#support kdin on twitch if you want
RT’s official response to the many grievances of both former and present employees:
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My thoughts under the cut (hopefully tumblr doesn’t fuck this up)
I’ve never really been a huge fan of RT outside of RWBY and a few other shows, so I can’t say I’m devastated or anything like that. However, it is incredibly disheartening to learn just how much shit everyone who works there has dealt with. Tbh, since its roots are in gamer culture, I expected it to be bad, but not THIS bad.
I’ve never really been a huge fan of RT outside of RWBY and a few other shows, so I can’t say I’m devastated or anything like that. However, it is incredibly disheartening to learn just how much shit everyone who works there has dealt with. Tbh, since its roots are in gamer culture, I expected it to be bad, but not THIS bad.
It’s fucking Texas, I expected there was discrimination, just not to this extent. Like, my expectations were low but holy fuck. The constant harassment of any minority within the company is disgusting. And please don’t take my words out of context—it’s one thing to be treated like shit but make a decent wage, but to also be severely underpaid or NOT EVEN PAID AT ALL??? Jesus Christ.
They weaselled their way out of EVERYTHING. And they continue to do so in their pathetic response, which is just 8 paragraphs of shirking any and all accountability. It doesn’t address SHIT. it’s a half-assed plea to keep giving them money. Between RT and WB just being complete fucking disgraces it’s exhausting and my heart goes out to anyone whose been mistreated by them.
The only silver lining I can possibly think of is that CRWBY (to my knowledge) is just as fed up/sick of RT’s refusal to treat workers with dignity. I know Michael and Gavin have both privately and publicly reached out to Kdin and have apologized for past dumbfuckery, and Kdin is an angel that deserves way better.
The company has a handful of genuinely honest, kind, and good individuals that seem to have their hands tied. But it still fucking blows because how the hell do I support CRWBY without RT? I’ve had this blog since 2016 and yeah I’ve been going through some burnout shit for a few years but I still and likely always will love RWBY.
I guess with no volume 9 yet we can try and put our heads together to figure that out. I don’t see a solution but goddamnit if there is one let me know. This was largely incoherent I’m sure, but I just wanted to say SOMETHING. Rant over.
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kdinjenzen · 1 year
Welcome to another "Good News / Bad News" post, everyone!
Good News... I finally got a new job after nearly SIX MONTHS of constant searching! YAY!
Bad News... I have some bills due immediately that need to be paid so that I can survive until the end of this month when I get my first paycheck from the new job and from when Twitch payouts happen.
So to make it through til the end of the month when payments come in I need to come up with around $1,200 by next Monday.
If you have some spare change to toss my way to help out, I'd be super appreciative! There's a donation link below.
Literally every bit helps, and if you can't donate reblogs are super appreciated!
And if you want to help in another way (and get some cool art out of it) you can always commission my bf for art or a VTuber model!
Links to his commission posts:
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enigma2meagain · 2 years
Things to Remember about the RT Situation, Kdin Jenzen and the CRWBY:
In response to Kdin Jenzen’s expose on Rooster Teeth’s horrid behavior towards her and others harmed by Rooster Teeth’s abuse, as well as a master list of the horror stories:
1) Kdin Jenzen is the only person who can decide if she wants to forgive people who apologized about mistreating her in the past. The people who were harmed by this are the only ones who can decide if they want to forgive the awful treatment they were subjected to. It doesn’t matter how convincing the apologies might sound TO YOU, or how much YOU want to forgive them because you feel uncomfortable about the idea that someone you liked turned out to be a not so great person.
2) DO NOT use this situation as an excuse to harass the people who have been negatively affected by Rooster Teeth’s abuse, ESPECIALLY if you were one of the people who engaged in that same abusive behavior in the past towards ANYONE on the team. You should NOT be taking advantage of Kdin’s expose to go on your own self-righteous crusade against RWBY, against the animators and creatives for your own petty grudges, or whatever other things to claim that this “proves” how shitty their media is, and patting yourself on the back for it. Likewise, this is ALSO not the time to be using this situation to validate your own anger towards the critics, RW/DE, or HTD/M.
3) The CRWBY and other creatives are NOT the same as Rooster Teeth! While they tend to be used interchangeably, the CRWBY and others are as much victims of Rooster Teeth’s horrible practices and corporate management, and Kdin has made it clear that she still supports the majority of the team and their work. Support the CRWBY. Support the Animators. Support the Creatives. Not Rooster Teeth. This is a workplace and management culture problem. Passionate and decent people are trying to do their best under the reign of a terrible corporation, and taking your ire out on them will not help in the slightest. If some of them don’t speak up, it’s likely because they’re not in a situation where they CAN speak up, even if they otherwise agree and support those who have been brave enough to speak up.
4) If you want to support the people who were hurt by Rooster Teeth without giving the corporation money, FIND the creators’ pages/patreons/Twitch/etc. While boycotting Rooster Teeth is fine (like cancelling their FIRST membership or something like that, pirating their media, etc.), we also need to provide whatever support we can to the people affected by this. As such, try to find their pages, patreons, Twitch, etc. and give them money that way. Support their endeavors. Here is a list.
