#tagging bellamy for those looking for some AU inspiration
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Ryan Corr and Bob Morley in the new Aussie TV series Limbo. Set to drop this year. Looking forward to this duo lighting up my screen.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Day Forty-Seven
...Yep, I’m getting pretty bad at this. Again, just collecting some recent questions I liked and answering them today.
This project is courtesy of @the-wip-project. I’m tagging some fellow participants: @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold, @hopskipaway, @thelittlefanpire, @easilydistractedbyfanfic, @dylanobrienisbatman, @fontainebleau22,
Day 42: What’s an an old idea that you've discarded? 
Hmmm, well I never like admitting that I’ve “discarded” anything tbh. I’m very stubborn and I prefer to think about old projects and ideas as “on hiatus” or “for later” than abandoned, and this becomes more true the more work I did on them. I only truly discard projects, WIPs and ideas, when I move to a new fandom (and even then, some fandoms are such that I assume I’ll return to them later, so those are just....like cryo-frozen lol).
That said, I have a couple ideas that aren’t even on the idea board as of right now. One is my Ice Queen AU from the QR of Troped Madness 2020. I ended up going with Bellamy + Alice in Wonderland but I do think the Ice Queen idea was cool. It was just too complicated for the time and word restraints. The main reason it’s not on the list and essentially discarded is that I think the part that’s the most cool--using the ice shards in the eye to explain the pessimistic tone of the show--is not worth the effort of...the entire rest of the narrative, which would necessarily be long and complicated, even if I simplified it way, way down.
Other discards are....the really old stuff, I guess? I had a ‘friends go camping, scary movie cliche’ au. An art school au that dates to the same era as the Ark AU. Also, with only a couple exceptions, everything I claimed for BFF is essentially discarded.
Day 43: How often to you switch WIPs and do you think that’s a good thing to do?
I used to switch between projects a lot. Like even within a writing session. I can’t imagine doing that now. I often have several on my mind at once, but my writing focus is on one for a fair chunk of time. Prioritizing used to be easy because I wrote for so many events, and deadlines made my decisions for me. Now it’s a little trickier, and I am sometimes unsure about when I should switch over.
I do try to hit certain plot milestones before I move on--like finishing Ch 5 of the Sleeping Beauty AU before thinking of other works. I think it’s better (for me!) to focus for as long as possible then flit around too much. But it does vary. And I’ll mix in plotting or brainstorming for other fics with writing my ‘main fic.’
Last summer, when I had my block, I was switching around a lot. I’d work on a project for one (1) session and that was it, then I’d pick another one. I wouldn’t say that was ideal. I wouldn’t have said it was ideal then, either. It was just an attempt to get myself writing something, anything, even without any real inspiration or drive.
Day 44: Share a cool phrase from a WIP.
From my Bellarke Summer Fic:
He's got a season that's so long and lean and bright he can ride the edge of it for a long time.
Day 46: What does your editing/revision process look like? 
Uh.... Honestly, it’s just me re-reading until I like how everything sounds, or until I get tired and figure good enough, or until I run into my deadline, if applicable.
I’ll often (though...not always) re-read a bit of writing immediately after I complete it to get the worst errors. I write mostly through free-writing so I end up with some very awkward stuff that shows up at the slightest glance. Then I put it away, and when the whole thing has been written (the whole one-shot, or the whole chapter), I’ll give it a little bit of space and then I’ll take the editing eye to it. Mostly I’m fixing style things and clarity issues. Cutting sentences down, lol, since that’s my big thing even in final drafts.
Sometimes I’ll make very big changes but that’s rare. For example, when I started working on the Sleeping Beauty AU again, I cut out about 2k from chapter 3, and then added in a new 2k. I decided I wanted to change up one of the ‘sci fi fairy tale’ elements, and I also needed to fix some bits to keep continuity with later chapters. Mostly, though, I know right away if something will work or if it doesn’t, and if it doesn’t, either for style reasons or plot reasons, I just wholesale discard it and write it again from scratch. That’s what I’m going to be doing with a scene from one of my current WIP one shots, for example.
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Fic Year In Review
Tagged by the wonderful @shireness-says and @optomisticgirl
Total number of completed stories: 
Three Captain Swan MCs
Seven Captain Swan one shots
One Bellarke MC
Six Bellarke one shots 
Four Blue Line extras
Eleven Tumbr-only stories
** that’s the stuff I published, there were (obviously) more Blue Line stories that are currently languishing in my Google Docs (remember when I wrote smut Dev and B??) and then also the Killian!centric witch fic spin-off, those nine vaguely spooky story chapters I wrote and never finished, far too many space pirate words anddddd the beauty and the beast fic. 
Total word count:  528,411 — but again, that’s just ao3
Looking back did you write more, less, or about what you expected to this year?
Honestly that is a lot more than I thought it was. To say that writing has been a struggle this year would be something of a massive understatement, so I honestly cannot believe it’s that much. Like...that feels like a lie. And obviously doesn’t include the stories I never finished. Let’s not talk about the stories I never finished. 
What’s your own favourite story of the year?
Connecting on the Wraparound was both a delight and a challenge to write. Partially because writing a multi-chapter is always a challenge, but writing in a new fandom with a hockey setting and trying not to basically rewrite Blue Line was a whole other obstacle I didn’t expect and very much enjoyed. Also, there was a delightful lack of real angst. At least in the relationship. At first I had every intention of them breaking up or something stupid, but then I was like—naw, not gonna do that, they’re going to kiss some more. 
Also But Once a Year was a surprise that I did not plan on writing at all, and my time travel trash self wrote like 50K in a week. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the next year?
I signed up for @bellarkebigbang with every intention of rewriting and finishing the Beauty and the Beast AU. I have some new ideas that I didn’t think of last year, and I think we can go alternating POV and have some magic and multiple worlds and SWORD FIGHTS. I am who I am, y’know? 
And maybe the space pirates? I reread some chapters a few days ago and was like—hey, that’s not bad. So...that’d be fun. 
And and, I have so much fic I haven’t ever posted. It’s ridiculous. I should post my fic. I just don’t want to annoy the internet. 
Most popular story of the year?
By Ao3 hits: Connecting on the Wraparound
By Ao3 kudos: Hitting the Mark
By Tumblr notes: Drew Stars Around My Scars
Story of mine most underrated by the universe, in my opinion?
This is such a strange question because like—it is a genuine surprise that anyone clicks or reads anything I write ever, but if pressed I guess it would be One Foot In. It’s admittedly a very niche kind of fic, with lots of modern magic and, like, death plays a very prominent role. But I think it’s also some of the best banter I’ve written and I was really proud of taking the ideas of Pushing Daisies and twisting them into my own Once-inspired canon. 
Most fun story to write?
Like I said Connecting on the Wraparound was a lot of fun, and definitely how I got through winter sports. But just to keep things interesting, let’s also say On This Night and in This Light. I love writing modern magic stories, and coming up with the backstory of everyone who used Mills Personnel was a joy.  
Biggest surprise?
Writing in a new fandom! Despite how horrendously disappointing the end of The 100 turned out being, writing about Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin making out was a lot of fun and, as always, I was legitimately floored that people clicked and read and enjoyed everything I wrote. I’m super psyched to write in a fandom event and make those two idiots kiss some more. 
If you read this, consider yourself tagged. Seriously, tell me about your fic.
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @queenemori (she/hers)
what are you working on right now? I recently started posting We Don’t Need To Say It, which is a multi-chap Memori actor AU. It’s a slow burn, don’t ask me how I looked at Murphy and Emori and decided to write a slow burn, but it’s what’s happening. I really do mean slow, the chapter I just finished writing is only the beginning of the angst, you’ve been warned. My beta tells me she hates me at least once a chapter if you want an idea of how angsty this is gonna get. I started out writing for Bellarke in this fandom, and I’ll be going back to that later this summer. Anyone who follows me knows I’m obsessed with Emma, and I have an Emma Bellarke AU that’s in the outlining stages currently. I’m hoping to work on it more once I get further into this Memori fic.
what’s something you’d like to write one day? The fic I’m working on now is actually the thing that I was like, “I want to write that one day”. I love actor AUs and I wanted to write one for some fandom at some point, and in January I got this idea, but I was working on other stuff, so I was like, well maybe I’ll write it this summer. And now I am! Though I would like to write something featuring dad!Murphy in the near future.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? It’s actually one I haven’t published yet! I participated in Bellarke Big Bang this year, and I wrote a soulmates rom-com fic. I’m excited to share it soon once we get the go-ahead, and the artist I got to work with @clarkeindra has made some amazing art to go with it! For ones that you can actually go physically read, I will say You’re Already Breaking My Heart. It was my first fic I wrote for t100 fandom, and also the first thing I wrote after a really long time of just not writing anything, so I’m proud of it for getting me back into something I love and I’m glad that other people seemed to enjoy it. It’s what got me more into this fandom in the first place and how I made some of my first friends.
why did you first start writing fic? I got more into writing around the time I started college, though I always used to write little stories. There were a few times I almost wrote fanfic before then, like the time I almost wrote a Glee fic in ninth grade, or the time my junior year of high school where I almost wrote a Downton Abbey fic where Sybil and Branson were pen pals while Sybil was on her nurses course in season 2. But the summer before college, I wanted to write, and didn’t have any ideas for characters, but I had just read a really amazing next-gen Harry Potter fic called “Potters, Weasleys, and Misguided Snogging” which made me ship Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter, or Scorily. So I started writing a couple stories specifically for that ship, back when I still used FF.net. It was just a one-shot and a multi-chap I never finished, but it was fun to interact with people and get to hear what they liked about the story and that they hoped I continued it, so I guess I caught the fic writing bug then.
what frustrates you most about fic writing? I wish people would leave more kudos. I’ve had this discussion with some friends before where they’re like, “What makes you leave kudos on a fic?” and I leave kudos on most fics I read, so it’s very interesting to hear people say they don’t do that as liberally as I do. If I made it to the end of the story, I’m probably going to leave kudos. The writer kept me engaged long enough to get to the end, which I think is worthy of showing some sort of support, even if I don’t leave a comment. Though I am trying to get better about leaving comments more often. Kudos are a very low stakes way to show you like a story that someone put out. Afraid to comment, but want to show the author you enjoyed reading? Leave kudos. A couple of stories I have out have gotten a fair amount of hits, but the amount of kudos in comparison to the amount of people who have probably opened it is a little disheartening. I’ve also heard people say they don’t want to leave kudos on stories that have been out for a while, but I love to get kudos on my old work! It’s fun to see that people are still reading things I put out in like 2017 or even just last year. Kudos brighten my day just as much as comments do sometimes, especially when I know not everyone feels comfortable leaving a comment!
what are your top five songs right now? The answer to this is 98% always related to what I’m listening to when I’m working on a certain writing project lol.
Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex Heartbreak Weather by Niall Horan I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie Bye-Bye Darling by Borns Fire for You by Cannons
what are your inspirations? Red, White & Royal Blue, since I read that recently. It honestly just made me want to write a movie, and I kind of hope that whatever TV or movie adaptation it ends up getting in the future I’m able to work on. I want to be a screenwriter, so I tend to get inspired by TV a lot. The Mindy Project, Insecure, and even Never Have I Ever are big inspirations for me. Or more like, anything that Issa Rae or Mindy Kaling are involved in, to be honest. I write a lot of modern AUs, so just anything that shows good relationship progression or has fun with mundane, everyday situations.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? So fun fact, I stopped watching the show for a bit. I binged basically two seasons in a weekend while visiting a friend in like 2017, and I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t obsessed? Then I started s3 and a bunch of characters were getting on my nerves so I put it down for a while. Then I was on Tumblr at the beginning of 2019 and saw a gifset from 3x05 of Murphy and Emori kissing and I was kind of like, “That guy’s still alive? And he has a girlfriend?” So I started watching again, legit only because I was shook Murphy had survived lol. So the thing that first attracted me to them was just the fact that they were a couple at all, I guess. I’d say now that I’ve rewatched the show and seen their relationship develop, I love that these are two people who have always had to fend for themselves and kind of had that “me against the world” mentality. And then they find this other person that cares about them and wants to take care of them, and life becomes a lot less lonely. Also now we get to see their relationship after years together, so they’re very domestic, which adds this lovely sense of normalcy on this post-apocalyptic sci-fi show that I absolutely adore. Their interactions especially in s7 just read as a married couple who are very comfortable with each other, but still incredibly devoted to one another and in love.
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? For ships, I also really like Bellarke. When I was more casually watching the first time around, I didn’t have much of an opinion on them/didn’t really ship it until season 4, but ever since then I’ve been on board. It’s very clear I’m a huge Memori person, but I do ship Murven, though mainly in AU settings. And Memoraven are my OT3!! My other fave character is Bellamy. And I feel like Gabriel has also quickly become a favorite for me. It’s definitely a mixture of his confused, but obsessed with science vibe on the show and the fact that he has been very fun to write in my actor AU when he makes appearances every so often.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? Ever since I’ve been home due to the pandemic, writing has kind of been my escape. Weirdly enough, I’ve written so much (both fic and some real life stuff), even though I’m still working and everything like that. And when the BLM movement was getting a lot of traction specifically in our fandom spaces, I was immediately skeptical of people’s intentions because as a Black person in America specifically I’ve seen this happen before where all the attention is on this issue for a couple weeks and then everyone goes back to posting what they normally post about. And I guess this time things are a bit different, but the thing that began to frustrate me was seeing people shame others for saying they were going to watch the next episode of the show or for working on their fanfic. Fandom spaces have been my biggest escape from the news since March and while I was glad people were focusing on this sort of thing, I kind of hated the way people were making it out to be like this was a new issue when in reality it’s just my life. When I close my laptop and go out into the world, I’m still Black. I had considered opening my ask box up for prompts in exchange for someone donating to a bail fund or something like that, especially since I had just reached a follower milestone, but when I saw that Sam was organizing this and it was going to be an ongoing thing rather than just for a certain period of time, it was heartening to see someone realizing that this isn’t something we can just stop talking about even when the media moves on. The structure of these prompts makes it so that a person has to do a bit of research on BLM and educate themselves or confront the issue in a way they might not have had to before. And it gives me a chance to write things like my fluffy Memori wedding fic ! It’s a way to have my little fandom escape and also stay aware of what’s going on in the real world.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? I LOVE outlines! The Virgo in me loves to talk about my fic outlining process lol. With some short one-shots, I tend to just go in with a sentence or concept that I write at the top of the document and just write and see where that takes me. I also put at the top of the document all the things I want to tag it as when I go to post to AO3, so I don’t have to spend too much time thinking of those when it’s time to post. With multi-chap fics, I first make an ideas dump document which is just me typing out a bunch of thoughts, things like who’s in it, the premise, stuff like that. My actor AU has three preliminary documents: My ideas dump, the actual outline, and then the outline for what happens on each season of the TV show the characters are all on, since I reference those plot points a lot. For things like Chopped or prompts I receive, I do a mixture of the outline/ideas dump in one document. I put at the top all the information I received (so with prompts I tend to just copy/paste the ask from my inbox, and for Chopped the different tropes and theme), then think about what characters I want to use if it wasn’t specified, then kind of do bullet points on what happens in the story. These have all been really helpful in terms of keeping me on track, but I make sure to remind myself that things can change as I write and take a different direction than I expected. So my outlines are constantly changing, but the general idea is already written somewhere so I don’t get too stuck.
what are your thoughts on dad!murphy? The concept of dad!Murphy has really been living rent-free in my brain since before the beginning of season 7. I just kind of love the idea of Murphy (who is a character at first glance I feel like people don’t picture as much of a father figure) kind of falling into being a dad in an unexpected way, and then realizing how much he loves it. It’s just such a sweet thought, and I talked about it so much with some of my friends, that we started a Dad!Murphy Enthusiast Club server on discord (we’re always accepting members so DM me if you’d like to join us!). We just kind of talk about our dad!Murphy headcanons, share fics featuring dad!Murphy, and then get excited when people make new dad!Murphy content. It’s a fun time and though I am a very large Memori, I’m a multi-shipper at heart, and Murphy is one of those characters that I find easy to ship with a lot of people, so we love dad!Murphy in all forms!
what are some things you’d like to recommend?  This is a mix of Bellarke and Memori stuff, since that’s what I mainly read.
Literally everything @mobi-on-a-mission writes, but if I must get specific, then Revive and The Cockroach. 
Almost Paradise (We’re Knocking On Heaven’s Door)  by @nakey-cats-take-bathsss , 13 hours by Kats_watermelon, feat. by Debate, and of course, my comfort fic so i sing a song of love  by twilightstargazer.
The best place to find @queenemori is here on Tumblr. You can find her ao3 here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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asroarke · 5 years
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Last year, I made a fic rec list of all my favorites from 2017, so I’m making this into a tradition! To me, there’s no better way to kick off the new year than to celebrate all the beautiful works that our community created in 2018. So, here is a list of my favorites from this past year. Each of these put a smile on my face and made the world just a bit brighter. So thank you... not just to the writers I tag in this post, but to all the fanfiction writers out there.
Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by @grumpybell
Rated: M | Chapters: 3/3 | Words: 56k+
He turns his head to the side to look at her, so Clarke mirrors him. They aren't touching, but they're lying close, fingertips nearly brushing. The moment stretches out, spanning centuries in just a few breaths. Anything is possible here.
He links his pinky with hers, a point of contact. An anchor.
a Bellarke Modern AU in which Clarke has the ability to visit other people’s dreams and Bellamy… is kind of a special case.
I want to do to you what spring does to the cherry trees by @enoughtotemptme
Rated: E | Chapters: 5/5 | Words: 35k+
Clarke Griffin was born in space, where her life had been mapped out for her: become a doctor like her mother, be a dutiful daughter and friend, match with a partner and have a child, so the human race could continue to live.
It had been an easy life to contemplate, because there were no choices. There was only one path for her to follow, and only one life.
Being branded a criminal and being sent to the ground changed all of that.
Finding out there were people alive on earth changed it all again.
Suddenly she was free.
Suddenly she was faced with thousands of choices, very few of them easy or simple.
Except one.
Inspired by an anonymous ask from three years ago. Season 1 Canon-Divergent Grounder!Bellamy AU.
Guy in Your MFA by @bettsfic
Rated: E | Chapters: 13/13 | Words: 42k+
Clarke, failing to get into med school, accepts an offer into a creative writing MFA instead. So far so good, except there’s this writer in the program everyone keeps talking about like he’s some kind of prose god. When she meets him, she assumes he’s going to be a pretentious asshole. She’s ready to hate him. She wants to hate him.
But then he ends up being actually kind of a nice guy.
And she may or may not fall stupidly in love with him.
I Hear You’re Somewhere In the Sand by @ponyregrets
Rated: E | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 21k+
Bellamy knows that the best way to deal with his plus-one for the company cruise breaking up with him would be to just tell his boss that he's not bringing anyone after all, but his boss seemed so happy that he finally had a girlfriend, he'd really rather not.
He was hoping Raven would just come with him, but when she tells him her ex-boyfriend runs an escort service and could find him someone, well, that works too, right? He could use some professional help.
I’ll Give You That by @youleftme-clarke
Rated: E | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6k+
Clarke wants to know what sex is like. Bellamy offers to show her. Feelings happen.
