tsuzkii · 3 months
こんにちは、つっきー🌙(@tsuzkii2)です! 今回は 題名:甘酸っぱい 私の家は店をやっていたせいか 簡単に練乳が手に入った もちろん、いちごを食べるときだ 稀にご褒美でつぶして食べるのが 最高で甘酸っぱい思い出がある ところが最近のイチゴはそのままで随分と甘く 銘柄が色々あって昔とは違う 確かに1粒当たりの単価もびっくりするほど高い 昔食べたのは何だったんだろうと妻と話す そんな美味しいものを食べれない同居の孫が可哀想 果物アレルギーで当人はバラ科の果物等が 全くダメと話している 妻との買い物で甘くて美味しいから買おうとしても あきらめる時がある それはそうといちごと言えば初恋を思い出す 70近いじじぃが何を と私にもそんな青春があった 「いちご白書をもう一度」を聞きながら 旬の春を待とう おしまい 今出来ること⇒書く こんな過去が…
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syukatsu-blog · 6 years
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Biker! Kim Seokjin
Inspired by @fireheart-namjoon ‘s fic/series Within Paradise ! I loved this concept and I had discussed it with her a while ago!! I’m so relieved I was able to finish this! I hope you like it <3
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btswritersguild · 5 years
Do you guys know what happened to oppamansae
They deactivated sometime ago but beyond that we don’t know what happened to her. Her main blog is still up, syukatsu, last I checked it hadn’t been active in awhile.
Admin Lex
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bt-ash · 3 years
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jyoni-no · 4 years
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iz373 · 7 years
最近の悩み事は、私服にカレーが付いて取れんくなること 新しい服は着ていったらダメやなと思うんやけど、なんせ着る服がないこと
昨日DYGLのライブに行って思ったんやけど、 昔からこうやってたまにライブに来てバンドを見るのが好きで、 これからも性に合った生活を送りたいだけやのになぁと悲しくなった
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anisrina · 6 years
January to February, gear up for March (job-hunting)war
Just some introduction for Japanese job hunting season.. so, the unique thing in Japan is that students start their job hunting 1-year before expected graduation. And since generally we graduate at March, so yes, we start our job searching in the beginning of our senior year for bachelor, 2nd year for master, and 3rd year for doctoral. The intention is that students can secure their position at the office and directly go to work after they graduate, and in Japan which somehow a society where "blank records on your resume is impermissible", this system is kind of rooting in people's mind. Recently, this mindset is starting to change, thanks to freelancers out there. Even though the official job hunting starting date is 1st March (you can refer to this https://www.nippon.com/en/column/g00365/), the preparation is started from January, or even previous year's July. But since I was preparing the strategy from January, so I'll tell you my story. December 2017: I just returned from my 2nd internship needed for my graduation credit. Time to take a breathe to think what kind of job that I wanna do for at least 10 years. Reflect yourself, what you wanna be, what you wanna do, if you like programming but ended up in art college, it's time to challenge yourself to step in digital media business. Don't stuck in your current major, be opened, be bold, and get out of your comfort zone. This time, try to list several job field that you wanna be in the future, anything you want. For those who still struggle on wrapping up your research theme (especially for master students), better wrap it up now. Consult to your supervisor, define a theme, it's better if the theme is related to what you are interested for. Then, be fast, start doing some pre-analysis. In my case, December marked the AGU conference, my last one (hopefully). So the last two weeks of December was pretty much devastating, jet lagged and the urge of spending some time on mountain slopes for snowboarding, haha. January 2017: Here some criteria to consider about: 1. The job doesn't have to be exactly what are you doing right now, but don't get too far. I'm a climate modeler, mostly doing on fluid dynamics of atmosphere. Then, I consider job related to atmosphere, wind, clean energy, fluid mechanics modeling. 2. It should be a job that you dreaming of, so if you fall, you won't fall far from your bed. What I mean is, set your goal high. List some high-ranked companies followed by second-high-ranked companies. Next, put start-ups / small but prospecting companies in between. And the reason why I put some start-ups after high-ranked company is that the possibility of wearing many hats if you got into start-ups. Lots of learning, trust me, been there. 3.  Don't think about your job (what will you do, what will your position is), but think more about your future career. If you have career prospect in your life, no matter how dull or how small your job is, you will always remember that it is the first hill to get to your career track. 4. Related to number 3, so yeah, don't forget to check company's education policy and career path. Japanese company always have them in their recruitment site, unless it's very minor company. Practice your Japanese writing skills. Gather information of resume template in Japanese, what kind of application documents answering style preferred by your target company. Ask your seniors for advice on making a perfect application documents. It's also chance to improve your Japanese skill exponentially. Brush up your Japanese speaking skills.  