#still procrastinating remaking tags
little-peril-stories · 6 months
Tumblr media
“Let this be a warning to any fool who believes he is above the law. Iustitia aecum has been terrorizing the good citizens of this city for far too long. We will tolerate it no longer. We will show no mercy.”
The Prince of Thieves
I've been meaning to remake my TPOT mood board for a while to a) avoid using copyrighted images, which the old one is full of, and b) make it match the one for The Queen of Lies. I was super into procrastinating on angsty heist wip yesterday, so this happened.
| the old mood boards are all still tagged here |
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korka-mindlore · 10 months
Writeblr (re)intro !
Hi, hi! I've had a writeblr before, but left after remaking my entire Tumblr account. Got a bit busy, but missed the community so much that I wanted back in <3
-About me-
Korka or Corky - whichever you prefer
undergrad majoring in two foreign languages and their respective literature :>
I've been writing for about as long as I've known of myself, but only started taking it seriously in the last 5-6 years, and only in the past year or two did I really start figuring out what I want to write, so my style is still unpolished and I still consider myself in my "finding myself" era
major procrastinator and experiencer of what I think is executive dysfunction; I will try my bestest to be active on here, but I might take a week or seven to read a single excerpt, though not for lack of interest or trying!! Nevertheless, please tag me in your works so I won't lose them in the dash :3
-What I write-
prose, short story lover, but I have about three WIPs that would be about the length of a novel(la) (that planning stage sure is planning)
literary movements I draw inspiration from the most are the romantic period (especially gothic) and symbolist movement, as well as the spirit of avant-garde's experimentation and pushing boundaries
my biggest role model is Charles Baudelaire :>
genres I like to stick to: fantasy, horror, horror/dark fantasy, recently tried experimenting with social satire, but we'll see how that goes
I feel most comfortable in fantasy and historical, but I love writing horror the most
I love worldbuilding and writing body horror/gore the most, but describing body language and appearance is something I desperately need to work on
I'm a planner and a perfectionist, so it might take some time for me to intro my WIPs properly, but I'm more than happy to talk about my OCs in the meantime :>
I have four WIPs in varying stages of planning, all still practically nameless:
a historical (time-travel) coming-of-age WIP meant to be about the length of a novel-novella (skeletal stage, planning out characters and main plot points)
a fantasy political intrigue WIP of a similar length (planning stage, details need to be ironed out before I can work on it, but i have an outline, sort of)
(and the spin-off horror fantasy collection of short stories WIP set in the same world) (skeletal stage, planning out the characters and the storylines)
a satirical WIP on the "tiktokification" of the arts, mainly literature, and anti-intellectualism (newest, researching stage; I know nothing about this yet beyond the core message and idea, but I'm looking forward to developing it)
-What I'd love to read-
genres: horror (especially dark fantasy!!), fantasy, "cheesy" romances, historical!!!!! I'm not too picky on genres, but if you mix horror in it, I'll love it even more
details: ngl those hyper-specific fantasy academy settings in coming-of-age stories hit different, detailed worldbuilding is everything to me, best-friends-to-lovers? chef's kiss. enemies-to-lovers? even louder chef's kiss. Morally ambiguous characters, morally questionable protagonists, I just love when the cast is formed of imperfect characters where you can't with 100% certainty say "x is evil" or "y is good". Make me think !
I also love reading poetry, though I'm not the best at analysing it and understanding particularly deep analogies, I love poetry that deals with abstract feelings, interpersonal relationships and personal philosophies <3
-I don't know how to end this :> -
A bit more about what i love writing/reading:
I'm from a Slavic country and dislike the way Slavic characters get written in western media, so most of my OCs are Slavic and I love to see a fleshed out Slavic character
I love body horror as an allegory for bodily autonomy and beauty standards. It's fun as horror, too, but as an allegory - very fun to explore
In general, I'm weak for a good symbol
And on me:
I spent most of my time in the last few years writing fanfiction, but so eager to focus on original fiction, too
I tend to write on-and-off, I'm either busy or tired, and sadly can go months without any progress :< I hope this changes as I get more settled into life
But! I've taken a recent liking to just making OCs without any particular WIP attached to them, so I'll probs talk about them if nothing else :)
I just missed the community of a writeblr a lot, so I'm hoping to make friends on here ! ^_^
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jusalilweird · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @silverinerivers! I am also procrastinating 🤝
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 270! I used to be very prolific in high school, but I've slowed down since college XD
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 910,686
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tower of God, and MCYT, mainly Hermitcraft and hermit-adjacent series (Life Series, Evo, MCC, anything where a hermit may be featured)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? The two fandoms I write for have a pretty huge fandom size difference (based on fics alone, Hermitcraft has about 4x the amount of ToG's), so the kudos difference is very drastic. Also, since I've been writing ToG for quite some time now, my most kudosed ToG fics are just the first ones I've written, since they've been around the longest. So I'll just post my most kudosed Hermitcraft fic, and my two most kudosed ToG fics, one for pre-anime and post-anime (due to the fandom explosion in between)
lightning often strikes twice - ToG, 2k, rated G, Eduan and Khun interacting in the data world
Mornings - ToG, 800 words, rated G KhunBam sleepy morning cuddles
and the wind will remake all that time has worn away - Hermitcraft, 13k, rated T, a fic featuring a bunch of hermits curious about Grian's new wings
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do my best! I like interacting with readers :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ooo, hmm... *filters my fics by Angst tag* *67 fics appear* Uh. Thus Kindly I Scatter is one of my first angst fics ever, and evidently it's hurt a lot of people XD. But I'll go with Ache, the first fic for one of my month challenges. That one was fun to write :D
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I haven't written many multichaps, so I don't really have one that builds up to a happy ending. But Memory Lane is a nice fluffy one ^^
8. Do you get hate on fic? Not really, I think most of my comments have been pretty chill. And I'm not too active on social media, so I don't really pay attention if anything's been said there.
9. Do you write smut? Best part of turning 18.
10. Do you write crossovers? Not really, unless you count stuff from different MCYT series. I think it can be a big vague on what constitutes a crossover, because ccs can be part of different series
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, and I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! It's always an honor when someone wants to translate/podfic/create other derivative works off my own <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Kings and Prophets as a raffle gift fic for a fandom event. It was very fun to write (and ended up about 9x the original predicted length). Still one of my favorite fics <3
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? KhunBam, what else XD Started with them, still hung up on them
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t? Last I checked (a few years ago), I had 136k words worth of WIPs in my graveyard, and it's only grown since. I did have this one Gods AU KhunBam fic called Post-Immortem that I remember planning extensively, but unfortunately, I only got a few chapters in before I got bored XD. Multichaps tend to be difficult for me.
16. What are your writing strengths? I really like worldbuilding! Fantasy has always been my favorite genre, so I love writing AUs. I think I'm also decent at writing action scenes (Doing martial arts for most of my life has helped, I think)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Characterization can take me a while to get, and also I'm not very good with writing multichaps. Long plot buildups aren't really my thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've never done it extensively for a long fic, but I've done it in a few oneshots. I have some knowledge of Spanish from school, and I can speak Mandarin, but my writing is ehhhhh. I think it's fun!
19. First fandom you wrote for? Tower of God, whoo! And it hasn't changed XD
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh hmmmmm, Like Seeds Scattered Across the Sky probably (beloved fae fic :3), but Dear Fellow Traveler is pretty close as well, although that one isn't finished yet. It's taken me a long time to finish, but if all goes to plan, it'll be done by the end of the month ^^
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akkrosu · 1 year
Holy shit, I’ve been tagged. I’ve never been tagged, but thank you @biochemjess! I have no idea how you even thought of me or how you remember me, but here we are! Let’s see if I even know how to do this (please be kind if I don’t).
