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Coffe with love ❤️
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youngamalia · 1 year
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juliaxo · 2 years
hey angels,
this is your daily reminder:
the only person standing in your way is YOU.
Manifest and put in the work, it will all pay off in the end.
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israsubero · 1 year
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El poder de las marcas!! La verdad este no es un café bueno, hay mejores en el mercado, pero se ve bien en una foto. Y la estrategia de marketing me sigue enamorando
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a-bluedream-posts · 9 months
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Alternative Starbucks uniform design by NoEskape
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Huh so I have digital art block but have been having better luck with traditional???
I'VE EVEN GOT FANART DOODLE THINGIES??? (I mean the last one was just anatomy practice BUT STILL)
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I just created a whole ass AU in the tags based on the first drawing. I don't know if I should be proud or scared. I haven't felt this much creative energy in a looooong time haha
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feanoriangrindset · 1 year
i need this tvxq on superm thing be true so badly.... whoever it is it’s going to be so funny
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commander-chaoss · 2 years
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pupuseriazag · 2 months
Bestie ayuda hay gente celebrando que el gobierno le regalo 500 millones a google de nuestros impuestos para abrir un edificio y ya hay imbecil y medio diciendo que somos primer mundo por eso
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matan4il · 6 months
Pro Palestine people are boycotting Starbucks for suing their union for making a pro palestine statement. Timothy was probably holding a Starbucks cup.
Hi Nonnie!
I was aware of the dumb call to boycott Stabucks, but I missed that Timothee's coffee cup was bought there. I went back to have a look, and you're right, it's a bit obscured, because of the cup holder, but the logo is there.
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To the best of my knowledge, Timothee Chalamet has never expressed himself when it comes to the conflict one way or another. I'm also pretty sure he is NOT the only person who has continued to buy coffee at Starbucks. Yet, they're not canceling other Starbucks clients, not even other famous ones. I did a quick Google search for celebs currently affiliated with Starbucks, not just drinking a cup bought there, and found Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. But I've seen no signs of either being canceled over that. Literally, they're hounding him for being Jewish, and trying to hide the antisemitism behind a coffee cup, that's it.
Also, while we're at it, how is the "big bad" that the antisemitic BDS movement calling to boycott, a coffee brand that doesn't even have a single branch in Israel? I very much doubt Starbucks is the only company to take a stand against decisions that would make Jewish employees feel unsafe. And neither Israelis, not the Israeli economy, will be hurt by this boycott, which is supposedly the goal of the BDS movement. Local employees of Starbucks, on the other hand, might end up being financially harmed. And some of them are apparently pro-Palestinian, so the irony is truly something.
Which brings me to a truth no one wants to admit about the BDS movement... they're not asking you to boycott companies, because it will financially hurt Israel. They're asking you to boycott anything or anyone, doesn't matter who it'll be, doesn't matter who gets hurt, because they want to reinforce in the public's mind the idea of Israel as a pariah state, and because they want you to do anything that will make you actively a part in this. When you actively participate in something, no matter how small the action you take, you become more invested in it. And that's what they want, so who cares if the excuse is flimsy, who cares if Israel won't be affected at all, who cares if regular Starbucks employees will get hurt in the process? The goal of demonizing the Jews sanctifies the means.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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cock-holliday · 11 months
The period where I worked at Stabucks while in school was such a funny time for my gender. I realized I was nonbinary after transitioning and eventually effectively becoming cis-passing. So absolutely no one assumed I was ALREADY trans.
Customers thought for sure I was cis, possibly queer, but either a Man or a Woman. Literally opposites back to back. “Thank you young man.” “Tell the nice lady which cake pop you want.”
My COWORKERS on the other hand figured I was trans, but could not for the life of themselves figure out which way. To the point that I had two coworkers who were equally indignant with each other on my behalf because they thought the other was constantly misgendering me.
