#steve harrington in a crop top
festering-psyche · 2 years
steve harrington with a belly button piercing is in fact, my favourite thing.
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belovedharringrove · 2 years
“oh i wanna see steve in a crop top, we need to see that in season 5, someone let the duffers know” fools. all of you. you shouldn’t be asking the duffer brothers to see steve harrington in a crop top. you need to talk to joe keery himself. he’ll absolutely find a way to make it happen. “but, rea,” i can already hear you saying, “joe keery has no social media!” then stand outside his house banging pots and pans until he listens. hold up signs that say WE WANT STEVE HARRINGTON IN A CROP TOP and CROP TOP STEVE RIGHTS so he’ll know. if there’s a will, there’s a way.
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idkimtiredanddumb · 2 years
let steve harrington wear a crop top that’s all I ask
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elevenenthusiast · 10 days
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It’s absolutely bonkers to me that we’ve never seen Steve in a crop top like this
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batty4steddie · 4 months
The first night Steve stayed over, Eddie gave him a Corroded Coffin t-shirt to sleep in. It was meant to be a temporary solution, just something to throw on to sleep, but it quickly became his shirt. It was the most comfortable piece of fabric to ever grace his skin. No matter how much he wore it, it still smelled like Eddie. After Steve cropped it during a brutally hot summer, he felt tawdry whenever he wore it in front of Wayne. It was worth the slight embarrassment whenever Eddie wrapped his arms around him from behind. Eddie’s hands would rest on Steve’s midriff and squeeze him so tenderly that every inch of him felt loved.
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ahhrenata · 1 year
Oh I had no idea you took requests!! If they're still open, I'd love a Steddie piece where Eddie sort of hates himself for having the hots for King Steve. At school, out of school, wherever your heart desires. :))
he’s a little stressed 😅
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steddiecameraroll · 8 months
“Hiya big boy”
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
For the requests! I present to you...
Eddie reacting to Steve in a crop top and super short shorts for the very first time ever as Steve's just minding his own business and doing the most mundane things ever 👀
Oh what FUN. I needed this prompt SO bad and I had fun with it. Honestly I relate to Eddie so much here: just completely feral over Steve in a crop top and shorts. Hope you enjoy! - Mickala ❤️
Hawkins was hot during the summer, but that was nothing to the Florida heat.
Florida wasn’t Eddie’s idea, to be clear.
His idea was anywhere not south.
July was hot enough everywhere, why make it worse?
Apparently, he was the only one with common fucking sense.
But Steve insisted on a beach trip, and apparently the only beach that was sufficient for the kids was in Florida.
Eddie wasn’t built for this. He was pale, only owned long black jeans, and his hair stuck to his face and neck the moment he started to break a sweat.
But Steve was so excited and the kids were so excited and so Eddie was tolerating it.
Steve bought an actual RV.
When Max got out of the hospital, basically adopted her when her mom was nowhere to be found, he bought one, not too big, but big enough for everyone to have a space.
Robin took the couch, insisted on it, not sharing with anyone, not even Steve. El and Max took a bottom bunk, Dustin the other bottom bunk. Steve didn’t let Mike and Will share a bunk because he went full parent mode the second he saw them holding hands, so Will took one top bunk with Lucas and Mike took the other. Which left Steve obviously taking the queen bed in the back, and Eddie the bed with him or the floor.
So Eddie argues with himself for a week leading up to the whole long two day ride to Florida about sleeping on the floor, about maybe trying to bunk with Dustin, who kicks and snores like a grown man fighting in a boxing ring. Considered begging Mike to suck it up and share so he wouldn’t have to face what he’d been ignoring for six months now: that he was ass over head, disgustingly, write songs about him, in love with Steve Harrington.
He barely even talks to Steve, probably coming across as an asshole, but Robin covers for him, makes sure he’s given the space he needs to come to terms with the fact he has to share a bed with Steve on this journey.
By the end of the first day, he’d managed to come to terms with sharing a bed with him. A queen bed was big enough for space between them, he could wake up first so there’d be no chance of Steve seeing how hard he would be. He could make it work.
Making it work apparently meant not sleeping at all.