Favorite color: I don’t really have a favorite color in that sense, but if I had to choose one, I guess I’d go for red. I tend to like warm colors (especially reds and oranges) a lot.
Currently reading: The first volume of 2ha. It’s devastating how little time I spend reading books these days, but I’m working my way through this one little by little. It’s been nice to go back to the beginning of the story, and I still very much enjoy it.
Last song: 花开忘忧 by Zhou Shen. It’s become one of my favorites over the last few weeks and now I’m trying to translate the lyrics using the little Chinese I speak to get a better understanding of the story (and the language).
Last series: Last one I finished? Mr. Heart, last night. I’ve been going through a whole obsession with Korean BLs after I wrongly assumed for the longest time that they weren’t my thing. Last one I saw anything of? Yesterday’s episode of Never Let Me Go (I’m loving it a very unhealthy amount) and today’s episode of HIStory 5 (not sure about this one yet, but I’m getting into it).
Last movie: I don’t really watch a lot of movies. I think the last time I was in a theater was over a year ago when I saw West Side Story (the Steven Spielberg remake). I did watch Semantic Error: The Movie recently though. If that counts.
Currently working on: Exam season is coming up, so I’m working on finding the motivation to study studying for my university exams. When I’m procrastinating, I work on that song translation mentioned above.
I am very, very awkward, so I’m going to be the aguafiestas here and not tag anyone and I hope no one minds. Not because I don’t want to talk to anyone, but because I genuinely dislike tagging people because of how awkward it makes me. Thanks again for thinking of me though, it was a lot of fun!
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philosopherking1887 · 2 years
End of year writing meme
Tagged by @sapphosewrites on the first of the year, which was a long time ago, but I've been visiting family and mostly not on Tumblr, and I've also had a lot of work. I still have a lot of work, but I'm procrastinating.
Wrote: 11 completed fics for a new fandom, an abortive first chapter for a fic in an old fandom that I'll never finish, a final chapter to finish a fic in an old fandom (I finish some things that I start), and an in-progress fic for the current fandom that I started posting in September. It's been slow going lately.
New things I tried: Oh, jeez... nothing, really. I am very much sticking to my old pattern of building a connected series showing the development of the relationship I'm invested in, and using it as an excuse to have the characters talk about philosophy. Which, for once, is perfectly in character! I've found my mother ship.
Fic I spent the most time on: Counting dead time when it was still "in progress," or actual time writing? If the latter, Lessons; if the former, Scenes from a Prison Camp. My work schedule has not been helping recently.
Fic I spent the least time on: Oh, probably Shared Quarters (...oh my God they were bunkmates).
Favorite thing I wrote: Had we but world enough, and time was the first fic I wrote last year, and still probably the best.
Favorite thing I read: I had to check the date on my Bookmarks to see if I read it in early 2021 or late 2020, but it appears that I did read @vermin-disciple's This Be the Verse in January of 2021. I use my Bookmarks as a rec list, so you can just go through that for a list of my favorite things that I read in the past year. But aside from "This Be the Verse," the ones that have really stuck with me were Proof by @alphacygni-8, Restore, Remake, & Rebuild by @kaelio, and the Splitting Image series (second fic unfinished, sadly) by Prevailing. I've also been greatly enjoying Keener Revelations by @delicatetrashstranger, which I've just found out is on hiatus due to fandom-hopping... something I myself have done to my readers all too many times.
It's already January 12, so I'm copping out and just tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
That Feeling Wyn You’re Tagged
Tagged By: @yeeting-patriarch i Thought you were Asleep but i see that you’re still up at the ass crack of dawn
Five songs you’ve been listening to on repeat recently:
i’ve been working on an angsty idea so a lot of the songs i’ve been listening to on repeat have been pretty sad for the most part tbh
1) All Eyes on Me by OR3O
2) Your Ex-Lover is Dead by Stars
3) Drift Away cover by Nathan Sharp (aka NateWantsToBattle)
4) My Play by AJR
5) Mitsubachi (Honey Bee) by Mili
there’s also AJR’s One Spectacular Night Overture (Remake) by Daybreak Mashups but like Mitsubachi i haven’t been repeatedly listening to it recently ngl
Last Movie: i’m actually not sure. i don’t normally watch movies and the last one that i can recall watching would probably be the Steven Universe Movie in late 2019
Currently Watching: the text in this draft/soon-to-be-posted-post. although i might rewatch cql since i never finished watching the drama (although i’m very. lazy. and the drama length is roughly 40-45 minutes per episode, with around 50 episodes total if i’m remembering correctly, and the reason why i couldn’t finish it was because i stopped around episode 30 feeling tired and impatient because i wanted to fast forward into the present and Not be in the past)
i’m more likely to catch up on the manhua instead of spending days watching a drama tbh
Currently Reading: my unfinished drafts LMAOOOO in all seriousness i technically just finished reading [An Observation Record of my Fiancée - A Self-Proclaimed Villainess] -- the manhua, not the novel (yet). right now, i’m thinking of going back to reading some fics, maybe work on my own stories that i’ve been procrastinating on,,, try to remember what i was last working on
i think i wanted to do a writing challenge for wmmap. so i’ll probably be rereading my unfinished drafts that ive got for it
Tagging: idk if there’s a tag limit, but i’ll just go with 5 -- friends and 2 random people i see a lot in my notifs tbh
@latesummersolstice @lithium-15 @d4ddylucas @fallen-stars-and-wishes @tetsuya-tan
(you’re not obligated to do the tag, but feel free to do it if you want to!)
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procrastynol · 3 years
I wasn’t tagged, but I’ll take the invitation from @theghostcaptain and just hop on the train to answer some questions about my writing. So, I guess thanks are in order? 😉❤️
AO3: @Procrastynol
Currently I’m trapped in the MDZS hell (focusing on songxiao, but pretty much everything else is also go, wangxian, 3zun, anything) with a side of SVSSS and FF7 (mainly tsengru and/or turks centric). I’m still working my way through the huge load of danmei, so maybe things like TGCF, 2HA or SPL will soon join the list.
Other things I can’t seem to let go of include FF15, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and a hint of Marvel and Star Wars. If you want to go really far back, you can add LotR and Hobbit to the pile.
Where You Post
You can find all of my fics on AO3 @Procrastynol
​I rarely use tumblr anymore, mostly for keeping all the links to my fics organised in one place - and to read meta that will shred my poor heart. My main social media is Twitter, so if you want to yell at me, please go over there and feel free to do so.
Most Popular Oneshot
Conflict of Interest (FF7, tsengru, domestic fluff and dogs)
I started this one on a whim in August 2020 because A) the hype for FF7 Remake was real and B) plague times, yay! It got me back into writing fanfiction after not having done so for several years, and I’m still surprised how positively it has been received among the people who read FF7 fanfictions. A follow-up is currently in its early drafting state.
Most Popular Multichap
None (so far). But I have something brewing for my songxiao gang, so I’ll just be a little tease and tell you to stay tuned for more until Summer 2021. 😉
Favourite Story You’ve Written So Far
Untethered (MDZS, songxiao, character study xxc)
That is my November/December/Christmas-procrastination baby, which started out as a midnight word vomit I wrote in a desperate attempt to find sleep. It only grew from there, and it has become my first deep dive into the character of Xiao Xingchen and the canon setting of MDZS. To this day, it just blows me away how well this story is received despite its length and the rather limited songxiao bubble. I’m really proud of what I did here, and it has been a while since I could say that about anything I have written.