My BOSS did that charming thing a lot of cis people do where they make a big show of humoring you. Like they do not believe you are that gender, but they will be nice and pretend with you. I recognized it from people doing it to me the first time around. It was insulting then. It was hilarious now. The implication that I did not pass well was hilarious when it assumed the binary gender I transitioned to was my cis state.
Getting to experience people implying “you aren’t really a girl but I’ll still call you ‘she’ wink wink” AND “you aren’t really a boy but I’ll still call you ‘he’ wink wink” is VERY fucking funny
Having a name used by men and women didn’t help anyone figure it out
Shoulder length hair, a voice that could go low or pretty high, short nondescript build, and a cloth mask covering half my face? No clues. But boy was everyone around me certain of their contradictory conclusions.
The only thing that sucked about it was that we didn’t have a bathroom and so I had to use one elsewhere in the building. And regardless of what customers assumed I was behind the counter, no one thought I belonged in their bathroom.
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supercantaloupe · 6 months
should i get a stabucks beverage y/n
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smallest-moon · 10 months
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metatron really be arriving late with stabucks coffee
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opudont-donut · 2 years
*Breaks down your front door while holding the gayest drinks stabucks had*
Wanna hear me new au idea opu
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doingthehardthings · 8 months
Mid-Week Ta Do List
Phew! We are doing what we can honnie. Here goes:
3 hour morning Tree & Babies Hang session: Feed, play time, clean litter boxes (x2);
Update journals (I,II)
Morning meditation + Mantra (today's mantra: I am at peace)
Wash: blankets & sheets; dry; put on bed
Unload grocery order
Take out trash
20 minute yoga, 20 minute weightlifting + core session
Breakfastlunch+ vitamins +play with the friggen cats for like 2 gotdamn hours:D
I have quite a few teaching obligations to do that I'll update as I get to them. My ability to do so will depend on Tree's neediness levels today. Grace & patience, but also, let's go!!
Update: Lots of time spent on cats today. I managed to get 2 more hours of play time with them during my lunch, made the bed and had the most amazing nap. Made dinner, another hour of play time, another hour in the bathroom with Tree reading. All 3 are asleep now. Hoping to eek out some evening work tonight: candles are lit and the Stabucks coffee has been purchased.
Evening goals:
Check start dates of uni 1 & uni 2 second half fall semester courses. sticky note reminder about when to have them put together by.
check and respond to emails (1,2,3)
CM: all intro to comm assignments
TC: as many PS assignments as you can get done + double check everything that's been emailed to you!
Clean kitchen
Prepare for vet trip tomorrow
If time: 20 more minutes of lifting, 10 minutes of stretching
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Can I admit, that I've not had a single beverage at Stabucks that I actually liked? Like the last thing I tried was an iced matcha, and it was just green fucking ice with no flavour. Is there actually anything tasty at Starbucks, and I'm just weird, or am I just to... not in? I've had like 6-8 different drinks, hot and cold, and I didn't like any. : p
Oh yeah, feel free to admit that because a good chunk of Starbucks' menu is dogshit.
Like, someone could say 'well, you don't like coffee so of course you would say that's, but even outside of just coffee (which Starbucks beans are all burnt to shite), the other stuff?
Most of the hot teas are bland, Peach Green Tea Lemonade was only good to me if I added extra peach and lemonade to the point you can barely taste the tea, iced matcha lattes were good but whenever I made mine at work it was dalgona style with the milk portion being heavily flavored with vanilla syrup and vanilla bean powder, frappucinos always left me feeling like 'I really could have just had a milkshake'...
And that's not EVEN tackling the FOOD. My God, there is NO reason anyone should buy food at Starbucks. Putting aside the matter of quality (which has just been on a downward spiral since pre-pandemic times), the prices are ridiculous.
And, just as an aside, someone at Corporate needs to realize that cake pops can come in flavors other than vanilla and chocolate. No, the color of the frosting or the shape of the pop doesn't change that.
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