pencildragons · 3 months
another snippet (from chapter 2 this time lolol) for my foxquinweek sinner sinner (come to dinner) which shall be posted 22/01!! (fair warning, fox is a VERY unreliable narrator here)
The gloves Vos is wearing, Fox notes distantly as his pounding heartbeat echoes in his ears, are a deep red. Not quite the shade he dictates all armour be painted with—that’s all the same colour, the same pattern, eliminating external individuality for every man except himself, eliminating any identifiable target except for him, because what is his duty as a commander if not to be a shield—but close. A little darker, a little more brown in it. Maroon, he thinks it might be called. He heard a natborn say that, once. It had been a Mando trainer on Kamino, or maybe even Prime himself. Mah-rone. Mah-rone. Mah-rone. He heard a senator’s aide call it that too, later on. They say it differently here on Coruscant, drawing out the final syllable into mahrooon instead of dissecting it into even halves. Everything is different here. Conformity is survival, and deviation is certain death. (Shields are hit first. Shields are targets. What is his duty as a commander if not to be exactly that?) (He thinks, if he were to ever utter the word, he would drawl it just like that senator’s aide did. Better to be a nothing than remembered after the fact.) Conformity is survival. Deviation is certain death. He does not know how to conform in this situation, does not know what counts as a deviation. The rules of the game he and Vos play are an unknown, and Fox is all too well aware how dangerous ignorance is. Vos has just trapped Fox with him in a durasteel box halfway between the ninety-first and the ninety-second floor of the Rotunda. Whatever is going to happen, he will not be able to escape it, and he does not know what to do. Vos is silent. Fox wonders if he’s waiting for him to talk, but all the things he desperately wants to say—starting with how did you know I was here? And followed by, why are you so close with my brother’s general? And finishing off with why the everloving fuck are you following me?—are wildly inappropriate, and he is not certain that he wants to know the answers. He is trapped here with Vos, and there is no one else around. Even if he called for backup, it would be too late, and he does not want to risk angering Vos, does not want to risk him taking out any rage on his vod’e. He’s seen it happen before, too many times. He is a commander—the commander. If something is going to happen to him, it will be his to bear, and no one else’s. The silence stretches on. Fox’s skin is itching below the dermis, rotting, rotting, rotting. Everything is different here. Everything is a putrified corruption, and he is no exception. Vos is. The elevator smells of too much metal, and of deathsticks, and of Vos—minty, a hint of the thing that may or may not be woodsmoke. Fox corrodes with this city, with this planet, with this galaxy, but Vos stands apart from it all, whole and hale and untouchable. He leans against the wall, blocking the control panel with his body, and studies Fox, arms crossed against his chest. He’s keeping his distance for now—as much as that’s possible in this tiny, cramped space—but the elevator is small. If Fox were to stretch his arms out, his fingertips would brush its sides. Vos could be on him in a heartbeat if he wanted. The silence stretches on.
reblogs are very appreciated, and tysm to everyone who interacted with my last snippet posting :3
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cuddlesdotwav · 1 month
about the project
long story short, my friend’s late husband left boxes and boxes of old audio reels that haven’t been listened to since the 60s and 70s and I’m embarking on a journey to digitize and catalogue them for her, and for history’s sake.
-details under the cut-
about the project (ctd.)
See, my friend’s late husband was a prominent attorney and law professor in music and, apparently, spent a large portion of time after graduating college (in 1958) traveling and recording folk, jazz, and blues music in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area, Chicago, and even throughout Appalachia - so the prospect of what could be on these reels is very exciting.
Or it could be nothing. Or time and improper storage might have ruined them. Who knows! Certainly not me. Not yet.
Bonus! We are playing on hard mode: I have zero technical knowledge in vintage audio, in audio mixing, and I’m figuring it out in the chaotic and wildly vacillating ebb and flow of an inconsistently medicated and regularly burned out audhd 32 year old lady.
You’re welcome to join me on the journey, to offer suggestions, or even just point and laugh as the train undoubtably wrecks two or three times.
And if you’re local to the metro detroit area and have interests in vintage audio - send me a DM, let’s be friends.
project supplies
akai 1730D-SS - reel-to-reel machine
focusrite scarlett 2i2 4th gen - audio interface
a bajillion year old dell laptop
a plucky attitude and the ability to listen to hour-long yt tutorials and absorb absolutely nothing.
0 notes
obiternihili · 8 months
2, 9, 11, 38
Cool! So tumblr didn't give me a notification that I got this ask!
context is this post:
2. Top 5 games of all time?
A few of the Zelda series could probably make the cut. I go back and forth on Link's Awakening and Majora's Mask for my favorite from that series.
Skyrim modding has eaten months of my life.
Undertale's probably up there
Fuga: Melodies of Steel (and its sequel; they're more like episodes of one game than two standalone games) might take a spot, but it might be a honeymoon effect.
There's a few runners up out there like Night in the Woods, Yoshi's Island, La Mulana, Pokémon: Emerald etc. And a few series I really like but can't in good conscience say are my favorite (Sony's Horizon comes to mind).
But I think of games that I associate with myself maybe the number 5 spot should go to Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards. More as a representative of the Yu-Gi-Oh series as a whole and that unspeakable time I tried to become a let's player. Plus it's just a weird unbalanced game.
9. Most hours you've put into a single game?
Easily skyrim, caveat: much of that time is just turning on the game, cocing (using the console to warp without loading a save game) into riverwood, and sprinting to whiterun checking for CTDs, or in other words, testing mods to make sure I didn't make the game explode.
If you don't count mod testing, probably OoT 3D rando, usually still bug testing, but actually playing at the same time.
11. Favorite game genre?
Probably action-adventure.
Like I like puzzles and I like pretty/cute worlds to explore. And I like RPG story crafting.
If I'm honest I tend to prefer games that are easy to moderately difficult over hard. I like power fantasies a bit, I guess, and that's best achieved by earning it.
So zelda-likes, open world games, and certain metroidvanias are pretty much my ideal games. Which isn't to say something like really good writing or music can't propel things like Undertale or Fuga into my top games.
38. An unpopular gaming opinion you have.
I've got a few of those, I think.
Paper Mario's decline began with Super Paper Mario, Sticker Star unfairly gets the blame for it. And the mechanics weren't that bad, people just absolutely refused to learn them because they were too upset at it doing SPM things instead of TTYD things. SS is still deeply flawed, I mean, but it's not like "bad sonic game" bad.
