#spock my beloved <3
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spocksjuul · 4 months
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My baby here on earth!!! Showed me what my heart was worth!!!!!
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zarophod · 5 months
i wanna read Spirk fanfic but i’ve not finished TOS yet so i guess i’ll just read Rimster instead
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carmineline · 1 year
i just love the fact that Jim was canonically known as a “stack of books with legs” during his academy days
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spoccult · 6 months
this is one of my fave moments from beyond MOSTLY because of the way you can see spock nodding along very subtly for a few beats before confirming it's "classical" music
[video description: a short clip from the movie 'star trek beyond' (2016) where 'sabotage' by the beastie boys plays as the soundtrack. the uss franklin surfs within a wave made of swarm ships, leaving a blazing trail of destruction. it cuts to spock and mccoy who have commandeered one of the swarm ships; mccoy asks, "is that classical music?!" after a short pause where spock listens intently, he confirms, "yes doctor, it would seem to be." end id]
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sopheadraws · 11 months
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I'm not watching SNW yet, but here is my contribution to the OOC human!Spock discourse.
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lucielquinn · 1 year
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Sailor Spocko… I refuse to give further context
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secretstartrekblog · 2 years
the best thing about star trek fans on tumblr is seeing how everyone tags their Spock posts bc they’re all so funny
personally mine is spork
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samaspic31 · 1 year
god i love tos. what’s better than kirk and spock flirting, gender essentialism that’s so absurd it’s almost funny, and terribly endearing vfx
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daxromana · 10 months
Tricky diplomatic negotiations become trickier when Spock swaps bodies with his fiancee. La'an and Number One play Enterprise Bingo.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok’s random pauses, emphasis, weird r’s, and little head tilts my beloved.
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coredrill · 2 years
last snw ep did smth to me sorry in advance!!!!!!
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aerialworms-art · 2 months
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To boldly boop where no man has booped before!
I got a lil carried away with all the booping yesterday, so here's a page of doodles! Featuring my beloved M'ress and her niblings :3
(ID under cut!)
[Image ID: a digitally coloured page of doodles featuring characters from Star Trek: The Original Series.
Text at the top of the page reads: "01/04/2024
Captain's Log: Lieutenant M'ress has been babysitting her niblings. While she has a cat nap, the Bridge crew has offered to watch them for a while."
Under this are three doodles of the niblings' faces. There is an orange one, with fluffy ears and yellow eyes, labelled M'lodi; a white one with blue eyes and one grey ear, labelled M'uschef, and a black and white spotted one with green eyes labelled M'rar.
The rest of the doodles are below. Described from left to right, top to bottom:
McCoy holds up M'lodi, grinning, and says "Well, ain't you adorable?" An arrow pointing at M'lodi reads "Trying to bap him"
Uhura cradles M'lodi in her arms, singing sweetly. M'lodi sings along, but the notes coming from them are jagged and discordant.
M'rar races towards the camera with a silver object in their mouth, looking pleased with themself. Scotty chases after them, yelling "GET BACK HERE YA WEE BEASTIE" An arrow pointing at the object M'rar has stolen reads "Essential piece of the warp core"
At the helm, Sulu and Chekov are watching M'lodi, who Chekov is holding in his lap, booping various buttons on Chekov's console. Sulu is laughing and Chekov is grinning. SFX: Beep boop
A closeup on Kirk as he says, despairing, "Mr Chekov, Mr Sulu, please tell me you locked the console." Chekov replies "Aye, Keptin." A white paw is visible on Kirk's shoulder.
M'uschef, the white cat, boops Kirk on the nose and the head, causing him to jump in surprise. SFX: BAP!
Spock is at his station, back to the camera. A light blue lump is just visible in his lap. From off screen, Kirk yells "SPOCK!"
Spock spins in his chair to face Kirk. "Yes, Captain?" M'rar is sitting in his lap, dressed in a tiny light blue lab coat, batting at the Starfleet insignia on Spock's chest.
M'uschef is lying on top of Kirk's head now, bapping at his ear. Kirk is resting his chin on his hand, sighing, saying "Nevermind..." SFX: bap bap bap
Four small doodles in sequence. Kirk still has his head in his hand and looks mildly irritated. M'uschef is on Kirk's shoulder, playing with the curl of his hair. M'uschef lifts it up and lets it slap back into Kirk's face, who turns, affronted, and says "Do you MIND?"
