#tea at the landmark hotel
wellourgerdes · 4 months
The Landmark London Hotel
The Landmark London An elegant hotel that dates back to 1899, this one is next to the Marylebone train station and 2 miles from the British Museum, with Oxford Street just a 14-minute walk away.   The luxurious rooms provide complimentary Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and seating areas. Elegant one- to three-bedroom suites feature separate living spaces, Italian marble baths, and coffee makers; some…
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sebastianswallows · 2 months
The English Client — Two
— PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: The year is 1952. Tom is working for Borgin and Burkes. He is sent to Rome to acquire three ancient books of magic by any means necessary. One in particular proves challenging to reach, and the only path forward is through a pretty, young bookseller. A foreigner like him, she lives alone, obsessed with her work... until Tom comes into her life.
— WARNINGS: angst, alienation, and exhaustion
— A/N: Apology to any Italian readers, Tom gets rather grumpy with how cheerful everyone else is around him 😂 Also, we finally meet our reader in this chapter! 💚
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It was just as Tom predicted. As soon as Clement saw the state of his hotel, he wouldn't stay there for another minute. He tried to persuade Tom to come with him to some fancier place he had in mind, assuring him he'd pay for all expenses, but Tom wouldn't hear it. He'd spent enough time with people like him to know that nothing came for free.
In the end, Clement took the taxi onward to the Plaza Grand Hotel, but not before writing down Tom’s hotel and room number on the edge of a crumpled napkin.
“I will call you later, yes? Just in case you change your mind,” he winked.
The rest of his day was spent in a blissful void, interrupted by the occasional pang of hunger — which he quieted with water and crackers, before falling asleep again. He was woken in the evening by cheerful shouting from outside, distant music, and peels of laughter down the hallway. The sounds reverberated up the faded frescoes and chipped columns of the building, but he had to remind himself that he was among muggles now — no hexes. At least his pillow was soft... He buried his head beneath it and hoped to suffocate before morning.
When he woke up properly, feeling squeezed and still exhausted, the sun hadn’t yet risen. The streets were quiet save for the hooting of owls resting in the trees and little insects on their flowers. Little lights from faraway buildings lit up the horizon.
Tom had slept nude, too lazy to change into something after taking his clothes off. As soon as he sat up, he felt all weak and dizzy, hair ruffled sticking to his face, body cut through with creases from the sheets and muggy with his sweat. Worst of all, his blood had all seemed to pool into his legs. Standing up like a newborn fawn, he walked over to the windows, opened them wide, and breathed in the cold night air. It made his body shiver. It felt pleasant. It felt a little bit like home.
The early hours passed slowly. He managed to wash himself in the little closet of a bathroom, brushed his hair, and even put a few of his old things in order. After eating a ham sandwich he'd bought from the train's food car and brewing a cup of tea with magic, he felt like a new man. He sat by the window in a loose bathrobe and watched the rising sun, and as his strength returned to him he began mentally revising the events of his journey.
“To think I'll have to go through all of that again on my way back,” Tom groaned. “And I thought the Hogwarts Express was a bore…”
Travelling abroad had been on his agenda for quite a while, once he found all the artefacts he needed through Borgin and Burkes, but he hadn't quite anticipated how physically exhausting it would be to sit in a muggle contraption for hours on end. If he wanted to explore the world in search of rare magical items, he would have to devise a more suitable method. Perhaps Thestrals…
His thoughts turned to Clement again. His wide grin, his bright blue eyes, his utter carelessness of composure... What an annoying fellow. Well, if the need arose to make another Horcrux, at least he'd know where to look.
The afternoon found him roaming the streets of the city. He spent a little while acquainting himself with the landmarks closest to the hotel just enough to find his way if lost, but he'd also collected from the concierge a list of local rare book shops and antiquaries to start his investigation. It was with nothing more than this that Tom stepped onto the cobbled streets of Rome and started walking.
The hotel Burke had set him up in, the Gallienus, was among the cheapest. It was nestled in one of the poorer parts of town, where the roads were narrow and beggars slept on the stairs of buildings boarded up. There was at least one pile of dry and darkened animal droppings on every street corner. Trash overflowed from forgotten dumpsters, buzzing vibrantly in the sun.
It took him quite a while to find the first bookstore, and longer still to find a good one. Most of them sold less prestigious stuff than what they advertised. The muggles were cheerful and friendly, if false, and a few tried to barter with him all the way to the door. A couple with fancy window dressing had only the veneer of the authentic, selling new volumes beaten up or rebound with cardboard covers.
Still, he made a few acquaintances, if not outright friends, among the shopkeepers, and his list of options grew larger as he heard from them of more interesting stores, but by evening he had nothing to show for all his exploration.
Moreover, he was thoroughly lost. The cafes frothed with little umbrellas in the streets, the fountains billowed in the air and danced, and all of it started to look the same to him. The fancy suits of people coming back from work and their black voluptuous hairstyles all blended with each other. He'd ambled his way from the Via Domenichino to the Colosseum, then to the chip-toothed ruins of the Roman Forum, higher to the Pantheon, then down, down toward the Tiber.
The air was alight with ages past and everything was moving. The shadows of aged stone, touched by dereliction and decay and the stray shellings of the war that ended just seven years ago, danced at the corners of his eyes together with the throngs of white-dressed women and the scooters zipping by. And at any moment it felt as if some ancient in a toga would walk out from between those columns and shake a bony finger at the careless youth, lamenting, and asking just to die again.
Tom stopped somewhere along the Tiber and gazed out across its murky serpentine flow. If he squinted, he could just about see the Vatican. A flock of nuns passed him by, flowing in quiet black and white against a blue and just as quiet sky. The air was warm, but chilling. He was surrounded on every side by broad buildings in smooth geometric shapes, and yet he’d never felt quite so exposed before.
Now that he had a moment to stop and ponder the experience, he realised that being in Rome felt like being in the world and yet above it, as if the whole city was floating in the sky. A dish on a high pedestal, yawning to the heavens.
“Maddening,” he whispered to himself. “Imagine living here forever…”
Under the shadow of a sycamore, he leaned over the stone walls that enclosed the river. It was a long way down… Its waters seemed about as dark as Thames, but smoother. He wondered, without really caring, whether there were any corpses buried there, some skeletons stuck in the mud, forgotten and unwanted. The chime of churchbells reached him, cutting through the buzzing of the cars.
What would he do tomorrow? Much the same thing as today, he reasoned… Only he’d have far further to go to reach these newer places he just learned about. He reached into his pocket for a little map he’d folded up, and tried to smooth it out over the stone.
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” he mumbled to himself as he planned his pathway back to the hotel. “Even London isn’t this bad, right?” He’d forgotten that it was.
Turning, he looked once more at all the young people that now lined the street. For some reason, all of them were smiling, happy. A couple was shamelessly kissing as they hid behind a tree. When they started sliding down its trunk, tight in each other’s arms, Tom rolled his eyes and started walking back the way he’d come.
Sweat had dampened his shirt collar and went down the centre of his chest, but somehow it bothered him less than he expected it would. It was quite a different experience from the Knockturn Alley cellar where he worked, or that pittance of a room he rented above an apothecary shop.
Here all was warm stone, and coffee, and cats that slithered around the corners. Here he was nobody. Not Mr. Riddle, not Lord Voldemort, the terror and equal envy of his schoolmates, not Tom the orphan, Tom the gifted student, Tom the Head Boy. He wasn't even a half-blood or a wizard. Muggles had no idea about such things. Here he was nobody — except maybe ‘bel ragazzo’ when he passed by a hot-blooded madam sipping her red wine. To shed his myriad identities felt light and clean, like an old coat sliding off his shoulders.
So, what was he beneath all that?
Today, he was just a wanderer taking in the sights. Tomorrow, maybe something else.
The paved Roman street branched like a vein of undulating black blood into narrower and ever-winding paths, some leading back to the piazza, others through old buildings nestled so close together they blotted out the sun. He took one such path. It was cooler here than in the open, almost bearable, even with the piling trash and stench of cat piss everywhere.
Tom had never shied away from squalor. If anything, the old stones and the dampness and the hint of sewage reminded him a bit of his old Hogwarts dorm. He smiled at the memory as he walked back the way he came, a hand in his trouser pocket and his mind far away, at how impressive and select and magical — in the most pure, extraordinary way, a way those raised with magic would never understand — it seemed to him when he first arrived at Hogwarts. How plain and pure his happiness had been to be away from wicked muggles, to learn that he was special and that greatness, surely, called to him…
The narrow alleyway he slid through opened into the wide and brilliant Piazza di Trevi. The fountain cast its net of water flowing down like gossamer. Tom stopped to thread his fingertips through its shivering pool and sprinkled a little bit of water over the hot crown of his head before walking on.
He had a vague idea of where he was, and what street he should turn on to return to his hotel before sunset.
His steps stopped almost on their own when his eyes fell on his reflection in the darkened glass of a store window — body tall and lean, chest blushing red, hair falling in his eyes with sweat. Beyond it, a flock of books on stout old wooden shelves. How interesting… Tom shifted his jacket from his elbow to his shoulder as he leaned forward to read. They were quite old volumes, judging by the typefaces and the engravings on display, and some he recognised as classic esoterica.
He looked at the sign above the door: Casa Ur. A reference to ancient Sumer? He looked past the glass more carefully, his every instinct pulling him toward this strange collection. If he was right, and they were real, then they were very old indeed. What carelessness, to keep them in such a place, hot and humid and likely infested by an entomologist’s dream collection of mites and moths and other pests.
Then he looked past his own reflection, past all the books, and there, in the middle of it all like a pale shadow between the shelves, he saw a woman. She was braced against a wooden desk, standing as he often did at Burkes when he was tired. She wore some sort of lady’s suit he couldn’t quite make out, and a string of silver shone dully at her neck like a wet trail of kisses. Her fingers were poised atop the pages of a ledger.
She was staring at him.
Tom let his gaze glide off her figure and back toward the books, keeping his cold and haughty look a moment longer before stepping away again.
How interesting… Why had none of the other shopkeepers mentioned it before? This was perhaps the first store he gave any serious consideration, and to think he’d found it all by accident…
The place had promise, but the building was far too large and far too old for rent there to be cheap — which meant the books were bound to be expensive. If they weren’t facsimiles or forgeries, then they deserved their price, but places like that also tended to be quite selective of their clientele, and Tom knew nobody in Rome who’d vouch for him. And as for his fake muggle money, that would only go so far…
What was worse, he had no way of reaching back to Borgin and Burkes. Knowing no other wizards in Rome, he had nobody to borrow an owl from, if that was even what they used in these climes, and the closest wizarding community he knew was down in Sicily. Muggle modes of communication wouldn’t reach Knownturn Alley, and international phone calls were awfully expensive. Tom was on his own.