I'm bad at summaries but this is super soft/mildly praise-kinky Bellarke PWP. The dirty talk is very real. It's also the filthiest thing I've ever written, so there's that.
Lost & Found by @tracylorde
Rated: G | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2k
Alex said: alright which one of us is gonna write the fic where bellamy goes off on a tangent to Clarke about someone not returning his book (probably Murphy) years ago and leaving him with an incomplete set, and then Clarke helps him get the book back (while high key falling in love with his nerdy self, or maybe she had been in love with him all along???)?
...so I did :)
when there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire by @octannibal-blake
Rated: M | Chapters: 7/? | Words: 32k+
The first time she meets Bellamy Blake, he's spitting blood into a dirty bathroom sink somewhere on the outskirts of Polis. Or: the angsty bellarke boxing fic literally no one asked for. 
of flight delays and tinder matches by fathomless
Rated: NR | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 1.5k
Inspired by the tweet, "My flight was delayed 3 hours so I was doing what any human does when they're bored. Minding my own business swiping through tinder & the guy behind me goes 'ouch hard no for that one?' And I turn around ONLY TO SEE THE MAN I JUST SWIPED NO ON RIGHT BEHIND ME HAHAHA"
the land was godless and free by @hawthornewhisperer
Rated: M | Chapters: 4/4 | Words: 16k
Wind ruffled his hair and Bellamy watched the countryside slide past. Acres of corn stretched all the way to the horizon, broken only by fences and the occasional lone farmhouse. Farther south the farmland had turned to dust, but up here, they were still plodding along.
It felt like that’s all the country had been doing for the past four years— plodding along. Bellamy had tried to make do at first, but the factory shut down for good two years ago and with it went the last available jobs nearby. Bellamy was forced to leave Octavia in Indra’s care and set out, looking for whomever would hire him.
Turned out, thousands of other men had had the same idea. So Bellamy became one of a roving band of men who moved from town to town in search of work. They traveled by the rail lines, and some had come to like it too much, in his opinion. Those men clumped into groups and he had fallen in with one at first but quickly learned to steer clear, their naked greed and viciousness turning his stomach.
Now he traveled more or less alone, watching for his stop out the open train car door on a cloudless, searing day.
Set The Dark On Fire by @talistheintrovert
Rated: T | Chapters: 3/3 | Words: 48k
Clarke isn't coping well with peacetime on the Eligius ship, and while Bellamy has woken some of the others (mainly spacekru) and tries to organise a trip to the ground, making decisions and considering all the variables, Clarke makes a choice of her own:
She'll take herself out of the equation.
OR: the post season 5 idea I had to write because all of the unresolved emotional turmoil this season is actually killing me and someone needs to notice that Clarke is in pain, for the love of god.
les rêves amoureux by @eleanor-sheleanor
Rated: E | Chapters: 1/3 | Words: 3k
“The water makes you sick?” Bellamy asked, raising an eyebrow. The man from Eligius IV shook his head.
“Not physically sick. But it might give you hallucinations."
Bellamy drinks water from another planet and has a sex dream which is .... vivid, to say the least.
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Inspired by @fleimkepajohnmurphy​‘s post about Murphy being a bottom, because it transformed into a whole headcanon/AU/fic thing that wouldn’t fit in the tags. Also, under a read more because it’s not only long, but also kind of NSFW, nothing too graphic, but still some mentions.
So, a college AU, right, where Murphy and Emori end up meeting at a party, and they hit it off and end up hooking up in a closet or something.
Neither of them really want a relationship, so they become friends that occasionally hook up but with no feelings attached.
The day after their first hook up, Emori is telling Raven all about her hook up.
“He looked like he was gonna be such a fuck boy and I figured he’d just go straight to fucking, but he actually ate me out, and holy shit, Rae, I’m never hooking up with those assholes on the football team again.”
And Raven is intrigued and wants to meet him and see this, as Emori calls him, ‘King of Oral Sex, Lord of Tongues, and Baron of Eating Girls Out’, so Emori brings her to one of the parties where she knows Murphy will be and Raven is just straight up says ‘My friend says your good at going down on a girl, if you’re as good as she says you are I’ll suck your dick after’ and walks towards one of the spare bedrooms and Murphy follows along, because holy shit, she’s so confident and badass and he’s still not looking for a relationship, but he is looking for her approval now.
And holy hell, Emori was definitely right, and he definitely deserves that blow job - once she’s capable of moving again - and they’re definitely going to do that again and Raven Tops. The. Fuck. Out of him.
And then he becomes friends with benefits with Raven as well as Emori and they no one really knows what’s going on because they hang out and act like friends all the time but then at parties they always hook up and how the hell did this pasty ass, pretentious, possibly responsible for setting a few fires but no one knows for sure, asshole end up with two really hot girls at the same time????
And Raven tells him and Emori about this girl in her class, Echo, who’s dating an asshat named Roan and she’s pretty sure he’s Khalid’s White Twin because of what he says at frat parties and who the hell admits that they don’t go down on their girlfriend????
So Murphy, Emori, Raven, Echo, and Roan are at a party one night and Murphy asks Raven to point out Echo and when she does, looking bored out of her mind as she sips her beer and has Roan’s arm around her shoulders, and announced to everyone
“I’d like to deeply apologize for Roan’s fuck boy habits, but if you ever want to get eaten out the way you deserve, I’d be more than happy to do it.”
And Roan is about to punch him, but Echo’s only dating Roan because she hasn’t found anyone better and he gets her free beer, so she tells him to knock it off and when she doesn’t she punches him and he stumbles back and grabs Murphy hand, dragging him to an empty room and he’s just following her like a little puppy because oh my God, that was so badass, and how did he get so blessed to be surrounded by so many strong girls.
And he eats her out and wow, she hasn’t realized what she’s been missing, he’s definitely better than her toys and anything’s better than Roan.
And he’s still not looking for a relationship, he likes being single and occasionally hooking up with someone, and when you’re hooking up you don’t have to have conversations, and it doesn’t matter what your sexuality or gender is as long as you like the person, and he can barely remember to eat three meals a day, how is he supposed to remember anniversaries and shit?
And he tells her that, well, tells her that he’s not looking for a relationship, but his friend - and occasional fuck buddy - Bellamy is single and they’d get along a lot more than her and Roan.
And he knows Bellamy because his sister used to date a fuck boy named Atom and he was very Roan-like, which is how Bellamy walked in on Murphy, a stranger at the time, eating out his little sister on their couch, and how Bellamy refused to share a fuck buddy with his sister, but once Octavia started dating Lincoln who once had a 40 minute conversation with Murphy about techniques to use when eating a girl out and the pro’s and con’s of using fingers instead of tongue, Bellamy and Murphy started hooking up and Echo’s mainly confused because yes, he’s amazing with his tongue, but how does he have time to have so many occasional hookups?
Murphy tells her he’s really good at time management, barring that time he spent two hours arguing with a professor over what is and isn’t common enough knowledge that you don’t have to cite the source instead of just easily finding a source, but the teacher was an asshole and deserved it.
And then Bellamy and Echo really hit it off, but Bellamy started catching feelings for Murphy before he met Echo, and Murphy started catching feelings for him, which is one of the reasons he tried to set up Bellamy and Echo, if he was off limits, than his feelings would stop and go away, it doesn’t matter if that’s illogical, it made sense in his head, and Echo is somewhere between having romantic feelings for Murphy and just really liking hooking up with him, so they all start dating and it’s messy and confusing and involves a lot of talking, which none of them are a fan of, but it’s worth it if they stay together, and even more confused classmates, but it works for them and they’re happy and they’re them and they’re together.
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closetcasefabray · 5 years
Blue + Yellow (1 / 2)
@coeurdastronaute’s “colors” soulmates au inspired me to write a different take. thank weird tumblr app crap for the formatting and two parts. still a rather unedited & rushed drabble/fic, but i had to write it and wanted to share so here’s this messy, sappy thing. (forever a sucker for this sort of stuff. also clexa.)
Blue + Yellow
Part 1 / 2
“The leaves are green, Daddy,” you say, skipping through the park on a rare September afternoon your dad has off from work. You don’t think much of your comment, really, because you’re too busy taking in the world now to talk about it, but this simple statement makes him stop in his tracks as you skip ahead.
He clears his throat and picks up his stride again, so you keep skipping along. “Did you learn that in school, hon?”
“Well, yeah,” you say with a roll of your eyes at the memory of tedious flashcard lessons with your classmates, all of you droning back the colors and pairing with an object that color, “but now I don’t have to memorize everything,” you add with pride.
“When did you start seeing colors?” he asks, his voice soft as you take his hand, opting to walk beside him instead. When you look up at him, he’s looking at you with shining eyes, and you feel a hundred nervous butterflies in your stomach, wondering if you should have said something sooner.
“Yesterday morning, just a little,” you say, feeling less worried when your dad gives your hand a little squeeze. “Today it’s all super bright, though.”
“Yesterday at school?”
“Before school, when I woke up? ... I think.” You remember your head hurt at school the day before, and you were tired as soon as you got home from Kids’ Club after school. You don’t remember seeing any colors though, not until the next morning. “Like... some of my cereal was green... and the limes in the fruit bowl!”
″That’s good, Clarke,” your dad says with a bright smile, picking you up into a tight hug. You both growl into your “bear hug” like always.
“So does that mean I’ll meet someone like you or Mommy? Or I’ll fall in love like you and Mommy?” you ask as your dad adjusts his arms to carry you like when you were smaller. You try to remember what your parents told you about seeing colors some day, so you close your eyes to think because what was once mindless, dreary gray is now a loud, growing spectrum of color. 
