#steamworld dig 2 spoilers
cinni-k · 2 years
Fen for the character bingo
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Legally can't put that question mark as a block because the only fic I've ever written was Fen alone GOD DAMMIT I WAS SO CLOSE-
While Fen functions on their own they are absolutely better when with others, not to mention they fit very well into groups: Obviously they function best when paired with Dot, as they fall into straightman-funnyman together extremely effectively, not to mention the sincerity of Fen realizing they are loved and by extension coming to show love in return. (speaking of. I'm mentally ill about them.) They're also very fun in dynamics with the absolute nonsense of the crew: There's the sincere trust and protection they get from Piper, but also they're just immediately very funny when put into banter situations with people like Dora (almost exclusively headcanon) or Sally (this one's absolutely real though) not to mention the fact that Seabrass, who hates everyone, is just immediately like "yeah you're cool I like you."
I have some contradictory ones so: -Fen's design rules but also what the fuck is going on
-I will apologize for everything they've ever done wrong in their life <3
Anyway I want more Fen time. Put them in more games or I'll cry
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tonkicoastal · 2 years
Wildermyth max players
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#Wildermyth max players free
But there are very few guns in the game that have no use, they just require the right combination of things to make them viable. Learning about the game and experimenting is actually fun as there is no defined "best" scroll/gun (except Spirit Feline). Early on in your accounts' life you'll feel very weak, but as you progress and learn you'll easily become overpowered on a lot of your runs. I bought this game early on (when there were only 2 characters available). If you like rogue likes and borderlands style classes then this game is great for you. The only shortcoming I can mention is its length (around 12 hours to 100%), but that might be a good thing depending on how long you like your games. In my eyes, it is in the same league as some indie gems such as Celeste, Undertale, Hollow Knight, Shovel Knight, Steamworld Dig 2. I feel like this game deserves more attention. The soundtrack is made by the same person who made Celeste's OST, this alone tells a lot. It sounds AMAZING, with a great track and amusing tactile sounds that come out in every interaction. Not sure if I will do something like this at the end of 2022 too, but if you would be interested in helping out, let me know.įirst of all, this is pretty much a 2D-Zelda-like game with the same gameplay loop you are familiar with: backtrack with new abilities and explore more of the map, there are also dungeons and bosses! Although, unlike most of the 2D-Zelda-likes, this does NOT copy & paste mechanics like boomerangs, bombs, arrows, or even the aesthetic Chicory mainly focuses on brush abilities, and has a distinguishing artstyle.Ĭhicory has its own identity and it's pretty strong IMHO, its mechanics are not groundbreaking, but they are well polished. This became a huge project in the end, but I enjoy structuring stuff and bringing light to indie devs, and chipping away a little at a time I eventually got it done, though I did run out steam toward the end. This is simply because they were added before I realized that searching out appropriate reviews for every single game would be too much work. Some of the games have reviews attached and some do not. No guarantees I’ll add it to the OP though.
#Wildermyth max players free
Prices will vary depending on region of course so I’ve only added my local prices.įeel free to post whatever you think I’ve missed, especially console exclusives and itch.io games. The OP would be way too unwieldy if I didn’t put most of the games into spoilered categories so you’ll have to open them if you want to search for your favorites. It’s mostly a Steam list because that’s what I’m familiar with and Steam has the search features and reviews I wanted, but I’ve tried to include prominent console exclusives too.Īs before, first is a list of some of the most popular and well reviewed low profile games this year, and then the rest are separated into genres. These lists are primarily based on Steam user review scores, but also on the number of reviews and simply what games I think will resonate with the members here. Yes, quite a few games are repeated from the previous thread but there are also many new ones. I did the Overview of Indie and low profile games in 2021. There's nothing very important in my introductory text below so you can skip it if you like. Just so you know what to expect from this thread - there are some 40 games in the main post and like 600 including all genre subcategories.
