#teaching is an act of love
teachandwrite-blog · 2 years
“Even in the busy city streets small plants push bravely up through cracks in the paving. Pause and look at the next one you see, marvel at its determination, its will to live.”
- Jane Goodall
I can say this about the students I teach every day
In my Title I elementary school.
I can say this about the teachers there, too.
Even in the busy city streets 4th graders/teachers push bravely up through cracks in the paving. Pause and look at the next one you see, marvel at its determination, its will to live.
I pause. I look. I marvel.
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a2zillustration · 1 month
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Gale and I had the exact same reaction when we opened that door.
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ofmd-ann · 3 months
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Alright 🥺 (S01E04 - Fun and Games)
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mushrooms-and-blooms · 2 months
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
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is this anything
#OFMD#OFMD Season 2#OFMD S2 Spoilers#Gentlebeard#Blackbonnet#Edward Teach#Stede Bonnet#Edit#okay stay with me here lol STAY WITH ME HERE#ed's face really has me feeling some kind of way#((i mean that's a given lol but his EXPRESSION there more like))#i keep staring at it and going back and forth between thinking it's awe/reluctant intrigue#as though he's furrowing his brow because he WANTS to not get butterflies for stede but stede is making that Very Difficult HSDJKLS#OR#and hence me making this set-#he's feeling some sort of complicated emotion in seeing stede step away from the person he met him as#the colorful bitchy poised fine thing he fell in love with#because i am ALSO sitting here wondering if stede is doing this all entirely on his own volition#or if he was ENCOURAGED to do so by izzy or someone else as like a#'it'll win you more respect and win you back ed's heart if you act and dress this way' type deal#like something something another ongoing commentary on masculinity something something#but it could ALSO be stede really wanting that world/respect/look for HIMSELF#something something stede and ed wanting to be each other and delving into each other's realms something#but just as it soured a bit for ed#i have to wonder if it'll also sour a bit for stede#and they'll consequently find 'the other home' they're looking for in EACH OTHER#and settle into a mixture of swashbuckling ruggedness/finery and subsequently complete/compliment each other#IDK i'm not being very coherent about it HA but i have many many thoughts of course#stede changing up his entire aesthetic just has me very very intrigued on how he's going to move forward#and how others are going to perceive him
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blairpfaff · 6 months
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edward teach looking submissive and breedable in season two
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faggyangel · 10 months
thinking about crowley and "my lover's got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral" and "knows everybody's disapproval, i should have worshipped her sooner" and "if the heavens ever did speak then she's the last true mouth piece" and "the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you" and "my lover's the sunlight" and "i was born sick but i love it" and "there is no sweeter innocence then our gentle sin"
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dancrry · 1 year
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as i was carefully analyzing this gif over and over and over again (as any sane, healthy, casual member of the fandom does… obviously), i noticed something and holy shit.
look at stede’s face. watch his cheeks as ed whips around in his frenzy of joy as he celebrates that stede wants to join him in escaping and living together forever and being calm and peaceful and happy and together. stede literally GIGGLES and the creases by his eyes just blossom as he watches ed’s reaction to his agreement. he pulls that face with that cute little scrunched smile and oh my god i cant even. that is the giggle and smile of a man who, after unconsciously pining over the prettiest pirate ever for weeks, was just kissed by this guy and has now formulated an escape/spend-the-rest-of-our-lives-together plan and omg omg omg.
all day, i only think about how in love and cute and cheesy they are but WOW THEY ARE IN LOVE. i’m never getting over it and i’ll just keep seeing little details and haksbdkdnd it is too cute.
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burnt-scone · 11 months
Our Frames Mean Love is finally out in the world. Our baby is born ♡
This has been a wonderful experience to be a part of. Everyone's work is gorgeous, quite honestly the kindest group of people I've worked with. I'd love to work w/ them all again.
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Frame 92 - Gāb aka SimpleAnarchy Oops aka burnt-scone
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teachandwrite-blog · 2 years
This week, I’ve tried to paint pictures of the lives of the students I see every day at my Title I elementary school in West Greenville with words.
This is an impossible task, you know.
I love words.
Always have.
Always will.
I know their power.
I know their weakness.
Their great power is in their ability to tell stories.
Stories change the world.
