#st demogorgan
magic-of-camelot · 1 year
Watcha doin' there, Bren?
Hello? I'm rewatching season 1 to get some screenshots for a few theories I have, and I got to this point in episode 2. I don't know if someone has already pointed this out already but:
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I think this further cements that it was not the demogorgan that took Will.
Brenner and other lab peeps are having a good ol' snoop around the Byers' house after Will get snatched by the "demogorgan".
Later on after Barb gets snatched by the actual demogorgan at Steve's, I'm pretty sure (unless I'm just remembering wrong) that the lab guys don't go to his house in their white hazmat suits with their gadgets.
So why did they go to the Byers? This was only in episode 2, so it was before Joyce really started to stir shit up.
Hopper speculated that Will managed to make his way home after falling off his bike, but he never found any solid evidence and it doesn't seem like that is public knowledge. I don't think Hopper had this written down. Everyone is looking for Will in the woods. Nancy even complained that she's on house arrest because "Mike's friend got lost on the way home". So people think he's in the woods, but Brenner came to the house?
Obviously he has used those gadgets and tracked some kind of signals to the house (notice how they didn't go in the house, but straight away went around the outside and Brenner made his way into the shed almost immediately - where Will was actually taken).
Clearly the signals from the shed are similar to those from the gate in the lab.
Now, if they are following signals and finding gates, another question arises... why didn't they go to the other gate that's in the tree? The one Nancy and Jonathan find in a later episode?
As far as we know, that gate was made by the demogorgan (well, I think this is half true and I have my own theory on how this one was created), so it's different to the big gate at the lab. The one in the lab and the one in the Byers' shed are similar in their creation. They come from similar sources. Just like someone with powers created the one in the lab, someone with powers created the one in the shed. It could have been Vecna/Henry/001, but I personally think it was Will (I'm a Will-has-powers truther). We have seen both him and the demogorgan create these small tears between the worlds and seal them back up.
TL;DR - the gate in the tree in the woods, created by the demogorgan, was never found or investigated by the lab - even though it remained open - because the lab never found it. It never even popped up on their radar. The one in the Byers' shed - that was sealed shortly after it opened - was tracked down by Brenner because it emitted similar signals to the gate in the lab. The gate in the lab and the gate/tear in the shed were both created by a person with powers, not the demogorgan.
I'm really bad at explaining myself so I hope I made some sense???
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demadogs · 1 year
excited for when you finish saving the world but not excited for the inevitable influx of yet another finn wolfhard character that everyone adds to their crossover fanfiction on ao3 that i’ll have to filter out every time i wanna read anything
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shadowedvales-a · 11 months
just another day of me not understanding why stranger things (a show with very simple writing, a show that heavily relies on already existing content from the eighties, a very very predictable show that is just getting worse with each season), is so popular, when a show like the umbrella academy isn’t. like. the umbrella academy is SO freaking good. great soundtrack, great visuals, interesting characters and plots and!!!! in my opinion it’s so much better than stranger things in every sense of the word, yet…. it doesn’t get nearly as much love or talk??
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oursonwithagirl · 1 year
rlly holding onto the hope that they filmed SOME scenes during st4 production for st5 already cuz in s2 we all had to believe this mike wheeler
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was also this mike wheeler on the same day
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bagsybaggins · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Disappearance
I open my eyes, staring out the window as I wait for the bell to ring. It was the most boring class of the day, Math. But I still had my good grades to keep Mom happy, even though Dustin always got better grades than me.
Not that I cared about that.
Sure Mom cared about the good grades the 'reputation' of being a good kid and all that shmuck. But I am not exactly a good kid. Not that anyone knows of what I've done. Not even my little brother who is 4 years younger than me, and I tell practically everything.
But Hopper does, and some of the other police officers do. 
But Hopper has 'taken care of it'. I'm not sure exactly what he means by that, but I trust him. After all, he was my dad's best friend. At least he was until my dad died. And after that happened, I wasn't exactly okay. I'll admit, I acted out. Didn't deal with the whole grieving thing properly. Got into picking locks and stealing occasionally.
But I stopped doing that, a while ago actually! I swear.
"Dare! Have you seen my supercomm?" I hear my little brother yell from his room.
I snicker as I toss his walkie under my bed, making sure that I had turned it off.
"Haven't seen it Dusty! Maybe ask Mom for a new one!" I smile as I hear him cursing under his breath, turning into my room's doorway.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school too?" He asks as he notices me laying on my bed, with a book in my hand.
I roll my eyes, kicking my feet over the side while closing the book. "I've been waiting for you, you dork."
He rolls his eyes. "I needed to find my super-"
"Mom will get you another one Dusty, don't worry about it. Hell, I'll get you one if you just move your butt so we can go." I say as I walk towards him, slowly pushing him out of my room.
He sighs and nods his head, turning into his room. 
"I'll be waiting!"
"Are you going to be at the campaign Sunday?" I hear him ask as I swing my bag over my shoulder, heading towards the door.
I click my tongue as I swing the front door open, hearing his footsteps rushing after me. "Well I have a dinner date with myself at 6:30, and a midnight slumber party including me myself and I. But I think I can rearrange the dinner for another day." I grin as I look at him over my shoulder, noticing his false glare directed at me.
"Ah, you know I wouldn't miss this one for the world Dusty. We've been planning this for what, months? I'll be there, and I'll even order pizza!" I throw my arm over his shoulders and rub my knuckles into his head, knocking off his hat.
He laughs as he shoves my hands away, giving me a nudge with his elbow. "Well good, we'll need you to help us win the fight. Do you think Mike-"
He rambles on but I glance down the street, noticing the familiar car that I had seen many times before.
"Hey Dusty, why don't you start peddling to school before you're late. I'll catch up." I say as I push my bike off the lawn, towards Hopper's car. I hear him mutter an okay, but I can feel his eyes on me as I hop on my bike.
"I haven't committed any crimes Hop, I swear," I state loudly as I press on my break, slowing down as he steps out of the car.
He chuckles down at me, shaking his head. "I would hope so Kid. But I'm here to give you something, for staying clean for so long. Or something like that."
He reached into his car, pulling out a hat. It was dark army green, and it had some pins in it. One flag pin on the right side, with a small bronze star next to it. 
"It was mine, but your dad added that to it." He said as he pointed to the other side of the hat.
I turned it and stared at the words that seemed to be embroidered on the left side of the hat. Stretching from the front to back.
"I didn't know Dad could sew," I mutter, and Hopper laughs softly.
"Was full of surprises."
I run my thumb over the wording, feeling the bumps and the smoothness of the string.
'All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.'
I scoff a laugh as I realize where they were from. "Of course, he put a quote from his favorite Disney film."
"And he put it on my cap, not his. Thought you would want to wear it since he lost his original one." 
I nod my head with a smile, turning to look up at him. "Thanks, Hop."
He pats my shoulder. "Not a problem Kid. Promised your old man I'd look after you, and Dustin. Though he never warned me of how much trouble you'd get into."
Grinning widely, I place the cap on my head, moving my light brown hair behind my ears. "He was good at keeping secrets, but I think he just thought you knew. Besides, my first word was ‘dare’, remember?"
He shakes his head with a snort, "I remember, he wouldn’t shut up about it either. You're just like him Kid. Stalling to try and get out of school."
Pushing on the bike peddle, I smile as I start rolling down the hill. "I'm not stalling! And I won't be late for school! Later Hop!"
"Later Kid!" I hear him yell as I turn the corner, sighing as I see four kids waiting for me on their bikes.
"I thought I told you to go ahead!" I glare at Dustin as I slowly pass them.
"What was that about?" Dustin asked, dodging what I had said.