Fic You Were Nervous to Post
Frostbloom Flowers (MDZS, modern songxiao, flowershop AU)
This was my absolute first fic for the fandom, and my second fic in total after the unexpected “success” of Conflict of Interest. I was so scared to get the characters or the setting wrong, even more so since this was a prompt fill for the songxiao Secret Santa event. It has done surprisingly well, so well actually, that I have turned this into a series that I will continue this February.
How You Choose Your Titles
They either come to me or the don’t. Really, there is almost nothing in between. Sometimes a poem, a line, a lyric, an image, SOMETHING sparks my imagination and the title is the first thing I have.
If it is the other way around, the idea usually revolves around a certain dialogue, scene, setting, etc. that I want to explore and I really struggle finding a title for it once the fic is finished. There are rare instances where a title comes to me simply while working on a fic, but mostly it’s hit or miss. If it is the latter, I usually sit in my room and decide to name stories after the first thing my eyes land on 5 minutes before posting them. 😅
Do You Outline
90% of times I do. Especially larger works or multichaps need an outline. I sometimes try to write non-chronologically, and I have a really hard time doing it, so the outline becomes my LIFELINE. It allows me to skip over parts I find hard and just put the famous [get there] in certain spaces, knowing I can come back later to flesh them out because the outline guides through this process.
For oneshots, I sometimes freestyle, but even then I usually write down a few lines for the scenes/dialogues I really want to include and put them in the corresponding order, so I have a goal to work towards to and don’t start meandering around.
I hate doing them, though, even though I largely depend on outlines.
All of my fics are complete at the moment, but I have two on-going series that I’m feeding with new entries in irregular intervals.
In Progress
I have some WIPS, but none of them are in the process of being published right now. But there are a few things I’m working on, so follow me to the next paragraph if you want more details on that. 😁
Coming Soon / Not Yet Started
Curiosity killed the Cat [WT] - which is a MDZS multichapter fic I have started working on last December. I really wanted to try writing a case fic for once, something more than just drama and romance (although drama and romance will still be very much part of this). Plotting a murder mystery is really new to me and sometimes exhausting, but so far I’m having a lot of fun doing it. I don’t want to spoil the details, but it will definitely focus on pre-canon songxiao and a mysterious haunting/murder they encounter during their travels.
Another thing would be the continuation of the Egret Flower series. Currently I’m finalising the second part, writing on part three and four has already begun. Part two will feature songxiao going on the date that has been teased in the first part, Frostbloom Flowers, and part three is currently giving me a hard time because I decided to include some wangxian - we’ll see how it goes.
I’m also trying to feed the Shinra fandom a bit, since it got me back into writing literally days before I got swept away by MDZS and danmei hell. But tsengru still holds a place in my heart, has done so for years, and so Conflict of Interest has now also been turned into a series, It’s me or the Dog, and the second part for this series is also outlined already and just waiting for me to flesh it out.
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About
Curiosity killed the Cat [WT], definitely. I have only ever finished one other multichap in my life, and I plan to complete this one before I start posting it, to feed my lovely songxiaoists in regular intervals (and to make sure this entire case fic works and does not go up in smoke halfway down). But since this involves so many new things for me at the same time, I’m equally excited and anxious to finish it and start posting it.
Since I’m pretty much inactive on this platform I find it a bit hard to tag someone. I think @wangji-string might have something to offer, at least if they haven’t participated already (although if you don’t feel like doing this, please feel free to ignore me). I’ll just leave it open to the rest of you whoever read this and may find it interesting - if you want to do this, please, feel free to do it! 😉
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jordanshenessy · 4 years
Get to know me better tag
Thanks for tagging me @lost-in-an-offbeat-rhythm @to-enter-polaris @welcometo-saturn and @chasing-dreams-in-paradise 💞💕
Favourite fictional characters: Robbe Ijzermans, Iris West, Inej Ghafa, etc. etc. idk there’s a lot haha
Top 5 shows: Skam + remakes, Derry Girls, Outerbanks, Anne with an E, Avatar: the Last Airbender
Top 5 movies: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Tangled, Big Hero 6, shddjjd I cant think of any rn sorryyyy
What continent am I on: North America
Mental age: varies between 14- 25 lmaooo
Nickname: Tas, Fia
Favourite drink: anything that’s refreshing or tastes good (I know that’s not specific but i just drink whatever I vibe with haha)
Room aesthetic: I’m so sorrry but I’ve got blank walls and I stare at them zoning out all day BUT I think it’s somewhere between modern and traditional, (light wood and white desk and dressers)
Clothes style: HAHAHAHA I don’t have style :’) but it really depends, I think turtlenecks for the winter and stylish spring jackets for the summer/spring/fall (I dress like a kid still tbh shdhdjdjdj)
Pronouns: she/her
Last thing I ate: chicken and this chocolate croissant thing that’s not a croissant
Top 5 bands: Now Now (I just remembered about them) but also I don’t think I listen to any bands I like them all maybe idk
What stereotype do I fall under:
smart, sweet, shy and quiet girl, innocent and doesn’t know what’s going on (all true but to an extent and I’m pretty sure I get this stereotype bc I still look like a high schooler bdjfnkfkk)
Tagging @lieverobbe @robbesdriesen @ironymane @mysterystardust @procrastiationqueen @sanabakkoushd @lot-bubbel @virisbitch @viri-in-pink @mirroroferisedx @sundaymorninghangover @souriantsacha @ayarambles @yasminora @noorengels @palpitating-procrastination @nooraevas @bleachblondebitches @annonymannonym @allezrobbe @allee-sander @snorbs and anyone else who wants to! Feel free to ignore!
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aerois · 4 years
Quarantine tag game, tagged by @ribbonreverse . Thanks for the tag! 😁
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Yep! I’m a grad student in my last semester and we shut down the university, and I have no job so there’s nowhere else for me to go. Technically I graduate in 2 weeks though, and it would be great to get a job even though I’m terrified for my life.
2. Who is at home with you?
I live in an apartment with my twin sister and 2 roommates, but they kept inviting people over literally every day. So we just packed up some clothes and went back to our mom and dad’s house. Now it’s the 4 of us, and I love my parents but they do drive me a little crazy lol
3. Are you a homebody?
Oh hell yeah! Don’t get me wrong this whole thing sucks, but for me it’s kinda like a vacation. Originally I thought I was gonna jump right from school to my career and I was a little bummed I wouldn’t get any break, but now I’m forced to take one. I have mixed feelings I guess, but as a natural homebody I’m not wilting away just because I have to stay inside.
4. Any event you were looking forward to that got canceled?
Uh yeah, my graduation! 😭 I didn’t walk when I graduated undergrad because I knew I was going to grad school and and I didn’t wanna sit through 2! NOW I DON’T GET ANY! 😭 This is the part that has me kind of depressed. I wanted my parents to see me walk and be proud of me. I used to even fantasize that my oldest sister (mom had to give her up for adoption but we reconnected) would surprise me and show up. And that my dad would give me a bouquet of roses just like he did at my first ballet recital as a kid. That I would be surrounded by my friends and they would cheer as I walked. But it turns out none of that would happen. Even if there were no quarantine. I invited my sister months ago and she said she wouldn’t be able to come. My brother and his wife just had a new baby so they wouldn’t be able to come. My friends care about me I’m sure, but they all graduated earlier than me and I think the whole thing has lost it’s appeal to them. Plus, they are busy. Everyone is busy, even the people I love most. I understand. But it still makes me really sad. So maybe it’s better that graduation got canceled. I don’t think I would be happy with it anyway.
5. What movies have you been watching recently?
I’m not really a movie person, actually! Well, I like them, but usually if I watch a movie it’s at the theater, or a night hanging with friends. I prefer tv shows and books.
