#i think the ‘con deserved better’ stuff really undervalues the incredible acting work that he did in the finale
trentcrimmisgay · 7 months
if you’re an our flag means death fan pissed over the finale i’m gonna direct you to ted lasso season 2 episode 5, rainbow, 4 min & 26 seconds in
go listen to the definition of romcommunism.
bc. if i see one more post about how “unfair” this “ending” is to con im gonna lose it !!!!!! if they have their way- we’re getting another season. i have to hope and believe we’re getting one.
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there is no way he doesn’t have something planned about how to resurrect or at LEAST include izzy. but everyone commenting on “he should’ve been buried at sea” or that it’s “tonally different from the show” like GIRL!!!!!!!! i AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!! like EXACTLY it’s a ROM COM so for now, can’t we just believe that we’re gonna get a season 3 where we see the reasoning behind that?
lucius was okay. ed found his leathers at a random spot at the bottom of the goddamn ocean. buttons turned into a motherfucking SEAGULL that they used to SIGNAL TO US AT THE END OF THE FINALE!!!!!!!! have hope my love. please
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