon choice, there’s a decrease in dextro-food reserves, given the colony’s need, but an increase in interspecies morale, with efforts to incorporate multi-species crews underway, and vice versa for the Renegade
Daedalus Station
A space station on the fringe of Citadel space sends out a distress call. When the Normandy arrives, however, no one there claims responsibility for it. Yet the station is in a spiral, a path that will, slowly but steadily, lead the station directly into a sun. Commander Shepard attempts to save everyone aboard from the inevitable death, and discover why they seem unfazed at the idea.
Okay, let’s just acknowledge first, yes, I’m aware that the synopsis sounds not just like a rip off of the first mission of Leviathan but also “Incursion” above. I’m aware. Look, the synopsis is a short brief, not the full details, okay? Strictly speaking, it’s more in line with the events of Leviathan, certainly, but I want to at least acknowledge that I’m aware that there are similarities. Okay, they’re there, LET’S MOVE ON.
Anyway. Distress call, brings in the Normandy. Station is obviously in a death spiral. The moment that Shepard and company board the station, everyone is going about their routine. Obviously, something’s a touch screwy about this set up. Another investigation must ensue.
Of course, as we’ve established, details of the investigations are not where my expansions really shine – it’s easy to stretch out a discovery of this sort, with development A leading to clue B and making revelation C... Yadda, yadda. I’m about the what of these things, not the how.
The ultimate thing about this is twofold. Part one is that this is basically going to be an introduction to the concept of Indoctrination – someone discovered a Reaper artifact, and is trying to adapt it to their benefit. Because frankly, the idea that someone wouldn’t try and take Indoctrination for themselves... Yeah, let’s be real here. Someone WOULD.
Obviously, since we’re still in game one and the Reapers are still mostly a mystery at this point in time, there’s the question of what this is. But, hey, it’s still something that should have happened, and this is the time when there’s the most mystery and least immediate “oh shit, this will horribly backfire if we don’t just straight up blow this up now” reactions.
So, our villain. They’re gonna spiral into insanity (thematic mirroring – as the station enters the death spiral, they spiral into madness), so we’re not going to push too much on making them seem sympathetic, in the traditional sense. Honestly, in writing this, I’m kinda getting parallels to your average dangerous incel aspiring mass shooter, so we’re gonna go with that, someone who perceived themselves as more isolated and alone than they were – the investigation will have us find private journals from other crew pre-artifact that mention him, usually in the fashion of ‘he doesn’t talk much, but doesn’t seem that bad’ kind of messages. Meanwhile, his own talk about the others has a more downcast approach, that he knows they’re not interested in hearing about him, etc. etc.
You know, this is the kind of person who, upon getting the ability to manipulate minds is basically doing it in an effort to bolster his own self-esteem, turning people who were once a little sharp with him one time into his whipping boys, and making himself the king of this little hill.
The problem of his plan? The mental degradation. The last of those to fall under his sway sent out the automated distress beacon, and knew that there was a danger in this guy leaving – but they also couldn’t be sure that their efforts would be successful. It’s a case of the distress beacon being a double-edged sword – can their rescuers save them, stop this guy, or will they fall under his sway as well? But there’s no other solution. They set the collision course (and yes, I’m aware that this is happening on a space station, hey, the pilot episode of DS9 showed that the station could travel through maneuvering thrusters and such – the idea is that they wanted to find a way to destroy the station), and then destroyed the controls so it couldn’t be undone, and disabled the alerts so that the station wouldn’t alert anyone, setting it up to make it that the station’s sensors all seem to send the green light to the rest of the station – the false data would hopefully prevent the station crew from noticing.
Yes, of course I want there to be an apocalyptic log, why would I deny that BioWare staple?
Another thing that I want to do here is kinda retroactively at least make it a part of the universe that Shepard is resistant to the efforts of Reaper Indoctrination. The idea I’m going with is that some of the scrambling of Shepard’s brain (which, sidenote, I also want to take some time in this and call out the fact that it’s a PLOT POINT that Shepard’s brain gets messed with repeatedly throughout this game and no one thinks that might actually be a questionable matter – if a key point of this DLC is “dude, you’re messing with people’s minds, that’s rather unambiguously Not A Good Thing To Do,” then it’s an elephant in the room to not bring up that this is what’s happening with Shepard) has made them more resistant to these effects, though that probably means justifying this as having a watered down effect so that the companions are feeling the tug to fall under our villain’s thrall.
That’s basically where I picture the boss battle going, that Shepard has to fight against one of their companions, who has been compelled to be this guy’s defender against them. I’d say both companions, but that might be a little much, in particular on lower difficulties. So I’m going to say that Shepard can knock out one of their companions before they fall under the sway of the big bad’s influence, but the other escapes. I feel like there could be ways to offset the difficulties of this by way of like finding objects that counteract the signal or whatever, but the idea is Shepard versus companion. While it obviously has to end non-lethally, I feel like this is the kind of thing that is morbidly fascinating to see in just about everyone’s book. I’d also figure that it would depend on a handful of variables that make them resist more or less (because the game should reward investigation, right?)
When that’s completed (I figure it ends with Shepard destroying the controller artifact), it’s time to deal with the station about to be caught in the sun – the station’s going to be locked in a death spiral, but the people of the station can now evacuate. Which leaves the person responsible. On the Paragon side, Shepard is not judge, jury, and executioner, this guy should be given a fair trial. On the Renegade side, he’s a dick who took over people’s minds with no remorse on the matter. Whatever decision Shepard goes with, the station’s population will abide by – they probably want him dead anyway, right?
Aftermath does come into play, with a conversation with the companion Shepard fought against, because, especially if they’re a romance, that’s gotta mess with their heads. Also some general discussion of the artifact itself – obviously, while I expect a variation in the event this is played after Virmire, my idea of this is that it happens some time before it, so things like Wrex and Ashley/Kaidan’s deaths (or possible death) are variation options, this is basically something that I feel can influence matters – if Shepard and Wrex have already fought, for example, I feel like that would earn them enough influence come Virmire for Wrex to stand down there, it’s got parallels/foreshadowing... That kind of emotional work.
Also there’s some consideration about that artifact – once a technology exists, putting that genie back in the bottle is nigh impossible, so now it’s known that you can use this tech to control minds, someone’s sure to try and take advantage of this tech somewhere down the line – Shepard and company will discuss what kind of precautions can and should be taken about these kinds of developments in the future (hint hint, Cerberus/Illusive Man, hint hint).
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Letter from a station survivor, variation on the matter of how the responsible party was dealt with.
ME3: Efforts have been undertaken to block Indoctrination tech, based on the information that Shepard gathered on the station.
Fleet Crisis
With the concerns of Saren and the geth rising, Admirals Hackett and Anderson want to get a chance to upgrade the defenses at the heart of the Alliance. Arcturus Station, home to the Alliance government, is housing a defense meeting, and Commander Shepard is being recalled to speak at it. The Alliance may be facing another crisis, however...
(Two plot planets completed)
We have very little actual Alliance elements involved in the game, did you ever notice that? Like, there’s Admiral Anderson and Admiral Hackett, and we get the inspection tour thing from Admiral Mikhailovich, but other than that, we really are not given much about the Alliance proper. So the idea here for us to go to Arcturus Station and actually encounter the Alliance government proper. We only ever properly encounter the Citadel Council, not the government that technically, Shepard is under the authority of. The closest we ever come is the (rather useless) Defense Committee at the start of ME3.
So yeah, we’re going to the home of the Alliance proper, and seeing the Fifth Fleet – like my first time playing the game, I had no real concept of the Fifth Fleet until it shows up at the endgame. I kinda would like more foreshadowing, more textual acknowledgement of the fleet that is the reason why we end the game as we do. Like, we get to do a fleet flyby in the process, allowing us to see the size of the fleet and talk about what makes the human fleets different from those of the other races. Although the Citadel races do have their bullshit reasons for distrusting humanity, the fact that humanity has this massive force is a reasonable excuse for the behavior.
I also see this as a very different style DLC. As it is, we got one DLC that was basically a shooting gallery, so here, we’re in the opposite direction, where combat is taking almost a total backseat to dialogue – I mean you have a dialogue system like Mass Effect, where every line gets voiced, you would think that would imply that there’s a lot of faith in the writing, wouldn’t you think? And, the whole beauty of DLC in general usually is the fact that everything’s option – if you’re really all shooty-shooty bang-bang, you don’t HAVE to do this. But the whole series paints Shepard as this inspirational figure, and their oratory skills should be on full display as much as their ability to fire a gun.
I’m also kinda anti-“going to Alliance vessels and the in universe equivalent of the House/Senate halls/White House combined and freely shoot up the place,” just on principle.
Anyway, here we are, visiting the heart of Alliance space. We honestly really should have more of an idea of what humanity has accomplished in the universe. Arcturus Station, the home of Alliance government. This is a big deal for the crew, of course – it’s getting invited to speak at the Senate in Washington DC. For the various non-humans, it’s a big deal as well.
Now, of course, in the heart of Alliance government, the involvement of a bunch of non-humans is going to be considered questionable at best. I won’t go straight to “you can’t use any companions other that Ashley and Kaidan,” but there is going to be more of a sense of observation from the other Alliance officers and officials when the non-humans are in the party.
The first thing to note about this is that Shepard’s position as Spectre has made them a combination of being a political tool for humanity’s better advancement, but (as evidenced by Mikhailovich’s ranting) some are concerned that Shepard may be – intentionally or not – turned into a pure Council flunky and only doing the work that they approve, regardless of acting in humanity’s benefit.
That’s part of the reason Shepard’s even here – their position is getting humanity’s foot in the door with the Spectres, but this is creating a conflict in various corners, wondering about where their allegiance will be if pressed. Admiral Hackett is, of course, speaking in Shepard’s favor, but just because they have the approval of Hackett and Anderson, there’s still concern among the brass.
This is going to start out seeming very low-key – we’re in the heart of Alliance territory, who would be foolish enough to come along and mess with anyone or anything here, right? So a lot of initial tone-setting, discussion and debate – the first half is a debate sequence, with Paragon/Renegade points abound as Shepard discusses with the various Alliance officials what they’re doing as a Spectre. That culminates in Shepard’s oratory really getting to stretch as they approach the seat of governing for the Alliance, and all those earlier discussions start to add up to how their performance is among the bigwigs – if you talked up human dominance in the one-on-ones, then talk peaceful coexistence, for example, you get called on it.
After Shepard’s speech is over, that’s where we start to see the real fractures starting to take place. We’re not quite at ‘military coup’ levels (let’s leave SOME plot elements for the later games, huh?), but there’s clear dissatisfaction, that Shepard’s words have only fanned flames for – regardless of the way their speech went down, there are some among the fleet, admirals and other high ranking officers who were involved in the First Contact War and just don’t like how the Alliance is handling things.
It’s not a coup, but it is, in effect, breaking away from the Alliance to set up an independent nation, separate from both the Alliance and the Citadel. It’s still in its earliest stages, of course, but it’s easy to see how it might well turn hostile to both – it’s got several military figures from the Alliance leaving, meaning a vulnerable gap for the Alliance military, and it’s got lingering hostility for the Citadel races (turians in particular, but let’s also not forget that the asari, the famed diplomats of the Citadel, seem to have never picked up on the fact that the human resentment towards aliens comes from the fact that an alien government came along and tried to impose their rules on an unaligned species as humanity’s introduction to the greater galaxy – they are complicit here).
Shepard’s task becomes trying to prevent this offshoot from happening. These are orders being cut by President Shastri himself (let’s make this major Alliance figure a presence we actually feel in the series, huh?), with Hackett’s blessing – meaning if things devolve into a shoot out (which will be possible), Shepard will not be held liable for the deaths of several Alliance military figures, that the record will show that they were acting in the interests of the Alliance in response to an imminent threat of potential armed conflict, even a human civil war. No one wants it to come to that, but it’s also going to be one of the most likely outcomes in the minds of those involved – even if Shepard weren’t a Spectre, if someone of their rank and stature on the galactic stage gets involved, it’s because diplomacy isn’t working.
So there’s another segment of trying to sway the people involved. Shepard will have the choice of approached armed or unarmed (like I said, I dislike the idea of a shootout, but I feel like Shepard’s in a position both to be legally entitled to wear weapons in this situation AND uncomfortable going in without any weaponry), which will feed into the metric of how well their argument is received. Because it’s a mechanic so good, we’re using it twice! (Okay, really, it’s because “dialogue” is the gimmick of this idea, but shush.)
Anyway, the various ‘points’ accumulate to the ultimate confrontation with the heads of this group planning this splintering. Shepard’s arguments are going to be along the line of (to summarize) “you’ll only weaken the Alliance, that can’t be your goal,” “if you have problems, work within in the systems and listen to both sides of things,” “put this aside or else,” or “I support your efforts, but this isn’t the time.” Yes, I’m going with four paths for this, the dialogue wheel does offer that, and I want Paragon/Renegade options for each of these. Like you basically pick a path at the start and argue from that position. Depending on the “points” accumulated through dialogue (and probably a handful of sidequests) in the lead to this debate), it will come to either a peaceful resolution or Shepard pulling out their gun on a handful of high-ranking Alliance officers, ready and able to pull the trigger.
While shooting them isn’t an ideal solution, it can bring the others back into line. It’s just going to cause resentment within the Alliance itself – threat or no, these were respected figures among the Alliance. Meanwhile, folding them back in is an ideal solution, but it still means the resentment lingers, because Shepard’s only delayed the boiling over, not prevented it. There’s still tension in the Alliance because this was about issues that can’t be solved with a few words, especially when this was about the involvement and actions of the Citadel. Shepard might be a Spectre, but whether or not they’ve affirmed themselves as giving the Alliance its due, they’re now wrapped up in those politics.
The curveball in things is that last one, Shepard suggesting that they should wait on this issue. I think it’s a valid possibility among the various permutations of the decision point, to have Shepard support them, especially given that ME1’s Renegade Shepard could be a pro-human asshole, but, considering that this is DLC, and particularly DLC that, by my self-imposed rule, cannot change the base game’s story (because if I could do that, I might as well be rewriting all the games in this instead of just created additional content, and this is all hypothetical to begin with), we can’t introduce some new faction into the galaxy, especially an optional one. So the idea here is that Shepard is supporting it, but saying that they can’t make this A Thing right now.
There is an aftermath discussion with President Shastri as well, discussing implications for the future. I also figure that the companions should have a lot to offer in both the aftermath and the core interactions – again, I see Ashley and Kaidan as greatly recommended for this story, and the Alliance officers should have a lot to add, including conversations in the midst of the crisis.