Even though interviewer can understand and speak english well (for big company or modern-minded company), Japanese in its natural habitat prefer to communicate in Japanese language. My tips, begin your interview with Japanese in confidence even though its broken, you can change to english anytime in the middle. They will appreciate your effort of speaking their language. February 2017: After all "researches" done in January. Now it's time to step in company short winter internship. Don't worry about long-working-hour internship thing, winter internship usually is kind of introduction of company. You will have small work or group discussion to deepen your understanding about what kind of job the company is doing. Easy. Just try. I tried two companies for winter internship. It's only 6-hour long group discussion (they called it 1-day winter internship though), mostly just sharing work experience from present staff and QA session between students and staff. Here, we can ask anything about that company's work, from recruitment process to overwork hour. From here, in my experience, we can see the company's working atmosphere, whether it suits you or not. The good thing is, if you join this kind of winter internship, maybe you can get a chance to have special recruitment procedure, before the official recruitment process begin. Not every company held this winter internship event. Stay alert. Better check it regularly in mynavi (マイナビ), or rikunabi (リクナビ), or career-tasu (キャリタス). And for me as international student, some recruitment agent such as top-career (topcareer.jp) or global leader (globalleadernavi.com) is very much helpful as they held job fair in February exclusively for international students. Means, the company who attend the event also prospecting for international students. Unfortunately, even though they said its for international, the common language is Japanese, so yeah, don't expect too much. Some companies held their presentation in English and Japanese, but mostly only in Japanese. If you ask me what Japanese proficiency level will be appropriate? I will say N2 is minimun standard. In the end of February, after attending all the pre-official recruitment events, it's the perfect time to list up your target company. Check google for their previous application document (choose the "passed" ones), you can find it in sites like syukatsu-kaigi. Try to draft your application with proper Japanese. Continue to the most important.. MAAAARCH
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30uxdr · 7 years
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te2cs · 7 years
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tsuzkii · 6 months
【広告】 こんにちは、つっきー🌙(@tsuzkii2)です! 前回は60歳からの再々スタートの事をお話ししたけど 全く考えていない予想外の出来事が待ち受けて いるにも関わらず 何と言っても「自分の強みを活かして働く」 っと言ってもこれは気付きにくいかな 長年会社勤めをしているとスキル・知識・経験を もっているけど、これって本人は自然にやってるから 気が付かないかも 強みって褒められると気が付くかも 「(俺)(私)ってこれが得意なのかな!!!!) 「定年間近では遅い!」でふれたけど 自分の整理出来ましたか 今まではガムシャラに脇目も見ず、就職した会社の レールをずっと走ったよね お疲れ様 だけど、今度は未来を見て「本当の自分を社会に活かす」 なんて言うと大げさだけどこれをきっかけに 「やりたい事」を見つけるのもいいかも 新しい人生のスタートだからゆっく…
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shellygossip · 7 years
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昨日はお誘い頂いた富山青年会議所の公開例会に参加してきました。「これからのリーダー、これからのリーダーシップ」という講演内容にふさわしそうな方がたくさんいて、緊張しましたがいい刺激、いい勉強になりました。 気持ちが滅入ってる時のスタバ(笑) 🌸さくらブロッサムクリームラテ&ベーコンとほうれん草のキッシュ Yesterday, I attended a seminar about leader and leadership. I think there were many next "leaders". It was good time for me to motive me, especially now cuz badly, I can't graduate and have to do "Syukatsu" again. though I pretend like I don't care, I feel anxiety somehow. When I feel a little exhausting, here is nice place to refresh. This is SAKURA Blossom Cream Latte & Quiche of bacon and spinach. I love the SAKURA flavour cuz it brings us spring air!! #starbucks #feeling #refresh #restart #motivation #starbuckslover #sakurablossomcreamlatte #sakura #sakuraflavour #quiche #spring #instadaily #instastarbucks #instayum #instafeeling #instarefresh #instanice #l4l #like4like #followme #スタバ #サクラ #サクラブロッサムクリームラテ (総曲輪グランドプラザ)
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bt-ash · 3 years
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automcat-blog · 7 years
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iz373 · 7 years
給料日にCDを買うというのをなんとなくやってて早5年ほど、とうとう本棚にCDが入りきらなくなってきた お母さんが昔のCDは捨てたらって言うけど、昔のCDこそ捨てれないもんじゃないかぁい 流行にのって買った、今まさに売れてるバンドのCDのほうが、容易く手放せそう
DYGLの新譜の和訳みてたら何か無性に泣きたくなった ハタチこえると大真面目にクサいこと言ってたら笑われるからな、内に秘めてるのは、きっとみんな同じやんな でも思春期に聴いてた曲はいくつになってもかけがえのないもののまま変わらんね 英語の曲ってさ、どんだけ中二なこと言ってても、一見バレへんから良いね
あとはMONO NO AWAREの新譜も買った、歌謡曲臭いキャッチーな曲調のせいで、懐かし寂しい感じに浸ってた ブーケンビリアが花じゃないっていうのをブーケンビリアって曲を聴いて初めて知った
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th3-z0diac · 6 years
Would a person with a cap venus and aqua sun easily bond (romantically or not) with a person with a cap sun and aqua venus? I read somewhere that it forms an easy connection.
That would definitely be very interesting, yes!!! I feel like they’d have such a magical relatioship :)))
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yukasummer-blog · 10 years
this is how job hunting for collage students are like in Japan!!!! not kidding. CRAZY!
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