orange-orchard-system · 4 months
This has been in our drafts for ages, but a recent poll we reblogged got us thinking about it again, so here's a tip for other systems (especially newly discovered systems) that we consider very helpful
Sometimes, being a system can feel dehumanizing or like you've lost control of your life. You have to share everything with the other people in your body – where's your privacy? Where's your individuality? What can you do to carve out something of your own in the world? These kinds of questions, even if said with other sentiments, can be a struggle to answer as a system.
However, my system – inspired by other systems we've seen doing this – have a solution! Or at least, part of one. You'll still likely have to go through some emotional work to answer the above questions and find what's most comfortable for you. But for us, when one of us is feeling insecure or needs some individuality, there's something simple we do...
... We give each other gifts!
Or, more accurately, we choose something we want or have to be a certain system member's possession. It could be a project, a shirt, a toy, whatever works for them! Then they get to establish rules about the other system members touching Their Thing™, and have the most important say in anything regarding it. This isn't to say that other members would necessarily never get to touch or use that thing again, but rather, that the system member who it belongs to would get to choose on what terms others are allowed to touch it, the same way you might set a rule with a roommate about touching your things.
For example, Chara's Thing™ is a green cardigan. When we're going somewhere and they're going to be fronting for at least a majority of the time, they decide if we're going to pack it, and if they want to leave it at home or wear it out on bad days when they could use the comfort. They're alright with the rest of us wearing it if we want, but would prefer we be extra careful about not staining or losing it. If there was a situation where we'd have to negotiate on the cardigan, like if we needed space in a suitcase that the cardigan was taking up, we would have a discussion on how to compromise in the situation so that everyone is happy, such as what other things we could take out of the suitcase instead of the cardigan, or if we could wear the cardigan on our trip instead of packing it. Chara would get the final say in this discussion, but it's unlikely that we'd all end up unhappy.
We have other examples of this, too. Alterisa has a writing project she doesn't mind if we work on as long as we check with her before publishing, Kitten has a plushie she likes to bring when we travel, and Tempo's looking into getting a blue and green shirt to be more comfortable with our wardrobe. All of these things make them feel more secure in our system, and more comfortable with sharing most of our life since they always have something they can call their own.
If you're struggling with your individuality as part of a system, try starting with one small thing as your own! Choose something for yourself, establish some boundaries for others interacting with it, and enjoy having something to call your own. It doesn't have to be anything big – it could be as simple as a music playlist or a cool rock you found. Hang in there; life can be tough, but you can be tough, too.
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thoughtforminfo · 7 months
Tulpa Tip #7
You know how sometimes you throw a party and the people you invite invite their friends too? Or sometimes, people hear about the party on their own and invite themselves?
This chapter deals with two distinct scenarios: tulpas invited by other tulpas, and headmates that form on their own after you've created a tulpa.
Imagine your head is the party and your tulpa is the invited guest. Then, your tulpa misses somebody and starts either trying to invite them by themself or begging you to do it nonstop until you do. *Cough cough Rudolph cough cough*
Fortunately, when this happened in our case it was a pretty easy transition for us to make and it went well, but that's not always the case. System changes can be distressing for everyone involved and that's one of the many reasons you should never make a tulpa lightly. It's like having a kid. Be sure you want one before you make one because they don't just go away. Sometimes, it may be necessary to refuse. If your tulpa is asking for a person who would negatively impact them or you, it's very important to calmly and firmly tell them no and explain why. There is no guarantee this will go well, but it is important to try.
Another thing that we've experienced in the near-decade since Rudolph formed: sometimes people just appear on their own. Our system has changed many times. New tulpas have been formed, tulpas have started going by new names, and while we can't trace back to the exact moment of everyone's forming, most of us can trace a chain of events that led to our existence in the system. This is true for the ones we made on purpose, and for the ones we didn't.
Some of our headmates have formed with no planning or aforethought. All three have formed in times of great stress and turmoil. They are quoigenic because nobody has any idea where they came from. This can happen in any system, including a tulpa system apparently. We still call ourselves a tulpa system even though we're technically mixed origin, because out of 16 of us, 12 are tulpas. The rest? Uhhhhhhhh, idk, I just work here.
So, what do you do when this happens? All we can really do is roll with it. We've been very lucky so far and not had any major problems, but that isn't to say there haven't been bumps in the road.
For example, one of our oldest headmates, who formed in about 2017, is a fictive from a video game. He is an antagonist. One of our newest headmates, who formed on her own, is a protagonist from that series and she HATED him at first. In fact, she went around trying to "warn" the rest of us against him. Obviously, it didn't work. I mean, he's been here for about seven years and his main job is making the body brush its teeth and go to bed on time. We trust him. But she didn't. In her case, she just needed time to get used to things. They needed to talk things through. It's working out now between them.