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Email from Shastri as an update of the tension in the Alliance – it’s also something that should be impacted by the decision of the Council at the end of ME1
ME3: Tensions between Alliance and Council forces are impacted by the outcome – if they were swayed by persuasion to rejoin the Alliance, there’s actually a bump in assets, as well as the Alliance bigwigs being a tactical resource, while there’s a decrease in cooperation if the bad blood was fostered.
The Clean Up
The Battle of the Citadel is over, but even if the geth and Sovereign have been defeated, there is a lot left for Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy to do. Investigating the damage done to the Citadel leads to a possible lead on the Reapers. In the wake of the battle, Commander Shepard and company set out to chase it down...
So, as I said in the KOTOR editions, we’re adding a Post-Game to ME1 (since this is all hypothetical to begin with, so we’re going to make that alteration to the mechanics), pretty much solely because I want to do some development of the aftermath of the game, as well as do some retroactive set up for Mass Effect 2. Because I don’t think there was a lot of emotional wrap up to the characters at the time. I will grant that we’ve got an awkward period of time between the games here, but, hey, we’ve got enough wiggle room I think to lead in to the opening of ME2
Basically, we can start in what’s basically the immediate aftermath – Shepard’s now out of their recovery, is looking to get back in the game. But, with the Council either still reacting to the events of the Battle of the Citadel or still needing to be reassembled, there’s really not any particular indication of what to be doing. This is some mood setting, looking at the rebuilding effort, how the Citadel was impacted and seeing the response of people to the attack – some are still shaken, mourning their loved ones lost in the attack, hoping for the lost to be found safe, and all that sort. Others are angry about the attack, and the ultimate approach to it seems to basically be blaming everyone, and Shepard in particular since they’re there, for the failure to protect those on the Citadel – and yes, we absolutely get to call out this bullshit for what it is, because Shepard tried, but the Citadel itself is something of a complacency trap, and even if the politics weren’t a distraction, the fact that the Citadel itself remains aloof is an actual problem
Anderson speaks with Shepard, regarding the geth that are still out there in the Traverse, and the need to deal with them before they put more human colonies in danger. The bigwigs are already trying to downplay the Reapers – Anderson basically tells Shepard that they need to go out, find proof of something that ties back to the Reapers or the Council will likely turn around and make this all about the geth and call it over (uh, yeah, Shepard, about that...).
The lead involved is going to be heading out to the border of geth space, which is also the line of what used to be quarian territory. This is convenient for Tali, who wants to return to the flotilla now that Saren has been dealt with. There’s a trading outpost that will be out there that will give her the opportunity to get a ride back to the Migrant Fleet (because, despite a couple of references, I have never believed that Tali lingered too long on the Normandy – either she has to get her data on the geth back to them, or she has to discover an alternative). Because part of this is also going to be the “characters splitting apart” stuff as set up for ME2. Tali’s going to assist through this branch of the mission, but she will want to come back here before the Normandy returns to Citadel space proper.
The trading outpost is Omega-esque, something of “the poor man’s Omega,” again, setting that up for ME2 (we’re doing a lot of world-building patches here, okay?) The citizens here don’t care about the Alliance and they’re not all that concerned about Spectres, either. This is not a friendly place and will not just accept the appearance of anyone with the supposed authority that Shepard is representing.
This is kind of an introduction to ME2’s merc gangs – ME1 seems to play the systems of the Terminus to have their own government, species not represented among the Citadel races, and just this general atmosphere of the Terminus being more developed than it ends up being when we actually go there (which, yeah, that’s how writing and developing and world-building goes, but we’re here to smooth things over). I’m leaning towards not having the big three on Omega be all that represented here, considering that, lawless border or not, this is not really a place where they care enough to expand their influence. But they should at least be mentioned and referenced as the big dogs of the pack, that the gangs that jockey for power here want to take them on. Probably some poaching of members (through recruitment or snipers) from those gangs that make their numbers never get to where they might pose a threat.
Anyway. What needs to be done here is find out where Saren discovered Sovereign – that’s the idea we’re going with in trying to track down evidence of the Reapers. Sovereign had to be hiding out somewhere, you don’t just stumble across something like that. Considering this is one of the last places you’d expect to be able to find a Spectre, especially a Spectre who is one of the Council’s top operatives, it’s a decent enough starting point for us as the audience – we’ll say that there are records that Saren was out here shortly before the Eden Prime mission and such, explaining why we’re starting here.
Garrus is also going to have a realization about the merc gangs, about the horrible things they’re inflicting on the people who are living here, and being infuriated at the injustice allowed to happen – the effective attitude of the officials here are basically ‘look, unless the merc gangs come after us, we don’t care.’ This is going to dig under his skin (plates... you know what I mean), lead him to why he ultimately breaks with C-Sec, despite Shepard being able to lead him to a better understanding of the rules and regs – he understands the need for them, but sees them being used and abused to allows these injustices to continue, that it becomes a personal mission to see ‘justice’ and ‘law’ be synonymous.
As for the plot, yes, we’re getting there. This does, of course, lead to a shoot-out with a major gang force here, some people who are indoctrinated spies (because, hey, we’re looking for evidence of Reapers). They were left behind as part of Saren’s contingency plans, meant to stop anyone hunting for him – it’s just that the investigation that Shepard went on in the base game didn’t send them here. Even with Saren and Sovereign dead, they’re still here, still indoctrinated – a reminder that this is a permanent thing, a devastating thing, because there’s no way to take the Reaper compulsion away. But this leads to learning about a place that Saren ventured to from here, a place wracked with dangerous phenomenon. The only way to get there is with a crack pilot – which, fortunately, Normandy has.
There’s a brief pause from plot for some further expansion with the others – Wrex has been contemplating the krogan, given what went down on Virmire. His people are dying out, maybe not in the way we traditionally think of it, but still in practice. What is there for the krogan but to be used and abused by the Sarens of the universe, so long as all they care about is getting offworld and fighting and dying, usually being pit against one another as the proxies for stupid, pointless conflicts. It’s not right, and it’s beginning to eat at him.
And then there’s Ashley/Kaidan. Given the events of Virmire, both of them are thinking about the family that was left behind – Ashley’s sisters lost one of their central figures, Kaidan’s family lost their only son. They both are trying to write a letter of condolence to their counterpart’s loved ones (and specifically asking Shepard about the one they should be writing), trying to figure how they can make it better that they were saved at the other’s expense. It’s a complicated matter, and I want to just explore, even retroactively, how these two were friends, were close, potentially (if Shepard shuts down a romance with both of them) starting to come together. Just a bit that not only reestablishes the friendship and emphasizes that the fallen character is not forgotten, plus giving more context to how they’ll say that they and Shepard got through the other’s death together in ME3
This is a point for some romance content, which, I realize I have yet to bring up Liara’s character bit for this – don’t worry, it’s coming. But we do pause for some smoochies.
Anyway. The Normandy arrives in the hazardous area and we get a team meeting – remember how back in the first of these outlines, I brought up wanting to give more for Pressley? I haven’t directly mentioned him much since, but here’s a place to feature him, in the same way that the landing on Ilos does, showing him having a greater involvement in the strategy and such. Team Shepard needs to figure out if there even is a place to investigate within this area. There are sensor ghosts that might be something that they could land on and investigate, though it’s too small for a Mako mission (I may love that tank, but I feel like its final ride being the trip through the Ilos Relay is poetic and I’m not going to mess with that). Joker gets his moment of putting the Normandy through her paces (which is also going to add to the pain of her loss in ME2’s prologue, that she could pull this off, but couldn’t out-fly the Collector ship).
They detect something with a similar energy signature to the prothean beacons on an asteroid large enough to land on, which makes it reasonable for Liara to go with – take the prothean expert to a place that could hold more information on the protheans. She’s nervous because of the confirmation of the Reapers has just made things really real for her – this is facing the same thing that destroyed the protheans, and how can they stand against them, given the protheans’ advanced nature?
Let’s also take a moment and, given the indoctrinated nature of the mercs who attacked back on the outpost, to have some follow-up for Benezia’s death – I may only be speaking for myself, but it has NEVER sat right that Liara’s response to that is to simply go “I choose to remember Benezia as she was,” given that Shepard was, regardless of their reluctance, responsible for the actual bullet that ended her mother’s life. She’s struggling – could the mercs have been saved? Could her mother? Could what they find below offer a way to have saved them, and, if so, would Saren have had it, could he have freed her mother before her death? Did she have to die? Why did her mother have to die? Cue Shepard offering their support for her emotional struggle.
And yes, for Liaramancers, this is where they get their smoochies.
As for what they find... Geth. Plenty of (heretic – though Shepard doesn’t yet know this) geth. They are crawling all over the facility, it’s a firefight all the way to the central database, and, as our big final boss, we deal with a geth augmented with some of Sovereign’s tech, meant to be a Reaper upgrade for the geth. Obviously, this is not going to make it into the geth consensus (heretic or true), and this is effectively the only existing prototype.
The result of this is that they do find an archival interface, the same kind that allowed the communication with Sovereign on Virmire. Unfortunately, it can provide nothing – without Sovereign connected to it, it’s got minimal functionality – something might be recovered, with some time and effort. But the facility is about to move into the areas of this area of space that will fry any systems that get close to it – Sovereign probably had this place selected in the name of being a place where anyone who might stumble upon its hiding place would decide to move on because it’s suicide to remain in the area.
The only choice is to return to the Normandy, without any additional evidence. There are indications of geth vessels having moved out of the area and into other sectors, which could give them something to go on for further investigations. But, with this stage of the mission being a bust, Shepard is going to have the Normandy return to the earlier outpost in the name of allowing all ashore who are going ashore – Tali, Garrus, and Wrex, specifically, but also any other Normandy crew willing to stand down for the time being. Investigating this further is a strictly volunteer mission. This will, of course, lead us to ME2’s prologue...
Post Game Followups:
ME2: Mentions of Shepard’s activities on the outpost while on Omega, a letter from a scientist, passed on by Anderson, about further studies made on indoctrination being done on the sly, considering the lack of approval from the Council.
ME3: Further research has been done on indoctrination, now publicly, and makes for a scientific war asset, the remnants of the merc gang that were indoctrinated have reformed and reassembled as a roving band of resistance fighters against the Reapers.
Bisexual Ashley, Bisexual Kaidan, proper close outs to other romances, romances require proper flirts to start, additional conversations for all characters
Look, no one in space is heterosexual, okay? I don’t make the rule, I just enforce it. Actually, considering the context of these, I DO make the rules, and “no one in space is heterosexual” is one of them, so deal with it. Kaidan is canonically bisexual as of ME3, so there’s no reason he shouldn’t be canonically bisexual in ME1. And we’ll throw Ashley in for good measure, because why not? And we definitely – DEFINITELY – need to do something about the romance mechanic that seems to assume “I would like to get to know you better” means “you, me, my cabin, the way to Ilos, yes/yes?” There needs to be explicit markers for closing out a romance WITHOUT locking you out of conversations with the character in question (particularly considering that now, all of this game’s romances can be options in a given playthrough). And yeah, I think there could stand to be a few extra conversations with the characters, that focus on the characters proper – for most of the crew, they basically end up acting as glorified Wikipedia entries on their species, or, in Kaidan’s case, the plight of human biotics. Let’s give them some more personalized material that lets them tell Shepard something about themselves (and offer Shepard something similar, as character development for the both of them).
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digicrack93 · 4 years
Big Data Analytics and its usage in contemporary world
Well according to the definition of Google the big Data Analytics can be defined as:  “Big data analytics is the often complex process of examining large and varied data sets, or big data, to uncover information -- such as hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, and customer preferences -- that can help organizations make informed business decisions.”
Now the question arises is why Big Data Analytics. Before understanding this simple question we should think about what it does?
Here are the 05 main functions of big data analytics:
Reviews are excellent data resources worth taking advantage of. Reviews roll in often, so you should watch out for them on a regular basis, depending on your product or service, they’re likely to be on Google, the App Store, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and so on.
Predictive Analysis: Until recently, consumer data analytics was a slower process and therefore it was used to analyze the past. Today, there are several tools that allow you to use the data in real-time. So, instead of only looking backward, executives are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning software to predict what certain customers will want in the future.
If Predictive Analysis is about improving future customer experience by using consumer data, Real-Time Product Feedback works… instantly.
So far, we’ve been talking about ways you can analyze your own company’s data to boost your business results. However, it’s also important to keep your eyes open and look at what your competitors are doing.
Net promoter Score: The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a very common and popular method for conducting customer experience analysis and measure customer satisfaction. As the name suggests, it’s a numerical score, and it is calculated by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your brand or product to a friend/colleague on a scale from 1 to 10. (1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest and most positive.)
Well after understanding the needs and necessity of the Big Data Analytics I will come to my point of making the graduate engineers molded into it and give then a classic opportunity to nourish with the help of this specific technology. Taking the example of the electronics industry here are the core advantages of data analytics:
Predict Change in Demand: Data analytics can be applied to help a company predict and respond to changes in demand. Some demand changes are cyclical with others influenced by environmental factors. Data analytics can help bring in and connect many disparate elements to make prediction possible in a way that it wasn’t previously. In using data analytics to build a predictive model, a company can anticipate fluctuations in demand and adjust available supply accordingly.
Reduce Cost: In a competitive environment, the supply chain is constantly pressed to become more cost-effective. In using data analytics, an organization can continually compare real-time pricing and availability from suppliers, incorporating the history of order accuracy, transportation and logistics costs, and many additional variables. Utilizing analytical insights, electronic component purchasing officers can be confident that they are always receiving the highest-quality product available at the best price.
Increase Efficiency: A supply chain using integrated data analytics tools becomes transparent, from start to finish. Duplicated efforts are eliminated, as are manual processes, as automation is key to data modeling. The electronic component supply chain becomes more efficient and, as visibility is increased all along the process, opportunities for improvements are more easily spotted, and the focus can turn to implement better business strategies.
Flexibility: Data analysis can help a company predict changes in an operational environment, and with some foresight, it can result in a more flexible organization that rapidly responds to environmental changes. Flexibility is critical to adapting to a changing environment, and rapid, appropriate responses are key to remaining competitive.
Scalability: A company that has harnessed the power of big data can use that information to pursue and support a growth strategy. Typical growth strategies include growing a customer base, expanding into new markets, or offering new products. Data analysis can promote growth by providing information that is vital to growth strategies including customer preferences, regulatory differences, competition analysis, and more.
