splendarte · 4 months
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ฅ⁠^·⁠ﻌ·⁠^⁠ฅ : Comecei essa capa com um Luka bonito e um sonho, mas acho que deu certo no final. Alô, Lukanette stans, essa aqui é pra vocês!
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ragazzoarcano · 8 months
“Indossa il tuo sorriso migliore, esci e splendi. Forte. Fortissimo. come sai fare tu.”
— Andrea Filocomo
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unaragazzadadifesa · 1 year
Alla fine la luna non è altro che un sasso, ma grazie al sole diventa bellissima e illumina la notte.
A volte anche le persone sono diamanti grezzi e grazie a qualcuno poi splendono.
-Serena P. (unaragazzadadifesa)
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lunamarish · 11 months
Tu che non sai e splendi di tanta poesia o donna che fiorisci sopra la mia agonia, fa ch'io risorga un giorno.
O tu che sei passata nel crepuscolo immondo di tutti noi e sorgi come l'alba d'un mondo fa ch'io risorga un giorno.
Cesare Pavese (Aprile 1928)
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
Ti ho visto sola, ma non sola dentro, dentro avevi il sole come le persone sole. Splendevi e non lo sapevi.
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Non permettere mai a nessuno di spegnere la tua luce, brilla sempre di più, splendi e resta te stesso/a.
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asplendere · 1 year
Trio miauravilhoso
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anemonaee · 2 months
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Tu splendi.
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ludojudoposts · 5 months
Homicide: Life On The Street - A Many Splendered Thing
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
Incorrect Quote
Ticci Toby: Hey Boss! I'm going over to Trender's house to deliver the message; I'll call you on his phone so you know I'm safe!
Slender: *Sighhh* Not necessary, Toby. No. I don't care if you're safe.
Ticci Toby: Love you sir!!
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splendarte · 8 days
— (( ⌇ ⁺◦ splendarte says *・῾ ᵎ ))
Vejam bem, eu tava querendo fazer um desafio ou post de temas faz um tempão, mas ao mesmo tempo queria que fosse algo diferente. Paralelamente, eu comecei a desenvolver um pequeno vício nesses vídeos pause (sempre que me aparece um, estarei fazendo) onde você fanfica a sua vida. Hoje tava futricando o editor de vídeo e pensei hmmm, e se?
E é justamente assim que nasce o PAUSE! Só que em vez de fanficar, vamos capar! Bora ler mais?
— (( ⌇ ⁺◦ como funciona o desafio *・῾ ᵎ ))
PARA PARTICIPAR você precisa pausar ou tirar o print da tela para cada uma das partes da capa. Ao final, a combinação te dará um desafio especialmente para você (e mais infinitas possibilidades para tentar de novo, e de novo e de novo outra vez!)
FAÇA SUA CAPA e poste o resultado com as tags do desafio! Coloque no seu post também a combinação do seu desafio para encontrar seus gêmeos de design!
COMPARTILHE COM UM AMIGO e o desafie a participar também!
— (( ⌇ ⁺◦ crie a sua combinação *・῾ ᵎ ))
— (( ⌇ ⁺◦ use as tags *・῾ ᵎ ))
#pausechallenge #desafiopause e #pausearte
— (( ⌇ ⁺◦ dê um up no seu desafio! *・῾ ᵎ ))
Que tal adicionar uma temática ao seu design? Seguem posts de temas e outros desafios para designers incríveis!
Desafio dos 100 Temas da @ephemerar
Desafio das 40 edições da @maridrista
Desafio Eleven Vibes da @angellen
Desafio Sabores da @okaydokeyyo
E mais nesse post maravilhoso da @binglio
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years
“Non ti venga in mente di diminuire la tua luce perché qualcun'altro si senta comodo.”
— Mujer Semilla
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theundeadsnake · 1 year
General Splendroman Headcanons (request part 2 of 2)
Unlike Offender, Splendor focuses more on the quality of his interactions rather than the quantity. He does care about how people view him and wants to be good and kind, not just in the eyes of others but also in his actions.
His nice character has always differentiated him from his own brothers. While slender focuses on results, Offender on his selfish pleasure, and Trender spouts his views without caring about how that will affect others, Splenderman is highly conscious of how his actions will affect others.
He has a lot of hobbies he jumps between. Arts and crafts, dancing and helping others, including his brothers. Though he is picky when it comes to helping them.
Splendor doesn’t support his brothers cruel actions.
Helping Trender allowed him to gain some basic sewing skills while slender finds it convenient to have someone willing to show new inhabitants around the mansion. Offender on the other hand doesn’t really need any help but enjoys having a sibling he can talk to.
Has a visible “face”, though between the two of us, I’m just letting you know it’s not an actual face, but rather simply something he drew on to make himself less intimidating. It’s hard to say if it’s effective or if it gives him that creepy clown vibe.
The polka-dot suit doesn’t do much to help that.
Loves anime and cartoons about friendship and superheroes and is always ecstatic when the “good” guys save the world.
Survives of off the positive energy of others. Your good vibes are his supper.
Does not enjoy being alone for long. A day or two at most would be fine with him, but anything more than that and he would start to starve.
Very positive and fun to have around. If you are going somewhere and want to have a good time, he is the guy you want around.
Dependable, trustworthy and committed. Though he will never agree to something he does not think he will be able to carry it through. A lot of beings ask him for favours and he can’t take them all on.
A massive people-pleaser.
Cares a lot about the environment and secretly advocates for what he believes is the best for others. He doesn’t talk about it often though since politics always start an argument.
Lives in the slender mansion and takes care of the proxies, guests and anyone else that may come along.
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thequarinianparallel · 4 months
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