6. What are you doing for self-care?
Same stuff I do normally, just more of it I guess? I bake sometimes. Read lots of fanfic. Play some video games. It’s funny: as counselors, we stress the hell out of self-care. But it’s hard for me to identify what self-care is for me. Oh, I know! I wrote something for the first time in ages! I’m writing a short little Harvest Moon fic. Lol I thought I would have it done by Easter but I’m procrastinating on the last part. I wonder why even the things I love feel like a chore...
7. What shows are you watching?
Well recently we (Mom and sis and I) marathonned this Anne of Green Gables remake series. I have my share of thoughts on it but that’s another story if anyone’s curious. Finally started watching The Office, don’t really get the hype. I mean, it’s okay? It can be pretty funny. Jim and Pam are kind of cute, but man that shit is way overhyped. The couple and the show. But the cast all play off each other pretty well. I think I’m on Season 4?
8. What music have you been listening to?
The usual. Typical weeb shit from anime I liked as a teen, Vocaloid, 90’s hits, Top 40, a little bit of EDM,and OST’s from K-dramas lol
Spacing got kinda weird in the middle there, but this was so much fun! Thanks for giving me the chance to word vomit my feelings lol. I now tag @soryualeksi @holycowharvestmoon @gabbslemons @wannabe-everythings @harley-jaymes and anyone else who wants to try!
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twotwinks · 4 years
rules: list ten songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately and tag ten people
Me? Actually doing a tag game for once? Listen I always plan on doing them I just get distracted but right now I’m procrastinating on my final projects and also this gives me a chance to scream about my current hyperfixations so here we go tagged by @supergeekytoon lov u also I’ve included links in case you wanna listen but don’t wanna exert effort (aka me)
1. Pokémon Sword and Shield - vs Gym Leader
I’d love to tell you who composed this but unfortunately Bulbapedia is still lacking in specifics outside of “The game's music was primarily composed by Gō Ichinose and Minako Adachi. Additional music was composed by Keita Okamoto and Toby Fox, the latter of which only composed one track.” I don’t know how trustworthy the credits in the description of this video are either. ANYWAY this gym leader theme is a fucking BOP and I live for the cheering crowd it just makes it feel so real!
2. Pokémon Sword and Shield - vs Hop
I haven’t gushed about Hop on this blog yet but trust me I’m getting ready to. He’s now the second rival I’ve adopted and ugh I just love him. He doesn’t deserve all the shit this game is putting him through and he CERTAINLY doesn’t deserve all y’all’s hate just because he’s the Tutorial Boy like have you looked at his smile just leave him alone already! Also his themes have them Latinx vibes and it’s to die for. And yes, I did say themes, which leads us to...
3. Pokémon Sword and Shield - vs Hop (v2)
HAVE YOU NOTICED A PATTERN YET listen I just really love Hop ok. In unrelated new I’m gonna kill Bede with my own two hands and I hope Opal makes him cry himself to sleep every night because that little fucker deserves it. This theme has them dance vibes, but I’m not well versed enough in dance to tell if it’s salsa or tango or flamenco or what. Also it makes me wish I’d done Latin dance one semester instead of swing. It also has the return of the cheering crowd! I know they’re saying “woah” but it’s fun to pretend they’re saying “Hop”.
4. Pokémon Masters - Battle! Barry
Again, I tragically can’t seem to figure out composer information, but Bulbapedia gives music credits to Haruki Yamada and Shota Kageyama. Anyway Barry was my first rival son, and this is the first official remake of his theme from D/P/Pt we’ve ever gotten, and LORD does it do him credit. It’s unbearably hype and full of so much energy, and it’s still recognizable as his theme even though it also adds loads of new motifs, and it just works so well. 10/10 would get fined and then bubble beamed into another dimension again.
5. Together — あきよしふみえ (Fumie Akiyoshi)
What, you thought I was done with Pokémon? SURPRISE, I’M NOT! This is the first opening for the original Japanese version of the Diamond and Pearl anime, which I’ve been watching religiously because my aforementioned son Barry appears in it. Tragically he doesn’t show up until the 101st episode, which is why I’ve been trying to tear my way through the first part of the series. (If you’ve seen my Discord status, it’s literally just a countdown to Barry’s debut. I’ve still got a long way to go.) As a result of this I’ve now got this theme ingrained into my brain matter. At least it’s v good and you bet I catch feels over “Fog Clear the sad feelings” every time.
6.  ルマ (Ruma) — かいりきベア (Kairiki Bear)
Away from the Pokémon now, we have the NEWEST track from my favorite Vocaloid producer, Kairiki Bear! He’s normally not great at tuning Miku, but this one is actually really good. Definitely his finest Miku work yet. It’s also got that crazy guitar Kairiki is known for, and the subtle animations in the video are as good as ever. It’s also got super catchy repetition and just. Well. Every Kairiki song is a gift and as usual I’m hooked on this one even though I can’t explain it really well. ROAR!
7. ゴキブリの味 (The Taste of Cockroach) — MARETU
THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF MARETU TO VOCALOID AFTER OVER A YEAR OF NOTHING BUT ONE OUT OF THE BLUE INSTRUMENTAL ALBUM! Basically MARETU ended up in a bit of a scandal where he was caught cheating on his girlfriend with a minor with an undisclosed mental disability. (It’s important to note that the minor was over the age of consent, but below 20, thus still considered a minor in Japan...at least as far as I have been led to believe.) He did the whole public apology thing and then disappeared. Now it seems like he’s back! While I definitely have mixed feelings on him as a person now, I can’t deny that he’s a hecking great producer and one of the absolute masters of Miku tuning. You’ll notice in this song alone he’s tuning her in three different styles. The mastery. Anyway, all of MARETU’s songs are edgy as fuck, and this one is no different, this time tackling bullying in Japanese schools. The questions throughout the video fucked me up, man.
8. エイリアンエイリアン (Alien Alien) — ナユタン星人 (Nayutalien)
My favorite song of this quirky little alien series, Alien Alien has the cutest little dance and I’m super excited to see it in the next Project Diva game, even though it’s getting a dance pv instead of a story one. At least it fits with the original pv for once (stares at Sea Lily Deep Sea Tale). Anyway the story of a little telepathic alien who doesn’t quite understand human emotion falling in love with a human and realizing that not even impending oblivion can negate this feeling is just so sweet. I hope they’re happy.
9. ハウトゥー世界征服 (World Domination How-To)  — Neru
I was obsessed with this song a while ago, got out of it, and now I’m back into it again. Just when I think I’m used to what Neru has to offer, he goes and sucker punches me with a song like this. I don’t even know how to explain it. The hopelessness of the pre-chorus compared to the sheer power of the chorus. The concept of looking at your past, present, and future selves and trying to decide where you stand and where you want to stand. The “let’s promise no matter what from now on that we’ll tear off the price tags on our backs”  — a motif from the earlier Abstract Nonsense of being priced and labeled. It’s just so good. Definitely worthy of being the title track of its album.
10. シティー・ボーイ (City Boy)  — Mitchie M
This last song was really hard to pick, because I’ve really only been listening to the first eight songs on this list over and over, occasionally throwing in World Dominaiton How-To, and outside of that everything else is mostly just listen-once-when-I’m randomly-in-the-mood-then-back-to-repeating-the-others. But of the rest of the songs in my giant music library, this one has been randomly played more often than anything else. It’s extra strange because it’s actually a cover that was done for a New Wave Vocaloid album, but Mitchie stuck it on one of his albums and then I was hooked. Mitchie is another master of Miku tuning, though you’ll notice that his specialty is making Miku sound ungodly realistic, whereas MARETU specializes in using her voice in unique ways. I would have liked to talk about Seraphim on the Ring or Assassin Princess here instead, since they’re way newer and also Mitchie’s original work, but that just wouldn’t have been truthful to my current music tastes. Sorry, Mitchie.