Many gamers want to roleplay when playing or just unwind with a comfort game and not everyone games for the feeling of overcoming shit. And that's entirely valid. But they can be a kind of competing access need: there are kids who need absolute silence to focus on a test, and there are kids who need noise to drown out distractions; both kids are valid, but their needs are antagonistic. If you take the games of gamers who want accomplishment and put easy modes in, often you make more work for devs who have to rebalance the game around both modes. Or, like the more action adventure open world gameplay you inject in the Elder Scrolls, the less of a difficult Table Top traditional/chance and skill check kind of RPG there is for the Morrowind and earlier fans who loved the series for those elements. Likewise, taking someone's animal crossing and adding soulsbourne mechanics to it would change that kind of game entirely. I'm not sure that the answer is "put an easy mode in dark souls" or "don't put an easy mode in dark souls". I don't know what the answer really is but I'm not cleanly on either side of that argument.
I'm starting to be one of those "actually graphics matters" guys. I can't really easily play switch games anymore, it's insane. Aliasing and blur feels like visual noise (unlike texture) and makes me feel tired/annoyed. Plus, like, too much pop in or flickering gives me headaches; I had to drop Legends: Arceus because it made my head hurt. And I notice low framerates now, and it hurts similarly to pop in. Fwiw I think a lot of it's also COVID related; my family used to travel a ton, but now the easiest ways for me to get my "green fix" is a game like Skyrim, BotW, or Horizon: Forbidden West. And I guess playing higher framerate games has just trained my brain to vibe that fast.
Trainers, mods, cheat codes are, so long as it's only used in single player content, cool and great. They do not change level design. If it's hard to set up, then it's a reward for being smart enough to set up, no different than writing down information on a piece of paper to solve a game's puzzle. They're good things.
Thanks for the asks! Sorry I didn't get the notification.
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millepon · 4 years
モッダーのFelisky様がSkyrimのシステムを大改革する大変素晴らしいMODを制作されていますのでまずは簡略的に紹介します。 その中で特にお勧めしたいmodは詳しい説明や使い方などを後々追加していきたいと思います。 紹介するMODは全てSKSEプラグインで動作するタイプなのでセーブデータを汚す心配もありません。
- Alternate Conversation Camera
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NPCと会話時のカメラをFO4の会話システムのような挙動に変更します。 会話中のアクターにカメラを交互に切り替え会話の没入感を向上させます。 詳しい解説はこちら
以下のModは現在GreenTeaという名前で統合されています。 使用したい機能は「SKSE/Plugins/GreenTea.ini」の各項目「Disable(Mod名)」をfalseに設定する事で機能します。 いくつかのMODはSEに対応中とのことであり、すでに対応済みのModはNexusで単品で公開されています。
- Floating Damage v2
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アクターが受けたダメージを視覚的に表示します。 また設定で回復の表示も行えます。 EFFのステータス表示と併用するとJRPG風に近づけられます。
- MiniMap
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ミニマップを表示するHUDを追加します。 このミニマップは実際の地形から取得しているのでMODで追加された地形にも対応しています。 詳しい解説はこちら
- Locational Damage
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攻撃がヒットした部位によって追加ダメージやよろめき効果等を与えます。 バニラのほぼ全ての種族に対応しておりMODで追加された種族にも対応しています。
- Armor Break
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戦闘中にダメージを受けると段階的に装備が破損するようになります。 他のアーマーブレイクMODとの違いは単に装備を脱がしたり入れ替えたりするのではなく、メッシュ自体の各パーツを段階的に非表示にするため破損時の専用メッシュを用意する必要がない点です。 破損が増えるほどダメージを増加し、時間が経つと元に戻ります。 「ArmorExclusions.ini」からブレイクを除外する装備やパーツ部(BaseShape名)も設定できるので大事な部分はブレイクしないように設定する事も可能です。
- Equipment Upgrades
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スカイリムのアイテム強化システムを改良します。 導入するとアイテム強化が一段階ずつになり鍛冶スキルによって成功率が変化します。 これはMMOのアイテム強化システムのように、失敗するとアイテムが壊れることもあります。 バニラの強化システムでは物足りないと思う方におススメです。
- Additional Techniques
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プレイヤーの戦闘を有利に行うための様々なテクニックを追加します。 例えば弓や魔法をその場にスタックさせて連続に発射する事などが出来ます。 バニラの戦闘が単調で飽きてきた方にはお勧めですが、ややチート的な機能になるのでゲームバランスを気にする方には特定の機能を無効にするなど注意が必要です。 個人的にはマビノギのスキルにあるチェーンキャスティングのように1度に複数回分のスタック効果が得られる機能があればさらに面白いなと思いました。
- Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu
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ShowRaceMenuでキャラクターの作成を行う際に右クリックを押しながら左右に動かすとキャラクターを回転させることが出来ます。 スカイリムのキャラメイクは顔を上下左右に動かすことはできますが、キャラクターの回転はできないためECEやRacemenuでメッシュの頂点編集を行う際には必須の機能と言えます。
- Status Display
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敵のレベルや体力の数値をHUD表示しま��。 以前はDisplay Enemy Levelという名前で公開されていましたがより高機能になって改名されたようです。
- Animation Loading Fix
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スカイリムのロードに不具合がありアニメーションやポーズ関連のMODを沢山入れるとロード時にCTDしたり不安定になります。 原因はマルチスレッドでアニメーションの読み込み時にデッドロックが起きる事によりCTDが発生するとのことです。 この機能を有効にするとアニメーションの読み込み順序を変更しエラーの発生を防ぎます。 Load Game CTD Fixも同様の機能がありますが、こちらはシングルスレッドでアニメーションを読み込みデッドロックを防ぎます。 そのためロードに時間が掛かりますが、こちらはマルチスレッドのまま読み込み順序を変更しデッドロックを防いでいるため高速です。 ただし、どちらが一番安定するかは自環境によって異なるので双方を試した上で適した方を選択するのがベストです。
- Difficulty Balance
プレイヤーと味方を難易度によるダメージ倍率を同じにします。 高難易度ほどフォロワーや召喚されたアクターの被ダメージが減ることを防ぎます。 難易度のダメージ倍率を変更するMODと互換性があるようです。
- KillLog
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Kill Log Mod in Skyrimのアイデアを元に制作されたようです。 機能を有効にするとアクターを殺害した際に「〇〇は〇〇に殺害された」とメッセージが表示されます。 Kill Log Mod in Skyrimではフォロワーが敵を倒した場合でもプレイヤーの名前が表示されていましたが、こちらはフォロワーが倒した場合でもきちんとフォロワーの名前で表示されます。 アクターが事故死した際にもメッセージが表示されます。 KillLog.iniから日本語表記に変えたりHideDistance値を変える事でキルログの表示範囲を制限できます。
- Copy Character Appearance
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NPCの容姿(顔・髪・テクスチャー)をプレイヤーにコピーします。 NPCはバニラに限らずMODで容姿を変更した美化NPCやフォロワーMODのNPCでもプレイヤーにコピーすることが出来るので、好きなNPCの容姿でプレイしたい場合に便利です。 使い方はコンソール画面でコピーしたいNPCを選択し「cca」と入力するだけです。 コピーの解除はコンソール画面でプレイヤーを 選択した状態で「cca」を入力します。
- Disable Follower Collision
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プレイヤーと味方NPCの間の衝突判定を無効にします。 これによりダンジョンなどでフォロワーを複数連れた状態でも進路を妨害される事が起こらなくなります。 衝突判定のON/OFFはコンソール画面で「tfcl」と入力することでいつでも切り替えられます。
- Damage Tweaks
種族と武器・攻撃の種類によってダメージの倍率を細かく変更できます。 人間種族の場合は男女に分けてダメージの倍率を変更できます。 DamageTweaks.iniから下記の設定を有効にすることで機能します。