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lulu-balu · 3 years
Rusty might even have some form of fusion reactor or something in him now, not just batteries. In that case peak load from the mech suit is probably maximum power draw from his reactor + maximum draw from his batteries, with only enough for survival going to him. it also means he'd know just HOW bad rosie's reactor design is.
Excellent points here, that's not something I've thought about, I'll admit. It's never actually specified what is in Rusty, so yeah, this is a rad possibility
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supercomputer276 · 4 years
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same energy
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sbuggbot · 4 years
when you want to hug your best friend but another best friend is trying to save you and the world is exploding
SteamWorld Dig 2 didn't need to go as hard as it did at the end but it did and I'm grateful
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[At the end of Dig 2]
Rosie: Well, if it isn’t Dorothy.
Dorothy: But it is me!
Rosie: No, it’s an expression--
Dorothy: Your villain tricks won’t work on me!
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bigbotfamily-blog · 6 years
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Inktober Day 5 Build.PNG
This took me far longer then I thought it would, 2 days. Luckily I was a little ahead with Inktober, however, my reserve has now dried up and I really need to stay on top of everything! So some stuff I wanted to do got left out because of time.
Anyway, here is a picture of Rusty building his machines pre Dig 2.
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stellatheknave · 3 years
2 4 6 7 for the ask game
I'm assuming this is for steamworld since I can't see who you are and it came in seconds after I reblogged that
2. favorite character?
gunslinger from tower defense. mhm, yep. definitely.
(actually it's either Bea or Orik- I think they're cool and they each carried me through their respective games, so yea ^_^)
4. Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
the Stars or Star Scrap... the Stars
6. Favorite Villain?
the Red Queen or [spoilers]
7. Favorite Side Character?
Assuming the crew from heist don't count, and Dot doesn't since she got MC'd for dig 2,
The shopkeeper from quest, or maybe Biff? these questions are harder than I thought they'd be
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firebird963 · 5 years
Steamworld spoilers with 0 context:
Tower Defense: No one has ever beat this game so you can’t possibly spoil it
Dig: Uncle Joe is determined to make every family gathering as awkward as possible
Heist: Local mom friend fucks up real bad and almost causes mass genocide
Dig 2: I’ll find my friend even if the world has to be destroyed in the process!... Wait a minute
Quest: Never meet your heroes
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miloscat · 5 years
[Review] Steamworld Dig 2 (3DS)
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This is the perfect sequel, expanding and refining what made the first game great and polishing the result to a mirror shine. I give it my highest possible rating: a thumbs up.
Steamworld Dig 2 elevates the NPC Dorothy from the original game to playable status, as she searches for that game’s protagonist Rusty, who has gone missing. Her search takes her to a new town full of bots to meet and a new mine, but also a large connected world to explore with different kinds of environments with plenty of wrinkles to dig through. You have a buddy now, the electric sprite Fen, and there’s a faction of human mutants who seem friendly. And SPOILERS but like all great stories (such as the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy saga) it ends with the destruction of Earth, which sets up the setting of Steamworld Heist.
The game’s structure has become more ambitious. The simple, linear progression of Dig 1 has been opened up to a Metroid-style world of distinct environments. Dorothy’s abilities are even more revelatory to the ongoing experience, with awesome movement techniques like the grappling hook and jetpack being unlocked, while some of Rusty’s weaker moves and need for consumables have been trimmed. Exploration and investigation (as well as the challenge/puzzle caves) are now rewarded with gears and other collectibles to customise yourself with game-changing perks.
A lot of mechanics have been carried over from the first game, but in this much more ambitious context they’re given more of a chance to shine. There’s much more going on in the story too, and I noticed a large proportion of female characters which is pleasing, particularly in a heroine-led game. All in all it’s just a delight!
I should note that on 3DS, the more detailed visual style of this game perhaps suffered a tad compared to the first. But it still looks great, and having your inventory and a map on the bottom screen is very nice. Thank you Image & Form!
