#superdead crossover fic
yesmiladywrites · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Walking Dead (TV), Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Simon (Walking Dead), Castiel (mentioned), Negan Smith (Mentioned) Additional Tags: BAMF Dean Winchester, BAMF Sam Winchester, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sam Winchester is So Done, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse Summary:
In the world of the walking dead, one cannot trust the living. Sam and Dean have to assume the worst about every stranger.
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dracox-serdriel · 5 years
The Second Death - Chapter 8: Into the Future
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Title: The Second Death [AO3] [FF] [LJ] Chapter: Into the Future Universes: Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel (Destiel), Carol Pelletier/Daryl Dixon (Caryl) Word count: ~2,400 Spoilers: All episodes of Supernatural through 07x23. All episodes of Walking Dead through 06x16. Rating: NC-17/MA Timeline: Supernatural, after episode 07x23 and Walking Dead, after episode 06x09. Summary: When Dean and Castiel take down big daddy Leviathan Dick Roman, the blast catapults them into a special kind of hell, where the living must survive in in a post-apocalyptic world filled with the Walking Dead. Desperate to learn how long they've been gone and what happened in their absence, Dean and Cas search for any sign of what went wrong, which is difficult in a world where all infrastructure has failed and strangers can't be trusted. Together they search for Sam Winchester in the middle of an apocalypse that's managed overrun the planet, and they're more than a little surprised to run into a group of survivors that'd give most Hunters a run for their money.
Meanwhile, after Daryl's attempt to bring new people back to Alexandria backfires, he looks for any excuse to hit the road for a few days. Carol, unwilling to let him go on his own, demands to join him. A basic run turns into something else when they run into two strangers who have no trouble dispatching walkers and don't seem to operate under the new world order. In fact, they seem completely lost.
Read the Second Death on LJ, AO3, or from the beginning on Tumblr.
The Second Death Chapter 8: Into the Future
Castiel was not in the mood for incredulous facial expressions or tedious inquiry. He was already staring down the former, and the fact that none of his companions had moved - or even responded - to his declaration indicated that the latter was soon to follow.
Sure enough, Dean began, "Cas - "
"Follow me," he interjected before turning on his heel and walking away.
Dean was at his side in an instant, and - much to Castiel's surprise - Daryl and Carol joined them after only a few moments of angry whispering. So the angel kept his eyes forward and his pace quick, not affording any opportunity to ask questions. They'd be answered soon enough.
He'd already cleared the way, but the animated undead were legion, shuffling in from the depths of the forest. They weren't close enough to be a threat, yet he felt an overwhelming desire to annihilate each and every one of them.
He couldn't explain why, but these mindless drones set him on edge. Their futile attacks, their constant growls and groans, their haphazard ambulation... it was all irritating, but it wasn't what made him want to lash out. This resentment ran deep, far deeper than recoiling at how they filled their rot stomachs with living flesh that could do nothing but putrefy.
The dead should never be hungry; it was an affront to nature.
But that was hardly important now.
He turned his attention to where it could be of use: their immediate surroundings. They were at a dense thicket of trees that were covered in blood, guts, and flesh.
"The hell happened here," Daryl mumbled.
Cas kept going until he reached the next clearing. He'd made his initial attack here. In keeping his promise to Dean, he'd opted for an attack any human could pull off. And as a result, the innards of the recently living as well as the walking dead had splattered in every direction, covering the area in a layer of remains.
"Sonova bitch," Dean said quietly.
Cas looked at Carol and saw that, though she had said nothing, she was just as shocked as the others. Perhaps he would've been affected by the scene had he not been the cause of it.
"There were a dozen of them," he explained. "Heavily armed."
"With bombs?" Carol asked.
"No, that was me," Cas replied.
"We don't have the supplies for bombs," Dean said, though it was clear from the look on his face that he regretted saying it immediately.
"I used the Drano we found at the garage," he explained.
"Last I checked, Drano don't explode," Daryl said harshly.
"It does if it's mixed with aluminum foil and water," Carol said. "Teenagers in my old neighborhood used to make bottle bombs for pranks."
"You gonna explain why you did this?" Dean asked.
"Yes," Cas said. "I saw their group from the garage, but they all went in different directions. I wanted to see what they had in there."
He pointed to a medium-sized box truck outfitted with perches on all sides.
