#srry i needed to let it out😩
blazeturbo102 · 10 months
I actually really don't like people comparing Good Omens with Supernatural :/ Like, I'm all for the jokes and memes, they're really funny, but I see people being serious about it and it's like... Nah.
"Supernatural walked so Good Omens could run" Nah bro, they not even on the same plane of existence.
Supernatural is a show that was full of homophobia and after 15 seasons they just rushed a confession in the second to last episode, only to immediately kill the queer character (again). And then next ep they killed the other (supposed) one.
Good Omens is a queer love story. The whole plot of the show is Aziraphale and Crowley's love story. And the show itself is full of other queer characters in the most natural way.
On top of that, you can actually see how much Neil Gaiman (and all the crew) loves and cares about the characters and their stories, and also about the fans; which makes obvious how much love the show has been made with (to the point we can be sure they'll have a happy ending, which helps ease the anxiety of not knowing if you can trust the creators).
So yeah, being completely honest, I don't really see it fair to put into the same bag other than for the memes ngl🫠
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Sub Fusiguro's Hcs
omfg yall really gassed me up and gave me 10+ notes on my gojo hcs TYSM. This'll include Megumi and toji's FINE ASS omg.. im srry but jjk men 😩👑
This is a mix of female and male reader!
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Remember when gojo said "be greedier" megumi: I took that personally
He trys to keep how horny he'd be for you to himself but whenever you make him feel good it's burned into his mind.
The way you'd suck his cock and ride him so passionately. Constantly milking him over and over again until he's begging you to stop or he'll break but it just feels too good.
"oh.. fuck.. y/n please..please.. fuck me just like that...fuck just like that don't stop baby. Don't stop"
Megumi would eat you out passionately and slowly until you ask for him to speed up. He'd constantly ask if your enjoying it and live to serve you. Wanna cum on his face? Megumis already on bed waiting for you to sit on his face.
Sub megumi who wants you to suffocate him in your thighs.
Sub megumi playing with your nipples and obediently licking your tits as you want him too.
Sub megumi finding a spot during missions with Nobara and yuji to summon the demon dogs to take over, then jerk off silently after you sent a sexy picture of yourself.
"ah..yuji.. where did fushiguro kun run off too? Ugh.... How the hell am I gonna get scouted in Tokyo if he keeps running off and having gojo make us look for him all day😩😭I'm gonna beat him to a fuckin pulp. " - nobara
Sub megumi secretly wanting to have a 3 some with you and gojo fucking him until he can't stop cumming.
Sub megumi wanting to stuff your cock down his throat while gojo fucks him from behind
Sub megumi letting you fuck him in his sleep, checking his phone to see a picture of his sleeping face covered in your cum. (He'd jerk off to that picture later)
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Toji fushiguro
So needy. It doesn't matter if your busy, tired or not even in the mood. Toji wants you on his body. He craves you and your touch like it's everything.
At work? He'll send a video of him jerking off and moaning for you. It'll be a total tease. Toji would flex his abs and muscles in his usual black shirt and naked underneath while stuffing a shirt or even other clothing of yours that reminds him or has your sent against his nose and rub his cock for you
"Shi-shit..y/n, doll..I'm so close. I need your help bby. Come home soon f' me~
I feel like Dom or sub toji would be addicted to you regardless. Something about you just drags him in more then money does in exchange for Killing.
Sub toji driving you to your favorite cafe or spot to eat at as a way to convince you to let him drive to the nearest parking lot or alley way and let you use his body
Sub toji sucking your cock while your doing work over the desk at home
Sub toji moaning loudly as you fuck him in a mating press.
"Mnm~ want your kids daddy~ oh fuck yes. Harder. Fuck me harder~"
Sub toji pulling over and carrying you to the backseat bridal style even if you punch at him or tell him to stop. Then eating you out like it's his last meal. What r u gonna do? Break him? Fuck him rough? Not let him cum? Great. Even better. Toji loves that.
He'd be your little brat even in public. He'd have no shame while you eat out with your friends as he sits next to you and touches you under the table.
Sub toji toying with a sorcerer in a cat and mouse chase. Getting turned on by their fear. The way they pant and breath hard as your tall and sexyy ass s/o(or whatever he is to you) is about to murder them. while he gets a text message
Y/N(Doll❤️): Come home now. I need you.
Sub toji quickly turning his attention and lust towards you. Wondering and now getting turned on by what you could ever need him for. How would you use him.
The poor sorcerer you didn't know he's now chasing down ruthlessly and not just murdering them, but everyone and everything in his way including curses to get to you💀💀. Dam you we're addicting.
IDK MUCH ABOUT TSUMIKI(Megumi's sis) :((
Sub TSUMIKI asking to 69 whenever you have the time. She loves your smooth tongue against her wet pussy. She'd bounce on your cock/strap pleasing to cum again over and over. Overstimulate her like a good girl until she cry's.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
wifeyyyy if it’s possible can i have 21, 30, & 4 for my bb sev?? 🖤
Of course you can!! 🖤🥺😩 You picked such good ones too wifey oml! (This is like 3 weeks late srry angel 😭 I'm using she/her pronouns since you do; hope that's okay! Also I'm making reader human bc they are so hard to kill or even hurt as vampires. Severen can't square up with the sun even tho I'm sure he would if he could. There were so many different scenarios I just settled on this one.)
4: Slasher fights someone for reader 
21: Slasher finds reader hurt after reader goes missing
30: "Who did this to you?"
Human Fem!Reader • Near Dark if Caleb's Dad Never Found Them • Angst • Hurt & Comfort
Severen Finding His S/O Hurt
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"Yer gonna create a hole in the carpet; stop pacin!" Homer grumbled after a boot knocked over the card tower he was making on the campers floor.
Severen ignored him, his spur jangled every step as he paced. "She should've been back by now...Where the hell could she fuckin' be?!...The sun 'el be up any minute!"
Homer huffed, leaning his face into his hand with an annoyed look. "Probably wisened up and went back to her normal life before she became food. She even did it before sunrise where you couldn't chase after her."
"Hush now." Diamondback muttured, leaning against a chair near the front.
Homer turned his head slowly and shot a long annoyed glare at her. "Why? She ain't one of us. If he ain't gonna turn her, then her only purpose is to be dinner in due time. Face it. She was like a walkin', talkin' prime steak waftin' in our faces everynight." He looked at Severen before he went to work on his card tower again. "She realized she was bound to be a meal one day if she didn't get lost while she had the chance."
Jesse sighed and ran a hand down his face. "The old man's got a point, Severen...It's a possibility she saw what you could do, got scared and ran off. That being apart of the night scared her bad enough to go back where she belongs."
You both had an argument after he killed someone in front of you this evening. You didn't have too much of an issue at the shady bars or creepy old men after you but this time you were in tears at what you saw. Maybe they were too young or crying too much or something? He didn't truly pay much attention. They were food. Simple. There was no other option unless you wanted him to die of starvation...But this victim still severely bothered you.
The argument got heated and ugly very quickly before he accidentally hit the side of the camper, creating a large dent in the metal. He didn't even punch it as hard as he could, just smacked his hand against it. It was a heat of the moment thing no different than you slamming something when you got heated. Him yelling at you while doing it sent the wrong message...You took that as a threat, looking at him the way most humans looked at him. The way prey looked at him. It hurt him deeply to see you flinch back with wide distrustful eyes before shaking your head and telling him you needed to clear your head. Normally he'd refuse to let you walk alone at night but he was so incredibly disappointed and pissed and confused with you that he figured it was best if you took a breather and so did he. That was over an hour ago. With dawn approaching and you nowhere in sight; he was becoming worried.
Severen shook his head. "Nah...No, she wouldn't do that. She don't look at it like that!"
"Sure she wouldn't. She's just so special, ain't she?" Homer sarcastically muttured. Severen kicked his boot out and knocked over his card tower again. This time on purpose.
Homer closed his eyes with a long exhale through his nostrils before he got up, throwing his hands up. "FINE. If it bothers you that damn bad, go look for her!"
Severen gritted his teeth with a wry grin. "Not a bad idea, lil boner. First smart thing outta yer mouth all night-"
Severen went to the door but froze when he saw the handle turn. He straightened himself, fully expecting you and not wanting to look too desperate after your argument. His heart sank and his shoulders sagged as he saw it was Mae and Caleb back from their nightly feeding.
Caleb locked eyes with Severen as Mae looked around. They both had been gone longer than the others, completely out of the loop.
Diamondback called over to them. "You're late. I told you kids to watch the time."
Mae smiled. "Sorry, got...Carried away and lost track of time."
Homer sneered at that with an eyeroll. The room was errily silent compared to the usual shouting or laughter they came home to on the regular.
Caleb finally spoke up. "Uh...Everything alright?"
Severen didn't answer and no one else did either.
Mae looked around. "Where's YN?"
"Gone. " Homer mumbled as he went to his sleeping corner early.
Diamondback rolled her lips before slowly telling them after a long moment of silence. "YN took a walk and she's not back yet."
Caleb tilted his head. "...But...The sun?"
"Yeah we got eyes, boy." Severen snapped. Shaking his head and moving past them both. "Fuck this, I'm gonna go look for her and drag her ass back here-"
Jesse quickly put a hand on the door to shut it as soon as Severen opened it. Dark blue light to the sky and a pink hue in the distance. Jesse gave him a stern look. "Are you simple or suicidal?"
Severen glared at him. "Jess, I can't jus' wait 12 hours to go lookin' for her!"
"Yeah? And what am I gonna tell her if she comes back and you're nothing but ash?"
Severen gave him an outraged expression, his voice rising. "Ya jus' said she might not come back!"
Severen stared at him long and hard before lifting his hand off the handle slowly, eyes never leaving Jesse's.
