#studio i apartament
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dark69wolf · 3 months
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lighthouseeee · 5 months
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Taka Soi Apartament
I fell in love with a new city, and I'm giving myself to it for the near future. There are 4 apartments on the lot (two studio apartments (1 for a student, the other for a couple) and family apartments for 2 rooms). This lot has a laundry room (popular in Asia).
No CC Lot size: 20х15 Lot type: Apartments Located in: Tomarang
Download ZIP file: Dropbox
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The Lans are about being minimalist and frugal and as much as I like to put them in penthouses
Yall know good and damn well they'd live in studio apartaments with a mattress on the floor and a tv maybe
WWX (aesthetic: clutter bitch) comes over and LWJ has one couch that's also a pullout bed and one of those old ass TVs that doesn't even have proper cable because "luxury corrupts the mind" or some shit
"Lan Zhan have you ever been to Ikea?"
"We are going right now, baby, let's get you a real home!"
They fall in love there bc furniture stores are romantic and domestic and so easy to imagine a future in
(LWJ gets lost because of course he does. WWX finds him pouting at checkout because 'why did you abandon me Wei Ying? I love you')
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santmarc · 3 months
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Amb motiu de la resolució de la beca de la beca anual d'intercanvi d'Espai sant Marc espai de creació i residències artístiques de Sineu i Lichtenberg Studios espai de residències de Berlín, ens reunim amb el director de l'Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics Llorenç Perelló en Ca n'Oleo per a presentar a la guanyadora d'enguany l'artista visual Marijo Ribàs. L'Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics dona suport a Espai Sant Marc com a Centre de Creació. El mes de juny aquesta artista viatjarà a Berlín per a desenvolupar un projecte específic. Per la seva part Lichtenberg Studios envia el mes vinent de març a l'artista noruega establerta a Berlín Berit Myreboee, que treballarà en el taller de gràfica d'Espai Sant Marc. Aquest intercanvi té com a fi donar suport a la creació i desenvolupar experiències de col·laboració entre els dos espais. Espai Sant Marc des de l'any passat realitza aquest intercanvi amb Lichtenberg Studios, que ofereix un apartament perfectament equipat en l'històric barri perquè artistes visuals desenvolupin i donin a conèixer el seu treball. Aquesta residència depèn de la municipalitat de l'àrea de Lichtenberg, la més a l'est de la capital alemanya, que des de 2011 implementa un reconegut programa de residències que posa en relació l'art amb la realitat d'aquesta barriada, oferint allotjament, mitjans per a explorar la zona, una publicació periòdica i un open studio. Con motivo de la resolución de la beca de la beca anual de intercambio de Espai sant Marc espacio de creación y residencias artísticas de Sineu y Lichtenberg Studios espacio de residencias de Berlín, nos reunimos con el director del Institut d'Estudis Balearics Llorenç Perelló en Ca n'Oleo para presentar a la ganadora de este año la artista visual Marijo Ribas. El Institut d'Estudis Balearics da apoyo a Espai Sant Marc como Centro de Creación.
més informació/más información:
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igordobrowolski · 2 years
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"160-meter apartment in Złota 44, a skyscraper considered to be the most prestigious address in the capital, was designed by architects from the @mow.design studio. The apartment is located on the 46th floor of the building, thanks to which its windows offer a panoramic view of the capital, and the interior arrangement itself fits into its landscape " - @whitemadmagazine “Against the background of the entire coherent assumption, 2 objects stand out. First of all, the large-format golden bas-relief, dripping with luxury, by Igor Dobrowolski, is full of angular elements or sharp shapes complemented by mountain crystals. This perverse way of attracting the viewer's attention evokes obvious associations with wealth, splendor and luxury, while the object is, however, a carrier of opposite content - the inscriptions carved on it and the drawings connected with them tell the stories of the unregulated situation of manual workers who risk their health and life every day. " - @whitemadmagazine Interior design: @mow.design Photos: @rudnickamartyna @wallspace.gallery PL. "160-metrowy apartament w Złotej 44, wieżowcu, który uznawany jest za najbardziej prestiżowy adres w stolicy, zaprojektowali architekci z pracowni MOW DESIGN. Apartament usytuowany jest na 46. piętrze budynku, dzięki czemu z jego okien rozciąga się widok na panoramę stolicy, a sama aranżacja wnętrz wpisuje się w jej krajobraz" - @whitemadmagazine „Na tle całego spójnego założenia, wybijają się 2 obiekty. Przede wszystkim „kapiąca luksusem” wielkoformatowa złota płaskorzeźba autorstwa Igora Dobrowolskiego, która jest pełna kanciastych elementów czy ostrych kształtów uzupełnionych kryształami górskimi. Ten przewrotny sposób przyciągnięcia uwagi odbiorcy nasuwa oczywiste skojarzenia z bogactwem, przepychem i luksusem, natomiast obiekt jest jednak nośnikiem przeciwstawnej treści – wyryte na nim bowiem napisy i łączące się z nimi rysunki opowiadają historie nieuregulowanej sytuacji pracowników fizycznych narażających codziennie swoje zdrowie i życie.” -@whitemadmagazine Interior design: @mow.design Photos: @rudnickamartyna Współpraca z galeria: @wallspace.gallery #igordobrowolski (w: Złota 44) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfrx_2OMaTc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Could you please do a check up on seonghwa too? He seemed kinda down lately and other readers have mentioned him leaving behind a situation / love that didn’t feel good. So just wanted to know generally how he is feeling❤️
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— seonghwa (ateez) general reading
disclaimer: i have almost no knoweledge of him and ateez. my readings might be inaccurate bc of misinterpretation and changing energies.