"Supplies, a lot of them," the angel continued as Daryl broke away to check it out himself. "I hadn't planned on confronting them until I heard their radio communicaitons."
"Communicating what?"
"They were hunting people to exploit and kill," the angel replied harshly. "And I wasn't going to let them."
"Do you remember what they said?" Carol asked, her voice suddenly urgent.
"Every word," he said. "I stole supplies and hid so I could make 'bottle bombs' as you called them. I put a few in the clearing, then planted a few on the undead. As soon as the first wave of those men came back, their motorcycles attracted them, and - "
"Boom," Dean concluded.
Cas nodded his head in agreement.
"And that killed them?" Carol asked.
"No," he replied. "But all of them seemed to think that anyone who was cut or stabbed by zombie shrapnel was 'contaminated' and had to die."
"Makes sense," she said. "Being bitten or scratched by a walker can infect you, being impaled on a rib would also. They put their own people down? Right away?"
Cas nodded his head, yes.
"The few who turned up after the explosions had to deal with more undead then they had bullets for," he added. "I... helped from on top of the truck."
"However you did it, it's a good thing you did," Carol said. "The woman we saved back there - Barbara - her people have run into them before."
"Come see this!" Daryl yelled from the truck.
Carol went immediately, but Cas held his arm out to stop Dean. "We could leave," he suggested.
"We could leave," he repeated. "I can put Daryl and Carol to sleep, leave them in their car with some supplies. We take the rest and leave."
"You know something I don't?" Dean asked.
"This isn't where we belong," he replied. "We're taking sides in a war we know nothing about."
"If you feel that way, then why all this," the hunter replied, waving his arms. "You could've zapped back to the garage with no one the wiser. But you didn't because you found out what they were doing and knew that they were on the wrong side of things."
"And what about them?" Cas asked, tipping his head towards the truck with their traveling companions. "How do we know that they're on the right side of things?"
Dean shrugged as he said, "Only time will tell."
He didn't wait for another question or a reply, and as he walked over to the truck, the angel felt a gnawing sense of dread that they were making an alliance they could never take back, regardless of what time revealed.
It was just one more thing that Castiel couldn't explain, and at the moment, he didn't have the luxury of introspection.
Carol's jaw dropped of its own accord when she got into the back of the truck. Somebody had welded shelving and seating into the interior as well as a vertical ladder that led to a homemade hatch to the roof.
A dozen people could easily fit back here with months of supplies. It would be easy enough to set up sleeping bags with shifts for keeping watch. As long as they had gas, they could be a completely mobile unit.
"Got it rigged for snipers up there," Daryl said as he descended from the hatch. "Harnesses and everything."
"And a working radio/walkie talkie system," she added. "Who are these people?"
Daryl palmed through what was laying around. It looked like mostly hitching equipment and mechanic's toolkits.
"They blocked the ramp," she said, the conclusion falling out of her mouth before she even realized she'd thought of it.
"You think?" Daryl asked, clearly not convinced.
"Barbara told me they tried to clear the ramp before they decided to take another route," she replied. "I doubt these people are the kind to sit around and wait for other people's traps to work."
"You trust her?" he asked.
"Enough to believe her about this."
It wasn't an answer. She knew that. But she doubted Barbara and Randy had enough wits between them to fake an argument like the one she witnessed.
"We agreed on a rendezvous point," Carol continued. "Two weeks from now, to share information about this other group."
Daryl's hair bounced limply as he shook his head, obviously not happy with the arrangement.
"I only said I'd take it to our group," she added. "No promises."
"Yeah, well, you know my vote," he replied as he moved into the cab.
She gave herself a minute to collect herself. Without distraction, her thoughts drifted to the man she'd killed less than an hour ago, and she let them. Now she knew who he worked with and what his people were doing, and the doubt that nearly drowned her this morning evaporated.
That time, at least, she'd done the right thing. It wasn't an answer, but it was enough for now.
Clanging metal drew her to the cab, where Daryl sat, perplexed. "The hell they doing out there?"
Dean and Cas were chaining something metal to the front of the truck, and while she couldn't figure out why, she did know they didn't have time. The walkers they passed earlier were here.
"We've got to leave," Carol said out the window as she started the truck. "Now."