Alright, that’s officially it. I’d tag people but I’m pretty sure most everyone has been tagged already as usual but if by some fluke you were missed consider yourself now tagged. Ok bye y’all I’m gonna go cry about Hop
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On parallel universes and the last men on Earth
[This Is a short analisys I wrote for my facebook friends a few nights ago. I'm not a regular on the skam Italia tag, but since I've been asked to make it public, I thought this might be the best place to make it shareable.
Keep in mind that this was first and foremost written with a specific audience in mind, that of my italian facebook friends (*blows a kiss* ily guys) so there might be weird turn of phrases in the translation to english. Let me know and I'll try to make it clearer! (As for those of you that already know italian: I'm putting the original post after the english translation, in case you're interested.)]
Let's talk about 'parallel universes' vs 'last men on earth' and why this change was so important and tells us a lot about the characters of each skam.
But first, let me make a short premise: when writing the remakes, Ludovico as well as -I hope- the authors of the others, had to keep in mind both the dynamics of traditional storytelling, as well as the less mainstream metanarrative level of fanfiction, because their works are by all means aus of the Norvegian skam. This means that they not only had to think about the mechanics of storytelling in the usual sense, they also had to make a not indifferent metanarrative work on the original story, that incorporates both understanding why some symbols and devices were used, what is their impact to the narrative and to the characters, and then how to adapt those symbols and devices to the new context while keeping the core meaning of them. The work on characters is similar: they had to understand the core traits of each one and the core of their journey in the og, and which points they could or should highlight in the new work. In my humble opinion, it is absolutely similar to how a fanwriter would operate in plotting an au: you cannot keep all of the traits of the character, because a new context requires changes in the character. And no other symbol, no other narrative device -and, believe this storytelling enthusiast who has poured hours studying literature and storytelling, there are FAR TOO MANY- shows how well SKAM Italia was in adapting the og as much as the “last men on earth”.
It would have been far too easy to make Martino and Niccolò have the same conversation as Isak and Even about parallel universes, but they chose not to. Because that is the key to understanding the characters and the way the face the world -you might even say their coping mechanism, althought a faulty one imho. The very first thing to inquire into, then, is what the parallel universes mean to Isak -and what they'll come to mean to Even, too.
Well, parallel universes are nothing other than a comforting fantasy: it doesn't matter that it's rooted in scientific basis, what matters is the fact that it makes Isak feel better. And why is it so comforting to him? Because if he lives in one of the possibile worlds, if each action that could happen is already happening, his path is already decided in the grand scheme of things, he is just doing his part in the huge multiverse machine. It's a way to take the responsibilities off himself: even if he himself hadn't taken that particular course of action, some other parallel Isak would have done it in his stead. It refers once again to something many people before me have pointed out: Isak's struggle with his identity is completely internal. He is struggling to justify his actions to himself -which, we will see, it's very different to how Martino operates.
Even uses the same method of deresponsibilizzation -even if at first he feels like parallel universes undermine his agency, which is his own big struggle, the fear of having control stripped off of him- because he needs it to take the blame off himself in regards to his behaviour towards Isak -in one of the universes he gets this right, he does what he should, that's the ultimate meaning of the drawings.
There was no other possible ending than them realising that it's no use thinking about the parallel universes, but that they had, instead, to focus on the one they're living in, and nurture their relationship in this 'verse -which ties back to the "life is now" monologue at the end of the season.
That said: was it possible to apply the same symbolism to Martino and Niccolò? I think so, but it would have been wasted, as it wouldn't have held the same weight, as the struggle of the italian characters differ quite a lot.
While we have a deresponsabilizing fantasy from Martino as well, it's a very different one: if Isak had next to no interest in the world around him, to Martino, whose main concern is other people's judgement, the Ideal fantasy is the one where he and Niccolò are alone, hence the last men on Earth. It's not a fantasy born out of not liking people -Martino is clearly people-oriented, he thrives when he's with his friends and it becomes even more clear once he talks to Spera (which I might cover in another meta if anyone is interested), and I will repeat this until I die- but as long as there will be someone out there ready to judge him for what he does, for who he is, he won't feel comfortable acting like he so desperately wants to. Clearly, Martino's journey -like Isak's- takes him to a place where he doesn't need the comfort fantasy anymore: as much as I dream of Martino and Niccolò using the "we're the last men on earth" as a coping fantasy from time to time, truth is that Martino doesn't need to be the last man on Earth with Niccolò to feel free to act like he always wanted, because he has discovered that the people he cares about accept him as he is and are ready to have his back. Martino doesn't need to hide and hope for the end of the world to find some peace anymore.
It's also interesting how Niccolò views the matter, as -just like parallel universes did with Even- at first the idea scares him since it touches his most profound fear, but he uses it as a fast track to Martino's heart. Imho while Even used the excuse of parallel universes to take the blame for his actions off himself (in another universe Even got It right), for Niccolò is slightly different, as his notes are almost always asking Martino to wait for him, for the right time to come (aka: the end of the world). It's still a deresponsabilizing action, as procrastinating is ("I'll do this later" is placing the responsibility on your future self instead of your actual self), but it acts on a different plane imho, because in Niccolò's notes there's always the subtextual promise of "sometime in the future". Part of Niccolò's journey this season is about confronting his fear: he reaches a point where he has to accept that he is alone, he is the last man on earth. And then, as it happens in almost every narrative of this type, the hero who thought had lost everything gains it all back, as his journey wasn't in vain: his acceptance of his mistakes (lying by omission to Martino, which we all agree he had a reason to do, but it still caused miscommunication and made the both of them run headfirst into danger in Milan) and the resulting loneliness makes him find out, through the figure of Marti (who, after all, we had just seen move stealthily to Adeste Fideles, the song that announces the arrival of Christ on Earth, a song that invites all the people to rejoice for the good news) that he is not alone, and he probably won't ever be.
Parliamo del discorso 'universi paralleli' vs 'ultimi uomini al mondo' e perché la modifica è così importante e cosa ci dice dei personaggi. Fondamentale premessa: nella scrittura dei remake, Ludobesse come -ci si auspica- tutti gli altri autori, hanno dovuto incorporare sia i dettami della narrativa tradizionale riguardo il raccontare storie, sia quelli della narrativa meno mainstream delle fanfiction, in quanto il loro è un prodotto che a tutti gli effetti risulta come un au della serie norvegese. Questo implica che, oltre a preoccuparsi della meccanica della scrittura nel senso classico, hanno dovuto compiere un lavoro metanarrativo non indifferente, che comprende il capire perché sono stati usati determinati espedienti e simboli, qual è il loro impatto sulla narrazione, ma soprattutto sul personaggio, e in seguito come adattarli al nuovo contesto. Il lavoro sui personaggi è simile: capire quale sia il nocciolo del personaggio del suo percorso nell'originale, e quali punti si possono e devono evidenziare all'interno della nuova opera. In tutto questo, la modalità è molto vicina a come si approccia un* fanwriter nell'elaborare un qualsiasi au, a mia modesta opinione. E nessun altro simbolo dà miglior prova dell'eccellenza di SKAM Italia nell'adattare come l'elemento degli ultimi uomini sulla terra.
