anairamzinid · 2 months
Lab exp novo
Buscar resultado preventivo
Psicólogo as 14h? O q tenho haver
Conheci uma marca de leite fermentado nova, é aquele salgadinho stikadinho (não gostei)
Comi um n1 chicken
Bebi 1L de água ( mt pouco
Dormir 23h37
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cahhhmoreirasblog · 1 year
Comi hj deliciaaa ❤️
Açaí, morango, nutella, stikadinho, prestígio.
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causo-pr · 3 years
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Ela gosta de... #Stikadinho #causopoesia #causopr #poesiaacustica #amor https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrhOeNHEji/?igshid=4bvokk4efdou
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sandrinhaleite · 3 years
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#stikadinho #stikadinhomorango #amei #chocolatelovers 😋🍓🍫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNGw1y-HOQ2_f5fbWVVRTaV3Gpn5uFPz80cp_I0/?igshid=q6y518w1pit8
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radiozoe · 3 years
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#Hum #stikadinho #bora #Chocolate #Delicias #Sabadou (em Radiozoe Zoe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJRA7UehM-1/?igshid=1cyr10zomind
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nacassiii · 4 years
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Brigadeiro de Oreo com leite Ninho, e Stikadinho de: 🍓...🍫 . .🍓 . .🍫 . .🍓 . .🍫 #Novidades #oreo #ninho #stikadinho (em Jardim Santa Monica - Pirituba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGdwP2Ag5u5/?igshid=uvputfrkj4c
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negociosnobairro · 3 years
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@demixdoces é parceira do @negociosnobairro #PrestigieNegociosnobairro Nossos deliciosos Tubetes 😋 Kit Kat, Stikadinho, Trento . . . Peça já o seu (16) 99342-3627 . . . #tubete #kitkatlovers #trentodoc #stikadinho🍫🍫🍫🍓🍓🍓 #doces #gourmet #artesanal #doceartesanal #confeitaria #confeitariaartesanal #confeitariacomamor #empreendedorismo #saocarlos Reposted from @demixdoces (em São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVXyUh7gpCT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coralcottage · 4 years
10 Questions Tag! Answer the questions, add your 10 questions and tag 10 people. I was tagged by @study-van and @studyingfilms, so I'll answer all 20 questions here!
🍁Study- van
What achievement are you most proud of? I would say graduating, because college was so hard /:
Would you go to space if given the chance? I would not. 
What’s the kindest thing someone’s done for you? I suppose everything my mother did to allow me to go to college and have a good upbringing.
What experience changed who you are as a person? Therapy...
What show got cancelled or ended that you wish didn't? F I R E F L YYYYYYYYY and Anne with an E
Dusk or dawn? Dawn! 
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? End child labor. 
What’s your favorite candy? Stikadinho (a chocolate with strawberrypaste filling)
What is the last song you’ve listened to? Irene and Seulgi - Monster
Do you listen to ASMR? (If so who are your favorites??) YES! And the list is long, but mainly: GibiASMR, Latte ASMR, The Lune Innate, White Rabbit ASMR, Angelica, ASMR Twodae and Superfly.   
🦋 Studyingfilms
What’s the last movie you enjoyed watching? Indiana Jones and the last cruzade. I rewatched it and now I am obsessed. 
What’s the saddest song you have ever listened to? It’s very odd, but I always cry when I listen to AKMU - Melted.
What meal reminds you of your childhood? The christmas cookies my grandmother bakes since forever. 
What’s your opinion on digital books? I love digital books! I can read anywhere and, as much as I love the feel of a paper book, digital is much lighter and has more options. 
What’s the nicest thing you have ever done for yourself? Therapy...
Do you have a quote you know by heart? If so, write it here. “One sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” I don’t like The Little Prince but this goddamn quote is engraved on my brain, but in french.   
What’s your favorite videoclip? (Link!) At the moment Taylor Swift’s Cardigan.  But in general I will like anything from the 70s and 80s. Anything. 
What song reminds you of yourself? Maybe Aly&AJ’s Rush? I used to listen to this song a lot and it has a nice message about being yourself.