"We will make little progress without this," Cas replied. "The undead are blocking the road."
"I'll see what they got," Daryl said before he disappeared into the back.
At least she could count on one person to have some sense.
She adjusted the seat so she could reach the pedals better; whoever had been driving this thing must've been six and a half feet tall.
They'd gotten one side tied down before the walkers got too close. Dean broke away and took them down with his machete as Cas began to chain the passenger's side.
"Just leave it and get it!" she yelled. "There's plenty of ammo in this thing."
Cas kept working, though, until he'd finished whatever he'd been doing. Then he climbed into the passenger side and went straight to the back without another word.
"Clean up while you're back there," she called after him.
It wasn't like he needed to. Hell, she'd looked worse than him before, but, for whatever reason, she didn't want to turn up at Alexandria with him looking like that.
"Let's go," Dean said as he climbed in. "Cowcatcher should work for long enough to get us out to the main road."
If she hadn't been driving, Carol would've given him a look for that comment. She turned around and got them pointed toward the small service road, but it was no good.
"Too many walkers," she said. "Grab a weapon and get up there with Daryl and Cas. We need to clear them."
"Just drive."
"If I drive, the bodies will pile up against the undercarriage, get caught up in everything. We'll lose steering before we get ten feet."
"I'm telling you, that's what the cowcatcher is for," Dean repeated.
She had no idea what on earth a cowcatcher was or why anyone would think it was a term people knew. She turned her head to give him the look, and when she did, she met his eye.
"Trust me," he said. "Even if it doesn't seem like it, Cas and I know what we're doing. Mostly."
Carol couldn't tell if she trusted him or simply didn't want to waste time arguing, but she started driving anyway.
"Damn," she said to herself as the walkers bounced to either side of the truck as they came in contact with the metal.
"I bet Cas ten bucks that you could split them if you went over thirty," Dean said with a smile.
She hadn't heard anyone betting money in such a long time, it took her a second to understand what he'd said.
He continued, "But he said something about it not being a real cowcatcher so it could break if we tried to go that fast."
"A cowcatcher?" she repeated.
"Yeah... like they use on trains," he explained. "That's what we called them back home anyway. Guess it's a regional thing."
She kept their speed around twenty miles per hour in case Cas was right about it breaking.
"You boys have anything else up your sleeves?" she asked.
Dean didn't reply, pretending as if he was too busy fiddling with the radio to hear her. It didn't take him long to tune in on human voices.
"Hawk Four responding," a man said.
"Status update," another man replied.
"Got a fucking huge herd," the first man said. "Right where Hawk Three was supposed to set up their sweep."
"Run a clean up and extract whatever you can," the second voice said. "The boss does not want one of our trucks out there."
"You got it, Eagle's Nest. Hawk Four out."
Static gargled across the radio, then nothing.
"They must be using a different frequency for short-range transmissions," Dean said. "Let's see if we can't spy on these assholes."
As Carol drove through a sea of parting walkers, she could only hope they managed to put enough distance between themselves and whatever Hawk Four meant by 'cleanup.'
Daryl decided to keep watch on top of the truck, hooked into a decent sniper's perch. It wasn't as good as being on a bike, but it was damn close.
Cas joined him for about an hour, helping to thin out the walkers on the road for the truck, even though it seemed to be doing fine without their help. As soon as they reached the main road, though, Cas left because Carol had ordered him to clean up.
Of course she did. The man looked like he'd just slaughtered a small village, looked worse than Rick after he'd tore a man's throat out. No way in hell Carol would turn up at Alexandria with Cas in this state, not without at least trying to rinse him off first.
That led him to how the man in the trench coat got so bloodied up to begin with.
He didn't let himself think about it at first. He knew the people who had this truck were bad news as soon as he heard the name Negan. Taking them out was self-preservation, plain and simple. He wouldn't fault Cas for seeing it faster than he did.
But then it got dark, and his mind started wandering, and he realized the story wasn't adding up.
Cas said he used Drano from the garage, but why the hell did he take Drano with him to begin with?
If his plan had always been to make a bottle bomb for a distraction or something, then he was basically carrying Drano hoping he'd find what he'd need. But if he hadn't had a plan - or if his plan hadn't involved explosives - then what did he take the Drano for?