100423, 1:10 eest
ten of pentacles, the star, king of pentacles, the hanged man rx, the fool • king of wands
i can see there was an offer that was offered to him recently, in which he accepted it. i can feel seonghwa's really optimistic for this new beginning. he acted impulsive with his answer however it will be really beneficial to him.
i can see he either bought sth (house/apartament) as well as writing a song? he could do lives in his new home? it could be separate studio for him too.
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modamugenipl · 3 months
W jakich sandałkach na szpilce kobieta będzie wyglądać stylowo?
Gdy jesienne liście szeleściły pod jej butami na wysokim obcasie, Flavia Verdi wyruszyła na kolejny dzień oglądania mieszkań w tętniącym życiem Rzymie. Małe mistyczne miasteczko Voghera, w którym się urodziła i wychowała, wydawało się odległym wspomnieniem w porównaniu z tętniącymi życiem ulicami, które teraz nazywała domem.
Flavia była dumną właścicielką biura nieruchomości, specjalizującego się w pomaganiu klientom w znalezieniu idealnego mieszkania w sercu starożytnego miasta. Miała talent do rozumienia potrzeb swoich klientów i prowadzenia ich w kierunku wymarzonych domów. Od luksusowych penthouse'ów po przytulne apartamenty typu studio, Flavia znała miasto jak własną kieszeń.
Dziś był 16 października, rześki i słoneczny dzień, który zachęcał Flavię do zaprezentowania najlepszych nieruchomości, jakie Rzym miał do zaoferowania. Ubrana w swój nowy damski beżowy płaszcz o klasycznym kroju, emanowała elegancją i pewnością siebie. Temperatura była w sam raz, pozwalając jej czuć się komfortowo, gdy przechadzała się ulicami, z niecierpliwością płynącą w jej żyłach.
Poranna bryza niosła zapach palonej kawy i świeżo upieczonych ciastek, kusząc Flavię, gdy zbliżała się do swojego pierwszego spotkania. Urokliwe brukowane alejki szeptały opowieści o historii i romansach, służąc jako tło dla wyjątkowego zawodu Flavii.
Jej pierwszy klient, pan Rossi, przyleciał z Mediolanu. Szukał tymczasowego mieszkania w Rzymie, podczas gdy jego firma przenosiła go na kilka miesięcy. Flavia znała odpowiednie miejsce - stylowy i nowoczesny apartament z balkonem z widokiem na Tyber. Miała przeczucie, że pan Rossi się w nim zakocha.
Apartament znajdował się w samym sercu Trastevere, dzielnicy bliskiej sercu Flavii. Wąskie uliczki i kolorowe budynki tworzyły obraz spokoju pośród chaosu Rzymu. Spacerując po mieszkaniu z panem Rossim, Flavia szczegółowo opisała jego unikalne cechy, prezentując najlepsze aspekty nieruchomości. Widziała podekscytowanie w oczach pana Rossiego, gdy wyobrażał sobie swoje życie w tym tymczasowym mieszkaniu.
W miarę upływu dnia, Flavia kontynuowała swoje spotkania, bez wysiłku prowadząc swoich klientów w kierunku ich idealnych domów. Z każdym prezentowanym mieszkaniem jej pasja do pracy tylko rosła. Satysfakcja z pomagania ludziom w znalezieniu idealnego miejsca na dom była niezmierzona.