TLDR: Communication is key. If your tulpa starts to want other people around, talk it out. If you get a new headmate and nobody knows where they came from, talk to them. If two headmates are having conflict, make sure everyone involved understands why and will do what's right for themself and the system.
Obviously our advice isn't one-size fits all! Don't make a tulpa if you're not sure you want one.
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
Um..hey there. So I’ve been questioning if I’m a/part of a system. I feel like I’m not because I can’t really talk to others..like sometimes I can get an idea of what they think? And a lot of the time I’m not even sure who I am. Uh help?
ooh, yeah thats a common experience! bad communication is really common espes if you are just questioning! the best advice i can give is:
-check out other systems experiences
-do research on disorders that are mistaken for did or did is mistaken for just in case
-dont stress over alter specifics and junk
-reach out!! leave notes
-write. sht. down!! got a name? lost time? food pref differences?? journal!! youll thank yourself i promise
just relax, and try and be accepting! and dw, if it turns out your a singlet thats okay too! youre just trying your best to figure stuff out and going off of the stuff you are experiencing, mkay? even if you arent plural! <3
feel free to ask more specific questions, and to anyone else add on some newbie systips! i only mentioned a few off the top of my head
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thoughtforminfo · 5 months
So whenever I'm trying to talk to Edgar (my tulpa) I get a response but I feel like I have to focus a lot harder on what he's saying so I'm not sure if it's me or if it's him. Is there a way to tell? Any tips?
This is a really good question!
Most systems experience "fuzzyness" from time to time where you aren't sure whose thoughts are whose and that is perfectly normal! It doesn't matter how long you've been plural, these things can still happen.
In newer systems, this can be more common. You can try, on a day where you have some time and privacy, talking with Edgar for an extended period of time. Over time, the conversation may get easier to follow from both sides. It may also be a good idea to talk over writing or text for a bit, starting new lines when you think you're switching.
Good luck!
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thoughtforminfo · 2 years
Tulpa Tips!                                                          
These are some of the methods we use to form new tulpas! They may work for you, or they may not! Use whatever is right for you and your system!
Tip #1: The Discord Chat Method! First, make a pluralkit/tupperbox profile for the tulpa you're trying to form, and make a discord server with only yourself in it! Then, use their proxy to type info about them, I/me statements from their POV, and overtime develop them more and more!
Tip #2: All the Small Things!
When creating a tulpa/thoughtform its important to think about all the things a person thinks about on a daily basis. That sentence had too many instances of the word "think" but it is a thoughtform headmate so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Think about the mundane things! What is your thoughtform’s favourite colour? Favourite music genre? Favourite bad movie? Favourite writing utensil? Favourite cursed animal fact? Do they prefer forks or spoons?
I find it helps to have a few items IRL too! They don't have to be anything fancy, but just designating a pen/pencil and notebook to them is a good start! Let them write in their journal about themself! It doesn't have to be a journal! For example, Yuga has a sketchbook. If physical objects are a no for you because family may find them or you just don't have space or something, setting up a social media account can serve the same purpose!
I like to set up an account on sites I frequently use anyway. Sideblogs on Tumblr, Instagram accounts, and Pronouns.page are all good starting points! If you use Discord, you can also use method 1 from this book! Also online but less on social media, starting a playlist for your thoughtform is a good idea because you can kind of get a vibe for the music genres they like!
Hobbies are another thing! They may like the same things as you or they may not! Rudolph and I, for example, both love anime! But Ganon likes sports and I don't. And Alan likes math but I REALLY don't. What does your thoughtform like to do in their spare time? Are they artsy or maybe really into facts and numbers? Do they like sports? Do they like music?
Knowing the little things really helps them be their own person!
Hope these helped!
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thoughtforminfo · 1 year
Tulpa Tip #6, The Inner World
Tulpa Tip #6, The Inner World
An inner world is sometimes also called a headspace or a wonderland. Anyone can have an inner world. Systems of all types have inner worlds, but they can be especially helpful for tulpa systems! Inner worlds are exactly what they sound like,-; they are worlds inside of your mind in which the system can live. The inner world is usually where an alter's physical appearance comes from. In my system, people go here when they're not fronting. I'm almost always fronting but I can visit our inner world through meditation. Every system's inner world is different. Ours is a big house in a field. I've seen others who's inner worlds are entire countries, forests, deserts, etc!
The nifty thing about our inner world is that everyone has their own room. They can decorate however they want to. We also put items around the house for specific people. For example, Rogerina has her own bedroom. Her room is very pink and modern-looking with figurines on the shelves, a bookcase, a desk, and a plushie net hanging from the ceiling. She has her music stuff in one corner. Across the hall from her room, there's a gaming room which she and other system members like Flick and Yuga use quite frequently!