And who the hell even thought of shit like that to begin with? It seemed like the kind of thing Eugene would think of, but as far as Daryl knew, Alexandria's resident survivor-nerd hadn't thought of it.
At some point, Cas returned to help keep watch, and Daryl wanted to ask him about it... that, and why he'd gone out without any damn backup.
But then he caught something in how Cas stared out into the dark. Something that reminded Daryl of himself.
Would he have waited for backup had he been in Cas's position? Would he have shown any kind of mercy when he saw who he was dealing with? Would he tell two new faces the ugly truth so they could see how far gone he really was?
He decided to talk to Carol about it first chance he got, just in case, but for now, he let the silence settle in.
For previous and next chapters, please go to The Second Death main Tumblr page.
Author’s notes: I've been really bad at replying to comments, and I'm very sorry about that. Believe me when I say that reading your comments is the best part of my day. I plan to reply to all of them as soon as I can. Thank you for all your support and patience!
I hope you've enjoyed this latest installment. Hopefully the next update will be out in the next week or two! 
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dracox-serdriel-log · 5 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 9/13 fics are works in progress (4 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
92 / 237 chapters (39%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
The Force Rises, a Star Wars Fic
4 / 30 chapters (13%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
5 / 20 chapters (~25%) complete
The New Order, a Star Wars Fic
1 / 5 chapters (20%) complete
Orion, a Flash Fic
12 / 30 chapters (40%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
8 / 30 chapters (26%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
39 / 39 chapters (100%) posted
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel · 5 years
The Second Death - Chapter 7: Gaze
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Title: The Second Death [AO3] [FF] [LJ] Chapter: Gaze Universes: Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel (Destiel), Carol Pelletier/Daryl Dixon (Caryl) Word count: 2,500 Spoilers: All episodes of Supernatural through 07x23. All episodes of Walking Dead through 06x16. Rating: NC-17/MA Timeline: Supernatural, after episode 07x23 and Walking Dead, after episode 06x09. Summary: When Dean and Castiel take down big daddy Leviathan Dick Roman, the blast catapults them into a special kind of hell, where the living must survive in in a post-apocalyptic world filled with the Walking Dead. Desperate to learn how long they've been gone and what happened in their absence, Dean and Cas search for any sign of what went wrong, which is difficult in a world where all infrastructure has failed and strangers can't be trusted. Together they search for Sam Winchester in the middle of an apocalypse that's managed overrun the planet, and they're more than a little surprised to run into a group of survivors that'd give most Hunters a run for their money.
Meanwhile, after Daryl's attempt to bring new people back to Alexandria backfires, he looks for any excuse to hit the road for a few days. Carol, unwilling to let him go on his own, demands to join him. A basic run turns into something else when they run into two strangers who have no trouble dispatching walkers and don't seem to operate under the new world order. In fact, they seem completely lost.
Read the Second Death on LJ, AO3, or from the beginning on Tumblr.
The Second Death Chapter 7: Gaze
Carol watched as Dean darted into the woods as if his life depended on it. Then Daryl swooped down and cursed as he grabbed a gun, before racing after him.
Damn idiots, both of them.
Knowing she had to follow, she wrenched the weapon from the dead man at her feet, but in so doing, she caught sight of the stranger's dull, vacant eyes.
And she froze.
Another one, she thought. What number is he? How many is that now? How many more will there be?
Yesterday it felt as if one conversation had dispelled the worst of it, but all that had actually done was lock it away for a little while longer.
"Think about who."
Daryl's voice rang in her head. She needed to remember who she'd saved. Everybody who'd gotten caught up at Terminus - Michonne, Carl, Rick, Daryl, Sasha, Glenn, Maggie, Bob - and before that, Judith, Tyreese, Mika, Lizzie...
But she hadn't really rescued them, had she? Mika and Lizzie didn't make it to Terminus. Bob and Tyreese didn't make it to Alexandria. She gave them a few more days or a few more weeks, but she'd lost them all the same. Who was she, anyway?
A woman who couldn't even save her own daughter.
A sob dragged her from her thoughts. She turned to the two survivors standing over their fallen traveling companion. The woman pushed a knife into his temple as tears streamed down her cheeks.
Carol gave them a quick once-over and decided that they must have a camp nearby. Neither had so much as a stitch out of place, and they carried almost nothing - there was only one pack for all three of them. Either they had planned a trip for one day, or they were morons.