“Well, there’s more than one way to skin a Puffskein,” he said to himself.
Before he turned the corner, he looked up at the wall and took note of the street he was just on: Via dell'Umiltà.
She started closing up the shop earlier than usual that day. Maybe it was because they’d only had two customers. Maybe because it was inordinately hot… Or maybe because of that handsome stranger who gazed through her window two hours before.
She felt unprofessional for staring, for letting her eyes wander down his fit frame tall and slender like a serpent… With his crisp white shirt liberally peeled back at the neck, his dark curls falling into his eyes, jacket casually hanging from his elbow and a silver ring around his finger, those charcoal trousers sitting so tightly on his slender hips and —
That was as far as she could see before he walked away.
She gathered her things slowly, waiting for evening to come and the streets to cool a little. She locked everything up and called downstairs to announce that she was leaving.
Stepping forth from that dark hole of history and out into the world again, she was greeted by a Rome painted in royal red. The sun was setting. As she walked by the Trevi fountain she could feel the steam that rose from the sprinkling on the stones playing around her ankles. The pigeons flew up with a fright, rustling through the air. People gathered in the square and cast around her a sea of murmurs in Italian and other foreign tongues. It was all foreign to her, of course, or rather she was foreign to it.
She could never quite fit in with the locals, however comfortable she felt there. Her accent always gave her away, and whatever the Italian “look” was, she didn’t have it — or perhaps strangers stared at her for other reasons, glances lingering behind so heavy she could feel them every time she did her shopping in her little neighbourhood, or went to lunch with her librarian and antiquary friends around the area. No matter what she did, what she wore, or how she did her hair, she remained a ‘straniera’. But that was alright. She didn’t mind being a little strange.
The pretty and ancient parts of Rome disintegrated, façades falling apart, pediments crumbling, cobblestones popping out of the eternal roads. The streets looked very different a few tram hops later as she made her way toward her rented flat. People looked the same though. The young ones were in the street, the women laboured around the house, the nonnas at the market, and the men all off at work.
But no matter the day, whenever she left for the bookshop or returned from it, the cafés were always full. People gazed out from beneath their striped little umbrellas, drinking from a thick white cup of coffee or sipping on a glass of wine, reading the news, petting their dogs, chatting with each other… It made her feel like life was passing by.
Then again, she had no mood for going out for coffee, not when she came home with her feet aching and her back sore. Even though all she had to do that day was sort out the books and fill the ledgers and occasionally deal with clients, the workday left her feeling battered. Besides, she had no one to go out with anyway…
Her work was solitary, and the friends she’d made were few — fellow book dealers and curators, all of whom were as busy as she was. And whenever they did meet during the occasional break, the only thing they talked about was work. There was no room left in anybody’s life for something different.
The cellar bar across the street from where she lived was already rumbling with a hint of lonely jazz, and the solid voice of men. The sound echoed past the old restaurant and bookshop near it that had been closed for years, and the rows of cheap apartments filled with working families. Out from underneath a shrub, a cat cut through her path. She stopped and almost called to it, but it ran through a hole in the wall of the neighbouring building. Getting out of the heat, perhaps.
Her building was cool on the inside for the instant it took to climb the two sets of stairs to her door, but then she stepped into her flat and it was like walking into an oven. Sunlight streamed through her windows all day, and no amount of curtains stopped the heat that built up there.
She peeled her clothes off her body before she even reached the bedroom, limping slightly all the way from the pain at her Achilles heel, and fell upon her bed face first. The shower could wait. Oh, what she would give for a massage… She rubbed her feet together as they hung over the side, and smiled at the fantasy of a pair of cold hands rubbing down her back.
She wondered what that handsome stranger was doing now…
Was he Italian? Unlikely given his pallor, although he had the same dark hair and eyes as all the locals did, and none of the whimsical, lost look of tourists. And he was alone.
His gaze, as much as she could make of it, had been scathing and critical, and he hadn’t even said a word. She turned around on the bed, eyes still closed, as she imagined him there. She saw all manner of people in her work, and although most of them were old, there were a few still young, still handsome… Mostly students at the local universities. But nobody, nobody she’d met so far, had been quite as striking as that stranger.
Was it pointless to hope that he would come again?
It was easier to put herself together after resting for a while. Living alone provided her with no greater luxury than this: there was never any need to rush. Dinner consisted of a cup of tea and biscuits, which was more than what she usually had, paired with a few page flips from a novel she was reading that she could hardly pay attention to. But every paragraph and sentence, any image conjured up by fiction, was haunted by the contours of that young man’s face.
Her sleep that night was deep and intoxicating, like a faint, her body giving her up to vague nightmares she would not remember. But she had a fresh enthusiasm when she woke up the next day. She brewed a little coffee with a smile and let it cool while she took a shower, and even the rumbling of the pipes couldn’t scare her mood away.
It was a feeling that entered her like an old tenant returned to a forgotten home. She used to feel alive in a very similar way in the early days of her employment at Casa Ur, when she thought she was so lucky to be chosen to run it for Baron Agarda. And she was lucky, she knew that, but she no longer felt it. The only thing she felt these days was weary.
So why was she smiling today?
As she rode the tram, wind tousling her hair and chilling the heat off of her neck, and walked back to the shop to the happy murmurs of tourists and the flutter of pigeons, she found her thoughts returning to the same idea — would he come today too? She smiled like a besotted schoolgirl all the way to work.
That good mood mellowed as the day went on, and she fell back into the dour ritual of tending to the shop. The same books awaited her as yesterday, the same letters to prospective buyers, invitations, packages, deliveries… Only the visit of Sister Silvia could cheer her up, and they shared a cup of coffee over yesterday’s Corriere della Sera.
By lunchtime, she’d forgotten all about him. As if to distract her further, Federico called to invite her to their usual spot by the fountain for a lunch break, and there he talked about the delicious anxiety he had from his own work. He was nice, she could not deny him that, and harmless, so it was no great effort on her part to listen. She indulged him, grateful not to have to respond at all, and afterwards, Fred walked her back to work with a feeling of deep satisfaction.
Work filled her days. The sort of work that never ends, that you never see the back of. Questions and ingratitude, files and lists and mess that builds up as soon as you misplace the smallest item. There was no hope, there was no end in sight, and she was so deep in these waters that there was no point in looking forward to anything at all.
So she was all the more surprised when three o’clock rolled around and there he was, walking through her door.
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stardust-swan · 1 year
Lifestyle of the Refined, Cultured City Girl
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She takes advantage of living somewhere with access to many cultural activities. She attends the symphony, the theatre, the ballet, and the orchestra. She visits art galleries and museums. She attends book readings, poetry readings, lectures by experts in various subjects, and writer's talks. She watches independent films in small cinemas. She goes to fashion shows. She unwinds by reading in a beautiful, old library. Many of these activities are free or cheap, so money is rarely a concern.
She has social hobbies, like playing an instrument in a local band, attending a book club or writer's group, participating in poetry readings, and taking evening classes and workshops on subjects like painting, fashion, learning a language, culinary classes, learning an instrument, etc.
She has private hobbies too, like writing a novel, creating art, studying, reading, and taking private music lessons.
On dates, she goes to painting classes where her and her date paint each other's portrait, pottery classes where they make each other something special, fine restaurants where she and her date try new cuisine, and upscale hotels for a fine afternoon tea.
She is always studying. Whether it's in University for a degree that will help her get her dream job, or a less formal education like learning about the world of art from her trips to the galleries, or learning about the history and culture of her city by exploring it, she's always taking advantage of the opportunities she has to expand her knowledge.
She participates in cultural festivities that may be held in her city, such as wine tastings, cheese tastings, art exhibits, film festivals, and book fairs.
She visits historical landmarks and sites to learn about her city's past and culture.
She visits rooftop bars and lounges, both to socialise and admire the view of the city.
She networks with people in high positions, and socialises at events and gatherings like cocktail parties, charity functions, and dinner parties.
She visits both high end boutiques and small, locally owned shops.
She spends time in nature by going to parks and botanical gardens.
She gives back to her community by support or volunteering with a charity or non-profit
She attends a yoga or meditation class at a wellness centre.
She discovers her local patisseries and bakeries and enjoys fresh baked goods.
She takes walking or cycling tours of the city's historic districts to learn about its culture and landmarks.
She visits a local farmers market for fresh produce and unique artisanal products.
She's always dressed impeccably. You will never see her in ratty old clothes, gym gear unless she's actually in the gym, or flip-flops unless she's at the beach. Her hair is always tidy, and her makeup never looks caked on. Her nails are always clean and neat. Her skincare routine is down to a T. She never says "I'm just going to the store" as an excuse to dress frumpily, as she knows there's always the risk of running into someone important and does not want to look like a slob. She does not hold onto clothes that are worn out, damaged, or unflattering, leaving only chic outfits available to dress in. She checks herself from all angles before leaving home to make sure there's no wardrobe malfunctions happening at the back of her outfit, e.g a hole in the back of her jeans. She honours herself, those around her, and her city by looking presentable and neat everyday.
Her home is never cluttered. It is decorated with art, including some paintings or pictures of the city, and she has photographs on the mantelpiece of the friends she's made there. She has a variety of books on a range of subjects that interest her. Her kitchen is well-equipped - no living on takeout for her. She has a set of high quality china and luxurious bedding and linen. She plays classical and jazz music instead of keeping the TV on for background noise. She treats herself to a bouquet of flowers to put in a vase occasionally, and may have a houseplant. She lights candles for a beautiful smell. She may have a collection of herbal teas to help her relax in the evenings. She may even have a well-stocked mini bar, space and funds permitting. Her wardrobe is carefully selected. Her home is stylish, yet comfortable, and always feels ready for guests. She practices the art of entertaining, and does it well.
She knows about hidden treasures in her city that one can't find out about just from doing an internet search. For example, in Paris, a string quartet of musicians meet up on a random day each week and play a free concert in the courtyard of the Louvre, but you wouldn't know this from looking up places to visit in Paris. It's something you must discover on your own or hear about by word of mouth. It could be a small unassuming café that makes the best dish you've ever tasted, or a beautiful building people rarely visit (like the medieval church/graveyard in my neighbourhood that's usually locked up and difficult to see into because of the high walls surrounding it, but if you pass by at the right time, the groundskeepers may be there and let you in to see the blooming flowers and trees beyond the graveyard gates if you ask nicely), an out-of-the-way boutique that sells gorgeous garments, a hidden park tucked away from the main streets, or a secret or exclusive bar or nightclub.