DisableDamageTweaksByLevelDiff=true ;レベルによってダメージの倍率を変更する
DamageMultPerLevel=0.01 ;レベル毎の倍率値 DamageMultMin=0.5 ;最低倍率値 DamageMultMax=1.5 ;最大倍率値
DisableDamageTweaksByWeaponType=true ;武器の種類によって倍率値を変更する
[種族名] Slashing=1.0 ;剣系武器のダメージ倍率値 Cleaving=1.0 ;斧系武器のダメージ倍率値 Bashing=1.0 ;素手・鈍器系武器のダメージ倍率値 Arrow=1.0 ;弓系武器のダメージ倍率値
- Just Attack
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通常攻撃後にタイミングよくパワーアタックを行うと威力を増加させます。 JustAttack.ini設定から有効時間、ダメージ倍率等を変更できます。
EffectiveTime=200 ;有効時間/ms DamageMult=1.3 ;ダメージ倍率値 PlaySound=true ;成功時のサウンド PlayEffect=true ;成功時のエフェクト
- Attributes
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スカイリムに属性ステータスを追加し、レベルアップ時にSTR、AGI、VIT、DEX、INT、WIS、LUKの7つの属性から1つを割り振りできるようになります。 詳しい解説はこちら
- Copy and Paste in Console
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コンソール画面に予めコピーした文字列をコンソール画面に貼り付けることが出来ます。 例えばセルの移動コマンドを使う際に長いEditerIDである場合は入力が大変でしたがコピペするだけで済むので入力が楽になります。 デフォルトではCtrl+Endキーで貼り付けられます。
キーの変更はCopyPaste.iniで変更が出来ます。 PasteKeyCode=207 ;デフォルトCtrl SubKeyCode=29 ;デフォルトEnd (0で機能を無効) ForceAnsi=false ;2バイト文字が文字化けする場合は有効にする
- Dynamic Animation Replacer V2
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スクリプトを使用せずにプレイヤーやNPCをキャラクター毎にアニメーションを条件に合わせて自由に追加や変更を行うことが出来る革命的なModです。 例えばプレイヤー・NPCの性別・種族・装備・ステータスの状態などに応じてモーションの差別化が出来ます。 自作フォロワーMODを作成している人であれば個々にキャラクターのアイドルモーションや攻撃モーションなど差別化も出来るのでキャラクターに個性を演出する事が出来ます。 プラグインで動作するため動作が軽く遅延もないため非常に安定します。 詳しい解説はこちら
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#review #scifi Space Dreadnoughts by Dave Drake, et al
#review #scifi Space Dreadnoughts by Dave Drake, et al
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Space Dreadnoughts is a Military Science Fiction anthology by David Drake, Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh. The contents in order of appearance are: •"Introduction: A quick Look at Battle Fleets" by David Drake •"The Only Thing We Learn" by Cyril M. Kornbluth •"C-Chute" by Isaac Asimov •"Allamagoosa" by Eric Frank Russell (won the Hugo Award for best short story in 1955) •"A Question of Courage" by J. F. Bone •"Superiority" by Arthur C. Clarke •"Hindsight" by Jack Williamson •"The Last Battalion" by David Drake •"Shadow on the Stars" by Algis Budrys •"Time Lag" by Poul Anderson
The first Military Sci Fi story I remember is the Star Trek TOS episode "Balance of Terror," in which Enterprise duels with a Romulan interloper. The military conflict was setting to other conflicts between the crew, the story was full of suspense, and actual battle was a small part of the story. And so it is here.
The book's title is a misnomer. The back cover blurb is misleading-- "Massive and arrogant, they patrol the final war zone-- deep space. All great battleships before them-- . . . are mere toys in comparison." It goes on about "bristling artillery" and "battalions of soldiers." I expected fleet actions involving capital ships. Tactics. Maneuvers. Gunplay. While there are fleet actions and even battleships in some of these stories, they are mere backdrops on a stage where people play out the stories. Truly good Science Fiction involves people, and in all these stories, the people overshadow the military settings that serve only to bring out the characters and whatever lessons there are to be learned from them. All of these stories are well worth reading.
"Introduction: A quick Look at Battle Fleets" Mr Drake's introduction is a wonderful retrospective about the history of the Dreadnought battleships with a mention of two 1950's Astounding essays on the armaments of spaceships-- one by Willy Ley, the other by Malcolm Jameson. If one is going to write stories about ship-to-ship combat, the introduction is a good starting point. But only a starting point. One should definitely read Mahan, and consider the lessons of Taranto and Pearl Harbor. And the US Navy's Harpoon's and Tomahawk's are wonderful arguments in favor of missles over guns. One should also consider the time honored techniques of ramming and boarding actions.
Perhaps the question of guns vs missles is mooted today. Todays real world warships employ both-- including the Iowa class heavy battleships brought out of retirement and refurbished for President Reagan's naval buildup of the 1980's. The arms race has continued in Sci-Fi beyond what could be imagined with a knowledge of 1950's physics. The Ley and Jameson essays were written before fighters raked Formoria, before rail guns, and CTD imploders, before GRASER's, X-ray LASER's and phaser banks, before the Moties bombarded Mote Prime with asteroids, and before Captain Sheridan laid a gigaton on Z'ha'dum.
"The Only Thing We Learn" Kornbluth tells a cautionary tale of faded Imperial glory. The barbarians at the gates will one day have descendants that are as decadent and prissy as the effete and ineffectual empire they deposed and replaced. History blurs and magnifies the epic tales of glory. The details are lost. The character is lost. One day a fresh wave of barbarians sweeps aside succcessors that their ancestors would be ashamed to acknowledge. The reader may decide what relationship if any there is between this story and the quote from Friedrich Hegel. A fun story despite the dire consequences for the past and future losers. In  his column, "Rereading Kornbluth", Robert Silverberg calls The Only Thing We Learn, "a subtle, oblique, elliptical, sardonic piece of work."
"C-Chute" Dr. Asimov wrote this story in 1951. It is a psychodrama set aboard a passenger ship taken as a prize by a race of chlorine breathers in Earth's first intersteller war. Each of the passengers is sketched by Asimov to reveal their several flaws of personality, physicality or character. Each has reasons why he should not exit the cabin via the C-chute, EVA, and enter and retake the control room from outside the ship. The reason for the dubious hero to take the heroic action required to retake the ship is one unlikey to appear in the work of any author but Dr. Asimov.