She couldn't rule out the latter, not yet, and focusing on them made things easier. She'd lost enough, and she wasn't going to let a moment of self-recrimination interfere with protecting her people. She needed to know more about these people they'd just stuck their necks out for... and about the people they'd saved them from.
"I'm Carol," she said.
"Randy," the man replied.
"Barbara," the woman said automatically. "This is - was - Bobby, my brother."
"I'm sorry," Carol said in her most sympathetic voice. She waited for a moment before pointing to the other bodies. "You know who did this?"
"Negans," Randy replied. "That's what we call them. They collect people - communities - and exploit them."
"So you've met them before?" Carol asked.
"Not us," Barbara replied. "My brother had. He and a few others got away from them by putting a walker herd between them. They thought the herd wiped them out."
"Friend of mine had a run in with them," Carol said, carefully selecting her words. "But that was miles and miles from here."
"Yeah," Randy replied. "They're everywhere."
"What?" Barbara asked her companion. "What do you mean, everywhere?"
Her nagging doubts waned in the shadow of the argument unfolding before her. She honed in on their body language - the thousand ways they communicated without speaking - and absorbed every syllable.
She knew this was just one more stopgap, buying her a little more time before that dam finally broke, but she took it all the same.
Dean galloped haphazardly through the forest, knowing full well that he was running into a gunfight with a machete and three bullets to his name with no idea as to who, what, where, or how many.
It didn't really matter, did it? He'd been here - wherever the hell here was - for three days, and the only thing he learned about this place was that it had far too many douchebags and asshats.
He couldn't afford to lose the only family he knew he had left. If he lost Cas, who'd help him figure out what the hell happened? Who'd help him find Sammy and Kev? Who'd watch his back?
Something solid collided with his shoulder and sent him crashing sideways into a tree. He recovered immediately, training his gun on the assailant, his finger on the trigger and ready.
"You trying to die?" Daryl growled.
"What the hell?" Dean replied loudly. "Cas is out there in the crossfire - "
As if on cue, a gargling noise heralded the arrival of a trio of undead, one of which appeared from nowhere at Dean's elbow. He easily sidestepped its grasp, but when he shifted his weight to switch to his machete, his foot slipped against a root. And suddenly the ground was coming up to meet him as more zombies came out of the woodwork.
In one swift movement, Daryl jabbed a knife into the closest one's skull, kicking its rot body right into the two behind it, buying himself some time to take out two others that'd come up behind him.
Dean didn't waste any time getting to his feet, slashing haphazardly as he rose, maneuvering so he was back to back with Daryl.
Shit, shit, shit.
They were coming from all sides now, moaning and snarling as they limped closer, leaving them without no way out.
Dean swung the machete in an arch, taking out two undead bastards at once, biting back a scream inspired by a jarring pain in his elbow. He must've fallen on it, but he didn't have time to think too hard about an injury. He could take the pain.
He swung the blade back, hitting another across the face, taking its nose and one ear clean off, but it kept coming. He stabbed straight through its eye, putting it down, but when he pulled his weapon back, the body came with it. So he pulled a Daryl and kicked it off his machete, throwing it into several others.
Walker bowling. Strike!
That's when Dean noticed just how many there were, swarming in from behind every tree. He reminded himself that these were just things. They weren't smart. They didn't learn. As long as he had his blade in front of him, he'd be fine.
So he slashed and hacked mercilessly, dropping bodies left and right. He'd taken out a hell of a lot more of them before, but he'd done that because, well, because he could. He'd been buying Cas time, but his back hadn't been against a wall like this.
Come to think of it, he hadn't put them all down, had he? When they'd driven off, more were still coming.
His arm radiated pain, and now his head throbbed, too, with all the groaning closing in on him, occasionally punctuated by Daryl swearing. The thing that really got him, though, was the stench; it crawled up his nose, making his eyes water as he gagged, practically choking on it.
They'd only been at this for a few minutes, and he was already getting tired. How the hell did he land himself in this mess?
All at once, dozens of answers flooded his head, each one a scathing reprimand in his father's voice. He knew exactly how he'd gotten here: by fucking up, like he always did. If he'd taken two seconds to think, he wouldn't be surrounded by zombies with some hick he barely knew.