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harryssattelitestomper · 11 months
Going on tour with bf!Harry (written one-shot)
Warnings: Use of "she/her" pronouns. Cursing.
Wordcount: 1K.
A/N: I'm not used to writing written one-shots but I tried my best, I hope you like it! Feedback is always welcomed 🥰
To be fair I hadn't meant to leave packing for the last minute, I just got distracted with other things. At least that's what I kept telling myself. But the truth was I just couldn't find it in myself to start, I mean no one likes packing for trips.
Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm was just because I knew I had to pack almost my whole entire wardrobe with me. I mean I was going on tour with Harry for a month. And a girl needed outfit options.
After finally pulling myself out of my spot on the bed where I had cocooned myself, I began to sort through my wardrobe and putting my stuff into my suitcase.
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After what felt like hours I was finally done with packing. I put my suitcase at the end of Harry's and my bed for him to carry downstairs later and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
I grabbed an iced tea from the fridge and after receiving a text from Harry saying he's gonna be home in an hour, I started making dinner.
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As I had just finished making the pasta sauce and began to pour it in with the pasta I heard the front door closing.
"Lovie I'm home" I heard Harry yelling from the entryway, sounding relieved to be home.
"In the kitchen!" I continued making dinner as I waited for him to reach me. And a few seconds later I felt strong arms around my waist and a face being showed into my neck, peppering kisses along the expanse of my neck.
'missed yous' and 'i love yous' being murmured into my neck, I finally let myself move from the embrace and turned around to face him, my arms looping around his neck.
"Hi" his voice soft as if he'd just woken up even though that was not the case and he had in fact been up since 6am.
"Dinner's ready" I stated as I loosened my arms from him and started getting plates up from the cabinet.
As we situated ourselves at the dining table, plates full of pasta and glasses filled with red wine we relaxed, talked about the upcoming departure for the last shows of Love On Tour and just enjoyed each other's company.
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It was 6am when Harry's alarm rang and it was time for us to go to the airport. Since we had packed most of our things, we just did our morning business, got dressed in some comfortable clothes and took off in the car that had been ordered for us. We were going to Werchter, Belgium for some of the shows that were ending an era. We had traveled back to our London home inbetween the Cardiff show and the Werchter show for some much needed rest. Because nothing beat the feeling of sleeping in your own bed.
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After about an hour flight we'd arrived to Brussels from where we'd take a car ride to Werchter since it too took only an hour.
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When we finally arrived to our hotel we straight away flopped onto the hotel bed, even though the flight and car ride were fairly short, traveling and interacting with people was always a bit exhausting so we took a quick nap before meeting with the others (Ai Sarah, Mitch etc.) at the lobby and going sight-seeing.
We went to see Stadhus van Leuven, which I wasn't sure if it was anything special but at least the building was absolutely beautiful.
After visiting a few more landmarks and going to grab some lunch, we strolled back to the hotel to get ready to leave for sound-check.
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I was sitting on a random equipment box watching Harry and the band practice (really I was just admiring him). He randomly waved at me or blew me a kiss which, even after three years of dating still got butterflies to appear in my stomach.
"What's up" he chimed as he made his way over to me on the equipment box.
"Nothing, just thinking bout' how Love On Tour is almost over" I replied, with a bit of a bittersweet tone.
Harry moved to sit with me on the box and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"It is kind of bittersweet isn't it? A part of me is scared about people being disappointed in me taking a break but a bigger part of me is so excited about what's to come." he mumbled while playing with my engagement ring.
I just nodded my head and leaned my against his shoulder, knowing he was more making an observation than waiting for an answer. As we sat and watched the crew putting things in order I kept thinking about how proud of him I was.
"Guys you need to go get dressed" Jeff told us so we made our way to Harry's dressingroom.
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Harry was dressed and doing his pre-show stretches as I once again stood on the side as to not get in anyones way. I had also changed my outfit (per H's request since he liked when I matched him) .
As it was time for him to start going on stage he came to collect his good-luck kiss and he was on his way.
I also made my way towards Anne who had flown to tonight's show. We, together with my assigned bodyguard made our way into the VIP/family booth.
"Can't believe tour's almost over" Anne mumbled to me when we were finally seated and rested her hand on mine. "Me neither, I'm trying to make the most of it before it's over" I answered her as I took in the view around me. Nothing could beat the way people lit up when they saw Harry, how they exchanged bracelets, dressed in colorful clothes, felt at ease. Oh, how I was gonna miss this. Obviously I knew there where so many things and new projects waiting for me and Harry in the future, but I've never been good with change.
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As Harry finally came on stage he immediately had everyone drawn to him. Everyone's attention was on him.
As the night went on me and Anne danced and sang, watched Harry reading and answering signs, laughing with him, just enjoying the night fully.
After all; New and great beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Pesky Paparazzi (harry’s angel au)
pairing: harry styles x female reader (angel)
summary: Amsterdam is so beautiful, until you’re being chased by paparazzi and some crazy ‘fans’
warnings: slight angst, protective harry, fans that def aren’t fans, swearing + some fluffy goodness
a/n; i know this isn’t the best and i’ve written better, but i wanted to get this finished and out! thank you everyone for being so patient with me; and for enjoying this au as much as I do🩷
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You knew as much as Harry did just how crazy touring can be, especially when it comes to visiting landmarks and exploring the cities you’re both so fortunate to see throughout the months your on tour. Harry also loves finding new places to go on runs or work out in, while you’re more of a tea and coffee lover, trying to find the cutest and of course most local shops to visit and try.
It wasn’t that surprising to see a group of people in the distance on your morning walk, Harry’s hand holding yours as you walked around Amsterdam. He hadn’t yet noticed them but you did, and figured now maybe be the time to find an alternative route; it wasn’t easy running from crazy people being 5 months pregnant.
“H my love, I think we should maybe find a different route”
You stopped walking, your hand tightening on his as he looked towards the group of people up ahead of you both. Glancing at him you could see his shoulders tense
“It’s alright, they’re still aways up from us, let’s just figure out where to go”
He nodded and looked around the two of you, although you remained calm, Harry was in overdrive trying to find a safe way for you both to get back to the hotel. You weren’t very far from it, probably a 6 minute walk, but every way he turned people seemed to show up.
“What about through there? Between the shops?”
You pointed at a walkway, the cobble stones quite bare in comparison to the walkways along the channel
“Okay, let’s go, i’ll get Jeff to send us a car or something”
With his arm now wrapped around your lower back as opposed to holding onto your hand, a sign he was beginning to get slightly anxious. It was only quiet until he heard a plethora of footsteps echoing down the corridor followed by Harry’s name being called
“Harry can we have a photo?”
“Harry we love you”
“Can you sign this?!”
Soon enough you were surrounded by a small group of people, the sounds of excitement filling you with a sense of dread as your hands navigated to your bump just out of instinct
“M’sorry guys, I can’t stop, we’ve got to go, can we have some space?”
Some of the fans respected that, others were getting irate over the fact that Harry didn’t want to stop, that only made him become more agitated especially considering he was with you and his unborn daughter.
“H, i’ll walk ahead, im starting to cramp anyway…i’m sure they won’t give me any trouble..?”
Harry shook his head
“You’re cramping?”
“Minor…I think it’s anxiety…”
“You’re not going anywhere without me when y’not feeling well, come on.”
As much as you figured you’d be okay to walk alone, Harry wasn’t about to let you out of his sights, even if he had to fight through people to get you somewhere safe. Thankfully before it got too crazy, you noticed four of your teams bodyguards approaching and a car waiting at the end of the alley, which you were ushered into.
“Sorry that took so long Y/N, this place is crazy with the shows here”
You smiled in Jeff’s direction, the pains in your stomach not dissipating very much
“It’s alright, more worried about Harry honestly”
Jeff went to respond to you when the door opened again on the other side and Harry slid in next to you, his eyes raking over your form to check for any discomfort; which you were already trying your hardest to hide.
Harry wouldn’t give up that easily if he knew you weren’t feeling well..
“You sure you’re okay angel..? I knew we should have stayed in today..”
Placing your hands on his you shook your head
“I’m okay, obviously not feeling very well now but im fine, baby girl is fine…we’re all okay H, promise…we can’t just hide away forever in a hotel room you know”
“Yes we can.”
Rolling your eyes you turned to face him a little more, wincing at a few strong kicks from your little girl
“No we can’t, because I’d go stir crazy and you’d get bored, I know there are always chances of what happened today, but I still love experiencing all of these countries and cities with you, it’s not your fault some people can’t respect you and your privacy”
Harry stayed quiet, you assumed lost in thought or letting his anxiety take grasp of his already racing thoughts
“H, will you look at me please my love?”
“I’m sorry”
“Hey, none of that”
The car stopped outside of the hotel’s entrance, your eyes still locked on Harry’s, hands grasping his cheeks so he would look at you
“I love you, we’re safe and now we can go have a cuddle and watch a movie, nothing bad happened to us, you kept us safe and got us back here without any issues, so no more being pouty and blaming yourself understood?”
After a few seconds he gave you a tiny smile, which was enough for you in this moment
“I love you too, no more being pouty, I promise”
Harry carried his heart on his sleeve for you, always wanting to fill your days with love and comfort, not even some pesky and overbearing fans could keep him from letting you know just how much he loves you, and how far he would go for you..
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grumpygreenwitch · 4 months
The Witches and Wizards Job 1-2
More writing! More fanfiction! This one combines two of my loves, the Leverage TV series and The Dresden Files books. It is, as usual for my fanfiction, written at speed, spell-checked only casually. However, this time continuity is a Very Important Thing, so I'm crossing my fingers. Also, since the Dresden writing style is so different from my own, I had someone speed-beta that section solely to check that the 'voice' was right.
The events here take place during Leverage's Season 4, a little after the Hot Potato Job. And at some point before Book 10 of The Dresden Files, but definitely after Book 5. Other than that the timeline's kind of scrungly.
In any case, it's no yet finished, so I don't know how long it's gonna go. It will update once a week here, but it's also up on AO3, where it will update much faster, if you don't wanna wait. Commentary is always appreciated, as would be a cuppa tea.
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Remember: Tumblr has no algorythm. Reblogs give me life.
1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6 + 7-8 + 9-10-11 + 12-13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21-22 + 23-24-25 + 26-27-28 + 29-30 + 31-32-33 + 34-35-36 + 37-38 + 39-40-41-42-43
Nate was fighting a one-man battle that he was very much afraid he was losing.
Boston and its surroundings spoke so very loudly of his childhood and younger years. Of times and memories he wanted very hard to forget. He would have pretended they didn't exist if he'd not been in the habit of being punctiliously honest with himself; he'd spend enough years letting a bottle lie to him.