"He was telling me to keep out of trouble. Said he didn't want to arrest me again for picking another lock at the little corner store. That and he wanted to give me this hat." I explain as Will speeds up and looks at me in shock.
"You've been arrested?" 
"Yeah-" "No you haven't!" Dustin yells, and I roll my eyes.
"But why'd he give you a hat? It's kinda a weird thing to do." Mike says as he moves to my other side.
"It was something that Dad had for a bit. He thought I would like it." We turn the corner, and I can hear Dustin's bike move up next to mine.
"Why do you get something of Dad's?" He asks, causing me to scoff.
"Look Dork, I said it was something dad had for a bit. It's Hopper's old army hat, I think. But Dad stitched it a Peter Pan quote and so Hop gave it to me." I look over at him and give him a look. "And you have multiple things of Dad's. But you lose them! So I keep them safe until you stop losing your junk." 
He frowns, opening his mouth to say something before Lucas interrupts. "She's not wrong. You already lost your Supercomm this morning."
Dustin sighs and nods. "Fine, alright. But why does Hop come to visit you? You still haven't told me that!"
"What do you mean I haven't told you? You know why he does."
Dustin gives me a look and shakes his head. "No, you haven't. Every time I ask, you just say it's because he was friends with Dad."
I groan as School comes into view, a bubbling feeling of math equations sends my stomach into knots.
"He is- was. But he promised to make sure we didn't into trouble. That and it was to help Mom take a load off so she could watch you more. I just got into trouble."
And before Dustin could say anything else, I push on towards the High School, dodging people and cars. 
"BYE, BOYS! SEE YOU LATER!" I yell as I wave to them.
I laugh at Dustin's voice, rolling my eyes as I press on my breaks, slowing down at the bike stand. I hop off, inhaling deeply as I feel a slight burning in my chest tighten up. I hold my breath, leaning against my bike as I try to shift the feeling away. After ten seconds I exhale, the feeling lingers but it wasn't as bad anymore.
"Hey, Dare!" 
I turn my head, giving Nancy a thin smile as the urge to cough erupts from my lungs. And she notices it, like always. As she sends me a look, I sigh and let myself have a small mild coughing fit.
"You need to stop doing that. It's not good for you." Nancy says as she pats my back. 
I shake my head as I slowly stop coughing, my throat hurting from it. I give her a smirk as I grab my bag from the front of my bike. "I was told to do that, by a doctor Nanc. It's supposed to help me grow out of having asthma. Or something."
"Well." She looks at me before she adjusts her books. "I think that's a lie."
I laugh as Barb comes out of her car, a smile on her face. "What's a lie?" 
"Nance says my doctor's tips for getting rid of Asthma are fake," I explain as we walk into the hell pit called school.
No, I don't like school. But hey, It's that or child labor.
"I mean, sometimes doctors can be wrong about things," Barb says as I dodge another basketball player, who doesn't know how to walk.
"Yeah, but they should know what helps or not, right? I mean, they studied it for how long to get a doctorate?" I ask as I stop at my locker, which was next to Nancy's thankfully. Can't stand my other locker neighbor though.
"Look, I'm not saying he's lying. I'm just saying that it doesn't help to not breathe. Or to hold back a cough. Where is your inhaler?" Nancy asks as she leans back to look past my locker door.
"It's in my bag, and the nurse has my other one just in case. But I've been fine so far without it Nance, Stop worrying. If it gets bad I'll use it. But, now that I think about it," I pause as I take out my inhaler and shake it. "I don't remember when I last had an asthma attack."
"It was last week, on Monday. You laughed too hard after you saw one of the cheerleaders slip on milk and flipped her skirt, and her entire lunch onto herself. Which I think was sloppy joe day." Barb recites from memory, squinter her eyes as she recalls the incident.
I snort, laughing as I remember it. And like before, I feel my chest tighten and I feel my breath shortening. I hastily cough as I shake my inhaler, Nancy, and Barb rubs my back as I inhale deeply with my inhaler. 
"Thanks." I croak, coughing once more. "I needed that laugh."
Nancy sighed heavily while Barb nodded, understanding what I had meant.
"Yeah well, don't leave your inhaler in your bag. I want you to carry it with you at least." Nancy says as she closes her locker, holding her first and second classes books. As she turns to me, I close my locker and I see her looking at my hat. "Where did you get that?"
I smile as I flick the front up a little. "A friend of my dad's gave it to me, said my dad had it," I explain, before waving off their questioning looks. "It's a long story, but it's mine now. that's all that matters."
Barb nods her head quickly. "Alright, well I think it suits you. But I think we should head to class before we're late."
Nancy nods her head and I pat her shoulder as I walk around her. "Don't worry Nance! I won't have another attack so soon. It's uncommon-"
I later did have another attack in my first class. Someone had sprayed too much bad cologne and I ended up having to leave the room for a few minutes.
"What did I tell you, I knew-"
I sit my lunch down and wave my hands around. "I'm sorry Nancy! You were right! But I wouldn't have had another attack if SOMEONE DIDN'T HAVE THAT CRAPPY COLOGNE THAT CAUSED ME TO HAVE A COUGHING FIT!" I yell as I slowly look over at the basketball team. 
The one who had the bad cologne ducked his head down in embarrassment because he had to use the showers to wash it off. The teacher had almost given him detention but I said it was fine.
Nancy puts he hand on my arm, causing me to stop and look at her. She gives me a look, one that tells me to stop. Like, a mom glare. 
"Well, I'm glad you're okay. Are you going to need a refill sometime soon? I'm sure Mom might have some at our house when you left it there."
I sigh with a smile, shaking my head while reaching into my jacket pocket. I bring out my inhaler and shake it. "No, I should be good for the rest of the night. Besides I can just sneak in and take my other inhaler from the nurse's office if I need to."
I see Nancy and Barb look at me, and I pause as I realize what I had said. 
"Guy's I was joking! I wouldn't break into the school for that! I have some more at home. I'll be okay!" I exclaim as I sit down next to them, shoving my inhaler back in my pocket.
'I wouldn't break into school again.' I silently repeat in my head as I open my milk.
Nancy and Barb shake their heads with smiles on their faces, looking down at the lunch and beginning to eat. 
"I wouldn't doubt if you did do that Dare. You've done some crazy things." Nancy says as she gives me a side glance.
I scoff and look at her. "And what are you insinuating that I've done Nance?"
She hums as she looks at Barb, who snorts in response. 
"Great, you're teaming up against me." I look down at my tray, frowning when I realize I forgot to grab a fork.
"Hey, if you ever need to run to pick up a refill, just call me. I'll come to pick you up." Barb says as points her finger at me.
I nod my head as I stand up. "Thanks, Barb. At least someone has my back."
Nancy laughs as she looks at me. "I got your back, Dare. Wait, where are you going?"
I wave my hand as I head back towards the lunch line. "I forgot my fork, I'll be right back."
"DO YOU HAVE YOUR INHALER?" She yelled, to which I glare at her from over my shoulder.
Now, you should pay attention to where you're walking. But I wasn't because I was glaring at her, so I ended up hitting one of the small brick pillars that are in the middle of the room.
"Whoa, are you okay?" I hear someone ask as I rub my nose.
I turn to my right as I hear the small sound of the music being blasted through headphones. A guy, with brown curly-haired mullet, and brown eyes. He looked at me with his brows furrowed, his hands holding his tray.
"Yeah, I'm alright. I think." I scrunch my nose as I take my hand away. "Quick question, am I bleeding?"
He blinks at me before I notice his eyes slip down slightly, and he shakes his head. "No, I think you didn't hit it hard enough." He smiles as he looks back up at my eyes. 
I sigh. "Damn, no chance of getting sent home then."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think so, but you could try again."