"Allamagoosa" This story won the 1955 Hugo for best short story. It's a farcical look at officious bureaucracy of the greatest gravity. It's sort of a shaggy dog story, wink, wink. This story in and of itself is worth buying the book for. The build up and so obvious in hindsight ending is fresh enough to be as enjoyable today as it was then.
"A Question of Courage" Sometimes flair and heedless risk taking can be mistaken for true personal courage. When the genuine article appears, there's no mistaking it. Bone craftliy deveops his characters and sets the reader up for the old maidish Captain "Cautious Charley" Chase of Lachesis to reveal his true nature. It is available from Project Gutenberg.
"Superiority" Sir Arthur requires no introduction for this story, a reductio ad absurdum about the principle of Illusory Superiority. Technology and bedazzlment with the latest, most theoretically wonderful advances are no substitutes for common sense and sound military doctrine. Perhaps this should serve as a cautionary tale at a time when Iraqi insurgents hack into our drones. According to Wikipedia, this gem was required reading at West Point. The reader easily empathizes with the narrator and his plight, revealed at the end.
"Hindsight" Jack Williamson has won both the Nebula and the Hugo Awards, and had a career that spanned about seventy years. This story involves temporal mechanics and love, oppression and liberation, and meeting engagements. Incidentally, the guns employed by the Astrach's fleet are of 20-inch caliber and fire four salvos per second. It's a tightly written story, though I think the ending is a little drippy.
"The Last Battalion" Imagine that Hitler did not die in a bunker in Berlin, but escaped via U-Boat to a secret Waffen-SS base in New Swabia. There German scientists built flying saucers from which they reached the moon to to mine aluminum and build more flying saucers. Now imagine them getting into a war with aliens. With things not looking so good, they kidnap a US Senator to let him know what is going on, intending to drag the US into the conflict. Before they can get where they're going with the Senator, the aliens lay a nuke on their Antartic base. They drop the Senator off to find his own way home. He asks them what they will do. Their colonel replies, we are SS-- we will fight.
"Shadow on the Stars" Budrys's Farlans are felinoid aliens who at first blush look like humans in cat suits. But they are, on a closer look, "raving paranoid quote." The paranoia is pathological and eventually fatal for Farla-- any military leader with sufficient ability to be effective cannot be trusted by Farla's rulers, and will be killed at the earliest sign of that fatal disease, military competence. The story is a retrospective, the central character telling how he and Farla came to be in their present straits. It is too late for him to convey the warning against trusting Earth, and to late to avoid the inevitable dissolution of Farla.
I have a problem accepting the plot device Budrys uses to set up the narrative, but otherwise the story is interesting and fun to read. The prose is a bit over decourous and affected, but that brings out the effeteness and pretentiousness of the Farlan culture. At the start, the Farlans are hard-pressed by a barabarian culture, the Vilk, and need a strong, capable leader to drive them back. OF course the strong, capable leaders keep their heads down so has not to find themselves assassinated by the Ministry of Preparedness-- and then comes L'Miranid. A previously unknown reservist, he quickly dominates the Fleet and whips them into shape. Victory follows victory until the Vilk host is driven back, their subject planets pounded to rubble, and a Farlan imposed king seated upon their throne.
The real story action is not fleet engatgements and daring raids, though. The story is related by Henlo, one of those capable leaders who has balanced command of a capital ship wtih avoiding notice by the governmental hunters down of competence. He starts the story as having a clear understanding of Farla's problems and the steps necessary to remedy them, but can't afford to be noticed. He becomes L'Mararind's aid, admirer, vice-admiral, intended assasin and successor, and finally, his unwilling co-conspirator and successor. Unwilling to be assasinated himself, he seizes control of the Farlan government. By this time, the sad (for Farla) truth is known to him, but (I love Latin quotes.) "alea jacta est." This is a fine little story with a lovely twist toward the end.
"Time Lag" Poul Anderson has won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Time Lag is a study in contrasts-- evil, greedy invaders against noble, selfless defenders. Chertkoi is a heavily overpopulated industrial planet, drowning in pollution and resource starved. Vaynamo is pristine, with a population sustainable through resource management. Vayanmo is never the less technologically advanced, with the technology's goal as preservation rather than exploitation. Expolitation is the name of Chertkoi's game. It's people conquer other worlds to fuel the industrial fires that smother their world under a cloud of pollution.
The archetype of the Chertoi is the Admiral commanding the invasion fleet. He is matched against the story's view point character, Elva. Elva is the widow of a Vayanmoan noble and prisoner of the Admiral. He is gross, vulgar and uncouth. She is pretty, cultured and well-mannered. He is a love struck boor, hopelessly smitten by her. She subtly endures his presence to manipulate him so that she an return herself and the other captives to Vayanmo in a portrayal that is believable and sympathetic. The invasion is a leveraged takeover in three stages-- a scouting raid, a strategic strike to destroy what little industry the Vayanmo posses, and a full-scale invasion. The title relativistic time lag (fifteen years) gives the Chertkoi time to build their invasion fleet and the Vaynamo time to prepare their reception.
Image cover art under fair use for the review. Contact publisher for reuse.
My text creative commons 4.0
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healthcare00897 · 5 years
Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market Covering Developing Trends, Major Highlights With Global Analysis and Forecast By 2026
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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is also known as keratisis sicca and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Patients suffering from DES show damage to the ocular surface, instability in the tear film, and visual disturbance. Tear film covers the ocular surface, which is made up of three intertwined layers, a superficial lipid layer, produced by meibomian glands assist in reducing tear evaporation and uniform tear spreading, middle thick aqueous layer produced from lacrimal glands, and the innermost hydrophilic mucin layer produced from goblet cells of conjunctiva and epithelium of ocular surface.
The two most common types of DES are DES associated with Sjogren syndrome (SS) and DES unassociated with SS. DES can also be classified as aqueous deficiency dry eye and evaporative dry eye disorder. Patients with aqueous tear deficiency (ATD) often suffer from SS if they have shown symptoms of connective tissue disease (CTD) or xerostomia in past. Patients with primary SS showed evidence of autoimmune disease with high presence of ocular surface disease, ATD and serum autoantibodies. According to TearScience Inc., in 2012, around 86% of the patients in Europe and the U.S. were suffering from DES showed symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD, blockage of meibomian glands). The blockage causes less secretion of oil in the tears, which results in evaporation of tears too quickly.
