fractalmax-official · 2 years
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🗝 Hi, here are 3 Keys to destroying your negativity.
✨Start by changing your perspective on the world, understand that nobody is perfect, and start focusing on improving yourself.
🧠 Have a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset, regularly do positive self-talk and focus on perseverance. 
🚫 Throw away the word "should", which causes much negativity in mind because they are often used when someone tells you what that person thinks is right; rather use "could" which makes it more open for discussion.
🙌 Your mindset is key to success.
☀️ Enjoy a wonderful day.
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fractalmax-official · 2 years
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🎯Whether you have a small or big goal in mind, visualizing it puts your brain into a state where you automatically reach the goal.
🚘 Visualizing cannot replace hard work, but it can boost efficiency and productivity, especially with proper planning.
🧠 By visualizing your goals, your mind can attain them more easily. Visualization is a form of meditation that enhances our abilities and achieves our dreams.
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fractalmax-official · 2 years
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💡Identifying character strengths is an important part of the process for self-development.
🚀 The more you know about your strengths, the better you can use them to succeed in your personal life and career.
➡️ The benefits of identifying your character strengths include:
1. Understanding what motivates you Improving relationships with others Better understanding your goals and dreams.

2. Setting personal goals and priorities.

3. Nurturing yourself with appropriate activities that match your skills.

☀️ Have a fantastic day!
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fractalmax-official · 2 years
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🔥 Have a creative weekend, be inspired!
🚴‍♂️ Life happens outside the comfort zone.
☀️This is where you are most likely to grow, live life more fully, and be happy.
💪The more time you spend outside your comfort zone, the easier it will be for you to function in that space.
Without trying new things, or being out of our physical or mental comfort zone, we can become stuck in a stagnant pattern.
We may not know this's happening if we're too comfortable with the status quo, but eventually, the lack of growth starts to make us unhappy.
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