He didn’t even close his eyes. He felt every movement next to him, heard every breath Steve let out, every groan when he moved in a way that caused his healed but still sore bat bites to twinge.
He felt every twinge in his heart knowing that Steve was turned towards him, getting closer with every movement, and he had to ignore it.
He had to ignore it because if he didn’t, he’d turn around and pull Steve against him, play with his stupid, soft hair, and run his hand up and down his stupid, muscular, naked back.
So he was a bit tired on day two of their travels. Steve asked if he could drive for a couple hours so he could braid the girls’ hair. What was he supposed to say? No?
Not fucking likely.
So he drove, even though he was exhausted, and hadn’t drive an RV before in his life, and probably shouldn’t have been allowed near a real map for any reason other than passing it to someone else.
Robin, luckily, saw him struggling, and quickly made her way to the passenger seat to be navigator.
She didn’t say anything about it, she didn’t ask about his night, and she didn’t offer to trade sleeping spots with him. He tried not to be a little bitchy about it, but honestly, she was supposed to be Steve’s best friend, why couldn’t she sleep with him?
When Steve finally yelled to him to pull off the next exit to switch, he felt like he could breathe again.
Maybe he could take a nap in the bed since Steve was driving now.
But then Dustin wanted to talk about the campaign they’d do when they got to the campsite and Will got involved and then Mike had to add his (wrong) opinion about a trap that he was convinced Eddie would throw in. Eddie’s head was starting to hurt and they still had six hours to go.
Eddie managed to sneak away to the bedroom after they stopped for gas and lunch, slept for maybe 30 minutes, then got woken up by El, who wanted her nails painted to match her bathing suit and he couldn’t say no.
Of course, Max decided she wanted her nails painted too, and then Robin said she needed a touch up and didn’t trust herself to do it so Eddie got wrangled into painting everyone’s nails.
He barely even realized when they arrived.
But suddenly, Steve was standing next to him, smiling down at him, making Eddie want to die and also propose marriage at the same time.
“The kids are already running to the water. Wanna help me set up?”
Steve could have asked him to murder someone and he would, so he said yes.
“Cool, I’ll just change. Can you get the awning out and the chairs set up?”
“Yep, don’t take too long and make me do all the work.”
Steve laughed. Eddie laughed.
Eddie was serious, but if anyone could get away with making him do all the work, it was Steve.
So he got started on it all.
He watched Robin walking slowly towards where the kids were running along the water’s edge to keep an eye on them, all of them just a little nervous to let them out of their sights still.
He started turning the crank of the awning, already sweating from the heat and humidity, the breeze just blowing more hot air and sand at him.
He’d never been to the beach before, and he was quickly realizing why he didn’t mind that.
Once the awning was set, he opened the side compartment to pull out some of the camping chairs Steve bought for the occasion.
“Everything going okay?”
Eddie looked up to answer Steve and froze.
Steve had changed.
He’d changed into the shortest crop top Eddie had ever seen and a pair of shorts that his ass was going to pop out of the moment he bent over.
He couldn’t breathe.
Steve’s skin was just. There.
His scars, the scars that matched Eddie’s, were there.
Out in the open.
So much skin just happening right in front of Eddie’s eyes.
“Eddie? You okay? Need help?”
Eddie coughed, trying to hide the fact he was practically choking on his own spit.
“Good. I’m good. So good. Great.”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, but he nodded.
“Okay, well I’m gonna hook up the plumbing and electric. Think you can get the hot dogs and buns out and start the fire for when the kids come back super hungry?”
Eddie knew he was asking him something, possibly something important, but he didn’t understand any of it. He nodded, though.
He watched Steve walk around to the other side of the RV.
So much skin.
Holy shit.
Eddie wanted to rip those clothes off of him. He wanted to taste the sweat that was dripping down his neck. He wanted to carry him back into the RV, lock the door, and fuck him into the mattress of the bed they had to share later.
He could do it. Robin would keep the kids busy. She’d understand.
But no. There was a reason he hadn’t acted on his feelings. There was a reason he’d been keeping his distance, making sure he was never alone with Steve.
