siriuslygay1981 · 2 months
Barty shifted to the side, his heart beating rapidly. He felt shaky and like he might throw up. Clearing his throat he let his eyes jump to where Evan sat next to him casually.
He looked fucking beautiful,like always. His blonde hair was ruffled by the wind, his face slightly flushed. Barty watched with no little amount of affection as Evan closed his eyes and smiled.
"I love you." The words were out of his mouth before the words even formed in his mind.
The leafs around them rustled, the wind pushing against them. Bartys mouth open and closed, his stomach forming a black pit.
"uh.." Evan said awkwardly
"oh-" it felt like the word was punched out of him. Breathless and full of pain.
"yea...no YEA i-i was just- mm I'm going to..."
His limbs felt weird, his whole body felt out of place, his cheeks were warm with embarrassment. He cursed himself out mentally as he scrambled up and ran to the castle with a crumpling face and a breaking heart.
He didn't hear the faint call of his name too busy berating himself, he wiped at his face angrily and forced himself to keep going.
Way to go, ruin another friendship you idiot
Evan sat at the lake dumbfounded.
What the fuck.
He stared at the spot where Barty bolted from, his eyebrows pinched together. His heart thudding against his chest wildly, he pushed his hair out of his face as he tried to process everything that just happened.
What the fuck.
Part two
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leaflessart · 2 years
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Bella Goth you will always be famous
Commissions open
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chespinss · 2 months
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Do not allow me to draw without thinking
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bitterclan · 9 months
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skyward-floored · 2 months
C-can I make a request…? (Please feel free to ignore if you’d rather not!)
HDW parent-child comfort? Maybe Volga gets a chance to comfort Link, or Impa can comfort him? Idk girl I’m just starving for comfort and warm fuzzy vibes and cuddles lol
Yes you may! (though I will say requests are closed so nobody send me more thanks <3)
It took me a while to contrive a situation where Impa would feel comfortable snuggling but I think I made it work! You’ll have to forgive me for the angst there ended up being, but there is comfort and cuddles I promise 😂
It’s not a dangerous wound.
Head wounds always bleed a lot, and almost always look worse than they are, so there’s no need for her to panic.
Yet despite how many times Impa tells herself these words, she can’t seem to banish the dread in her gut at the memory of seeing Link get slammed to the ground by an aeralfos’s shield, and not get up even after it had been killed by another soldier.
She shouts his name as he goes down, but the battle is a mess, and Impa is stuck in a fight of her own and can’t immediately get to Link. She manages a glimpse of him through the hordes, blood all over his face, and her heart stops as she fights even more viciously.
By the time she finally forces her way past the monsters in her path, Link is already being carried out of battle by a handful of medics. Impa wants to stop right there and follow them and demand to know if he’s okay, but they’re at a crucial point in the battle, and leaving now would be disastrous.
They wouldn’t be carrying him off if he wasn’t alive, he’s alive, calm down, she berates herself, but for some reason her hands won’t stop shaking.
The moment Cia’s monsters retreat and the men raise up a cheer, Impa makes a beeline for the medical tent, ignoring the questions lobbed at her by various army personnel. Link has certainly been injured before, but there’d been so much blood on him...
The medics are expecting someone to come looking for Link apparently, and the moment she steps inside the medical tent, she’s whisked off to a more private corner, curtains blocking the area from both the sounds and sights of anyone walking by.
And immediately sees Link lying silently on a bed, nearly as pale as the bandage around his head.
Impa exhales as she goes to his side, and watches his chest go up and down for a moment. The blood has been cleaned from his face at least, but he’s unnaturally still, and pale.
But he’s breathing.
“How is he?” Impa asks, and the medic beside Link hums.
“He has a concussion along with the laceration the shield left, but we’ve stopped the bleeding. He woke up enough to handle a potion about fifteen minutes ago,” she reports. “He’ll likely be disoriented for a while while the potion works through him. He may need another at a later point, but overall, he should be fine with some rest,” the medic smiles. Impa nods, still trying to ease the fear constricting her.
See, he’s fine, they said he’ll be fine, he just needs rest. He’s fine.
Link’s chest goes slowly up and down again, and Impa swallows.
“I’ve got some other patients to check up on, I’ll leave you to visit,” the medic says, seeming to sense her presence isn’t wanted, and she slips out from the curtain, leaving Impa alone with her son.
It’s rather quiet with her gone.
Impa exhales again, and looks at Link, pale and quiet, seeming unusually small under the thin blanket that he’s tucked under. There’s still blood matted in his hair, and Impa hesitates, then reaches forward, gently teasing some of it out.
It falls almost dust-like onto his pillow, and she brushes it off, intent on not thinking about how close Link came to dying and how she couldn’t do a thing to help him.
She can still see hear his cry as he’d fallen to the ground.