Sarebbe stato facile far ripetere a Martino e Niccolò le stesse parole di Isak ed Even, ma non è stato fatto. Perché gli universi paralleli sono una chiave di volta per comprendere i due personaggi e il loro modo di affrontare il mondo. Il primo passo, dunque, è comprendere cosa rappresentassero gli universi paralleli per Isak -e cosa poi diventeranno anche per Even.
Ebbene, gli universi paralleli sono una fantasia: non importa la loro base più o meno scientifica, quello che conta è il fatto che per Isak è un'idea di conforto. Perché gli è di conforto? Perché se viviamo in uno dei tanti mondi possibili, se ognuna delle azioni che si possono compiere stanno accadendo, lui sta solo facendo la sua parte nella grande macchina del multiverso. È, a suo modo, una strategia di deresponsabilizzazione nei confronti di sé stesso: tanto, se lui non avesse compiuto quel gesto, un altro Isak lo avrebbe fatto. Richiama, ancora una volta, l'idea che il conflitto di Isak nei confronti della sua identità è completamente interiore, non ha legami con l'esterno.
Even riutilizza questa stessa tecnica, nonostante all'inizio vivesse l'idea come una perdita di agency -che è la sua struggle principale- perché gli è effettivamente utile nel deresponsabilizzarsi a sua volta nei confronti di Isak. Non era possibile altro finale, dunque, se non la realizzazione che non si può vivere pensando al multiverso ma bisogna, invece, concentrarsi sull'universo in cui si sta vivendo -e, per certi versi, si ricollega anche al "life is now". Detto questo, era possibile riportare la stessa simbologia all'interno della relazione di Martino e Niccolò? Sì, ma sarebbe andata inesorabilmente sprecata, perché le problematiche dei personaggi italiani sono drasticamente differenti.
Quindi, anche per Martino abbiamo una fantasia deresponsabilizzante, ma è completamente diversa: se per Isak il mondo esterno era completamente ininfluente, per Martino, il cui problema principe è la paura del giudizio altrui, lo scenario ideale è quello in cui lui e Niccolò sono soli. Non perché non gli piacciano le persone -Martino è chiaramente people-oriented e lo ripeterò fino alla morte- ma perché finché ci sarà qualcuno disposto a giudicarlo, finché dovrà rispondere alle pressioni esterne, non sentirà la libertà di agire come meglio crede. Ovviamente, il percorso di Martino va proprio a negare la necessità di questa fantasia di conforto: per quanto una parte di me sogna che la usino come fantasia di coping di tanto in tanto, la realtà dei fatti è che Martino non ha più bisogno di essere l'ultimo uomo al mondo con Niccolò per sentirsi libero di fare ciò che ha sempre saputo di voler fare, perché ha scoperto che il nucleo delle persone di cui gli importa lo accetta per come è, è disposto a difenderlo contro tutto e tutti. Martino non ha più, dunque, bisogno di nascondersi e di sperare nella fine del mondo per poter ottenere un po' di pace.
È interessante pure il punto di vista di Niccolò, che -similmente ad Even- è all'inizio spaventato da questa possibilità, perché va a toccare una delle sue paure più recondite, ma usa l'idea come una corsia preferenziale per arrivare dritto al cuore di Martino. Imho mentre Even usava direttamente la scusa dell'universo parallelo per non prendersi direttamente responsabilità delle sue azioni (in un altro universo Even l'ha fatta giusta), per Niccolò è un discorso lievemente diverso, in quanto i suoi sono quasi sempre una richiesta di aspettarlo. È comunque una deresponsabilizzazione, come lo è per certi versi la procrastinazione ("lo farò dopo" è consegnare la responsabilità nelle mani del sé futuro), ma agisce su piani diversi, ché nei biglietti di Niccolò compare sempre una sottesa promessa di "in futuro". Parte del percorso del nostro Colino riguarda il guardare in faccia la sua paura: accettare di essere solo, di essere l'ultimo uomo sulla terra. E poi, come in ogni narrazione che si rispetti, scoprire che il proprio percorso non è stato vano: l'accettazione dell'ipotesi della solitudine lo porta a scoprire, nella figura di Martino (che dopotutto abbiamo visto muoversi furtivamente al canto di Adeste Fideles, l'annuncio della buona novella dell'arrivo del Salvatore sulla terra), che solo non lo è, e forse non lo sarà mai.
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aegissi · 5 years
50 questions tag 💕
I was tagged by @sophrosynes (this took me like a month im sorry)
1. what takes up too much of your time? definitely social media n looking at kpop stuff or youtchube videos :////
2. what makes your day better? nowadays the only thing that will always lift my mood is working out bc of all those chemicals
3. what’s the best thing that happened to you today? i procrastinated today so i didn’t do much sjgvdfhdbk i did an arm workout tho and it was so satisfying to be able to do all the moves without a break bc it shows that im getting stronger n i luv that
4. what fictional place would you like to go? the house in my neighbor totoro bc it just looks nice and peaceful
5. are you good at giving advice? i think i am but ultimately the receiver decides if the advice was indeed good or not 
6. do you have any mental illness? hahahahahahhaa yea maybey probably im seeing a therapist anyway
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no it sounds very intriguing tho n i was surprised that so many people experienced it 
8. what musician inspired you the most? epik high and 2ne1 :(((
9. have you ever fallen in love? nah i don’t think so,, im more of a “intricate daydreams abt romantic scenarios that won’t ever happen” type girl
10. what’s your dream date? roberta im litcherally the same sjgdvfjbhk so yea museum or art gallery and then going to a place to talk,, i think a picnic would be nice too??
11. what do others notice about you? well first off they notice im #asian asfhjdg and also like my eyes i think? especially if i put on makeup (tbh i don’t even think that people notice things abt me)
12. what is the annoying habit you have? i always hum or sing-song randomly,, i personally don’t find it annoying but maybe others would ig
13. do you still talk to your first love? my first crush is a business major now so no lmaooo
14. how many ex’s do you have? zero
15. how many songs are on your playlist? 182 on my current tunes playlist but i have like 30 playlists in total
16. what instruments can you play? none unfortunately :// (i want to learn gayageum tho bc it sounds cool)
17. who do you have the most pictures of? 80% of my phone galleries are selfies bc i Love Myself
18. where would you like to go before you die? i want to go to a place where there’s a lot of snow n it’s really white n quiet
19. what is your zodiac? capricorn babey!!
20. do you relate to it? yea im very earthy n i like money
21. what is happiness to you? being at peace and not worrying,,, just being in the moment n enjoying it to its fullest
22. are you going through anything right now? yea but a bitch is gonna survive as always
23. what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? i don’t really remember and i don’t even want to bc thats not useful to my growth
24. what’s your favorite store? there’s a vintage store i really like and also artbox in korea,,, they have so much stuff i almost bought the whole stationary section
25. what’s your opinion on abortion? it should be as safe as possible for the people who choose to have one 
26. do you keep a bucket list? yea but i always forget what i put on it anyway and i end up remaking it every year rsgjbjkf i do have a bucket list for the month tho!! 
27. do you have a favorite album at the moment? not really i feel like it’s been a while since i last listened to an album in its entirety 
28. what do you want for your birthday? a hair straightener bc my bangs are currently out of control
29. what are most people’s first impression of you? i have no idea honestly but i think it’s mostly good? but i can appear kinda distant bc i am quite distant if im not feeling the person 
30. what age do you seem according to most people? i look my age tbh i’ve never had anyone give me more at least
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? on my desk or charged near my bed
32. what word do you say the most? uuuuhh idk but i write “okey” a lot by texts shfdbhkf
33. what’s the oldest age you would date? like 22?? i don’t like huge age gaps
34. what’s the youngest age you would date? people born in december 2000 sjbhkdb otherwise ur babey
35. what job/career do most people say would suit you? one of my best friends used to tell me i would be a good therapist but i feel like thats bc im a good listener?? other than that idk (i asked my parents once n they were like. just do what u want zjvhjgbfk thats not helpful!!!)