He was so lost in his thoughts he almost didn’t notice when Steve came back around the corner, sweatier than before, his skin glistening in the sun.
God, this had to be illegal. This was a war crime. This was torture.
Survived almost being eaten alive by demon bats just to die in Florida watching Steve hook up an RV.
Sounds like a sick joke by the universe, but not that hard to believe considering his history.
“Eds? You good? You look like you need some water.”
Steve was walking up to him now, using the crop top to wipe his forehead, showing off even more skin. Jesus Christ.
“Maybe I do need to cool off. Um. Let me go inside and get some water. Great idea.”
Eddie was somehow making his legs work, rushing into the RV so he could get some space before he did something stupid like kiss Steve and tell him that he loves him.
But Steve was concerned, he should’ve known he would follow him inside.
“Eddie. Hey, just relax. The heat is a lot, maybe you should get your bathing suit on and just cool off a bit. I can handle the rest of this stuff,” Steve said as he grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the sink.
Must’ve got the water working then.
Steve, to Eddie’s horror and delight, sat down next to him and put his arm around him, handing him the glass of water with a worried look.
Eddie took it, ignoring the way his hands were shaking, hoping Steve would ignore it too.
He didn’t.
“Eddie, shit. You overdid it. I shouldn’t have had you helping out in that heat like that. You’re still technically healing.” Steve’s hand ghosted over where Eddie’s worst scars were on his sides. “I’m sorry. Just stay in here, I’ll get the AC going so it’s cool. You can change, maybe you’ll cool off faster.”
Eddie knew the problem wasn’t really the heat. And Steve wasn’t going to stop this.
Eddie was watching the way the crop top rode up the more Steve fretted over him, the way his thighs were fighting their way out of the shorts.
He had to tell him.
Eddie pulled away from him for a moment, took a really long look at the scar on Steve’s thigh that wasn’t Upside Down related, and then sighed.
“You’re killing me. The heat sucks, but it’s nothing compared to what you’re doing to me.”
That should’ve been where he stopped. But he didn’t.
“Stevie, you’re like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Like, hotter than Ozzy and James Hetfield combined. Which is crazy because you are nothing like them. You’re you. And like I’m me. And I’m really gay. If that wasn’t clear yet then now it is. I’m super gay. I’m also super into you. I know you’re not into guys, even if you were, you wouldn’t be into me. So like, I get that this is weird and you don’t even have to look at me for the rest of the trip. I’ll sleep on the floor or something. It’s just this outfit is sending me over the edge. I didn’t even know they made shorts that short. And that top? It’s breaking my brain. It’s leaking out of my ears.”
Steve was laughing by the end, which isn’t the worst thing that could be happening, but it certainly wasn’t the best.
“And I mean, when I say super into you, I don’t just mean stupid little high school crush. I mean like I’m in love with you. I love you entirely too much. Like, probably enough where I would be creeped out if someone loved me this much. So I think you should go back outside and let me just wallow in my self pity for a bit in here and then I’ll come back outside and pretend I didn’t just tell you the biggest secret I’ve been keeping for months.”
“Are you done?” Steve asked, no longer laughing, but smiling fondly at him.
Eddie nodded, worried that his outburst probably ruined everything.
But then Steve’s lips were on his, and his hands were in his hair, and his thighs were straddling his lap.
Eddie’s brain shut off and his body took over.
It wasn’t his first kiss by any means, but it was the first kiss with Steve Harrington, which made it more special by default.
He let his hands fall to Steve’s naked thighs, moaning into the kiss when he felt his muscles shift under his palms as he adjusted to a more comfortable position.
Steve pulled away and looked at him with droopy eyes.
“What were you thinking about out there? You were lost in your own world.”
“I was thinking about fucking you into the mattress of that bed while Robin distracts the kids.”
Steve groaned and kissed him again.
“Can we do that?”
Jesus. Steve was something else.
“Sweetheart, as much as I know you’d far surpass any fantasy I’ve had, the kids could be back any minute and we won’t have an explanation for them.”
“We don’t need an explanation if we just tell them the truth,” Steve pouted, trailing soft kisses down Eddie’s neck.