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cinni-k · 3 years
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Some designs for a swap au where Rusty & Dorothy switch places. (Dig 1 Rusty looks the exact same for the record.) Details abt the design choices will be under the cut.
Dig 1 Dot has the scarf because she’s gotta stay warm, but it’s older and had to be grabbed suddenly, so he just kinda. Stitched it up for her. Her bag is also just a repurposed toolbag for carrying the rocks around. I also added the lines to her hips because I’ve always assumed those are vents and thus would make moving around easier.
Dig 2 Rusty: Darker hat to match the boots and contrast the goggles, which are silvery and blue in refence to the fact that Dot’s goggles are green and his eyes originally turned blue. The goggles were also added in reference to Dot’s scarf being a trait he has and hers is the same color as his body. Also, Poncho! I just wanted to give him a poncho because I like it. :]
Dig 2 Dot (AKA Voltdot): The normal pink of her eyes is blue instead because of the electric light underneath, and her scarf is greyed out and ripped due to lack of maintenance, same with the cracks in the goggles. The wire is because her upgrades are more electrical, and the lines on the hips are just supposed to be light peeking out of the vents. The electrical stomach-thing is just because it looks neat and also because of Rusty’s power core in actual Dig 2. The scars are because honestly? That fight with Rosie was absolutely painful and I don’t understand why Rusty isn’t visibly a bit more roughed up. The boots are just there because I like them. The colors of her body are also overall more desaturated just to make her look a bit more fucked up. The electric pick-axe is based on the ignition axe.
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lulu-balu · 4 years
I'm playing a seed of dig 2 rando, and I got Jetpack before Vectron. (Actually I could entirely skip Vectron in this seed, if I wanted to, its entrance was deep in the fire temple this time. ) And since I could fly I went up past the anti-hookshot staggered area and I found. Writing. Made of platform. At the ceiling. Inside Vectron. It says "GOTTMOS!" or something, writing made of platform is hard to read.
Yeah I think I saw someone on Steam post a video of this! Here:
“Gött mos” means “Awesome” in Swedish!
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sbuggbot · 5 years
That moment in Dig 2 when you find Rusty and he says, "D...Dot?" And you know right then that he isn't and never was evil
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Happy anniversary, SteamWorld Dig 2!
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aurimeanswind · 7 years
Cold Breeze—Sunday Chats (11-19-17)
Another week, another Sunday
It’s been a long week for me. Not in actuality, because I’ve slept an average of 10 hours a day every day this week, which is both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because I’ve been sleeping crazy well. It’s bad because it reminds me of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, of my sometimes inability to drag myself out of bed to do anything. It’s also a common habit I fall into when I know I’m depressed, and while I push back as much as I can against that overwhelming feeling, it’s still there. Ever-present. And it sucks.
It helps to know that the ExtraLife team, now disbanded, is definitely full of the melancholy. We all miss each other. Some more than others, assuredly, but there is just so much love an affection there. I think taking that step back in the aftermath of ExtraLife, the distance, the pride fills me more because of the tight bonds that were just driven home over that week. 
It’s full on Persona-style bonds. Maxed social link meters and unbreakable relationships that serve as tentpole and standing memories and gifts that we all cherish, equally. It’s a comforting feeling, in the sad/loneliness. 
But I digress.
It’s been very good for games! And I’ve sunk my teeth into some big ones this week.
What’s On Tap
Assassin’s Creed Origins
This is the really big one. I’ve spent about 25-ish hours with this title this week.
I love this game, which is super surprising. I wrote a big long thing about all the wild changes they made on this blog, so I’ll refrain from repeating myself here.
One thing I really love in this game is Bayek, the main character. The relationship with him and his wife Aya is just so good. They just fucking love each other so much and its disgusting but sweet and kind of nice. it’s this central bond that the plot swirls around and it’s really strong, unlike other AC games.