I laugh shaking my head. "I think I won't but thanks. Have a good lunch-" I pause leaning forward, grabbing his fork, and trying to hear the song that was playing through the headphones around his neck. "Oh is that Def Leppard? Rock of Ages right?"
He blinks as he visibly stills for a moment, I lean back tapping my fingers against the fork I had taken. 
"Uh, yeah it is. I didn't think anyone else here listened to them." He mutters a patch of pink lightly crawling up his neck. 
Shit, he's embarrassed. Didn't mean to do that, whatever I did. 
"Well, guess you were wrong. They're good, but I've only heard a few of their songs on the radio." I explain as I slowly step back.
He grins, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. "Their album's really good! I can lend it to you if you'd like to listen to it-"
I laugh and shake my head. "Maybe some other time, but I gotta head back to my friends before they start having a panic attack. If I'm gone everything goes wrong, ya know?"
I can see his face fall, just slightly before he smiles again and nods his head. "Yeah, I'll bring the cassette another time."
I smile. "Yeah, thanks." I turn around, walking back to my table with Nancy and Barb watching me. I quickly turn around and lift the fork, twirling it around in my fingers.
"Oh and thanks for the fork!" I say as he turns back around, quickly glancing at his tray. I giggle as his mouth drops in shock as he looks back at me, and he smiles and shakes his head.
I speed walk back to my table, dodging another person holding their tray. As I sit back down, Nancy and Barb raise their brow at me.
"What?" I ask as I eat my crappy school spaghetti that barely has any sauce on it. 
"Who was that?" Barb asks.
"And what was that?" Nancy smiles with a devious look on her face.
I lean back from her as I twirl another strand of spaghetti onto the fork. "No idea what their name is, and that was me grabbing their fork instead of going back to grab a new one."
Nancy and Barb give me a look that just translates to, really?
"What?" I look at the two of them.
"What was that whole, leaning into him thing? Do you like him?" Nancy asks as her voice grows quieter as she leans closer.
I blink slowly and take another bite.
"He was playing a good song on his headphones. I leaned closer so I could hear it, it sounded familiar. And no, I don't like him, I don't even know his name. Yeesh, Nance, not everyone thinks about dating someone." I say as I give a look.
Barb looks at Nancy with a raised brow, and Nancy's eyes are blown wide.
"Wait- no, I don't think about-" Nancy tries to explain, but we cut her off by looking over at Steve Harrington's table.
He waves his hand as Nancy looks at where we had turned to, smiling at her before turning back to his friends. Nancy, in turn, blushes as she turns back around and looks down at her food. 
"Not think about dating huh?" I mutter as Nancy starts pushing her food around.
Barb snickers as she opened her book, pulling out a sheet of homework.
"Shut up." Nancy murmurs as she gives me a false glare, one that holds no bite to her 'mom' glares.
I smirk as our table falls silent, the two either invested in their food or their homework. I exhale silently, looking up from the table as I lift my milk with my left hand, still holding my fork in my right. My gaze shifts from table to table as I slowly drink my milk, and then I see him again. His headphones were on, sitting at the end of a loner's table his bag in the seat next to him. I press back a smile as I see him trying to twirl his new fork in his hand.
He slowly lifts his head, his lips mouthing whatever song had been blaring through his headphones. His eyes look away from his hands, and we meet gazes. I smirk as I lift my stolen fork, and salute him with it as subtly as possible. His lips twitch upwards and I turn away as I snicker to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" Barb asks, her gaze not leaving her homework.
I turn to her as Nancy looks over at me. I click my tongue and blurt out the first thing that popped into my head.
"I was thinking about T rex's trying to fist fight, but their arms don't even stretch that far so they just kinda lean back and slap each other's hands like this," I say as I lean back, bringing my arms close to my chest and flapping my hands around.
Barb and Nancy stare at me for a moment, before they turn to each other. Then our little trio bursts out laughing at my ridiculousness. I smile as I glance over at his spot, feeling a twinge in my gut when I see he wasn't there anymore. 
"No, I'm fine Mom! I didn't have any asthma attacks at school. I promise!" I say as I walk out of my room, to my panicking mother. 
"But they called and said you did! Twice!" She said as she turns to me.
I sigh and shake my head. 
'It was actually three times, but no need to correct her.'
"They lied Mom! They just want you to try and get me to be homeschooled. They don't want me to beat the highest grades or something. I was fine all day. I swear." I smile as I hug her quickly.
I see Dustin raise his brow at me from the kitchen, and I glare at him.
"Alright, Dare-bear. If you're sure. I'll be back later after bingo night is done." She kisses my cheek quickly as we part from our hug.
I shake my head. "I don't know why you play bingo Mom. You're not that old. Grandma's play Bingo, everyone knows that."
She smiles as she kisses Dustin's cheek, grabs her purse, and heads toward the door. "Don't flatter me, dear, I'm still going to take you for another visit to the doctors tomorrow."
My neck cracks as I look over at her, a feeling of panic filling me. "Sunday? I can't we-"
I feel my lungs constricting, her back still turned to me, but Dustin noticed.
"We have a campaign Sunday Mom, we can't cancel it! She can go after that!" Dustin comes to my safety as he walks to the door, skillfully moving her out so she couldn't see me.
I hold my breath, closing my eyes as I try to focus on counting. Drowning their words. When I slowly exhale, I fall into a wheezing coughing fit. My eyes water with each cough, and I feel my inhaler being shoved into my hand. I quickly inhale, the sound coming back into my ears. I slowly calm down again.
I slowly look at Dustin, nodding in thanks as the attack dissipates. 
"She still doesn't know about it?" He asks as he sits down beside me.
I shake my head. "I try to explain, but she doesn't quite get it. Fear of the hospital is normal, you'll be fine. I just try to push through it."
He nods his head and I smile. "Thanks, for the cover."
He smiles at me, and I chuckle. 
"I owe you one, ya I know," I murmur before I pull him into a hug. "But really, thanks."
"No problem, you're my sister. Plus, we can't lose our rogue right before the campaign." He says.
I laugh, shoving him away and shaking my head. 
"Whatever nerd, go get ready for bed. We're heading out early on Sunday, gotta go grab something from the store before we head over." I stand up, stifling a yawn as I look over at the clock.
"What are you grabbing?" He asks.
"Girl stuff." I look at him from the corner of my eye, smiling as he falls silent with a confused look on his face.
And then light bulb, he hastily says good night and runs to his room. I laugh silently as I walk to my room, muttering a 'night' through his door. I open my door and shut it, falling onto my bed with a slight bounce. I stare at the ceiling before clicking my tongue and turning onto my side, reaching down at the bottom of my nightstand and shuffling through my books. When I see my yearbooks from middle school, I smile, grabbing them and throwing them down next to me.
I sit up as I grab the oldest one, with little sharpie doodles on the cover and sides. I chuckle at the monkey drawing I had drawn in a bright pink sharpie. I open the cover and slowly sift through it to find a familiar face, that I had yet to put a name to. And page after page, I begin to frown in concentration looking at each face slowly.
When I turn to the M's, I finally see him. At the bottom right corner. 
"Eddie Munson huh," I mutter aloud as I look at the fourth-grade picture.
I smile as I flip through the book, smiling at pictures of Nancy and Barbra. They were all ahead of me by one year, I was one year behind despite being the same age. I had been born at the end of the year, December 28th to be exact. Of 1967. We were friends because of Dustin and Mike. I didn't have any friends because I had been sick, and so when Dustin was invited over by Mike, I tagged along. That's where I met Nancy and Barbra, and we've been friends ever since.