"I said it was a possibility...Damn it, Severen! What the hell are you gonna do? Huh!? You gonna risk our safety for a human? This is risky enough she might run off and tell outta spite. I allowed her to be here unturned as long as you turned her in due time...That's been almost 3 months ago, Severen. We supposed to wait another 3 months or maybe 3 years till she makes up her mind? Now I'm not saying she hasn't been a big help during the day for us...But time is ticking. Your time squandering around her mortality is running out, Severen. "
Mae watched intently as she leaned against Caleb. Caleb looked hesitant before he opened his mouth. "I-I can help look for her once the suns down! At least talk to her."
Jesse looked at him a moment before looking back at Severen. "We rest then we'll all keep an eye out for her tomorrow night...But you are not going out into the world with the sun almost up."
Diamondback walked up and placed a hand on Jesse shoulder, urging him to their nook to sleep. Jesse gave Severen one more glance before following.
Caleb stayed behind a bit as Mae called for him. He walked over and put a hand on Severen's shoulder. The two bonded after that stunt he pulled with the van in the sun years ago.
"She'll be back, Severen. She was crazy 'bout ya. Almost as crazy as you are with her." He offered with a grin.
Severen eyed him and nodded. Caleb pulled his hand back and nodded as well. His own gifted spur jingling as he followed Mae to the back of the camper.
Severen sighed heavily and ran a hand over his hair. He SHOULDN'T give a shit. He never did before! He was single with the occasional fling for the better part of his existence...But you were different. He really bonded with you these last few months. He blamed himself not turning you on account of him just wanting to play cat and mouse with you. Wanting to keep that innocent pureness being tainted by him going for as long as he could as a kink at this point...When in reality; it was his own fears. He was scared he'd fall in love with someone that would walk. That he'd turn you and you wouldn't be as in it as he was...Ironic when he considered it now. His usual impulsive nature being tested with you.
He leaned his head against the wall as he closed his eyes. His chest ached and he hated it with a passion. This was an emotion he wanted to be rid of along with his humanity he tossed aside. He thought he did until you came along and won him over. It was love at first sight when he saw you that night. He wanted to turn you then and there, had every intention to but some type of excuse always came up on his part and yours. The more you bonded, the more attached he got. The more attached he got, the more he was scared of the exact thing that happened tonight; scaring you off or you resenting him for eternity for turning you without your permission.
'Shoot, should've just said the hell with it and done it had I known she'd get cold feet after this long.' He thought bitterly.
He didn't expect to sleep but he must have as his eyes snapped open and his head jerked up to banging on the door. He groggily forced himself up and covered himself with a stray blanket; not knowing what time it was. He readied his pistol, prepared for a cop or a random just in case.
He barely opened it just to have you barrel in. He yelped and covered himself from the sunlight pouring in as you shakily slammed the door behind you.
He shoved his gun back in his jeans waistline and ripped the blanket off with a growl; the skin on his hand sizzling from the sunrays touching it. Glaring at you as you had your back turned towards him. "Where the hell have you been?! You think you can jus' run off and come back in whenever you damn well please?! ...YN! Would ya look at me when I'm talkin' to you-" He cut his own sentence off when he forced you to turn around and saw the look on your face.
His eyes widened as he finally took you in. Hair a mess, clothes ripped, tears streamed down your face and bruises littered your body. The bruise forming on your eye had him bristling.
"YN?..." His voice softened, catching in his throat as he saw your lower lip wobble. He felt his brows raise up with dismay as you whimpered. He raised his hands up to cup your face. "Honey, what the hell happened? Where were you? Talk to me." His thumb brushed over a stray tear rolling down your check near your bruise. He gritted his teeth, voice lowering in his throat. "...Who did this to you?...Who the god damn hell did this to you?"
You sniffed. "Some guys. They stopped their truck when they saw me near the road...They...They..."
He stared down at you, his heart sinking so low he thought it would drop out of his ass at this point. He felt sick at the idea. "Did they...Did they touch you? Did those sorry motherfuckers-"
You shook your head and cut him off. "N-No, I got away...Severen...I'm sorry-" You whimpered, rushing to him as he clutched you to his chest. Hearing you sob made the rage he felt get shoved to the side.
He cradled your head to his chest, wrapping his arm around your entire torso to get as close to him as possible. "Hey, hey now. You don't have a damn thing to be sorry 'bout...I'm..." He hesitated a moment, not used to saying it. He finally relented with a long sigh. "I'm the one that's sorry here...I didn't mean to scare ya earlier, sweetheart."
He felt your shoulders shake as you clung onto him. Your fingers gripping his jacket as you sobbed against him. He swallowed, looking up and blinking at the sounds coming out of you before he picked you up and brought you to sit in the corner with him away from everyone else. He dragged the discarded blanket over with his foot before grabbing it and placing it over you in his lap.
"Yer safe now. Ain't nobody gonna hurt you ever again...Never, ever again, baby." He kissed your forehead while he cradled you. You and the sun were the only things keeping him from marching out of that camper and hunting down anyone and everyone that resembled men in a truck. He'd burn this entire tiwn to the ground and every town nearby if it meant killing those responsible for this.
Your fingers clung to his jacket as you laid your head on his chest. Letting sleep over take you, completely exhausted from running the whole way back and stress of it all.
A few hours passed, you woke up and realized you were on the floor along with a blanket tucked neatly around you. You looked up to see Severen and Jesse quietly bickering back and forth.
You sat up and they stopped, everyone in the camper was up and looked at you like you were an alien. Mae was the first to drop to her knees and place a hand on your shoulder. "YN, are you okay? We were so worried about you."
You nodded and tried to stand up.
Diamondback glanced over at you as Mae helped you up. "What did the fellas that did this to you look like?"
You straightened yourself, trying to piece it together. You described the two men.
Jesse folded his arms. "And the truck?"
"Red Chevy...Older."
Caleb asked. "What direction were these bastards goin'?"
"I...I don't know...Towards the East I think."
Severen walked out the camper, letting the door slam behind him and you followed. It was barely dusk, the sky still blue in the distance.
He called out to you. "Just stay here, I'll take care of it. Now I know how sentimental and shit you can be but I'm killing them for the both of us. I can't help it and-"
He froze and turned back to you. "What?"
You marched up to him as you heard the others come out of the camper. "I'm going with you."
"YN, ya don't need to"
"I want to." You swallowed, a wavering glare on your face as you stared up at him. "I want to make sure it's them."
"And once I know it's them; I'm going to rip em to shreds...You understand that, right?"
You swallowed and nodded. He sighed and stared a moment before shrugging. "Alright. I suppose I need you to identify em anyways unless we want a fire to take over the whole town."
Homer scoffed with a smirk. "God, you and Jesse are awful proud of that Chicago fire, huh?"
Caleb snickered with Homer, some inside joke as they all stepped forward.
"Then it's decided." Jesse spoke up, his coat on. "We're going huntin' for a special kind of vermin tonight."
You all made your way to the nearest town where you saw the truck go. You instantly felt sick, recognizing their truck parked outside of a business that was closed for the night. Both of them talking with another car.
Severen went to walk towards them and Jesse held him back. Mae flinched as Severen tried fighting to break free. The mere sight of these men making him feral with unbridled rage. Severen jerked away from Jesse with an accusing glare as Jesse gave him a stern glare back. "Not yet! Let's see if they leave the vehicle, we can't have a car get away and tell cops."
You all waited in the dark near the building. You anxiously watched as Diamondback seemed to sense your nerves and nudged you. She gave you a small encouraging smile and you forced a smile back that faded as quickly as it came.
Staring from a distance at the men that mocked and hurt you...You felt anger and shame and fear and disgust.
You all eagerly waited. When the car pulled away; it was on.
Diamondback walked out forst as a distraction, making a noise near one direction as they had lecherous grins her way...Then confused looks as Homer blocked another path... then concern when Jesse and Severen stood in front of the truck. Caleb and Mae hung back near the edge of the building to protect you as you watched.
The look in Severen's eye was chaotic, unhinged rage as opposed to the sadistic glee he usually had. His jaw set tight and a sneer on his face. You realized the minor annoyance he felt towards your argument the night before was NOTHING compared to what he felt towards these men for blackening your eye and attempting to do god knows what else.
The men shouted at them and Severen stepped closer. "You touched what's mine...You disrespected what's mine...You had the fuckin' audacity to hurt what's mine...Now, I don't have any other choice but to rip your spine out yer assholes." Severen growled out as he came towards them with a smirk.
You watched Severen grab the ones throat before Caleb forcibly turned you around and Mae covered your ears. You tried to fight them to no avail, beyond confused and irritated when she mouthed to you. "He doesn't want you to see him like that. He made us promise."
You blinked in surprise, not sure you understood her right but she mouthed it to you a second time while cupping your ears to poorly block out the screams and gunshots you heard. You wanted to be offended that they thought you were some baby that couldn't handle two men hurting you getting their just desserts...But then you remembered your argument with Severen, the look on his face when you backed away from him and your chest hurt at the thought once you realized how he must feel.
It wasn't long before she glanced over Caleb's shoulder and released you and so did Caleb. You shoved past them to see the corpses on the ground. Homer's gun out which honestly surprised you and Severen dropping one while furiously wiping at his mouth with his jacket. Smearing the blood from his lips to his jawline. His shoulders squared and a feral look on his face until he locked eyes with you.
You watched him a moment and he watched you. He didn't walk towards you, he didn't make a move. Just waiting patiently for your reaction to what he just did. You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Not the least bit worried about the blood getting on you. He bent down and hosted you up in his arm.
Homer sighed and put his gun away. "I got dibs." He pointed to the one he shot as he walked over to feed.