But the truth was, he'd never hated Boston. It was home. The Common greeted him with familiar sights no matter what the season. He could go anywhere, look up, and know where he was by the sight of a familiar landmark, either the good ol' Pru, the timeless Triangle or the brand new Zakim bridge. He had fond, if mosquito-laden, memories of summers spent listening to either Shakespeare in the Park or sneaking into games at Fenway.
That love was coming back to him, no matter how he fought. He'd have to move soon or he might not be able to move at all, not without bleeding once again.
And yet, on that late summer afternoon, with a chilly sea breeze blowing in from Revere to warn the city that autumn was on its way, he lingered before the Eliot Hotel, and felt comfortable in the sights and sounds of a modern metropolis both like and unlike that of his childhood. He even fancied feeling the thrum of the Green Line trains just under his feet, even though he knew that was unlikely in the extreme. Traffic on Newbury blew past him, at its lowest ebb at the moment.
Nate had a meeting. He didn't like the meeting, he didn't like that he'd been asked to come like an errand boy to someone else's beck and call. At the pub he knew every nook, every cranny, every escape route, every weapon. Here, he knew he was at a disadvantage; worse, he couldn't tell how much of one.
But the name on the invitation had trumped all of that.
He trotted up the steps to the gracious hotel and offered the doorman the invitation. The man in his dapper uniform took it and smiled. "Ah, mister Ford." He opened the door for Nate. "You are expected."
"I'm sure I am," Nate muttered, but he still managed to offer a polite thank you. He was himself, as he always was, curling hair slightly rumpled, suit a little too loose here and there where it could have been better tucked in. He looked like a petty businessman who thought too much of himself and wouldn't see a con until it bit him in the arse.
It was a very good facade, and he only surrendered it for meeting clients.
A pert young lady in the hotel's uniform led him to the door attaching the nearby restaurant to the hotel. She held the door open for him with a bright smile.
And she closed and locked it between them.
The place was dark, the chairs up, shades lowered over the windows. The hours on the door proclaimed that it wouldn't be open for another hour, at least. Nate pursed his lips minutely.
"Hello?" he called out into the gloom.
"Mister Ford," a heavily accented voice replied. "Please excuse me, I am… surprised that you came."
"Well, you've got me curious if nothing else, mister Fedorov," Nate explained mildly, advancing in the dark. At the bar he met a man, a little taller than him, dressed in an custom-tailored three-piece charcoal suit with a very plain gold silk tie. The clothes did an exceptional job of hiding the heavy muscle across the man's shoulders, over his chest and along his arms, as well as the bulge of a gun in an underarm holster. Nate wouldn't have known either was there if he'd not expected they would be.
He had blue eyes and dark, curly hair cut and tousled artfully, and he smelled faintly of a very expensive aftershave only to be purchased in Vladivostok. Freshly shaven, his face was full of sharp, predatory angles. He didn't offer his hand, as if he knew Nate wouldn't take it. Instead he poured two cups from a nearby teapot, and the scent of the tea, heady and strong, filled the space between them. There was a laptop and a slim pile of folders behind the teapot.
Nate had run an extensive background on the man and turned up nothing he didn't already know. Vanya Fedorov was the Chief Financial Officer of a small but profitable cybersecurity start-up with offices in Cambridge, US and Cambridge, UK. He was halfway through his third decade of life, a Vladivostok native, he spoke seven languages fluently, and was a geology hobbyist. He was also third-in-line for the command chain of the Eastern Seaboard Russian mafia, after a meteoric rise to power that had him at loggerheads with his own father, the actual man in charge. He was being watched very closely by the real powers back in the Motherland because his uncle, the second-in-command, had all but tapped him already as the heir of preference. He was ruthless, intelligent, driven, ambitious, and his code of morals, if he actually had any, was known only to him. He was, to sum it up, the sort of man Leverage Inc. took down, not the sort they took on as a client.
And yet, here Nate was, having been summoned by a plea for help from, if not the last man on his list, someone pretty damn close to the bottom. He took the cup with a murmured thanks. "So, why am I here, mister Fedorov?" Before the man could speak, Nate lifted a hand. "Literally. Why."
"Vanya, please, mister Ford." When Nate's brows went up at the offered familiarity, the Russian sighed minutely. "A valid question. Believe me. It hurts that I have to come to an Irishman for help, particularly in this city. Particularly in this matter. But in truth, I am… out of my depth. We," he corrected pointedly, "are out of our depth." And with you and your people's reputation, I can only hope you won't be."
Nate sipped at the tea. "You've got my curiosity, and now you've got my attention. Still don't have my services, though."
Vanya snorted humorlessly, and dragged the laptop over. "Did you hear about the fire in Somerville? That fancy restaurant?"
"I don't think it wise for you to confess to any crimes to me, mister Fedorov," Nate pointed out mildly.
At that the Russian did seem amused, however briefly. "We did not do it, mister Ford. It was done to us." He opened the laptop and tapped a few commands before turning it over so Nate could see the screen, split into four separate camera feeds. Two belonged to the restaurant; the others were outside angles, likely from nearby businesses. "A very important member of the organization, a man in good standing, was throwing a private party, an anniversary celebration for his parents. A small thing, just family and friends."
"His friends, or the family's?"
"It was not business," Vanya persisted.
On the screen, Nate watched as one of the restaurant's cameras, aimed at the delivery area and partially covering the kitchen, was thrown into actinic brightness by a massive fireball. Plumes of black smoke quickly overtook the view of the other camera, at the front of the restaurant.
"You were, I am told, in the insurance business," the Russian said mildly. "You know what you are looking at."
"A firebomb." Nate was working hard at keeping a grimace off his face. No one needed a return to the bad old days where the crime syndicates of Boston fought more or less openly on the streets, not giving a damn who got caught in the crossfire.
Vanya's grin was sharp and thin. "I can smell your worry. Let me assure you, Ford. When I say this was not business, I mean it."
Nate couldn't hide his surprise at that. "It was not the Family?"
"It was none of the players," Vanya expanded, further catching him off-guard. "I have looked at them all. I suspected as much, but I had to do my job."
"You suspected. Why?"
"Because this is the latest in a string of attacks." Vanya slid the folders over to him, all but one. "They are not directed at our business. They are not even directed at one family within the business. But they are targeting us, all the same. Innocents are dying and we, I, cannot stop it happening. I am hoping you can."
Nate sucked in a deep breath as he flicked through the folders. A bridge collapse. An accidental lockdown and halon release in an art gallery. A train crash. The attacks, if that's truly what they were, were all over the place; it would be nearly impossible to find a signature, or any sort of commonality. Like the firebomb, they all looked like accidents.
Nate eyed the folder he hadn't been offered. "You have a suspect."
For the first time in their meeting Fedorov looked uncertain. "I have… something. In truth, I don't know what. Understand this, mister Ford. I like my other job. It is not just a thing on paper for me. I like security. I like technology. That job is the only reason I have found this one common thread binding all the incidents." He opened the last folder for Nate.
A dozen or so blurry pictures stared up at the mastermind. They were all of a woman, older, but that was all he could tell. Not one of the shots managed to catch her in more than broad strokes, as if the camera simply refused to focus. It was her, specifically - everyone else around her was perfectly clear, from the man helping her out of the train's wreckage to the two young teenagers escorting her away from some sort of flash flood.
"Who is she?" When Vanya didn't answer, Nate looked up to find the most profoundly uncomfortable look on the Russian's face. "Fedorov, who is she?"
Vanya shifted minutely. It might as well have been a shriek of alarm from a man in his position. Nate blinked. Waited.
"Baba Yaga."
"Excuse me?"
"I know what it sounds like."
"Really? Because it sounds like you're telling me a fairy did this."
"She's not a fairy. Grandmother is much more than that." Anger sharpened Vanya's accent. "She is a power, a dream, a nightmare. Something older than time." He blew out a sharp breath. "I am a rational man, mister Ford. I understand abstraction, I work in cybersecurity, after all. I do not know what to believe, but I must believe something, and I have nothing else." He stared at the pictures. "Unless you and your people find something else."
"We're not monster hunters, Fedorov."
"Then do not hunt a monster. Hunt me an explanation. Hunt me something that makes sense." The Russian tightened one hand into a fist. "Hunt me something I can stop, so innocents stop dying."
"An odd request from a Russian mob enforcer."
Vanya shrugged mildly. "I am a traditional man, mister Ford. I want a return to the old ways, when we offered real protection, not a pretense of it to extort money. When a man's word was worth something more than the bullets he carries or the pain his hands can inflict."
Nate stared at the pictures, at the videos. On the laptop's screen the first responders had finally arrived.
"What if it is Baba Yaga?" he asked, if only because Vanya had offered it as an option, forcing Nate to add it to the list of possibilities and to know what sort of contingencies Fedorov expected from him.
The Russian visibly paled but rallied swiftly, a half-smile curling up his mouth. "Then I guess we will do all we can to find out why she is angry at us, so we can correct the issue and beg her apologies." He let Nate mull on that. "Have I got your services, mister Ford?"
Nate played restlessly with a breath held in his mouth. There had to be a logical explanation, of course. Just because Fedorov hadn't found it didn't mean it wasn't there. But he couldn't readily see one.
What he did see was a man in a tremendously powerful position within the Boston underworld, interested in maintaining the fragile peace between the syndicates and willing to be in Nate's debt to achieve his goals. The latter alone was worth a lot.
He scooped up the folders. "I'll let you know," he said curtly, heading for the restaurant's front door. He paused with his hand on the knob. "Uh, this is a sushi bar, isn't it?"
"A Japanese restaurant, but they do serve excellent sushi."
"Why here? Why not one of your places?"
Vanya smiled wryly. "Because I no longer dare guarantee their safety, but I have yet to find someone willing to fuck with the Japanese."
"We're not monster hunters, Nate," Eliot said mildly as he nursed a beer and stared at the array of screens before him.
"I know, but -" Nate flapped his hand distractedly. "Just ignore the, ignore the monster angle, alright? We have someone, or a bunch of someones, who are responsible for fourteen so-called accidents. Someone who's doing such a flawless job that no one's caught up onto the fact that they aren't accidents."
"Flawless is right," Hardison pointed out, pulling up on one of the screens blueprints and reports. "Arson investigation, insurance investigations, police, Interpol, private security firms, they all ruled them accidents. But you put all their reports, all their data together, and some really nasty stuff starts taking shape."
"Ugh." Sophie groaned around her coffee cup. "So clever and instead of going after the actual bad guys they go after their wives, their kids, their parents. I thought that just wasn't done."
"It isn't," Eliot confirmed. "Few universal rules in organized crime, but that one's the second biggest: don't target innocents."