“It means you’ve already met them.”
“I don’t feel like I’m in love.”
“It just might take time, hon.”
You’re quiet for a moment as you think about this new information. After a few moments of silence, you open your eyes and look at your dad with eyes like yours. “Ewwww, I hope it’s not that boy, Bellamy. I like his sister, Octavia. She’s in my class. But he plays too rough at recess.”
You’ll always remember the sound of your father’s laughter at that, three perfect laugh lines at the corners of his blue eyes. You laugh too, and you feel his deep chuckle rumble in his chest against yours. You wrap your arms around him tighter as you pass under a row of trees on the path, and the green leaves rustling in the wind seem to laugh with you both—everything easy and gentle.
A week passes, and now you can see the colors of the rainbow and everything in-between R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Your art teacher, Mr. Kane, lets you stay in the art room during Kids’ Club after school. He cleans and prepares lessons while you mix the few paints he has in search of your new favorite color. Because of your immediate gravitation toward art, you parents invest in a paint set. You know they’re expensive and for grown-ups because most paint sets aren’t made for kids; painting is a skill mostly adults learn.
Your parents never seem concerned about their five-year-old having met her soulmate, but you do overhear parts of one hushed argument. Your dad insists on asking other parents at the school, and your mom says something about it making sense “in due time.” They both conclude they’re “old-fashioned,” and you’re not sure what that means, but you hear them kiss and decide to go back to bed.
You know it isn’t common for children to see colors so early and you know you’re the youngest in your small town to have found their soulmate... kind of. Out of curiosity, you start asking your classmates if they see in color too, but they all say no. Some even tease you because grown-ups see colors, and they kiss and have coodies.
You learn to be more subtle about it after.
It’s a Friday, so your mom picks you up to go to the park instead of Kids’ Club. She’ll work late, overnight into Saturday evening, sometimes well past Sunday afternoon, so she spends the time she can with you.
It’s been almost a month since you started school and began seeing the world in color. It makes you tired, trying to explain it and understand it. You're pretty sure you’ve learned all you need to know as a five-year-old and no one in school sees what you do, so you dramatically asked your dad, “What’s the point?” and threw yourself back onto your bed when he tried to get you up for school this past Monday. He had to explain that school lasts basically forever, but some day you can go to a grown-up school and just study art if you want, “if you work at it.” So you fill your nights and weekends with coloring and drawing and painting, which is much more exciting than learning math and the alphabet.
You played tag for a bit with Wells and Octavia, but they had to go home and right now you’re happy sitting at a picnic table with your crayons and activity book. Your mom talks with another mother nearby, waving and coming over to see what you’re coloring every so often. Crayons aren’t very fun; they don’t blend well and they’re made cheap and in weird hues that starkly contrast each other for kids who only see in greys, but they’re all you have since your mom won’t let you bring your paint set or special paper and brushes anywhere but art class or home.
“What are you doing?” a voice asks.
"Coloring,” you say, finishing the last petal of a sunflower. “Do you wanna color with me?” You look up and you remember her from a few weeks ago. You remember her pretty face and dark hair and the same skirt she had on for school. Now you can see her skirt is charcoal—boring and almost exactly the same as before—but her hair is brown, almost auburn in the early evening sunlight. Most of all, you notice her eyes—green like those laughing leaves.
“I’m not very good,” the girl says timidly.
You’re used to this; most kids like tracing or doodling because coloring is like schoolwork—you have to memorize everything, like, “the sky is blue, the sun is yellow, the grass is green.” You decide the grass nearby is a much uglier green than you see in this other girl’s eyes.
“That’s okay,” you say, scooting over to make room on the bench. “I can help.”
She takes off her backpack to sit at the picnic table. “Your name is Clarke, right?” she asks as she settles beside you.
You nod.
“I’m Lexa,” she says to remind you.
You appreciate it because you didn’t remember it. You feel your cheeks get warm and repeat Lexa in your head over and over so you’ll remember for next time. You notice she kept on her school skirt but changed out of the white polo private school kids wear, opting for a soft-yellow t-shirt with a sun in sunglasses on it. “You go to St. Mary’s, don’t you?” 
“Mhm.” Lexa picks up a crayon and fiddles with it nervously as she looks at it for a moment.
“You use that one for the sky,” you say, ripping out a page from your activity book for her to color—a sailboat on the water with the sun in the sky.
″I know,” she replies quietly, beginning to color the sky, careful not to get blue in the lines of the sun or sailboat.
“Sorry,” you say, unsure if you should ask if she knows her colors from school or sees them like you. Instead you decide to say, “I know you from that coffee place.“
“Our moms were sleepy and getting coffee before school.”
“She’s not my mom,” Lexa says. She doesn’t sound upset, but she keeps her attention focused on coloring the sky.
“Oh, well she was a nice lady,” you say with a shrug, “and you were in your uniform. Is it weird wearing a uniform?”
“No, but I can get ready for school real fast.”
“Hm... It just seems kind of boring to me.”
Lexa laughs and you smile at the sound and sight of her grin. “It is,” she agrees.
You chew your lip nervously before asking, “What’s your favorite color?”
Lexa looks at the half-colored paper before turning toward you to sit criss-cross applesauce. She tilts her head and hums as she thinks for a moment. “Blue... or yellow. I haven’t decided. What’s yours?”
“Blue plus yellow.”
“Equals green. Like pine trees.”
“What are pine trees?”
“Christmas trees but without the lights and stuff hanging on them.”
“Oh, yeah! I like that green. I like all kinds of green!”
“Lexa,” a voice calls, interrupting your smiles and conversation, “we have to go back to the house to pack.” A girl appears beside the table and picks up Lexa’s backpack. She looks much older and cooler than you, and also like she could scare Bellamy. Before you can say a word, the girl huffs and starts walking off.
“Sorry. That’s my sister. I’ve gotta go,” Lexa says, setting down her crayon. “Thanks for letting me color with you.”
You pout and you think your heart knows what’s happening more than you have words for. “Will you be here tomorrow?”
“Let’s go, Lexa,” the other girl demands; despite the frustration in her voice, she mostly seems sad.
Lexa shakes her head. “Today was my last day at St. Mary’s. We’re moving to New York City tomorrow with my new family.”
“Oh...” the sound seems to fall out of your chest. “I’ll see you again some day though,” you manage with a smile. “My dad and Mr. Kane say if I work hard enough and paint, one day I could make art in a city or go to school there.”
Lexa smiles back. “OK.”
“You want your coloring?” you ask, offering her the unfinished page.
“You keep it. Paint something yellow or blue for me when you come to New York. Like a sunset or your hair... or your eyes. I like your eyes,” she pauses before adding, “Yeah, I think blue is my favorite. but yellow is my second favorite.”
“OK, I promise.”
“See you later, Clarke.”
You wave goodbye and some minutes later, when you’re by yourself and can’t seem to color because the sunset looks too golden, your mom comes over to check on you. “Did you make a friend, Clarke?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
Part 2 / 2
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thelittlefanpire · 5 years
Writing Process Tag Game
Answer 10 questions about your writing process, then tag 10 writers whose process you want to know more about. The point of this game is to have fun.
just searching for some fun tag games and I ran across this post from @therska and @writing-is-ruining-my-life on tumblr. thanks for sharing!
1. How do you get your story ideas? How do you know when something is worth writing and when it’s just a fleeting thought or fantasy? Tell us the origin story of one of your past or current WIPs.
How do I not get my story ideas? every movie, tv show, song, book, real life experience, or daydream can be turned into an AU for a fic. the ideas literally never stop coming.
it has been exactly nine years to the day since I published my first fic and I’ve only published a total of 10 fanfics in those 9 years. sooo most things are a fleeting thought. I’ve really gained a lot of inspiration and confidence since joining the 100 fandom so I’m hoping I can start making these dreams a reality.
origin story for my Hocus Pocus AU: Oct 1st I decided I wanted to write a halloween story. Oct 2nd I decided on Hocus Pocus. Bellamy as Max, Octavia as Dani, and Clarke as Alison. and then I found a tweet about these two characters who dressed up as Muggles and then everyone started turning into their Halloween costumes so the guys were kinda sol. And then BAM! I wrote 16.5k words in less than a month.
2. What are your writing tools of choice? Are you picky? Do you have specific brands you like? If you have neuroses in this department, we want to hear about them.
my poems always had to be in a marble composition notebook and were written with a black pen. my stories were always written on my laptop.
now everything’s on my iphone! the notes app for poetry/ideas. Pages App for outlines. Google Docs for the actual story.
3. Where and when do you write? Morning? Dead of night? Your bedroom? The park? Paint us a picture of your usual surroundings when you sit down to write.
I write on my iPhone because I have three kids. I’m ususally jottings down ideas and words as they come to me. As I watch my kids play at the park or in the backyard, when I’m putting them to sleep or their watching Super Wings! But I do most of my writing in the dead of night. The baby still wakes up and takes a bottle once or twice a night so sometimes I’ll feed her and then stay awake writing until the sun rises. #momlife
4. Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome it? Any tips to pass on to other writers reading this?
YES. I published my last TwiFic in July 2011 and didn’t write my first BellarkeFic until May 2018. I would start a few stories, get about 4 chapters in and then that was it. Plan a few stories but be too scared to type the first words. I couldn’t finish anything and I was too scared to publish unfinished!
And then one night I stayed up from 2-6am and wrote almost 3k words!
In the time that I’ve had this “writer’s block” I’ve graduated from college, gotten my first big girl jobs, had some bad hookups, got back together and married to my ex, moved out of my parent’s house and out of my home state and across the country, and had two more kids.
Basically I’ve lived some lifetimes. Put some more experiences under my belt. And I found my voice again, refreshed my muse, and started writing 100 fanfic.