Gdy słońce zanurzyło się pod horyzontem, rzucając złotą poświatę na starożytne miasto, Flavia czekała na ostatnie spotkanie tego dnia. Państwo Bianchi, emerytowana para z Florencji, szukali stałego miejsca zamieszkania w Rzymie. Szukali miejsca, w którym mogliby się osiedlić, miejsca, które mogliby nazwać swoim własnym pośród wiru ich pełnego podróży życia.
Flavia wiedziała, że najlepsze zachowała na koniec. Apartament, który miała na myśli dla Bianchis, był po prostu niezwykły. Położony w samym sercu historycznego centrum miasta, z tarasu roztaczał się zapierający dech w piersiach widok na Koloseum. Gdy tylko Flavia otworzyła drzwi do apartamentu, wiedziała, że trafiła w dziesiątkę. Bianchi stali bez słowa, z szeroko otwartymi ze zdumienia oczami.
Podczas zwiedzania Flavia raczyła ich opowieściami o bogatej historii apartamentu. Każdy kąt zdawał się szeptać tajemnice przeszłości, malując żywy obraz życia w starożytnym Rzymie. Para była urzeczona, nie mogąc oderwać oczu od hipnotyzującego widoku za oknami.
Gdy Flavia pożegnała się z Bianchisami, obiecując, że przekaże im umowę, nie mogła oprzeć się poczuciu spełnienia. Dzisiejszy dzień był udany, pełen obiecujących perspektyw i zadowolonych klientów. Wróciła do swojego biura sprężystym krokiem, a w jej głowie kłębiło się od możliwości, które przed nią stały.
Flavia nie wiedziała, że jej talent do znajdowania idealnych domów dla swoich klientów zaprowadzi ją w nieoczekiwaną podróż. Apartamenty, które prezentowała, skrywały własne sekrety, które splotą się z życiem Flavii w sposób, jakiego nigdy by sobie nie wyobrażała.
I tak, gdy słońce zachodziło nad wiecznym miastem, historia Flavii Verdi dopiero się zaczynała, pozostawiając czytelnika zastanawiającego się, co los ma dla niej w zanadrzu.
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objecteiespai · 8 months
Del 18 de agost de 2023 al 04 de setembre de 2023
Objecte de la convocatòria
Hangar, centre de recerca i producció artística de Barcelona i Triangle-Astérides, centre d’art contemporani situat a Marsella (França), obren la convocatòria de beques per a un programa de residències artístiques creuades de recerca. L’objectiu d’aquesta convocatòria és oferir una beca a dos artistes (unx artista local de Marsella i la seva àrea metropolitana, i unx altre resident a Catalunya) majors d’edat que treballin al camp de les arts visuals (s’accepten tots els mitjans).
El programa Triangle-Astérides ofereix — un estudi de 60 m² a Triangle-Astérides (privat; no compartit); — suport curatorial, administratiu i logístic; — l’organització de visites professionals i oportunitats per establir contactes; — un Open Studio al final de la residència; — una habitació individual en un apartament de 90 m² amb quatre dormitoris, compartit amb els altres residents o convidats de Triangle-Astérides (bany, cuina i saló compartits) al centre de la ciutat de Marsella (ajuda en espècie estimada 400 euros per habitació i més). És possible presentar una sol·licitud en modalitat duo, venir amb una parella o fillx(s), tenint en compte les condicions de vida que permet l’apartament compartit.
Termes i condicions La persona seleccionada rebrà d’Hangar una beca de 4450 euros desglossada de la següent manera: — Un ajut de viatge de fins a 350 euros. — Honoraris de 500 euros al mes. — Una assignació bruta de 800 euros al mes. — Una beca de recerca/producció de 1.500 euros.
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How fucked up is the housing market in your country?
Here you could buy 10 years ago a totally normal two story house, dettached, 900 sq feet with a small garden and backyard, three bedrooms, three bathrooms, in the outskirts of the city for about USD $75,000.
Now the semi-dettached version costs over $250,000 and a tiny studio apartament, just 225 sq feet that will probably not even get enough sunlight, in the same commune costs $75,000.
The minimum monthly wage was $222 and now is just $367. The pricing of a house has increased about 3,5x but the salary has not even doubled.
I hate it here so much.