36. what’s your favorite music genre? the type of music they put in chill study music playlists on youtube honestly (and also anything that sounds gay. i luv disco sm u guys don’t even know)
37. if you could live in any country in the world where would it be? korea bc i need yakult and karaokes
38. what is your current favorite song? shine by pentagon bc i relate to the lyrics now sgdbkjfnkjb
39. how long have you had this blog for? uuuhh i wanna say 2 years??
40. what are you excited for? my paris trip with my friends!!!!!!! 
41. are you a better talker or listener? im a good listener but i luv talking bc i luv attention,,,, but im also not very eloquent most of the time??? so im gonna go with listener
42. what is the last productive thing you did? not 2 repeat myself again but working out (im a jock i tell u)
43. what do you want for christmas?  money would be nice
44. what class do you get the best grades in? according to my exam results it’s english but i had good grades in physics in hs and also in literature
45. on a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? a solid 4.5
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? in a nice apartment with lots of plants and wearing a long white dress while playing the ukulele to my flower bouquets
47. when did you get your first heartbreak? ay it’s always been broken fellas 🤠🤠 if we wanna get more specific i’d say first year of high school during my first friendship breakup
48. at what age do you want to get married? honestlé? i don’t wanna get married,, to me it just seems like another thing to be trapped in and i value my independance too much
49. what career did you want to have as a child?  i wanted to be a vet bc i loved animals!! i also wanted to be a jedi too but thats smth else entirely 
50. what do you crave now? affection/purpose/peace/blueberry muffin/tteokbokki with cheese
im tagging: @1fancafe @twejoon @ilovemeghan @flowerene @scy @rainmv @jinseas (idk who did this already but ignore if u want to sgjdbgkfn)
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 6 years
Deanoru youtuber AU part 2, since like 3 people asked for it
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Nico was never really planning for the youtube thing to be more than a hobby.
Her parents are both loaded and so her plans for the future was pretty much just to live the life of a rich straight white man, but as a queer woman of color and without all the sexual assaults.
Her parents are surprisingly supportive of her youtube experiment, something about learning to manage a brand and running a bussiness. They even help her pick out an agent and stuff.
However nothing they had done had prepared her for her current problem.
It wasn’t that Karolina had a crush on her that was a problem, according to her twitter literally thousands of girls around the world were in love with her… the problem was that she had a crush on Karolina.
The sane thing to do would have been to slowly drop contact with Karolina, not flirt with her! Not only was she Karolina’s first crush, she was also her idol, there was no version of this that ended happily.
And Nico was not going to be the type of celebrity who slept with her groupies. No matter how long Karolina’s legs were.
So like the responsible adult she is, she obviously invites Karolina on an internet date, and they end up watching “Bend it like Beckham” together via Discord
And one Discord date turns into several, until suddenly Nico is organizing a tour across the US, just to get an excuse to meet Karolina in the nearest major city.
How the hell Karolina somehow ended up joining the last 2 weeks of her tour across the US Nico wasn’t sure.
but it did result in terabytes of videos and pictures of them together, napping on planes, stuffing their faces with street food, and making faces at statues. The vast majority of which Nico “accidentally” end up posting.
Coming home, Nico is just about ready to buy a house and ask Karolina to move in with her. But her mom talks her out of it, which Nico begrudgingly admits is for the best.
In the mean time Nico’s fanbase is going crazy trying to identify Nico’s “mystery gal pal” and it has Karolina worried since you know, she still lives in a homophobic town with super homophobic parents.
Their theories include everything from the actress who played the main character in a Norwegian remake of “Home Alone: the musical”, and a girl who went missing 2008, to a secret government clone of Joan of Arc… Nico had some weird fans
Since the internet is the internet, asking her fans to leave her girlfriend the fuck alone would only result in Karo being found faster. So instead Nico fuels the rumors by occasionally making cryptic references to her friend Lucy (whom she may have implied was actually an alien).
For a time all is right in the world. Nico dodges every scandal the internet can throw at her. Karolina keeps vlogging and ignoring her subscribers pleas to talk about something other than her girlfriend. Even #mysteryGalPal eventually dies down
All of that is ruined one lazy afternoon while Nico is procrastinating editing her collab with Gert, and binges Karolina’s videos. Without thinking about it she saves Karolina’s post US-tour vlog to her favorites.
It takes her less than 10 seconds to realize her mistake, and an agonizing 2 minutes to get rid of the “I just added a video to my favorites” tweet. She tries to warn Karolina to get her to take the video down, but by the time she sees the message, the damage is done.
Karolina’s subscribers skyrocket, #mysteryGalPal rises from the grave, and the sky remains clear of fire and brimstone. They praise their lucky stars that for once the internet wasn’t being the internet.
2 days later Karolina calls Nico in the middle of the night to tell her she’s been disowned, and now has 23 dollars and a set of clothes to her name.
Nico starts to panic and does the only thing that makes sense to her: waking up her mom at 1:34 am.
Tina immediately goes into CEO mode, and starts directing Karolina. First she gets her to a place where she can charge her phone and won’t freeze to death. Next she grabs her laptop and starts planning her trip from Fuck-Off, Nowhere to L.A. not hesitating for a second as she pays for every ticket with her corporate account (including business class wherever that’s an option). She doesn’t stop talking to Karolina for longer than it takes to get a sip of the coffee Nico brought her.
When Nico asks what the hell Karolina is gonna stay once she gets to L.A., Tina just smiles and tells her “I guess you got your wish after all, your girlfriend will be moving in with us.”
The next afternoon Nico picks Karolina up in the airport, and they drive straight home so that they can finally film the much requested girlfriend tag.
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 7 years
82 Truths Tag
I was tagged by @bhartsfield  thank you! :) 
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 82 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people (Let’s be honest, I’m not gonna tag 25 people)
Since this is a long one, I’m putting my actual answers under the line :)
My Favourites:
Animal: Foxes
Colour: Blue
Drink: Tea
Food: Soup 
Time of year: Christmas time
Films: The Mummy (the 1999 version, not the crappy 2017 remake), Stardust, LOTR
Book: Too many to list, but if I had to pick just one it would be The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery
Subject in school: At university probably Anthropology. Back in high school it would probably have been classical studies
Flower: Forget-Me-Nots
Fruit: Grapes or Mango 
About Me:
My name is Anna
I’m 21 years old 
I live in New Zealand
I’m studying to be a lawyer 
I love to bake 
I know a lot of random and mostly useless facts
I want to see the Northern Lights 
I’m lactose intolerant 
I love vintage shoes
I’m obsessed with musicals and I sing all the time even though I’m not very good at it
Most recent:
Phone call: My mum
Text: My Dad (I ran out of lactose free milk)
Food: Museli
Drink: Water
Book: Last book I read was The Fate of The Tearling (still reading it)
Purchase: A criminal law textbook which I needed for class
Song I listened to: A cover of Uma Thurman performed by Vitamin String Quartet
Reason to be excited: I’m going to a show this week :)
TV show: The Handmaid’s Tale 
Obsession: Scented candles...I like to burn them while I study
Happiest: Getting my first bike for Christmas when I was 5
Saddest: Probably when both my grandparents died only a few months apart three years ago
Strangest: Probably the time I got tossed into a tree by superman and a unicorn
Scariest: Almost drowning on a beach on New Year’s Day in 2013, it was the single most traumatic moment in my life. 