Greatest writing I advice I can give is from Ernest Hemingway, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Just write it! Like Nike.
5. Do you outline? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of outlines do you make, and at what point in your writing process do you make them?
My outlines look something like this, ok:
title | brief summary | what type of AU/what kind of story is this | table of contents/idea list / character bios / and then I just write whatever comes out.
lol i mean basically. it’s usually in that order too.
6. When and how do you edit? After the first draft? During? Do you have a method, or is it kind of a free-for-all?
I try to just write at first. then I turn on Grammarly. I reread and reread until I’m sick of it. Read it out loud. Listen, I’m not the best at editing so I’ll be happy to hear everyone else’s methods.
7. Is there anything about your writing process that other people might consider to be unique or weird?
I always have to have a title. And I always have a huge folder of inspiration photos / moodboards on Pinterest. I can get kind of obsessed and won’t start writing until I have those two things covered. lol
8. Do you ever take breaks from writing? For how long do these breaks feel rejuvenating, or do they stress you out? Give us a sense of what life is like when you’re not writing.
Writing for me is a sprint, not a marathon. I don’t write every day. I take breaks between fics. I try to read a lot when I’m not writing. Or I just wait for that inspiration to strike in the middle of the night.
Life when I’m not writing? I look at my writing a lot. Look at my ideas. Read over some dialogue. Look at my Pinterest boards. Think of new ideas.
9. When do you first start writing? Why? What’s changed since then, if anything?
I first started writing poems in High School. 9th and 12th grade English had really big poetry projects. I wrote poems to capture my feelings. 2009 I discovered fanfiction and started writing stories! I can’t say that very much has changed since then.
10. Anything else you want to tell us about your writing process?
I don’t listen to music when I write. I’m more visual so i need the Pinterest boards. I really don’t like people looking at my work until it’s finished, but I love the feedback.
tagging my favs again : @the-most-beautiful-broom @blueshirtbell @eleanor-sheleanor @asroarke @youleftme-clarke @pawprinterfanfic @grumpybell @ponyregrets @bettsfic @anniebibananie (and anyone else! I would love to hear your process, too!)
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parapluiepliant · 6 years
Creator 2017 Tag Meme
I was tagged by: @tenthebookworm, @sly2o, @tracylorde, @stardust-blake and @pendragaryen.
Thank you so much, ladies! It's an awesome idea that boosts not only our confidence in our work but hopefully also the knowledge about well-deserving but maybe still overlooked content providers in the fandom. :)
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created in 2017 (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3
In no particular order:
1. Bellamy Blake Modern AU –  Blake returns with new album and band  “Patroclus Perish” (Fake Instagram page plus mini fanfiction):
First of all, I have no Photoshop so all the edits and gifs I do are made from scratch and for some features that are easily done in PS, I have to experiment to get the same effect (or to get it close enough) in my editing software.
That's the reason why this one in particular was pretty fun but also challenging because I wanted to include a video preview (and I also wanted to get the font close to the original). Overall, the edit as well as the mini fanfiction in form of a news article (did I get the tone right as someone who is a learner of English?) were done within a short amount of time because I had this weird creator's rush. You feel the spark and suddenly, you're in a flow and you're eager to finish it. One of the best moods to be honest!
Tumblr messed up the formatting at first which caused the text to disappear, so I had to make a new post. Bad tumblr!
2. Morning Routine (Fanfiction about Baby!Bellamy)
Morning Routine was born pretty much the same way after I had a spark of inspiration. It's also the fanfiction I consider a Parapluiepliant Original and which I consider my very first fanfiction I have ever written (and posted!) because Token , Faith and Foresight, were still inspired by dialogue bits from Lord of the Rings (even though the mix of LotR dialogue bit with Bellarke has some scenes I came up with). And I got some nice comments for that one which is a plus. ;)
The story is basically about Bellamy's father taking care of his son on the Ark before he is called to help out engineers on a routine check up. I really liked how I wrote the ending paragraph and it all came together in the end. It is bittersweet with all its implications, same as the title with its double meaning which only adds to the the feeling when you have finished the story.
3. Exactly how long does it take to tell someone you love them? (Gif Set to one of wellsjahasghost’s 5(+) fic celebration)
This one was inspired by wellsjahasghost‘s 5(+) sentence fics celebration. When I read that specific paragraph for the first time, I was hit pretty hard by all the Bellarke feels, something which only a few have managed so far with their writing. I was immediately struck by the idea of how I'd want to use each sentence.
You could say that I tried to visualize a fanfiction and to get the feeling right, I also played a bit with fonts and colours to indicate memories and text passages in contrast to Bellamy's thoughts.
4. “What if our hearts could be connected like constellations?” (A Bellarke Gif Set using a quote and a folklore about Altair and Vega/Hikoboshi and Orihime)
This is the one I'm really proud of because it is the first gif set where I tried to be a bit more creative. It combines a few thoughts I had here: I used an overlay of the Milky Way to indicate the separation of Bellamy and Clarke similar to Altair and Vega, thus having Altair's star on Bellamy and Vega's on Clarke.
In many stories all over the world, Altair and Vega were lovers separated by the Milkyway. And in Japan, there is a tale that Orihime (literally a weaving princess) and Hikoboshi (literally a star boy), coresponding to Vega and Altair respectively, are only able to meet once a year. Clarke Princess Griffin and Bellamy Starfreckled Blake had to wait 6 years to meet again. So basically their hearts are like stars connected like the constellations aforementioned.
5. The 100 Season 5 Poster Competition
I tried my luck but without any success. However, I'm actually quite proud of it though. Especially, the delinquents in space looking out of the window was challenging as heck (because finding decent pictures of their backs is hard!).
Honorary mention goes to:
> https://parapluiepliant.tumblr.com/post/156548344371/ice-king-baby-i-cannot-believe-that-aaron-and 
(Season 4 Countdown picture of Roan in which I gave him a E-guitar instead of a sword, so he can enter the song-clave to battle them all with his rendition of Ice Ice Baby and which might also be a good idea to get Zach's signature on)
> https://parapluiepliant.tumblr.com/post/162841250346/your-list-was-pragmatic-2x09-remember-me-4x04
(aka the one where I contrasted Clarke's way to tell people that the list was pragmatic and is offended that Jaha implies that other's misundertood it as her telling them they are without value with the famous 'It's worth the risk scene' because Clarke often has that problem to really articulate what she means...WHICH IS WHY SHE TELLS BELLAMY IMPLICITLY THAT SHE THINKS HE'S SPECIAL BY SAYING HIS SISTER WILL COME TO RECOGNIZE IT IN TIME AS WELL. MY HEART!!!!)
> https://parapluiepliant.tumblr.com/post/166082564056/inspired-by-lang-leav-lovers-paradox-from-the 
(really liked how I was able to make the list scene colours look warm but still maintained a bit of the blue light; I also thought that Leav's poem with a little change worked perfectly with some of the communication issues those two idiots in love have)
[btw I never noticed how much edits and text posts I already did! Maybe I'm going to reblog/queue them again because my tags are a mess(TM) and trying to find them all was a hassle...probably missed some due to that too]  
I encourage everyone seeing this to participate, no matter how small or insignificant you think you are. Let's make some noise and have fun! I really like to see some new blogs and boost their creative works, so please tag me in your post and I put it into my queue to keep it going. :)
No pressure tag: @blyedeeks, @thehundredbellarke, @as-inevitable-as-morning and @moonaskingtostay
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pepperf · 6 years
2017 fic roundup
I was tagged for this a(bout a month ago, sheesh) by @catty-words, one of the sweetest and loveliest people I have the pleasure of calling a friend. *HUGS*
That said, doing this was a little depressing, when compared to 2016 - so thanks for that, hon! ;-) But it’s mainly for a good reason (new job that I actually enjoy and which keeps my brain busy), so that’s kind of okay really. I just miss being properly involved in a fandom.
Total 2017 Word Count: 34,603 (9 fics) Total 2017 Hits: 9,466 Other 2017 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 902; Comment threads: 84; Bookmarks: 78; Subscriptions: 28.
Total 2016 Word Count: 110,113 (24 fics) Total 2016 Hits: 23,744 Other 2016 AO3 Stats: Kudos: 1507; Comment threads: 301; Bookmarks: 115; Subscriptions: 45.
Links and titles to 2017 works:
Fate Goes Ever As It Must: The 100, Pangur Ban AU, Bellamy/Clarke, 6171 words. Clarke is a medieval nun who makes illustrated manuscripts, Bellamy has a talking cat. It was a thing.
Slow Burn: The 100, Bellamy/Clarke, 2555 words. Canonverse AU. Clarke decides to woo Bellamy.
A Whole Lotta Grown-Ass American Women: The 100, Ghostbusters AU, 2768 words. Clarke, Raven, Octavia, and Lexa as the Ghostbusters.
You Are The Opera (Always On Time And In Tune): Community, Annie Edison/Jeff Winger, 12165 words. AU following 603 Basic Crisis Room Decorum. Most of this was written a while ago, I just finished it in 2017, so that knocks about 10,000 words off my actual total written last year.
Touchstone: The 100, Bellamy/Clarke, Stargate AU, 1612 words. Bellamy and Clarke are rival leaders of Gate teams. Apparently I like doing AUs in t100 fanfic.
It’s A Boy!: The 100, Bellamy/Clarke, Stargate AU, prequel to the above fic, 1736 words. Bellamy gets de-aged, because Stargate has all the best tropes.
Self-Rescuing Princess: The 100, Bellamy/Clarke, 4735 words. My take on what could happen for the big s5 reunion.
And This Is Why I Sojourn Here: Community, 792 words. It all makes sense: his uncanny abilities as a lawyer, his amorality and deviousness, his weirdly pointy good looks... Jeff is a fairy.