There’s probably some other important detail that I’m forgetting, but these are the primary things I needed to get out of the way, but the ultimate point is that we need to stand with Kdin, with Matt, with Arryn, Jen, Samantha, EVERYONE who was harmed by Rooster Teeth. We need to keep our ire directed at the HR/management/higher ups. REMEMBER THAT.
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theemarsrover · 2 years
Important announcement regarding the fansite.
Erlande (@kingpattillo) and I have made the extremely difficult decision to archive the site. You can read more about it in our final update. If you don’t see it right away please be sure you clear your browser’s cache. Otherwise, I’ll be copying the text into a read more for those of you who are on mobile.
We said it in the post but thank you to everyone who supported us in making this. We’re so proud of the work we did and so happy that it was such an amazing resource for so many people. While this situation sucks, it’s been heartwarming that our sense of community hasn’t gone away.
Thanks again <3
The Final Update
Yeah, this shouldn't be surprising, considering that a lot has happened over the weekend.
First, on October 14th, Matt Bragg made this tweet explaining that his position at Achievement Hunter had been dissolved. If you weren't around for it, this news was met with an outpour of support from the community and fellow RT/AH employees. Matt's stream the following day blew his sub goals out of the water, ending with over 15,000 Twitch subs. While the community focused on showering Matt with love, there were also questions about why Rooster Teeth dissolved the position of one of their beloved talents. Kdin Jenzen then made this tweet shortly after the community started to talk about Matt's leave, and how upset they were about it.
Kdin's account of the transphobia, wage theft, and workplace abuse she suffered while working at RT was extremely heartbreaking to read. Apologies from Michael, Gavin, and Geoff came out soon after. While Michael's tweet was met with this reply from Kdin saying she forgave him, and Gavin's got no interaction from Kdin at all. Most notably, her reply to Geoff was a direct call to action. Here is a link to that interaction.
Soon, Twitter was flooded with ex-employees, contractors, and former friends of Rooster Teeth, who all had similar things to say. Many of them talk about crunchtime, overtime that was never compensated, pay that was laughably low when compared to the industry standard, and an HR department that seemed pretty keen on keeping a lawsuit from happening, rather than helping their employees.
We won't be linking any specific threads here on the fansite because there are just so many of them. A quick search of "Rooster Teeth" on Twitter will pull up a lot, as well as Tumblr. The Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter subreddits have a lot of information, too.
The two of us started this project on March 30th, 2022 because of our mutual love for Achievement Hunter. Initially, we saw a need for a site like this, a place where general information about Achievement Hunter could be found. Our main goal was that we wanted this to be a place where the community could come and check out what's new, see any announcements they missed, and have a comprehensive list of series and descriptions. We had so many plans for this website that will now never come to fruition.
We cannot in good faith continue to produce fan content for a company that treats their employees the way Rooster Teeth does. We fully condemn their actions and stand firmly with the victims and the people who have suffered underneath them. Over the years, it has become clear that the company, despite the trials and tribulations of so many former (and current) employees, refuses to change for the better. They have cultivated a toxic culture that has come to a head this weekend, and because of that, we've made the heavy decision to archive the website.
The site will remain up, and the features of it all active, but besides some minor maintenance, we will no longer be making updates to it. We put a lot of hard work and effort into this site to just see it gone, so it will remain up as a resource, like it was always meant to be. We really wish it didn't have to end like this. It would have been nice to at least see this site turn one year old, but the people who have suffered under Rooster Teeth mean more to us, and we will always stand by them.
Finally, we want to say thank you to everyone who has visited the fansite, as well as those who have sent us words of encouragement on our personal Tumblr accounts. The fansite couldn't have gone over as well as it did without your guys' help and support. Despite everything, we're glad we can still come together as a community.
We love you,                Erlande and Mars ♡
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dragynkeep · 2 years
also i think what was upsetting the most about this was that kdin  —  despite the criticisms i’ve had of her which should be put aside because of the situation & will be  — worked her ass off. she was sick as a dog in hospital, she had fevers that nearly could’ve killed her & she still went back to work for a company that paid her less than dirt, stole money from her & wanted to make her live borderline homeless in a new city or be "let go.”
i’ve been in that situation of having no money & staying in a shit situation because outside of it was uncertain & could be worse. & that shit hurts even more when it comes from people you’re supposed to be friends with; people who have robbed you, abused you, called you slurs. it’s disgusting.
so yeah as much as this is yet again another rooster teeth / crwby fuck up amongst many, it’s also about a vulnerable trans woman, a minority touted to “look good” for the company, being used & abused by her employers & her friends. support her if you can, either through her twitch or whatever other avenues she has. accountability comes with safety for those at the centre of it.
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rwdestuffs · 2 years
When I said stuff like “if the writers have grown, they have yet to show it” that applied to the company as a whole.
Recent news have proven that they have not moved past that frat mentality.
Except I’m pretty sure that frats are better at calling out homophobia, transphobia, and racism.