I also think the side quest quality in this game is remarkable. It reminds me a ton of The Witcher 3. While I don’t think the voice acting is quite up to that same par, it’s astoundingly excellent. 
I dont’ have many complaints about this game. I really just adore it. And I’m thankful to my friends Barrett and Youssef for recommending it.
Destiny 2
I’ve only been playing a bit here and there, with another playdate with Tony and Greg tonight. It’s been fun playing the game again though, and I’ve excited for the new content coming early next month.
I just wrapped up playing some Overwatch just now, trying out Moira.
Moira is excellent. She is exactly what the healing team in Overwatch needed, a new on-the-ground healer. I feel like Ana is just not an effective healer at all, at least on console where aim and precision is not as strong.
What I love about Moira is that healing is a resource for her, she needs to tap into it, and if you run out, you can’t heal anymore. It means you need to use her primary energy drain weapon, get out there, and be aggressive in order to be able to support your team.
It’s a lot like Doomfist’s shield, which he generates for using his abilities on enemies, and it requires him to use his skillset to then be a better and greater asset to his team.
Moira also heals herself with her attack, so she benefits herself and her own play style by being aggressive.
I really like her. She may take top spot as my primary healer, but I am also incredibly fond of Mercy’s new ultimate, so it’s a toss up. Much like all the many characters I play in Overwatch, it’ll depend on the situation.
Remember to look for my tweet on Sunday afternoons with the hashtag #SundayChats in it. Reply with your question, and you’re in here.
Let’s do this.
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On a personal leve, because I don’t think 2018 will hit the same highs for me, I want there to be more surprises. Again, this is for me, because I think there were huge hit surprises this year for folks like PUBG, but I just didn’t have quite so many hits.
On that note, I hope those surprises come from smaller, indie games. Like I think that was a collection of titles that got lost for me this year because of the stellar AAA games that took the spotlight, but those weird and nuanced and special indie games are some of the best experiences I live for, and I hope with more room in 2018 I’ll be able to get lost in them.
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Personally I just use the Twitter app on my phone, and I’m happy with it. Most folks I know swear by Tweetbot, but I’ve never really gotten to use it myself.
As for Desktop, it’s all about Tweetdeck. You can tweet from multiple accounts, and have just multiple timelines open it it. On mine I have a news story feed for games, my timeline, my mentions, my notifications, and then the IP notifications too. It’s the way to go, in my experience.
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It was the greatest thing I’ve ever been a part of for about a dozen different reasons.
I’m excited to be able to relive it in the archived videos.
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I’d love to visit Hyrule castle town either from Breath of the Wild or Twilight Princess. This is all pre-apocolypse, of course, but especially in BotW it seems like such an incredible and bustling place. I’d love to see the different peoples and cultures of that world melted together in that supreme beauty.
Another one is Hengsha from Deus Ex, because it’s the two-layer city, kind of like Midgar from FF7. I’d just love to see that in person. That’d be more of an architectural look, just to see that crazy design in person and up close.
Another would be Inaba from Persona 4. Just because that place is like a second home for me. I’d love to finally see it in person.
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Hrm, that’s tough. I have a lot that I just need to boot up and get through at this point, so it’s likely the ones that I just know I’m not going to get. A big one is Night in the Woods. I’m determined to make Edith Finch happen, but Night in the Woods seems like a really special game that I’m just not going to get to.
That list of indie games is depressingly long for me too. Pyre? Probably won't get to it and I want to play that so bad. Steamworld Dig 2? I may not get to that this year. I’ll definitely play it but probably just not this year, and that’s such a massive bummer for me since I loved the first one so much. The Housemarque games this year too, since I loved all the times I played them in preview settings.
I do still have some time, and I plan on getting through a few good things between now and the end of December. We’ll see what doesn’t make it.
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For me its a handful of titles that maybe Nabeshin has thrown out to me. I’d like to try Red Dead Redemption at some point. And 999. Those two are huge standouts, but outside of that, it’s hard for me to think of some franchise that I haven’t dipped my toes into at least a little bit with the given time. 