The most common symptoms associated with DES are ocular irritation, photophobia, blurry vision, mucoid discharge, ocular dryness, itching, and excessive tearing. DES is diagnosed through tests such as the Schirmer test, tear film osmolarity, tear meniscus height, tear ferning test, measurement of tear break up time, and staining of corneal and conjuctivital epithelium with lissamine green and fluorescein or rose bengal. Topical anti-inflammatory agents (cyclosporine and corticosteroids), omega 3 fatty acids, immunosuppressant, umbilical cord serum, artificial tear substitutes and gels, emulsions, and ointments are the common agents used for treatment of DES. Advanced options for the treatment of DES include conjunctival flap, mucous membrane grafting, lateral tarsorrhaphy, salivary gland duct transposition, amniotic membrane contact lens therapy, and prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem (PROSE) lens therapy.
The global dry eye syndrome treatment market is primarily driven by growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome and growth in awareness about the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. However, the stringent drug approvals, expirations of the blockbuster drugs patents, and lack of skilled ophthalmologists are restraining the growth of DES market. According to National Health and Wellness Survey in 2013, approximately 16.4 million people are suffering from DES, which accounts for 6.8% of the total population of the U.S. Prevalence of DES increases with age, 2.7% for 18 - 34 age group and 18.6% for more than 75 age group were reported to be suffering from DES. The prevalence of DES is higher in women (8.8%) as compared to men (4.5%). According to the National Eye Institute, in the U.S the annual cost of treating DES including prescription drugs is US $3.84 billion.
Global Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market Taxonomy
On the basis of product type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
   Oral Corticosteroid
   Artificial Tears
   Omega Supplements
   Punctual Bags
       Removable Bags
       Dissolvable Bags
On the basis of disease type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
   Evaporative Dry Eye Syndrome
   Aqueous Dry Eye Syndrome
On the basis of distribution channel, the global dye eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
   Retail Pharmacies
   Hospital Pharmacies
   Online Pharmacies
Request For Customization of Research Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-customization/1173
High healthcare expenditure and increasing R&D activities in the DES treatment market is expected to propel growth of DES market in North America
Growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome owing to lifestyle disorders are contributing factors for the growth of DES market in the North America region.
Asia Pacific region is emerging in DES treatment market due to large pool of patient population. According to the regional population based study published in All India Ophthalmological Society, in 2012, the prevalence of DES was 40.8% with mild symptoms and 31.7% with MGD.
Global dry eye syndrome treatment market is oligopolistic in nature with few players holding majority of the share. Various strategies are adopted by market players such as new product launches, acquisitions, and agreements in order to retain market position. In September, 2017, Johnson and Johnson Vision, acquired TearScience Inc., a medical device manufacturer for treating MGD. This acquisition expanded the company’s eye health portfolio. In April 2017, Allergan received marketing approval from FDA for its TrueTear Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator.
Some of the major players operating in the global dry eye syndrome treatment market are Allergan, Novartis AG., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Valent Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Allostera Pharma, I-Med Pharma Inc., Santen Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., AFT pharmaceuticals, Novaliq GmBh, and Auven therapeutics.
About Coherent Market Insights
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights
1001 4th Ave, #3200
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
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martynnx-blog · 5 years
Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market: Future Forecast Assessed On The Basis Of How The Market Is Predicted To Grow
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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is also known as keratisis sicca and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Patients suffering from DES show damage to the ocular surface, instability in the tear film, and visual disturbance. Tear film covers the ocular surface, which is made up of three intertwined layers, a superficial lipid layer, produced by meibomian glands assist in reducing tear evaporation and uniform tear spreading, middle thick aqueous layer produced from lacrimal glands, and the innermost hydrophilic mucin layer produced from goblet cells of conjunctiva and epithelium of ocular surface.
The two most common types of DES are DES associated with Sjogren syndrome (SS) and DES unassociated with SS. DES can also be classified as aqueous deficiency dry eye and evaporative dry eye disorder. Patients with aqueous tear deficiency (ATD) often suffer from SS if they have shown symptoms of connective tissue disease (CTD) or xerostomia in past. Patients with primary SS showed evidence of autoimmune disease with high presence of ocular surface disease, ATD and serum autoantibodies. According to TearScience Inc., in 2012, around 86% of the patients in Europe and the U.S. were suffering from DES showed symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD, blockage of meibomian glands). The blockage causes less secretion of oil in the tears, which results in evaporation of tears too quickly.
High healthcare expenditure and increasing R&D activities in the DES treatment market is expected to propel growth of DES market in North America
Growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome owing to lifestyle disorders are contributing factors for the growth of DES market in the North America region.
Asia Pacific region is emerging in DES treatment market due to large pool of patient population. According to the regional population based study published in All India Ophthalmological Society, in 2012, the prevalence of DES was 40.8% with mild symptoms and 31.7% with MGD.
Some of the major players operating in the global dry eye syndrome treatment market are Allergan, Novartis AG., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Valent Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Allostera Pharma, I-Med Pharma Inc., Santen Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., AFT pharmaceuticals, Novaliq GmBh, and Auven therapeutics.
Ask For Discount Before Purchasing This Business Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-discount/1173
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sumit76652-blog · 5 years
Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market, by Product Type, Disease Type and Distribution Channel  2018 – 2026
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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is also known as keratisis sicca and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Patients suffering from DES show damage to the ocular surface, instability in the tear film, and visual disturbance. Tear film covers the ocular surface, which is made up of three intertwined layers, a superficial lipid layer, produced by meibomian glands assist in reducing tear evaporation and uniform tear spreading, middle thick aqueous layer produced from lacrimal glands, and the innermost hydrophilic mucin layer produced from goblet cells of conjunctiva and epithelium of ocular surface.
Download PDF Brochure Of This Research Report @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-pdf/1173
The two most common types of DES are DES associated with Sjogren syndrome (SS) and DES unassociated with SS. DES can also be classified as aqueous deficiency dry eye and evaporative dry eye disorder. Patients with aqueous tear deficiency (ATD) often suffer from SS if they have shown symptoms of connective tissue disease (CTD) or xerostomia in past. Patients with primary SS showed evidence of autoimmune disease with high presence of ocular surface disease, ATD and serum autoantibodies. According to TearScience Inc., in 2012, around 86% of the patients in Europe and the U.S. were suffering from DES showed symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD, blockage of meibomian glands). The blockage causes less secretion of oil in the tears, which results in evaporation of tears too quickly.
The global dry eye syndrome treatment market is primarily driven by growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome and growth in awareness about the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. However, the stringent drug approvals, expirations of the blockbuster drugs patents, and lack of skilled ophthalmologists are restraining the growth of DES market. According to National Health and Wellness Survey in 2013, approximately 16.4 million people are suffering from DES, which accounts for 6.8% of the total population of the U.S. Prevalence of DES increases with age, 2.7% for 18 - 34 age group and 18.6% for more than 75 age group were reported to be suffering from DES. The prevalence of DES is higher in women (8.8%) as compared to men (4.5%). According to the National Eye Institute, in the U.S the annual cost of treating DES including prescription drugs is US $3.84 billion.