Each technology is boon for humanity but its upon us that how we invest that technology into the welfare of human beings. Some examples are as follows that how can Big Data Analytics can be useful in generating the income equality in India. The engineers. the data scientists can come over it and make our country a better place to the liver in. here are the ways that how it can be done with a variety of masses and benefit them.
Providing Density and Location Coordinates to Fishermen: Nadadur also cited another use case where analytics helped in providing information related to the density of fish along with the location coordinates to the fisherman. This could be a big booster to the lives of fishermen, increasing their efficiency, and in turn, profits.
Predictive Analytics for Farming: In 2016 Microsoft collaborated with International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and Andhra Pradesh government, to develop a new mobile application for farmers. The idea behind developing the Sowing App and providing Personalized Village Advisory Dashboard was to provide powerful cloud-based predictive analytics so that farmer felt empowered with information and insights which were required to make farming decisions.
Reducing Dropout Rate at Schools with Microsoft: In a bid to improve Andhra Pradesh’s education ecosystem, Microsoft is working with the state Government on a machine learning-based model to analyze and predict dropouts and take preventive action. Andhra Pradesh government uses Azure Machine learning to predict which students are likely to drop out of school across its 10,000 schools. Officials have created more than 6,00,000 predictions using Azure Machine Learning, revolutionizing how Indian local governments increase student retention.
So, concluding with the motivation of graduates who are confused to go how and where can drag themselves to the usefulness of Big Data Analytics for the benefits of personal being as well as the society.
Analytics has become an attractive career destination for MBA students. The field offers exciting and challenging work that leverages business as well as technical knowledge in a largely merit-based environment. The financial rewards are great and growth opportunities aplenty.
There was a time when businesses looking for analytic professionals would primarily focus on candidates with a master’s degree in quantitative fields such as maths, Statistics, Economics, and Computer Science. PhDs were in great demand too. A couple of things have happened in the last few years.
Firstly, the analytic tools have become more user-friendly. A lot of the latest tools are GUI-based. Instead of learning a coding language one now needs to just master the graphical user interface of the tool, which is a lot easier.
Secondly, experience has taught businesses that effective analytics exists only in the context of a business and a business problem. Those who have strong technical and quantitative skills but a poor understanding of the application of analytics in a business context are likely to be weak performers. Even experienced statisticians sometimes get caught up in the technique and accuracy of their predictive models and forget to pay sufficient attention to common sense and business logic.
With the above-mentioned issues of points thoroughly discussed is complete as of now. Give it a thought and I am sure you can conquer the aim you aspire for.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
Opening Gambit (Final Rose/Gate)
Taren’s brows furrowed. “Easy there, buddy.”
Fury slowed to a stop as the two of them eyed the carnage ahead. Bodies littered the hillside. From the looks of them, they’d been dead for at least a day or two. More troubling, however, were their armour and weapons. Climbing off Fury, Taren knelt and picked up a sword.
“This is steel,” he murmured. He lifted his scroll and scanned the weapon. “And old-fashioned steel, at that. We haven’t made steel this way in centuries.” He walked over to one of the bodies and peered at the armour. “Segmented armour. Nobody has used that in centuries either.” He reached out with his senses. “No traces of residual Aura either.”
Fury gave a low rumble. “Kweh.”
“Yeah. Grimm did this.” Taren used the spear form of his weapon to turn over a nearby body. “See those? That’s the work of Beowolves.” 
Taren blinked. “What?” He followed Fury’s gaze and stared. There was a… wyvern amidst the carnage. It had been ripped to pieces, but it looked like something out of a fantasy novel. “We don’t have wyverns on Remnant,” he said. “None of this makes sense.”
“Kweh kweh kweh.”
“All right.” Taren got back onto Fury. “Let’s keep going. I’ve got a strange energy signature up ahead.”
X     X     X
Taren made sure that his equipment was recording as he gazed upon the strange, massive arch that dominated a clearing in the middle of the forest. He’d passed this way almost five years ago. There had been nothing like it then, so either he’d somehow managed to miss it, or someone had built it recently.
He patted Fury’s side. There were people here. They looked like soldiers of some kind. They’d set up makeshift fortifications around the arch, but it was clear they were struggling simply to hold on. They wore the same armour and used the same weapons as the bodies they’d passed earlier, and the majority of them were in terrible shape. Given the Grimm he’d noticed gathering nearby, he doubted they’d last more than a day or two at the most.
However, his musings were interrupted as more people appeared from the arch. No. His jaw clenched. That wasn’t an arch. It was a gateway. But where did it lead? He doubted it was to anywhere on Remnant. None of these people had Aura, and he’d never met anyone on Remnant who didn’t have at least a little bit of Aura.
It was a good thing this gateway had appeared in the middle of nowhere. These people, whoever they were, had arrived armed to the teeth. If they had appeared near a settlement, it was possible they might have attacked it. Out here, though, in the middle of the wild, they only had the Grimm for company.
“Let’s get out of here,” Taren said to Fury. “We need to let everyone else know about this.”
X     X     X
“A gate to another world?” James Ironwood growled. “Are you sure?”
Vanille sighed. “I’ve been over all of the footage and data that Taren was able to record. I think that’s what we’re dealing with.”
“As if we needed any more problems,” Ironwood covered his face with one hand. “We have Grimm and now invaders from another world?”
“We don’t know if they are invaders,” Ozpin pointed out.
“Look at the footage!” Ironwood gestured at the hologram. “They came armed to the teeth. Does that look like a diplomatic party to you? The only reason we don’t already have casualties is because that gate of theirs opened up in the middle of nowhere.”
“Their technology is noticeably below ours,” Vanille said. “They’re using swords, crossbows, that sort of thing. There isn’t a single firearm amongst them although some of the footage does show strange marks, possibly some kind of energy-based abilities.”
Lightning folded her arms across her chest. “They’re clearly not used to fighting Grimm. Based on the footage Taren gathered, their defensive formations and fortifications are all wrong. They’re set up to fight people, not Grimm.”
“We have to seize control of the gate,” Ironwood said. “If it really is a gate to another world, we cannot afford to let it remain in the hands of a potential enemy. Once we control both ends, we can worry about establishing contact.”
“I’m with Jimmy on this one,” Vanille added. “We don’t know what or who is on the other side of that gate. Our best bet - our safest bet - is to take the gate, both sides, and fortify it as much as possible. If they’re peaceful, then that’s fine. If they’re hostile, it’s better we face them there than let them establish a foothold here.”
“Indeed.” Ozpin steepled his hands together on the table. “I shall advise the Vale government accordingly, as well as break the news to our other associates. A unified response will be necessary. Still, this could prove to be a great boon to us.”
“We could have allies,” Ironwood said. “Or at the very least, an entire world of additional resources to harvest for our war against the Grimm.”
X     X     X
The Expeditionary Force under the command of Lightning arrived at the gate only a week after Taren had returned to civilisation. It consisted of ten thousand infantry troops with additional mechanised units and robotic support units, along with one hundred huntsmen and huntresses. Prior capture and interrogation of enemy soldiers by Jihl and her elite forces had revealed their objective: to conquer Remnant and subjugate its people.
They arrived to find the gate in the hands of the enemy who had reinforced it with enough troops to repel the Grimm, albeit with heavy casualties. With air support, the Expeditionary Force crushed the remaining Grimm forces and advanced on the gateway.
It was at that point that things took a turn for the worst.
When Lightning sent a messenger to offer parley, the enemy responded by opening fire on the messenger. When her second and third attempts were met in the same way, Lightning concluded that Jihl’s analyses were correct and that the enemy were indeed hostile and ordered her troops to return fire.
The enemy had established fortifications using wood, stone, and local materials harvested from the forest. Lightning had, under her command, one hundred tanks from Vale’s military, each of them designed to fire ammunition powerful enough to kill or at least injure large Grimm.
It wasn’t even a fight so much as it was a slaughter.
Within moments of opening fire, the tanks had levelled the meagre fortifications of the enemy. Combined with artillery and air support, the enemy were soon in complete retreat. Lightning ordered her infantry to advance. Any who surrendered were taken into custody. Any who refused to surrender were put to the sword.
It was ruthless, but the advanced translation software that had been deployed by Vanille, Raine, and Diana had already started puzzling out the language of the enemy. Mercy was one thing. But mercy for a force that had come to conquer was quite another. She and the others had not fought to protect the world from Grimm only to turn it over to invaders. Added to the information Jihl had personally extracted from the minds of captive enemy soldiers, the conclusion was incontrovertible.
With the enemy on one side of the gate defeated, Lightning ordered an advance, spearheaded by the robotic units and drones. Travel through the gate revealed further enemy fortifications. Here, the drones proved decisive. Designed by Diana, the hunter-killer drones were purpose built to engage swarms of Grimm by deploying cluster bombs and shrapnel-based aerial explosives.
Against huntsmen and huntresses with powerful Auras and state-of-the-art equipment, or against the mechanised forces that had become increasingly integral to Remnant’s armed forces, such weapons would have been of limited effectiveness. Against the relatively lightly armoured troops of the enemy, however, they were devastating.
Within minutes, the drones had turned the entire enemy camp on the other side of the gate into a storm of shrapnel and fire. As the onslaught receded, Lightning’s armour - tanks and mechs - advanced, forming the tip of the spear that shattered the enemy’s tattered defences. Behind them were her infantry, methodically crushing the enemy’s formations and morale with their steady, relentless advance. 
At the same time, elite teams of huntsmen and huntresses were deployed to harry the enemy’s retreating forces and to capture enemy commanders and key personnel. Within hours of commencing the assault, Lightning’s forces had complete ground and air command of the other side of the gate and its immediate surroundings.
Lightning estimated that the enemy had sustained no less than forty-thousand casualties. With the enemy in full retreat, she turned her attention to fortifying her position. With the use of robotic labour and Semblances, a gigantic fort complex was established that consisted of four layers of defences that were not only manned by her human and Faunus forces but also by more and more robots, drones, and other automated auxiliaries.
With control of both sides of the gate established, further forces were deployed to ensure Remnant’s forces maintained complete ground and air superiority. The deployment of satellites followed soon after with satellite imagery being used to provide detailed maps of the surrounding area and the deployment of enemy forces.
It would take almost a month before the first enemy forces began to gather for a counter strike. Lightning watched them arrive from deep within her fortifications. Given what she had at her disposal, she almost pitied them. There were at least a hundred thousand of them, but she doubted they would even get so much as a single shot off before they were cut down by artillery, machine gun fire, lasers, and whatever horrors her drones and robots could unleash.
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nctinfo · 6 years
[TRANS]  NCT U Interview for Vogue Korea ‘Super Youth’ March 2018 Issue!
In an era of uncertainty, NCT made its debut like an organism with a free survival method that expanded and transformed. The cells of NCT U in 2018 are Taeyong, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Mark, Lucas, Jungwoo and Winwin. On the border between boys and adolescents, they show how much they can live in the black frame. 
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Lucas’ white shirt is from (Dior Homme), denim pants are form (Rag&Bone at Beaker), belt (Bottega Veneta). Doyoung’s shirt (Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello at Boon The Shop), denim pants (Levi’s). Mark’s t-shirt (Juun.J), denim pants (Bell&Nouveau). Jungwoo’s denim jacket, pants (MSGM). Winwin’s top (Juun.J). Taeyong’s knitted vest (Maison Margiela at Boon The Shop), denim pants (MSGM). Jaehyun’s shirt, denim pants (Calvin Klein Jeans). The last idol that I have given a line to public broadcast as a fan, is H.O.T. When I was dreaming of a reunion in 17 years through <Infinite Challenge>, I met NCT U, NCT's unit. It took three days to understand the organic, futuristic and neolithic group called NCT. Jung Hyungdon, who runs the idol program, asks NCT's team, "So what is NCT?” I found and watched NCT’s neat videos on Youtube. For fans, it might be a familiar term, but it's a simple matter. NCT stands for 'Neo Culture Technology', which is a concept of infinite opening and infinite expansion. Any number of members of the unit may be increased or changed. NCT U, NCT127, NCT DREAM are active in NCT. In April 2016, NCT U, who made their debut with the digital single '7th Sense', has five members, and NCT U who sang 'Without You' has three. The NCT U of 2018 I met had seven. In 2018, NCT's full members are 18 members, including new members (Lucas, Jung Woo and Kun). It's like a rap with a rhyme. “NCT is a completely new group format. It may take a while, but if you understand it completely, you'll definitely like NCT with a new system and form!” (WINWIN) "NCT is like a brand.” (MARK) "NCT is a team that is not trapped and always pursuing newness.“ (JUNGWOO)
NCT is coming to life. If each member were to be a cell and when they unite, they create a new organism. Not only the members but also the music, performance and (fashion) style will vary depending on the case. A minors-only team, NCT DREAM, are boys with an innocent image riding on hoverboards and sing 'Chewing Gum' before they become men. Named after Seoul's longitude 127, NCT 127 emphasizes the masculine image and dream to conquer the world. NCT U brings out different performances and matches the style of the song like a separate unit. These newcomers are rather pleased with this repetition of reforming and changing (the concept). "Sensible ballads, hip-hop, splendid performances, it's nice that I can show you many different sides of myself" (JAEHYUN) “I can show you a fresh image every time.”(LUCAS) “For the fans, we can often comeback with different looks ”(WINWIN)
Until now, idols always have a certain key style, character, and identity. Like these specific adaption: sexy, feminine and beastdols, and like how GIRLFRIEND, Boyfriend, Oh My Girl and Seventeen have their identity explained through the team name. NCT aims for 'de-identity' (t/n: not having one specific identity) and rather adapts to the future. We don't know how the future will look like, there's not one thing that's for sure, it can change quickly and I know many adaptions/preferences will coexist. SM, who has always been a half-foot ahead with new/fresh idol styles, has this time taken a whole-foot ahead (which is somewhat difficult to understand) and introduced a new union of idols to the front. In 2016, during a business summit, head Lee Sooman said SM would be reborn as 'New Culture Technology'. The stage was decorated by NCT (Neo Culture Technology). They are what SM describes as the future.