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maletfsstories · 4 years
New Slut In Town
He said a few bad things at the bar, alcohol really brings the worst in everyone of us doesn't it, he had been rambling and saying not so good things about a certain effeminate fellow.
He had even been filmed so that his remarks could be used against him, but the internet wouldn't have the opportunity to ruin his life as the universe decided to step in and take things into its own hands.
David entered his apartment, he was pretty much moving from side to side as the effects of the alcohol still fogged his perception.
As he finally found his bedroom he slowly walked towards his bed, he removed his shirt but as he tried to remove the rest of his clothing he suddenly collapsed in bed.
The alcohol finally made him pass out, as he stayed in his unconscious state things around him and about him started to change and adapt as punishment for his words.
His body in general was first, his impressive stature rapidly diminished, leaving him at five feet ten.
The muscles he had after long hours in the gym became smaller.
His biceps and arms became less impressive, but they were still prominent enough to show some small amount of gym work.
But in his trunk the changes were diferent, his bigger pecs now looked cartoonish in comparison to the rest of his body, his twelve pack was replaced by a more slender stomach that still featured a respectful six pack.
Then the changes affected his lower body, his previously okay legs were now the center of muscle as his thighs became progressively bigger.
His more femenine form and smallness was now more present as from his back the two globes he called ass increased in size leaving him with a set that would make any woman envious.
The changes then moved towards his head and face, the most radical change was his hair, it became a very well kept platinum blonde.
Then his masculine features were replaced with a more cute and young appearance, his lips also increased in size leaving him with a pair of kissable lips.
As the changes to his body finished the room and apartament he was in started to alter, instead of the conservative decorations and furniture in their place we're now more colourful and minimalist replacements.
Photos in the walls of him now had the altered him displayed, his closet now sported a new range of revealing colorful clothing instead of his suits and ties, the clothes he was previously wearing disappeared and in it's place a pink thong was now covering his smaller equipment and exposing his bubble but.
The final change was the sudden apparence of a pride flag on top of his bed.
David slept peacefully in his altered state and body not knowing what was to come when morning arrived.
The morning sun rays touched David's fair skin, he moved to the other side of the bed as the sun started to bother him.
Finally he woke up and got out of bed, he moved towards the bathroom and removed his pink thong
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As he removed it he felt like something was wrong, as if he would never wear something like that.
Rapidly he shrugged those thoughts out of his head, he turned on the shower and felt relaxed as the hot water poured down in his body.
He started to feel a weird sensation as he continued being under the stream of the shower, it was obvious that he was feeling horny but in a different way.
David's gaze moved down at his back, to be more precisely at his ass, he felt like it needed to be filled with something but the what was a complete mystery to him.
As he finished bathing he got out of the shower and started to prepare for work.
He took more time than normal as he applied a huge variety of cosmetic products for his skin and for his hair.
As David looked at himself in the mirror a pair of thoughts appeared in his head, wasn't he taller and more built in the muscle department.
David giggled femininely at those thoughts, he was never really tall, why was he thinking he was diferent?
As he got out of his bathroom David walked naked toward his closet, he opened it and looked with amazement at the huge variety of clothing he had.
He ended up picking a pink tank top and a pair of black shorts, as he looked at himself in the mirror he smiled.
He looked perfect and the new shorts he now remembered buying really showed his ass.
As he finished preparing himself he walked out of his bedroom and cooked a small breakfast, when all was done David left his apartment and started walking to work.
Many men looked at him during the duration of his walk, some with disgust but others with complete hunger in their stare.
David giggled again this time thinking in sleeping with all of the sexy men that observed him.
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After a few minutes of walking he finally arrived at his workplace, he entered the elevator and waited until the doors opened at his floor after pressing the corespondent button.
The doors opened after a few seconds, David walked out of the elevator and entered his office, for some reason there wasn't anyone in their desks.
Had he lost a company memo or something?
His thoughts were interrupted by the booming voice of his boss.
-"David is that you?"
David looked at the end of the office were his boss was standing, the man was a complete turn on for him and he started to imagine sexual scenarios with him.
But before does thoughts could continue he started to rethink them, he would never had sex with his boss right?, He is hot but having sex with him would be completely unprofessional.
-"Yes boss its me David, were is everybody?
-"today everybody had the day free for themselves, did you forget?"
David giggled, how could he forget that today he didn't have to go to work? "
-"Ok boss, I will try pay more attention next time, if there isn't anything else you would like to discuss I'm going home"
David made a dash to the elevator but before he could summone it his boss had another thing to say.