High healthcare expenditure and increasing R&D activities in the DES treatment market is expected to propel growth of DES market in North America
Growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome owing to lifestyle disorders are contributing factors for the growth of DES market in the North America region.
Asia Pacific region is emerging in DES treatment market due to large pool of patient population. According to the regional population based study published in All India Ophthalmological Society, in 2012, the prevalence of DES was 40.8% with mild symptoms and 31.7% with MGD.
Global dry eye syndrome treatment market is oligopolistic in nature with few players holding majority of the share. Various strategies are adopted by market players such as new product launches, acquisitions, and agreements in order to retain market position. In September, 2017, Johnson and Johnson Vision, acquired TearScience Inc., a medical device manufacturer for treating MGD. This acquisition expanded the company’s eye health portfolio. In April 2017, Allergan received marketing approval from FDA for its TrueTear Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator.
For More Information @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/ongoing-insight/dry-eye-syndrome-treatment-market-1173
Global Key Players:
Some of the major players operating in the global dry eye syndrome treatment market are Allergan, Novartis AG., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Valent Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Allostera Pharma, I-Med Pharma Inc., Santen Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., AFT pharmaceuticals, Novaliq GmBh, and Auven therapeutics.
Global Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market Taxonomy
On the basis of product type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Oral Corticosteroid
Artificial Tears
Omega Supplements
Punctual Bags
Removable Bags
Dissolvable Bags
On the basis of disease type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Evaporative Dry Eye Syndrome
Aqueous Dry Eye Syndrome
On the basis of distribution channel, the global dye eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Retail Pharmacies
Hospital Pharmacies
Online Pharmacies
Request For Customization @ https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-customization/1173
About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights
1001 4th Ave, #3200
Seattle, WA 98154
Tel: +1-206-701-6702
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manjushage2 · 7 years
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ちなみに、Rampage ENBを愛用してますが、折角LUTが7種もあるので、ソルスセイムでは「Futuristic Bleak」を使ってみたいと思います。SFっぽいし、埃っぽくもあっていい感じw
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2011 *CHEVOLET* *CAMARO* *SS* *LS2* *BUMBLEBEE* *mustang* *challenger* $15000
Asking Price: $15,000 CHEVROLET CAMARO SS CLEAN TITLE 6.2 LITER LS2 ENGINE AUTOMATIC SUNROOF BLACK STRIPES YELLOW PAINT 22" CHROME IROC WHEELS BENTLEY QUILTED STITCH UPHOLSTERY NAVIGATION ONLY 61K MILES CUSTOM AUDIO SYSTEM EVERYTHING BLACK AND YELLOW ... from Craigslist https://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/ctd/d/east-brunswick-2011-chevolet-camaro-ss/6836964847.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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pencildragons · 3 months
Chapters: 1/10 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox & Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone, CC-1010 | Fox & Clone Commander Thorn, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-4477 | Thire, CC-1010 | Fox & CC-5869 | Stone & CC-4477 | Thire & Clone Commander Thorn, CC-5869 | Stone & Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly & CC-1010 | Fox, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, Aayla Secura & Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly & CC-6454 | Ponds, Coruscant Guard & Quinlan Vos Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Quinlan Vos, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CC-5869 | Stone, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), CC-4477 | Thire, Coruscant Guard Trooper Hound (Star Wars), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Medic CC-5869 | Stone, get cmo'd bitch Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Coruscant Guard (Star Wars), Coruscant Guard Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Psychosis, Addiction, Withdrawal, Day One: Migraine/Chronic Pain, this spiralled so so so so quickly, Dreams, pls heed the tags fox is having a BAD FUCKING TIME of it, Abuse of Authority, Sheev Palpatine Being An Asshole, Purge Trooper CC-1010 | Fox, CC-1010 | Fox Whump, Hurt Quinlan Vos, tfw when your dumbass marshal commander is being a dumbass, so you have to enlist his pet jedi to help you wrangle him into the medbay, award for most long suffering cmo of all time goes to commander stone, Genderfluid CC-5052 | Bly, god i have to do everything around here myself, Transfem CC-5052 | Bly Series: Part 6 of oranges and sunflower seeds Summary:
“Good,” says Palpatine, and smiles again. Like this, he looks like some natborn’s father’s father—grandfather, he believes the term is—all benevolent wrinkles and knowing looks. “Set it to kill.”
Fox sets it to kill. It is not a difficult thing. He is just as much a weapon as the blaster in his hands, well-oiled, clean, smooth. Efficient. He was designed for this. It is easier to follow orders mindlessly; his brain, like all their brains (except, perhaps, Kote’s, but Kote’s a little fucked up and is an outlier for everything else, anyway), is primed for command, made to obey. A perfect, thoughtless gun, with just enough ruthlessness and self-determination to set them apart from the CIS’ droids. That’s the idea, anyway. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Kaminoans failed in the execution of something.
“Turn around, Commander,” Palpatine murmurs, words soft and smooth and rich as the heavy velvet-fabric from his home planet that he has all his clothes cut from. “And fire at will.”
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2015 Chevrolet SS Purple (Buy it with Blinker) $36000
This car is being sold by Ruben M. This listing was posted by Blinker. Blinker is a free mobile app that makes private-party transactions safer, quicker and easier than ever.Interested in this car? To learn more about this vehicle and see the free CA ... from Craigslist https://austin.craigslist.org/ctd/d/killeen-2015-chevrolet-ss-purple/6808173265.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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A case series of malignancies: mimics of Rheumatological disorders
Malignancy and Autoimmunity interplay is full of complexities. We here, describe few cases of malignancies presented as mimics of autoimmune disorders. A case of acute myeloid leukaemia had leukocytoclastic vasculitis, positive ANA, positive SS-A, and few clinical features of autoimmune disease and it mimicked UCTD. Second case of signet ring cell type of adenocarcinoma of G.I tract mimicked CTD as it had ANA positivity and ILD. Third case was epitheloid sarcoma which mimicked pyomyositis while fourth case was multiple myeloma presented with leukocytoclastic vasculitis, positive ANA, malar rash and active urinary sediments and it had mimicry of SLE. Malignancies can present as autoimmune diseases or they can mimic flare of Rheumatological diseases. Cancer can present as vasculitides, CTDs, myositis or arthritides. Sometimes, it is difficult to ascertain whether autoimmune disorders have caused cancers or malignancies have caused autoimmune disturbances. ANA can be positive in upto 27% cancer patients.