We drew a floor plan of our inner world when we decided that everyone needed their own room. Having your tulpa describe their own space, whether it is a bedroom, a boat, a house, a car, or anything else, can really help you get to know their personality. For example, I didn't realize how important it would be to Ganon that we have a big kitchen in our house.
The other neat thing about inner worlds is that they can change. Some systems have fluid inner worlds that never look quite the same. This is helpful, especially while your tulpa is still developing because it can let them figure out what they want at their own pace.
If you are struggling to create your inner world, take a step back. You don't have to do it all at once. In fact, you really can't do it all at once. It's a big project. Everyone in the system should help. Let things come to you naturally! Maybe try some meditation!
If you're still struggling and you're starting to get frustrated, here are some other resources to help!
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thoughtforminfo · 2 years
Journalling can be helpful in a variety of ways for any system! This post is going to focus on the ways journalling can be helpful to tulpa/thoughtform systems!
1. System journals are journals used to track the progress of the systems. Many systems will write down member lists and use their journals to track switches and splits! Tulpa systems can use these journals to plot out their tulpas before they begin attempting to form them!
2. Individual member journals are great because giving your tulpa a physical possession of their own can make them feel more separate from you and more independent! They don't have to be anything fancy, most os us just have those little lined notebooks you get a ton of for school! They're easily personalized with stickers and different coloured pens! Some members may also prefer something like a sketchbook!
If you don't have space/it isn't safe for you to have a physical journal, there are apps like Notion and Simplyplural you can use! Simplyplural is made specifically for systems! If you want something even more discreet, you can make a discord server with only yourself in it and use channels for journalling!
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Didn't expect to use #systips so soon, but if you're a system or age regressor, here's a small tip from us!
Sometimes, you can be unconsciously suppressing a switch/regression, and this can cause you to feel not-your-best. For us, this usually manifests as a sick feeling in the stomach and the sense that something's wrong, but other people may have different reactions. If you're feeling bad and just can't put your finger on why, make sure to check that you're not suppressing something! And if you are, try to address that as soon as you're safe and able to do so. No one wants to be stuck feeling sick or wrong because they're suppressing something that's meant to help their (mental) health!
Stay safe out there! Take care of yourselves!
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thoughtforminfo · 2 years
Thoughtform Forming Tip!
Think about the mundane things! What is your thoughtform’s favourite colour? Favourite music genre? Favourite bad movie? Favourite writing utensil? Favourite cursed animal fact?
Knowing the little things really helps them be their own person!
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thoughtforminfo · 2 years
Tulpa Tip!
Hey everyone! Mods Shuonun, Rudolph, and Yukon are here to share a Tulpa Tip with you!
So, Shuonun has been missing his partner from his source. We’ve decided to add them to the system! I’m debating doing the same thing with my fictional other Fujimoto <3 -Rudolph
So, in order to begin forming them, we made them a profile on our Pluralkit! We have a discord server just for us where we do bot stuff and the like. After we added li, we started typing up the info we know about them using I/me statements!
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[Image description: A discord chat with text from user Flick (thotform) Hewwo uwu my name is Flick and I’m a vampire. I’ll be 351 years old this july. I am Icelandic. My queer identity is firegender, biogender, chaotigender, sungender, cuddliosexual, aromantic, and bisensual. I use they/them, xe/xem, thon/thons and li/light pronouns! My favourite holiday is Halloween. End description.]
From there you just kinda field what feels right! Here’s some stuff we didn’t definitely know but felt right to me and Shuonun confirmed sounded right.
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[Image description: A discord chat with text from user Flick (thotform) My favourite colour is orange. My favourite animal is probably any big cat or canine. I like juice a TON. And I like to read fantasy and historical fiction novels. I can read an entire series in an afternoon on a good day. End description.]
So yeah! Typing/writing about the tulpa using I/me statements is a good way to start if you’re stuck! -Yukon
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Proposal for a new system tag
In the plural community, a lot of people give advice out to others on how to deal with certain issues, from how to tell if you're a system to how to come out as a system. Because of this popular topic, we thought a specific tag for plural-related advice might be appreciated!
Introducing... #systips! From "system" and "tips." A tag for all posts that involve giving advice, tips, or feedback about system topics and questions. We think it'll be useful to have a tag people can go to if they want to learn more about something system related or see if a question they have has already been answered somewhere, especially if they're new to being a system and are still learning about how it works for themselves. Of course, using this tag is no requirement, but we think it might help out those who want a tidy tag system (no pun intended) for their posts.
That's all! Have a great day, everyone!
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