“Link?” Impa asks immediately, leaning over him as his face twitches.
It takes him a minute, but he blearily opens his eyes, pupils unevenly sized as he blinks up at her. The sight of his blues, even dazed as they are, eases the fear in her chest somewhat, and she swallows as he stares.
“‘mpa?” he slurs, and she nods, unable to stop her exhale. He’s fine, see, he’s awake, relax. “Wh’...?”
“You were injured, Link. You got hit rather hard in the head with a large metal shield,” Impa explains slowly. Link scrunches up his face like he’s trying to remember such an event happening. “You’re currently in the medics tent.”
Link slowly blinks at her, not a whit of comprehension in his gaze.
“Yes, a shield hit you. Hard.”
The memory of blood flashes in Impa’s vision again, and she very pointedly ignores it as Link’s eyes scrunch in confusion.
“Where’s... m’ shield?” he mumbles.
“It’s with your other gear, Link. It’s safe.”
"Oh..." he trails off, and slowly blinks. "...Wh' happen?"
Impa sighs. The medic had said he’d be disoriented. "You were injured, Link. You're resting in the medical tent."
He hums in reply, and slowly rolls his head to the side so he can look at her more easily, eyes trailing hazily across her face. The unsure, almost guarded look that’s been on his face whenever he’s looked at her lately is completely absent, nothing but open trust and bleary confusion.
It’s... almost more painful, in a way.
Impa swallows, and sits on the stool that’s been left beside his bed, Link’s eyes flickering at the noise. He stares at her again, and blinks, a little frown pulling at his cheeks.
“Don’t cry,” he murmurs.
“...Link, I’m not crying,” Impa replies slowly, and Link stretches a hand in the vague direction of her face, obviously rather uncoordinated.
“Eyes’r red,” he says worriedly, and somehow manages to land a hand on her cheek. “Looks like... if you’re cryin’.”
Impa can’t help letting out a soft chuckle as he clumsily tries to wipe away an imaginary tear, and she gently pulls Link’s hand off her cheek, setting it back at his side. “I haven’t been crying, Link. My eyes are naturally this color.”
Link squints at her, face disbelieving, then he frowns.
“I want red eyes,” he says in a sad voice, and Impa brushes his hair away from where it had fallen in his eyes.
“Blue eyes are just as nice as red,” she says patiently, gently picking some more of the blood from his hair. She's talked to her share of concussed people, but concussed Link is... especially curious to speak with. “I’ve always liked blue, actually.”
“Oh... okay. I guess blue... 'r nice."
Link leans into her touch, and Impa holds her hand there longer than she would have otherwise, his eyes slipping closed again. He doesn’t speak for a minute, and Impa almost thinks he’s fallen asleep when he softly grunts.
“I don’t feel good,” he mumbles. “C'n you fix it?”
The way his voice wavers makes something squeeze in her chest. “I’m afraid not. The red potion should help fix you up soon Link, but it’s going to take a little while. You’ll just have to be patient.”
“Head hurts... ‘n stomach.”
“You have a concussion, that’s not surprising,” Impa sighs. “But the red potion should help with that. They’ll both fade, you’ll be all right.”
“Left,” he mumbles, and Impa raises a confused eyebrow. “‘M left-handed. Not right.”
Impa breathes a soft chuckle. “That you are. My apologies.”
Link goes quiet again, and Impa watches him, his face slightly pinched in discomfort. She’s unable to stop herself from studying his face as the silence stretches between them, idly picking out the features he shares with her and his father.
He’s got Volga’s hair, though it’s paler then his, a hint of his Sheikah blood coming through. His nose is hers, as is the overall shape of his face, but his eyes are solely how Volga’s used to be, blue and bright.
Looking at him, you'd never guess he had such unusual blood.
Link must feel her gaze on him, as he opens his eyes and looks at her again. His eyes are eyes half lidded, but focused on her face, and a frown appears on his lips as pain suddenly ripples across his expression. His forehead crinkles, discomfort suddenly more obvious as he shifts in his bed, and Impa leans forward, looking at him with worry.
He squeezes his eyes shut, then opens them again, looking at her with a truly miserable expression.
“...Hurts,” he whispers.
And maybe it’s the time of voice he uses, maybe it’s the mixture of tears and dizziness in his eyes, or the fact that he just looks so young and small and hurt lying there, but Impa abruptly gives in to the side of herself begging to do something other then just sit here.
He likely won't remember any of this tomorrow anyway.
She stands up from her stool as Link lets out a soft groan, and sits herself on the bed, gently sliding him over so she can sit beside him. Her plan was to merely provide comfort by sitting there, but Link almost immediately latches onto her, curling himself halfway on her lap.
Impa can’t really breathe for a few seconds as her son nestles up to her, face still pained, but more relaxed then before. She watches him as he tries to get settled, but he seems to be having trouble finding a comfortable position for his head.