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2012 Chevrolet Camaro SS with (*2012* *Chevrolet* *Camaro* *SS* *with* **) $25950
Drive it home today. Call (Or Text) us now !! Call (or text) ☏ *** Speed Auto Sales 5746 N 7th St, phoenix, AZ 85014 Or use the link below to view more information! http://www.ispeedautoaz.net Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe RWD - $25,950 Year : 2012 M ... from Craigslist https://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/ctd/d/2012-chevrolet-camaro-ss-with/6702961119.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market-Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2017 – 2025
Dry eye syndrome (DES) is also known as keratisis sicca and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Patients suffering from DES show damage to the ocular surface, instability in the tear film, and visual disturbance. Tear film covers the ocular surface, which is made up of three intertwined layers, a superficial lipid layer, produced by meibomian glands assist in reducing tear evaporation and uniform tear spreading, middle thick aqueous layer produced from lacrimal glands, and the innermost hydrophilic mucin layer produced from goblet cells of conjunctiva and epithelium of ocular surface.
The two most common types of DES are DES associated with Sjogren syndrome (SS) and DES unassociated with SS. DES can also be classified as aqueous deficiency dry eye and evaporative dry eye disorder. Patients with aqueous tear deficiency (ATD) often suffer from SS if they have shown symptoms of connective tissue disease (CTD) or xerostomia in past. Patients with primary SS showed evidence of autoimmune disease with high presence of ocular surface disease, ATD and serum autoantibodies. According to TearScience Inc., in 2012, around 86% of the patients in Europe and the U.S. were suffering from DES showed symptoms of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD, blockage of meibomian glands). The blockage causes less secretion of oil in the tears, which results in evaporation of tears too quickly.
The most common symptoms associated with DES are ocular irritation, photophobia, blurry vision, mucoid discharge, ocular dryness, itching, and excessive tearing. DES is diagnosed through tests such as the Schirmer test, tear film osmolarity, tear meniscus height, tear ferning test, measurement of tear break up time, and staining of corneal and conjuctivital epithelium with lissamine green and fluorescein or rose bengal. Topical anti-inflammatory agents (cyclosporine and corticosteroids), omega 3 fatty acids, immunosuppressant, umbilical cord serum, artificial tear substitutes and gels, emulsions, and ointments are the common agents used for treatment of DES. Advanced options for the treatment of DES include conjunctival flap, mucous membrane grafting, lateral tarsorrhaphy, salivary gland duct transposition, amniotic membrane contact lens therapy, and prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem (PROSE) lens therapy.
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The global dry eye syndrome treatment market is primarily driven by growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome and growth in awareness about the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. However, the stringent drug approvals, expirations of the blockbuster drugs patents, and lack of skilled ophthalmologists are restraining the growth of DES market. According to National Health and Wellness Survey in 2013, approximately 16.4 million people are suffering from DES, which accounts for 6.8% of the total population of the U.S. Prevalence of DES increases with age, 2.7% for 18 - 34 age group and 18.6% for more than 75 age group were reported to be suffering from DES. The prevalence of DES is higher in women (8.8%) as compared to men (4.5%). According to the National Eye Institute, in the U.S the annual cost of treating DES including prescription drugs is US $3.84 billion.
Global Dry Eye Syndrome Treatment Market Taxonomy
On the basis of product type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Cyclosporine,Oral Corticosteroid,Artificial Tears,Omega Supplements,Punctual Bags,Removable Bags,Dissolvable Bags,Others
On the basis of disease type, the global dry eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Evaporative Dry Eye Syndrome,Aqueous Dry Eye Syndrome
On the basis of distribution channel, the global dye eye syndrome treatment market is segmented into:
Retail Pharmacies,Hospital Pharmacies,Online Pharmacies
High healthcare expenditure and increasing R&D activities in the DES treatment market is expected to propel growth of DES market in North America
Growing geriatric population coupled with high prevalence of dry eye syndrome owing to lifestyle disorders are contributing factors for the growth of DES market in the North America region.
Asia Pacific region is emerging in DES treatment market due to large pool of patient population. According to the regional population based study published in All India Ophthalmological Society, in 2012, the prevalence of DES was 40.8% with mild symptoms and 31.7% with MGD.
Global dry eye syndrome treatment market is oligopolistic in nature with few players holding majority of the share. Various strategies are adopted by market players such as new product launches, acquisitions, and agreements in order to retain market position. In September, 2017, Johnson and Johnson Vision, acquired TearScience Inc., a medical device manufacturer for treating MGD. This acquisition expanded the company’s eye health portfolio. In April 2017, Allergan received marketing approval from FDA for its TrueTear Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator.
Some of the major players operating in the global dry eye syndrome treatment market are Allergan, Novartis AG., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Valent Pharmaceuticals, Johnson and Johnson Vision, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Allostera Pharma, I-Med Pharma Inc., Santen Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., AFT pharmaceuticals, Novaliq GmBh, and Auven therapeutics.
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About Coherent Market Insights:
Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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Mr.Shah Coherent Market Insights 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154 Tel: +1-206-701-6702 Email:[email protected]
Visit our news Website: http://www.coherentnews.com
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#review #scifi Space Dreadnoughts by Dave Drake, et al
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#review #scifi Space Dreadnoughts by Dave Drake, et al
Space Dreadnoughts is a Military Science Fiction anthology by David Drake, Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh. The contents in order of appearance are:
•"Introduction: A quick Look at Battle Fleets" by David Drake
•"The Only Thing We Learn" by Cyril M. Kornbluth
•"C-Chute" by Isaac Asimov
•"Allamagoosa" by Eric Frank Russell (won the Hugo Award for best short story in 1955)
•"A Question of Courage" by J. F. Bone
•"Superiority" by Arthur C. Clarke
•"Hindsight" by Jack Williamson
•"The Last Battalion" by David Drake
•"Shadow on the Stars" by Algis Budrys
•"Time Lag" by Poul Anderson
The first Military Sci Fi story I remember is the Star Trek TOS episode "Balance of Terror," in which Enterprise duels with a Romulan interloper. The military conflict was setting to other conflicts between the crew, the story was full of suspense, and actual battle was a small part of the story. And so it is here.
The book's title is a misnomer. The back cover blurb is misleading-- "Massive and arrogant, they patrol the final war zone-- deep space. All great battleships before them-- . . . are mere toys in comparison." It goes on about "bristling artillery" and "battalions of soldiers." I expected fleet actions involving capital ships. Tactics. Maneuvers. Gunplay. While there are fleet actions and even battleships in some of these stories, they are mere backdrops on a stage where people play out the stories. Truly good Science Fiction involves people, and in all these stories, the people overshadow the military settings that serve only to bring out the characters and whatever lessons there are to be learned from them. All of these stories are well worth reading.
"Introduction: A quick Look at Battle Fleets"
Mr Drake's introduction is a wonderful retrospective about the history of the Dreadnought battleships with a mention of two 1950's Astounding essays on the armaments of spaceships-- one by Willy Ley, the other by Malcolm Jameson. If one is going to write stories about ship-to-ship combat, the introduction is a good starting point. But only a starting point. One should definitely read Mahan, and consider the lessons of Taranto and Pearl Harbor. And the US Navy's Harpoon's and Tomahawk's are wonderful arguments in favor of missles over guns. One should also consider the time honored techniques of ramming and boarding actions.