But, when I was supposed to be attending my first year of kindergarten, I ended up getting pneumonia. I fell into a coma for six months, missing my fifth birthday, and too much school to start first grade the next year. I mean, I could have gone to first grade with them. But my dad didn't want that, said I should get the joy of Kindergarten first.
And then halfway through kindergarten, Dad died. I was six, and Dustin was barely two.
I exhale shakily as the memories try to resurface, but I ignore them. I flip through the pages, looking at the pictures of different events that happened during that year. A Halloween costume competition. Thanksgiving lunch with little finger turkeys littering the walls. A Christmas choir concert and I couldn't help but notice the boy who stood up in the front. My memory was fuzzy from that, but I did remember someone had hit a really high note. 
And it had been him.
I giggle at the thought that that little head-shaven boy had grown a mullet. He had been good at singing from what I remember. I mean that high note, wow. 
I slowly close the book and I knock them to the ground, knowing that I would accidentally step on them tomorrow. I smiled as I turned onto my side, pulling the covers out from under me. I slowly drift to sleep, knowing that I would be his friend before this year was over.
I curse wildly as I bounce around on one foot, having stepped on the damn yearbooks. I huff and glare down at them, before noticing that they had fallen open.
"Oh shit, I forgot Jonathan existed," I say in awe at the bowl cut he had been sporting back in fourth grade.
"Dare! Dare, you up?" I hear Dustin yell from beyond the door.
"Yeah?" I yell back, kneeling down and closing the book. 
"Wanna get breakfast before we head out? Mom made eggs and bacon." He said before I look at the door.
"BACON?" I yell, before throwing the books back under my nightstand, and running to my door.
"Move Nerd, there's bacon." I push past him, heading to the kitchen.
I pause as I realize that there was in fact no Bacon. And Mom wasn't even in the kitchen. I slowly turn to Dustin who smiled.
"Can I request Bacon with eggs?" He asks as I glare at him.
I stare at him, not moving, and watch as he slowly loses his smile.
"Fine, but you owe me," I say quickly as I walk into the kitchen and open the cupboard. 
I hear him sigh in relief before he sits down at the table. 
"So where's mom?" I ask as I open the fridge, pulling out the eggs and bacon. 
He shrugs. "I think she went shopping. At the thingy store."
I look at him as I click my tongue, cracking an egg into the pan. "The thingy store?"
He nods. "The store where she got that, I forgot what- wait. Antique store! She's there."
I sighed heavily and shake my head. "So we'll come home to what, another weird cat statue maybe?"
He shrugs. "Or maybe she'll find another 'rare' plate. I don't think we even have a normal set."
I wince as I start scrambling the eggs. "Yeah, that's my fault. I had used them for target practice."
I freeze before correcting the previous statement. "We had used them for target practice. Dad and I. Before and after I had Pneumonia. Which sucked, by the way, don't ever get it."
He nods his head. "I know you told me that before. I keep forgetting that Dad had taught you to shoot when you were five." He frowns.
I shrug. "Dad was paranoid for some reason, the whole PTSD thing ya know? But yeah that was weird." I hum as I think back on trying to shoot our plates. 
"I couldn't hold the gun ya know. I was too small, and it would keep flying out of my hand. it was fun, except it was really loud." I say fondly with a smile.
Dustin smiles thinly.
"Hey," I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks up at me. "You might not have had a lot of time with him, and neither did I. But we still have his pictures. And you are almost a replica of him you know. Mom might not say it, but you really do look like him. Except you got Mom's eyes and her hair. I got his eyes and hair," I pause as I frown. "But where did I get my asthma?"
Dustin chuckles and shakes his head. "I know, but I wish I had at least a memory with him before he died in the crash."
I inhale sharply before covering it with a fake hiccup, yes I have mastered the art of fake hiccupping and it's something everyone should do.
"Yeah, I wish you did too. He definitely would have helped you with that radio project that you have going on. He would have also provided the snacks. He had a major sweet tooth." I smiled.
"Really? A sweet tooth?"
I laughed and nodded my head. "Oh yeah, he carried around candy in his pockets all day. By the time the day was over, they would be gone. Anything sweet, he'd eat it. He enjoyed ring pops, suckers, candy canes, anything." I pause for a moment. "I think his favorite candy was 3 Musketeers."
Dustin's eyes lit up. "We like the same chocolate?"
I smile. "Yeah, he would only eat that type of chocolate. But candy, that was limitless. So long as it was sweet."
"Wait there for me Dustin, I'll be right back!" I yell as I hop off my bike, running into the music store. 
I cringe as the abundance of Elvis was on display. I walk around it, looking at the plastic labels for anything other than oldies music.
"If you're looking for Def Leppard-" I jump as I hear a voice say from the isle behind me. 
Eddie's head peeks out from above the self, a smile spread across his face. "-I'll be willing to lend you mine as I said."
"Jesus Joe Cricket, you scared the fuck out of me Eddie," I say as I wheeze lightly, my hand on my racing heart, ignoring the look he gave me. "I thought a ghost was talking to me for a second."
"An interesting selection of words, most people say Jesus H Christ you know." He said as he walked around the aisle toward me. "You know my name?"
I cross my arm, mimicking his stance, and nod my head. "Yeah, there's no one else named Eddie who hit that high note back in our fourth-grade choir class."
His smirk shifted into an embarrassed smile, pink spreading to his cheeks. "And that apparently."
I laugh and shake my head. "No, I looked you up in the yearbook. I'm terrible with names honestly. But the high note? Man, that's something you should be proud of. It was killer, no one else could have made that without some helium."
He looks at me through his hair, raising a brow. "Really?"
I nod my head rapidly, lightly hitting his shoulder. "Hell ya, it was great! I wouldn't be able to do that, so yeah it's awesome."
He smiles, nodding his head while looking down at the shelf. His fingers tap against some of the cassettes. I tap my foot to the song playing in the store, a rock song by a band I didn't recognize.
"Here, your copy of it." He said abruptly as he held out a cassette to me.
I glance down at it and notice that it was Pyromania, the Def Leppard album that he had been listening to the first time we met. I take it from it, turn it over, see the band on the back, and smile. 
"You know," I pause looking at him. "I think you would rock the long hairdo."
He stares at me for a moment before laughing, his hand drifting towards his mullet. "My hair not looking good? Is that what you're saying?"
I shake my head. "No, no-"
"So it's not good?"
I nudge his arm as he laughs loudly. "That's not what I'm saying! I just meant that it would look good on you. Not a lot of people can pull it off you know."
There's a moment of silence before he asks, "You really think so?"
Nodding my head, "Definitely. It would be wicked."
He nods his head before I see the clock above the door. My eyes widen as I realize the time. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late, they're gonna kill me."
I put the cassette back on the shelf and turn to him with a smile. "It's been great seeing you Eds, but I got a campaign to get to." And I walk past him towards the door.
"Wait! Your cassette." He says while he held it back out to me. 
Shaking my head with a smile, I reply. "No, I think I'll borrow the one I was offered. We can talk more the next time we meet! Bye Eds!" I open the door and walk out. 
"Bye, YN."
"Okay! Break time!" I exclaim as I lean back in my chair, wincing at the verbal cracking in my back.
"We can't take a break yet! We're almost at the dragon keep!" Lucas said as he looked over at me.
 I stand up and cross my arms. "We are taking a five-minute break. I can hear your stomach growling like it hasn't eaten in two days. So we are grabbing the pizza and the drinks. Plus, I need a pee break and I need Nance to answer the diabolical question for Mr. Pickles's homework assignment."
"There's a teacher named Mr. Pickles?" Will asks.
I sigh. "No, I just call him that because he smells like Pickles, and so does his classroom. Now, five-minute break!" I clap my hands and usher them upstairs.
"Oh, you're coming out of the cave, how's everything going?" Mrs. Wheeler asks as she opens the fridge door.