NCT also has SM's past. SM has made successful artists through trial and error. EXO's perfect worldview and narrative, SHINee's hitbox and Red Velvet's refreshing images. It can be fully implemented to the cell combination of NCT. "Because our team can change continuously we're trying to show you good music and performances like our sunbaenims" (DOYOUNG). "NCT has a variety of colors. We think, the more colors, the more beautiful and pretty it is" (TAEYONG).  Before the appearance of groups with 9 or 11 idols was shocking but 'there must have been one member you'd like'. Now you can say that NCT has all you want in an idol group, music, and performances. This style sums up "tal-style (different-style)" and rather creates NCT's own style. "It's our goal to create NCT's own genre. We want to reinterpret NCT's various concepts with a quality feel. "(MARK) 
Mark is active through all of NCT 127, NCT DREAM and NCT U. Though there’s probably no idol that doesn’t work hard anywhere, you can see how hard they are working in a tough world with infinite scaling just by looking at Mark. He has been writing lyrics for a long time. These days he writes his lyrics on his smartphone and keeps a diary on his notebook. “Even if it isn’t for an album, I still often write lyrics by myself. Though the feeling of being a producer is still far away, I am constantly trying to be creative because I’m greedy” (MARK)
Even when they talk about their favorite musicians, they always end it with their 'willingness to try'. "Like Frank Ocean, I want to be a musician who is continuously searched for and lingers in your mind. I have a habit of listening to many great singers like him. It's for my own development. And to become a great singer, I first have to become a good person so I can appreciate the world a little bit more and fill up my heart generously." (MARK) The same goes for the other members. "Every day I practice, study/research and try to broaden my horizons." (JAEHYUN) "I think the fundamentals are important. When I become a better person, my songs and dances will also be heard and seen better. " (TAEYONG) "I always watch other singers and different stages to analyze them." (JUNGWOO) "I practice, practice, practice." (LUCAS)
With my auntie mind, I want to tell them that they are doing well and can run less (hard), but I'm not in the position to say this. They have a dream. The dreams of racers don't easily let themselves get exhausted by the restrains of the world. For them, the tough times should be overcome before they can be sad. "I organize my thoughts through conversations and I keep a journal for myself" (MARK) "I create a box/space of my own and try to see my true self." (TAEYONG)
The burden of Taeyong, leader of NCT, would be heavier than the other members. "It's not easy to gather all the NCT members in one place. Since trainee days, I always thought it was important to get acknowledgment from the team first. I try to take initiatives and imagine myself in their shoes. At first, I thought it was not going as I wished it would, but that was a wrong thought. It shouldn't go according to my will, but according to the will of everyone. It takes everyone's effort and that's what makes a team. I'm grateful for the members who come along well and work hard." (TAEYONG)
Many things change, but what has/will never change in NCT.  "Our connections with our fans. This applies to other teams as well, but for our team, our connection with our fans is really important." (DOYOUNG) "What never changes is our view of the world. Even when we're not together, I think that empathy with one another through our dreams and music is permanent. The standard of our music that matches our worldview will also not change. It's our responsibility to prepare in good conditions." (MARK)
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NCT U's keywords for the upcoming comeback are empathy, dream, and NCT. "The goal for this comeback is first of all, for all the members to have fun without getting hurt. I'm also worried about the new members who will make their debut. And I want to meet many fans again. We need more communication, sympathy, and connections with the fans." (TAEYONG) "In a society where there is superficial and fragmented communication, because of a busy life or for other reasons, we wrote a message through NCT's music with hopes of empathizing with one another. We will be the bosses that will lead you to empathy/genuine connections. Please believe and follow us (laughs)." (JAEHYUN)
Translation: Esmee, Selin, Teddy @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Vogue Korea
— Please take out with full credits
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techsunk12 · 2 years
Teenager’s View On Social Media: How It Impacts Them?
Social media and teenagers have a deep bond as it provides them with an instant connection with the world, breaking the boundaries of physical distance. The role of social media has evolved from just being a platform to chat to connect, share information, get help, know the problems or issues across the world, etc. Teens use social media as a tool to express themselves, showcase their talents to a larger audience, and maintain relationships. Social media effects on the 21st-century teens are great and highly influential, but it also comes with negative outcomes for which they must prepare themselves.
In this article, we will focus on a teenager’s view on social media to understand the virtual world from their perspective and guide them if required as it is the responsibility of every responsible adult to share the pros and cons of technology, no matter how popular they are.
Also, read about: Technology Taking Over Us? How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind !?
Social media
First, let us understand what exactly social media is before jumping in to understand a teenager’s view on social media and the tips to keep them safe yet not affect their privacy. Social media platforms are digital technologies that facilitate or provide a medium for everyone to connect, share their thoughts, media, etc with all those using the platform, as well as view their shared contents. It is an internet-based service that helps users to connect quickly to e-communication or electronic modes of communication. 
The contents that are shared on social media include audio files, videos, images, personal details, etc based on the user’s consent. One can access social media through almost every digital or smart gadget such as smartphones, desktop or laptop, iPad, tablet, etc using the software or application.
The usage of social media is high in countries like the U.S.A and Europe, but Asian countries like India, Indonesia, etc lead them. On a global scale, more than 3.8 billion people use social media. Social media has brought in a major change in the mode of communication, on a daily basis in our lives. This platform has its own boons as well as consequences based on how one uses it. 
Social media and teenagers
The relationship between social media and teenagers is very important to understand, hence knowing a teenager’s view on social media helps. Social media is important for teenagers and everyone who likes to keep themselves in the trend, knowing the situations in various places across the world, share their lifestyle or ideas, etc as it gives the users the power to connect almost instantaneously with others and share whatever they want. This also helps to identify people with similar tastes or even notice the activities of your favorite personality, but as said earlier, it is important to help them understand that sharing personal details of life is like controlling a double edged knife, it can also prove to be disastrous if not handled properly. Some of such negative aspects include bullying, blackmailing, or a sense of pressure that forces them to behave or present themselves in a particular way.
Teens use social media to talk over a wide range of topics and discuss them with others. They can share their accomplishments, issues that they face, or simply glimpses of their life. According to a survey, more than 60% of teens share or post their accomplishments whereas the rest share information about their personal life, family, etc. From these, about 30% of teens express their emotions or feelings on social media platforms related to their life, politics, religion, discrimination, etc.
Also, check out: 5 Foolproof Ways To Protect Your Social Media From Hackers
Factors affecting social media usage
When we look deeper there is a significant difference in the topics that the teens share based on their gender, as well as age. This is because not everyone feels or looks at the world with the same perspective, factors like childhood, family situation, maturity, etc play an important role. 
When compared based on gender, it is evident that more than 50% of girls tend to post personal information about their family, feelings, beliefs, etc when compared to boys. However, this is a general conclusion as social media, and its importance in one’s life varies from one person to another. Another finding is that even though selfies are popular, most teens do not prefer to share them or post them on social media.
So, if those teens with a few years of age difference behave differently to social media platforms then it must definitely be hard for the previous generations to understand their views or issues. So, let us check out the various social media platforms for ease of understanding.
Considering that young people have different social media habits than previous generations, it can be difficult for parents and other adults to understand the challenges young people face. Here’s a glance into what your children could also be thinking.
Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook
Snapchat and Instagram are the go-to social media platforms for teens. Snapchat is a platform that focuses on one-to-one communication as well as group chats along with giving importance to sharing ‘Snaps’, which are the images captured in the moment of sharing, unlike in Instagram in which one can share media taken even days ago. Snapchat also allows users to share their selfies with filters on it, and Instagram allows chatting, sharing ‘Story’, posts, etc with a caption that best depicts the media.
Instagram and Facebook have several uses apart from for entertainment, many use them for marketing their products or services, developing business by reaching out to the audience for free, and understanding the current trends.
The aspect that parents or well-wishers must focus on is the concept of pressure building or anxiety development in teens as most of what is shared on these platforms such as pictures are those that they look best in. This concept of moving to an extreme extent to bring in perfection can affect the mental health of teens.
Also, read about: Tap Your Social Media To Generate Leads: Facebook Marketing
In this article, we have discussed a teenager’s view on social media along with understanding some of the popular social media platforms. Hope this article was useful to understand a teenager’s point of view on social media.
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innothoughts · 3 years
What is Print Media and Why it is better than Digital Media ?
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What is Print Media ?
Print Media is one of the earliest and most fundamental kinds of public communication. Newspapers, weeklies, magazines, monthlies, and other types of printed periodicals are included. Print material is created mechanically or electronically through impression or photocopying. Printers may create many types of communication by utilising automated digital technology. Print media is a type of mass communication in which news and information are made and disseminated through printed publications. The general public receives this information and images or graphics in printed form, often known as hard copy. The printed medium of communication is made up of physical documents in colour or black and white.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Print Media ?
Print Media has been the most popular advertising medium for centuries, and no new media has been able to threaten its continuing appeal with consumers as well as savvy advertisers and marketers. The primary reason for this is that print media is one of the most trusted modes of communication and one of the cheapest methods to reach many people quickly. However, as digital media marketing has become the current trend in marketing, many marketers have forgotten about print media. However, marketers and advertisers should not underestimate the impact of print media, especially in this digital age, because
Print media is preferred by 18- to 23-year-olds over digital information.
Print advertisements are trusted by 34% of customers more than search engine ads.
Even most of gen z read 9.1 magazines per week.
1. Attract visual learners : Many magazine readers are drawn in by flashy graphics in publications. As a result, if you have a great ad design, the outcomes are always encouraging.
2. Still outperforms digital advertising in terms of ROI : Print material is highly likely to be kept at home, re-read, and shared. Newspapers and magazines at doctor's offices, libraries, and public areas have a lengthy shelf life, which improves the visibility of your ad. Print advertising has a better chance of sticking than digital ones, which go away quickly.
3. The customer base is devoted : Print media has a significant number of devoted customers who buy the newspaper weekly or monthly for months, if not years. As a result, you can be confident that your advertisement in print media will receive a lot of attention.
4. There are several possibilities for flexible print media advertising : From features to full-page advertising to tiny ad listings, you have the freedom to choose the sort of ad that best suits your needs and budget.
5. Establishing trust : Print media is one of the most trusted media channels, according to research. Because consumers buy from individuals they trust, print media advertising may generate more sales than any other medium.
6. Reach various generations : Newspaper and magazine readers can range from teenagers to young people to older citizens, allowing you to target a diverse variety of consumers effortlessly.
7. Ideal approach to advertise your brand if you are a local business or group : To raise awareness among the local population, you may efficiently distribute flyers in public places and publish your advertisement in local publications.
1. Not intended for a worldwide audience : Print media is not the best way to spread the word about your company if you want to reach a worldwide audience since it is challenging to locate print magazines read globally.
2. It necessitates extensive preparation : Getting your work published in print media is a still lengthy process. You must prepare your ad, create ad content, pay someone to design it for you, and then submit it. It is stilly to the publishing, and the payment is processed. The procedure might be time-consuming and difficult.
3. It is difficult to target a particular audience : It is difficult to target specific audiences using print media. Targeting those who wish to buy a camera, for example, is impossible with print media such as weekly newspapers.
4. It might not be noticeable : Even if you pay for a full-page advertisement, there is always a possibility that your ad will be lost amid the other promotions because print media publishes a lot of advice on every issue.
5. Increased cost : Getting published in print media may be quite costly.
What is the future of Print Media ?
As technology tightens its grasp, the world is transitioning to online media and evolving into a digital environment. It's difficult to remember when all of this was new, and print media was the most dominant source of marketing and news. But, with the rise of digital media, can print media/advertising platforms such as billboards, magazines, and newspaper advertisements still have a future?
The answer is yes, for a straightforward reason: authenticity. Don't get it wrong: it is not suggesting that internet forums are not legitimate, but there is so much information on them that it may be challenging to know what to believe and which news is false. Print media is an excellent support system for your digital efforts, enhancing the output of the marketing concepts you apply. As you can see, print media is far from extinct; yet, this may be owing to its traditional nature. Even if we embrace change and the world goes on, we still like reading the newspaper with our morning coffee or opening those newly glossed magazine pages to read at our leisure.
What is the scope and areas of work in Print Media ?
Print is the most ancient and powerful type of media. Print is a primary pillar of mass media in today's world, and it is increasing in every way, whether in tiny and significant newspapers or magazines. Every single print demand is displayed. Young people who wish to work in print media should prefer reporting. We have seen that print requires silent specialists in photography, artists, editors, computer experts, librarians, and cartoonists. Students with expertise in photo skills, graphics, and other animation parts, as well as other sources, are invited to work in print media. There are other places where you may acquire work in print media, like the ones listed below.
1. Editing : Editing is all about how you intend to oversee the preparations. Every newspaper has its editor, who seems to be a qualified editor and covers all aspects of the checking process. They propose innovative ideas and define the publication's style. Every newspaper's editor has a good understanding of their market. Assistant editors report to the editors and are in charge of specific areas such as sports, foreign news, local news, supplements, etc. Editors are also in charge of finding authors, budgeting, and negotiating contracts with freelance writers. When a reporter submits a story, the editor is responsible for making modifications to it. Editors are like all-rounders for every component. Selections, mistakes, and so on are all in the hands of editors.
2. Reporting : In any newspaper or magazine, reporting involves filling the pages with tales and occurrences concerning local, state, national, and worldwide happenings, presenting many points of view on current topics; and closely monitoring the entire situation.
3. Column writing : A newspaper hires professionals to write regular columns. They are tasked with determining who will write the piece regularly.
4. Drawing cartoons : Cartoonists also play a significant role in print, such as when it comes to drawing drawings of political parties or events in print media. Photojournalism is an art form that uses photographs to present a complete tale. Photojournalists provide photographs that they enjoy. The photos should appear to be describing the entire scene.
Why is Print Media is always better than digital media ?
Print Media is more trustworthy since news cannot be changed or erased once it is published. In contrast, we may change or erase the contents of digital material. As a result, individuals in charge of newspapers and periodicals will exercise extreme caution while disseminating news or stories. As a result, print media is more reliable than digital media.
Because all of the material is gathered in a newspaper or magazine, following print media may save a lot of time.
Even yet, some distant locations in India have poor internet connectivity. Print media is a boon to them since it keeps them up to date on what is going on in the globe.
For many people, these days, studying and working entails spending time in front of a screen. As a result, print media provides a welcome respite and relief. Furthermore, more and more people are now choosing for Digital Detox time. Print media is extremely beneficial to them.
