#surprise bitch jejej
kkoongiee · 3 years
txt reactions — open blanket tiktok ‹𝟹 ft. simp txt
## fluff % gn!reader % wc: 615 [ cursing & skinship ]
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jejeje let’s get started with yeonjun well, first one off i feel like he loooves it when you call him all whiny so when he hears a ‘junnnn~~!!’ he comes runnin, i mean runnin. he’ll climb in so quickly 🥺 greeting you and wrapping his arms around his precious little baby, that’s before his precious little baby starts cackling and he realizes that this is a prank. he’s instantly out of there and will definitely give u the silent treatment for the next two hours before u cuddle up next to him without askin, what can he do or say? yeonjun luuuuuuvvss u
now for soobin, he’ll talk about needing a few seconds to finish whatever he’s doing, but yes it takes forever but he DOES come .. soobin is a big boi when it comes to height and i feel like he is into having a super small s/o who is like a pocket buddy,, seeing u with ur blankie n waiting patiently for him to come hes like ‘🥺 i am so sorri babi!! i am here now!’ definitely think ur the highlight of soobin’s day so he’s a sucker when it comes to u 😭 but to his surprise, you have pranked him! grr, he is not happy but he still wants to be snuggled up next to u under the blanket .. soobin is a verified simp for his prince(ss) idc :/
beomgyu bby .......... he jumps at the chance of cuddling with u :( u feel bad and u let him lay there before ur like, ‘baby, gyu, why r u such a simp?’ beomgyu is SO offended, he’s like ‘WHAT?? i am NOT i cannot believe u would ever think that, pppsshh!! 😡😡’ u gotta make it up to him so u cuddle him, he’s SOOOO annoying but he’s ur annoying little bf so its alright, beomgyu sad boi now that he has been called a simp >:( gyu is a brat IDGAF he will be biting u n shit, i stg this boy will hiss at u for this and will drag on this matter forever, but still wants to be cuddled and pampered because he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!
taehyun already notices the camera set up probs, but he acts like he doesn’t. ur all sprawled and taehyun is like 🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️ yall see this bitch? so anyways, he will flop on top of u and he’s like, ‘why hello there pretty!! what r u doing!!!!!” ur like ‘pls cuddle? 🥺🤲🏽 pls mr simp will u?’ taehyun is NOT happy at this statement, bc he KNOWS UR RIGHT. taehyun is the second simp of txt, firm believer. taehyun loves a nice cuddle every once in awhile, but i dont feel like he’s so much of a hugger/cuddler. anything for u tho, he loves u to death, but he will take away kisses from u, completely leave u DRY of his luv all bc u called him out for being a simp. 🧍
huening kai giant baby, he is always eager to get any sort of affection.. i do feel like his love language is touch and he’s super shy cause he’s so young!! so when u call him over he is there in a flash, wrappin his long limbs around u before u stop him rite there, ‘is yeonjun a simp too?’ huening kai doesn’t gaf! yea he is!! there is no shame in loving his precious WHATSOEVER,, it his free time and he is alone!! so he can do it if he wants!! u do make him flustered w that comment before ur like, ‘me sorri issa joke 🥺’ huening kai is like STFU before i get up, he is not joking ur making hyuka turn into a school girl..
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voltron!! o care bears jejej
First character i fell in love with: Pidge!
Character I used to like,but now do not: Allura? I dont like her as much,but i dont hate her either
Ship I used to Love/like, but now do not: none :<
Ultimate favorite character: Pidge!! Acxa and Veronica come close tho
Prettiest character: Veronica :3
Most hated character: Haggar can go fuck off
My OTP: Acxa/Veronica, they are just so damn cute!, Ezor and Zethrid come close too tho
My NOTP: any ship involving pidge, i believe in aro/ace pidge, any ship involving shiro with one of the paladins, something rubs me the wrong way about that
Favorite episode: Any pidge centric episode!
Saddest death: Narti :<
And Adam too i guess
Favorite season: 1-4
Leat favorite season: everything after they lose the castle, i didnt like it as much, tbh
Character everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: uhhhh idk
My "youre a piece of trash but you are still a fave" fave: Lotor tbh, he is an interesting character
My "Beautiful cinnamon roll you deserve better than this" fave: hmm.... Matt?
My "this ship is wrong, nasty, and it makes me want to clean my soul, but i still love it" ship: nope
My "Theyre kinda cute, and i lowkey ship them, but im not too invested" ship: Klance, im too busy shipping Acxa/Veronica to pay attention to them lol
If you disagree w me on something, either be nice about it or go away
Care Bears!