Their great weakness, though, is in their inability to show the essence of people in a story.
The only way to find that is by being with them.
By being.
With them.
Here’s what I’m trying to say.
Today, my friend Monica Varela found me in the cafeteria.
“Mariana’s Mom, who made arepas for you this week, stopped by the office yesterday afternoon,” she said. “I told her you are the perfect teacher for Mariana because of the way you love your students, because of the passion you have for Latin American people,” she continued. “She told me that because of that Mariana is as happy as she has ever been.”
That small story made my day.
My life, really.
I’m still smiling because of it after hearing it many hours ago.
One more thing made my day, my life, too.
Araceli, who is from Guatemala, was working away at her table as she always does.
I walked by her and glanced at her pencil pouch.
Inside of it was two Post-It Notes with the words “I love you” written on them and pictures of hearts drawn on them.
“Araceli,” I asked, “Who are those for?”
She is a quiet, thoughtful kind of kid.
A kind kid, if you will.
“Oh, Mr. Barton,” she whispered, “One is for my Mom, because I love her. And one is for my teacher, because I love you.”
Mic drop.
Or pen drop, since I’m a writer.
I still have much work to do with words.
But, my work with words is done.
Love says it all.
All in a week in public school.
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puns-and-musicals · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking about the gay pirate show.
Can’t stop thinking about Stede- in all shabby, colourless clothes but for the red kerchief around his neck- red like Ed’s silk, red like the season 1 visualization of Ed’s heart.
Ed, lying on the deck of the Revenge amidst the storm, trying so desperately to die- with the black cravat finally tied around his neck again. The black cravat that in season 1 represented Stede’s influence.
and Izzy- beloved Izzy. Izzy who holds the gun in his bare right hand, who shoots at Ed without his black glove. The black glove whose leather he used as a barrier in season 1, a shield against any perceived vulnerability.
I have so many thoughts right now and I’m losing my mind about all of them 🥰
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ofmd-ann · 3 months
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"I'm here." (S02E04 - Fun and Games)
The 'I thought I'd lost you' rips me to shreds emotionally bythway
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bonefall · 5 months
the "strange place" could be a private wildlife collector? i know the buying and selling of wild animals as pets can be pretty bad in the uk (or at least it is w/ birds of prey? that's abt what i know)
OH that's a good idea, that's going to be one of my top choices for if I DO end up needing to change the "twoleg den" in the upcoming super edition. Private wildlife collectors are a HUGE problem because the laws on simply owning exotic animals (as long as they're not covered by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act) are suuuuper lax in the UK, and the Zoo Licensing Act only applies if you accept general admission.
(and even then, specifically, you can take admission a limited amount of times a year. James Wellington's Animal Welfare Nightmare Extravaganza, beloved winter tradition, £25 each, kiddies of edible height get in free)
Birds in particular are a huuuge issue because there's big oversights in the laws surrounding the keeping of birds of prey. You don't actually need a license to own any birds except ostriches and cassowaries, or one of the five destructive invasive birds. Your pet eagle just needs to be registered so they know you didn't snatch it from the wild. Licenses will only apply if you're breeding, selling, or using it for falconry.
Maybe I could even tie this hypothetical antagonist guy to Sharptooth/One Eye/The God of Summer's previous human incarnation, on some off-chance the series ends up using this villain again. That could be kinda neat.
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Right. So. I really need people to get okay with people disliking or even hating Ed. Like. As soon as possible.
I have always maintained that people are allowed to feel however they want about Izzy but they need to show the fans the bare minimum of respect by keeping it out of the tags and off their posts and out of their askboxes, as well as not moralizing over the fact that we like the character that they hate.
I feel the same about Ed.
I say this as someone who does still love Ed and is happy to see where this season takes him when he gets his chance for growth past his destructive spiral. (Note: I did not say 'self' destructive, because while he is hurting himself, he is also hurting others and that should be acknowledged.)
Think of what it tells survivors of DV/IPV when they see you say things like 'I can't believe people are vilifying Ed over what he's doing to Izzy'. You don't even have to be a survivor to find discomfort with a character who is doing those things. Regardless of how the season in full treats his behavior, what we've been presented with so far has very obviously been compared to a DV/IPV situation. The crew staged an intervention and held sympathy when Izzy cried. Even someone who doesn't like Izzy might find it difficult to still love - or even like - Ed at this association.