Can you describe a memory you like? It’s weird as hell but I remember sitting on the couch watching Smallville in the morning when I was like 9 and it was sunny and I was SO CHILL. 
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they? I read and collect vintage magazines. 
🌼 My questions: Top 3 favorite autors. Best vacation (or place you visited)? Do you like to bullet journal?  Favorite Flower? Would you travel back in time? To when? Favorite game? Is there a film you always rewatch? A habit you wish you had.  Most used app? What do you usually eat for breakfast?   I tag: @fairie-fawn @alpinestudies @ginkgofairy @josis-teacup  @thatstudyblr-on-tea @clabujo @mrs-bingley @honeydewnotes  @pa-eonia @docendoediscimus
As always, there is no need to answer, you can skip questions and, if anyone wants to just do the tag and say i tagged you, it’s all good! 
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konsum · 6 years
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Lembranças Neugebauer - Caixa Sortida Bombons, 200g
Fast alles eklig (süß). Nur Bib’s ist ok.
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Um Stikadinho não faz mal!😁😂😍🙈🍫 #chocolate #stikadinho #infancia #amochocolate #ssparaiso #runnergirl . . . . . . . . . . . #カプリコ #おやつ #美味しい #レシピ #クッキングラム #スイーツ #お菓子 #かわいい#sweets #dessert #cafe#cute #followme #instagood #instalike #japan #yummy #instafood #foodie #delicious #cooking #recipe #foodpic #follow4follow #chocolate (em Brazil)
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123471o · 2 years
são 158kcal o stikadinho esse
preciso fazer uma conta para contar quantas kcal eu como por dia, pq eu tô estrapolando eu acho :<
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diariodaliih · 3 years
11/08/2021 - Quarta-feira - 21:37
Dia de experimentar Doces Momentos no sabor Stikadinho 🍓!
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omercadinho24hrs · 4 years
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Vai um Stikadinho ai?? # omercadinho24hrs #mercadinho24hrs #mercadinho #mercadinhonoseucondominio #mercadinhoemcondominios #mercadoemcondominios #convenienciaparacondominio #conveniencia24hrs #condominio #condominios #microfranquias #micromercados #micromarket #honestmarket #sindicoprofissional #sindicossp #sindicosprofissionais #sindicos #sindicosgestores #sindico #franquias #franquiasbaratas #franquiasinovadoras #negociosdesucesso #negocios #negociosdofuturo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEan2AXl25c/?igshid=1aw448yteeyfr
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solemleao · 5 years
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Se vc lembra do Stikadinho de Morango, com certeza vc é tão velho quanto eu... https://www.instagram.com/p/B3R6DKqJ__qlySmf0Ety6Ejtk4f7Ay18OuvtB40/?igshid=zr9afvohgbhw
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enzopoemas · 5 years
Posso não ser o que você esperava Mas tenho certeza De que você se surpreenderá comigo Sou seu presente Naquela caixa selada a laço de fita É lá onde me encontro Espero que me abra na sacada Um pulo Segure-se Sou eu Um stikadinho Não esquenta Senta, pegue em minha mão Pintado de rosa morango Adoçado e achocolatado Posso não ser o que você pediu Mas meu chocolate é invencível Diferente da data de validade Sabe, quando me abrires Será sensação Gestos desmedidos de afeto Talvez proclamarei berros Não sei o porquê, é assim que fui feito O amor se prova desse jeito Só sei exagerá-lo para demonstrá-lo O coffee break chegou Infelizmente, não é o bastante para resetar Abro um stikadinho que peguei da estante Adiando o fim do expediente Fim seguido de recomeço, o amanhã Mordendo o chocolate assim como a cobra Morde sua cauda
Angústia amarga Queria sair do trabalho Queria estar em casa Queria ir embora A carruagem virou abóbora
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rabexxpaulson · 7 years
What's your favorite chocolate and movie?
Chocolate: It's a Brazilian one called "Stikadinho"; It's basically Strawberry with dark chocolate haha 🍓🍫Movie: Hmm that's haaard 🙈 but Blue Jay I guess Thank you so so much for the ask!! I love answering things! Have a great week, love! 😽💖
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