Dean focused on the rotting bodies coming at him, hoping to block out the endless insults churning in his head, knowing it wasn't going to happen.
Then, suddenly, everything went quiet.
No, not everything... the undead attack party was still groaning and hissing, Daryl kept on grunting and cursing under his breath, and Dean couldn't stop his inner self-loathing. Yet, he was certain a silence had fallen.
The gunfire.
Dean had raced toward it and kept it in partial focus as he fought - a reminder that he couldn't die now, not when his family needed him. No matter which way he slashed and stabbed, he'd check it against that gunfire so he'd know the way to Cas.
But now it was gone. Stopped. Silent.
"Fuck!" Dean shouted as he hacked through yet another walker, the exclamation oddly relieving. Each time he swung his machete, he punctuated it with another, "Fuck!"
Then the murmur of an engine started, growing closer by the second, accompanied by the occasional pop of a riffle.
Less than a minute later, a motorcycle roared into view. Carol held two guns aloft, taking out the undead with precision, always waiting for her shot before pulling the trigger. Dean recognized the driver as the woman from the previous clearing - he hadn't bothered asking her name.
The riders circled the area, putting down approaching zombies, leaving a sizeable portion for Dean and Daryl. It only took a few more minutes to clear the immediate area, providing them with a much-needed reprieve.
The bike stopped as close as it could, given the trees and the mounds of dead bodies piled everywhere, and Carol hopped off.
"Two weeks," the driver said. "Good luck."
Before Dean could ask what the hell she meant, the stranger kicked off and sped the way she came.
"Where's Castiel?" Carol asked.
"This way," Daryl grunted.
Dean wanted to point out that he was going the wrong way - the gunfire had been in a different direction - but Daryl was already winding through the trees like he was following a homing beacon, and Carol was on his heels.
Did this guy even know what he was doing?
Before that train of thought could come full circle, he heard the telltale groan of walkers on the approach. His injured arm throbbed. If he got stuck facing another crew of them alone, he'd be screwed.
No, he'd be eaten.
"Damn it!"
He followed them, hoping they knew where the hell they were going.
It sounded like walkers were coming from everywhere, but Daryl could tell they were a way's off yet. Maybe they'd get distracted by the motorcycle for a spell and give him, Carol, and Dean enough time to find Cas and double back to the cars.
He caught sight of another clearing up ahead - pretty large, possibly one that led out to the road - so he slowed, closing in by moving silently between points of cover, because this time, he was getting a damn good look before putting his ass on the line. He cast a glance back to check on Carol, who managed to keep Dean from running straight in. Daryl held up his hand, signaling them to hang back for now, and she nodded her head, yes.
Something had happened here, but hell if he knew what. He kept low as he ducked into the edge of the clearing, stepping over dismembered limbs and ducking entrails that were dangling from tree limbs. Seemed like some jackass used a bomb to take out a few walkers.
One of the bodies was a fresh kill, so Daryl jabbed his blade into the top of its head just as Carol and Dean joined him, not waiting for his damn signal. It pissed him off, but he couldn't really blame them, not with how this place looked.
"Cas!" Dean shouted. "Cas!"
How the hell had this guy survived so long? Sure as hell not from being smart.
Before Daryl had a chance to speak, a putrid smell caught his attention, ten times more powerful than a few walkers up wind. He instinctively followed the scent and spotted walkers on the far end of the clearing. Some were bloated, like they'd been in water, but the rest looked like recent kills, going by their clothing.
"Cas? Cas!"
"Cas ain't here," Daryl pointed out.
What the hell were they doing? Even with their new guns, they didn't have the ammo to deal with this new wave, let alone doubling back to the cars.
Why were they even looking for Cas out here? He'd been in a sniper's perch - no way he got way out here. Hell, they should've gone straight back to camp in case his cover fire attracted unfriendlies, not running around in the woods dodging walkers.
"We gotta move," Daryl said.
"Not without Cas," Dean replied.
"We'll cover more ground with the cars," Carol pointed out. "Maybe he - "
She stopped mid-sentence, so Daryl followed her line of sight to where walkers were piling into the clearing.
He'd seen plenty of messed up shit: hundreds of walkers melted into pavement, still biting and groaning; his undead brother eating some poor smuck; his best friend ripping open another man's throat with his teeth. Yet all that paled in comparison to what he was seeing now.