You and Severen ignored them all as you leaned back to look down at him as he held you up. His inhuman strength made picking you up entirely too easy.
You stared down at him, his eyes going to your bruises and black eye. You hated how your wounds didn't instantly heal like theirs did. You hated how scared you were, how helpless, how you seemed to drag them all down. These people that killed for you and the man that was enraged at anyone hurting you.
"...I'm ready."
He blinked at you. "Ready? For what?"
"To turn. I'm ready."
"...Ya sure 'bout that?"
You considered the alternative but still nodded. "Yes, I'm sure...Last night I was terrified. I couldn't fight back and thank god I had the opportunity to run...I never want to feel like that ever again. Besides..."
He raised a brow at you as a smile crossed your lips. "Nobody has ever protected me or fought for me like you have, Severen. If that isn't a sign that I should get bit and start a new life with you I don't know what is."
A slow, disbelieving grin crept up on his boyish face. "Well alright. Can't argue with that logic...Not here. I wanna do that with you in private. Make it special."
You wrapped your arms around him as he held you close.
Jesse and Diamondback stood side by side as Jesse mumbled. "It's about damn time."
Mae and Caleb walked hand in hand once the danger to their family was gone. All while Severen picked you up bridal style and led you off someplace private.
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kcheel · 1 year
Part 1 English text after each image
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Hatchling: Wanna some help? Here's a message from the future: "Hal didn't click the translator tool for one day and the universe's galax(asses)ies fell off" Hal: ...
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Hal: Help would really come in handy
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Hatchling: All right, all right. You're too benevolent, I can't make jokes under these conditions. Let's click and go for a walk…
Hal: "Jokes?" You mean these teasing of me Hatchling: WHAT? No! I'm not teasing Hal: Welp. My hatchlinghood with you served as sufficient training Hatchling: HAall— 😩 whatareyoutalkingabout
Hearthians don't seem to swear more crudely than "dumb idiot" in the game, but the pun with the galaxies came out quite well fhhcsshh srry. If you have any ideas for a more neutral version, let me know and I'll fix it 🤝
...What if there was no translator tool in the base game, or it worked horribly badly? Jeez, we're so lucky
I imagined that sometimes Hatchling gets so tired after training in the z-g cave that they don't think about changing. And sometimes they do it on purpose because — yeeeaah the coolness of astronauts in spacesuits
In the third image, Hal is not referring to actual teasing, but to the protagonist's poor recognition of sensual half-hints. Also, have Hal learned to wisecrack when they need to? maybe
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maiverie · 2 years
*the way he's just genuine and adorably funny :( it strikes my protection mood, i wanna form a squad and push taehyun out of the way whenever he's bothering my beloved nerd!!!! c'mon let's fight for nerds rights ‼💪🗣
as a former nerd from the clumsy chem jokes community, i 100% support hee and his puns, c'mon is hella funny 🤣 personally i like to hear them, PERIODICALLY *ba-dum-tiss*
yn is so so so perfect 😵 miss ma'am screams girlboss all the way and we love to see! obviously hee is into her, babes take a look???? he's talking an U🤭 srry ryunjin
HAVE I TOLD U HOW MUCH I LOVE UR WRITING PLS IS DIVING AND INCREDIBLE I FELT LIKE IT WAS A MOVIE THE SCENE PERFECTLY UNFOLDED ON MY MIND 🤯 😩 i was already a simp for ur work during open sesame, and im here again to push my fan card on ur blog hello😆😆😆
AAAHHH CAN'T WAIT TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! but also pls take ur time, update when u can and don't feel rushed to do so! ik it's not as easy as it seems (since i write too, ik the struggles😵) so take care too!!! we can wait for nerd heeseung w the same hype♥️🤞 (sorry for the long ask too i got carried away sjwjwak)
OWIEJFOIJWEJEW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING WHAT THE HELL BRO??? NAURR heeseung is literally such a dork in triage hfdkslksjdf but oh my god pls the thought of nerd!heeseung makes me wanna run a few laps i.... hes so cute 😭 iM SO HAPPY U ENJOYED IT THOUGH SKJDFJ STOPPP he literally needs to be protected,,, mf taehyun was such a dick i--😐 #jail
you're the best, i— 😭 not u supporting my once-montly updates i honestly dont know how yall deal w me atp i deserve the electric chair lmfaooo IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO FINISH OPEN SESAME AND I HAVE SM SHIT TO WRITE SO I HOPE TRIAGE CAN BE AT LEAST A LIL QUICKER... LETS PRAY FOR MEEEE BUT NO BFF NEVER APOLOGISE PLS I LOVE CHATTING TO U!!! <333333
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hi! this is going to be about smut Headcanens-Boten- and I hope you like it!
I feel like he would be the one to say dirty things, but he’s not a praiser/doesn’t have a praise kink
He would most likely have toys that he never uses because he never needed them
DEFINITELY needs to be bite in the process of loving you
All in need to say is “edging”
LOVES when you pull the short part of his mullet
cOcKy VoIcE
sucks on your toung when he feels good
Good at giving head
”Ahh~ fuck baby😩” is what you thought the hottest thing he said the first time you gave him head
Daddy sorry, dAddy?
The kinks he has
public sex
Would he like to be choked? 100%
loves when you die his hair at night after he makes you orgazuM
loves to Liston to BOYFRIEND by dove camron
Money bed?
While you counting his money on ALL fours he will fuck your ass and make it clap. IF YOU MESS UP he will start agein and edge you on I tell you beg for him to let you cum
uhh Srry but if you DARE think he is a sub. Your wrong
he hates to say this but he loves when you drink his cum that’s on him
uhhhh Srry for your life, let’s ect.
Cum on the bed, you have to clean it
harder, faster
He likes when you ride him and make out with him-hot-
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suga-kookiemonster · 5 years
ego 06
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summary⇢ what’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way. pairing⇢ jungkook/reader word count⇢ 10.6k rating⇢ 18+ genre⇢ smut | humor | college!au | fuckboi!au | fratboy!au warnings⇢ the time for the fuckboi convention has finally come 😩, drinking/partying and mentions of smoking, club grinding, mama 2017 taehyung is running loose (mama jikook are also there but mama taehyung is the one who needs the true warning amirite 🤢), jungkook shooting his shot, namjoon being a real one 🙌🏾, jimin being confusing and confused, seokjin being himself and almost getting beat up in his own car
a/n⇢ @bendthekneetobangtan @kpopfanfictrash I KNOW I GOT IMPATIENT AND SPLIT THIS CHAPTER IN TWO, BUT IT STILL COUNTS 😩 happy birthday, babies 💖
also, thank you to everyone for sticking with me! hope you find this worth the wait 👀i intend to keep pushing on to the next part!
this chapter’s mood is this. hope you enjoy!
chapters⇢ previous | next | series masterlist
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[1:47] Hobi 🤗💓 hey, r u ok?
[1:47] Hobi 🤗💓 i cant find u
[1:52] I’m srry, Hobi. I had to gohome. I wasnt feeling well
[1:56] Hobi 🤗💓 thats ok. feel better 😊
It took a decent amount of time before your best friend picked up, the phone ringing and ringing to the point that you were just about to hang up when it was answered with an intelligible grunt.
You couldn’t expect anything less. The glowing numbers on your screen had mockingly told you it was 3am when your fingers were dancing down their practiced path. You had woken him up, and he had likely been drunk when he had fallen asleep.
“Namjoon,” you said softly. “Namjoon, I fucked up.”
The line went quiet for an extremely long second, and then you heard him let out a shaky breath. “Okay. Okay, just—just stay calm. It’ll be okay. Where. Where’s the body?”
“You know what, don’t say anything over the phone. Where are you? I can be there in—”
“Oh.” The urgency left his tone, confusion bleeding in instead. “That’s…that’s good. I knew that.” He let out an awkward chuckle. “So what happened then?”
Now that he was asking you, you felt dumb. So incredibly moronic. Because it was generally frowned upon to call at a certain time if it wasn’t because of an emergency. And was this new development in your ongoing Jungkook saga really an emergency?
At what point would you stop running to your friends every time you made a mistake and hope they could magically make it go away?
“Um…” you bit your lip, not sure what to say. “I…I was borrowing Mina’s ATLA boxset, and I accidentally cracked the third disc?”
“Book 3?” Namjoon gasped. Sounding just as offended as if you had insulted his mama. “The culmination of Zuko’s absolutely flawless character arc where he redeemed himself in every sense of the word and literally went against his upbringing and bloodline to set right the centuries of genocide and war inflicted on the world by his people?” You could practically hear him shaking his head at you through the phone. “Yeah, I don’t know how to help you with that one. You should honestly be ashamed.”
“I know,” you swallowed as he muttered about disrespect beneath his breath. “Do you think I should just buy her a new set?”
“Obviously,” Joon huffed.
“Cool, I’ll poke around the internet tomorrow. Thanks, Joonie.”
“Wait, that’s it?” he asked, confused. “That’s all you wanted?” Even drunk and sleep-deprived, he could tell when something was up with you. You had to shut him down—you shouldn’t have bothered him in the first place.
“Yup, that’s it!” you said cheerily. “‘’Night, Joonie.”
You hung up before he could get any more opportunity to question you.
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It was bordering on noon when you trudged out of your room the next morning, roused from sleep by the aroma of your brewing coffeepot. Mina, sitting at your small kitchen table, didn’t say a word. Just eyed you over her mug as you entered the kitchen, reaching into the cabinet for your own.
You cleared your throat, still not facing her. “Do you think if I just flat out snorted the coffee grounds, I’d feel less like death?”
“I think you’d feel more like death, but you know. Do you.”
“We both know exactly where doing me has gotten me.”