So Impa throws her remaining caution to the wind, and does something she hasn’t done since Link was a baby.
She slowly, carefully, slides him up, shifting him around so his head is resting on her shoulder. Then she begins to gently pet his hair, her fingers trembling a little.
Link goes still, then relaxes, the pain easing on his face.
“There you go...” she says quietly, still slowly running a hand through his hair. She’s careful to avoid the bandages, making sure her fingers only card through hair, and Link about melts under her touch.
A soft sigh escapes him, and Impa swallows, the fact that this is the first time she’s held Link since he was tiny not lost on her.
She quickly blinks back the sting in her eyes.
A sound almost like purring suddenly vibrates from Link’s throat, soft and faint, just loud enough that Impa can hear it. She blinks at him in surprise, but Link doesn’t notice, well on his way to falling asleep.
Impa keeps petting his hair as he dozes against her, the little rumbly noises still coming from his throat. He nuzzles up to her a little more, and Impa pulls his blanket up around his shoulders, holding him just a bit tighter as he finally drifts off.
It's unlikely he'll have any memory of this occurring, Impa quietly soothing him as he falls asleep in her arms.
But that's okay.
Holding him again after so long, gently teasing the last bits of blood from his hair, his head resting under her chin as he softly rumbles... it's enough.
She closes her eyes, and Link sighs again, fully asleep.
It's enough.
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hatkuu · 6 months
character interaction w kylar:
“How do you feel about a threesome?”
The air between the two of you turns deathly cold.
"Am I not good enough for you?"
Kylar asks—all venom, lacking their usual sweetness—the question laden with hidden meanings depending on how you answer.
"Is that it? Why would you want someone else between us, my love?"
It doesn't matter how you respond; asking this question, even gracing the idea of sharing your body with someone other than themselves is not taken well. You think you feel your heart leap out of your chest as Kylar sits upward, staring down at you with a gaze that feels downright hate-filled. They move to grab something from their hoodie pocket, still staring all the while, but something stops them.
They breathe an obnoxiously audible sigh of relief, slapping a hand on their forehead as they giggle at their own stupidity.
"How do I feel about a threesome?"
Kylar leans uncomfortably close, petting your hair affectionately and completely blind-siding their previous venomous feelings. The sickly sweetness of their tone would normally make your heart flutter, but given the circumstances, you can only feel the hairs on the back of your neck raise in a primal, precognitional fear.
"I'd never want that, my love! Only you can satisfy me! I don't need anyone else and I'd never want to touch anyone else but you, so you don't have to worry, okay?"
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smokestarrules · 1 month
It is imperative to me that Sammy know Yaz jumped* over a whole river for her. I know Yaz would probably Never give away all the details of The Long Run because despite the easy bragging material the entire night is also a Vulnerable Moment but I need Sammy to KNOW
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purplefudge · 2 months
went for a walk with my mom today, met a neighbor of my grandma's, mom says hello, to which the lady is like "oh, i didn't recognize you, and i don't think i know this young gentleman" and if it wasn't the highlight of my day, truly
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carrotkicks · 2 years
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just some art of the crew at action. It's Lloyd's plug because he's the focus of this post, and also he's the Shinji fill in so effectively the main character of the au
doodles that vaguely resemble scenes from Eva. The alt concept of Brown-Haired Child Variant! Lloyd is really funny to me.
this one goes out to the Anon who wanted to see what the Wuyutsuki design looked like. it's still a bit of a work in progress lol
LORE! I'm a big fan of writers using letters and official documents and stuff as a way to tell stories. It's just a backstory for Lloyd, but I tried to write it in the most dry, shady, and bureaucratic way possible. Basically Lloyd's a very angst ridden child in this au, and the Darnagom Institute Report (sub in for the Marduk from Eva. in Ninjago, it's the fake company Garm made in s2) sums up his life before the story starts. Of course there's some stuff redacted bc shady government organization. Oh and the notes and stains were made by Cole.
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nightsdreamgates · 14 days
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Legofied NiGHTS and Reala (plus Nightopian)
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
20. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
for Jamie and May because I think Jamie deserves to be taller than May for once sdfghkfds
20. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
Upon The Stair
'...Is this an intrusion?” He moves forward, closer into their space, a gloved hand coming up to cup their cheek and tilt their gaze further up towards him. “And here I was, under the impression that my presence was invited. How kind of you, to remind me of my manners.” A moment between The Manager and The Author, for one must make up for any rude transgressions upon ones space.
Word count: 866
Rating: Teen Tags: Kissing, Height Differences, Mostly Just Fluffy Cute Stuff For Once
Also on ao3
Prompt list from here.
“You know,” Jamie says leaning against the archway in the hall with the quirk of a brow,“it is quite rude to intrude upon someone's home, no matter how many times you take it upon yourself to see yourself in.”