"What's the first?" Parker asked.
"Don't talk to the cops," Eliot, Sophie and Nate all replied at the same time.
The team crossed a look, equal parts surprise and amusement.
"I'm not even in organized crime and I know that one," Parker admitted.
"The point," Nate fought to herd the cats back together, "is that this is happening, it's affecting innocents, and it needs to stop. This isn't like one of our usual jobs, obviously, so I do have to ask: are we taking it?"
There was silence.
"I don't know, Nate, I don't like it," Eliot said at last. "Yeah, there were bystanders in at least half those places. There's no way there weren't a few innocent people on that train, or the nitrogen spill in Kuala Lumpur. But if the frigging Russian mob can't pin it down, someone else needs to step up and do the job, yes - I just can't see what the job actually is."
"There's nothing to steal," Parker protested.
"Nothing to hack," Hardison added. "All of these 'accidents' were mechanical in nature. Analog. Even the halon release was a faulty piece of equipment, not software failure. That alone is hinky as hell, halon tech isn't new but it's not old, either, but…" He threw his hands up helplessly.
"Nothing to con." Sophie shrugged gracefully. "Even this woman Fedorov thinks is Baba Yaga, who is she? A victim, the criminal, a bystander, the target?"
"I'd be happy with just being able to see her face," Nate muttered, staring at the collection of blurry pictures on one of the screens.
"I can do that much," Hardison perked up. When everyone's attention came to rest on him, he beamed at them. "Fourteen pictures, that's more than enough to create a composite." His hands flew over the keyboard, and on the screen the fourteen pictures began to spin sedately in orbit around a blank canvas that began to fill up with gradients of gray almost immediately. "She's probably using jamming tech."
"To look… to look blurry?" Eliot blinked at him. "That's only for the movies, isn't it?"
Hardison gave him such a look before returning his attention to the screen. "You know that quote from Clarke, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is -'"
"'-indistinguishable from magic." Both Eliot and Hardison finished the quote together; Sophie, unseen to anyone but Nate, mouthed the words soundlessly and threw him a chipper little smile. "Yeah, but Hardison -"
"If you've got a smartphone you're carrying enough computing power in your pocket to out-compute anything that's twenty years old. For the record, that includes the first Playstation console and the second."
Eliot frowned, a hand automatically going to his pocket. "I thought you'd just souped up our phones."
"Well, I did that, too," Hardison admitted, typing more commands into his keyboard and staring at the increasingly refined composite on the screen. "Just didn't have to, in the case of some people." He looked meaningfully at Nate, who felt once again as if he had to defend himself from a crime he hadn't committed, or might not even be a crime altogether. "Do something with your phone, man."
"I make calls. I take pictures!" Nate protested.
Hardison rolled his eyes.
"It can play music," Sophie suggested mildly.
"So can the radio in my car," Nate grumbled.
"Nate, I am begging you. Hack something," Hardison pleaded. "Live a little." Before Nate could answer, the hacker stood up and straightened up. "Almost done -"
They all turned to look at the screen, so they were all facing it when it cracked from top to bottom with a sound like a grenade going off, showers of sparks flying in every direction. A massive puff of smoke belched out, and delicate circuitry began to drip out of the blackened guts of the screen, hissing as it struck the floor.
Cautiously, heads peeked up from behind wherever they'd ducked. A fire alarm was screeching shrilly. The loft reeked of molten electronic components. The screen had gone black. A piece of tempered glass fell off and shattered on the floor, making them all jump.
"Um," Hardison said in the silence.
"I didn't do anything!"
"It's your equipment!"
"And my equipment doesn't just blow up for no good reason!"
Eliot had no counter for that because he knew, they all knew, that it was true.
"She really is Baba Yaga," Parker breathed.
"Parker, no, just -" Nate pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's not real, alright? Baba Yaga's not real."
"Well, how do you know?" she challenged.
"Yeah, Nate, how do you know?" Sophie, ever willing to be the devil's advocate, echoed.
"I -!" He sighed in exasperation. "She's just not, alright? Can we please move on? Hardison, did you get the finished composite?"
"She's an evil Tooth Fairy, Parker," Eliot whispered to the thief.
"Not the finished one, but a few stages shy of it." Hardison printed out a single sheet of paper and began typing all over again. Somewhere in the guts of the building, heavy fans began to work. The fire alarm fell mercifully silent.
"The Tooth Fairy's not real, Eliot," Parker told him with great kindness, startling the hell out of the hitter.
Eliot sputtered for a moment. "How would you - you don't - how d'you know that?"
Parker had very vivid memories of being told to put her first tooth under her pillow, to have it exchanged for cold hard cash. She had equally vivid memories of feeling a hand sneaking up under her pillow and reacting to defend her property by snatching for a wrist, grabbing for a thumb, and twisting. Hard. "She's just not. It's just your parents." She charged over to where Nate was examining the printout. "I wanna see what Baba Yaga looks like."
"Parker, she's not -" Nate found the printout snatched out of his hands.
"Well, now we have to take the job," Sophie told him quietly. "Or she really will believe Baba Yaga's r-"
"Wait, this isn't Baba Yaga!" Parker protested, her tone betrayed. "This is just the old lady in the museum."
"The what?" Sophie asked blankly.
"In the where?" Nate added.
Hardison got a fire extinguisher.
"The old lady in the painting at the Isabella Gardner Museum," Parker explained.
"There's a painting of this woman at the Gardner Museum?" Nate demanded.
"You went to a museum?" Sophie was stunned. "To actually look at the paintings, not to steal them?"
Parker nodded and beamed. "I have a lifetime membership."
"A… lifetime memb- how?"
"You know when someone stole all those paintings from them way back and they couldn't figure out who and they never recovered them?"
"That was you?"
"No, that was Astrid Somerset and her boyfriend -"
"Somerset, of the Arlington Somersets?" Nate asked, a little taken aback.
Unsurprisingly, he got a shrug and a vague noise in response; Parker didn't care about the woman's pedigree, only her technique. "Lousy thief. Horrible little snob," she growled, then beamed again. "So I stole back the one she hadn't sold yet and gave it back to the museum. And I've been working with them to improve security." Her smile turned mischievous. "You want me to get you in?"
Nate opened his mouth, thought better of it. "Hardison, you've got things here?"
Hardison and Eliot were taking down the neatly parted halves of the screen. The hitter looked nothing if not horrified when he pulled the heavy bit of tech away from the wall and overheated cables stretched gooeily after it like taffy.
"Yeah, we got this, man." Belatedly, as the other three walked away, Hardison called after them. "Nate, take pictures!"
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 7th March 2023
Buckingham Palace
The King and The Queen Consort today visited Colchester to mark its recently awarded city status and were received this morning at Colchester Castle Museum, Castle Park, by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Essex (Mrs Jennifer Tolhurst), the Museums Manager, Colchester City Council (Mrs Philippa Pickles) and the Mayor of Colchester (Councillor Tim Young). His Majesty, escorted by the Lord-Lieutenant, and Her Majesty, escorted by the Mayor, toured the Museum, viewing artefacts and displays, and meeting members of staff, volunteers and representatives from Colchester Garrison, community groups, local businesses, conservation projects and arts organisations. The King and The Queen Consort this afternoon visited Colchester Library, Trinity Square, Colchester, and were received by Rear Admiral Roy Clare (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Essex). Their Majesties met beneficiaries, volunteers and members of staff from Age UK and the Silver Line at an Afternoon Tea, and subsequently were briefed about the Library’s impact in the community through the Essex Year of Reading. The Prince of Wales, on behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Windsor Castle this morning.
Kensington Palace
The Princess of Wales, Joint Patron, the Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales, this morning held an Early Years Meeting.
St James’s Palace
The Earl of Wessex this morning visited the City of London Academy Shoreditch Park, 40 Hyde Road, London N1. His Royal Highness, Patron, the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain, this evening attended the “Make A Splash” Gala Dinner at the Londoner, 38 Leicester Square, London WC2. The Countess of Wessex, Patron, Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association, this afternoon attended a Lunch at the Landmark Hotel, 222 Marylebone Road, London NW1. Her Royal Highness, Patron, Vision Foundation, later held a Meeting.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this afternoon attended the Grand Military Meeting at Sandown Racecourse, Portsmouth Road, Esher, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey (Mr Michael MoreMolyneux).
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Grand Master, United Grand Lodge of England, this evening attended the Board of Grand Stewards Dinner at Brooks’s, St James’s Street, London SW1.
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royalty-fics · 2 years
You Make Me Happy
pairing/s: john deacon x reader
summary: you accompany john on his tour and you go sightseeing together
warning/s: fluff
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"Wake up, love, we've got a fun day ahead of us." A soft whisper pierces through your heavy sleep. You groan out, wrapping the big duvet around you, hoping it would block out the offending voice. Someone pulls it down, however, subjecting your body to the cold air. You reluctantly open your eyes, glaring up to your boyfriend, John, who had a soft smile on his face. He leans down to kiss your forehead, "Good morning, love."
You rub your eyes, trying to get to remaining sleep out of your system. "Mornin', babe," You greet him with a croaky voice, sitting up on the bed and stretching your back. Standing up, the sweater you were wearing was caught on your hips, showcasing your naked lower half. John playfully taps your ass, before going to the kitchen to make your morning tea. "What are we doing today?"
"Mm, it's a surprise," John smiles, watching you walk through the hotel room, and pull down your only piece of clothing down to cover yourself. You still feel a bit tired, so you lean on your boyfriend and close your eyes. "Was last night too tiring for you, love?"
"Fuck you, John Deacon." You say, laughing as you push him away from you and grab your cup of tea. You ignore John's comment on how 'you did fuck him last night'. "You're mental, you know that?"
"Mhm, yet you still love me," John smugly says, pulling you back into a hug by the hips. You stay like that for a moment, relishing the warmth from your tea and from the embrace. As you finish your drink, you peck John's cheek before going to shower and change clothes.
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"Seriously, Richie, where're we going?" You ask for the nth time. You and John were walking through the streets of Budapest, grateful that there weren't any schedules for the day. It was kind of chilly, so you wrap yourself in your coat and snuggle into John's side. His arm came up to hold you against him tighter.
"Well, I saw an antique shop close by, so I thought it would be a good idea to visit, since you like antiquing so much," He tells you with a small smile. You look up at him and smile back, happy that he remembered you're interests.