-"Actually I want to talk about something with you in my office"
David walked away from the elevator towards his boss's office, as he entered his boss closed the door behind him and pinned him on the wall.
He then planted a kiss in his lips, at first David was confused and scared, what he was doing was way below the belt, he was his boss, why was he kissing him? "
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But these feelings didn't last long as David rapidly started to respond to the kiss.
The hands of his boss then moved towards his pants, he opened his zipper and belt letting his hardening dick out of its prison.
David instinctively got on his knees but before he pleasured the man in front of him he took a good look at his dick.
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He felt slightly repulsed by it and like he had never sucked a dick before in his life, why did he even get on his knees in such a submissive manner anyway?
Before David could continue thinking about his situation his boss grabbed his head and forced him to take his dick in his mouth.
After a few seconds of doubt David started to take the dick like a pro, his boss moaned as David continued pleasuring him, as he did David started to remember the years of sucking dick, these memories made every doubt that formed thanks to his actions disappear as he know sucked his boss's dick with pleasure and need.
His boss finally released his load into his expecting mouth, David happily swallowed his seed and liked his boss's dick clean.
-"You liked that bitch?"
David giggled again as he got up his knees, after one last kiss David walked out of the office and started walking towards his apartment.
After getting home and resting for an hour or two David was on the move again as he remembered today he had a photo shoot in his apartment.
He picked up and putted on what he was going to be posing in, it was a latex made harness with a skimpy leather thong.
The photographer arrived at around noon just as David had finally ended preparing himself.
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He took a few hundred pictures and left after about an hour, at this point David thought he had the day completely free so he walked towards his bedroom again.
But before he could shed an eye in his bed his phone started blasting a pop like song.
David picked up his phone and accepted the call, it was his agent, he was waiting him at the recording studio for the porno shoot.
At first David was confused, he remembered sucking dick and sleeping only with men but he could clearly remember never doing porn in his life.
But as his agent spoke David started to remember, he had done porn since university to pay for his tuition and fees.
Not only that but he also lived in a posh part of town, he obviously couldn't pay his lavish life with an assistant job and some photo shoots from time to time.
He did porn to get money and to do what he did best, to suck cock and get his hungry hole stuffed as many times as possible.
He finally ended the call and got ready, he grabbed a black crop top and another pair of black shorts.
As he was finishing he grabbed a pair of sunglasses and left his apartment, his only thought in mind was that he was finally going to get his hole stuffed.
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After arriving at the studio everything started rather quickly, the cameras started rolling and David got into character.
As the cameras recorded everything David could only see and feel stars and pleasure as the dick he was riding stretched his tight hole.
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He couldn't imagine Living any other life of that of, money, dick and sex.
The Universe had done it's job.
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Random tid bits of worldbuilding for Bat City:
All living quaters in the Lobby are 4-floor apartament buildings made up of only studio apartaments. Living quaters in the middle class districts are 8-floor apartament buildings with mostly two to three bedrooms. Living quaters in upper class districts go between 10-12 floors depending how close the apartament building is to the center of the City and have three or more bedrooms
The Battery City Academy is made up of three separate buildings: the training facility, the dorms and the main building. The training facility has 3 floors above-ground and 2 underground, the underground ones being used by scarecrow cadets as dorms, and the three above ground ones are each specialised in a type of combat. The dorms are where all other students except crow cadets live, it's a large 3-floor building split in half by gender and then further divided by specialisation and school year. The main building hosts the cafetaria, an amphitheatre used for assemblies as well as the dean's office and the teacher's room. It has 5 above-ground floors and 3 underground ones used as labs for physics & mechanic specialities, chemestry & biology specialities and computer specialities, while the above-ground ones unoccupied by the aforementioned offices and such are used for an array of other classrooms
The Better Living Labs are three buildings interconnected by two passages. Each building has 8 above-ground floors and 4 underground ones, being connected on the 6th floor of each building, these being deemed transit floors and completely devoid of offices and actual labs. The lowest 2 levels are often used to keep subjects, on-going experiments being locked away on the upper floor and newcomers on the one below