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Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”
These words by
Yann LeCun
Professor, New York University, correctly describe the inevitable link between AI and humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term which was coined by
John McCarthy
in 1956, but it took a lot more time for the term to become as widespread as it is in today’s times. We may all have heard about the various applications of AI like chatbots, self driving cars or robots that mimic human behavior. Not only we heard about them, we are surrounded by AI enabled devices in our daily life, be it smartphones, facial recognition systems or even voice-assistants like Alexa or Siri. But, to begin with what really is Artificial Intelligence? In simple words, Artificial intelligence is a modern-day
high-tech technology
that makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. It enables systems or devices to be enriched with intellectual abilities of humans such as ability to reason, learn, analyse or interpret. AI enabled devices continuously learn from human behavior and they keep on improving their output over time. Not just in personal life, application of AI has huge benefits in store for businesses as well.As per a research from Tractice, there is going to be an rise from 9.5 billion U.S dollar in 2018 to 118.6 billion U.S dollars in 2025 in the revenues coming from AI. Let us look at some of the potential benefits generated by AI enable device.
Benefits of AI
Improved Customer Experience – Customer is of utmost importance for any business and a good customer service experience increases the probability of customer retention. Today most of the interactions with customers occur via email, online chat, telephone calls, social media conversations, etc. All these require human intervention but with the help of AI, companies can
automate these interactions
and overcome those problems which might arise due to human shortcomings. A single AI enabled system can handle a large number of customers at the same time, save costs and put in place a uniform communication platform. AI can help develop accurate real time responses. Also, with the help of deep learning it can identify emergency situations and quickly escalate the issue to the concerned individual. Personalized Marketing – Personalized Marketing is the need of the hour. Past experiences of marketers have shown that personalization has really helped improve in acquiring customers. We all have experienced the same in one way or another. Have you ever noticed that when you view a product online, later all your social network profiles are filled with the advertisements of that product? This is nothing but Personalised Marketing. ML algorithms can continuously analyse online behavior patterns and effectively track user behavior to provide personalized product offers and target the appropriate audience and deliver required results. Predicting Outcomes- Prediction in AI can be two ways. In one case, it means predicting likelihood of a particular future event on the basis of historical data and in the other case, it involves assessing the event that already occurred to be genuine or not, like fraud detection. To perform prediction, Ai breaks up a problem, interprets it and finds the right data. Then it evaluates many machine learning algorithms to find the one which is best suited for your problem and delivers the output within minutes. It provides
meaningful insight about customer, brand or assets
. This way companies can protect themselves from potential threats and save on costs. Increase Output and efficiency – AI can help automate mundane tasks enabling the workforce to focus on other activities and develop new and enhanced methods which ultimately help to increase outputs and lead towards development. AI can also predict future equipment failures and can lead to reduction in annual maintenance costs and inspection costs. Many operations of supply chain like procurement, strategic sourcing and cost management can also be done via AI. This way it helps reduce costs and increase efficiency. Reduce Error – Humans are prone to making errors but Artificial Intelligence can reduce the extent of it. Since, it doesn’t have opinions or emotions, it makes decisions only on the basis of available data without taking into account assumptions. AI is also free from any bias or prejudices. This means that if there are any bias in our AI enabled applications, it is not because of the system but because of human error while feeding data in the AI system. This capability of preventing bias is highly beneficial in hiring processes and enables organizations to create an inclusive and diverse working culture.
Artificial Intelligence across Industries Many industries have started implementing Artificial Intelligence across verticals. Let us look at some of the industries and how they are using AI.
Healthcare – With the complexity and rise in data in healthcare, AI will surely establish its domination in this field. Using the patient’s data and other sources such as clinical research, AI can help medical professionals build a
personalized treatment path
for everyone. Devices like fitness bands with sensors enable users to track their health. AI can also help in diagnosis and treatment recommendation, detecting tumors and create more precise pathology images. AI enabled devices like smart glasses for visually disabled, prosthetic body parts or hearing aids can also help people with disabilities and be a boon to the society.
Finance & Banking - Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of human efforts. In Banking & Finance industry, AI techniques can be used to detect fraudulent transactions, create a quick and accurate credit score, enable smooth customer identification and authentication, automate processes like KYC and AML and offer great cost savings. There are some programs which suggest users the right time to buy and sell shares. This helps amateur traders and save them from risks. Many a times, banks come across situations where customers are not able to pay their debts. This can lead to huge losses. AI can help prevent this situation by digging deep with customer’s transnational history and delivering a prediction about customers’ propensity to pay back.
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Retail -
In Retail
and E-commerce sector, AI provides many benefits due to its application in handling large amount of customer information, stock and inventory operations, and sales forecasting and predictions. AI in retail can be used to predict search behavior. It gives the detailed analysis of wants and needs of customers. Because of AI, a retailer knows who wants what, when and where. We all have witnessed this at one point. Many eCommerce sites also provide us with discounts or recommendations based on our past purchases. If we use artificial neural networks for the purpose of modelling of price expectations in various locations may assist retailers in the area of geo-targeted sales. With the help of virtual try rooms we are able to actually try clothes or glasses before buying them. This absolutely makes online shopping a wonderful experience.
Education – Do you regret not being able to learn a new course because of your strict schedule? Well, Artificial Intelligence has come to your rescue. It has changed the way people learn. From a traditional classroom setup, we have moved to anytime anywhere learning with the help of virtual classrooms. All of us a different pace of learning, and AI understands it. AI adapts teaching methods and materials to the needs of individuals and transforms how learners find and interact with information. This will surely improve the education outcomes and make accessibility truly transformational. Not just for students, but AI has also helped institutions by enabling the automation of administrative tasks and minimize the time required to complete difficult tasks so that the educators can spend more time with students.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(IT) – Since IT sector is all about computers, software, applications, the role of Artificial Intelligence in this sector is of particular importance. AI definitely had a positive impact in the working of IT sector. In the current era, data security is very important and with the help of AI we can
detect potential threats
and data breaches and take the necessary precautions to prevent them. AI also helps developers to improve the structure of code with the help of various algorithms and provide useful suggestions. Many back-end processes like regular backups can also be automated and performed efficiently without any human intervention. Many tools can also help detect bugs and improve the code quality.
While, there is no doubt that AI has an enticing number of application areas, paving the way for a remarkable AI-led future, but at the same time, it would be stupidity to ignore the challenges associated with AI. The above graphic shows that AI is a complex web and there are few obstacles that need to be overcome for a transition to AI. As
Artificial Intelligence
continues to evolve, one cannot imagine a world without it. While there’s no way to know to define the extent of advancement of AI technology, it does seem obvious that it will become an integral part of our lives. It will surely impact the way we live, the way we work, the way we interact with each other and the way we experience the world. So, its better that we embrace the challenges and counter them for a smooth AI enabled future.
Contact us
to be on the forefront of innovations coming to disrupt the businesses and embrace the upcoming industry shift. Sakshi Bansal is a budding manager with strong technical background. She aspire to combine her technical and management skills to solve modern-day business problems for continual growth. She also like to share her perspective on the current industry trends, best practices, and business perspective.
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An Introduction to Computer Science Textbook Solution Manuals
A wide range of disciplines is interlinked with Computer Science viz computer science, information systems, computer engineering, and information technology,
These disciplines mentioned above are collectively called computing. This family of fields is linked with each other in terms of computing and this is the primary objective of the study. Since they are interlinked, it has its research standpoint and the emphasis is on curricular.
 Simply put, Computer science is a concoction of computers and computational systems. A departure from electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists, a majority part involves in software and software systems that come from theory, design, application, and development. The main area of study is a gamut of topics like AI(Artificial Intelligence), networks, database systems, human-computer interaction, numerical analysis, programming, and more.
Concern for scientists:
Oftentimes, students of computer scientists believe that programming is the major pie of computer science. To be candid, it is one of the areas, but not the entire gamut of computer science. The main concern of computer scientists is to what problems can be solved with the computer as well as the complexity of the algorithm that helps to solve the problems.
  A slew of benefits that proffer to us by Computer Science. Let us walk through it:
1. A good means to meeting needs.
2.It warrants overlooked people.
3.It drives towards a more balanced world in terms of socio-economic disparity.
4. Enhance the health care system.
5. To foster better education.
6. Helping communication to be expanded.
7. foretelling and eschewing cataclysm.
8.It brings more positive vibes in every sphere of mankind.
  Why it is important to learn?
 It is well-documented that the discipline of computer science is leapfrogged. In keeping pace with the rapid growth of computer science, there is an acute shortage of computer science professionals. This indicates students' exposure to technology and resources is not enough to motivate the students, and another reason does round that adequate attempts are not made to encourage students. The rapid digitization has prompted more students to learn computer science and thereby excelling their career aspirations. In this digital era, there is a compelling need for logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Irrespective of the discipline, students ought to learn computer to create a file, researching a specific subject for their academic requirement, and many more. Simply put, it is the part and parcel of our life. 
 What is their role?
 The role keeps on varying depending on their area of choice. A synopsis runs as follows:
Software Engineering: They deal with software development, Website development and, mobile app development. These apart, they ought to have good programming knowledge.
 Hardware Engineer: Rectify the flaw of the hardware, design, and maintain physical products.
Network Engineer: They are quite familiar with network connectivity, systems, and mending the glitches in network-related activities.
 The IT sectors keep on changing very rapidly in terms of emerging new software technology. So the students of Computer Science are always keeping pace with the changing dynamics of the IT world.
 Career Perspective:
There is no iota of doubt that this discipline proffers a dollop of rosy opportunity. Computer Engineers graduate has higher salaries at the outset. They can easily shuffle from hardware or software, or it is a combination of both. Some career paths state below:
 1. Computer and Information System Manager:
 The professionals in this area supervise the computer activities of the corporation. They implement technology to meet the corporation’s objective. 
 2.Computer System Analyst:
 They help their employees to efficiently use and run the computer technology.
 3.Computer Hardware Engineer:
 Those Hardware Engineers have a wide range of activities like design, research, development, test, and also supervise the implementation, and installation of circuit boards, and, computer systems. Besides, they also tinker with computer peripherals.
 4.Computer Programmer:
 The main intention of a programmer is to establish a relationship with hardware and software. With the help of coding by the programmer's force computers to do various works that the people are very much aware of. Without software implementation, the computer is just a showpiece in the showcase. Hence, the utmost importance is attached to the programmer.
 5.Computer Support Specialists:
 Computer Support Specialists are the troubleshooter for customers' problems or any staff within the organization. This includes software installation, debugging Operation System, and other computer-related problems. 
  6.Website Developer:
 They are mainly responsible for developing the website and maintaining the website.
7. Software Developer:
The basic function of the software developer is to test, designing, installing, and identifying computer systems built by them on the behalf of the corporation. Software Developer also helps to develop an application for the business Once the development of a specific application completes, they take responsibility for maintaining as well as updating the program to make sure all the loopholes of security are plugged and it's ready to operate with a new database. They can make an application that can be used by the corporate for their internal use.
 8.Web Master:
Oftentimes, we find sleek websites are abundant in today’s world. Earlier it was just a novelty. But the novelty becomes a serious engine for corporations and businesses. In today’s time, the website plays a pivotal role in the nitty-gritty of the corporate world. The webMaster has to have all the relevant knowledge of the website. The person abreast of all related aspects of the website. He examines the performance of search engines, their speed as well as functionality. Besides, the Webmaster also keeps a tab of the content and other relevant marketing aspects. He may also take part in the administration and server-related activities.
 Why students suffer a great deal under the weight of academic commitments:
The concept of education has undergone a sea change in keeping with the current time and age. A newfangled idea sweeps across the educational domain all over the world. Learning and earning at the same time have become the mantra of the current age and time. Apparently, it looks normal. But troubles start brewing to maintain the parity between working and academic commitments. 
  Besides, when the students dive deep into the subjects and start solving the awkward question, they become confused as they ate unable to solve those difficult questions. At this juncture, they feel quite demotivated and ponder over the possible ramifications. There is no iota of doubt that this mentioned discipline provides an oodles of career prospects. But to make a mark is a daunting task. At this juncture, Textbook Solution Manuals would be the right solution for them. 
 Do solution manuals act as a panacea for all students' academic ills?  Let us explore.
 The ever-changing concepts of education are palpable in recent times. Considering today’s time and age, learning and earning are gaining momentum in the sphere of academics. As a result of this, many students do a part-time job in order to support their educational expenses. Therefore, it becomes a difficult task for students to maintain parity between education and work. 
  Instant slaking is, perchance, be the mantra of today’s world. The famous adage “slow but steady wins the race” relegates to gradual insignificance in the pacy world. At this juncture, they want solution manuals to get around academic predicament. Solution Manuals provide them an instant solution. That is precisely the urgency on part of the students. Besides, the finest techniques the solution manuals are adopted, it is the boon for the students to comprehend it in a better light.
 Undoubtedly, textbook answers are an asset for students:
Put down your worries into the dustbin. Textbook Solution Manuals are here to help you get rid of your academic distress. These solution manuals provide them a glimpse of hope and help them to regain their confidence.
 At this crossroads, the name that pops up first is Crazy for Study, a trusted and accomplished academic online platform for students. It has already carved out a niche in this domain. Therefore, it is the best podium for students to get straight away homework and assignment solutions. 
   An enviable repertoire of Textbox Solutions:
 It houses an astonishing repertoire of textbook answers i.e. more than 50 million and the good news is you can access the treasure trove paying a small amount of $7 monthly. Put your mental agony at rest as this reliable website provides you sheer legitimacy and bug-free products. 
  A bagful of  advantages using Solution Manuals. Take a tour:
 1. Computer Science Textbook Solution Manuals keep you refreshed continuously. Perusing reg ularly, the reader can certainly improve their subjects to a large extent. You can umpteen times revise these manuals and in this process, you may come across different jargons associated with it. Nourished with a dollop of information paves the way for better results especially in competitive exams.
2. You can start at any point in time:
You can start it at the outset. The more you are into this subject, the better you get an insight into the essentials of this. The striking feature of manuals is their flexibility in terms of learning, revise it as many times as you desire.
 3. Convenience to carry :
You can carry it anywhere, start reading at any point in time. It is very easy to use. Therefore, it is virtually less burdensome for students to carry on. 
4. Know how to use gained Knowledge practically:
The theory is the bedrock of any subject. You must have a sound grip over your subject. Whatever knowledge you have nourished so far is only the half story told, you need an equal amount of practical exposure to comprehend it completely. Textbook solution manuals blend those concepts nicely. Perhaps, no one comes close to compose in such a wonderful way.
 5. The complete intolerance of plagiarism :
We are quite intolerable regarding plagiarism.
6. Strict adhere to proofreading: 
We strictly adhere to proofreading.
7. Our pride, others envy: 
 An unmatched pocket-friendly price.