Lieutenant M'ress, an orange Caitian with a darker orange mane, covers her hand with her mouth, eyes wide. She thinks "Oh I am gonna be court-martialled"
The page is signed "@aerialworms". /End ID]
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brittlebutch · 4 months
SUCH an autism moment to me -- not only for the mirroring but also the strange, tense way Spock moves to do it. Like he's not at all confident in his ability to move his limbs in the right configuration to reach the desired endpoint and he's not even 100% sure if he wants to try -- Dyspraxia moments my beloved; Mr. Spock i'm Love you <3
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qussymagnet · 2 months
@kingdeath000 thanks for tagging i fuckin love making playlists <3
make a playlist out of ur username:
Q - Quality Control, Jurassic 5 U - Unconditional Love, Against Me! S - Scrawny, Wallows S - She Don't Use Jelly, The Flaming Lips Y - You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do As You're Told), The White Stripes M - Mr. Spock, Nerf Herder A - Androgynous, The Replacements G - Get This Fag Out of Here, Elias and the Error N - New, No Doubt E - Earthquake, Ssion T - Two of Hearts, Stacey Q
Tagging: @sunsets-and-satsumas, @bashir-my-beloved-my-beloved, @ectogeo-rebubbles, @lorenzobane
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (Book 3) Chapter Twenty
TOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty: Temperamental Lord
Summary: "Lord" Garth continues to try to take control of the Enterprise, but his prisoners aren't easily threatened.
            The next person (Y/N) saw was two of Garth’s guards at their cell. They didn’t speak and just opened the door. (Y/N) stepped back, but they grabbed their arms and dragged them from the room and back into the open room. It had a red carpet laid across the floor leading up to a throne. Spock was nowhere to be seen, but Kirk was being held up by two guards of his own.
            “Welcome, (Y/N)!” said Garth, waving a hand dramatically. “I’m so glad you could make it to my coronation!”
            “Coronation?” they repeated.
            “Yes,” said Garth. “Oh, I know that even a real throne is no more than merely a chair, but the symbolism is important. Don’t you agree?”
            “If you have to force an idea to be real, then it likely has to merit,” said (Y/N). Garth scowled.
            “You’ll likely wear a crown, I presume?” said Kirk, equally exhausted with the entire situation. Clearly, after Spock and (Y/N) had been removed, he had been put through quite the ordeal.
            “Again, just as a token,” said Garth. “Not impressive in itself, but it will serve as a standard around which our followers will rally.”
            “Garth, you only have a handful of men,” said (Y/N).
            Garth sighed. “For having such a pretty face that could look so good smiling—” (Y/N) rolled their eyes “—you refuse to get into the spirit of things, don’t you?”
            “I don’t like pointless pageantry,” said (Y/N).
            “What if you got a nice role?” offered Garth. “Lord? Kirk is the Crown Prince, but you could be highly ranked as well.”
            “I’m alright,” replied (Y/N).
            “I’m fine right here,” said Kirk.
            “If you two don’t start playing along, then I may have you play the human sacrifice,” said Garth.
            “You need me alive,” said Kirk.
            “Go ahead, it still won’t change anything,” said (Y/N).
            Garth gritted his teeth at their lack of reaction. “Very well. We have other candidates for our human sacrifice.” He turned away. “We’re ready!”
            Kirk and (Y/N) were pulled to the side and forced to kneel. Garth exited the room and reentered in a moment with Marta holding his arm and a pillow with a crown in the other. They walked through the room and up the red carpet to the throne. Everyone knelt and bowed around them as they went.
            Garth turned back around and gestured for everyone to stand. Kirk and (Y/N) were forced to their feet once more and stared solemnly at Garth as he smiled around at the gathering.
            “Well, since there is no one mighty enough to perform this ceremony, we’ll perform it ourselves,” he decided. “Therefore, we hereby proclaim that I am…Lord Garth, master of the universe.” He placed the crown on his head. “And we designate that our beloved Marta to be our consort.” He placed a necklace around her neck.