Better Living HQ towers tall over the City at a monstrous 16 floors above-ground and just so so wide it almost seems proportionate. It also has another 3 underground floors used to hold high-risk prisoners and interrogation rooms. Above-ground there are the archives, the surveillance operational center, the broadcast system making sure FactNews only brings the citizens the approved news and on the last floor is The Director's office as well as sevral different meeting rooms
The upper third-ish of the wall separating the Zones and the City is hollow and used as a physical back-up archive for the files of every Bat City citizen, neutral or killjoy. No one knows this save for a select few BL/i board directors who work directly under The Director and the archivists tending to it
There's sevral smsller districts disposed in a circulare manner between the middle and upper class districts dedicated to shopping that is commonly reffered to as "The Shopping District". People living in the Lobby do not have access to this district as their transit through the populated districts outside the Lobby are is prohibited during day time and a two-day trip is rarely worth it for most juvies, not to mention everything in that district is terribly overpriced
Battery City has sky-trains, the tracks meeting full-circle at the begining of the "Buffer Zone" near the center of the City and along the Old Metropolis City Line at the edge of the Lobby
There's an exit tunnel in the wall corresponding to each cardinal direction. The east tunnel is the most used one, follwed by the south, west and finally north ones
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fanxyblog · 4 years
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Request : Hello,can i request a scenario with ph-1 something fluffy if possible :) thank u
Request are open :)
A/N: Thank you very much for requesting @writekhh ! This one is short :( but I hope you gonna like it ! (I love Harry, to the point where it should be considered a sickness)
Warnings: Nudity (not in sexual way or anything)
Word Count: 584
This day was a really exosting one for you. You woke up with a headache, you were late to work, you spilled coffe on yourself, you got stuck in a traffic jam on your way home and finally you came to an empty apartament.
All you wanted was to cuddle on your bed with your boyfriend and sorrow out to him, but he was nowhere to be seen which made you feel even worse about today.
Since you couldn't have what you wanted that moment you decided to take a bath, but before that you needed to eat something.
You went straight to the kitchen and the first thing you saw was a plate of Japchae (stir-fried noodles). You smiled to yourself. Your boyfriend was litearlly the sweetest guy on the earth.
He made you your favourite dish before he dissapired.
In fifteen minutes all the food was gone and you could swear that your tummy was about to burst.
The next stop in your journey around the apartament was your bathroom.
You poured water into the bathtube and poured some coconut body wash into it ( I love coconut smell srsly).
Taking of your dirty clothes took you only seconds considering the fact that you really wanted to get out of them.
You didn't even care about the stains on them anymore.
Dipping into hot water immediately made your body feel relaxed and that was what you needed for whole day.
You have closed your eyes and enjoyed the music that played in the background.
The music playing on your phone was your favourite playlist, because it was made by Junwon. He put all of your favourite songs in there, and that was the sweetest thing anyone have ever done for you.
"When did you came back?" this question was so sudden that it made you hit your arm on a bath counter.
"OWW !" the only thing your scream got in return was a laugh from Junwon.
"What are you laughing at!? It's your fault" a big pout appeared on your face as you turned your head in your boyfriend direction.
Junwon came closer to you and kneled down next to the bath.
"I'm sorry ,sweetie " he kissed your temple and went torwards laundry container.
He unblucked his belt and started to take of his clothes.
Your eyes followed his every step, you have bitten your lip.
Suddenly Junwon turned your way which made you to look up at the ceiling.
"Very smooth Y/N" you tought to yourself.
"Like what you see?"
"Maybe " you had a big grin on your face, as you held his hand in your as you moved over to make a place in a bathtub for him
Junwon sat behind you in the bathtub, your back against his chest.
He was drawing circles on your tummy with his pointer finger.
"Where were you today ?" You asked him, your voice coming out as a whisper.
"In the studio with Jay" his voice was so soft to you that it almost made you fall asleep.
Suddenly Junwon started to splash water on your face with the hand he was making circles on your tummy.
This movement have waked you up immidetaly.
A water fight started between you two. You didn't see anything.
"Yah Junwon you're spilling water everywhere!!!"
Your screams didn't stop him, not at all, and the only thing you knew that moment was for sure that you weren't cleaning that.
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steblynkaagain · 3 years
will I ever stop feeling homesick?...
it was not so bad when I was renting apartament together with friend... and it’s kinda not so bad when Im working in office and dont spent all day in 25 m^2 studio
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baejl · 3 years
sorry if i'm bothering you, but do you have an idea of how jade's apartament looks like? i loved macau surprise btw and somi's humor is just *chef kiss*
OMG THANK GOD SOMEONE ASKED ME THIIIIIIS, i legit have a whole folder on pinterest just of pictures of jade’s apartament (here, and also, imagine there’s a mini studio there). thanks for enjoying my work! 💚
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