#spoiler alert: he chose felony
feather-of-argos · 11 months
Claude: Where are you going?
Felix: To get ice cream in Paris or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way there.
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Season 15 Finale Thoughts
*Spoiler alert. Proceed with caution*
Going into this finale I was unsure what to expect. I honestly didn’t know if everyone would make it out alive. After the episode last night I was left with mixed feelings.
Teddy and Amelia: I am so down for them to be friends. I feel like if they are able to look past their histories with Owen, they could become really good friends. I loved how caring Amelia was towards Teddy (rubbing her legs and asking about her mom). That is not something she had to do and really showed how Amelia could look past their history and treat her like a friend. Amelia opening up about Owen (and Carina) was definitely a step forward. I was honestly a little disappointed Amelia wasn’t the one to deliver the baby.
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Owen and Teddy: I have been extremely conflicted on how I would feel about them being together. I tend to be someone who will go for the couple who is happy and in love, just because I am a hopeless romantic, however after both Owen and Teddy declare their love for each other, I am still unsure how I feel. I think that Owen has chose so many other women over Teddy so many times that I’m afraid to get attached to them being happy because I’ll be disappointed when they don’t work out. I did love the scene when the baby was born and they both instantly knew her name was Alison, even though they never discussed it. That was a really special moment for me (even though I, along with the rest of the fandom was 99.9% certain that would be her name). At this point I don’t think I’m for or against Towen. I do hope Owen continues to get the help he needs and that if he really is all in with Teddy that he is all in with Teddy and next season we don’t see him being conflicted about his choice. Teddy deserves someone who will choose her and only her.
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Teddy and Tom: I am honestly so disappointed about this whole situation. First of all Tom was at Teddy’s apartment BUILDING A CRIB, while she was at Owen’s declaring her love for him, all while her water breaks and she goes into labor. Teddy has just as much right as anyone to choose who she wants to be with, but not even having the decency to let the guy who is at your home BUILDING A CRIB (for a child who isn’t even his) that your are in love with someone else know before you declare the love is cruel. And then in the time between when her water breaks and the baby is born, she doesn’t even let him know. I mean the man was BUILDING HER A CRIB. I understand she was in labor and giving birth, so she was a little preoccupied, but only a short time ago she pictured a life with Tom. All I am saying is the man deserved better and I am not prepared for the devestated look he will have on his face when he not only finds out that Teddy loves Owen, but the fact that he wasn’t even made aware that the baby had been born. He was so excited about that baby. No matter how Teddy feels, Tom was the one there for her when Owen wasn’t and spent the majority of her pregnancy looking out for her, so he should have at least been informed that she was in labor. *end of rant*
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Maggie and Jackson: It took me a VERY long time to even consider liking Jaggie. Now that I have finally accepted them as a couple and begun to like them, they start getting on with stupid crap and who even knows how long they’ll be together, or if they’ll even be alive. I get where Maggie was coming from about Jackson not liking her. A part of me still thinks that Jackson has feelings for April, and that is half his problem with Maggie, she’s not April. Their whole camping storyline, while amusing was somewhat unnecessary and out of character. Assuming Jackson is still alive and Maggie doesn’t get hit my a truck, I think Jaggie will make it.
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Amelia and Link: I really like Amelia with Link. I think he could be really good for her. I was a little disappointed she didn’t straight up tell him she wanted to be with him, however I am glad that she was mature about the whole situation and didn’t leave him wondering, but also didn’t turn him down completely. I believe we have not seen the last of Amelia and Link together 🤞🏼
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Alex and Jo: Every ounce of my heart is held by Jolex. Alex has been my favourite character for a long time now and his character development has been incredible. I love how much he cares about Jo and her wellbeing. Personally, I think he had a right to be upset with her for not letting him in. She is going through something devastating and life changing and he just wanted to help her, but at the same time, she had every right to shut him out and shut down. Jo’s storyline has been so important, not just for people who have been through a similar experience, but for anyone who hasn’t. It is so important to show that it’s ok not to be ok, and to show people who don’t always understand what others are going through that everyone is going through something and you can’t judge anyone for how they react to a situation. Alex is so used to everyone around him leaving, or going crazy that I think his anger towards Jo was based on previous experiences. I am so happy that once Alex learned the reason for Jo’s behaviour he was so supportive of her (I expected nothing less). The end scene was Jo was being admitted to the psychiatric ward for help, and Alex had tears in his eyes broke me. He loves her so much and just wants her to be happy. He would do anything for her and I can’t wait to see what is in store for Jolex next season.
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Meredith and Andrew: At first I was not on board with Merluca. I did not think that he was right for Meredith and I thought he would end up hurting her, but I have quickly become very attached to Merluca. Andrew loves Meredith and his actions prove that. He will do anything to make her happy. While I do believe taking the blame for her putting Ellis’ name on those insurance papers was incredibly stupid, it was also incredibly selfless. He chose to protect her and her family instead of himself and his career. When Meredith went to the jail and told him she loved him, even though it scared her, I was sold. They are both going to do everything to protect one another (something that Merder didn’t do). I strongly believe Merluca will be endgame and that Andrew (or Meredith) will not be spending much time in jail.
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Richard, Alex and Meredith: While I love Richard Webber tremendously, he has to be the stupidest man on earth (Miranda Bailey wanted to call him a fool so bad). One can only take blame for Meredith Grey’s felony’s for so long. While I did expect this to happen, I did not expect Alex to take blame too, nor did I expect any of them to be fired. Realistically, by episode 2 of season 16 they’ll all be back working, like nothing ever happened, because they can’t run Grey-Sloan without four of their main doctors. I’m not sure how, but they’ll all get away with it, just like they got away with cutting LVAD wires, tempering with clinical trials, drinking on the job and assult. I am not worried about for future of Meredith, Alex or Richard.
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All around I really enjoyed the episode. I am so glad they were able to save Gus and I loved how Owen and Levi got the donor to the hospital and how Jo helped her eith her fears. While I’m not happy about some things that happened, that’s always going to be the case. No matter what storyline the writers go with, there will always be people who don’t agree or will dislike what is happening. Whether or not I like the way Grey’s is going, I’m in it till the end. I have come too far to back out now. I am excited for season 16 and can not wait to find out the fate of Meredith and Deluca and Jackson and Maggie. Hopefully everyone is alive and well when season 16 starts in the fall!
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