I should probably play Tokyo Mirage Sessions someday but we’ll see. Still have it sealed in the plastic wrap.
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Man, this is so hard. Ideal is tough too, because maybe that implies I’ve been there?
The place I’ve always wanted to go my whole life is Ireland. Its the motherland right? It calls me back. That, and Japan. I’ve wanted to take the journey to the land of the rising sun since I was old enough to barely mutter JRPG. Those are the two places.
Let’s go.
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So, for context, I saw Justice League last night and... I really loved it? Like, I loved everything about it?? I feel crazy, like I’m Greg Miller defending Batman V. Superman??
But I think if I saw it again or I took the step back, I could totally see why people dislike it so vehemently. I was honestly shocked because it... well, it felt like Justice League to me. It felt like it was out of an entirely different DC Cinematic Universe. And maybe my expectations were so low? I don’t know.
But anywhere, there are going to be spoilers in my response here, because Liza deserves the best response I can muster for this, since we’re JL believers.
Boy when Superman shows up and is just straight up like, good, smiling, wise cracking Superman (again, a totally different character than he has been up until then, but I didn’t care because fuck I miss good Superman) I was just grinning ear to ear. They managed to tap into Henry Cavill’s charisma and make him shine as someone I could actually believe is Superman. And just seeing him work with a team and work with other heroes, like, that’s Man of Steel I know and fucking love, and they just nailed it in this movie. It made me so happy. You have no Idea. It’s like I’ve waited my whole life for that.
So yeah, he was my favorite, but I liked everyone! Any second Wonder Woman was on screen was perfect. They made Batman feel so much more like Batman here it was ridiculous. I liked Cyborg a lot, and I feel like they gave him a great arc from self hatred in the beginning to “wanting to live” in the end. Aquaman and Flash were just a ton of fun. 
For me it’s just under Wonder Woman since I thought they just nailed Wonder Woman so well, but I really really loved it, as I’m sure you could tell. I was just a happy kid grinning that my heroes were finally on screen together, and it was rad.
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Haha oh my god okay I don’t think I can pick ten different fingers, but I was thinking about this when I grabbed the question. Probably like, someone who’s fingers have powers, like Emperor Palatine or something? I guess Cole McGraff would be the real world video game equivalent, but someone who would let me shoot lightening out of my fingertips. If I could just choose one then one of theres and then the others from all the characters in Until Dawn.
Because why not
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It’s fine.
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Honestly, the lesson you shared with me Tyler has been a really great one. For folks curious, it’s about Mountain Tops. It’s a great analogy to the higher moments we find ourselves in in life.
That and one I’ve taken to heart over the last two or so years, which is just to listen, and to care, and to pay attention. You don’t need to interject your opinion in every controversial topic, and far too many people do. But that doesn’t exempt you from paying attention.
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We don’t have anything concrete in the works, but we have a lot of ideas. I think PAX East is something to expect us at, and I think more written work in the future is something to anticipate soon too. Not more from who is there, but more and new voices. Exciting voices too, if we can muster it.
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I’d totally be down to play Overwatch for 24 hours. I just love the loop of that game. I’d probably hate myself and it at around the 18 hour mark, but I think I could still muster it.
Least willing to do would probably be something best experienced in short bursts, like a Spelunky, or a Flint Hook, or a Cuphead, Some games require breaks and I think those fit into that fine. Doesn’t make them worse or bad by any means, but when you can walk away and come back better rested, those are good picks.
The Checklist
I have been essentially off reading stuff, but it’s worth shouting out a thing my best friend Jazz wrote today, about ExtraLife 2017.
She is getting into the writing of the content, and I’m excited to support her and see what she comes up with.
I am tired again, but excited to finish some things I’m working on.
Thanks for sticking with me, and for the unending support.
And for taking care of me.
Much love.
Keep it real.
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