It was late too, Mary-Anne having already retired for the night, or no doubt she would have thrown a fit to see him in the home with no prior calling once more. For the best really, Jamie sheepishly knows they put the woman through enough stress already. 
Jamie had been settled in the sitting room for a late night cup of tea, reading into the latest novel they'd gotten their hands on, when they heard the oh so familiar tap of a silver capped cane, vision fuzzy on the edge of their peripheral. The clearest sign of any for an unexpected visitor, though not, of course, an unwanted one. 
Getting up to investigate, they found him standing in the entry hall, seemingly fascinated by the new painting Jamie had gotten hung upon the wall - an impressionist piece they'd purchased from an up and coming artist, always finding themself inclined to support the arts that were pushed back against. 
The Manager turns to look at them as soon as they make their statement, his ever present smile seeming slightly more genuine when his gaze meets theirs. 
“Is that so? Is this an intrusion?” He moves forward, closer into their space, a gloved hand coming up to cup their cheek and tilt their gaze further up towards him. “And here I was, under the impression that my presence was invited. How kind of you, to remind me of my manners.”
Jamie's not entirely sure why he's here tonight, as they glance up to meet his gaze. They're not in any particular state this evening, no more out of it then their baseline is these days. They shan't presume he's come just because he wanted to see them but- well, certainly he must get lonely too. A single performer can be grand, but it's only with a company that a show can truly be performed.
Jamie steps back slightly, moving out of his hold, before turning to dive under his arm in a quick movement. They move backwards toward the stairwell, turning to face him as they speak, the inkling of an idea forming in their mind.  
“Yes, it is!” Jamie can't keep down the amused smile at their play. “In fact, I think I'm rather quite insulted. It's very presumptuous of you - and a disgrace upon my honour!” They take a couple steps up onto the stairwell, before leaning on the banister to stare down at him.
Even now, it doesn't make them that far above him. They smirk down at him regardless, basking in the brief moment of being taller (or at least, being higher up). 
The Manager simply looks amused at their antics, seemingly in the mood to play along with their games. It was always fun for Jamie when he was - though, they never really did begrudge when he had other plans in mind.
“I see I have made a great error in my judgment. “ His words are laden with humour. Both of them know that Jamie cares very little about his habit of showing up unexpectedly. (Both of them know there's very little they could do about it anyways.). “Perhaps, then, there is something I must do? To account for my transgression?”
 Jamie's eyes flick down to his lips, smirk spreading out on their own face. “Oh, I don't know. Perhaps there is something, if it is to be on offer.” They lean forward towards him, leaving it to him to close the rest of the gap. 
A hand reaches up to lightly hold at the hair on the back of their head, before The Manager leans up, his lips at last meeting theirs. The scrape of his beard against their chin is familiar to them by now, but Jamie's pulse flutters all the same at the contact, eyes closing as they lean into the kiss. 
Jamie moves their hands to hold the base of the back of his head, trying to pull him closer as possible, aiming to avoid knocking his hat off just yet. They are oftly unused to this angle - it is rare that they're on the taller end of kisses, and most certainly not with him. Most events require some form of bending on his part - or other, different ways to put them on a more equal level. At least he's able to pick them up, not everyone has such capabilities.  
They're still smiling as they pull back from the kiss, breath quickened just a bit as they open their eyes to look down at him. 
The Manager smirks up at them, evidently feeling as if he'd won the interaction, but even he was still leaning forward himself, closer into their space. 
“And has that laid everything on account for? Or must I continue to abate my actions?”
“Hm, let me think on it.” Jamie says, a mischievous twinkle rising to their eyes.“What else might you have on offer?” 
They'd like to know their options first, before they decide.  
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lindariellanthir · 5 months
Okay okay hold on guys something awesome happened today----
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(I only started trying some crocheting like a few days ago and I'm currently just messing around and I'm not that good at it yet and usually have no clue what I'm even doing, but then I found this tutorial for flowers and now I have 3 little flowers 🤧🤧🌸 and they look what they're supposed to look like and they're super cute Idk I FEEL LIKE THIS JUST IMPROVED MY OVERALL LIFE QUALITY BY 200 PERCENT, LIKE I'M SO HAPPY WITH MYSELF)
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eirianerisdar · 3 months
Did Daniel just open nitrous or something he just gained SEVEN TENTHS on Alex in half a lap
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sunnydayaoe · 11 months
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[Dream!sans belongs to jukublog]
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malwarechips · 6 months
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working on suns scug now :) featuring slugpup spears! they grew into their tail, i promise.
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grimbeak · 2 years
ok but you don't understand. 5 adults thought it would be funny to make a d&d podcast with a weird plot and the weirdest sub-plots ever and its one of the most heart-wrenching medias ive ever experienced
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