“So what are you going to do?” she asked simply. And you both knew she wasn’t referring to coffee.
“I’m going to talk to him,” you said resolutely. “I have to figure out exactly what I’m going to say, but I’m going to talk to him. Last night was an accident, and I have to smooth it over.”
You paused in pouring coffee into your mug. “What?” you asked defensively.
Mina took a long sip, an eyebrow raised. “Nothing,” she said airily, glancing back at her phone. But you didn’t miss the smirk she tried to tamper down. “Good luck.”
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Good luck, indeed.
Because for the remainder of the weekend, that night played on a constant loop in your head.
You had made out with your lab partner.
You had made out with your lab partner, and probably would have done more than that if Mina hadn’t accidentally interrupted. You honestly weren’t sure how you felt about the ordeal—it had all happened so fast. Between your slow realization that Jimin clearly didn’t give a shit about you, to your almost incident with Hoseok, to your definite incident with Jungkook—your emotions over the night as a whole were all over the place.
But you were sure of one thing. You were done wasting any more of your friends’ time dealing with all your Jungkook problems that shouldn’t even be problems in the first place. You made the mess, so you were going to fix it.
With that in mind, you spent all of Sunday mulling over exactly what you were going to say when you saw Jungkook next. With the way you had left him high and dry, you were half-expecting him to text you, to demand some sort of explanation, or at least to try his luck at some sort of continuation. But to your relief your phone stayed relatively silent all day, save a few texts from Joonie.
And all of your thinking brought you to a single solution—there was only one way you were going to be able to move forward from this, and that was being completely honest with him, no matter how uncomfortable it made you.
So as you hustled to your chemistry lecture, huddling against the chill under one of Joon’s old BTS sweatshirts, you were doing exactly what you had done the day before—mentally going over the conversation you were about to have. Preparing a calm and succinct explanation, trying to foresee and prepare for whatever his reaction may be. And you were so deep in your own head that the tap on your shoulder had you nearly jumping out of your skin.
A large, familiar pair of eyes had you unfurling the fists you had reflexively clenched.
“Jungkook,” you gasped, hand to chest, too startled to remember to be nervous. “You have got to stop sneaking up on me.”
He held up his hands apologetically, slightly startled by you being startled. “Sorry, noona. I said your name, but I guess you didn’t hear me. Did I scare you?”
“My soul literally almost vacated via my asshole.”
He tried to look remorseful, but that comment made his lips twitch up. “That would have been rough.”
“I almost punched you in the throat!”
“Also rough,” he quipped, stepping forward to hold the door of the building open for you.
The two of you bickered good-naturedly as you entered the lecture hall. But the words slowly dissolved on your tongue as soon as you shuffled into your chosen seats and you remembered the situation. Your eyes darted away from him, suddenly interested in the tabletop, and you busied yourself with gathering the materials you needed out of your backpack. But once that task was complete, there was nothing left to do but to tackle your fear head-on. You took a nervous breath.
“Listen, I just want to say—”
“So, I want to ask you something—”
You both stopped speaking abruptly, meeting each other’s surprised, wide-eyed gazes. Jungkook shuffled in his seat, the tips of his ears red. “Uh—”
“Please,” you let out in a rush. Afraid you’d lose your nerve. “Please, can I go first?”
He nodded, visibly perplexed by your intensity.
“I just…I just want to apologize for Saturday. I was upset and in a really weird headspace and what happened shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for throwing myself at you—”
“Don’t,” Jungkook interrupted with a huff. The thinly-veiled annoyance in his tone made you pause your prepared speech. “Don’t apologize.”
“I just, I didn’t mean to,” you continued, thrown-off. “And I regret putting you in that position.”
”Do you regret it happening?” he asked suddenly, eyes dark and piercing.
You blinked at him, struck dumb.
Did you? That was something that had been plaguing your mind all weekend, something that made your heart beat a little faster. Because while yes wanted to sprint out of your mouth, something was holding you back.
“Because I don’t,” he said quietly. So quietly you would have thought you had imagined it if he hadn’t continued. “You didn’t put me in any position I didn’t want to be in.”
All the scenarios you had envisioned and prepared for, and this definitely wasn’t one of them. You weren’t really sure how to respond, but honestly, you should have seen this coming. Of course that was a situation he wanted to be in—he had been two seconds away from getting his dick wet. “We were both drunk,” you said instead, letting out a shuddery breath. “I was upset and really wasn’t thinking clearly. Do you…do you mind if we just start over? Forget it ever happened.”
He looked truly baffled for a solid moment, lips slightly parting in confusion as he looked at you. And then his expression turned blank. “Start over,” he repeated. When you only responded with an enthusiastic nod, he cleared his throat. “I—yeah, I get it. No problem. We can start over.”
You leaned back in your seat, a relieved smile on your face. “Thanks, Kook. I really appreciate it. Holy fuck, do I feel so much better! Okay, I’m sorry for interrupting you—your turn. What were you going to say?”
He started, unprepared for that question and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Uhhh…”
“It’s okay,” you encouraged. “Tell me, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal! What’s up?”
“Well I…” he swallowed. “Shit, this is terrible timing. I, uh. I was going to…going to ask if you would want to go to the BTS formal with me.”
For the second time that day, he had left you completely floored. Out of all the things he could have said, you never would have expected that. “M-me?” you blurted. “You want to take me?”
“Well, who else did you expect me to take?” he asked, smiling nervously. “Mijoo?”
“Mi…” Your brow furrowed in confusion, and when he noticed, he tilted his head towards the middle of the room. Your eyes widened in recognition of the party in question. Soomi/Misoo? Her name was actually Mijoo? Damn, you were terrible with names.
“I—” Wow, you had practiced. You had practiced nonstop, trying to anticipate all the possible directions this conversation could have gone, and what was happening had never even been a blip on your radar. You swallowed warily. “Jungkook, why do you want to take me?”
“I just want to have fun and you’re a lot of fun,” he said simply. “And I don’t want any drama.”
“…You do realize that I’m a naturally dramatic person.”
“Yeah, but in a fun way,” he pointed out. He cleared his throat at your obvious hesitance. “Um, you don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to. It was just a random idea I had and I overheard Namjoon-hyung saying he wasn’t taking you this year so I figured—”
“I’ll go,” you interrupted, surprising both of you. His eyes immediately lit up, lips twitching into a shy smile, and it made what sounded suspiciously like the Kill Bill siren start blaring in your head. You held up a finger to tamp down the rising alarm. “But as friends! Are you okay with that? Joonie and I always went as friends and split everything down the middle.”
“Sure,” he grinned. His teeth were too big for his mouth and you could vividly remember the way they felt sinking into the meat of your bottom lip and how in the hell did you turn that siren off??? “Just as friends, I promise!”
“Also, I would just like to make it explicitly clear that the only reason I’m saying yes is because of the wings.”
“That hotel makes the best chicken wings you’ll ever taste, on god. It’s the highlight of my year.” You sighed longingly. “So yes, I’ll go with you. As friends. No funny business, buddy!”
“Of course not,” he grinned, gaze skirting away rather shyly.
“How much would I owe you?”
“Don’t worry about it, noona.”
“Jeon.” This was not a cheap trip, and if he truly agreed to take you as his friend, you refused to let him shoulder that cost alone.
He waved you off. “You can just pay for the drinks or something.”
“Friends don’t let friends front a whole weekend trip!” you reminded him pointedly.
“Okay,” he huffed. “I don’t know the total yet. I’ll let you know when I do.”
He grinned. “So. What color is your dress gonna be?”
“Jungkook, this isn’t prom.”
“But wouldn’t it be funny if we showed up and pretended like it was? I could wear a matching tie and we could take awkward photos everywhere.”
In all honesty, that would be hilarious. “No.”
“Fine,” he pouted. “Party pooper. I thought you were fun.”
“Your mistake,” you snickered. “But don’t worry! I’m sure Mijoo would love to take prom photos with you.”
“…Please don’t even joke about that.”
You were opening your mouth to give a properly-sassy retort when your professor arrived and turned down the auditorium lights, forcing the two of you into relative silence. But you hadn’t felt this relaxed in days, and from the way the Jungkook-shaped shadow kept sneaking glances at you, you had a feeling you weren’t alone in that.
That newfound relaxation was probably the reason why, not that long after, you had somehow stumbled into the same exact encounter.
This time, you were on your way to the library—attempting to get some assigned reading done before you met Namjoon for coffee, as per usual—when the fingers ghosting your elbow actually made you yelp, the book you were holding tumbling to the ground.
“Ah, sorry!” Jimin fretted, hurrying to pick up what you had dropped as you watched, a deer in the headlights.
What were the chances that you would see both of them today? And so close together? It was Namjoon’s sweatshirt, wasn’t it. The obviously-cursed article of clothing you had thrown on that morning without much thought was probably summoning all members of BTS within a five mile radius! Your eyes skirted to a nearby bush, wary of Yoongi popping out of it. Or Seokjin. Seokjin would 100% hide in a bush just to pop out of it.
“Here you go,” Jimin said softly, straightening and holding the book out for you to take. You reflexively did. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“That’s okay,” you breathed. Still not quite sure how the hell you had ended up in this situation.
You had been moderately prepared to deal with Jungkook today, but you never would have thought you’d run into Jimin. Your paths rarely overlapped on campus.
…Unless it was intentional.
“Where are you headed?” he asked, cocking his head curiously. The sun behind him made his blond locks frame his face like a halo. Now that the initial adrenaline rush was fading away, his gentle smile was only making your body lock up defensively.
“The library,” you replied, looking away and making to walk around him. “So I’ll have to see you later—”
He lit up. “Let me walk you!”