Progress is a moving vehicle. Making it past a few milestones is great and all, but the ride won’t (and quite frankly shouldn’t) stop. Maybe RT would have been progressive in the 80s, the early 2000s if I’m being generous. But it’s the 2020s. What they've got isn't going to cut it anymore.
There were times when I would turn on one of their videos because it made me laugh and would cheer me up. But those days are gone. And there are new people, new content creators, and new videos that I can watch to get cheered up by.
It’s ultimately up to you as to whether or not you continue your support of the company. Whether that’s because there’s one specific division that you want to support, or because you believe that they can genuinely change is up in the air and I won’t judge you for that choice or the reasons. I’d be a hypocrite otherwise, I only have First solely for DEATH BATTLE. You can bet that if they moved to their own platform or to YouTube, that I’d cancel my own First membership in a heartbeat.
This sort of thing is going to hurt, and at the end of the day, it won’t be solved on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook, or on Discord. How you choose to handle that hurt will be different from other people.
This is going to end in one of two ways: it will either be forgotten. Or it will be remembered. And which one you choose is up to you.
That choice is the only thing I will judge you on.
Until then, support Kdin, Matt, and all the people that this company screwed over and harassed on their Twitch, YouTube, or other platforms. If the company won’t show them love, prove that you can.
In addition, Kdin has chosen to continue support because she enjoys RWBY, and the people that she got to help make it with.
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But, at the end of the day, they’re still a company. And companies want money. No company is your friend.
Here’s Kdin’s Twitch, since the company won’t give her love and appreciation, may as well give it from the fans:
This will be the last thing I say on the matter. I need a bit of a detox.
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jerseymichaels · 2 years
Ok, so I’ve thought and agonized over this all week and I still don’t fully know what I’m going to do, but things have gotten like a slight bit clearer? I think?
So, I’m going to keep this blog running. I may change the name, but I may not. The reason I ever named this blog jerseymichaels was just that I thought it was funny and clever- I recognize I don’t know Michael, we’re not friends, never will be, I only know him as a person by how he projects himself and what others that know him have said of him. I’m definitely not trying to idolize him with the blog name and I want to make sure that’s abundantly clear.
I will continue to watch AH occasionally, but definitely never again through the RT site. I would honestly continue to support them more if they break off from RT entirely (which I doubt will happen, but you know). Gavin’s the only one there I’m super iffy about, as every day Kdin doesn’t respond to his apology makes it seem more and more purposeful and not just that she never saw it.
The reason I feel comfortable continuing to support them is hearing from some of the current members, like Kaden, Aaryn, and even what Jack said about letting Ky and BK take the reigns and what Fiona said about the company culture improving in the time she was there.
I will continue to watch them stream on Twitch as well and will probably post about those the most here.
Really I’m just taking it day by day right now. I’ll probably transition this blog to more of a kinda AH/Twitch and kinda other personal interest blog. We will see, and my opinion might change on that in the days coming.
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kdinjenzen · 1 year
Genuine question: why do you feel you need a service to offer in order to create a Patreon? We love you. Patreon exists as a way to let online creators keep creating. You create for free, yeah, on Tumblr and such, but our payment wouldn't be for more content, it'd be security that you keep making content. Like a way to say thank you Kdin, for writing all these posts, for helping us, for listening, for being cool and online and giving parts of yourself to us to enjoy. You give us so much. Why can't we give you more? (I'm already subbed to your Twitch and watch when I can <3)
That’s a great question, and the answer is… I don’t really mind making an OnlyFans if people support the stuff I’m doing now enough.
But honestly? There’s so many social medias, so many “places to be found”, and “purposes” for each social media.
If I could, I’d love to just keep my focus on Tumblr and Twitch, do streams, make documentary style videos about hyper specific subjects in animation and video games and queer representation, and have that be everything I do and everywhere I do it.
Legit, if I could I would do that and VO full time if either of those things could legit pay my rent/bills.
But neither thing really does, so getting a full time job and doing streams AND doing VO is what keeps the lights on and the titty pills in hand.
I’m an artist, not in the “I draw or paint” way, but an artist in my own right and in many ways… and unfortunately the art I do doesn’t pay the bills.
So I gotta make end’s meet somehow, and if that means the “WE WANT AN ONLYFANS!” crowd, or whatever website, ends up being supportive and loud enough to make it a viable source of income to help me exist and create?
Yeah, I’m gonna go for it because I want to create and share and help others and make people laugh and think and so much more…
Does that make sense?
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
do you know what cameo is? it's a site that has voice actor people recording personalized messages for people who pay. have you considered doing that? i know you got a twitch already but cameo is more like personal
Bold of you to assume Cameo is more personal when folks who come to my Twitch streams actually get a much less “professional” and much more “personal/actual” version of me.
Also folks who come to streams get access to the Discord group.
Cameo is a “one time video that lasts several minutes sent to you” thing. Meanwhile Twitch is “let’s tease Kdin for hours on end for multiple days every single week.”
Also there’s ways to directly support me located on my Twitch page - so if you don’t want things to go through “COMPANY” before getting to me, those options are listed there!
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