“So you wanna sit them all down and tell them their dad was fucking their mom into the mattress?”
Steve pulled away and smacked Eddie’s chest.
“No! I just figured we could say you needed a nap. Since you didn’t sleep last night.”
Eddie paled. How the fuck did Steve know that?
“Relax. I was asleep last night, it’s not like I was watching you struggle to keep distance between us. But I saw how tired you were this morning and Robin let it slip that you couldn’t get comfortable and made my assumptions.”
Eddie shook his head.
“Well then you’ll know I am actually tired. I probably could use that nap.”
Steve placed a quick kiss to his lips.
“Then you should take one. I’ll finish up outside.”
“Kinda want you with me though.”
“One of us has to be the responsible parent who sets everything up and gives the kids dinner.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie smirked. “This is like your ultimate fantasy isn’t it? Road trip with your kids and your partner?”
Steve blushed.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“But I’m right! That’s why I love you, Stevie,” Eddie said before kissing his forehead. “I’ll come start the fire for the hot dogs. You stay away from me so I can focus.”
“Damn. I was gonna take off the shirt, though.”
Eddie closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I am begging you to keep it on.”
“Oh. Is this like a thing for you?” Steve teased.
“So what if it is?”
“Then I’ll keep it on and you can fuck me into the mattress with it on later. How’s that sound, big boy?”
Eddie’s jaw dropped.
“Using my own words against me? Unbelievable.”
Steve shrugged and got off his lap, much to Eddie’s dismay.
“I’ll have Robin bring the kids on a night walk along the beach later. Sound okay?”
“Sweetheart, nothing’s ever sounded better.”
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vankaar · 2 years
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Eddie Munson lives rent-free in my head now.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
I'm just saying that if next season, Steve has to rip the bottom of his shirt off for a makeshift bandage and subsequently turns his shirt into a crop top, I'm not gonna be opposed.
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tv3yesblog · 2 years
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steve having bisexual panic because of eddie in a crop top. he’s just like me fr <3
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Just a couple of fairies ✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️✨
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Dustin learned how to make friendship bracelets during camp and teaches Eddie one night when he’s restless and needs something to occupy his mind and his hands
Eddie LOVES it, he learns complicated patterns, how to add beads and charms and different ways to tie them. Before long everyone has a personalised bracelet with a charm specific to them or their name. Hellfire have ones to match their T-shirts. Robin and Nancy may or may not have swapped theirs so that they can carry something of each other all the time
Steve point blank refuses to take his off no matter what and is always playing with it. Every time Eddie sees him do this his heart squeezes so intensely he can’t help but stop whatever he’s doing and wrap Steve up in his arms, trying to stop the butterflies swirling in his tummy.
Steve tries making bracelets so he can share this with Eddie and Dustin but he just can’t get it, it’s too fiddly and he’s had a hand tremor ever since the first trip to the upside down. So he joins a knitting group. And you know what? He LOVES it.
They group is mainly retired mothers and grandmothers but Steve has enough of a connection when they all start talking about their kids and he can vent and gush about his own group of teenagers.
The ladies adore Steve and hearing about his adopted family. They especially love hearing about Steve’s partner and seeing how his face lights up talking about them. They see Steve getting picked up one week by a loud van pulling into the drive of the building and out climbs a long haired boy that makes Steve grin like he’s been given the moon and the stars. From then on the knitting group make an effort to talk about how ‘okay’ they are with ‘the gays’. Steve blushes but appreciates it none the less.
By the time Christmas rolls around Steve is knitting and crocheting up a storm and all the kids, Robin, Nancy and Eddie get handmade projects that he’s been working on for months. He downplays his abilities but everything he’s made is really good. Like really good. Steve is just happy he has an extra way to take care of his family.
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
steve being like fuck you actually and making billy be shirts during basketball because, well, it’s billy and steve thinks (hopes) that making billy cover up will piss him off at least a little
but billy just grins and shrugs it off and ties his shirt up around his waist like a crop top instead and steve ends up tripping over his own feet
..totally not because he was staring or anything
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put ur thinking cap on & imagine eddie munson in this outfit…you’re welcome <3 xoxo
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ahhrenata · 2 years
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