l3rking · 1 year
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nearfromfar · 20 days
Bungie bringing back sunset weapons, as if I wasn't already using sunset weapons for fun. Bungo can't stop me by sunsetting my stuff (this is out of spite for them taking my toothbrush, artichoke, and charred celery out of my vault). Origin Story, Badlander, Zenobia my beloveds... I could never give up on my favourites just because they got sunset.
Honourable mention to my Red War Stompees that are so old they have the D1-style of upgrade system and I used them for years after they became obsolete.
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uldrenssov · 1 year
i just learned about the stompees nerf. goodbye.
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year
Prince TeLuka
Meet Prince TeLuka, future king of the Stompees.
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My regal little brat.
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thesevenseraphs · 2 years
Virgin tier energy: Using Stompee in regular crucible with a meta load out
Chad tier energy: Using Stompees in Mayhem using only a glaive with Vorpal Weapon
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"Stompee, stop, please. It's the 5th time this week"
I absolutely love the dinamic these two have LOL
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finding--nimoy · 2 years
No one is ever going to see this
Probably best to rant about this on twitter, but seeing as I don't have a twitter, this will have to do: I am an avid Destiny 2 player, and this weekend I decided to waste more than 5 or so of my hours playing Trials of Osiris trying to think of better ways to get people back into the playlist. Cause right now the things that are sticking out to me right now are the following:
The "Flawless Pool" just straight up doesn't work. Today alone I went up against multiple parties that had gone flawless multiple times this weekend.
Matchmaking is low key garbage. Out of all of the matches I played, I only played against one or two teams that were either completely solo players or had one solo player. Almost all of my matches were against flawless 3 stacks.
This is what I am suggesting to help encourage people to stay in the playlist: 1. Make the mercy card ignore losses entirely. Those with a mercy card will be able to get to the lighthouse and get their adept loot without having to worry about gatekeeping three stacks that keep resetting their cards. If gatekeeping is such a massive problem, then just remove gate entirely.
But Nimoy! You might say. That will completely negate the purpose of going flawless!! Well my good man, I only said the mercy card. All of the other cards will still have their flawless benefits, as well as giving you that shiny armor that makes you stand out. I also think that if you go flawless you should be entitled to double loot, such as double adept drops. There should also be some cosmetics available to give out as well for flawless fireteams.
2. Give us waaaaaay more loot after matches. I believe it should be that we get regular crucible gear at the end of each match, as well as a very high chance at random trials gear at the end of the match. Just gimmer and legendary shards ain't going to cut it. You get rewarded significantly more at the end of a regular strike than you do in an activity that is only available for 3 days out of the week.
3. Adjust matchmaking so groups will go up against groups more often. I know that they are working on it, but honestly, it might be too late for the playlist. Having a solo playlist is nice, but it is a MASSIVE band-aid over the underlying problems, which is that the playlist doesn't have many players to begin with.
Also, some weapons and abilities need massive adjustments... I'm very excited for the Galli nerf, but man... There are so many other things that infuriate me about this game. Bubble needs to have its duration reduced and it's timer extended, it's way too powerful for objective based combat. Over shields need to be nerfed in PvP because the void barricade is too powerful for neutral gunfights.
Healing grenade is too powerful seeing as you can just pop it and get the majority of your health back. Health regen abilities in this current meta are just too potent to not use. I'm just glad Classy Restoration is exclusive to this season.
Also, bring Stompees back. I know they were the most used exotic, but man... You guys really hate hunters.
Make trials something that people prep for and get excited for. It's only available on weekends, so why does it hurt so much for Bungie to reward its players with extra loot?
Anyways, here's just a poor man's rant about the state of things. No one is going to notice this or care, but I figured I should write my thoughts down somewhere.
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seedersphd · 1 year
Someone pointed out that Path of Burning Steps is getting nerfed into the ground and I sooo wanna die right now 😞
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It's going from a 40% solar damage buff all the way down to 25%...
Burning Steps wasn't much more then okay nor used much so why even nerf them at all?? The nerf to these make the nerf to Stompees look like a miniscule change 😭😭😭
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bitch-in-a-galaxy · 1 year
if stompees are gonna get wrecked that hard can we just get bones of eao back please
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titanicfreija · 1 year
Seriously. Ow.
What the fuck. There's mother fuckers running around with the Synthoceps they picked up in D1, the fuck did Citan's do in less than a year???
Like, I'm glad a whole stat wasn't invented to nerf it, but STOMPEES have been glued on since '07,too!