Someone was there, casually moving between walkers without garnering their interest. Whenever the person passed one, it fell, and from this distance, it seemed like the walkers were going down in waves.
The wind picked up, and his trench coat billowed. That's when Daryl saw that the man was flicking something - rocks from the look of it - at the walkers, landing the headshot every time, barely looking at the target.
It took him a full minute to recognize the person as Castiel. He was covered in guts and blood from head to foot. He had this look on his face - all determination and fury - and he radiated energy, like some kind of avenging angel or some shit.
Fuck that. There was no such thing as angels. Just broken assholes unwilling to become as ugly as the world.
Cas joined them without a word, leaving a small army of bodies in his wake.
"Dude, what the hell?" Dean asked.
"They irked me," Cas replied.
"Talk later," Carol said. "There's too many walkers to stay out in the open like this. Let's get back to the camp and regroup."
"No," Cas said. "I've found something. You all need to see it."
For previous and next chapters, please go to The Second Death main Tumblr page.
Chapter notes: I hope you enjoyed this latest installment.
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yesmiladywrites · 7 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Supernatural, The Walking Dead (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rick Grimes/Michonne, Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Michonne, Claire Novak, Enid, Negan, Dean Winchester (Mentioned), Sam Winchester (mentioned), Original Characters
Rick’s children are missing, and he has to deal with the Saviors on top of everything. Elsewhere, a few lost kids try to make it home with only a voice on the radio to guide them. 
"How'd you manage to lose them anyway? What, they run away or something? You must feel like a piece of shit."
"No," Rick said hoarsely. "They didn't… they didn't run. My daughter is just two. We woke up one morning and they were gone."
"Did you notice any weird smells?" Negan asked after a long pause. Rick looked up to see Negan was staring at him with narrowed eyes.
Negan gave him a hard, searching look. "Sulfur. Smells like rotten eggs." He seemed to consider Rick's confused expression as a no, because he went on to asking, "what about cold spots in the house? Any strange substances? Markings of any kind?"
Rick thought back to that awful day. "No… no. Nothing like that."
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yesmiladywrites · 7 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Supernatural, The Walking Dead (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rick Grimes/Michonne, Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Michonne, Claire Novak, Enid, Negan, Dean Winchester (Mentioned), Sam Winchester (mentioned), Original Characters Additional Tags: Weird Uncle Castiel, Humor and Heartbreak, Families of Choice, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Mystery, Action/Adventure, Established Relationship, Supernatural Lore Summary:
Rick’s children are missing, and he has to deal with the Saviors on top of everything. Elsewhere, a few lost kids try to make it home with only a voice on the radio to guide them.
Or: Castiel adopts a bunch of kids in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. It gets messy.
"It's weird, though," Carl said a short time later as they made their way down to the shore. "I've got this friend, Eugene, he's the smartest guy I know. I mean, book smart." Carl tripped an approaching walker, then quickly stabbed it in the back of the head. "He told me that all the gas should've gone bad in, like, a year. But it's been what, four already?"
"It's a miracle," Castiel said.
"Right?" Carl gestured with his knife. "It's the weirdest thing."
"No, I mean that it is, quite literally, a miracle."
"Wait, what?"
Castiel said matter-of-factly. "It happened before. Well, not exactly like this, and not on this scale, of course." Castiel seemed surprised at Carl's befuddled expression. "You didn't realize? I thought Hanukkah was one of the more well-known Jewish holidays."
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yesmiladywrites · 7 years
Chapters: 23/? Fandom: Supernatural, The Walking Dead (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rick Grimes/Michonne, Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Castiel, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Michonne, Claire Novak, Enid, Negan, Dean Winchester (Mentioned), Sam Winchester (mentioned), Original Characters Additional Tags: Weird Uncle Castiel, Humor and Heartbreak, Families of Choice, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Mystery, Action/Adventure, Established Relationship, Supernatural Lore Summary:
A few lost kids try to make it home with only a voice on the radio to guide them.
Chapter 23 is posted! 