Nothing I’d Like Better Than To Fall: The 100, Bellamy/Clarke, John Wick AU, 2069 words. Clarke is an assassin for hire (retired), and she has just had the WORST day.
Favorite Fic: You Are The Opera. I like the stuff I wrote two+ years ago best. :7
Hardest Fic: All of them have been like pulling fucking teeth. I have three I’m determined to finish (all Community), and a ton of WIPs that I’d love to write. And if I find the inspiration, a load of follow-ups, but I honestly can't see that happening.
Do You Plan to Take Prompts in 2018?: Honestly, this depends on me finding time, energy, and inspiration. It might well take finding a new fandom that hits me as hard as Community did, and those come about once every ten years, tbh. So, it’s unlikely. :(
What was the best thing about 2017?: That I did actually get some stuff written, actually more than I'd thought. I was really glad to finally post You Are The Opera, I'm really please with some of the lines in that.
What was the worst thing about 2017?: Having lots of ideas and no time or energy. I MISS WRITING! I MISS THE INTERACTION WITH YOU GUYS!
Any last thoughts for 2017?: Shoutout to MizVickers on AO3, who has been going through all my Community fics and commenting on them - I’m failing to respond, but bless you for it, I do notice and appreciate it! And also to everyone else who reads and hits kudos/comments, every single one gives me a boost, and makes me want to get back to writing. I love you all. :)
Also, I want to express my eternal appreciation for @bethanyactually, who I was privileged to meet, this year. The fact that I’ve produced anything this year is largely down to her, and she’s unfailingly supportive, without being pressuring.
Goals for 2018: Finding a way to fit writing back into my life. I actually love my new job, and that’s half the problem (I know it’s a GOOD problem, don’t get me wrong): my brain is actually focused on work. But I really do miss writing, so now that I’m more settled in, maybe I can find time. Coming up with ideas in the car, now I’m more familiar with driving? Writing on train journeys, if I can find a way to get over people reading over my shoulder, or find a way to shield my screen? Writing when I’ve got overnight trips? These should all be possible, in theory.
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prosciuttoe · 7 years
top 5 and bottom 5 kudos fic
tagged by the very lovely and talented @clarkescrusade ,whose fics you should check out if you haven’t already! 
rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date! (I realized belatedly that this said date and not no.of kudos but I already did it, so.... nvm y’all I’m a rebel)
What are your five most popular works? (in descending order)
1. Every Little Thing She Does is Magic (bellamy/clarke, 16k words, 1,493 kudos)
And this is how it always goes: she curses his ears to twitch all day, and he hexes her so bats fly out of her nose. She turns his morning porridge into concrete and he turns her eyebrows pink. They have Transfiguration together, and Mcgonagall makes them sit at different ends of the room, the only students to have been assigned seats.
Or; The rivalry between Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin is a thing of legends, but it doesn't exactly stop him from making out with her either. 
I wanna be SURPRISED that this is my biggest fic yet, but not really tbh? Pretty sure that this is the fic that most people know me from, so yeah. You can’t really go wrong with hogwarts!bellarke progressing from enemies to friends to lovers and eventually getting into a secret relationship.
2. No Space Lies In Between (bellamy/clarke, 15k words, 1,289 kudos)
(She has to remind herself that smirking is not a good look on Bellamy Blake. It’s not.)
Or: Clarke Griffin moves into her ex-boyfriend’s apartment- mostly out of convenience, but also mostly to spite her friends. In retrospect, she really should have thought this through.
Ahh, my exes that are still in love, fic! This was really fun to write, and I think it was one of the first multi-chapters that I embarked on. Definitely was a little floored by the response, mostly because I didn’t think the exes trope was all that popular. 
3. Explain The Infinite (bellamy/clarke, 6k words, 1,092 kudos)
“They respect you,” Bellamy muses, “and they sure do listen to you. But I’m not sure they like you very much.”
“How can they,” she says sarcastically, “when there’s you around, constantly vying for their attention?”
Or; Clarke’s pretty sure you’re supposed to like your soul mate. She really wasn’t expecting Bellamy Blake.
This was based on a soulmates prompt that I received in my inbox, but of course it spiralled into this 6k mess? Canon-verse with soul-marks, so it was a lot of fun to write, though I do remember torturing everyone by posting the whole 6k of it up on tumblr and forcing mobile users to scroll through its entirety. sorry guys
4. See Me in Hindsight (bellamy/clarke, 16k words, 1,032 kudos)
“You’re kind of a mess,” He says mildly.
“Thanks captain obvious.” The corners of his mouth twitch a little, like he’s holding back a smile. She is not remotely pleased by that. Not at all.
Or, the one where they're project partners and maybe, perhaps, friends. (And maybe, perhaps, more.)
My first college au!! Fun fact: a lot of this was based on True Events in my life, including the one where Bellamy gets into a fight in a parking lot and Clarke has to go get his stuff for him from class cos he’s literally bleeding all over the place. (Guess who I was in this situation, lmao)
5. Well, I’ll Be Your Partner in Crime (bellamy/clarke, 11k words, 856 kudos)
“Why not? We’re pretending to date,” he points out, ticking off his fingers. “You’re popular while I’m not. Oh, and we’re also complete opposites when it comes to everything else. Honestly, we just need a makeover scene to round things out. Give it color.”
Or: Apparently, the first step to restoring Clarke Griffin’s celebrity status is to date someone completely outside her stratosphere. Namely, Bellamy Blake. She’s not entirely convinced that it’s a good idea.
FAKE DATING. Celebrity fake-dating, to be exact. Hand to God, this is one of my fave things to write, like. I remember that most of the info I got on celebrity workings was through this one Lauren Conrad book and I just sorta... went with it and prayed it was accurate. I think I did?? Alright?? Or maybe everyone is too nice me how terribly wrong I went. 
What are your five least popular works by kudos? (in ascending order)
1. Right Within Your Heart (This is How it Starts) (bellamy/clarke, 6k words, 324 kudos)
“Uh,” Bellamy goes, bracingly, “yes?” Then, with a shrug of his shoulders, “Hate to break it to you, Clarke. But it’s just a holiday.”
Or: Bellamy has never had a enjoyable Christmas. Clarke seeks to rectify that.
I wrote this for bff’s christmas celebration, and it was p.fun! Basically chockful of good ol’ Christmas traditions like snowball fights and cookie baking set in canon-verse.
2. Nothing But Sheets Between Us (bellamy/clarke, 3k words, 320 kudos)
“Morally ambiguous?” She tastes the words out on her tongue, her mouth dropping open to gape when she finally gets what he’s insinuating at. “Hey! I didn’t know you’re my T.A. when I– when it happened!”
Or: In hindsight, sleeping with her T.A is probably a bad idea. Especially when it turns out that he's someone like Bellamy Blake.
I anger-wrote this after the infamous ‘blarke shit’ incident and can never revisit this fic without experiencing war flashbacks, tbh. I’M SORRY 
3. And The Trail Always Leads Back to You (bellamy/clarke, 6k words, 269 kudos)
“It’s a possible name for the van.” Clarke replies, absent minded, as if she’s not talking to him at five in the fucking morning. “There’s been a string of burglaries over at Ark High, and Raven says we should check it out.”
Or: Bellamy refuses to be a part of whatever sleuthing hijinks his friends are getting up to (with his van, no less.) Too bad Clarke’s pretty persistent.
Ooh, this was based on a prompt I got in my inbox, and I really liked writing it but also there was like... minimal plot, lmao. It was just bellarke being in love and solving mysteries. The End. 
4. Between Two Lungs (bellamy/clarke, 6k words, 255 kudos)
She still feels prickly, flushed from head to toe, like there’s something threatening to burst from her skin and swallow her whole. She thinks of Bellamy’s lazy smirk, the condescension behind the single princess, the glint of his teeth as he launches into another tirade. It feels a lot like waking up after a long nap and breathing in sharp, cold air.
Or, the three times where they work against each other, and the one time they don't.
High school!bellarke. Normally I’m one of those people that forces myself to see things through but for some reason... my inspiration for this fic really stalled mid-way. sorry, guys.
5. Up The Ante (bellamy/clarke, 19k words, 189 kudos)
But they’re together, still, and for as long as they are, well. Bellamy will always have hope.
Bellamy, Clarke, and the life they finally get to lead after everything’s been said and done. (Or: a mini-sequel of sorts to Sleight of Hand.)
Ok so this was a sequel to sleight of hand and I already figured before hand that not many people would be Into it, so it was a v.self-indulgent piece on my part? Just lotsa fluff and bellarke being happy but zero plot, so... not surprised! 
I feel like everyone I know is already tagged but nvm lemme tag y’all anyway: @hiddenpolkadots @mellamymake @rubysvida @madgesundersee @ahmren @grumpybell @kay-emm-gee @wellsjahasghost
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Day Forty
I’m getting really lazy about this lol. Today’s entry: the answers to a few random questions that have spoken to me, from days I skipped.
Project courtesy of @the-wip-project​. Tagging fellow participants @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold​, @thelittlefanpire​, @hopskipaway​, @easilydistractedbyfanfic​, @dylanobrienisbatman​ @fontainebleau22.
This got VERY verbose, sorry....!
Day 34: Do you prefer to write fluff or angst?
Funny story. I once had a fic nominated in the Best Angst Category in a fandom fic awards event. The nomination was, of course, flattering, but also really confusing, because I didn’t think the fic was particularly angsty. It wasn’t super fluffy either. It...just was? It was a basic strangers-to-lovers modern AU somewhere in the 7k range, and the main ship was endgame. There was a period where half of the main ship was dating someone else, but that was mostly mentioned in passing during a time skip; most of the actual content was the endgame couple talking/flirting/pining, and, again, they did get together in the end.