John pulls you towards a building and opens the door for you. Entering the shop, you look around in wonder as you see old items scattered all over. A tea set in dark metal with intricate carvings catches your eye, and you lean in closer to see it better. You wander around, ignoring John exchanging pleasantries with the shop's owner. From the corner of your eye, you see a wall lined with beautiful photos, all with different styles and colours. You turn to show John, and he happily shares his thoughts on how the pictures looks and what the photographer's mind went through when they took the photo. You spend a little more time in the shop, making sure you see every single item that strikes your fancy and showing it to your boyfriend.
When you both finally step out of the shop, you were disappointed that you couldn't buy the pretty locket that you liked. The afternoon sun warms the cool air, not by much but it was nice. You and John start walking once more, to somewhere you don’t know yet. "So, where are we going next, Mr. Deacon?"
John hums as if he was considering his options. He interlocks your hands with his, swinging them between you two. You smile, fondly watching the man before you. "I was thinking about some of the landmarks, if you want to?"
"Of course, Deaks! Let's go!" You excitedly pull on John's arm, urging him to lead the way.
The both of you commute by train to the Heroes’ Square, a plaza that has numerous sculptures of Hungary’s famous kings who won battles. You take pictures of John posing in front of the statues, pointing cutely to the looming Archangel Michael on a high pillar. In turn, he takes photos of you next to the heroes, making a show of talking to the inanimate sculptures.
The Museum of Fine arts was at the left of the monument, the Palace of Art was on the right, and behind was the Vajdahunyad Castle. Unfortunately, you didn’t have time to see all three buildings, so John asks a tourist if they could take a quick snap of the both of you in front of all three. The tourists gladly do it, even saying how much it was an honour to do so for John Deacon himself. That comment made your boyfriend blush and thank the person with a sincere smile.
The next and final stop you went to was the St. Stephen’s Basilica. You were amazed by how large the church was and how beautiful the stained glass art of the saints were. John was taking your picture, capturing the awe stricken expression on your face as you look at the relics and the architecture.
You turn to look at him with a wide smile on your face, “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” He takes you hand in his, stopping you in the middle of the church. You worriedly look at him, unnerved by how scared John suddenly seemed. “Johnny, are you okay?” The brunet breathes in deeply and releasing it as he went down on his knee. You inhale sharply, not wanting to assume things.
“(Y/N), we’ve been together for seven years now, but each day is still as exciting as the day we met. You have been with me through our ups and downs, tolerating how much of a bloody arse I am sometimes, and still are with me to this day. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you every morning I wake up and the last thing before I sleep. You even have the guts to show up in my dreams, you bugger!”
Tears gathers in your eyes, your free hand covering your mouth as you watch John reach into his pocket to bring out a black velvet box. He opens it to reveal a beautiful simple engagement ring with a yellow gem in the middle, with two diamonds on either side. The sunset outside reflects on the ring, making it shine a bright rainbow in the shaking hands of John.
“What I’m trying to say is that, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, and I want to create a big and wonderful family with you. Will you make me a happy man and marry me?”
The tourists and locals stop in their tracks to watch the both of you, witnessing an enchanting moment. You couldn’t find the words, your mouth open with shock and your tears falling continuously down your cheeks. John gazed up at you nervous that you haven’t answered him yet, but once he did, you nod frantically, making the both of you laugh in both relief and joy. He stands up to wrap you in a big, tight hug, only pulling away to press his lips on yours, pouring out the words unsaid into kiss. The cheers of the onlookers echo throughout the church, and they watch as John slips the beautiful ring onto your left ring finger. You share one last kiss, smiling into it as you shamelessly smooch your fiance.
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You snuggle up to John on your hotel bed. After the proposal, you both happily stumble back to your hotel, deciding to let the others find out the next day. He wraps an arm around you, the other holding up your left hand to see how the ring looks perfect against your skin. John glances up at you and kisses you softly. You smile, running your hands through his damp hair, fresh out of the shower.
“Do you- Do you like the ring?” John asks you, eager for your opinion. You nod happily, watching him in confusion when he lets out a loud noise. “Shit!” He runs out the room to somewhere. You call out for him, worried about his behavior. Doubts starts circling in your head. What if he regrets it? What if—
John walks back into the room, with something in his fist. His face was flaming red with embarrassment. “I forgot to give you this.”
John places a familiar locket into your hands. You look up at him in surprise when you realize its the same locket from the antique store earlier. He rants out an excuse about how you wanted it so bad and he couldn’t help himself so he bought it. You giggle, leaning up to kiss him again. “Put it on me?” You ask him, and he happily agrees, unlatching the necklace and bringing it around your neck. When he locks it behind your neck, you smile up at him again and kiss him once more. “I love you so much, future husband.”
“I love you too, future spouse.”
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wise-journey · 10 months
Seoul: A Thrilling Journey
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Welcome to Seoul, a city that effortlessly blends ancient traditions with modern marvels, offering visitors a captivating and immersive experience. Bursting with vibrant culture, mouthwatering gastronomic delights, and abundant activities, Seoul is a destination that promises to ignite your sense of adventure and leave you yearning for more.
Culture: Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Seoul
Immerse yourself in the captivating culture of Seoul, where every street corner reveals a story waiting to be told. Start your exploration by delving into the city's historical treasures, such as the magnificent Gyeongbokgung Palace. As you wander through its grand courtyards and beautifully preserved buildings, you'll be transported back in time to the Joseon Dynasty. For a taste of modern Korean culture, head to the bustling neighborhood of Gangnam, where futuristic architecture, high-end fashion, and K-pop beats collide. Dive deeper into the local art scene by visiting the eccentric Hongdae district, where young artists showcase their talents in colorful street performances and trendy galleries.
Gastronomy: A Culinary Odyssey through Seoul's Flavors
Prepare your taste buds for a gastronomic adventure like no other. Seoul is a food lover's paradise, offering a diverse range of flavors that will leave you craving more. Start your culinary journey in the vibrant and bustling streets of Myeongdong, famous for its delectable street food. Sample local favorites such as tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes) and hotteok (sweet pancakes) while soaking in the lively atmosphere. For an authentic Korean dining experience, venture into traditional markets like Gwangjang Market or Namdaemun Market, where you can indulge in delicious bibimbap, kimchi, and freshly caught seafood. Don't forget to visit the famous Noryangjin Fish Market, where you can handpick your seafood and have it cooked right before your eyes.
Activities: Unleashing Your Adventurous Spirit in Seoul
Seoul offers a myriad of activities that cater to every adventurous soul. Start your day with a hike up the iconic Namsan Mountain, which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Once you reach the top, visit N Seoul Tower, an iconic landmark that not only offers stunning vistas but also houses exhibitions and restaurants. For a taste of tradition, immerse yourself in a traditional Korean tea ceremony at one of the city's many teahouses. You can also explore the ancient village of Bukchon Hanok, where you can rent a hanbok (traditional Korean attire) and stroll through the charming alleyways adorned with traditional houses.
Transport: Navigating the City with Ease
Getting to Seoul is a breeze, with the city being served by two major international airports - Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport. From there, you can easily access the city center via efficient public transportation options, including the subway and buses. When it comes to getting around Seoul, the comprehensive subway network is your best friend. With signs in English and a user-friendly system, it's the perfect way to explore the city at your own pace. Taxis are also readily available, and professional drivers ensure a comfortable journey.
Where to Stay: Finding Your Home Away from Home
Seoul offers a range of accommodation options for every traveler's budget and preference. From luxurious hotels in the heart of Gangnam to cozy guesthouses in traditional neighborhoods, there's something for everyone. For a truly authentic experience, consider staying in a hanok guesthouse, where you can sleep on traditional heated floors and immerse yourself in the local culture. Alternatively, modern boutique hotels in areas like Myeongdong and Insadong offer a blend of comfort and convenience, with easy access to attractions and shopping districts.
Nightlife: Experiencing Seoul's Vibrant Nightscape
As the sun sets, Seoul truly comes alive with its vibrant nightlife scene. Make your way to Itaewon, known for its international flair and diverse mix of bars and clubs. Here, you can dance the night away to the latest beats or enjoy live music performances. For those seeking a more laid-back evening, head to Hongdae, where you can find cozy cafes, indie music clubs, and trendy bars. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the unique Korean concept of "booking clubs," where you can enjoy private rooms with friends and indulge in karaoke.
Shopping: Retail Therapy in Seoul
Seoul is a shopper's paradise, renowned for its fashion-forward trends, skincare products, and traditional crafts. Visit the bustling streets of Myeongdong, where you'll find a plethora of international and local brands offering the latest fashion and beauty products. For a blend of tradition and contemporary design, explore Insadong, a neighborhood renowned for its beautiful hanbok stores, antique shops, and traditional tea houses. Discover unique souvenirs and handmade crafts at the lively Gwangjang Market or peruse the high-end boutiques in the affluent district of Apgujeong.
Money Matters and Tips for Travelers
Seoul's currency is the South Korean won (KRW). Credit cards are widely accepted, but it's always a good idea to carry some cash, especially when visiting smaller establishments or street vendors. ATMs are readily available throughout the city, and major international banks can be found near popular tourist areas. Remember to dress modestly when visiting traditional sites, and always remove your shoes before entering temples or traditional Korean houses. Learning a few basic Korean phrases will go a long way in connecting with locals and showing respect for their culture. Seoul is a mesmerizing destination that will captivate your senses and leave an indelible mark on your heart. Its blend of ancient traditions, mouthwatering cuisine, and thrilling activities make it a city that beckons adventurers from around the world. Whether you're wandering through palaces, indulging in street food, or dancing the night away in its vibrant neighborhoods, Seoul promises an exhilarating journey that will ignite your passion for travel. So pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and get ready to uncover the wonders of Seoul, South Korea. Read the full article
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winnieyaaang · 1 year
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Last blog, January 23: Reflect on your time in Europe. What was your favorite structure, and why? What was your favorite country, and why? What was your favorite city, and why? Finally, look back on your personal goals for the trip. Did you meet them? Be specific with your evidence & anecdotes.
My favorite structure is La Sagrada Familia, the most famous landmark of Barcelona. It is one of the most iconic examples of Gaudi's unique style. The use of lights and colors in La Sagrada Familia's interiors has left me with a deep impression. The large, vibrant stained-glass windows paint the basilica's interior with beautiful colors. La Sagrada Familia has been under construction for 140 years, which makes this structure unbelievable. I love to learn about how the death of Gaudi and the Spanish Civil war impacted the construction of La Sagrada Familia.