            Garth turned towards Kirk and (Y/N). “And we further designate Captain James Kirk of the Starship Enterprise to be our heir apparent. And finally, we designate Lieutenant (Y/N) (L/N) to be…” He thought hard, and (Y/N) mentally willed him not to say anything terrible. “…our new court dancer! I’m sure they’ll give us a performance soon once the right motivations come up.”
            I don’t perform for madmen, thought (Y/N).
            Around them, the group of hospital patients clapped happily, and Garth grinned arrogantly. He strutted up and down the carpet and enjoyed the attention he was receiving. Finally, he stepped up the stairs to the makeshift throne and sat down.
            He gestured to (Y/N) and Kirk. “Let us now remove the heir apparent and dancer that we may conclude this ceremony.
            (Y/N) and Kirk were once again dragged away by guards out of the room. They were doing a lot of forceful travel that day.
            The guards shoved them into the original monitoring room they had beamed into.
            “Listen to me,” said Kirk, looking at the patients. “This is our last chance. Garth will destroy all of us unless you help us stop him.”
            “He’s definitely using you,” said (Y/N). “He wants all the power for himself.” Just as his emotions of joy every time he gets to show off that he has more than someone else.
            “He even destroyed the very thing that could have helped you recover and leave this place,” said Kirk.
            But none of the guards would listen. They just shoved Kirk and (Y/N) into a wall harshly, and the pair groaned upon impact.
            “Well done,” said Garth approvingly as he saw Kirk and (Y/N) when he walked in. “Well, well, you two continue to resist. How stupid of you.” He nodded to two chairs. “Put them in those chairs right there. I’ve arranged a small entertainment. I wouldn’t want them to miss any of it.”
            (Y/N) and Kirk exchanged a worried look. That didn’t spell out well, but they were forced into the chairs nonetheless.
            “Well, Captain, Lieutenant, even you must admit that I’m a genius,” said Garth. “What you see here is my latest invention.” He held up a small cannister. “This is an explosive—the most powerful one in history.” He dangled it in front of them and watched them gaze at it tensely. “If I were to drop this flask, the resulting explosion would vaporize this planet. Now do you see why it is ridiculous for you to resist me? Well, perhaps you require the demonstration I’ve arranged.”
            He turned to a viewing window and pressed a button. The shutters slid open. The outside of the planet was bathed in green light and covered in fog drifting across the ground.
            “Watch closely,” said Garth proudly. “Now, it is true that she is deadly as a poisonous serpent, but she is also a beautiful woman, and you have held her in your arms, Captain.”
            Garth’s jealousy, realized (Y/N) in horror as two guards in protective suits dragged Marta out into the open.
            “I’ve ordered my men to drive her out of the protective dome, and, of course, she would choke to death on the outside in a matter of minutes,” said Garth.
            Kirk and (Y/N)’s eyes widened.
            “But I’ve arranged a more merciful end for her, because, after all, she is my consort,” said Garth. He held up the cannister again. “One tiny crystal implanted in her necklace—a portion of this explosive no bigger than a grain of sand. I propose to detonate it from here.” He waved his hand at the window, and the guards cleared away and left Marta to fend for herself.
            She began to cough violently, and she held onto a rock for support. The atmosphere of Elba II was already obstructing her breath and getting into her system.
            “Oh, poor girl,” pouted Garth.
            (Y/N) was disgusted and sickened by the joy Garth was feeling as he watched Marta suffer.
            “Poor, dear, suffering child,” sighed Garth, not feeling guilty at all. Marta reached out to him desperately, and he glanced carelessly back at (Y/N) and Kirk. “I will help her now.” He clicked a button, and with that single movement:
            An explosion killed Marta in an instant. (Y/N)’s hands went to their mouth in horror, and Kirk stared in shock before levelling a glare at Garth.
            The “Lord” in question turned to face them and threw out his hands as if impressed with his own show.
            “Here,” he said, tossing the cannister to one of his men, and they caught it in panic. Garth chuckled, and his joy at their fear seared (Y/N)’s skin. He took it back and faced his captive audience. “How are your nerves?”
            “Even if you harm us, we won’t give you what you want,” said (Y/N), and Kirk nodded in firm agreement.
            “Your stubbornness defies all logic,” said Garth. He smirked. “Logic. There’s the key.”
            (Y/N) tensed.