This was too much. This was too fucking much. Did he think this little dance the two of you had been doing for months was just for fun? Some sort of game? Did he think that you would be a-ok with him constantly teasing you with what you could have—him—only to repeatedly give himself to someone else instead?
You wanted to tell him off. Wanted to call him out on his confusing behavior, demand he explain himself, demand he just lay it all out there for once.
Instead, what came out was a rather soft “What do you want, Jimin?”
He seemed startled by your word choice, the corner of his lips quirking into a confused smile. Unsure if he truly understood what you were asking. “I…I just wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?”
“What, do I need a reason to talk to you now?” he joked, but when you did nothing but stare at him, not returning his smile, his good humor quickly dimmed to something akin to nervousness. “I just wanted to catch up, _____. I feel like we haven’t gotten a proper chance to talk in months.”
“That’s true.” You swallowed. “Life has just kept us busy, I guess! There was school, and there was Claire, and it’s okay. It happens.”
“I, uh. About that.” He shuffled. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Claire and I aren’t together anymore.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” you murmured. Not sounding surprised to either of your ears.
Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah, don’t be. She was a great girl, but I saw it was going nowhere and didn’t want to string her along.”
Didn’t want to string her along. Wonder what that’s like, you thought pettily before catching yourself.
Jimin could do what he wanted—he was not dating you. Or Claire, apparently.
“I just…didn’t really feel that connection,” he continued. Eyes suddenly boring into yours and making the breath halt in your throat. “Do you know what I mean?”
“Sure,” you croaked, gaze skirting nervously away to the side. “If there’s no spark, no point in dragging it out.”
You felt his eyes still on you, the weight of his gaze still heavy on your skin, even beneath your stolen sweatshirt.
“Hey. So you know, the formal’s next weekend.”
“And I hear neither of us have dates.” That made you look back at him, caught completely off-guard.
There was no fucking way—
“Did you maybe wanna go together?” Jimin asked shyly. “It would be fun! We could finally catch up.”
For a few moments, you could only gape stupidly at him.
You know what? This was exactly what you got for placing a man on a pedestal. For only bothering to see his good sides. Not that that was hard to do with Park Jimin, because pretty much all of his sides were good. He was probably asking you right now because he had found out that Joon wasn’t taking you this year and he felt bad for you. An absolute angel.
Or he had just broken up with his girlfriend, he needed a date, and he knew you would say yes. Because you would never say no to him.
Because he was Jimin.
You weren’t sure which was the truth—weren’t sure if either was the truth—but after what you had seen that night in the bar, for your own good, your own sanity…you were glad you finally had an excuse to say no.
“Jimin,” you replied, happy that your voice was steady, “I would love to, but Jungkook already asked me.”
Jimin blinked at you for a few moments, brain trying to catch up to your words. From the look on his face, he had not been expecting that answer in the slightest, eyes finally widening in shock before his expression steeled into something that toed the line of resignation.
“Jungkookie?” he repeated slowly.
“Yeah,” you shrugged. “Joon has another date this year, so Jungkook offered to take me instead. I already said yes.”
“Jungkookie,” he murmured again. Eyes carefully roving your face, looking for something. And whatever he was looking for, the humorless smile he sent you clued you in to the fact that he had found it. “Ah, well. I guess I was too late, huh?”
“Just by a few hours,” you assured him.
“That’s not what I meant,” he replied gently, but when you looked at him in confusion, he only sent you yet another smile that didn’t touch his eyes. “But it’s cool. I’m glad it all worked out! I’ll see you there?”
“Yeah,” you said, feeling this time like it was you who didn’t understand what he was really trying to say. Like you were having two different conversations, on two completely different wavelengths. And not entirely understanding why.
“Good.” Before you realized it, Jimin had reached over and pulled you into his body. Startled, you returned the hug on reflex. But it was short lived.
“Have a good day, okay?” he told you, as he let go.
“Y-You too,” you stuttered, but he had already turned back the way he had came.
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You had intended to get some reading done before meeting Joon. That had always been the plan, before Jimin had intercepted you. But after speaking with the most-recent object of your affection, you found yourself in the library, staring blankly at the pages of your textbook as you replayed the conversation over and over. Contemplating the entire day, wondering how this could possibly be your life all of a sudden.
Your lack of productivity was enough to make you call it quits, heading to the café a little earlier than you needed to. But somehow Namjoon was just as early, because you ran into him right as you were turning onto that familiar block.
“Hey,” he smiled, cheeks dimpling and pulling you into your customary hug. Your nose wrinkled against his large body, and you looked up at him accusingly.
“Namjoon, why the hell do you smell like smoke?” you demanded. “Did Hobi start burning that weird incense again? I told him before that it doesn’t cover the weed scent, it just makes it smell like hippy weed. Hippy-er weed.”
He let you go, looking abashed. “Well uhhh…See what had happened was…”
You sent him a flat stare.
“I was making a frozen pizza for lunch. I put it in the oven. The directions said to cook it for 30 minutes at 250 degrees, but I was hungry, so I tried to cook it for 15 minutes at 500.”
“I know you fucking lying!” you cackled. Namjoon sighed, not as amused by his own misfortune. That certainly didn’t stop you from snickering. “Serious question, did you cheat on that IQ test you took a couple years ago?”
“Listen, it made perfect sense at the time!”
“Fire doesn’t work that way, Namjoon!”
“But it’s the same fire? Explain that.”
“I don’t gotta explain nothing. You’re the one out here smelling like Smokey the Bear and proving my point,” you laughed. “…How mad is Jin that you fucked up his kitchen?”
“Real mad,” Namjoon admitted.
The two of you made your way inside, nodding at the baristas that recognized you. Namjoon headed towards the counter to place your order while you walked further into the café, securing your favorite booth. It was not too long after that he returned with a flat white for himself and a mint mocha for you.
“Thanks,” you said gratefully, blowing on the steamy drink as you tried to gather your thoughts. “So, breaking news—looks like I’ll be going to the formal with you after all.”
Namjoon smiled happily, dimples on full display. “That’s so great, _____! Honestly, I’ve really been second-guessing my decision not to take you.”
“Now now, none of that,” you grinned, leaning over to boop him on the nose. Namjoon batted your hand away, but he didn’t stop smiling. “It wouldn’t make any sense for you to not have your girlfriend as your date.”
Color rose to his cheeks. “We haven’t had that conversation yet.”
“But it’s coming, right?” You rose a brow in question, but didn’t wait for an answer. The way he ducked his head said it all. “So it’s fine, Joonie. It worked out anyway!”
“Jimin told me he was going to ask you.” He took another sip from his coffee. “So I’m glad it worked out for everybody.”
“Uh.” You swallowed awkwardly. “Um…I’m actually not going with Jimin.”
His eyebrows skyrocketed. “Not going with Jimin,” he repeated in confusion. And you didn’t blame him. All you had been talking about for months was Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, and now Jimin had finally asked you out…and you had declined.
“I’m going with Jungkook,” you offered timidly. Steeling yourself for the teasing you were sure was going to come.
Namjoon started choking on air, coughing into his fist as he looked at you in disbelief. “Jungkook?” he asked once his airway was clear. Obviously floored. “What—”
“We’re going as friends,” you quickly cut in. “He asked me first, and honestly, I just thought it might be time for me to cut my losses and move on from all the constant Jimin back and forth.”
���The Jimin back and forth?” Namjoon parroted incredulously.
“Why are you looking at me like that,” you demanded. “And stop repeating me! Say what you have to say, Kim.”
From the way he was pursing his lips, Namjoon had a lot to say. “I have nothing to say,” he said into his mug as he took a conveniently-timed sip.
This was weird. Both of your loudmouth friends suddenly had nothing to say on an admittedly juicy topic, and it was throwing you off.
“Yes you do. We both know you do, c’mon.”
“I think it’s a good idea,” he said vaguely. “I just didn’t see it coming. I thought Jimin was what you wanted.”
You knew him too well to take that answer at face value, but decided to let it go for the time being. “Yeah, well, so did I.”
“But enough about me! How are you going to ask Lisa to be your girlfriend? Are you gonna do it on this trip? Oh my god, do you need me to help you set up some grand gesture?! Okay, I just got a great idea. So you know those funnel cakes they sell on the boardwalk? What if we bought a bunch of them and used them to spell be my gf in the sand?”
“…are you serious.”
“Hmm, you’re right, we should probably use the pretzels instead. Easier to break apart and write with. I just never thought those were very good—too chewy.”
“Does it matter what it tastes like if you’re just gonna put it in that nasty sand?”
“I mean I guess not, but I personally would rather a dude ask me out using a delectable funnel cake than a subpar pretzel.”
“Why are you like this.”
“Oh hush, I’m delightful.” You paused. “So is that a yes or no on the funnel cake? We should probably call ahead to be safe.”
“You are the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met and I’m so glad you’re coming.”
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That night, as you were watching an episode of Black Mirror and highkey freaking out about the inevitable self-imposed demise of society via technology, your phone buzzed. You yelped, paranoid, but a tentative glance at the screen only produced a message from your lab partner.
[08:24] jeon 😒 ok seriously, what color is your dress
Wow, he was certainly a persistent one, wasn’t he?
[08:24] y’all hear sumn
[08:25] jeon 😒 noona, this isn’t a group chat. it’s just me
[08:25] yeah, me neither
[08:25] jeon 😒 noona, please
[08:25] jeon 😒 pleeeeeeeease
[08:26] jeon 😒 
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[08:26] NO
[08:26] jeon 😒 like what
[08:26] DON’T
[08:26] jeon 😒 
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[08:27] OH MY GOD FINE
[08:27] BLUE
[08:27] jeon 😒 blue? 😏👀👀
[08:27] You’re such a fucking nerd
[08:28] jeon 😒 love you too, babe 😘
[08:28] I will strangle you with your matching tie, I s2g
[08:28] jeon 😒 👀👀👀👀
Dear god, you were going to regret this. You already regretted it. Why did you agree to this?? What had you been smoking, who had held a gun to your head? When were your computer overlords going to rise to power and take you out of your misery?