Barcelona is my favorite city because of its stunning architecture, great urban design, and diverse culture. First, Barcelona has a mix of gothic and modern architecture, such as Catedra de Barcelona, Park Guell, and La Pedrera – Casa Mila. Gaudi's unique style and designs amazed me. Most of his works are located in Barcelona, including my favorite structure La Sagrada Familia. Second, Barcelona appears to be very walkable with supper islands – nine-block grids that reclaim streets from cars and turn them into the pedestrian island for walking. Barcelona is a transit-oriented city with a well-developed public transport network, including metro, trams, and buses. The city also has extensive and well-laid-out bike lanes. Third, Barcelona has a surprisingly large Chinese population, with many amazing Chinese restaurants. I had authentic Chinese food and great boba tea in the city. I walked past two Chinese markets that sell Asian food and snacks on my walk near the hotel. I also constantly hear people speaking Chinese on the street of Barcelona. These all reflect that there is great cultural diversity in Barcelona. 
Even though we were only in Spain for four days, Spain is my favorite country. I enjoyed every moment in Spain and was astonished by its structures, history, culture, and food. I had a wonderful experience walking on the street of Barcelona to explore the city in my free time.
I met all my personal goals for this trip. First, I learned much about modern urban design and how European cities balance cars and walking traffic through my time in Nice and Barcelona. Second, after researching and learning about Villa Savoye and its architect Le Corbusier, I finally visited the villa and presented at the site. Third, I went to many famous structures that I have dreamed of visiting for a long time, such as the Colosseum, St Peter's Basilica, and La Pedrera – Casa Mila. Lastly, I had great cultural experiences in every city we have been to and learned so much about each city's unique history, traditions, and customs. 
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rolandopujol · 2 years
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Mark your calendars, friends! Aug. 13 – just one month from today – is Teapot Day, when the city of Chester, West Virginia, celebrates its most famous attraction, the World’s Largest Teapot. This delightful spot of roadside Americana will be swarmed with admirers that day, including a gathering of ham radio operators! About as much as I enjoy a good tea party, I visited when I could have this gem all to myself, on a quiet Saturday evening last month. Chester lies in the northern tip of West Virginia’s panhandle, not far from the Pennsylvania border and minutes from Ohio, just across the river by that name. You can check three states off your list in no time. The Ohio city that’s right across the river is East Liverpool, so you’d think the teapot would have ended up there, what with its British municipal moniker. But William “Babe” Devon had a ceramic business in Chester. According to the popular telling of the tale, a gigantic Hires Root Beer promotional barrel in Pennsylvania caught his attention. In 1938, he bought it, shipped it here, and turned it into the World’s Largest Teapot. After all, this was the era of big ducks, big coffee pots, and big oranges, like the ones I‘ve shared here. Devon was not selling tea, per se, though he did hire kids to hawk refreshments and souvenirs out of the teapot. His hometown was a great hub of the ceramics trade. Even today, the famous Fiesta company – and its epic factory outlet store – is down the road. So Devon plopped his big teapot outside of his pottery shop, as explained by the Chester Public Library. However, the shop closed not long after it opened because of economic troubles during World War II. New caretakers would come and go, always keen on the kettle, and even though it was forlorn for many years, it was never forgotten. It's been restored and repainted by admirers, from local residents to Boy Scouts to a national hotel chain interested in saving landmarks. Today, the kettle is in excellent shape, ready for its annual closeup next month. That will include, by the way, a more recent addition – the creamer that sits next to it! #retrologist (at Worlds Largest Teapot) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-IElFrWJr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onlineomanvisaa · 1 year
9 unique things to do in Muscat
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With various ancient monuments and Mosques, Muscat is one of the active ports of tourism in Oman. With its heritage sights and fun activities, the destination offers a great experience of the thriving city with a fascinating past.
If you are planning to get an Oman visa and are considering traveling, then you must put Muscat on your list. The fascinating capital of Oman is worth exploring!
There are tons of fun things to do in Muscat that attract tourists from around the world. Every visitor indulges in different activities; some tend to go for adventurous activities such as snorkeling, boat touring, and many more. In contrast, some travel to enjoy the calmness and secluded beaches.
To know some unique things to do in Muscat, we have prepared a guide for you. Do not forget to check this guide before getting your Oman evisa.
Sneak peek into the Secret Quarter
An enclosed quarter next to the Mutrah Souk, Al Lawatia is an ethnocultural community made up of prosperous merchants residing in Muscat. The quarter comprises astonishing townhouses constructed in the Arabian style. It's open to the public again, but before you go in, you need to check in with the guards at the gate.
Climb up the Mutrah Fort
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The Portuguese constructed Mutrah Fort in 1580, and although the fort itself isn't very interesting, we will suggest taking the 250 stairs up to the top for the amazing views. You'll be able to take in breathtaking panoramas of the city and its bays and get a feel for the area's rich past as well. The rugged coves and the intimidating mountains in the distance on an oceanic peninsula. Just amazing!
The Royal Opera
The Royal Opera House, Oman's primary venue for the performing arts since its 2011 opening, is likewise a stunning structure, resplendent in its use of marble. The white edifice has some cutting-edge technology that makes it superior to traditional opera houses. Get tickets to a ballet or concert and enjoy the opulence for a night on the town.
Dolphin Watching
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Amazing experiences with animals are plentiful in Oman, and seeing dolphins is must see in Muscat. All of Oman's coastline is beautiful, with a nice variety of rocky coves and sandy beaches, but if you take a boat ride off the coast of Muscat, you can see the forts that dot the cliffs, the Sultan's Palace, and the dolphins swimming alongside your vessel. You can't find a better way to begin your day in Oman than this! It is amongst the unique things to do in Muscat.
Have Some Afternoon Tea
The Al Bustan Palace, which sits on its own harbor, is a landmark in Muscat. What's not to like about a place with magnificent architecture and amenities, a first-rate beach, and breathtaking scenery? Even if you aren't staying at the hotel, you may pay a visit and have an afternoon tea with traditional Omani sweets in the central atrium. Locals and foreigners frequent this hotel to unwind and hear about the latest social scene in the area. For travelers, this place is Muscat worth visiting.
Street Food in Souk
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If you are looking to try some Omani street food in your budget with mouthwatering flavors, then you must head to the street near Hotel Radisson Blu. The entire street is home to numerous cafes that offer traditional Middle East food. If you are visiting the place, then we suggest having Yemeni dishes, which are known for their extravagant flavors.
Cruise around
Except wandering about Muscat on foot, what else could be better? Exploring Muscat via boat! A traditional dhow leaves Muscat every day at sunset for scenic tours. Stroll along the seaside Corniche of Mutrah and take in sights like the Al Alam Palace and the Al Bustan Palace.
It's fun to spend time on the water and get a new perspective. Excursions to see dolphins set sail from Muscat every day are a must thing to do in Oman.
Qaboos Grand Mosque
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The Sultan Qaboos Great Mosque is a must-see when in Muscat. There's no denying the mosque's aesthetic value and lavish design.
Even if you're not a practicing Muslim, you should still visit this mosque since it's one of the biggest in the world and a sight to see. Sultan Qaboos presented an example of contemporary Islamic architecture to his country in 2001, during his 30th year as monarch. Millions of worshippers a day have been coming here since then.
Everyone is welcome to attend the mosque between 8 and 11 in the morning, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Mutrah Souk
The Mutrah Souk must be visited at least once by each tourist in Muscat. It's what brings most visitors to Mutrah, and it's one of the most visited sites in Oman. It is the primary attraction of Mutrah and a top tourist destination in the whole Sultanate of Oman.
Here you may visit a real, authentic souk on the Arabian Peninsula. A souk is an "Arabian market or bazaar." Although reading about them is interesting, seeing one in person is another experience. The Mutrah Souk is a maze of winding streets after you pass through the entrance. There are several small stores here selling perfume, jewelry, and authentic Omani apparel.
Frankincense incense is unique to Oman and has deep cultural roots since it is distilled from the resin of certain plants.
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Taking a Big Bus sightseeing tour, where you may get on and off at any stop along the route, is one of the best ways to view this historic city. The ancient domes of the Muttrah Souk, the more contemporary Royal Opera House, and the highest clock in the nation, located in Muscat's parliament building, are just a few of the many modern and historic architectural pleasures strewn around Oman's beautiful city. Explore unique things to do in Muscat and capture your lifetime moments. So if you haven’t applied for your Oman visa online, then you must hurry; otherwise, you will regret missing such an amazing experience.
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jannattravelguruhp · 5 hours
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Complete Himachal Tour With Amritsar In Best Price For You
Complete Himachal Tour With Amritsar In Best Price For You. Book Now Himachal Tour Packages. Himachal With Amritsar Tour Package, HP Trip.
Deluxe Package
INR:- 47,500/- Per Couple
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Honeymoon Package
INR:- 49,500/- Per Couple
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Family & Group
INR:- 11,750/- Per Person (Mini. 4 Person Required )
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Day-1:Chandigarh — Shimla
On Arrival at Chandigarh Airport / Railway Station you will meet, assist and drive towards Shimla. On the way visit sightseeing :- Pinjore-Garden-(Mughal-Garden), Timber Trail.Shimla was the former Capital of “British India”. Set amidst the Snow-Capped Shivalik Mountain. Check-into Hotel in Shimla. Evening free to stroll in the famous shopping place of Shimla Town- “THE MALL & THE RIDGE”. This large open space in the heart of town presents excellent views of the mountain ranges. Shimla “Landmarks:-The Neo-Gothic Structure of Christ-Church and the Neo- Tudor– Library-Building, Jakhu-Temple, Sankat Mochan, Inst. Of Advanced Studyis worth sightseeing. Overnight stay at the hotel in Shimla.
Day-2: Shimla — Kufri — Manali
Morning, After breakfast proceed to Shimla for in and around sightseeing in Shimla visit :- Green Valley, Indira Tourist Park, Himalayan Nature Park, Chini Bunglow, Fagu Valley, “KUFRI” India one of the best holiday paradise Kufri in Shimla is beautifully tucked on altitude of 2,622 meter. The place is a tourist hotspot for its awesome scenic and sports activities. Afternoon leave for Manali on the way sightseeing Like :- Sunder Nagar Lake, Pandoh Dam, Hanogi Mata Temple, Vaishno Devi temple, KULLU, River Rafting, Shawls Factory. Overnight stay at the Hotel in Manali.
Day-3): Manali — Sightseeing
Morning after breakfast visit local sightseeing in Manali :- HADIMBA TEMPLE built in 1553 with a superbly crafted pagoda roof, it is famous for its exquisitely carved doorway. CLUB HOUSE with comprehensive facilities that include roller skating, an auditorium, billiards room, a library, a bar and restaurant makes a wonderful outing for the day. Tibetan Monastery, Van Vihar, Manu Temple and Vashisht Temple well known for its hot springs.There are old temples dedicated to the Saga Vashisht and to Lord Rama. Evening visit famous “Mall Road” in Manali. Overnight stay at a hotel in Manali.