All this aside. It literally doesn't matter why someone hates Ed. As long as they have the common decency to not put outright hate in the character tag or on other people's posts or askboxes and not moralize over people who do still like/love the character it's fine. Which I have not seen really anyone doing anyway. At least not with any frequency with which to warrant the amount of 'give fans of Ed some grace' or 'you shouldn't hate Ed he's literally so sad and has never done anything wrong' type posts I've seen since the s2e1 clip came out.
It really is frustrating that Izzy-antis have used all the right phrases in this type of discourse without actually holding to any sort of principle of common decency, because really: Someone hating your favorite character does not affect you. Pointing out the things they did wrong is not hate (though it should, ideally, still be tagged as '[character] critical' or some such similar term). Having a reason for reprehensible behavior does not excuse said behavior.
We do not need to close ranks around Ed the way the Canyon tends to with Izzy because there is no wide-scale attack on his character or the people who still like/love him. Yes, have some grace to his fans but let's not create an environment where people feel like they're not allowed to criticize the character at all, even untagged on their own accounts.
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trentcrimmisgay · 6 months
if you’re an our flag means death fan pissed over the finale i’m gonna direct you to ted lasso season 2 episode 5, rainbow, 4 min & 26 seconds in
go listen to the definition of romcommunism.
bc. if i see one more post about how “unfair” this “ending” is to con im gonna lose it !!!!!! if they have their way- we’re getting another season. i have to hope and believe we’re getting one.
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there is no way he doesn’t have something planned about how to resurrect or at LEAST include izzy. but everyone commenting on “he should’ve been buried at sea” or that it’s “tonally different from the show” like GIRL!!!!!!!! i AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!! like EXACTLY it’s a ROM COM so for now, can’t we just believe that we’re gonna get a season 3 where we see the reasoning behind that?
lucius was okay. ed found his leathers at a random spot at the bottom of the goddamn ocean. buttons turned into a motherfucking SEAGULL that they used to SIGNAL TO US AT THE END OF THE FINALE!!!!!!!! have hope my love. please
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izzysillyhandsy · 6 months
A cool death - Ed's theatrical, performative suicide
"You know, I thought I'd have a cooler death than this. Something like being eaten, eaten by a tiger, or massaged to death by mermaids, or… belly-flopping into a volcano."
It seems I'm not done analysing The Scene from S2E2. It is a wonderful scene, perfect for rewatching - the music, the lighting, the double meaning of the things being said and the things unsaid, and the way it almost feels unreal, artificial and staged.
This is Ed's arranged suicide and he is playing by his rules, expecting Izzy to go along with it (as per usual). And at first, Izzy responds to it.
It is obvious to everyone that Ed is a highly dramatic person who loves the fantastical, symbolism and storytelling; he has a rich imagination and loves to perform. With Izzy, this is more hidden (especially in S1) but in S2 it becomes clearer and clearer that, in that regard, he is not that different from Ed. Both of them creating Blackbeard (their greatest fuckery) is only one example. The Kraken and the Shark is another.
For almost their whole lives, Ed and Izzy have been performing, creating theatrical illusions of their preferred realities to keep them safe, in charge and help maintain a certain lifestyle. But these illusions also helped in covering up their weaknesses (Ed can't kill, Ed can be unstable, Izzy loves Ed far too much, they're incapable of letting the other go, etc).
So is it any wonder that Ed, at his lowest point and just wanting everything to be over with, views his own suicide as a form of fuckery? He needs someone to kill him (the no killing rule extends even to himself) and so he arranges reality in a way to make that happen.
And for Blackbeard, it can never be an ordinary, boring, basic death. His death has to be cool and pretty intense.
Luckily, he has just the right person for the job - the master of real, sincere intensity: Izzy, who would do anything for him, who'd play along and follow him right into the fantasy, who has been with him for so long that he'd just get it.
And Ed makes it completely clear from the start - "I had a dream about you last night. I dreamt that you killed me." - this is about Ed and how Ed wants to die, dreamt up to the last detail. He holds Izzy's gaze. "It was good for me." - please do this last thing for me. He softly touches Izzy's (ungloved) right hand while standing up and getting into position - "I was standing. Just like this."