Think of the wings, you repeated to yourself like a mantra. Just think of the wings.
Minutes later, after you had already restarted your terrifying video, your phone buzzed again. You warily unlocked it.
[08:40] jeon 😒 goodnight, noona 😊
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You…you weren’t going to survive this weekend, were you?
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The next week flew by. You buried yourself in your studies, trying to get caught up on everything so that you wouldn’t feel the least bit guilty about ignoring all of your responsibilities for an entire weekend. Meanwhile, your lab partner was practically buzzing with excitement, peppering your chemistry classes with commentary about your upcoming trip.
“When you say blue, do you mean like…periwinkle? Cornflower? Cerulean? Blue-green? Green-Blue?”
“Are you really listing Crayola crayon colors at me.”
“You know what I mean, don’t you?”
“…Yeah. But the answer is more of a royal blue.”
“Not on the right color spectrum, but I’m following you. Got it!”
“Don’t get too excited, it’s not new,” you warned. “I bought it last year so I could pretend to be Vanna White at BTS game nights. I didn’t think I would be invited to the formal this year, so I didn’t bother to buy anything else.”
“That’s okay,” Jungkook replied cheerily. “I’m sure you look great in it.”
You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. “Yeah, that dress does make my ass look great.”
He perked up, waggling his eyebrows. “Makes your ass look great, you say.”
There he was. You could only attempt to hide your laugh as a cough, sending him a pointed side-eye. “Friends don’t look at each other’s asses, Jeon.”
Jungkook scoffed. “That’s a lie. Who else is going to tell you when your booty is bangin’?”
“If it’s really that bangin’…everybody,” you deadpanned.
“Your friends,” he corrected.
He wasn’t wrong. Your and Mina’s version of “have a good day” was technically “may your skin stay clear and your ass fat.” And though Namjoon would never outwardly say that your ass looked good, you’ve definitely seen him raising an eyebrow at it on your good days.
“Make yourself useful and pass me those tongs,” you demanded, not-so-gracefully swerving that conversation.
And before you knew it, it was finally D-Day. In order to allow people enough time to check in and get ready for dinner, the bus Beta Tau had rented to chart everyone to and from the venue was departing campus in the early afternoon. Unfortunately for you, you had to finish one final assignment before letting your brain clock out for the weekend. Fortunately for you, after Namjoon had noticed your predicament, he suggested that you hitch a ride with Kim Seokjin. Seokjin was in a similar boat—he had a test in one of his afternoon classes that he couldn’t skip—so he was planning on driving up separately and meeting everyone there.
This is why, when a knock at your door produced the older man, you weren’t surprised to see that the two of you had had the same idea—you would be arriving just in time for dinner, and wouldn’t have time to change, so you both were already fully-dressed and ready to go in your evening wear. You were surprised to see him so suddenly, though.
“Jin?” You raised an eyebrow. “You’re here? Why didn’t you text me, I could have met you outside.”
“I gotta take a leak,” he informed you, shuffling in place a bit until you stepped aside and he could hurry past you. “I’m most definitely not gonna make the whole trip.”
You watched amusedly as Seokjin hustled down the hall to where he knew your bathroom to be. It wasn’t until he returned, visibly relieved, that you were able to get a proper look at his attire. For fuck’s sake.
“Seokjin,” you sighed, shaking your head, “I thought we talked about you wearing suits.”
Wrong thing to say—he lit up like a Christmas tree, chest puffing out like a peacock. “I look good, huh?”
Fuck yeah, he did. Dark hair styled away from his face, pairing beautifully with his crisp, sharp suit that accentuated the broad shoulders and his large frame. It was borderline criminal, which was why you had previously insisted that he never wear suits in the first place. “No.”
“Are you sure?”
You grabbed your overnight bag and opened the front door. “I thought we had somewhere to be,” you replied airily.
“It’s okay to admit it,” he said smugly, following you out and waiting as you locked up. “I am a prime human specimen, and that’s just a fact.”
“If this is what the next couple hours are gonna be like, I think I might just take my chances hitchhiking.”
“You would never hitchhike,” he answered matter-of-factly as the two of you exited the building. “You’re too scared of being murdered.”
Damn, he got you there. “There’s a first time for everything,” you bluffed. “Keep talking and I’ll give it a try.” You shrugged casually, opening your mouth to continue your banter, but the sight of another woman waiting in the passenger seat of Jin’s car, blatantly glaring at you, made you pause. Must have been his charming date. She probably didn’t trust him alone in a car for hours with another woman that wasn’t her, and honestly? You didn’t blame her. “Can she fight?” you asked idly.
Jin grinned. “Not even a little bit.”
“Good, cause I’d prefer not to sit in a hostile car for two hours,” you sighed. “So unless she’s hungry for a two-piece combo no biscuit, imma need sis to tone it down a notch. Don’t nobody want your dusty ass.”
“My mom wants me,” he pouted, lips twitching in his effort not to smile. “Jeez, do you always insult people after you ask them for favors?”
“Only the ones I like,” you teased, lightly checking his hip with yours. The other girl kept glaring as you made your way to the car. Whoops. “Hi!” you chirped in a way you hoped was friendly and non-threatening. “I’m _____, nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you,” she repeated, smile artificial.
But that didn’t bother you any, tossing your bag in the trunk and slipping into the backseat. You planned on spending the entire ride scrolling your Instagram feed and hogging the AUX cord.
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Of course, your trip went nowhere near as planned. You practically threw yourself out of the vehicle once Jin parked in the hotel lot, relieved to finally be able to put some space between yourself and the obnoxious man you sometimes considered a friend.
Unfortunately for you, he followed you out, popping the trunk. “Oh, _____, here’s a good one! I spy with my little eye—”
“For the last fucking time, Seokjin. I will kill you!”
“Okay, okay! No need to do anything rash,” he replied, eyes wide, handing you your bag before lifting out both his own and his date’s. His date, who had been bizarrely quiet the whole trip. You know you couldn’t have been the only murderous one after being subjected to approximately one hour and forty-seven minutes of I Spy.
But she had said nothing, and honestly? That didn’t surprise you much—that seemed to be the type Jin liked. Pretty, with no substance. No backbone. She was probably willing to stay tight-lipped throughout all of his annoying antics solely so she could say she had been the Chosen One. The one given the honor of being the date to The Kim Seokjin.
But you? You couldn’t relate to that mentality. So you were left to suffer on your own, humoring your irritating friend for ten minutes tops before your responses became increasingly more aggressive. Pondering whether it would be worth it to just swan-dive out one of the windows and be done with it.
(The back windows had been locked. You had checked. You had suffered.)
You’d think that there would only be so many things one could find in a car when everything else was a moving target, but apparently not when you’re Kim Seokjin and annoying as fuck.
The three of you walked inside, perking up when you noticed a group of well-dressed patrons crossing through the lobby towards what appeared to be the dining room. They had to be members of your party, which meant that you had arrived right on time.
“I have to check in,” Jin informed you, inclining his head towards to front desk. “But you don’t have to wait for us—we can just meet you inside.”
“Will do!” you replied cheerily, giving them both a parting salute. “Thanks for the ride.”
“Don’t mention it,” he replied sincerely, looping a casual arm around his date’s waist. She sent him the first genuine smile you had seen her make.
Yup, definitely time to make your exit.
Humming to yourself, you walked further into the lobby, slipping your phone out of your purse as you neared the group you assumed to be your own. Not wanting to lug your bag around all night, you intended to text Jungkook so he could take you to the room. But to your surprise, you heard his familiar snicker echoing down the hall. And when you turned, there he was, turning the corner with Hoseok and Yoongi in toe.
All three of them looked good. It was to be expected—though they certainly weren’t chosen because of their looks, all the brothers of Beta Tau somehow managed to be ridiculously good-looking. Therefore, it was no surprise that the three of them looked good.
But Jungkook somehow managed to be something else entirely. As soon as your eyes met across the hall, it was as if you momentarily forgot to breathe, the hustle and bustle around you quickly fading into background noise.
His suit was well-tailored, perfectly showcasing his startlingly-large frame and cinched waist, the beautiful blue of his tie neatly pulling the look together and matching your dress perfectly. His hair, most often tousled or stuffed under a hoodie or a snapback, was actually styled, a middle part sweeping his bangs away from his face and allowing his elusive brows to make a reappearance.
Really, it was no wonder your first reaction was to stand there and stare like a moron.
But luckily, you were not alone. Similarly, there was a pause in Jungkook’s stride when he caught sight of you, falling a bit behind the other two when they kept walking. Lips parting slightly.
Yoongi greeted you first, looking smart in a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and a burgundy suit that offset his mint hair nicely. “’Sup, _____.”
“Hey,” you replied, giving them both a smile before your eyes naturally fell upon your date.
Jungkook’s mouth closed. His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Hi,” he offered.
“Hi,” you parroted, smile deepening. 
The other two nosily watched the exchange, Yoongi blatantly grinning as he looked to you, to Jungkook, and back again.
You ignored them. “I was just about to text you. I need to get in the room.”
He blinked uncomprehendingly at you for a few moments before you lifted your bag. “Oh! Yeah, of course! Um, I can actually take that for you if you want. They’re starting to seat us for dinner, and you should make sure we get a good spot.”
“Can do,” you shrugged, handing him your bag. Whatever a good spot meant. Actually, now that you thought about it, past experience taught you that the waitstaff tended to serve the tables closest to the dance floor first. You should probably try getting one of those.