The nomination made me reconsider what I think ‘fluff’ and ‘angst’ are and what my relationships are to the genres. I feel like a lot of my work is neither.
Some types of stories are obviously one or the other. MCD and/or illness is angst. Hurt/comfort is angst. Romantic stories where the characters don’t end up together are, generally, angst. Romantic stories where the characters DO end up together but only after considerable obstacles can be angst, also--which might have been the rationale behind nominating the above fic in ‘angst’ although, again, it was only 7k. It’s one thing to have a 300k+ story where the main characters pine for each other, wallow in their feelings, fight, feel jealousy, etc, and the finally kiss in the final chapter--I’ve done that, too. A shorter story is a different beast.
Fluff, to me, is a genre of stories without (significant) conflict. The point is you feel good reading them. Romantic stories with established couples, or first date stories, are fluff. Slice of life or ‘curtain’ fic is fluff. Holiday fic with a found family feel is fluff.
I’ve written some stories that clearly fall into one of these two genres, sometimes because the challenge I’m doing or request I’m fulfilling calls for it, and sometimes because I need a palette cleanser after writing the opposite type of fic.
Another place I’ve thought about genre is with Troped, but I don’t always feel confident in the stories I’ve written there, in terms of theme. The very, very first round had a Fluff theme but I wasn’t sure if my story was fluffy (I’m still not). It had a happy ending and the final scene was decidedly cute, but the characters came from angsty backgrounds, and some of the early scenes had, imo, a melancholy feel. Then one of the 2020 Madness rounds had an Angst theme. I tried to fit my entry into that genre by giving it a general feeling of helplessness and an ambiguous, dreary ending. I think it was angsty, but it wasn’t as... hardcore angsty? as some of the other entries. I also picked the theme “angst” for one of my Choice fics and that one was decidedly angsty, both in the specific-trope sense--it dealt with the aftermath of a major character death--and in the more general ‘mood’ sense. The main relationship wasn’t repaired at the end, and the ending was ambiguous.
I feel like for every fic I’ve written that’s decidedly fluffy or decidedly angsty, and I could give examples of both, I’ve written one or more that isn’t really either. Again, most of the time, unless I have a specific reason to think ‘time to write angst’ or ‘time to write fluff,’ I don’t go into an idea thinking it should be one or the other. I usually have a mood I want, but it might not be simple to categorize.
ALL that said... I think if I had to pick one, it would be angst. I don’t like truly unhappy endings, but I’ve done a decent number of ambiguous endings. It’s also easier for me to think of stories I’ve written that I think are fairly categorized as angst than stories that are clearly fluff. Third, I love writing about pining, and longing, and missing, and needing, and these are not ‘fluffy’ feelings. But most importantly, like I said, I think ‘fluff’ is a type of story that has minimal-to-zero conflict in it and I actually find those VERY hard to write. Maybe We Will is probably the fluffiest thing I’ve written (4k of a first date at a carnival) and my biggest challenge was figuring out: what are these people going to DO?
This isn’t an insult to fluff at all. Fluff writers have a real talent for creating a pleasant narrative, and I like reading outright fluff more than reading outright angst. But for me, there is a lot more flexibility outside of fluff, whether or not the resulting narrative is truly “angsty” or not. It might not have the primary goal of making you feel sad, but it probably doesn’t have the primary goal of making you feel happy either.
Day 37: Post your favorite line of dialogue that you’ve written recently. 
Skimmed the Sleeping Beauty AU for this one. As soon as I’m asked to think about dialogue I like, I wonder if I’ve ever written good dialogue in my life! Lol. You think about it too much and it all sounds fake. Here’s an exchange I think is pretty good (perhaps just in comparison to a lot of the Really Rough Writing that surrounds it...).
"That sounded like it went pretty well," she says, as she balances awkwardly against the wall, pulling on her boots. "From what I could hear."
Bellamy shrugs. He's scanning the crowd, glancing over at her impatiently when she stumbles, trying to tie her laces without bothering to kneel. "Roma doesn't ask a lot of questions."
Clarke snorts. "Yes, she does. What you really mean is, she asks a lot of questions, then gets distracted whenever you turn on the charm."
"Yeah, sure. My well-known charm."
Clarke lets her foot fall heavily to the ground again, straightens up and pushes her hair back from her face. "If you weren't flirting and being charming, what were you doing?"
Bellamy hesitates, a light, embarrassed pink spreading across his cheeks, and Clarke rises up on her toes triumphantly, trying to lean into his space. "I should have gotten more ration points," he says, barely more than a grumble, and Clarke laughs and pulls her hat down over her head. Then she picks up the jacket, slips it on, and steps purposefully in front of him.
"How do I look?"
Day 38: What comes first, plot or characters?
Well, I write fanfiction, so I feel like this is a tricky question to define. My current fandom does have a lot of characters though, so it is possible to have a general idea of a plot but not know who to put in it. That’s happened to me on a few occasions I think, but generally speaking... I think the two come simultaneously?
When I’m writing for Troped, it’s easier to start with the plot because certain elements of the challenge suggest (or require) a plot but never the characters to go in it. So sometimes I do work from plot --> characters there. It’s usually pretty seamless in that the plot-idea usually comes with at least some idea of the characters, but sometimes there’s ambiguity--for example, deciding to include Bellamy in Mad Women when he wasn’t initially supposed to be in it, which ended up changing/defining the story quite a bit. Another example is Mountain Lion Mean, where I knew right away what the general plot would be but waffled a bit about precisely which characters would be in it and to what degree.
Other challenges often define the characters first and so then by definition that’s where I start. For example, a Bellarke challenge obviously requires you to write about Bellarke, but depending on the other rules, the plot may come entirely from each individual writer without any additional prompting.
If it’s a wholly original/spontaneous idea.... it either is necessarily about plot and characters at once (ex: AU where X character is in Y place or examination of Z ship in a modern AU) or it comes as nothing but Mood. That mood might have elements of plot and bits of character but the best way I can describe it is that I develop both at once. For example, my Southern Gothic AU came to me as certain elements--a character who does X, a relationship with Y feel, Z ship--and I’m working on combining all of those into a narrative. Or, as another example, I currently have a vague desire to write something with a Slow Summer Vibe but I have no idea what it will be about or who will be in it.
But again, it’s often “I want to write an angsty Jonty AU” or “hmm what about a Bravenlarke fic particularly about being in a poly relationship” or “this song makes me picture Bellarke at the beach; let’s write that”--ideas that essentially capture both character and plot at once.
I don’t know if I’m doing a good job of describing this but I write so much for challenges and events that I don’t have a huge pool of data for ‘spontaneous ideas’ to analyze.
Day 40: How do you start a new story?
I feel like I kind of already answered this in the last question. The very first step is an Idea, obviously. That would either come, in part, from the challenge or event I’m participating in or the request I’m filling, or it arrives by itself from some bit of inspiration: a song, a thought about a certain character or relationship, a mood I’m feeling and want to capture, etc.
But I feel like this question is about what happens with the idea.
Most (though not all) of the time, I start with a process of brainstorming and outlining. I’ve talked about this elsewhere, but I start by just sitting down with a notebook and writing down my thoughts, in a conversational style--basically like these posts. I write down any images I have, any plot points that have already come to me, etc. Everything I know. Then I brainstorm some more elements, filling in all the stuff I don’t know. Then I distill the plot down to discrete plot points: an outline of the whole fic in order. What needs to happen and in what order? The outline is generally organized by scene, though it’s flexible: sometimes scenes can be combined; sometimes they need to be split. Sometimes I need to re-evaluate the outline later, but most stories are simple enough that this initial outline works for the whole writing process.
I always write in order. I cannot write out of order. I need to immerse myself in the narrative and that means that events follow logically from each other. Also, sometimes what I come up with in the moment in scene 1 can change what I want to happen in scene 5--not so drastically that I’m re-writing the outline, but drastically enough that I would have to rewrite scene 5 if it were already done. That’s too complicated for me. I think there are probably advantages, in terms of amount of fun to be had, as well as in capturing ideas before they disappear from your brain, in writing scenes as the spirit moves you rather than in order, but I just can’t do it. That’s not how my mind works.
In order to start a fic, or even a new scene, I need to know HOW it starts and some idea of how I will describe that opening image/event/whatever. I often practice this for days before I actually write. For example, I’m going to write another Sleeping Beauty scene soon and I know it starts with Clarke hearing conversation behind her, so I’ve been practicing what that dialogue might be and how I might describe her listening while looking at something else. When I have a strong sense of the opening and a decent sense of the rest--what needs to happen to move along the plot--I just start writing. I do most of my writing as sprints.
Sometimes I write without an outline, and it’s basically the same process as the last paragraph, except I only have the opening and a vague sense of what’s to come. I don’t do that often anymore. But I started a couple outline-less fics last summer when I was just desperate to break my block and didn’t really feel like planning and stuff. I just wanted to get words on a page. Thus I have a couple WIPs that are about 1,200 words long and then just abruptly reach a cliff’s edge and stop!! I don’t know if I’ll outline or not before I return to them but right now I’m thinking not.
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scifibi · 7 years
fanfiction writers tag game
 created and tagged by the incomparable @grumpybell!
this could get kinda long SO, answers under the cut =)
1. what is your most popular fic by kudos? comments? bookmarks? are they all the same?
2. do you have a favorite of your fics? if not, do you have one you’re most proud of? why?
3. what fandom/ship (if you write for more than one) is your favorite to write for?
4. do you have any fics that got more popularity/attention than you expected? if so what were they?
5. where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? do you have a fic that you feel is particularly unique in that area?
