aayushyatildhade · 1 year
BRAIN programming languages.. subconscious-mind
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jackrabblt · 5 months
A ramble about inspiration, since it seems needed.
Inspiration is just one of the beautiful things an artist can hope to find others have with their art, it is absolutely pure in itself to see it occur, to ask for it to occur, for the joy in your artwork to be spread (without you even knowing sometimes) into one another.
All of our ideas and artworks are inspired by one another to neuter others of the ability of their inspiration; You neuter them of the fundamentals of art itself.
None of your ideas are entirely orginal, they never will be. You subcontinuously are thinking other things, other sources, as your pen hits the paper to make your idea flourish into reality. Instead of being upset about your inorginality, embrace it and the many many artists before and ahead of you will create/have created.
In fact, there could be a thousand different designs made with the one color palette you claimed for yourself, and many more will likely be made, whether or not you realize. That is not "copying" or disrespect as to you as an artist. It is simply how artwork will flow with times into making others make brilliant pieces just as you have. To not marvel at how beautiful how a few same colors, almost like tools, can be reused over and over again to create beauty is wonderful. Think of all of the beautiful designs made with various pride flags, and how they all are not approaching on each other despite using the same exact palette.... it makes me go onto ask....
As long as the artwork and what it makes, even if it's similar to yours, whether that be theme or artwork, creates something entirely new with an idea you've used before, why are you upset? Why try to limit artistic expression? Are you inscure about your own abilities? Analyze why you feel like this, why you have attached paranoia to others' artwork, and other artwork that created their own spin and unique-ness. To me, you should be proud.
You can not embrace the amtuear artist and their artwork without understanding that what they create is, in whole, inspired. In fact, a pure sense of inspiration in that. If you reject inspiration, you reject your own art and your own sources of inspiration.
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luminousalicorn · 3 years
dunno how much control you have over the glowfic site, or how hard this would be, but collapsible subcontinuities would be nice for the scholomance megacontinuity because the list of inductions is so long
I will let the devs know, but I don't have any idea how difficult a feature that would be so I have no guess when it might be implemented.
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Writing prompt of the hour: subcontinuous
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luminousalicorn · 4 years
New subcontinuity in Silmaril? NEw subcontinuity in Silmaril!
Yeah, I was like “it’s about time these were formally subcontinuized... does it break anything to put it in Silmaril?  No?  okay then”
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