I sigh as the boys answer, noticing how she tries to hold her smile as they talk about the campaign. 
"I got them out Mrs. Wheeler, for a short time. We need food to tame the hunger of the monsters they call stomachs." I smile.
She smiles at me, patting my shoulder. "Thank you for that dear."
"No problem, but I gotta go ask Nance something real quick," I state before moving around her and running up the stairs. "Nance! I got a question."
I open the door and walk in, falling onto her bed with a groan. She looks over at me from her desk, raising her brow.
"Is it already done?" She asks as she stands from her chair and sits next to my head. 
"No, I just demanded a break. Anyway, I was wondering." I pause as I try to think of my question again. "Oh right, Mr. Pickles gave me homework, and there's one problem I can't figure out. It's got like 50 melons and the cost of one is 5, but then the inflation is like, 2.2 or something. What do I do?"
She stares down at me before laughing. "Really? That's your question?"
I smile and shake my head before sitting up. "Nope, what up with you and Steve?"
"Wait, guys!" I yell as Will and Dustin start racing. "Guys, don't leave me! I have asthma!"
Muttering a curse I try to push myself to catch up with them, and I manage to catch up to Dustin as he stops at our corner.
"I want your X-Men 134!" I hear Will shout as I stop next to Dustin, wheezing.
"Shit," Dustin says, before looking at me. "Fuck, where's your inhaler!"
I flip him off, peddling forward slowly, digging into my pocket for my inhaler. I hear him apologizing but I wave him off, trying to breathe again. 
"Whatever. Do you think we beat it?" I ask as we go to our house.
He shakes his head. "No, we didn't. Will found the other dice, it was a seven. We lost."
Cursing again I crack my neck as I press on the breaks, stopping in our driveway. Dustin's breaks squeak loudly and I wince. "We should fix that."
He shrugs as we head to the door, ready to go to bed after a long campaign.
"Hey Mom, We're home!"
[Next Chapter]
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Alexa play "running up that hill" stranger things theme remix
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murdrdocs · 1 year
ethan's world !
☼ fluff ☽ smut (16+) ☁︎ suggestive ⛈ dark content (17+) full masterlist
note: fem! and gn! labels are given based on the use of pronouns and anatomy; fem! fics use 'she/her' or labels such as 'girl' as well as explicit afab anatomy, GN! has no use of gendered pronouns or labels and anatomy is ambigious
ethan gives you a call as ghostface ⛈ ☁︎ fem!
ethan has a dark look in his eyes, but you like it that way ☁︎ GN!
ethan landry is your proclaimed enemy, but he's pretty hot GN!
nothing quite like having a boyfriend who'll murder for you ☁︎ GN!
you're ethan's dream girl ☁︎ fem!
ethan needs you to see just how good you look when you're being fucked ☽ fem!
you teach ethan how to kiss ☼ fem!
"no, no, no, you sweet, dumb thing" ☽ fem!
ethan loves being your boyfriend, of course he has to brag GN!
ethan's clingy, you love it ☼ GN!
you and ethan get in an argument, sex is the best apology ☽ GN!
ethan's your pookie wookie ☼ GN! blk coded
as ghostface, ethan has a massive confidence boost ⛈ ☽ GN!
someone hurts you, so ethan hurts them ⛈ GN!
your bestfriend, ethan, confesses his feelings ☼ GN!
being a meeks-martin and dating ethan ☼ GN!
ethan's a pussy whipped perv ☁︎ fem!
mean!ethan likes edging you ☽ fem!
ethan's a munch ☽ fem!
you take ethan's virginity, satisfied to hear his whimpers ☽ GN!
ethan cries during sex, you love it ☽ GN!
mean!ethan has a corruption kink ⛈ ☽ fem!
ethan hates you so much that he loves you ⛈ GN!
ethan gives into your teasing sexts ☽ GN!
you and ethan are both subs, that'll work ☽ GN!
ethan eats you out while you game for him ☽ fem!
you teach ethan how to finger you ☽ fem!
ethan cums in your underwear before class ☽ fem!
your student, ethan, is a bit of a creep ☽⛈ fem!
you're tired, mindy accuses you of being gf, ethan denies ☼ GN!
you're kinkier than ethan expects, he is too dense to notice ☁︎
about ethan's porn twitter account ☁︎
about rafe cameron and ethan tag teaming you ☁︎ GN!
"my lipstick's smudged" with ethan ☼ GN!
ethan helps you, and watches bluey, during your period GN!
you tell ethan about your CNC kink ☁︎ ⛈ GN!
ethan's obsessed with your tits ☁︎ GN!
NSFW! alphabet w/ ethan ☁︎⛈ fem!
you have to take care of a "baby" with ethan GN!
you catch ethan jerking off with your panties ☽ GN!
ethan helps you fall asleep w/ oral ☽ fem!
before ethan can be gf with you, he has to lose his virginity ☽ fem!
protective softdom!ethan and bimbo!reader ☼ fem!
bimbo!reader finds ethan's gf mask ☁︎ ethan tutoring bimbo!reader
ethan's taller than you and likes to remind you constantly ☼ GN!
ethan can't keep his hands off of you in public ☽ fem!
ethan thinks you're so pretty when you're overstimulated ☽ fem!
professor landry has a thing for one of his students ☁︎ GN!
ethan is superrrr clingy GN!
more about clingy ethan ☼ even more abt clingy ethan ☼
st post demogorgan scene but with ethan fem! ☼
going against rules, you and camp counselor!ethan fuck ☽
headcannons for camp counselor!ethan ☁︎
ethan is so boyfriend you take to prom GN! ☼
studying with ethan ... but not much studying GN!
ethan helps you with panic attacks GN! ☼
ethan in different romcoms GN! ☼
weirdly enough, your boyfriend says he'll kill for you ? GN! ⛈
ethan makes you clean his knife GN! ⛈
perv!ethan fem!⛈
ethan relates to 'she' by tyler, the creator fem! ⛈
dating quinn but her brother has a thing for you fem! ☁︎
ethan mocks your moans when you're overstimulated fem! ☽
teasing ethan for the hell of it GN! ☁︎
mean!ethan gives head for his own pleasure fem! ☽
being the youngest meeks-martin and fooling around with ethan GN! ☼
being ghostface, and crazy, with ethan GN! ☁︎ ⛈
'kill bill' from your pov towards ethan GN! ☁︎ ⛈
ethan is too shy to ask for sex GN! ☁︎
ethan walks you home fem! ☽
about ethan's attitude GN! ☽
stepbro!ethan masterlist ⛈
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bylrlve · 12 days
Warning! Potential Spoilers for Stranger Things 5!
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A compilation of recent tweets made by Alex and others about the mileven ‘making out in a field’ leak. Alex is insisting that this scene is separate from the sequence involving them talking on the rooftop, the scene which was leaked as a video back in January. According to 011scenes this scene happens ‘at the beginning’ aka in episode one.
The issue? Alex’s sources are people who speak to paps (which she lied about in answering a cc question; either that or she’s clueless), and who deliberately feed her inconsequential things production dgaf abiut because it distracts from the juicy shit e.g., what Mike and Will are doing. She was told ‘Robin and Will have a scene’ and that morphed into ‘Will is in his unrequited mopey Steve era, Jonathan and Robin don’t share scenes’, etc. The source said nothing about Byler being finished or about passionate makeouts.
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I’m suspicious of the second anon’s claim about Finn, as Noah is straight-up went on TikTok live right before filming commenced in January to read out byler endgame and Byler kiss comments lmao. The bit about the love triangle being kept under wraps seems accurate enough - they’re openly passing out scraps of mileven to leakers to pass onto Alex, and it’s pretty clear they didn’t care about that mileven video hitting national news website in the Uk (daily mail). Byler? On lockdown. The only thing we know is the hospital stuff and that’s due to specific leakers, and even then it’s not that much. It is clearly a big question going into s5 for the GA, so it being kept tightly guarded is unsurprising.