6. do you have a favorite character to write POV for?
7. what’s your favorite sidepairing to include?
8. do you have a fic you feel is underrated in comparison to your other fics? or you just wish more people would read?
9. what’s something you would go back and change in one of your fics?
10. what is your favorite sort of comment to receive on a fic?
11. what are your favorite genres of fic to write? (e.g. modern au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, etc.)
12. what are your favorite tropes to write?
13. do you write fics similar to what you enjoy reading or completely different? both?
14. what’s your writing process like?
15. multi-chapter, oneshot, or drabble?
16. if someone was only going to read one of your fics, which would you want them to read?
tagging some authors if y'all wanna take a walk through your ao3 catalogues lmao @jamesandlilyaredead​ @prosciuttoe​ @leralynne​ @marauders-groupie​ @goldenheadfreckledheart​ @nathenmiller​ @ladytharen​
ANSWERS (below the cut)
1. what is your most popular fic by kudos? comments? bookmarks? are they all the same?
kudos: I Think You're Cute (bellarke + meeting on instagram) comments: a piece of cake (bellarke + actors au, wip) bookmarks: Trading Favours (rebelcaptain + fwb modern au)
2. do you have a favorite of your fics? if not, do you have one you’re most proud of? why?
p sure i've said this before, but i'm most proud of my rebelcaptain pacific rim au, Make This Our Kingdom (Where Good Love Conquers). it's the first time i've ever managed to really complete a fic of this kinda Scale, so it still has a special place in my heart
3. what fandom/ship (if you write for more than one) is your favorite to write for?
blarke or die tbh (and i probably will die before they ever actually bang)
4. do you have any fics that got more popularity/attention than you expected? if so what were they?
tbh i was really flippin SHOCKED by the attention that my most recent fic got! i legit thought it was gonna be funny to maybe like four people (i.e. the people that inspired it) but dAMN it really took off??? anyway it's called Flowers Fade, But The Internet Lasts Forever and it's a dumb lil social media au for blarke and i'm just glad people enjoyed it so much lmao
5. where do you get your ideas/inspiration from? do you have a fic that you feel is particularly unique in that area?
sometimes i get inspo from other movies/tv shows, but MOST of the time the inspo that works best for me is real life exp (whether my own or told to my by a friend). the most Obvious example i can think of is it is so quite new a thing, a slightly older bellarke drabble that also got waaaay more attention than i'd anticipated.
6. do you have a favorite character to write POV for?
bellamy blake and jyn erso! also, she's not part of any of my main otps but i REALLY love writing from raven reyes's pov too. idk man i just Relate to her, a lot
7. what’s your favorite sidepairing to include?
i... don't really include side pairings tbh? used to add dashes of ice mechanic here and there but then the sea mechanic ship became a Thing and IM just kinda drifted off into the Void lmao
8. do you have a fic you feel is underrated in comparison to your other fics? or you just wish more people would read?
hmmm maybe my bellarke spite date au, show me a good time? i enjoyed writing this one so much that i have three separate sequels to this, all half drafted and all completely different from each other lmao
9. what’s something you would go back and change in one of your fics?
i... don't think i would tbh? aside from, like, grammatical errors or something. idk i just think it's a good thing, to be able to look back on my mistakes and actually See how my writing is changing and progressing from one fic to another (or if it hasn't changed at all in a while).
10. what is your favorite sort of comment to receive on a fic?
literally any and all sorts of comments
ok but i have a special place in my heart for the people who take the time to let me know that something i wrote helped them through a really tough day/time, or made them smile when they needed it most. i mean at the end of the day, that's what we're all looking for in fandom, isn't it?
11. what are your favorite genres of fic to write? (e.g. modern au, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, etc.)
modern au fluff FO' SHO'. there are times when i get the urge to write a ton of angst or smut at a stretch, but those are pretty rare (and i need to be really, REALLY inspired for those hahah)
12. what are your favorite tropes to write?
i fukin love writing roommates, mostly bcos it gives me the excuse to stuff as much of the super-domestic-but-totally-unaware-bcos-this-is-normal-isn't-it trope down the characters' throats lmaoshdfjkshk
13. do you write fics similar to what you enjoy reading or completely different? both?
oh man i LOOOOOVE reading angst? esp if they're longer fics (which i almost NEVER write). so, like, i guess the answer is No. lmao
14. what’s your writing process like?
a Mess lmao
ok but for real, i have no Schedule or anything? i just kinda write whenever inspo strikes bcos that's the only way my muse functions (which is why i don't take prompts all the time)
also idk if anyone else can relate but i HAVE to block out looooong stretches of time to write. i'm not one of those people who can, like, squeeze in ten or fifteen minutes of typing here and there. i need, like, a full hour MINIMUM of just sitting there, no interruptions, no nothing to distract me.
15. multi-chapter, oneshot, or drabble?
oneshot (one kill)
16. if someone was only going to read one of your fics, which would you want them to read?
probably my sethkate fic To the Store, To the Store! that's the one fic that (i feel like) manages to pack all the best of my writing competencies into one place.
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
1-24 buahahhaahhaahaaa!! (Like you don't know who this is)
OMG I SO KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! LMAOOO!!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!! OK SO i’m going to skip over ones that I’ve already answered!!!! EEEE I’M SO EXCITED!!! @highspeedsamurai !!! YEAH!! THATS HOW CONFIDENT I AM!!!!!
2: How many ships do you have on this blog?
OMGG!! I HAVE A LOT AND I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE!!! Nagron is my main canon ship, and then I have amazing ones with others!!! Cetan, Alcide, Steve, Gannicus, LOTS of ladies from the show, crossovers like a certain greek goddess, or Guinevere and Phoebe etc etc!! BRING ME ALL THE SHIPS!!!!!!!!!
3: Are there any people you’ve been too afraid of approaching?
THEEREEE are a few to be honest!! I’ll very shyly like a post for a starter call or something!!! I’m working through my insecurities though!! Maybe one day if I get REALLY bold I shall send them memes ;)!!! I NEVER used to be like this I swear!! It stems from one of my former friends insulting my perky personality!! So I have been very....... insecure about things but I am DEFINITELY working through it!!! =D!! 
4: What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?
I just LOOOVE how complex Agron is!!!! I really enjoy delving into his mindsets at different times!! Throughout the canon verse, AUs, other era threads, modern aus... ALL the things!!! I just really enjoy getting inside his head and describing his emotions !!! Cause . .  the dude is VERYY emotional indeed!! 
5: If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
UMMM I would probably spend it on cons OR plane tickets to meet all of my friends that I wanna visit!!! This is a totally selfish answer btw!!! I really love buying things for my family and friends... I would probably spend it on them first tbh!! 
6: How much cash does the mun have on them right now?
HAHAAH!!! Almost 1000 dollars..... yeaahhh I need to go to the bank!!!! =$
7: Last movie the mun watched.
Lethal Weapon 3!!! LOOVE IT!! I can never see it enough times!!! 
8: The mun’s favorite fictional character.
UMMMMM there is NO WAY IN HELL I can narrow it down!!!! I LOVE the muses I play like Agron, Bellamy Blake, Magnus Bane etc!! Buuut yeah no, I can’t pick my favorite fictional character!! 
9: Last concert the mun attended.
OMGG!!! I don’t go to a lot of concerts!! I SWEAR the last one I went to was a concert for Soul Decision !!! ... Anyone?? ;)
10: Last thing you did before logging in?
Organized my Dr.Seuss books!!! I’m in the middle of packing!!! 
11: What is the most precious thing you own?
THAAT is really hard to pick!!! I have a few things that are very near and dear to my heart!! 
12: The last time the mun cried.
Yesterday!! I don’t cry often but when it starts... its hard to stop! 
13: Muse that the mun is most like. (if applicable)
UMMM ......... Melitta?? ONLY because I feel I’m one of those people who likes to support their friends and listen to them and such!! 
14: Favorite Pokemon?
15: Are you artsy?
HMMM I like to think so!?!? But probably not... I do enjoy doodling random stuff and making graphics online!!! But I’m rubbish at drawing and stuff!! I guess my artsty muse is more when it comes to photoshop and such! 
16: What does the mun really think about my muse?
OH WELL LOOK AT THAT.. you sent this anon so I guess I can’t answer it!!!!! No but actually... I could spend hours and write countless pages about how much I ADORE your muses!!!!  You write each one to perfection, and it truly makes ME a better writer to write with you!! You INSPIRE me and I just really can’t fully express in words how much I LLOOOOVEE your characters!! You put so much thought, effort, and capture them beautifully!! I am BLESSED to have you as a writing partner!! 
19: Do you have any stuffed animals?
OMG I HAVE A TON!!!!!! I kept all of my stuffies from my childhood so yeahhhhh.. I have BOXES of them!!!!! AND I AIN’T AFRAID TO ADMIT IT!! 
20: Which of your ships on this blog is the fluffiest?
HMMM I would have to say Agetan!! Which is Agron and Cetan [ @cetanlittlehawk !!] They are just so pure and Cetan’s is SO innocent!!! Definitely my fluffiest ship and I LOVE it!! 
21: The mun’s most annoying habit.
HMMM I used to bite my nails?? Most annoying habit... oh jeezz!! Thats a toughie!! I would say when I debate!! HAHAAHH! I get really into debates and like to use as much evidence as I can!! People tend to... not like that I guess?? So eventually just drop the argument or they run out of things to say!! hahahH! But yeah, that might be considered annoying ;)!!!
22: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Besides writing?? I love coloring, chatting on the phone and skype with my friends, making graphics, coding... hanging out with peeps.... YEAH!! thats probably all!! Going to add some stuff on my list when I learn to do more hands on things ;)!! Goals!!! ;)
Munday Meme
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