Day-4): Manali — Rohtang Pass-(Snow Point)
Morning, After breakfast proceed for full day sightseeing in – Rohtang Pass, Solang-Valley, Nehru Kund, Gulaba, Kothi Village, Him Valley. Overnight stay at the hotel in Manali. While visiting Solang Valley one should also try their hands on adventure activities as it is one of best places for adventures near Manali. You can enjoy activities like – Paragliding , Cable Car Ropeway, Zorbing, Snow Scooter, Skiing, Horse Riding, and also can enjoy a short Trek to “Anjani Mahadev”. 
Day-5): Manali — Dharamshala
After, breakfast check-out from hotel and proceed for Dharamshala on the way sightseeing like :- Kullu, Kullu Market, Shawls Factory,  Palampur Tea Garden, Chamunda Ji Temple,Baijnath Temple, Zoo, Cricket Stadium.Evening visit “McLeodganj Market”. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dharamshala.
Day-6): Dharamshala — Dalhousie
After breakfast check-out from hotel and visit Dharamshala local sightseeing like :- Bhagsunath Temple, Bhagsu WaterFall, Dal Lake, Dalai Lama Temple, Nadi Picnic Spot, Cricket Stadium, St. John Church. Evening reach at Dalhousie. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dalhousie.
Day-7): Dalhousie — Khajjiar
This day after breakfast proceed for full day sightseeing in Dalhousie :- “KHAJJIAR”, Khajjiar Top, Kalatop, Wild Life Sanctuary, Satdhara Falls, Bakrota Hills, Dainkund Peak, Subhash Bowly. Evening visit Gandhi Chowk &  Mall Road. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dalhousie.
Day-8): Dalhousie — Amritsar
Morning, After breakfast leave for Amritsar, reach at Amritsar directly go to “WAGAH BORDER”– (Indo Park Parade). Return back to Amritsar and Especially visit for “GOLDEN TEMPLE” with (Light Vision). Overnight stay at a Hotel in Amritsar.
Day-9): Amritsar — Chandigarh
Morning, After breakfast check out from hotel and Visit Local Sightseeing in Amritsar:- “GOLDEN TEMPLE”, JALLIANWALA BAGH, DURGIANA TEMPLE and Drive to Delhi drop at Delhi/Chandigarh Railway Station/Airport to catch onward Train / Flight.
Honeymoon Special:- Bed with Flower Decoration, Candle light dinner, Drinks, Honeymoon cake etc during the stay period.
NOTE:– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance etc.
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Experience Unparalleled Luxury at The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu
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Nestled in the heart of Kyoto, The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu offers a perfect blend of traditional Japanese elegance and modern luxury. Located near the iconic Kiyomizu-dera Temple, this exquisite hotel is the ideal retreat for travelers seeking an authentic and serene experience.
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Upon arrival, guests are greeted by the hotel's stunning architecture, which seamlessly merges historical charm with contemporary design. The lobby, adorned with traditional Japanese decor, sets the tone for a luxurious stay.
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The hotel features a variety of meticulously designed rooms, each offering a unique experience. From traditional tatami rooms to spacious suites with breathtaking views of Kyoto's picturesque landscape, every accommodation promises comfort and elegance. Guests can unwind in rooms equipped with modern amenities while still experiencing the charm of traditional Japanese aesthetics.
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One of the highlights of The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu is its serene onsen (hot spring) baths. These baths provide a perfect sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The soothing hot springs, combined with the hotel's impeccable service, create an unforgettable wellness experience.
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Dining at The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu is a culinary journey. The hotel's restaurant offers a range of exquisite Japanese dishes made from fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Guests can savor traditional Kaiseki meals, beautifully presented and rich in flavor, providing an authentic taste of Kyoto's renowned cuisine.
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The hotel's location is another significant advantage. Situated close to Kiyomizu-dera Temple and other major attractions like Gion District and Fushimi Inari Shrine, guests have easy access to Kyoto's cultural and historical landmarks. Exploring the city's narrow streets, ancient temples, and vibrant markets is a breeze from this prime location.
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For those looking to experience Kyoto in style, The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu offers various cultural activities, including traditional tea ceremonies and kimono-wearing experiences. These activities provide a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and enhance the overall stay.
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In conclusion, The Hotel Seiryu Kyoto Kiyomizu is more than just a place to stay; it's an immersive experience that combines luxury, culture, and comfort. Whether you're visiting for a romantic getaway, a cultural exploration, or simply to relax, this hotel promises an unforgettable stay in the heart of Kyoto.
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🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟
Join us for the premiere of our latest YouTube travel video! Embark on a virtual journey to stunning destinations, discover insider tips, and fuel your wanderlust.
🎥 Watch Now:
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akif122514 · 3 days
Discover the Best Tours and Transfers for an Unforgettable Journey
When planning a trip, one of the most critical aspects to consider is how to get around and make the most of your destination. Tours and transfers provide the perfect solution, combining convenience with enriching experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure, understanding the different options available can enhance your journey and ensure you make the most of every moment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to tours and transfers, offering insights and tips to help you navigate your travels smoothly.
Understanding Tours and Transfers
Tours refer to organized excursions or trips that guide you through various attractions and landmarks. These can be group tours, private tours, or specialized tours like food or adventure tours. They are designed to offer a deeper understanding of the destination, often led by knowledgeable guides who provide historical context, interesting facts, and local insights.
Transfers involve the transportation services that move you from one location to another, typically between airports, hotels, and key landmarks. Transfers can be shared or private and are crucial for ensuring you get to your destinations comfortably and on time. They are particularly valuable in unfamiliar places where navigating public transportation or hailing taxis can be challenging.
Types of Tours
City Tours City tours are perfect for those who want to explore urban environments. These tours often include visits to historical sites, museums, and famous landmarks. For example, a city tour in Paris might include stops at the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre Dame Cathedral.
Cultural Tours Cultural tours immerse you in the local traditions, arts, and history of a place. These tours can include visits to cultural heritage sites, participation in traditional activities, and interactions with local artisans. A cultural tour in Japan might involve a tea ceremony, a visit to a sumo training stable, and exploring ancient temples.
Adventure Tours Adventure
Tours cater to thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts. These tours can include activities like hiking, snorkeling, zip-lining, and safaris. For instance, an adventure tour in Costa Rica might feature trekking through rainforests, white-water rafting, and exploring volcanic regions.
Food and Wine Tours: Food and wine tours are a delight for gourmets and connoisseurs. These tours take you on a culinary journey through local markets, vineyards, and renowned restaurants. In Italy, a food and wine tour could include tasting sessions in Tuscany’s vineyards, cooking classes in Rome, and sampling cheese in Parma.
Nature and Wildlife Tours These tours are designed for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. They offer opportunities to explore national parks, wildlife reserves, and natural wonders. A nature and wildlife tour in South Africa might involve a safari in Kruger National Park, bird-watching along the Garden Route, and visiting the Cape of Good Hope.
Types of Transfers
Airport Transfers Airport transfers are a vital part of travel logistics, ensuring a smooth transition from the airport to your accommodation. These can be private cars, shuttles, or luxury vehicles, depending on your preference and budget.
Hotel Transfers Hotel transfers are similar to airport transfers but cater to moving between different accommodations or from your hotel to major attractions. These services help avoid the hassle of finding transportation in unfamiliar surroundings.
Inter-City Transfers Inter-city transfers are essential for multi-destination trips. They can include train rides, bus services, or private car hires, allowing you to travel between cities efficiently and comfortably. For example, in Europe, the aural system offers convenient inter-city transfers across multiple countries.
Cruise Transfers Cruise transfers are specialized services that transport you between the airport, hotel, and cruise port. These transfers ensure you arrive at your cruise ship on time and with minimal stress.
Benefits of Tours and Transfers
Convenience and Comfort Tours transfers take the stress out of travel planning. They provide a structured itinerary and reliable transportation, allowing you to relax and enjoy your trip without worrying about the logistics.
Local Expertise Guided tours offer the advantage of local knowledge. Experienced guides can share insights and stories that you might miss on your own, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the destination.
Safety and Security both tours and transfers provide a level of safety and security, especially in unfamiliar or remote areas. Professional services ensure that you are in safe hands, with vetted guides and drivers who are familiar with the local environment.
Time Efficiency Organized tours and transfers help you make the most of your time. They often include skip-the-line access to popular attractions, ensuring you spend more time exploring and less time waiting.
Cost-Effectiveness While private tours and transfers can be more expensive, group tours and shared transfers offer cost-effective solutions. These options provide excellent value for money, especially when considering the added benefits of convenience and guided experiences.
Tips for Choosing Tours and Transfers
Research and Reviews Always research tour operators and transfer services before booking. Look for reviews and testimonials from other travelers to gauge the quality and reliability of the service.
Customizability Choose tours and transfers that offer customizable options. This flexibility allows you to tailor the experience to your interests and schedule.
Local vs. International Operators Consider whether you prefer local operators who offer intimate, insider knowledge, or international companies known for their standardized, reliable services.
Budget Considerations Set a budget and stick to it. There are options available for all price ranges, from budget-friendly group tours to luxurious private transfers.
Booking in Advance Popular tours and transfer services can book up quickly, especially during peak travel seasons. Plan and book in advance to secure your spots and avoid disappointment.
Tours and transfers are essential components of a well-planned trip. They provide convenience, safety, and enriched experiences, ensuring you get the most out of your travels. Whether you’re exploring a bustling city, delving into cultural traditions, seeking adventure, indulging in culinary delights, or immersing yourself in nature, the right tours and transfers can make your journey unforgettable. Do your research, plan ahead, and choose the options that best suit your needs and preferences, and get ready for a seamless and enriching travel experience.
Visit: https://www.rallys.com.au/tours-transfers/
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rickchung · 4 days
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Prophecy Bar x Rosewood Hotel Georgia x Downtown.
A new luxuious cocktail bar and lounge from beverage director Jeff Savage just opened underneath the landmark hotel in the historic basement space previously occupied by Prohibition Bar.
"Northern Lights": Tanqueray No. 10 gin, labrador tea, grapefruit oils, elderflower, lemon, and B2.
"Big Iron": Angel's Envy bourbon, black tea, strawberry, ginger, lemon acid, aromatic bitters, and carbonation.
"Souvenir": hay and beeswax-washed Alberta Premium Canadian whisky, Lagavulin 8 scotch, pasilla mixe, and smoke.
A5 Wagyu katsu sando ($100): butter brioche, katsu sauce, and kewpie mayo.
"Velvet Glove": Casa Migos Anejo tequila, sherry, espresso, reishi, warm spices, and cream.
Wagyu beef dumplings: seared beef dumplings, nam jim sauce, and scallions.
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