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 5 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 10/13 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
89 / 247 chapters (36%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
The Force Rises, a Star Wars Fic
4 / 30 chapters (13%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
5 / 20 chapters (~25%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
37 / 39 chapters (94%) posted
The New Order, a Star Wars Fic
1 / 5 chapters (20%) complete
Orion, a Flash Fic
12 / 30 chapters (40%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
7 / 30 chapters (23%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
yesmiladywrites · 7 years
Armageddon Again - TWD&SPN Crossover Series - Masterpost
I will update this post with links once the stories are posted to AO3 (not necessarily in order).
Armageddon Again  - Multichapter - Out of Purgatory (SPN)
Benjamin - Oneshot - A vampire in a zombie story (SPN). 
New Dawn - Multichapter - Castiel & the apocalypse kids. (SPN+TWD)
Post Mortem - Oneshot - Whatever happened to John Winchester? (SPN+TWD)
Law of the Land - Oneshot - Winchesters v. Saviors. (SPN+TWD)
Savior Complex - Multichapter - Civil war. (SPN+TWD)
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 5 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 9/13 fics are works in progress (4 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
94 / 237 chapters (39%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
The Force Rises, a Star Wars Fic
4 / 30 chapters (13%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
5 / 20 chapters (~25%) complete
The New Order, a Star Wars Fic
2 / 5 chapters (40%) complete
Orion, a Flash Fic
13 / 30 chapters (43%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
8 / 30 chapters (26%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
39 / 39 chapters (100%) posted
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 5 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 10/13 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
90 / 247 chapters (36%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
The Force Rises, a Star Wars Fic
4 / 30 chapters (13%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
5 / 20 chapters (~25%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
37 / 39 chapters (94%) posted
The New Order, a Star Wars Fic
1 / 5 chapters (20%) complete
Orion, a Flash Fic
12 / 30 chapters (40%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
8 / 30 chapters (26%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 6 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 9/12 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
83 / 232 chapters (36%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
The Force Rises, a Star Wars Fic
4 / 30 chapters (13%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
4 / 20 (???) chapters (~20%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
36 / 39 chapters (92%) posted
Orion, a Flash Fic
10 / 20 chapters (50%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
6 / 30 chapters (20%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 6 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 8/11 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
78 / 202 chapters (38%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
4 / 20 (???) chapters (~20%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
36 / 39 chapters (92%) posted
Orion, a Flash Fic
9 / 20 chapters (45%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
6 / 30 chapters (20%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 7 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 8/11 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
77 / 202 chapters (38%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
4 / 20 (???) chapters (~20%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
36 / 39 chapters (92%) posted
Orion, a Flash Fic
9 / 20 chapters (45%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
5 / 30 chapters (17%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 7 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 8/11 fics are works in progress (3 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
76 / 202 chapters (37%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
4 / 20 (???) chapters (~20%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
36 / 39 chapters (92%) posted
Orion, a Flash Fic
8 / 20 chapters (40%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
5 / 30 chapters (17%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
3 / 3 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes
dracox-serdriel-log · 7 years
Works in Progress
Category: Works in Progress Update type: Writing and Proofing Description: Currently working on several multi-chapter pieces (works in progress), including adding new chapters and proofing/updating existing chapters. Status: Currently, 9/11 fics are works in progress (2 completed), overall status of development:
Overall WIP Progress
74 / 202 chapters (36%) complete
By Title
Addendum GW, a GrimmFiles (Grimm/X-Files) Crossover
5 / 50 chapters (10%) complete
Gargoyles and the Amber, a Vampinals (Originals/Vampire Diaries) Crossover
3 / 13 chapters (23%) complete
The Great and Noble House of Gand, a Supergirl Fic
4 / 20 (???) chapters (~20%) complete
Lament of the Asphodels, an Once Upon a Time Fic
36 / 39 chapters (92%) posted
Orion, a Flash Fic
8 / 20 chapters (40%) complete
The Pirate, the Swan, and the Broken Sword, an Once Upon a Time Fic
5 / 10 chapters (50%) complete
Restoration, a Defendevil (Daredevil/Defenders) Fic
1 / 3 chapters (~33%) complete
The Second Death, a Superdead (Supernatural/Walking Dead) Crossover
5 / 30 chapters (17%) complete
Recently Completed, By Title
Bad Rain, a Supernatural fic
5 / 5 chapters (100%) complete
Different Worlds, a Supergirl fic
2 / 2 chapters (100%) complete
0 notes