 8. Nicely united all pertinent things in one place:
Students often distract due to the presence of a sea of solution manuals. They are in a state of discombobulation. Thanks to textbook solution to contain all things in one solution manual keeping everything in perfect chronologically order. The textbook answers are comprehensive and to put all things in one place is no doubt a commendable feat, so to speak. The main intention of this is to eliminate the complete dependency of teachers and students are in a position to focus on their subject without being digressed. 
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craftypeachmiracle · 3 years
We Provide Quality Voice over Translations
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Talking only about voice over, perhaps, does not justify the whole concept. Others that are very much related to voice over introduces here.
Dubbing and Voice over are the means through which interpreting a message to new and different audiences. While the former is more refined in the direction of emotive, tonal, and enhances the quality of the original soundtrack. The latter is simply narrative without having total and emotive aspects.
 Voice over is generally referred to as a production process, a corporeal body narrates behind the screen in radio, television, and film. A narrator leads his voice without appearing and it is a kind of storytelling behind the screen
 Dubbing is very much in the film making process. In order to enhance the new dialogue and other sounds to the already shot motion picture. Most commonly, we can see dubbing when the picture is made in a different language and dubbing helps to interpret in the local language we understand.
 While dubbing care ought to be taken in matching the lips movements in tune with the dubbed language. An attempt is always made to come close to the original artistic quality of the foreign language while dubbing. Cent percentage accuracy may not be the case always. Hence subtitle is more suitable in that case.
 An attempt to drive away from the confusion between dubbing and voice-over.
 Oftentimes, there is confusion to distinguish between the mentioned aforesaid. Even the most familiar with the aforesaid concepts may feel a bit of difficulty in differentiating the concepts of dubbing and voice-over. However, for the sake of clarity, there lies some difference. It is an age of information. Every passing minute, we are bombarded with a different form of information presenting in a myriad format. Filtering those information depends on the context. The same information can be used in different ways based on the requirements. Take a look:
Voice-over: The narrator's voice is heard in a loud pitch while the backdrop sound of the original audio is still audible. In this technique, no need for lips sync. Since the speaker is viewed broadly, tone, emotion does not play a significant role here. 
 Dubbing: In this case, the original narrator’s voice is changed significantly in tune with the new recording. Care ought to be taken in the direction of lips sync, tinged with tone and emotion. A speaker can spend a substantial amount of time with the editor and producer to perfect the rendition in-studio premise. 
 Why businesses harp on this?
The surge of voice-over translation services across geographic boundaries can be attributed to the rapid expansion of the business throughout the world. The initiation of compelling requirements of the businesses goes to globalization. With that, the world has considered being a global village transcends the barriers that were the most insurmountable problems faced by the businesses. 
 More and more corporations are showing tremendous interest to expand their business on a global scale. Never in the annals of history, businesses have the means to reach the target customers. Video and Audio are in point here. Video and Audio play a significant role to come close to the target customers. This one of the most viable and important modes to grow your business. Product promotion is often viewed and shared through Youtube, Facebook, and other social media. Video is shot in different languages and voiceover ought to be done properly.
 Amid the different formats, businesses use today, a video can bring about more emotion to the recipient than simply written an article. Imaging a breaking news flash in the media, if that news can be watched on video, you can understand the impact the video generates, is more efficient rather than reading the breaking news in the newspaper. Undoubtedly, these two modes are no doubt an important means to enhance your business goal.
 Key impediments:
Modern times have seen unprecedented advancement in the realm of technology. One of the boons of technology that reaps rich dividend in the form of leapfrogging of digitization. Corporations have to capitalize on the new breed of tools for their respective operations intending to connect global business. Many opine that multimedia is the best means to get in touch with clients sentimentally. Voiceover is heavily responsible for the media ‘s impact. A yardstick that entices customers and thereby conveying an important message to them. 
 This explains the reason why voice-over Translation Services are the most sought-after services. Variety is the spice of this service as they render narratives of different audio and video productions, and infused rich ingredients to the content as well as ignites passions and emotions to the viewers and listeners. Indeed, the mesmerizing aura of voice overs to a particular audience along with spreading information is a feast for the eyes. To have all those talents in one place is a daunting task for any corporation
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  Role of Acadestudio in this direction:
 We have a pool of outstanding voiceover professionals who proffer voiceover in more than 170 languages. We have been in this profession for decades, and we are well conversant with the art of voice-over. Our pool of technical expert supervisors is well aware of the timing, sound quality, and the best voice-over production values. Our polylingual voice-over services cover a wide gamut of corporations and distribution channels. It is of utmost importance to know your market which helps to decide how effectively you can deliver across mediums, formats, and podiums. 
 We properly understand your needs regarding your project keeping in view of cultural aspects. Our team consists of cultural experts, engaging native speakers to carefully nurture the memes, cultural patterns, and their subtle nuances while crafting the narratives. Our services span across different industries like TV channels, Film producers, VOD and OTT platforms, Content distributors, E-learning platforms, Video games companies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Contemplating? Avail of our Voice-over Translation Services.
 Why customers are looking for our Voiceover  Translations?
 No one comes close to Acadestudio for its quality services. We have already carved out a niche in the realm of Content and Media Localization Solutions. We take pride in extolling that we have oodles of polylingual professionals whose deft touch can bring life to any form of translation. The following reasons are enough to understand our credibility. Have a glimpse: 
·      We have a pool of outstanding polylingual who have enough exposure in this domain.
·      Before delivering, the translation work goes through several layers of testing so that it maintains accuracy. The rigorous process undertakes a phalanx of experts.
 ·  We have already carved out a niche regarding Content and Media Localization Solutions worldwide. Therefore, customers have great trust in our credibility.
 · Never worry about the time of giving your project. Our turnaround time is by far the best in the industry with outstanding proofreading.
 · Round-the-clock customer services.
 ·      We have diversified our services in myriad areas with our excellent cutting-edge technology.
 ·  Our pocket-friendly price adds another feather to already inflated troves. Simply put, Our pride, Competitors envy.
 ·  We have already carved out a niche regarding Content and Media Localization Solutions worldwide. Therefore, customers have great trust in our credibility.
 ·  Never worry about the time of giving your project. Our turnaround time is by far the best in the industry with outstanding proofreading.
 ·Round-the-clock customer services.
 · We have diversified our services in myriad areas with our excellent cutting-edge technology.
 · Our pocket-friendly price adds another feather to already inflated troves. Simply put, Our pride, Competitors envy.
 ·     Required basis Linguistic Services.
·     We provide cost-effective Services.
·     Enhanced content with SEO application.
·      Global Reputation.
·     We loathe compromising the quality
·      Required basis Linguistic Services.
·      We provide cost-effective Services.
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purwanshiagrawal · 3 years
Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”
These words by
Yann LeCun
Professor, New York University, correctly describe the inevitable link between AI and humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term which was coined by
John McCarthy
in 1956, but it took a lot more time for the term to become as widespread as it is in today’s times. We may all have heard about the various applications of AI like chatbots, self driving cars or robots that mimic human behavior. Not only we heard about them, we are surrounded by AI enabled devices in our daily life, be it smartphones, facial recognition systems or even voice-assistants like Alexa or Siri. But, to begin with what really is Artificial Intelligence? In simple words, Artificial intelligence is a modern-day
high-tech technology
that makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. It enables systems or devices to be enriched with intellectual abilities of humans such as ability to reason, learn, analyse or interpret. AI enabled devices continuously learn from human behavior and they keep on improving their output over time. Not just in personal life, application of AI has huge benefits in store for businesses as well.As per a research from Tractice, there is going to be an rise from 9.5 billion U.S dollar in 2018 to 118.6 billion U.S dollars in 2025 in the revenues coming from AI. Let us look at some of the potential benefits generated by AI enable device.
Benefits of AI
Improved Customer Experience – Customer is of utmost importance for any business and a good customer service experience increases the probability of customer retention. Today most of the interactions with customers occur via email, online chat, telephone calls, social media conversations, etc. All these require human intervention but with the help of AI, companies can
automate these interactions
and overcome those problems which might arise due to human shortcomings. A single AI enabled system can handle a large number of customers at the same time, save costs and put in place a uniform communication platform. AI can help develop accurate real time responses. Also, with the help of deep learning it can identify emergency situations and quickly escalate the issue to the concerned individual. Personalized Marketing – Personalized Marketing is the need of the hour. Past experiences of marketers have shown that personalization has really helped improve in acquiring customers. We all have experienced the same in one way or another. Have you ever noticed that when you view a product online, later all your social network profiles are filled with the advertisements of that product? This is nothing but Personalised Marketing. ML algorithms can continuously analyse online behavior patterns and effectively track user behavior to provide personalized product offers and target the appropriate audience and deliver required results. Predicting Outcomes- Prediction in AI can be two ways. In one case, it means predicting likelihood of a particular future event on the basis of historical data and in the other case, it involves assessing the event that already occurred to be genuine or not, like fraud detection. To perform prediction, Ai breaks up a problem, interprets it and finds the right data. Then it evaluates many machine learning algorithms to find the one which is best suited for your problem and delivers the output within minutes. It provides
meaningful insight about customer, brand or assets
. This way companies can protect themselves from potential threats and save on costs. Increase Output and efficiency – AI can help automate mundane tasks enabling the workforce to focus on other activities and develop new and enhanced methods which ultimately help to increase outputs and lead towards development. AI can also predict future equipment failures and can lead to reduction in annual maintenance costs and inspection costs. Many operations of supply chain like procurement, strategic sourcing and cost management can also be done via AI. This way it helps reduce costs and increase efficiency. Reduce Error – Humans are prone to making errors but Artificial Intelligence can reduce the extent of it. Since, it doesn’t have opinions or emotions, it makes decisions only on the basis of available data without taking into account assumptions. AI is also free from any bias or prejudices. This means that if there are any bias in our AI enabled applications, it is not because of the system but because of human error while feeding data in the AI system. This capability of preventing bias is highly beneficial in hiring processes and enables organizations to create an inclusive and diverse working culture.
Artificial Intelligence across Industries Many industries have started implementing Artificial Intelligence across verticals. Let us look at some of the industries and how they are using AI.
Healthcare – With the complexity and rise in data in healthcare, AI will surely establish its domination in this field. Using the patient’s data and other sources such as clinical research, AI can help medical professionals build a
personalized treatment path
for everyone. Devices like fitness bands with sensors enable users to track their health. AI can also help in diagnosis and treatment recommendation, detecting tumors and create more precise pathology images. AI enabled devices like smart glasses for visually disabled, prosthetic body parts or hearing aids can also help people with disabilities and be a boon to the society.
Finance & Banking - Artificial Intelligence enhances the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of human efforts. In Banking & Finance industry, AI techniques can be used to detect fraudulent transactions, create a quick and accurate credit score, enable smooth customer identification and authentication, automate processes like KYC and AML and offer great cost savings. There are some programs which suggest users the right time to buy and sell shares. This helps amateur traders and save them from risks. Many a times, banks come across situations where customers are not able to pay their debts. This can lead to huge losses. AI can help prevent this situation by digging deep with customer’s transnational history and delivering a prediction about customers’ propensity to pay back.
Image Source:
Retail -
In Retail
and E-commerce sector, AI provides many benefits due to its application in handling large amount of customer information, stock and inventory operations, and sales forecasting and predictions. AI in retail can be used to predict search behavior. It gives the detailed analysis of wants and needs of customers. Because of AI, a retailer knows who wants what, when and where. We all have witnessed this at one point. Many eCommerce sites also provide us with discounts or recommendations based on our past purchases. If we use artificial neural networks for the purpose of modelling of price expectations in various locations may assist retailers in the area of geo-targeted sales. With the help of virtual try rooms we are able to actually try clothes or glasses before buying them. This absolutely makes online shopping a wonderful experience.
Education – Do you regret not being able to learn a new course because of your strict schedule? Well, Artificial Intelligence has come to your rescue. It has changed the way people learn. From a traditional classroom setup, we have moved to anytime anywhere learning with the help of virtual classrooms. All of us a different pace of learning, and AI understands it. AI adapts teaching methods and materials to the needs of individuals and transforms how learners find and interact with information. This will surely improve the education outcomes and make accessibility truly transformational. Not just for students, but AI has also helped institutions by enabling the automation of administrative tasks and minimize the time required to complete difficult tasks so that the educators can spend more time with students.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY(IT) – Since IT sector is all about computers, software, applications, the role of Artificial Intelligence in this sector is of particular importance. AI definitely had a positive impact in the working of IT sector. In the current era, data security is very important and with the help of AI we can
detect potential threats
and data breaches and take the necessary precautions to prevent them. AI also helps developers to improve the structure of code with the help of various algorithms and provide useful suggestions. Many back-end processes like regular backups can also be automated and performed efficiently without any human intervention. Many tools can also help detect bugs and improve the code quality.
While, there is no doubt that AI has an enticing number of application areas, paving the way for a remarkable AI-led future, but at the same time, it would be stupidity to ignore the challenges associated with AI. The above graphic shows that AI is a complex web and there are few obstacles that need to be overcome for a transition to AI. As
Artificial Intelligence
continues to evolve, one cannot imagine a world without it. While there’s no way to know to define the extent of advancement of AI technology, it does seem obvious that it will become an integral part of our lives. It will surely impact the way we live, the way we work, the way we interact with each other and the way we experience the world. So, its better that we embrace the challenges and counter them for a smooth AI enabled future.
Contact us
to be on the forefront of innovations coming to disrupt the businesses and embrace the upcoming industry shift. Sakshi Bansal is a budding manager with strong technical background. She aspire to combine her technical and management skills to solve modern-day business problems for continual growth. She also like to share her perspective on the current industry trends, best practices, and business perspective.
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ratherhavetheblues · 4 years
INGMAR BERGMAN’S ‘THE TOUCH’ “Can I do something for you?”
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© 2020 by James Clark
We live in a time when there are many who bid to confound the orthodox. Great gobs of rebels roam the town, threatening to install jurisdictions putting an end to the easy days for what is left of a mainstream. Our entertainments, for instance, smack of concussion. All these game-changers never doubt that their look and ways are destined to happily rule.
There is the possibility, however, that all of that critique will slip back to the defaults of religion and science (and their minions of humanism). It’s one thing to feel that something very important is not in play. It’s quite another thing, it seems to me, to define and embrace what that elusive phenomenon is.
One remarkable effort in that area is the output of the films of Ingmar Bergman (1919-2007). The latter’s career was not without renown and homage. But looking for responses, in such a direction as we’ve mentioned, have not found cogent takers amidst film enthusiasts.