The context of the kiss will be interesting, regardless of if it’s pro-mileven or somehow anti-. Alex indicates that it’s only them present in the field - BUT she’s also said that she outright leaves Will out of ‘leaks’ and gave the example of Max, Lucas, and Will having a scene but her only reporting Lumax having a scene, so… S4 mileven was a concerted effort to show that the characters had matured from s3, and that their fight was more serious. They only kissed once, and that briefly, and were… unaffectionate at the end of the season, to say the very least. The reversion to kissing in broad daylight, in an apocalyptic setting when El will be mostly hiding with Hopper from the military, feels a little out of character - and will certainly be jarring tonally and thematically.
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Alex received this dm ^ back in February (discussed in my first leak post), which stated that hopper is annoyed by mike’s continuing presence around el. I and many others (including Alex iirc) dismissed it, as Hopper and Mike are on good terms at the end of s4. If Mike and El are still doing reckless things in s4, and if the old pattern of isolating El from others just to kiss re-emerges, though… The veracity of this is very shaky: the time skip occurs gradually over episode one, not in between episodes 1 and 2.
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It’s important to note that many leaks are undoubtedly missing context. Just today, Alex brought up how she was right about Mike ignoring Will at the airport, about their fight, and about the airport kiss. Yes, she was, but she lacked the tonal subtext of the scene itself, which portrayed Mike’s behaviour as inexplicably phony - and of course, she lacked the lynchpin of this plot, which is that Will is in romantic love with Mike. She completely missed that, and it meant she missed every important aspect of this plotline.
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Byrhop, a highly reliable st acc who’s closely following filming, was able to ascertain that Vickie is at the farm.
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Lastly, I want to go over everything I know to try and map a trajectory. The Byers are living in the radio station before it’s overrun by military and they flee to the Turnbow farm - I personally am not sure of when exactly this occurs. There is a leaked hospital file showing that Karen Wheeler is attacked by a demogorgan. The file is dated as 1/1987 but it could be a prop error, as I’ve seen claims that she’s attacked when Holly is taken..
As we know, according to the leaked episode 2 title, Holly Wheeler goes missing. This likely occurs at the end of episode one, but the chronology is unclear. Karen being attacked could happen here, and I’ve seen claims that it happens in episode 2. Mike and El kiss in episode one, and as I’ve said this has been overblown greatly by Alex. The chronology of this is also unclear. At some point in episode one, Mike and Dustin are at the high school and interact with the jocks. Mike is wearing the same outfit he wears on the rooftop - dark trousers, blue and black shirt with a yellow collar, etc. As this is what he wore in the official pic released by Ross of him in his room, I am speculating that this is the first outfit he wears in the story proper, after the last time jump to November 1987, and that he may wear it throughout episode 2 as well
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In episode 2, Mike, Nancy, and Karen have a plotline at the hospital. From official BTS pics, we know Robin and Vickie are there as well. The above anon does not mention Mike being injured, and its description of Karen’s mindset does not tally either with her having being attacked by a demogorgan prior or with Holly being abducted. It’s likely that they have partially but not totally accurate information; or else it’s a point in favour of Holly being taken and Karen being attacked after this happens, at the end of episode 2. I have confirmation that Mike is injured in episode 2, as are several other people - I discussed this in a post a few days ago - please discount the forehead kiss anon section of that post. This was confirmed by an extra who played a nurse on the scheme and by a different source later. The second source confirms that Will shows up last, and is crying and blaming himself for what happened. - I also have confirmation that El doesn’t show up to the hospital at all. The nurse extra also confirmed that Mike and Will ‘share scenes’ although he was not present for those so can’t speak as to what happened in them - I don’t have an image of that text so didn’t include it yesterday.
The forehead kiss anon is definitely not real (check @will80sbyers) but the rest seems to be.
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Lastly, Atlanta-filming insinuates that the m*leven rooftop scene occurs after the hospital subplot. It’s unknown how they came to this conclusion.
To summarise: m*leven kiss in episode one, potentially during one of the staggered time jumps (my speculation) and the short rooftop conversation between them likely in either episode one or two immediately before something involving Hopper and Joyce occurs down in the field that alarms El. I’ve seen conflicting into on when Holly is abducted - either episode one or episode two. In episode 2 Mike, Karen, and Nancy go to the hospital for plot reasons. If this occurs after Holly goes missing, it is likely to be related to that. I am speculating that Holly vanishing, whenever it happens, accelerates the byler plotline, as Mike will more-than-likely seek out Will for advice, reassurance, information. In episode 2, Mike gets injured somehow at the hospital, along with several other people in a small-scale mass-casualty event, and ends up being admitted to the hospital. As I’ve said, it seems to be rock-solid that Will arrives and is crying and blaming himself for what happened, and Will stays with him but El is nowhere to be found in this plotline. We know from BTS pics that Robin and vickie are also there, and I’ve seen claims that Jonathan shows up to be with Nancy, but have no proof or knowledge of the providence of such claims, so… take that for what it is. It is pretty certain, as far as I know, that El is not there.
One possibility is that Will is possessed at least temporarily in 501-2. Perhaps there’s another superspy, ‘it’s a trap’ situation? Will Byers would never be reckless with the safety of Mike Wheeler or his family… but I bet Vecna and the mindflayer are just itching to attack the one salvation standing between them and Will. Something to muse on.
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The timing of the rooftop scene is very important. El not showing up at the hospital is unlikely to happen after it. The scene is very clearly about affirming their relationship- whether as lovers or as friends. It’s likely that she’s distracted by Max, who is her main plot, but this is a narrative. El not being present for Mike, while Will is there and crying and staying by his side? That is telling of a potential rift that opens up in their relationship between episode one and two. There is a pattern of problems arising in their relationship in episode twos. In s2 El reached out to Mike during his call but he walked away while an ominous stinger played. In s3 they broke up at the end of episode 2. In s4 they had their disastrous roller rink date.
A few days ago, I gif’d the rooftop scene, and speculated that they’re discussing being friends, and that El apologises for not being there and Mike says ‘No. You should have been.’ before basically saying that he’s okay because Will was and “you’re all friends to me.” The ending of s4, to me, potentially marks a shift in Mike’s attitude to El, as much as it does for hers to him. In the hospital she seeks him out by resting a head on his shoulder, and she did speak briefly with him prior about Brenner, but he offers her no comfort beyond a stiff arm around her. When they arrive at the cabin, he walks in with the other boys instead of staying with her - as shes’s clearly very nervous and emotional about reentering the cabin. Finally, as we have all observed, she directs an almost angry look at Will and Mike before stomping into her room and slamming the door - a parallel to s3 after the phone call with Mike where she knew he was lying. When it pans back to Mike, and Will asks if they’ve talked? He rolls his eyes. Unlike in 403, he does not seek her out and push through her self-isolation. He leaves her be. This, coming from Mike the Paladin, suggests that he’s kind of done with trying.
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El’s attitude has been convincingly dismissed by M*levens as simple grief over Max causing her to retreat as she always does. It is bizarre, however, that the monologue did nothing at all to make her feel she could rely on Mike, and much more so that he’s very apathetic.