            “Your friend, Spock, is a logical man,” said Garth. “A very logical man.” He turned to his men. “Go and bring the Vulcan here to me.” The men left, leaving Garth, (Y/N), and Kirk alone.
            No, no, not Spock! thought (Y/N), their heart pounding and threatening to rip in half at the idea of Spock being hurt or worse. (Y/N) wouldn’t be able to take it if the man they loved was taken from them.
            Garth smirked and continued his monologue. (He loved hearing himself talk). “Spock is not only a more logical person than you two are, but he’s a more intelligent one, I’m sure. I shall establish a rapport with him.”
            So he isn’t going to torture Spock. (Y/N) nearly relaxed. They still couldn’t let their guard down, but knowing that the immediate plan wasn’t to harm Spock was a definite relief.
            Garth turned to some of the security screens and turned them on. Instead of seeing his men, though, he just saw Spock. With a phaser.
            (Y/N) grinned. Their boyfriend had gotten free. As reliable as ever, my dear.
            “Fascinating. Your Vulcan friend is an ingenious fellow,” said Garth, keeping himself tall and straight, but (Y/N) felt the twinge of frustration and worry threading through his aura. They smirked in satisfaction.
            “This could be most amusing,” said Garth. He grabbed his fabric belt and pulled it off. “But first…” He transformed into (Y/N), and they jumped up.
            “Don’t you dare—”
            Garth grabbed them and shoved them into the wall. (Y/N) fought back, but in the moment that they struggled, Kirk’s sight of which one was which was lost, and the two “(Y/N)s” were left staring at each other as the door opened. Spock stepped in and raised an eyebrow upon seeing them.
            “Which one is (Y/N)?” said Spock.
            “I don’t know,” said Kirk, looking between the two (Y/N)s as well.
            “That’s Garth,” said Garth, pointing.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes in indignation. “No, I’m (Y/N). You’re Garth.”
            “Can’t you tell which one is me, Spock?” said Garth.
            “Don’t listen to him,” said (Y/N).
            “Spock, I’ll get a security team down here. Keep them in your sights in case Garth tries anything,” said Kirk, moving to the control panel.
            “How is the Captain feeling right now?” asked Spock, looking between the two people in front of him carefully.
            “Worried,” said (Y/N) instantly.
            “I was about to say the same thing,” said Garth. “And it’s obvious from his face, you don’t need empathy to see that.”
            Unfortunately, that’s a fair point, thought (Y/N), frustrated. And then they straightened. “Spock.”
            He looked at them.
            “I know how you feel right now,” said (Y/N), lying through their teeth. It was risky, but it was their only idea.
            “I do too!” said Garth instantly. “You’re concerned! You need to finish this mission efficiently and keep Garth from gaining power, but since Garth is hiding as me, you’re worried. You see? I know, and they don’t.”
            Spock turned on Garth and fired. He collapsed, stunned. His body returned to his own.
            “Very clever, T’hy’la,” said Spock, nodding to (Y/N).
            “I knew you would understand.” (Y/N) smiled and shrugged. “Plus, you would have figured it out eventually. I trust you, my dear.”
            Kirk let out a relieved breath and smiled. “I’m glad one of us got the situation under control.”
            “(Y/N) is a resourceful, reliable officer. It was not surprising that they discovered a way to alert me to which one was them,” said Spock, proud of his t’hy’la as usual.
            “I would never doubt (L/N), Spock,” said Kirk, smiling.
            “I should hope not at this point,” laughed (Y/N).
            “But, out of curiosity, how did Spock know it was you?” asked Kirk.
            “I can’t feel Spock’s emotions,” said (Y/N). “He’s Vulcan. By lying and saying I could, Garth felt like he needed to show off that he ‘could’ too.”
            “However, I know that (Y/N)’s empathy does not extend to me unless we are touching and sharing psychic auras,” said Spock. “So, once Garth explained what I was ‘feeling,’ I knew he was lying.”
            “Incredible. Your relationship saved the day,” said Kirk, looking between Spock and (Y/N). “Bones is gonna love this.”
            “That, Captain, is the wrong word I believe,” said Spock.
            Kirk just laughed, and (Y/N) shook their head in amusement and touched their two fingers to Spock’s. He pressed back.
            Yes, he supposed. Our relationship did allow us to understand one another deeply.
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