   There was a quite unique showdown, as to this silence—within the trilogy of three extremely violent films, namely, Hour of the Wolf (1968), Shame (1968) and The Passion of Anna (1969)—which embedded itself on the heels of the production of Shame and the overtaking of The Passion of Anna, namely, The Rite (1969), with its remarkable emphasis upon deploying the motions of hands and fingers to open the elements which have been imprisoned for so many centuries. The Rite was a prototype, and yet a rich study of the vagaries of depending upon exotic and flawed rebels. A subsequent film, having more completely delivered the imperative of taking upon one’s self to find the riches of sensibility, namely, The Touch (1971), our film today, runs a gamut for all to see, while being doubly ignored within its drama and being known to the world as the worst film Bergman ever created.
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   The Rite would be validly recognized as an avant-garde film, drawing upon Theatre of the Absurd, particularly, Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros (1960), and Jean Genet’s The Balcony (1958). (In The Passion of Anna, Samuel Beckett’s, Waiting for Godot [1954], rides pretty high.) And although, in The Touch, a protagonist does reprise Rhinoceros (1960), nearly, all the viewers believe Bergman has produced a soap opera. Soaps galore, there are; but what you don’t want to get suckered with, as to the tedious narrative of “unique David,” the American archaeologist and his “ardent” student, Karin, finding small-town Sweden far  from enough, is that Bergman would waste time on a vehicle of domesticity.
   Start with the title. Our helmsman, as good as it gets for theatrical dialogue, has put the viewer’s feet into an absurdist fire which might deliver not only a drastic migration but a wise one. Humankind on earth, being what it is, however, another resource becomes paramount. The forces of anxiety, in which Bergman excelled, becoming, as viewer ignorance piled up, demanded a more visceral presentation of cinematography, in hopes that a more powerful physicality would cotton on to the communications. Not that inventive cinematography had not already been deployed in films twenty years before, but now requiring a sort of shock treatment to catapult the attention to something very different. At the era where Bergman was now intent upon radical disclosure, he was blessed with a cameraman, namely, Sven Nykvist (1922-2006) who, along with Bergman’s drive to the uncanny, constituted a long parade of optical strangeness at the infrastructure of our film on tap. Not only would Nykvist fit the bill as to unearth incisive visual mood, but he and Bergman coincided in their range of history and priorities in significant ways. They were born in Sweden about the same time—right after World War I—and their parents were intensely involved with the clergy. Nykvist seldom saw his parents, who were based in Africa as missionaries; and Bergman was far from tolerant toward his pious parents. Coming of age during World War II, they both found film work under the Axis powers—Bergman’s first screenplay being produced in 1944, and Nykvist doing cinematography in Italy. Bergman’s ambiguity about Hollywood would be a long-term collision with the Jewish owners of the heyday of American filmic drama. On casting his male protagonist for this blow-out of a movie, he chose the hyper-Semitic, Elliot Gould. Why? Because wordy self-promotion and desperate virtuousness are the farthest contrasts needed to elicit real lucidity, a lucidity of touch. On casting his other two protagonists—long-term Bergman stalwarts, Bibi Andersson and Max von Sydow—there was their recent outings, in The Passion of Anna, bemusing and troubling. The Andersson role finds her married to an internationally renowned architect, tasteful, sensitive and cynical to the self-serving portal to nihilism. At a dinner party, Andersson, named Eva, is asked if she believes in God. Her reply is to ask of her husband, “Do I believe in God, Elis?” The von Sydow role is that of a passive artisan being pushed around by a pathological brute of a wife. Now it’s Bibi, once again asking for direction, in the person of Karin; and Max, a sensitive physician in the person of Andreas—also his name in The Passion of Anna—left  shattered and angry.
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   The outset, as always by Bergman, is elegant and primordially engaging. Karin parks at a hospital, and the lush foliage reflects upon her windshield, a trademark more calming than thrilling. But now we do have a major figure, despite her having died a few minutes before, and Karin enters this stage as an extra, more distracted than touched. The blur of the coat room during the rush of the emergency upstages her emotionally pat mission. While the doctor assures, “It was very peaceful”—she strangely distancing by way of, “May I go in”—we know by the inflected sensibility that she and her mother were not very peaceful together. Karin slowly walks toward the bed, and then there is a cut to her mother, her eyes open and showing a calm, handsome visage. Then a close-up of the lady’s hands and fingers. The inertia stages a rally of sorts in the form of her handsome portable clock and its showing 5 to 3. (A playful, dialectical hope in the midst of possibly carrying on to a sort of dance, a roundelay consisting of two opposing forces reaching a synthesis, a special truth.) Then a glass of water, half-full, on a table, along with a wristwatch and jewelry. Her daughter comes to the bed, sits rather gingerly on an edge and then she holds her mother’s hand. She touches her cheek, her forehead and her hair. A nurse suggests, “But perhaps you’d like to take the wedding rings now…” She closes her mother’s eyes with her fingers. She suddenly, in a sort of panic, kisses her. The tone, the touch coming across, in this, amounts to more a formality than compassion. She quits the room as if having escaped from a chore. (At the end of the film, Karin will cancel an affair on the basis of duty to her husband and children, who by that time hate her. In a flashback the now deceased is visiting her daughter’s family. Her mood, her body language, emits of not being welcome, a somewhat annoying foreigner. Karin and Andreas cherish their garden, but the love becomes eclipsed by its technology and show of advantage. During a slideshow, Andreas, losing control of the jist, blurts out, “That’s my mother-in-law, she’s dead.”) Back at the hospital, the camera lingers on the mother. A field of light nuance presents. A pan down to her  hands, and a delicate embroidery.
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The nurse delivers the jewelry in the corridor, without eye-contact. Karin begins to make some formality pertaining to the attentions of the recent patient. “Mother was…” The busy nurse cuts her off with a dry, “You’re welcome.” On the way out she cries for many reasons. A cut to her hands and fingers, caressing the jewelry. By the time she had placed the two rings on her finger, in a dark exit, there were loud footsteps approaching. The newcomer turns on the light, disclosing his very overweight presence, having arrived as if an oncoming rhinoceros. In fact, Bergman, now intent upon the ins and outs of avant-garde endeavor, nails him as a version of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, a figure of anger and destruction and soft self-pity, becoming a wake-up delivered toward myopic bourgeois carelessness. His hard eyes become soft. “Can I do something for you?” She tells him to leave her alone. He races along with, “Oh, I’m sorry,” now in the register of the nurse.
They meet again, but their faring means nothing. We have reached a home of the dead—soap opera style. All we can do is notice that there is so much more trailing them. Nykvist, come on in!
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It turns out that our “reckless lovers,” supposed paragons of the new and the deeper, generate a sea of emotions, going nowhere for them, but going somewhere for us. Their first extensive meeting is on the ramparts of an ancient fortification, more than inert in seemingly overwhelming the river far back in the scene. As they perform their walkabout in a world of ancient stones a slight view of that sea appears, a portion of the kinetic. A ship in the distance. The known and the not wanting to know more. While this encounter mounts quiet motion wasted, the new man, bizarre as a troupe of pornographic superstars in the film twinning this film, has become a mysterious, unearthly monarch to Karin. She brings that David to her almost palatial home one sunny weekend, in hopes that her passion for gardening could meld somehow with her treachery. “We work in the garden every spare minute. Andreas adds, “Our garden is actually our pride.” Then she goes on, “Oh, you must come here in the spring or early summer… We’re both very fond of flowers and trees as you can see.” The many blossoms and trees in view surely reach a facsimile of magic. But, when delivering their understanding of the boon, all of their fund of majesty, disinterestedness, rapidly withers. This feast running to famine puts, for the one and only time, an entry to Karin’s sense of more than one magician. David delivers the routine praise, and she therewith lets her hobbyist priority take over. “And all winter we dream about what we’re going to do next summer.” Andreas is called away on the phone by his medical duties and, when David iterates, “Everything in the garden is lovely,” she touches upon a major challenge: “You know it’s very difficult to talk about that kind of thing.” Her malaise at that crucial point, instead of initiating a hard and solitary investigation, finds her leaning on a flashy but weak savior. On to a “confession,” from the guest, “I suppose it’s hardly the thing to tell you, but I fell in love with you…” (The little judge, in The Rite, comes to a confessional to supplement his generally solitary researches. He comes to grief in consulting a mob of useless nihilists. The two, pledging love here, do stand as looking for a change. But not a brave change. Bravery being a rare instance, where so much is obsolete, or at least hugely overrated.) A glowing Karin rises to, “Please have some raspberries.” Bergman’s raspberries being a broad hit. Moreover, a feeble dialectic leans upon what should be fluent. A grey, skinny candle near the window; yellow roses unfocused. The great lover, saying, “No, no, no, I couldn’t eat anything more. I’m stuffed…”
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Andreas having settled the phone emergency, he takes up an undisclosed earlier conversation, pertaining to David, of a mysterious wooden sculpture of the Madonna, hidden in a long-forgotten chink in a small minor church in the vicinity where he was carrying out one of his archaeological duties and loves. The two technicians find easy-going pleasure therein, and David actually musters a sense of singularity about how the craft and care had come to such a resting place. But Andreas cuts short the “mystery,” with, “Would you like a whisky?” and then it’s off to the less than interesting slideshow and the carelessly addressed deceased—another locked away treasure. The medic trots out some blossom highlights—one being an orchid named “insectaria.” “It attracts the interest of the fly.” (David being an incubus curiosity to Karin’s fly.) The jiggling show, being something else, unnoticed. “Are you sure David is interested?” she cautions. Another hit to the easy-wise, is the portrait of their donkey. “It died two weeks after this photo was taken…” Long before the mother-in-law’s death, there she is, onscreen (as having noted), sharply different from that of the others, in being seriously poised and reflective. That touch being, arguably, all this film seriously amounts to. (“Uh, she’s also dead,” speaks volumes about this family, and also the newcomer-insect he’s found to be jagged to his liking.) Scotch helping along, the visiting pedant blurts out, “Have you a picture of your wife nude… I would like to see a picture of Karin nude.” Andreas/ Max (having a long history of Bergman films being shocked and embarrassed) laughs it off. But this little bomb marks the end of smooth sailing for that family, left to settle into forces of sensibility apparently without accommodating the beauties of blossoms. The coda of that night is optically and viscerally firming. A close-up reveals a rambling kiss curl for David, Bergman having broached a similar ripple in the film, Dreams (1955). His hands are shown, tightly locked. (“Don’t worry, there won’t be a scandal.”) David refusing Andreas’ offer to drive the Scotch bomb home, the man of the house settles for, “I’d love to see the church.”/ “Yeah,” is all he gets. Before bed, we see a limp dialectic having squelched any mystery: Karin along a wall; a gold lampshade; and, beyond that, the non-magical film screen. An errant prayer. Here’s the night, as they would have it. He declares, “I’m glad he didn’t stay too long.” She asks, “How did you like him?”/ “A damned nice fellow, I thought. But he drank a bit too much, didn’t he?”/ “Did he? I didn’t notice, actually.”/ “Foreigners, you know…”/ “How did you meet?”/ (His friend, Jacobi [a long-term name and desperate signal of trouble in Bergman] directed David to Andreas. The diagnosis given, to her, was a kidney stone. As we will hear later, the “Rhinoceros” had attempted suicide. Andreas’ hands are seen to be tightly held.) In bed, he holds her at her shoulder. His fingers are stock still. Then their hands are locked in profile. A flow of bedding looks as if he has a large flow of mucus.
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The preamble of the budding lovers comprises her at home doing domestic chores, with the lightest and most tedious play-list on the radio. She tells her young son, “Let’s get a move on!” She hears staunch church bells at their rendezvous. He would show up with a corn-cob pipe, perhaps imagining being as tough as General MacArthur, but in fact just corny, a ludicrous excuse for getting a move on. Now he’s at left, she at right, and between, a painting at the altar. Making such a trio of magic needs more than corn, girlie sentiment and gloomy piety. The disinterestedness and love, of the presence of the statue on this site, being light years away from our shabby protagonists. David’s flashlight plays over the major figure and a smaller one, as to companionship. Far more than our protagonists will ever know, there is a touch capable in their own hands and fingers to convene a consummation truly astounding. He directs Karin to the subtle smile of the figure. Easy subtle. While there is a world of subtlety to engage. On reaching the façade of the antiquity they come upon a stone figure, a sort of map or warning. A trail, in the manner of a serpent, conspicuously showing a vise or wall. A serene church being only part of the mystery. She returns for a second look of the trail. She runs an ignorant hand over the point of contention. He lifts her hand from the pictograph, simulating the snag. From the depths to the soaps. His hand, lifting hers, describes a knot. He rushes a finger over her palm. A logo on the cuff of her shirt is a pussycat.
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There are many moments of Andreas’ career and Karin’s matrimony. They mean little here, beyond the ironies of their distractions. He, once again, on the phone at home: “I think so, too. But the symptoms are kind of vague, don’t you think? If only she wasn’t so damned hysterical. It might be just nerves.” She tells him, on the subject of her adolescent daughter, Marie, “She’s going out with some friends tonight. Mind that she’s home by midnight.” Then Karin, about to invade for the first time, the supposed lair of the vague and the perfect, changes clothes many times, perhaps a habit of Marie. The hurricane of bourgeois seductions finds, beyond hysteria, a policy of simplicity, namely, an old woolen number. (The judge, in The Rite, also hoping to strike the perfect tone in face of questionable priorities, frequently changes his clothes due to a medical weakness. Woolens speak to the issue of desperate Anna, in her film, The Passion of Anna, where sheep become butchered.) Karin’s apologetic gambit when being late here, “It’s one-way streets all the way from where we are,” becomes an unintentional disclosure of deadly childishness. Her one-way involves ticking off his one and dying plant and his filthy apartment. But then, perhaps not so out of the blue, the rendezvous begins to sound like a Hollywood charmer. “You’re nervous, David.”/ “Yes, I’m nervous. My pulse must be 690. Aren’t you nervous?”
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Whereas the “exotic” mob, in The Rite, were truly pathological mercenaries, David, as now revealed, is a humanitarian softy with an animus toward the likes of Andreas—modern, technically conversive and rather cold. That he doubles as a rhinoceros—a primeval poster boy—has fooled Karin into thinking that heights are just around the corner. (A lovely touch of dramatic irony occurs with David, having been working abroad, arriving on the same night Andreas was staging a gala at the end of a medical conference. Karin skips out of the techies, only to confront her “something else,” being dressed and coiffed exactly like the medics at play. Eventually he’ll tell her that his ideal is attaining an assistant professorship at a rural university. “We could live a settled life on your conditions.”)
