#such good questionsssss <3 thank u
ambivartence · 1 year
hello siyuan~ 5, 12, 16 & 29 for the ask game!
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself i think i post about 70% of my digital drawings and keep almost all of my traditional sketchbook stuff to myself (tho i sometimes post pics under my #✏️ tag)
12. Easiest part of body to draw i weirdly enjoy drawing teeth LOL sometimes they can make my drawing look a little uncanny if i make them too realistic hahaha (x) (x) (x)
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16. Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing drawing hands!!! it's such a painful process but i usually like the outcome a lot only bc i spend so much time making sure they come out ok. i think i used to enjoy drawing hands more a year ago, but now it's just time-consuming asdjflashj
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29. Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically oh this is such an interesting question... maybe colored pencils? i love how convenient they are to travel with compared to paints but artistically i'm not very inspired by them because i dont really like how they blend/don't blend lol
> send me a weirdly specific artist ask game number <
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amethystfairy1 · 5 months
hi I'm back, back again. I did more art, this time of witch Martyn, bc I LOVE him :)))
also I have more questions for u
so u know how u said in ttsbc that it's respectful to learn the courting rituals of the individual you're trying to woo? Well, I was just wondering if that happened with doc and Etho, and I did some research, and...
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I might draw this lol. I'm picturing Doc just SCREAMING and Etho w/ a thought bubble that just says "hot" LOL.
Anyways the question was over whether doc ever did that for etho or vice versa, but considering the rituals, I'd think not...
2. For traveling thieves, do the collars respond to intentions? In the latest treebark fic, the guy says "do not harm him" whilst referring to Martyn, which made me wonder how vague it could get. Could you say "don't go too far away" in leu of any other movement restrictions (ex. Grian's old "don't fly higher than twice the height of the market), and the collar would just understand? Or, even vaguer, "don't do anything I don't want you to do" to prevent any loopholes people like Pearl would find?
3. Are witches that rare/powerful? Ren comments that Martyn could have the world eating out of the palm of his hand, just because he's a witch, which makes me wonder how important they really are. For example, would he or Gem have more authority? Also what powers do they have besides the training in healing that Martyn got? Any fighting ability, or stuff like that?
ok that's all, have a good day :)
I SAW! I SAW WITCH MARTYN! He's SO PRETTY! I absolutely ADORE HIM! Thank you so much for drawing and sharing him! I reblogged him as well, I absolutely love him! Super super cool!
Doc just screeching at Etho and Etho doing the like anime girl blush is absolutely hilarious to me. Y'know what. Headcanon away. I love this idea. 😆
Questionsssss 🏃‍♀️
2. Ok, lemme see if I can explain this properly. The collars respond to an 'understanding' of the order. They'll enforce whatever the hybrid hearing it understands the order to be. So in this situation, Ren understands the arena master is referring to Martyn when he says 'do not harm him' so therefore the collar accepts that as the order, and Ren can't make any aggressive moves toward Martyn without triggering it. For your other example, if someone said to Pearl 'don't do anything I don't want you to do' there's a million loopholes in that, because Pearl doesn't know for sure what her master does or doesn't want her to do. I mean, obviously they wouldn't want her attacking them, but like...what if she attacked some other guy? What if she flew really high in the sky? What if she stole some food? She doesn't know for certain that those things aren't things her master would want her doing, so the collar wouldn't trigger. Another example would be if someone said the same thing, 'Do not harm him' but the hybrid truly didn't understand who was being referred too. Then the collar wouldn't trigger. They didn't understand. Of course, in these scenarios, most hybrids as we know them would ask for clarification to ensure they didn't disobey, but even still, that's how it would work. Hopefully this makes sense!
3. Witches are quite rare and powerful, yes! Not to the extent that they're insanely rare and completely unheard of, but like, if you saw one walking down the street, it would be quite the event. Most major cities have a coven of witches established in them, but that's only a few dozen individuals within a population of tens of thousands, so that's still quite rare. Martyn is headed out into the sticks, so the more remote areas he heads too probably only have one witch per town, and so that witch would command a great deal of respect and their word would carry a lot of sway. Martyn being someone on the same playing field as those sorts of people automatically makes him very important. Comparing him to Gem isn't exactly possible. Gem holds a ton of authority in the underbelly of cities and with the mercenary guild, but with your average person...well, they wouldn't even recognize her. Like in the story where she and Pearl are going after that dude, he doesn't recognize her as the Slayer, she has to tell him that's who she is. Martyn is obviously a witch, from how he dresses to his charms and pendant, you can tell at a glance, so that's a much more sweeping sort of authority. He'll come into any conversation already being heavily respected and any average person would take him at his word. As far as powers go, the thing about witches is that they have an incredibly high level of inborn mana, to the point that they can actually die from mana overdose as kids if they don't find someone to help them with training, and we hear about how this almost happened to Martyn, but lucky his teacher took him in. Witches are special because they have unique inborn skills, such as the pocket dimension spell 'Inventory' (yes I know I'm very clever 😭) and also several different appraisal skills. But that's not all! They also aren't restricted to one form of magic. Martyn studied healing magic, but he can still cast fireballs, ice spells, weather magic...pretty much nothing is off the table for him so long as he's at least passable familiar with it. He might not be as good as an expert, but he can pull it off. The only sorts of things he couldn't do would be nature magic, which is specific to elves. But basically any magic a human is capable of, Martyn is capable of. And he also trained and studied for the purpose of being able to mimic and manipulate spells and mana usage that he sees off the cuff, unlike mages who would need to train up to using spells in their domain. And Martyn isn't trained as a fighter! He can't throw a punch, but he can throw a fireball! That's why he needs Ren, because like all good witches, he needs space, focus, and casting time to get spells off. Suddenly being assaulted by bandits on the road by himself wouldn't end well for him, so he needs someone like Ren who is capable of physical combat to keep him safe and give him that time to get his magic going!
Jeez that was long-winded...whoopsie! Well, I hope you enjoyed my rambling! Thank you again SO SO SO much for the witch Martyn art! I will cherish him! 💖
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calumthoodshands · 2 years
ok hiii i have a bunch of ques to ask <3 pls tell me 15, 24, 34, 38, 58, 69 if you want to 🧡
Hi adi!!!!!!
15: have any pets?
Unfortunately not!! I wish i could have a cat but I’m allergic and i can’t have a pet in this flat anyway and also idk. If i would work with a cat. Also dogs exist
24: what is/are/were your best subjects?
Art and english and german! I sucked at anything science lol. I can draw fairly good i’d say and i was really good at writing in school. Like, essays… i loved writing essays i loved telling people my opinion and them being forced to read it. Lol
34: who/what was your last dream about?
Oop i think it was smth with my friends unfortunately i can’t really remember…. I also don’t dream that often i can rarely remember them anyway ;/
38: is this year the best year of my life?
Honestly?? I hope so?? It started shitty but rn it’s! Fine! And i hope it’ll be good i’m very much looking forward to it! Fingers crossed
58: favourite weather?
Mhmmmm either heavy rain with some thunder (when i’m inside) or sunny and warm but like a nice 24°C. Maybe a light breeze for refreshment
69: do you believe in soulmates?
Answered here so i’ll answer 59 for you instead which is whether i like snow. Fucking bet i do. I love snow. If snow has a million haters i will be the lover
Thank u sm!! <333
Send me questionsssss (french accent)
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