First one i fell in love with: Share bear! Bc purple
Character i used to like,but now do not: uhhh, no?
Ship i used to love/like, but now hate: nope, nada
Ultimate favorite character: Share bear! PURPLE!
Prettiest character: surprise! Is not share bear! Is Wish bear!
And share bear too
Most hated character: bluster lobster :3 (saying the names wrong is my favorite brand of disrespect)
OTP: Sharebear/ Cheer , they are so cuuttee, i call their ship rainbow sweets :3
Saddest death: no deaths to be sad about XD
Fave season: all of them!
Least fave season: None!
Character everyone in the fandom loves, but I hate: dibble, she is... sort of annoying for me, sorry
My "Youre a piece of trash, but your my fave" fave: Robbie :3
My "beautiful cinnamon roll you deserve better than this": Share and Funshine
My "This ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i love it" : no?
My "They're kinda cute, and i ship them, but i am not too invested" : Funshine/Grumpy, I'm too busy shipping rainbow sweets, sorry!
Again, if youre gonna bitch to me about something, be kind about it or fuck off <3
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skyechaser · 5 years
Silence in Atlas 11/?
Once more, this is a dark take on Volume 7 from a Bumbleby standpoint. It has scenes of graphic violence. THERE IS AN SPECIFIC TRIGGER WARNING IN THIS EPISODE. FOR MORE DETAILS LOOK AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER.
Thanks so much to all the people out there reading SIA. I am so grateful to all of you. I’m still amazed at how many comments I’m getting about this fic. Makes me happy jejeje. Well, without further ado, onto the chaptar.  
Agape looked up at Yudok, her light blue eyes frozen in absolute fear. He stood over her, his whip in one hand and the clicker in the other. Blake could barely move. Her body was weak from being shocked repeatedly. Still, she raised her head and looked at her friend’s eyes. The bear faunus glanced her way for a second. Blake wanted to say how sorry she was. She wanted to tell her everything was going to be alright. But she wasn’t a liar and they were far beyond giving each other false hope. Yudok kicked Agape in the chin. She fell down, blood dripping from her face.
“Please don’t kill me. I’ll work. Please don’t…” she tried to ask for mercy but was cut short by the impact of Yudok’s whip against her back.
“You are trash” he said, whipping her one more time “And I can dispose of you if I want to. You know how easy it is to get more of you?”.
“Please… I’ll behave” Agape begged weakly. Yudok smiled.
“So sorry, bitch, but I already made up my mind”
Blake pulled on the chains as hard as she could but it was futile. This couldn’t be happening. She wanted to yell but her throat burned, only a raspy and weak sound leaving her mouth. Agape screamed in pain as the man beat the life out of her and all Blake could do was watch. This was her fault. It was her fucking plan. When the bear faunus stopped moving Yudok walked towards her and grabbed her by the hair, dragging her motionless body out of the container.
“And don’t forget, kitten” he said to Blake “You may be one of our best faunus, but make one more mistake and this could be you next time”
When he left Blake couldn’t even cry.
“We are here” Maria said as she landed the airship. They were about a mile south from the mine, surrounded by a thick forest. It was quiet. The only perceivable  sounds were the rustling of leaves and the voices of birds. In another life this was probably a very beautiful place. Yang stood up and walked towards the door. Before she could exit she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Stay strong. We’ll be here waiting” Jaune said, a sad smile on his lips, trying to give his friend some kind of reassurance. The blonde turned around and nodded. She tried but was unable to cast any sort of smile in her face. She took a deep breath and left the airship.    
Yang ran like she had never ran before in her life. This was it. She was going to rescue Blake. She was going to bring her back. She remembered Beacon and the feeling of dread as she looked for her partner. So many different scenarios played on her head as she got closer to her goal. What had they done to her? In what state would she find her? What if… What if it was already too late? She tried to stop her mind from drawing any sort of conclusion. She needed to focus. She needed to believe Blake was there and she was alive. Like Jaune said, she needed to stay strong.
Finally, she arrived at Staub. It was dark. Yang looked at her scroll, it was close to midnight so the workers were more than likely asleep. There was a weak light coming from inside the mine and from what seemed to be the living quarters. She could see a couple of large containers a little bit more than a mile away. Yang tried to guess where they would keep the faunus hidden. Where they in one of the precarious buildings? Were they in the mine itself? In the containers? She didn’t have enough time to go check every single place. She had to do this fast. Deep breath. Concentrate.