“Great! I’ll be right back,” Jungkook promised, hiking your bag over his shoulder as he turned on his heel and jogged back down the hall.
Leaving you with the other two.
“Shut up, Yoongi.”
He put his hands up defensively. “I didn’t say anything.” 
“That’s what I thought.”
“I’m gonna go get a good table,” he said, his tone cluing you in to the fact that he was still teasing you.
“You do that,” you snipped, smiling despite yourself as he walked away. But Hoseok hung back, smirking at you.
“I was wondering why you never came back from the bathroom,” he said slyly.
Yikes. Called out point blank. You felt your face heat up. “Hobi, I promise, I really didn’t feel well—” After you had stuck your tongue down Jungkook’s throat and started freaking out about it. But the statement still held.
“No need to explain to me, babe,” he winked good-naturedly, “You always know where you can find me.”
“You’re a mess,” you laughed, and he only wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in response before laughing with you. “Come on, I’ve got a table to secure.”
As it turned out, Namjoon had already called dibs on the exact table you had been thinking of, so you only had to walk over to where he and Lisa were already sitting. Hoseok patted you on the shoulder once in goodbye and kept going, likely to look for Yoongi.
“Hey,” Joon greeted you. “You made it!”
“Barely,” you retorted, giving Lisa a hug. “I almost committed murder and forced you to have to leave this wonderful get together to bail me out.”
“That bad, huh.”
 “You have no idea.”
“I live with him so...I most definitely do,” he laughed. “Just have a couple shots. You’ll be alright.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve already got a solid game plan that may or may not involve tequila.” You glanced around the room, skimming over the people who would be your companions for the weekend. To your delight, your bff Jia was nowhere to be seen, apparently not slick enough to secure an invite. 
This trip was gonna be fun.
A familiar laugh caught your attention, and before you had realized you were doing it, you had zeroed in on Jimin. Looking just as handsome as ever in his slim-fitting suit, blond hair styled perfectly. Shit, you had forgotten that you would be with him, as well.
As if he felt you looking, Jimin’s eyes roved before they locked with yours. It almost looked like his smile faltered a bit, but from this distance, you couldn’t be sure. It didn’t matter anyway, because before you even could lift your hand in awkward acknowledgment, he looked away.
Maybe he hadn’t seen you?
You felt like he had, though. Last year, you and Namjoon had shared a table with Jimin, Taehyung, and their dates. But now, he was leading the girl you assumed to be his date for the night over to fill the last seats of Seokjin’s table.
“What’s the matter?” a voice asked from next to you, and you jumped a bit, startled. It was Jungkook, following your line of sight curiously.
“Nothing,” you replied, turning back to the table and clearing your throat. A weird feeling in your gut at Jimin possibly dismissing you. Absolutely nothing was the matter. “Hey, have you met Lisa?”
“Briefly,” Lisa said with a smile. Namjoon raised a questioning eyebrow at you as your dates introduced themselves, but you ignored him.
The four of you chatted for a bit more before sitting down in your seats, browsing the carefully curated menu for the night. A fancy salad, choice between a fancy chicken dish, a fancy steak dish, or a fancy fish dish. 
“The steak sounds good,” Jungkook thought out loud, turning to you. “What are you gonna get, noona?”
Of course, you already knew exactly what you wanted. “Hot wings,” you replied gleefully.
He flipped the menu, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Hot…?”
“They’re not on there,” Namjoon piped up, shaking his head at you affectionately. “But she orders them every year.”
You tapped your forehead smugly. “Gotta know the secret menu.”
“You keep talking about these wings,” Jungkook smiled. “What’s so great about them?”
“What’s so great about them?” You looked at him like he was crazy. “Well, aside from being meaty and perfectly cooked, they come in eight flavors and they’re bomb in all of them! And the hot wings actually come on a scale of one to five. A bitch may be crying a little.”
“One to five?” His head tilted, intrigued. “Actual five, or white people five?”
“Actual five!”
“Well shit, I’m getting some too!” he grinned, looking every bit as excited as you. “And I call first dibs on the bathroom tonight.”
Namjoon looked back and forth between the two of you, clearly not on the same wavelength nor sharing your joint enthusiasm for the best chicken wings on planet earth. Dumbass.
“What flavors do they have?” Jungkook asked curiously.
You started counting on your fingers as you thought. “Buffalo, honey barbecue, jerk, lemon pepper—”
“Hey, can we sit with you guys?” a deep voice interrupted, and a turn of your head produced Taehyung, dressed to impress in a bizarre getup that would look absolutely ridiculous on anyone else, but on him, only made you reflexively swallow. An expensive suit with no tie, the deep neckline of his dress shirt showcasing the beautiful choker around his neck. His hair pushed back with some sort of headband, a large earring dangling from his left ear. You almost didn’t notice the man next to him, also handsome, but not commanding nearly as much attention as Tae.
“Sure, hyung!” Jungkook piped up as Namjoon graciously gestured to the last two seats at your table.
Taehyung grinned, pulling out a chair and motioning for the other man to do the same. You raised an eyebrow at them, your momentary silence breaking as nosiness won over.
“Tae,” you started, looking over the newcomer curiously. “Who’s this?”
“Hmm?” Taehyung glanced at his companion for a second before shrugging and going back to browsing the specially-curated menu. “Just some guy I fucked last night.”
Lisa looked startled by his blunt remark, but Namjoon only sighed wearily, disappointed, but not at all surprised.
And you couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping delightedly, though you quickly clanked it shut, biting your lip in an effort not to outright laugh in the face of the poor soul who had fallen into becoming Tae’s date. “Taehyung, you really brought a stranger to a weekend trip?”
“I know him well enough,” Tae pouted. “You know Pied Piper, that bar off Maple Ave? Well, he was sucking me off in the Pied Piper bathroom and I think I mentioned this trip at some point. He said he wanted to come, so. Why not?”
His date looked at him irritably, likely upset about being talked about like he wasn’t even there. And rightfully so, in your opinion. “Mark, remember?” he huffed. “My name is Mark.”
“Matt, got it.”
Dear god, this trip was already shaping up to be a mess. You couldn’t wait.
“Good evening,” a waitress said cheerfully, unknowingly interrupting what was sure to turn into a fistfight. Or at least some entertaining, dramatic yelling. “Are we ready to order?”
Everyone recited their choices. But when she got to you, you didn’t even look at the menu. “I would like the hot wings,” you replied pleasantly.
Her smile froze, confused. “Um, the menu for the night includes steak, fish, or a vegetarian option. There’s chicken, but not wings.”
“But you have the wings, right?” you asked patiently.
“I’ll have to check—”
“I want the honey barbecue,” Jungkook cut in helpfully.
“I’ll—” she shot you both a crooked look. “I’ll be right back.”
You turned to Namjoon, watching your waitress move to the next table. “Damn, why was she acting brand new?”
“Maybe she is new,” he retorted.
“I literally get the same thing every year. They should know by now.”
“You’re saying they should have prepared for you, specifically?”
“They really should have,” Taehyung piped up right as you shot Joon a look that clearly said duh.
“We’re at a fancy lakeside hotel,” you explained patiently. “They make the big bucks to foresee these things.”
Jungkook perked up, glancing around as if he could see through the windowless walls. “There’s a lake?” he asked curiously.
That’s right, this was the first time he had attended this event. You teased him anyway. “How did you not realize there was a lake? It’s all over the website. You can literally see it when you drive up!”
“I was focused on making sure we got checked in!”
“So focused that you didn’t notice that big-ass lake right there?”
“I just never paid attention,” he pouted, making you smile involuntarily. You looked away in an attempt to smother it.
As you suspected, the chef had no problem whipping up your special meal—it was on the hotel’s daytime menu, so the ingredients were readily available. After a fancy soup and salad course, your glorious hot wings (Level 4) arrived on a platter.
Jungkook’s eyes got adorably wider when your food came—you could practically see the sparkles in them. By unspoken agreement, you and your date put your plates between you and shared, sucking the tender meat off the bone as you did your best not to get sauce on your nice clothing. The two of you also had a couple (or more than half a dozen. Who was counting, anyway?) of the signature cocktails, and it certainly helped conversation flow. Jungkook looked you straight in the eye. “Iron Man is the best Avenger.”
You blinked in response. “Is it crack?” you asked pleasantly. “Is that what you smoke? You smoke crack?”
“He is!” he said defensively, voice a little too loud to be fully sober.
You shook your head. “Okay, now see, what you’re not finna do is disrespect T’Challa like that.”
“T’Challa is great, I never said he wasn’t! I just have a preference. I’m allowed to have a preference, noona.”
“Oh, no, don’t try to backtrack now!” you grinned. “You were not stating that as an opinion, you were stating that as fact. So now we gotta fight, it’s the rules. Outside, Jeon, let’s go!”
“I’m just saying that it’s hard to ignore the fact that Tony Stark made the ultimate sacrifice!”
“And that was all very noble and truly a tear-jerker, but I’m just saying that that was a writers’ choice to manipulate you and your feelings. Because T’Challa’s suit literally absorbs energy and he could have easily wielded the gauntlet without anyone dying.”
Jungkook’s jaw dropped open. You could practically see his wheels spinning as he tossed your words around in his head.
“I liked Doctor Strange,” Tae provided unprompted, making the both of you freeze. Jungkook recoiled as if he had been struck, and you blinked repeatedly, brain trying to make sense of what had just been uttered. Unfortunately, Taehyung took the silence as grounds to continue, trying to clear up any confusion. “You know, that magician dude? With the cape?”
“If you don’t get the fuck away from me,” you whispered.
Namjoon clapped his hands, a nervous chuckle escaping his throat. “WOW, these sure are some good wings. Aren’t these some good wings, Leese?”
