#spoilers for faftswag
bookish-bogwitch · 2 years
Happy Birthday @ivelovedhimthroughworse!
You are an incredible writer, person, and friend. In honor of your latest trip around the sun, I commissioned art from the talented @mostlymaudlin illustrating one of my favorite scenes from your beautiful fic, Fallen From the Sky with Grace.
Below the cut. WARNING BEFORE YOU CLICK: big spoiler for Ch. 17, Coming Clean. Also, mpreg. Ish.
Here are Shepard and Dr. Wellbelove having a long-overdue conversation.
"Do you know anything about mermaid STIs?" ... I give it a sniff. "They look good. Very healthy." ... "Not an STI. Eggs." [Shepard] repeats, awed.
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That's right, Shepard has had a belly full of mer-eggs this WHOLE TIME.
If you clicked below the cut without having read the fic,
1. what are you doing with your life? Go read. And
2. The fic is not primarily about Shepard or his clutch (though I would read the hell out of that spinoff). It's about resilience, healing, and self-care taken seriously.
Happy birthday again, Apricot, and thank you for the green light to share this with the world. And thank you @mostlymaudlin for your time and talent and for being down to egg!
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