Perhaps the question of guns vs missles is mooted today. Todays real world warships employ both-- including the Iowa class heavy battleships brought out of retirement and refurbished for President Reagan's naval buildup of the 1980's. The arms race has continued in Sci-Fi beyond what could be imagined with a knowledge of 1950's physics. The Ley and Jameson essays were written before fighters raked Formoria, before rail guns, and CTD imploders, before GRASER's, X-ray LASER's and phaser banks, before the Moties bombarded Mote Prime with asteroids, and before Captain Sheridan laid a gigaton on Z'ha'dum.
"The Only Thing We Learn"
Kornbluth tells a cautionary tale of faded Imperial glory. The barbarians at the gates will one day have descendants that are as decadent and prissy as the effete and ineffectual empire they deposed and replaced. History blurs and magnifies the epic tales of glory. The details are lost. The character is lost. One day a fresh wave of barbarians sweeps aside succcessors that their ancestors would be ashamed to acknowledge. The reader may decide what relationship if any there is between this story and the quote from Friedrich Hegel. A fun story despite the dire consequences for the past and future losers. In  his column, "Rereading Kornbluth", Robert Silverberg calls The Only Thing We Learn, "a subtle, oblique, elliptical, sardonic piece of work."
Dr. Asimov wrote this story in 1951. It is a psychodrama set aboard a passenger ship taken as a prize by a race of chlorine breathers in Earth's first intersteller war. Each of the passengers is sketched by Asimov to reveal their several flaws of personality, physicality or character. Each has reasons why he should not exit the cabin via the C-chute, EVA, and enter and retake the control room from outside the ship. The reason for the dubious hero to take the heroic action required to retake the ship is one unlikey to appear in the work of any author but Dr. Asimov.
This story won the 1955 Hugo for best short story. It's a farcical look at officious bureaucracy of the greatest gravity. It's sort of a shaggy dog story, wink, wink. This story in and of itself is worth buying the book for. The build up and so obvious in hindsight ending is fresh enough to be as enjoyable today as it was then.
"A Question of Courage"
Sometimes flair and heedless risk taking can be mistaken for true personal courage. When the genuine article appears, there's no mistaking it. Bone craftliy deveops his characters and sets the reader up for the old maidish Captain "Cautious Charley" Chase of Lachesis to reveal his true nature. It is available from Project Gutenberg.
Sir Arthur requires no introduction for this story, a reductio ad absurdum about the principle of Illusory Superiority. Technology and bedazzlment with the latest, most theoretically wonderful advances are no substitutes for common sense and sound military doctrine. Perhaps this should serve as a cautionary tale at a time when Iraqi insurgents hack into our drones. According to Wikipedia, this gem was required reading at West Point. The reader easily empathizes with the narrator and his plight, revealed at the end.
Jack Williamson has won both the Nebula and the Hugo Awards, and had a career that spanned about seventy years. This story involves temporal mechanics and love, oppression and liberation, and meeting engagements. Incidentally, the guns employed by the Astrach's fleet are of 20-inch caliber and fire four salvos per second. It's a tightly written story, though I think the ending is a little drippy.
"The Last Battalion"
Imagine that Hitler did not die in a bunker in Berlin, but escaped via U-Boat to a secret Waffen-SS base in New Swabia. There German scientists built flying saucers from which they reached the moon to to mine aluminum and build more flying saucers. Now imagine them getting into a war with aliens. With things not looking so good, they kidnap a US Senator to let him know what is going on, intending to drag the US into the conflict. Before they can get where they're going with the Senator, the aliens lay a nuke on their Antartic base. They drop the Senator off to find his own way home. He asks them what they will do. Their colonel replies, we are SS-- we will fight.
"Shadow on the Stars"
Budrys's Farlans are felinoid aliens who at first blush look like humans in cat suits. But they are, on a closer look, "raving paranoid quote." The paranoia is pathological and eventually fatal for Farla-- any military leader with sufficient ability to be effective cannot be trusted by Farla's rulers, and will be killed at the earliest sign of that fatal disease, military competence. The story is a retrospective, the central character telling how he and Farla came to be in their present straits. It is too late for him to convey the warning against trusting Earth, and to late to avoid the inevitable dissolution of Farla.
I have a problem accepting the plot device Budrys uses to set up the narrative, but otherwise the story is interesting and fun to read. The prose is a bit over decourous and affected, but that brings out the effeteness and pretentiousness of the Farlan culture. At the start, the Farlans are hard-pressed by a barabarian culture, the Vilk, and need a strong, capable leader to drive them back. OF course the strong, capable leaders keep their heads down so has not to find themselves assassinated by the Ministry of Preparedness-- and then comes L'Miranid. A previously unknown reservist, he quickly dominates the Fleet and whips them into shape. Victory follows victory until the Vilk host is driven back, their subject planets pounded to rubble, and a Farlan imposed king seated upon their throne.
The real story action is not fleet engatgements and daring raids, though. The story is related by Henlo, one of those capable leaders who has balanced command of a capital ship wtih avoiding notice by the governmental hunters down of competence. He starts the story as having a clear understanding of Farla's problems and the steps necessary to remedy them, but can't afford to be noticed. He becomes L'Mararind's aid, admirer, vice-admiral, intended assasin and successor, and finally, his unwilling co-conspirator and successor. Unwilling to be assasinated himself, he seizes control of the Farlan government. By this time, the sad (for Farla) truth is known to him, but (I love Latin quotes.) "alea jacta est." This is a fine little story with a lovely twist toward the end.
"Time Lag"
Poul Anderson has won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Time Lag is a study in contrasts-- evil, greedy invaders against noble, selfless defenders. Chertkoi is a heavily overpopulated industrial planet, drowning in pollution and resource starved. Vaynamo is pristine, with a population sustainable through resource management. Vayanmo is never the less technologically advanced, with the technology's goal as preservation rather than exploitation. Expolitation is the name of Chertkoi's game. It's people conquer other worlds to fuel the industrial fires that smother their world under a cloud of pollution.
The archetype of the Chertoi is the Admiral commanding the invasion fleet. He is matched against the story's view point character, Elva. Elva is the widow of a Vayanmoan noble and prisoner of the Admiral. He is gross, vulgar and uncouth. She is pretty, cultured and well-mannered. He is a love struck boor, hopelessly smitten by her. She subtly endures his presence to manipulate him so that she an return herself and the other captives to Vayanmo in a portrayal that is believable and sympathetic. The invasion is a leveraged takeover in three stages-- a scouting raid, a strategic strike to destroy what little industry the Vayanmo posses, and a full-scale invasion. The title relativistic time lag (fifteen years) gives the Chertkoi time to build their invasion fleet and the Vaynamo time to prepare their reception.
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