Yang moved slowly. She didn’t want to ruin the surprise factor. It was all she had. There was no way of knowing what this people would do if they found out she was here. She didn’t want them to hurt Blake even more. She kneeled behind a group of rocks and closed her eyes, focusing on the silence. Inhale. Exhale. Calm down. Listen. Steps. There it was. Steps to her right. She opened her eyes and peeked over the rocks.
It was a man. She couldn’t see his face or his clothes, but she could notice he was holding a flashlight. Yang deduced he was some sort of night watch. Deep breath. He was coming her way. Closer. Closer. This man knew where Blake was, the blonde had no doubt in her mind. She was close, so fucking close to bringing her home. When he was within his reach she attacked. She used her mechanical arm to hold the man by the throat and her free hand to twist one of his arms behind his back. She was successful. He didn’t see her coming.
“What the…” the man said, she choked him before he could see anything else.
“Shut up” Yang whispered in his ear. “You want to live? she asked, the man nodded. “I don’t want to kill you but I will if I have to” the blonde lied, or maybe she didn’t, she wasn’t really sure anymore. “Take me to the faunus”
“What?” he said, his voice as quiet as possible. It almost made her laugh that the man was actually trying to play her.
“Don’t waste my time. I know you have them here” she replied, twisting his arm further into his own back. When he wanted to yell she choked him.
“Okay…” he coughed. “They’re inside the mine”.
TRIGGER WARNING: Violent character death. 
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vlllanellle · 5 years
matt y jackie porque pudieron haber sido más :(
SEND ME A SHIP and i’ll tell you:
who wakes up first in the morning: Jackie, tiene que arreglarse y maquillarse y todo uwu 
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: Jackie, necesita las horas de sueño + Matt se va a ser un lobo y así
what they playfully tease each other over: “huele a perro mojado” “¿necesitas una correa?” “¿tengo que sacarte a pasear?” jejeje
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: van a pasear al bosque, a caminar o algo así para olvidar todo, probs matt en su fursona, who knows
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: dramáticamente, no puedo pensar en otra cosa más que lluvia, llanto, drama de ff… 
which one’s more ticklish: matt en wolf mode (?) 
their favourite rainy day activities: uhhh seguir con sus días, viven en forks, siempre llueve, bye
how they surprise each other: Jackie le compra ropa cada que ve algo que le gusta, su plan de hecho es obligarlo a vestirse como ella quiere, pero el punto es que siempre llega con él y le pone la ropa encima, tipo “sabía que este tono te quedaría bien” o cosas así. 
their most sickening shows of public affection: son bien exhibicionistas, bye, matt es posesivo y siempre la tiene super cerca, besándola y luego sonriendo super mamón hacia quienes se le quedan viendo a jackie en plan de “she’s mine, bitch” 
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nnelies-archive2 · 5 years
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
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the first character i ever fell in love with: mickey milkovich, aka the love of my life ™. idk, solo lo vi y i was hooked ? ??? 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: debbie, buh. cada vez me caía peor >: ) 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: guess que jimmy y fiona ???
my ultimate favorite character™: MIKHAILO ALEKSANDR MILKOVICH. my fav character of all times.
prettiest character: ian gallagher, my ultimate crush. 
my most hated character: frank gallagher, surprise. AND ALSO SAMMY, wtf bitch.
my OTP: GALLAVICH, fuck.
my NOTP: fiona and jimmy, is a nope 4 me.
favorite episode: this is so fucking difficult, todos con una buena dosis de gallavich ??? but casi que el 4x07
saddest death: idk ?? no recuerdo ninguna ?? i guess ginger ?? minor character but we love her. 
favorite season: 3 o 4 !!!!! !! casi más la 4 ? bc some good character development right hereee.
least favorite season: season 6 like wtf y la 8 honestly ,, ,, ,, ,excepto por el final de mi otp reunited ok. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: idk creo que mi odio es común al de todos ?? mónica, sammy, frank, jimmy, terry , ,,,, hay tantos personajes que no me caen bien de este show im surprised :’ )
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: lip gallagher, mostly on the middle seasons.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: mY SON CARL. and also SHEILA. Y KEVIN. 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: lip and mandy jejeje.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: mm mmm m fiona con sean probs ?? idk la verdad, ninguna.
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