I posit that they might, maybe, fall into old habits of passivity and inertia and string the relationship along over the time jump. Perhaps the kiss is from one of the interim jumps between March 1986 and November 1987? I could see El having too much on her plate to really address it, and feeling that she doesn’t want to push him away - after all, he did give the big damn speech. The kiss could be a parallel to Boyce and Stancy. If that Hopper leak is accurate (doubtful), perhaps they fall back into habits of clinginess and immaturity while still being deeply unhappy. Nurse extra stated that Mike is no longer trying to be normal, and that he’s discovering himself, being himself again, and being the support he once was - the wording rather implies that it means being the support to Will.
Of course, I could be wrong, and it could be that they’re doing very well, and that the kiss is indeed as happy and loving as Alex paints it out to be… but I am skeptical bc of the hospital, and because of El the brave protector not rushing to her boyfriend’s side. It’s simply too early to say. If my musing on whether Will was possessed and effectively set Mike up (against his will ofc) is correct, and if my lip-reading is correct, Mike speaking affectionately of Will here could be due to the fact that he’s intimately witnessed Will being possessed, and he knows Will would never do something like that on purpose.
Finally, definitely worth noting that there have been no signs of any NPC love interests. Will’s storylines are being protected well from leakers, so people could be missing something, but there has been no indication of it. What we are getting, though, is a focus on Will’s love of Mike, and his selfless devotion.
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All of this is incredibly shaky, and I’m interested to hear your guys’ opinions on alternate sequences of events. Whatever the truth, clearly m*leven is inconsequential to the production, as it’s being deliberately leaked to distract from the real juicy stuff.
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Oh, and I just want to wrap up by mentioning this bit of idiocy. Someone in Alex’s inbox sincerely thought that the production actually kills fields they want to look dead-looking, rather than editing it. And Alex agreed.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
I know I've already talked about the many many parallels between henry and Will before .plus the fact Henry also parallels el and kali, but ...
What's the most suspicious of all the parallels between Will & Henry is-
We had henry (who has powers) be thrown into another dimension filled with monsters. Then (with his powers ) he created a mindscape based on his childhood home in that dimesnion . And oh what happened to Will? He was thrown into another dimension filled with monsters... and the ud is stuck on the day he dissapeared ... and it's based on his home town? Hmmm. Ok. That's not strange to anyone ??? What about how...
Henry: became in dustin's words an "undead wizard". While Will: is called "zombie boy" + dresses up as a wizard ?
Henry/vecna : vecna means "forever" and is associated with clocks and causes an apocalypse.Dustin in s3 hands Will a "forever clock" and says it'd be useful in the "apocalypse". Also the clock henry looks at as a kid says "Williams" ... excuse me???
Henry jokes about how his dad assumed his powers were the work of the "devil". s3: lucas hands a "satan's baby" firework to Will.And during the satanic panic newscast it zooms in on a replica of Will's d&d set, when the newscaster discuss "satanism" in hawkins.
Henry in s4: "I know what it's like to be different". El in s4 : "I am different. " Will in s4: "When you're different..."
Victor about henry: "he was a sensitive child". Joyce about Will: "he's a sensitive kid...He's not like you, Hopper. He's not like me, he's not like ... most. "In a show that references star wars constantly . I'm supposed to not immediatly think that's code for they're both "force sensitive" (aka have powers)? Especially when they parallel el to yoda and luke?
Henry saying to El he's beyond a "cure". El being called a "cure "to vecna,by Owens. But ,also... Will having a poster in his room called "the cure". Not to mention the other 2 posters in his s4 room: "jaws" poster (demogorgan was compared to a shark in s1). And the other poster is of the musical "little shop of horrors" which is about evil plants. Cue the evil plants /vines throughout ST. Also music being a "cure" to vecna.Get it... like how Will is into musicals in s4/music and singing in s1. And how he randomly sings "never ending story" in s4 . And a boy with a bowlcut saves the day/ defeats the "darkness" , in "never ending story" .
We will see... I mean Harry Potter is confirmed inspo for st . And Vecna is 100% based on Voldermort ( both have aliases beginning with "V", and are noseless wizards who barely survived a magical incident). And then we have Will who is just like Harry Potter : both are boy wizards who after facing the evil noseless wizard-> have a scar + a psychic connection to said evil wizard. Harry is even called the "boy who lived". While, Will in s1-2 was called "the boy who came back to life" . So If Will isn't significant in s5 in some supernatural way/has powers ... I'm calling "retcon" XD
Other parallels (not mentioned in this post) of Will & Henry - here.
Other parallels (not mentioned in this post) between El, kali & Henry - here.
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blxssom-221 · 1 year
The Black Phone x Stranger Things?
For the love of god I swear I’m THIS 👌 close to writing a crossover fic between The Black Phone and Stranger Things. Like imagine:
The whole plot in the movie still happened. Finney and Gwen are traumatized af cause obvious reasons and their dad thought it’ll be a good idea for a fresh start, so they move to the next town over which happens to be Hawkins
And yk they’re trying to move on, trying to get past what happened to them but Finney can’t easily do that. He keeps thinking about all those boys who never stood a chance, those boys who, in death, helped him survive and especially Robin
So like in ST universe it’s around the start of season 2 or before it but yk Will is back and everything
And also the start of the kidnapping in TBP went on around the same time when Eleven opened the gate
Ok so what most people don’t know about Will is that he wasn’t alone in the upside down. He was for the first few days but then this kid appeared
He looked scared, traumatized and believed he died and somehow went to hell. But to Will, it’s hope and vague happiness because he’s not alone anymore and if someone also managed to get into this strange world then they can both find a way out
Will learned that the boy’s name was Griffin. They’d been in the upside down together for about a month now before another boy came. Then another, then another, then another
He learned all their names to be Billy, Bruce, Vance, and Robin and Will also learned that they all died in the exact same place and murdered by the exact same person. The days blurred together and the boys are having a hard time distinguishing reality from illusion and what’s worse is that their memory seems to be getting fuzzier
One day they found the replica of the basement in the upside down. There they saw the black phone. Feeling compelled Bruce grabbed the phone. They don’t know how it happened but Finney picked up the phone
They learned that Finney got kidnapped and one by one the boys gave Finney all he needed to survive. Then it’s over. The Grabber was dead and the boys are still in the upside down
At this point Will is starting to think that he died in his world too but just couldn’t remember it. Despite the different range of personalities between the 6 of them, the group worked out and stayed together. Little did they know that they only way they survived was cause of Will’s incessant humming of his favorite song much to Vance’s annoyance
And when Will got out, Griffin continued that habit on because they’re all not sure whether Will made it or not and at least this way they can pretend he’s still there with them
So Will came back and he can’t stop thinking about those boys. He wants, needs, to rescue them too but everyone is acting sensitive and overprotective around him so he can’t get the chance to tell them about the boys. Instead he does his own research. He never got their last names but it seemed that their case was popular enough that he didn’t have too much of a hard time learning about them
And that’s when he learned about the new kid Finney. The same Finney who the boys talked about
So Will approached him and Finney listened, even better he believed him especially since Will gave him hope of seeing Robin and the others again
Will also told Finney about El and how her powers helped bring him back, in turn, Finney told him about his sister Gwen who’s dreams helped find him and The Grabber’s victims
In this AU Finney (ability to communicate with spirits/ghosts etc.) and Gwen (prophetic dreams) powers came from their mom so they’re all born with it kind of like Vecna
So through them, they were able to see the boys in the upside down but they find that they have little time because demogorgans are hunting them down
So through the power of friendship and the mother gate and supernatural abilities of Finney and Gwen, the boys were able to be brought back to their bodies in a perfect state (maybe a little traumatized)
Gwen and El would be such great friends! Imagine them learning more about their powers together and bonding over that
Will and Finney are besties and together they pine and maul over their unrequited love for their best friends
Steve adopts 6 more kids
Vance and Billy H. clash bcs of how similar they are
Billy getting annoyed that there’s another Billy and everyone is calling him Hargrove instead
Erica and Gwen loves shitting on their brothers (but in a lovingly way)
Griffin and Billy are secretly menaces to society
Vance secretly admires Nancy and wants her to teach him how to use a gun. No one lets him
TBP boys often get nightmares about what the grabber did to them especially Griffin and Vance
I’m still not sure if I want a character redemption for Billy H. and have him be a tsundere overprotective bro to Max and have an enemies to begrudgingly friends to lovers trope with Steve….hmmm maybe
Aaaaand there’s the writers block. That’s all I got
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cantpickonefandoms · 2 years
Season 1 of ST: Mike asks El to go on a date with him, then she disappears into the void with the demogorgan.