Izzy, probably half delirious from bloodloss and pain, follows Ed's every move with rapt attention.
So, how does Ed arrange his death? How does he imagine his last ever fuckery, his last shared fantasy with Izzy?
The execution of a mythical creature
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Ed positions himself very carefully, at a good distance to Izzy and between Izzy and the stairs leading up to the door, with rays of sunlight coming from above.
From Izzy's POV, Ed must look like an angel ascending to heaven. Ed's posture and especially the way he holds his arms - almost a crucifixion pose - add to the impression. The sunlight frames him like a halo.
Contrary to the beginning of the scene, Ed turns his back to his executioner and calmly closes his eyes. He stands tall, proud and beautiful, accepting his fate with grace.
Perfect, beautiful and untouchable
Ed might be at his most beautiful and sublime in this scene. He is calm, dignified and regal. Izzy isn't granted the same status.
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While Ed is a statue of perfection, Izzy lies on a filthy bed below him, drenched in his blood and god knows what else.
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He's sweaty, his hair sticks to his face and his clothes are rumpled (and Izzy is normally so well groomed). His leather vest and even his omnipresent right glove are missing, as well as half a leg. He's so weak, he probably wouldn't even be able to sit up properly.
Also, in stark contrast to Ed, Izzy is almost hysterical. He's laughing maniacally, his face is contorted, and he's wildly emotional.
Ed is above it all, tragically beautiful and serene.
Surrendering to his fate
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Ed almost projects the image of a hero or a revolutionary being executed by an evil henchman. He's Ed here - not the Kraken or even Blackbeard. His fate is decided by Izzy, Blackbeard's first mate. I think in Ed's mind, it is fitting that the man who "egged Ed on" to stay in his Blackbeard persona finally kills him when he can't do it anymore.
When Stede left him, Ed returned to Izzy without any plan what to do next. When Izzy kind of decided for him (at least that what Ed tells himself I think) Ed realized that he couldn't be what Izzy wanted him to be any more. He escalated the Blackbeard fuckery to become essentially Izzy's worst fear and nightmare.
Now, at the end of it all, he's back to being Edward, Edward who just wanted to be himself. And the man who had controlled him for decades gets to execute him. One last time, Ed is at the mercy of Izzy.
It is a compelling fantasy.
And Izzy finally, finally decides to stop playing.
At the beginning, Izzy seems entranced, a little hopeful, nostalgic and maybe even elated (even if everythings fucked to hell, at least this Ed wants to share with him). But as soon as Ed gets into position and expects Izzy to act executioner to his theatrical, arranged suicide - he just can't do it anymore.
Izzy could never kill Ed in any circumstances, but this must have been like a slap in the face (or, to be as dramatic as Ed, a dagger through the heart).
Izzy destroys the fantasy by essentially treating Ed like a little kid - "Ooh, you scared, Eddie?" and "Clean up your own fuckin' mess". He's not playing the part Ed chose for him, this is not who he is.
Izzy is not Ed's executioner. He is not a maniacal puppetmaster. He's not a higher power and Ed's not at his mercy. Ed is not a perfect, untouchable mystical creature and Izzy is not a hysterical wretch.
When Ed leaves (slightly disappointed, but not surprised, maybe even grudgingly approving), Izzy kills himself. Without any fuckery, theatricality and without an audience.
With his trusted scene partner gone, Ed immediately abandons his dignified hero fantasy. He throws himself into his next fuckery - the deranged killer. I'm quite sure that one wasn't as meticulously planned.
But when Izzy inexplicably comes back, the tables have turned. Izzy, who has finally taken control over his part in their shared destiny, appears on deck in the midst of lightning strikes and thunder. Now it's Izzy who is calm, dignified and untouchable - a mythical creature himself. Back from the dead, indestructible, disarming Ed with an impossible shot.
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And Ed? Ed is visibly impressed. God I love those two. For the last time, Izzy is giving Ed what he wants, but on his own terms.
Finally, the crew kill Ed in the most dramatic way possible, in the middle of a fucking storm, on a ship doomed to sink with every soul on board.
Ed and Izzy can be proud - this was the most impressive fuckery of their lives.
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