Funniest: I can’t think of a specific one, just general hilarity with friends I guess
Exciting: Recently, probably getting tickets to a show I didn’t think was going to come to New Zealand
Proudest: When I got an A+ in a law paper I thought I had failed
Boring: I think I’ve deliberately blocked out all my most boring memories so I don’t have to relive them
Biggest Fears
Small spaces
Excited for in Life:
Graduating law school
Finally finishing a book one day 
Getting to travel
Hopefully having a family one day 
Having my own house and a cat
Being able to afford Netflix
Being able to use the stuff I’ve studied to get a real job 
I am always
Worrying about things
Eating dairy and then wondering why I feel sick 
Starting new cross-stitches
Singing along to Broadway musicals
Thinking about how I should be doing work and not procrastinating on the internet
Trying to find more vintage clothes
I wish I was, and I eventually will be
Able to write without procrastinating for hours
Reading more
More motivated to get fit 
A published author 
A lawyer 
A cat owner 
Less anxious 
A homeowner
A more patient person 
Favourite Things about Myself:
My eyes
I can speed read
My ability to keep going in difficult situations 
My cooking skills 
I’m pretty good with money 
I’m good at making friends
My creativity 
My hair, even though sometimes I think it’s too thin, its a pretty color
My ability to stand up for myself
Finally, my blog:
Lots of book pictures, discussion and random unrelated pictures etc. which catch my attention at the time 
Is trying to be more of an active booklr, and do actual reviews, haha I’m getting there
I kind of want to change the name but idk
I’m going to tag @shadowtearling @rat-librarian @relevy @izzytheheartbrekker @thepaige-turner @a-marvellous-miscellany @bindings-and-beginnings @theinkstainsblog and anyone else who wants to do it. Absolutely no pressure to do this, especially considering it is quite a long one :)
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dreadsful · 7 years
tagged by @roecompany love you boo
rules:  answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: @fuckyeahspirk and @weneedwhiskey
1. drink: pepsi 2. phone call: deadass corsettis 3. text message: a skype to heidi  4. song you listened to: shot in the dark - within temptation  5. time you cried: uh like last night full blown sobbing because im w e a k 6. dated someone twice: no because ive been dating heidi since fifth grade 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: idk brighten pissed me off for a little while 9. lost someone special: yes my kitty ♥ 10. been depressed: probably yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i did drink two two liters of pepsi in one night and threw up 
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. blue 13. orange 14. dark red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: purposefully i have not  16. fallen out of love: maybe with a fandom or two  17. laughed until you cried: “we made her eat a combination of all the expired foods in my fridge. she was still awake and turned over with her ipod light. punched in the back of the head, that one girl last year who slammed into my forehead, “why is that ross from friends”, “ - adding on, the reaper that definitely got possessed mid-game, the people on video chat that recognized eren, the message i got from the porn bot on ps4, every time we almost got separated, ‘you cat pushed down on my vagina’ 18. found out someone was talking about you: uh yes? but mostly from people i’d expect it to be from lol 19. met someone who changed you: literally me and heidi suck each other into fandoms so much it wouldn’t be fair to say anyone else changed me.  20. found out who your friends are: ive happily been in a single committed friendship for like 7 years so i know  21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no thank god 
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: p sure all of them besides some african kid that sent me a friend request 23. do you have any pets: yes, id like to have more tbh another puppy  24. do you want to change your name: yes my name is way too common 25. what did you do for your last birthday: just like- ate cake 26. what time did you wake up: usually around 6:50 if im being honest 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: im not even lying i was deadass crying  28. name something you can’t wait for: friday  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now  31. what are you listening to right now: my dog’s ridiculously long nails on the floor 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so  33. something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that i always have so much shit to do but do none of it instead 34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, character wiki pages 35. hair colour: naturally brown but i’ve colored it so sometimes its like- more brown/blond or brown/red  36. long or short hair: fairly long  37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: i honestly- am so good as procrastinating but still getting everything done it’s impressive  39. want any piercings: i would like to have my ears pierced but they always get infected when i do  40. blood type: i think ab something but im not sure 41. nickname: people always call me ‘em’ and it drives me insane i hate it, but i dunno if that really counts as a nickname  42. relationship status: single (thank god) 43. zodiac: gemini 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: bates motel, ahs but really just the freakshow and asylum seasons, used to be game of thrones before they killed off my boy, (tokyo ghoul and snk if animes count), star trek the original series, btas, gotham sometimes i have a love hate relationship with it 46. tattoos: heidi and i should get matching tattoos but i want a small one for my birthday  47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: no, but i did have stitches on my chin & have fucked up my ankle and foot a bunch  49. piercing: none  50. sport: i say horse back riding out of habit but honestly i cry off 30 pounds a day  51. vacation: im supposed to go to florida to see my dad but he also didn’t evacuate for irma so is he even alive idk  52. pair of trainers: are those sneakers? 
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: soup 54. drinking: pepsi  55. i’m about to: sit here until i go to the movies  56. waiting for: also to go see IT like damn i liked the original but the remake is more my speed + eddie’s & richie’s jokes are the best  57. want: to get back into fucking platinum in overwatch  58. get married: i sometimes think i want to but then i remember how much i sincerely hate people 59. career: crime scene investigator but im also lazy af 
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: personally i don’t like either but when it comes to characters i have a weakness for the hugs 
61. lips or eyes: pfft eyes  62. shorter or taller: tall people are scary tbh  63. older or younger: i hate old people  64. nice arms or nice stomach: both  65. hook up or relationship: uh- for me i don’t even,,, care, but for them otps you know relationships  66. troublemaker or hesitant: there’s such a thing as in between 
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger:  no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t have those lol  70. turned someone down: not technically but when people feel the need to remind me that they’re straight i do stop talking to the, 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: uh no  73. had your heart broken: when any favorite character dies  74. been arrested: i should have been  75. cried when someone died: literally any character ever  76. fallen for a friend: 😏😏😏
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: ha 78. miracles: nope 79. love at first sight: not realistically no  80. santa claus: no ? who does anymore? 81. kiss on the first date: its just a kiss 82. angels: heidi is one 
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: heidi ofc  84. eye colour: blue 85. favorite movie: IT is really good, the star trek movies are all good even if some of them are like romantic comedies. avengers, psycho, the dark knight and wonder woman (though i hate the dceu with a burning passion tbh), batman animated movies are literally the best, fucking brother bear and open season my childhood favorites, mad max fury road, honestly so much more i just can’t remember
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osou · 7 years
Tagged by @horohoros (ur the light of my life)
🐻5 things you’ll find in my bag 🐻
my phone, some earbuds, a pack of mints, a random pencil or pen i found on the ground, tissues
🐰5 things you’ll find in my bedroom🐰
a mess tissue box with tissues strewn about near the rash can from missed throws, some hanged hoodies i like to wear in a place thats easy to just pick up and grab, my pikachu plushie, video game consoles, posters of movies and shows on the walls
🐱5 things I want to do with my life🐱
graduate, find a stable friend group, not feel so bad all the time, get decent at drawing things, volunteer at an animal shelter maybe, have a stable career with decent pay
🍪5 things I’m into right now🍪 
god uhhh im into osomatsu san still, mp100, pokemon, touhou, and overwatch! 
⭐Things on my to-do list⭐
do my work during the weekend, clean up my room, start exercising, stop being such a gotdamn bitch with anxiety, remake some blogs that i have saved and use them 
❤5 things people don’t know about me❤
im a huge procrastinator, im supposed to graduate this year, i can understand spanish but i have a hard time writing and speaking it, i have a minor speech impediment that makes it hard for me to have skype calls with people i dont know irl, i have a crush on someone 
tagging: im still shy ///
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