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With so much bilious churning to the fore, their supposed breakaway is a redundancy, a screwball farce. He asks, “What should we talk about now?” She suggests, “Shall we take our clothes off and go to bed and see what happens?… But we must close the curtains. I’m shy.”/ “Oh, so am I!” he assures. Karin’s one-way nude becomes a study of quirkiness so lost as to be a sort of sign of a plague. “I want you to look at me first. I’m 34. You can see that in my face, especially around the eyes. I have a scar here on my stomach. I’ve had two children, and Anders [their boy] was very big, you know. My breasts were nicer before… I’m not an experienced mistress, etc.” David, in this blizzard, feels, “I’m afraid I can’t today.” This somehow brings her to the point of duplicity. “I’ve no idea why I’ve come here to you… I don’t even know if I’m in love with you.”
The next time they meet, David kisses her till her lips bleed, and he rapes her, in a similar way to the rape of Thea by the judge, in the other experimental ball of fire, The Rite, chasing most of the viewers out of contention, while subsequent fireworks get down to smaller bits of delight. A short time before, she had, in the course of Andreas’ leaving town for a conference, found herself behind a light grey transparent curtain as she waved to him leaving from the carport. In her profile as she moved along the window, the curtain became animated, a ripple effect came to life, whereby she became active in an uncanny way, at a volume too weak to matter. In The Rite, Thea provides a credo of startling dynamics, only to provocatively turn her back on it. Now it’s Karin’s turn, having never been exposed to anything but domesticity. Heavy feeling, but merely destructivity, on tap. She attempts a rational experience. “What just happened? Don’t you think you were very childish?” (Childish [and more] when she comes to realize, on encountering his sister, that his story, about his Jewish family all killed by the Nazis [but him], is a fabrication. Advantage, and not a trace of disinterestedness.) His apologia runs as follows: “I don’t know what to do with my churned-up feelings. Isn’t it absurd? After all, I’m grown up.” (Even beyond the absurd.) The four candles behind them, obviously lacking the real deal of three. At the medical reception congress, six candles blaze. Overkill. Karin is a model of being in her element. Other elements are stillborn. On leaving there, for the supposed truth, an adolescent quarrel flares up. She tells him she’s a little tipsy from the zone of chemistry. Viewing herself in a mirror she lifts up her hands and her fingers are playful. He, on the other hand, proceeds to trash the apartment, rhino-style. As things get even worse, she’s heard to remark, “No one has ever struck me.” Impetuous Americans, right? Before the standard American movie redemption on the staircase, he ploughs into, “I hate that goddamn Andreas, that fucking, hypocritical idiot. He can go to hell!” (Here we could mention that his sister in London, while debunking the family war crisis, does float the idea that she and David are doomed by an incurable disease. What we do see from her is a lot of alcohol and cigarettes.) Karin places her hand and fingers over his obviously stupid mouth. Back at the love nest, a little bird is seen quickly passing by their window.
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   Back home with Andreas, their chess game shows her between two dim lights. Another arrangement features a small fireplace. Their son comes by and berates the film being played by him. “Just a lot of romance.” Andreas notices the split lip. She remarks, “Could it maybe be vitamin deficiency?” (That little ironic joke has a serious side, pertaining to comprehensive resilience. At this juncture of making waves amidst slugs, transcending cinema while cherishing its daring, our film—as with the coda of The Rite—must recognize and reveal the reflective imperatives integral to these meta-actions. We have to make the best of these two transcendent demands, in order to appreciate the range of the “vitamin deficiency” of the narratives, past and present, and why they still matter.) Bells are quietly heard. Before going to bed, Andreas does some reading of a favorite Swedish poet. Beyond all reason, could he actually collide with the uncanny? Next day Karin, an unlikely user of such vitamins, reads one of the poems to David, feeling the need of some couth. “I think he’s the best. ‘Wake me to sleep in you/ Wake my words to you/ Light my dead stars nearer you/ Dream me out of my world…/ Give birth to me, leave me/ Kill me near you/ Nearer the hearth of birth/ Take me warmer, take me nearer you.’” (A testament like Thea’s. What’s up?) During a long absence while David is currying advantages for his career, both of them know well that the excitement was bogus. (Nowhere near do there expressions recall the poetry.) A blur of his fingers touching his writing page to her. [Typed and sterile.]. Her report of interest: “We’ve all had colds. I was absolutely streaming…” Followed by, “David, dearest friend I have in the world, can you forgive me for not writing to you for several days. We’ve been spring cleaning…” He writes, “One day I stopped dead in my tracks and said to myself, ‘We’re painfully united!’”
On a brief visit after many months, the flat filthy, and she announcing she’s stopped smoking, her positions in space steal the show. There is a lineup—David to right, she in the middle and a mirror showing her. His preoccupation upon smarts well established; her presences lost. She invites him to lie on the bed with her. She becomes rigid, as if having been shot. He avoids her hungry mouth. She goes on to give him a hair wash, and then Andreas comes by, wanting to talk. With Karin ensconced in the bedroom, like a naughty adolescent, the doctor touches upon people beginning to talk about her cheating. David thinks to be helpful in recommending the cockold appreciate what he remains to have, his work, his children, his plants… Then, the host, garbed in dressing gown rhinoceros grey, rips up some turf with, “You’ve humiliated us both long enough with this ridiculous visit.” The husband replies, “I don’t understand why you’re so aggressive, David.  I like you… I liked you at the beginning already, when I took care of you after your attempted suicide.” David’s entitlement-hunger rips up again, with the retort, “It was an accident with that ridiculous gas oven.” Andreas, not as liking the brute nearly as much as he claimed, crushes the wimp with data. “We were never to speak of it,” the born lawyer maintains. Well aware that Karin is on hand, he leaves, holding an advantage of feeble satisfaction. “She has to make up her mind for herself. She hates any form of decision.” Her, “Do you think he knew I was here?” puts her in her place, unequivocally. David’s use now of “touch” reflects how averse he is to the magic of touch. “Wasn’t that touching? That was too goddamn touching…”
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Other touching moments prove to stage modest but memorable rallies. The two dwarfs observe that the Madonna is doomed. The specialist tells the seeming dare-devil, “Something peculiar has happened, something no one can explain. Before she was walled over, she was the home of some insect not known today. The larvae have been sleeping inside her in darkness for 500 years. And now they’ve awakened and they’re eating the image away from within.” (Her finale, small, quirky and magnificent.) His finger amidst the insects. Not a rite, but the unintentional makings of a finite true love. He opines that the insects are at least as beautiful as the image itself. He would, of course, discount the touches being integral to this death, and this creativity. Karin looks down. “I’ve lost my footing or whatever it is. I used to be fairly secure in my world.” David mocks, “That’s too bad!” Prefacing her bid to turn things around, she wonders if something is wrong with her. She envisages, “It’s possible to live two lives, becoming into one wise and good life that could benefit other people and make them happy.” (Irony, of course. But the inchoate effort to touch the elements. In that vein, she slams the rhinoceros, not particularly effectively. “I know you are going to leave me, because you hate yourself.”) She takes another look at the frieze on the exterior of the place of love. Next day, dressed in chic black leather, befitting an international power of coherence, she discovers that the indispensable man has left town. She smashes a glass, takes off her gloves and presses her hands into the shards.
When desperation takes over, complication races. She’s pregnant and Andreas, one night, now in separate bedrooms, refuses to help when contractions become extreme. Then, sometime after the birth, David resurfaces to announce that he can’t live without her. They meet in a plant conservatory, where birds of paradise are in great supply, and where neither of them notice. He woos her like a Junior High, a filibuster going nowhere. He bitches like a Junior High on realizing he’ll have to find another sucker. Karen explains, “I feel it’s my duty to stay where I am.” Staying where she is, she’s roundly hated.
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And yet, the population being what it is, there’s good times ahead. Marie, the caution, is something else. Before the deep freeze, she joins her mother for a safari to find a new outfit. David, in an orange, woolen jump suit, had stalked them and was rapping on the store window. Marie backs out of that fun. She glares at David, knowing very well that the fix is in. Addressing the girl as if she were a duchess of long ago, the supposed new deal gushes, “Do you mind if I talk to your mother for a minute?” She has no time for that prowler. I like to think  she’s about to become like her grandmother, which is to say, like the middle-aged lady arranging a divorce, in the film two years appearing after this (prototype) film, namely, Scenes from a Marriage, where a shallow, bourgeois lawyer, Marianne, cocooned in a mob of that sort, could piddle away a lifetime of schemes and never have a clue, never have love to give and receive.
As this second, and last, test drive of the frontiers of contemporary sensibility, comes to an end, there is, I think, a need to disclose how Bergman’s endeavor dovetails with other investigations. His title, The Touch, emphasizes that a locked away treasure of disinterested loving action calls for us to press open, by a touch, the full dynamic of not only human life, but the cosmos itself. That the forgotten crypt has reached its last phase does not undermine the process of greatness per se. A heart becoming lost forever in such a bid is a heart having delighted in playing a part of mustering the primordial heights. The host, therein, is far from simply delivering a mystical enjoyment. The host, in fact, teems with players, but to a test, a test, as we’ve just revealed, to be nearly completely lost in action. The Swedish Madonna had a career of serenity. Few of us are so lucky. But, on the other hand, where the going is very rough and swift, the pathology of advantage can prompt intensities to the liking of the true. Those truly on the go are equipped for shooting rhinos. Their range is their fortune. There are many masterful hands. A solitary play between immortal and mortal has its validity, as well as its blessings. On that note, however, there is full liberty to carve careers wherein the quick and the dead can be engaged for infinite permutations. Joiners being a doubtful policy, but, as we’ve indicated, rare moments do surface.
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The Importance of Education
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For the majority of the states the age group between 15-25 years consists of an average of 16%. And this young group holds the function of development of a nation. If the policy makers and stake holders may work hand in hand and implement the 1 key element in the very best and poised manner, then these youths may be the boon of a nation. And that important element is Education. If they fail in that, then it contributes to the entire disaster of the nation's social, political and economic aspects. There's nothing more dangerous than jobless, uneducated or undereducated young individuals. The aims and goals of education have changed drastically through each creation. Education should not be something that's static. It needs to be able to accommodate the needs of the people in line with the society they live in. This can be readily understood by identifying traditional education system and modern education system. Today just about all countries have accepted the fact it is the Civil right of a citizen to acquire education. But here comes the real question, does this right to education is executed in actual significance. To make this happen and to make this worthwhile to the people, the education system of all these countries must ensure four facets. Let's find out exactly what these aspects are.
The policy makers and education stake holders should consider many variables while implementing the structure and purpose of education, especially the demography of that specific nation. They need to be able to cater education to all citizens who fall in the bracket of the age group. Hence the educational system of a country ought to be extensive according to the demographic requirements. The kinder gardens, schools, schools ought to be established in proportion to the population ratio. Not a single aspirant ought to be denied the right to education because of the lack of educational infrastructure. So, Extensiveness has been the title of the game. There comes equality, for centuries education was restricted to only a specific community or some group of individuals. A high number of individuals were excluded from the chance to acquire the opportunity for education. There have been changes in that mindset after long battle. But still it's an integral variable - Equality for education. All taxpayers irrespective of any sort of social, political and economic hurdles should have access to education that they deserve. We must make sure that excluded groups are getting opportunities to become involved in the practice of education. Or else it's the greatest failure of the whole nation called global family. It's the responsibility of the nation to make sure that, GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio) works equally proportional to the particular age group of the country amount of pupils enrolled in school at a number of different grade levels (such as elementary, middle school and high school), and use it to reveal the proportion of the amount of students who reside in that country to people who qualify for the specific grade level.
Even though the majority of the nations were much focused in key aspects like extensiveness and equality in education, there's one crucial thing they've ever failed or not focused much - conducive. The quality of the education they have been imparting. The quality of education became secondary to the number of the choices which were given to the pupils. If the education is with no goal, then how it can meet the needs of these people, so there arises the question, why this education? This can lead us to big mass of educated but unemployed men and women. Where we will use them or how we will work this out. If the education of a nation never caters to the demands of the financial needs of a nation or the skills expected by companies or associations , then all these attempts to enrich the educational system will be futile. Various educational thinkers have always questioned the responsibility of the education that was provided. The majority of the companies have voiced their concerns that the most of the graduates are unfit for the job. You will find job opportunities, but there's lack of skilled workers for the specific position. So there arises the question, what we must educate them or create them capable of. Here the only solution is, the skills of people should be identified, and they need to be given the opportunity to excel in their commerce. And also the policy makers must take into account what the companies need, what skill sets they anticipate from their candidates. Unless these are taken under account, our educated team becomes useless for themselves and for the entire world. This should never occur.
Role Of Education In Life
Nowadays, there are lots of ways to improve the education level. The entire criteria of education have been changed today. Education isn't too costly, anyone one with less money may study continuously. It's necessary for getting bright future in addition to plays a most significant function in the development and improvement of the nation.
Every parent tells their children from youth about the value of education in the life and all of the benefits of education to make their mind towards greater research later on.
Education is Self Empowerment:- Education helps you understand yourself better, it can help you realize your potential and qualities as a human being. It can help you to spout into latent talent, so you may have the ability to increase your skills. Obtaining a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong enough to care for yourself in any given situation
Enhance competencies:- The education help to pupils apply their creative skills to produce ideas that make the essays more professional. This creativity helps them reach their general educational targets.
Educated societies Produce The Educational Environment:- Our society must make an effort and create an environment that's beneficial for all section of society in obtaining a great education. Our education that separates us from other living beings on Earth. It's our education that provides us the knowledge and skills to utilize our creative abilities.
A Backbone Of Developing Countries:- A nation can't progress with a solid education system. Educated individuals have the capacity to become entrepreneurs, technology professionals, scientists, and agriculturists. The significant issue for underdeveloped and developing countries is low unemployment rate, and massive numbers of individuals are still living under the poverty line. Educational development is very important for the economic prosperity of a country.
For Financial Stability:- Education will help you obtain the academic qualification so you have the ability to acquire suitable employment. As you earn for yourself, you are feeling financially independent and free of any additional financial support. You feel pride that you're earning on your own, and aren't obligated to anyone.
The benefits being accrued, education is the best way to proceed not just for an individual but also for a nation. It completely changes our thoughts and personality and helps us to attain the positive attitudes.
The authors tell about how education plays essential part in our life. He's post graduate degree holder so he understands how education will help in improving your skills and give direction to your life. He rates schools in Chandigarh very high when it comes to developing your skills.
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