“They sure are,” she agreed loudly, laughing along with him. You and Jungkook too busy giving Taehyung the death stare to notice that neither of them had even eaten a single chicken wing.
When Tae did nothing but look back at you innocently, you chose to let the matter slide. “That elevator don’t go all the way to the top,” you muttered to yourself, shaking your head.
And those signature cocktails easily morphed into straight liquor. The “sit down” aspect of the dinner predictably fell apart as alcohol turned the room less civilized. Before dessert was even served, you found yourself laughing your ass off, watching Jungkook and Seokjin have some sort of pushup competition on top of some of the tables as Namjoon angrily slurred at them about needing to get deposits back.
And drunken shenanigans quickly turned into drunken dancing, the hired DJ for the night sensing the vibe of the room and putting on a popular track, turning the volume up to borderline-obnoxious levels. People flocked to the dance floor, the space rapidly filling with gyrating bodies.
Taehyung and Mark were one of the first ones out there, grinding and making out with such fervor that your eye kept being drawn to them. You couldn’t help but stare, fascinated at their complete disregard for what was socially acceptable in a public space. It was the feeling of a hand on your arm that managed to help you peel your eyes away.
“Wanna dance?” Jungkook asked you, leaning in to be heard over the loud music, and you were immediately transported to another time. Another time, when the you were both drunk (like now) and the music was loud (like now) and Jungkook had you willingly cornered against a wall. Body flush against yours, breath hot on your skin.
You swallowed. “Sure,” you croaked. Namjoon and Lisa had already disappeared, so there was really no good reason to say no.
He stood, grinning. Walking backwards, as to not break eye contact with you. And you warily followed him onto the dance floor.
But when Jungkook reached for you, carefully gathering your hands in his own, you were surprised to find them placed on his shoulders. Surprised to find his own politely settling at the small of your back, a respectful amount of space between you. Almost all couples around you were going the Taehyung route and essentially pantomiming sex, but your lab partner was dancing with you as if the two of you were at…
You burst out laughing when you realized. “You’re such a dork!”
Your laughter easily brought on Jungkook’s. “I was gonna get you one of those flower things for your wrist, but I thought that might be too much.”
“It’s probably for the best,” you grinned as he led you into a slow rotation. “Everyone else would have been jealous.”
“Good. They should be.”
With the entire group officially on the dance floor, the DJ took that as his cue to amp the volume up even more, which definitely made any attempt at conversation more complicated. You could literally feel the bass rattling in your teeth. Despite this, you still found yourself using his shoulders to lift up a bit, mouth hovering over his ear so he could hear you better. “Watch it, buddy,” you teased as one of his thumbs strayed up a bit. “Don’t get fresh with me! You’re a little too close to my love handle.”
“What?” he asked, looking down at you in surprise. He didn’t move his hand. “Nothing wrong with love handles. They’re called handles for a reason.” He winked. “Leverage.”
“Ugh. Why are you so gross.”
“You love it,” he grinned, slowly swaying you side to side to a song that most definitely was not meant to be slow danced to.
“I don’t, actually. And I also don’t appreciate slander.”
“Really?” he murmured, breath fanning against your cheek.
“Yes, really,” you replied. The song changed, people drunkenly cheering as they recognized the first few riffs. “You will be hearing from my attorney.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
He was behaving—hands now placed solidly on your hips, but never roaming past a perfectly acceptable range. But as the alcohol in your system metabolized, as the energy in the room grew hotter and markedly hornier, the two of you couldn’t help but unconsciously move even closer to each other, barely a breath between you. Your head rested against his chest, and though it was too loud to hear his heartbeat, you could have sworn you felt it, felt it beating in time with yours.
And then his face was inching closer, making you watch his descent with wide eyes. Making your breath catch as you anticipated the reunion of his mouth with yours.
The crash of his lips never came, instead heading straight for your ear. “Wanna go see the lake?”
You blinked, confused, leaning back to see his face more properly. He was smiling at you crookedly. “The lake?” you repeated dumbly.
Jungkook only nodded, hands lazily skimming your waist as he removed them, one of them catching hold of one of yours. “Come on, noona!”
You trailed after him without comment, weaving in and out of the crowd. No one seemed to pay the two of you any attention, which your foggy brain was distantly grateful for. But you didn’t manage to make it out scot-free, because Hoseok hooted at you suggestively as you passed. You flipped him off without looking back, ignoring his resulting cackles and allowing yourself to be lead out of the room, out of the hotel. Allowing warm fingers to keep tugging on your own.
You hadn’t been lying when you had teased Jungkook about the lake essentially being the hotel’s backyard. The back door basically opened onto the beach, the moonlit water mere yards away. It was a bit chilly out, and since your dress left your arms bare, you started idly rubbing warmth back into them. When Jungkook saw you, he shrugged off his suit jacket and wordlessly held it out to you.
“I’m okay—”
“Just take it,” he insisted. And you were too drunk to fight him on it—but clearly not drunk enough to not feel the chill—so you did as he asked. The arms were too long for you wear the jacket normally without feeling like you were playing dress-up, so you draped it over your shoulders like a cape instead. It smelled like fabric softener, and you couldn’t stop yourself from turning your head to give the material some proper, satisfying, drunken sniffs.
Luckily, Jungkook was in the same intoxicated boat as you—and too focused on the water to notice you sniffing his clothes like a bloodhound. “Let’s walk the shore,” he suggested excitedly.
“Uhhh. Okay, so. Not to be that person…but I’m gonna be that person. My feet hurt,” you whined.
“And you call me a baby,” he teased. “Baby.”
“You put these heels on and see how you feel!”
“They’re not in my size,” he pointed out with a giggle.
“That can be easily remedied. What size do you wear, I’m gonna find you some!”
He snickered. “I’m just messing with you,” he replied, smiling at you softly. “Those look great, but I’m fully aware they’re torture devices. You shouldn’t be forced to wear them just because the patriarchy says you have to.”
Your mouth dropped open, rendered unexpectedly mute at his words.
“Just take them off,” he suggested.
“And walk barefoot on this nasty-ass beach? Are you crazy?!”
Jungkook just faked a put-upon sigh at that. “You’re not a baby,” he acknowledged, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, visible even in the darkness. “Definitely a princess though.”
Your breath caught at the nickname, thighs squeezing together. You pretended it didn’t. “Whatever you say,” you sniffed.
He merely crouched down in front of you in response. You gaped at the wide expanse of his back long enough for him to look at you over his shoulder. “Come on, princess,” he teased.
You were drunk and entirely unprepared for this turn of events, so all you could do was react. You stepped forward and looped your arms around his neck, reminiscent of minutes before. Allowed his large hands to grasp your thighs for support and easily lift you, as if you were nothing more than a backpack.
Allowed him to piggyback you down the shore, draped in his jacket, as he told you about how he had grown up by the sea, about stories of his childhood, about the beaches of his hometown. And you listened. Told him about your own childhood, your own stories.
It felt safe to share in this little bubble the two of you had created, comfortable with your face near the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent from the source. So comfortable that your eyes started to droop.
Jungkook noticed when you took too long to react to him telling you he had gotten his hand stuck in an escalator when he was five. He turned his head to find your lips dangerously close to his own, eyes half-mast. He swallowed. “Let’s head back,” he suggested, turning on his heel. “You look tired.”
“’m fine,” you mumbled against his shoulder, but didn’t protest further.
Back to the hotel he went. And he still didn’t put you down, casually carrying you into the building, into elevator, down the hall, and to a door that you assumed led to your room. He only shifted you slightly to pull the keycard out of his slacks, easily ushering you into the room once the door unlocked. Flicking on the light switch.
There was a marked silence as you simultaneously gained your bearings.
“Oh shit,” Jungkook muttered. You took this opportunity to let go of him, feet slowly sliding to the ground. He let you go. “I totally forgot. I’m sorry, noona, the only rooms left only had one bed—”
You blinked slowly. Slid his jacket off your shoulders and made to hang it up in the closet.
“I swear it wasn’t on purpose, I can totally sleep on the floor—”
“Jungkook,” you cut him off. “Shut up.”
He did, eyes wide.
“Just get in the fucking bed.”
He gaped at you, uncomprehending.
You sighed tiredly. “We can share it. Just keep your hands to yourself and it’s no big deal.”
“Are you…” he swallowed. “Are you sure?”
“Boy, if you don’t get your ass in that bed!”
He held up his hands placatingly as you went to unzip your overnight bag, a dumb smile on his face. You were not endeared. You were not.
Pajamas in hand, you made to change in the bathroom. But realization made you stop in your tracks—as cute as your dress was, it was a bitch to get in and out of. Mina had been the one to help you into it, and it looked like Jungkook would have to help you out.
“Could you—” you bit your lip, slightly embarrassed. “Could you unzip my dress? I can’t reach it.”
“You want me to…” He shifted in place as he slowly and tipsily processed your request, fingers twitching restlessly against his sides. A thoughtful scrunch to his brow. “Without my hands? I think I can do it with my mouth but—”
“Use your hands, oh my god!”
“But you just told me to keep them to myself!”
“You know what I meant!”
“Then mean what you say,” he huffed irritably, stepping behind you. You could feel the heat emanating from his body, could feel the electricity between you as he pulled the zipper down a tad too slowly. As if he was savoring the moment, was memorizing the expanse of your back.
Could feel the weight of his gaze on your newly-revealed skin.
You let him. Didn’t say anything until the zipper met the end of its track, where your ass began to swell.
Jungkook audibly swallowed.
“Thanks,” you croaked, hightailing it for the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. Your traitorous heart pounding at the exchange.
Staring at your reflection as if you had never before seen the woman staring back.
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