Season 3 of ST: Joyce asks Hopper to go on a date with her, then Hopper gets stuck on the wrong side with the portal and gets taken away by the Russians.
Season 4 of ST: Lucas asks Max to go on a date with him, then Vecna takes over Max and snaps her bones, blinds her, and she ends up in a coma.
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magic-of-camelot · 1 year
Different gates, different dimensions.
Is gategate already a thing? I dunno, so imma write about it anyway. I know that there is already speculation that Henry was not sent to the Upside Down, and I was rewatching season 1 when I noticed something, and then I noticed some more things and I have some comments...
First, let's look at the room the gate was opened in season 1:
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As we know, this is when the gate was opened to the Upside Down. However, this is not the same room we see in Eleven's flashbacks in season 4, when she sent Henry through a gate into another dimension:
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You could argue that they revamped the room after the massacre since they only had one kid now and don't need the big rainbow room. But the rooms are WAY too different from the size, to the shape, to the ceiling height, to the door placements.
Even the hallways leading up to both of these rooms are completely different:
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Season 1 (above) ; Season 4 (below).
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My point is different room = different gate = different dimension. Henry was not sent to the Upside Down.
I suspect Henry ended up in the Upside Down because Will took him there accidentally when Henry ooga booga'd him in 1x01. And, as Will likely has powers, he accidentally took them both into the Upside Down (cue the Upside Down is Will's mind theory). Henry is still able to access his dimension through his mind, but his physical body is stuck in the Upside Down.
Something else I want to address is the small gate in the tree that Nancy and Jonathan find in the woods.
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I don't think this gate itself holds much significance, but I think I know how it ended up there. When El made contact with the demogorgan, the creature was doing….. something…. it's pretty hard to see because the demogorgan is covering whatever it's doing. But I think that whatever it was touching became the tree gate when Eleven made that physical connection. It was only a small gate, so it probably closed with the big gate at the end of season 2 since they were created at the same time - and everything is connected.
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Or maybe it's still open and the gang use it to sneak into the Upside Down in S5...
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kazzyboy · 2 years
Today I’m driving myself insane about how Billy WAS in the right genre like if ST was really aimed at the outcasts and the weirdos then Billy would’ve found out about the upside down and killed his father or Steve would’ve taken down a Demogorgan and then smashed Neil’s face in or Billy would’ve been in on it the whole time and he would’ve fought demodogs and he and his friends would be less wisecracking middle schools and more ragtag found family and he and Max would be closer not by blood but by the actual blood on their hands and the more I think about it the more upset/pissed off I get
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ibemandapanda · 1 year
Theres always been a big bad and a human villian to every season of ST and always came in 3's.
Season 1 was the demogorgan, Brenner, and Troy.
Season 2 was the mind flayer, demodogs, and Billy.
Season 3 was the mind flayer, billy, and the Russians.
Season 4 was vecna, Jason, and the US government.
I'm assuming season 5 will follow this pattern. Vecna being big bad #1 and the US government probably won't give up either. Maybe even the Russians return again. But what I'm hoping for (and will probably never be the case) is that they bring billy back as that human element one last time. I want them to pull a winter soldier with him and el bring all his memories forth again forcing him into the antihero slot whether he's been controlled by the Russians or the US government. I wanna see vecna puppeteer Eddie and have an Eddie vs Billy fight scene. I wanna see Billy unlearn his shitty behaviors and reconnect with Max in a meaningful way like she always wanted.
Again, wishful thinking. Ill wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one happens first.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
ok idk how much you pay attention to music in shows (music analysis is like my life lol) but like st literally does SUCH a good job w how they use music in the show... like california dreamin in 4x01 ?? when i first heard i was like oh lol bc theyre in california thats cool BUT the song is about running away to california when you're feeling sad and like....hellooooo....and then there's the fact that they chose the beach boys version instead of the original to allude to the 1980sness of it all. so cool
Omg Adi you have no idea how obsessed I am with music analysis specifically in stranger things, if there's one thing I'm truly unhinged about it's this <333
You're so right about "california dreamin" and the beach boys version!! I'm just gonna quick ramble here about the OST (original soundtrack) throughout S4 lol.
So, there are some key tracks from S1 and S2 that are repeated in S4V1 to show key significance or foreshadow things to come. For example, during Mike and El's fight, the track "eulogy" is played. This is significant because it was played over Joyce mourning Bob (a lost relationship) and Barb's funeral in S2/3. The fact this this track (albeit a revamped version) was the track chosen to play during Mike and El's fight is so interesting and really helps to show where their relationship is headed imo. Another track that's repeated is "on the bus" during Mike and Will's heart-to-heart after burying the body. This same track plays in S2 during Lucas and Max's heart-to-heart when they're kinda admitting their feelings--also, this talk really sets up their relationship, so that's foreshadowing to Mike and Will, lol. Also, "this isn't you" is repeated when Steve and Nancy talk in the Creel house. This track is used a lot throughout the seasons, but it's specifically tied to Nancy's guilt over Barb's death, as Barb tells her "this isn't you" before being taken by the demogorgan. Using this track in S4V1 foreshadows that Nancy still isn't over her guilt to do with Barb, hence her being tranced by Vecna at the end of V1. There's lots of other repeated tracks too, but I found these 3 to be the most significant <3
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wheelercore · 11 months
I was today years old when I realized that Connie (as in Connie Frazier) was just another way of naming a character Rose in ST.
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Which makes the fact that Connie specifically questioned the wheeler parents on front of their rose wallpaper A Choice (which they didn't do for Brenner)
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(for a better shot of wallpaper)
Guess another place we've seen pink roses?
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Also very interesting is that I believe Connie's death and El pushing the Demogorgon back into the UD in s1 represented the "mothergate"- which isn't named until s4.
Connie is standing right on front of the Tiger paw print ("predator") on the wall when El kills her- that the Demogorgon then comes through later once Connie is out of the way/
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As in, the mothergate (the barrier between the RSU and UD) is broken and the UD came through- just like exactly what happened in the end of S4. Instead of Jason dying, Brenner did in S1 when this happened (at least, he died for the first time).
(Connie is also wearing a light blue button down shirt like we see Nancy and Karen wear in s1).
Even more interesting, El is in her "rosemary" dress when she pushes the Demogorgan back into the UD.
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The evil is defeated and sent back to where is came from, ie the mothergate is closed again.
Also notice the light, photosynthesis poster (plants need light to survive- "go into the light"), and the TV ("distraction") framed in between the Demogorgon and El. lol. lmao even.
Which I think definitely explains the absence of roses in the Wheeler home when the earthquake happens at the end of s4:
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The mothergate is broke open. The "mothergate" being conformity/normalcy, as also symbolized by the fact that Mrs Cunningham (in white-pink in Chrissy's vecna vision) is the enforcer of Chrissy's popular cheerleader image, despite Chrissy being somewhat of a "freak" herself.
Anyways an extra fun fact!
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"Holding the mirror up"- the rose wallpaper behind Virginia
Same bloody tears as Connie when she was killed.
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