The fuck?!
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dreamingriven · 2 years
Since I am mostly on my Hunter, this is a long ass post. So under the cut. <3
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bungoland-blogging · 4 years
PyroRaider’s Five Favorites
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1: Subtle Calamity
My most used bow to this date.  It has to be first.  It has an explosive head mod so I had it masterworked as soon as possible.  Don’t remember for sure, but I think it was the first thing I got masterworked.  I grew an attachment to this thing.  And with this sunsetting regulation about to make it useless, I swear I’ll at least put it on display somewhere.  If anything, at least you all can see and remember it with me here.  Best bow.
No Turning Back was a great bow as well.  The one I had also had the explosive head mod, so it was practically the same bow as Subtle Calamity.  But No Turning Back had one flaw.  It was kinetic.  Subtle Calamity was the winner for me due to its void elemental damage.  And hey, double the bounties.
Wish-ender would have been first if the line of them didn’t suddenly go bad.  They used to be a special quality of weapon.  Well, they aren’t now.
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2: Celestial Nighthawk
If you’re a hunter or even a bystander warlock/titan with a brain, you know the power of this thing.  Combined with Sharpshooter, this neat looking (and best looking) exotic helmet instantly kills bosses or at least does a good chunk of damage on the REAL tough ones.  If you hit the head that is.  It takes a certain skill.
That skill being point and shoot.
Ah, the satisfaction of blasting a boss in the face as soon as it appears . . . watching it fall and burn . . .  That feeling?  That’s a great feeling.  Love it.
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3: Memory of Cayde Cloak
This would have been at the top . . . if it actually did anything.  The only reason it’s third is because it’s a cloak and . . . the second best one.
The first being . . . . . .
Anyway, I first picked this one up after . . . well, you know.  And since then, I’ve come across five more like it.  I really hate to dismantle them or sell them.  Definitely not dumping them in the trash.  So . . . it looks like there’s a collection in my vault now.  I wear this one everywhere, only occasionally going back to the Tangled Web cloak which is the first one I took a liking to before things went south . . . forever.
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4: ST0MP-EE5
I use these almost every time I’m NOT using Celestial Nighthawk.  A must-have for hunters.  Outrun any warlock/titan and take the kills first.  These things make long jumps possible.  You know . . . those jumps that titans and warlocks effortlessly float across while you can’t seem to make it after fifty tries?  Yeah, those jumps.  Take a pair of these next time.  Oh, and bring a sword.
I also happen to like how these look, so they’re in one of my favorite stylish armor sets.  Look, I know my favorite set is a combination of random pieces from a million other sets, but you have to admit it looks pretty nice.
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5: Falling Guillotine
This sword . . . whew!  (Yes, it’s a sword.)  This sword is one of the best on the market right now.  Not only does it have a unique, ridiculous design that I adore, it’s easily the strongest sword I’ve ever handled.  Heavy hitter, and I do mean heavy.  You can also twirl it around for even more damage.
Aside from how good it is and the fact that I love this sword, it does have some downsides.  But those downsides are more due to . . . uh . . . the user than the actual sword.  Being a sword, it’s got a specific qualification for good use.  Close range combat.
Okay, okay.  You might not think that’s a big deal, but here’s the issue.  I’m a hunter.  Even with every mod slot full of resilience, I’m easily killed.  Especially if I have to run up to the enemy’s ankles in order to do some decent damage.  Now, it’s doable, don’t get me wrong.  But you have to keep things in mind as a hunter.  If you want to use this sweet sword out there, keep a close eye on that boss.  Because if it stomps the ground or blasts you with one of those taken phalanx shields . . . you’re gonna be flying head first into the closest wall at breakneck speed . . . literally.
So just keep your eyes peeled and be prepared to do what hunters are best at . . . running.  I find the best way to use this sword is to dash in, spin it around, then run and repeat.
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uldrenssov · 2 years
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more recent outfits of my hunter and warlock just because
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year
The stories for Prince TeLuka and the Stompees is officially highlighted how I plan to write them. :)
It is 12 books in total of 4 different age categories (picture books, beginner chapter books, middle school-age chapter books and YA novel/las).
I'm rather excited to get started. I want to start at the youngest age group and work my way up to young adults :)
They're all going to cover similar aspects of the story, but the older it gets, the more in depth it'll get and the more it'll show the dark side of the story.
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day 340
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yall have good taste these were rly fun lmao
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texeoghea · 3 years
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sometimes penn changes clothes
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