#speedster inbox time? woah?
there's something depressing about barry dying hal goes all traumatic shit w/o him, and the fact that it's implied that hal wouldn't turn to parallax if barry's still around makes things sadder
I still cry about it to this day
I feel that every time I'm reminded of this, I spiral with Hal always saying how he has nothing to lose when really in moments like these he loses everything, and the reaction to it is insane.
This makes me want to bring up a lot of topics about death, losing someone who is loved personally, and what grief does to someone. How it is portrayed here... How Hal handles death throughout his whole life, depending on who passes is a whole different story. And that he could be an extremely sacrificial person who would do anything for the people he loved even if it meant something he was at both his lowest points and one of the most vulnerable points of his life. (This goes for both Barry and Hal. They do anything...ANYTHING...for the people they love.) We even had the time Barry turned into Parallax partially from the parasite, and just gleaming to Hal about the biggest fear is losing someone he loves which is so backhanded to Hal...let me tell you...
(hashtag pulling up cassiegirlwonders saying that Barry is one of Hal's strongest connections to humanity. THAT sticks in my mind.) How much Hal had the idea of saving Barry when he saved Ollie too? What dangerous possibilities would be pulled after Barry's death for Hal should be covered more...
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anax-imperator · 3 months
As a speedster, Thad tended to find himself in places which he did not belong. But more so than often it was on purpose than by accident. Just as it was in this case. The speedster was nosy by nature, what could he say?
Zipping through the facility he was careful not to stop or stay still for too long so not to be caught on any surveillance, but as he made his way through he couldn't help, but be reminded of his own time in the Earthgov laboratories. It disconcerted him, but surely it wasn't anything like that, right? Right? Not all labs were like that.
That's what he had hoped until he ran into...Someone? Something? He hadn't expected to encounter anyone, but here he was face to face with this giant insectoid-- no dragonfly-esque, he corrected as he caught a glimpse of the wings, person. They reminded him of late 21st century Splicers, people who willing spliced their DNA with animal DNA.
"Oh. Woah." He whispers out surprised, "You're huge."
But once his initial surprise wears off, curiosity comes up in spades. What were they doing here? Were they an experiment? An early splicer? These questions rushed through his head while any thought of being in danger was held back thanks to his confidence in his speed.
"What are you? Who are you? Were you made here?" The questions slipped out in succession.
Misc. II Inbox: Open
They didn't recognize this one. Most of the people who came to visit weren't missing the tell-tale white coat with the laboratory's name stitched onto the breast, but this person was, which meant that Anax didn't know him.
This was further supported by the questions that barraged them at high speed from the blonde's mouth.
The subject stooped lower, trying to seem smaller. Whenever they looked bigger, people tended to get in the mood to attack.
Anax wet their lips, their voice coming out scratchy. "I... was made here. I don't know how to answer the first question. They call me 'the subject' on most of their paperwork. They think I can't read it, but I can. I call myself after my friends. Anax. The emperor dragonfly. What are you, who are you, and what are you doing here?"
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speechlessxx · 7 years
It’s Better This Way. (Barry Allen/The Flash Imagine)
It’s been a while since I’ve written for Barry! Funny considering that I actually have been keeping up with the show. 
This is a long imagine ( I seem to be writing these a lot)
Requests Are Open! (Just bear with me) 
I hope you enjoy!
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Barry has noticed how distant you have become ever since the team has been trying to change the headlines of the future. Your usually upbeat personality was cut down and you were nearly as cold as Killer Frost. Your gift of precognition was a valuable asset to Team Flash, but Barry saw how you had been keeping your visions to yourself. 
He stared at you from across the cortex. You were staring off into space, usually a sign that you were seeing something, as H.R. and Cisco bickered about something. Wally had been pestering Barry about all these questions about being a speedster but he had been tuning out the kid. 
In your vision, you saw Savitar pierce his blade into your chest as Barry crumbled to the floor, unable to save you. You pushed yourself out of the vision, closing your eyes to stop the tears from falling. You knew for a long time that they had succeeded in saving Iris, but now you were the one cursed with her fate.
You knew it was selfish to keep the vision to yourself. But you hoped that their continuous efforts in trying to save Iris that they might save you in the process. So far, it was unsuccessful.
“What are you looking at?” Wally finally asked, following Barry’s gaze towards you. “Oh…” The two speedsters watched as you walked out of the room with your head low. As much as Barry wanted to chase after you, he knew that Wally would only tell Iris, who was already having her suspicions about his unspoken love towards you. So instead, he continued the conversation.
A few days later, Jullian was the one to ask you, “(Y/N), what have you been seeing in your visions lately?” You shrugged as you attempted to push past him. “You can’t tell me you haven’t been seeing anything. You’re staring off blankly every chance you get to yourself. Just answer the question, is our efforts in saving Iris working?”
The team all stared at you with wishful eyes. Iris had her bottom lip between her teeth, her sign of nervousness, while Barry had his first pressed against his lips. You thought it was a sign of worry, which it was, but not for Iris. He was worried about you. Something was off about you but Barry knew asking would make it worse for him and Iris’s relationship.
You told them you would check and pushed yourself into a vision. “No!” Barry screamed as he began to run, the yellow lightning coming off of him. But Barry wasn’t fast enough, as much as he wanted to be.. he wasn’t. Savitar was still successful in killing you. You pulled away from the vision. Your friends shouldn’t stress anymore about trying to save Iris. They already had. There was no use in lying to them just to save yourself. You forced a smile, which Barry knew was fake as he also noticed the tears shining in your eyes.
“Iris’s safe.” 
When Savitar made his reappearance, you knew your time to go was near. On the night of your upcoming demise arrived, you quickly found Barry who was pacing around the cortex. “Penny for your thoughts?” You smiled, glancing at your watch. Two minutes.
It was silent for a few moments until Barry blurted out, “Are you okay? You’re always upset. You’re keeping to yourself. You’re always pushing into visions. You gave H.R. the key to your apartment. What’s going on, (Y/N)? I’m worried.” 
You gave him a genuine smile. “All is well, Barry. You and Iris will live a long, happy life together. I know it.” 
“But what’s wrong with you?” Barry asked, stepping forward and grabbing your arms. “Why are you always on the brink of crying?”
“Because my future’s set, Barry.” You whispered, looking at the clock. He’s almost here. “I just want you to know that I love you. I love you so, so much.” Then you pushed Barry away from you as Savitar made his entrance, swooping you away, but with Barry at his trail. 
The chase ended at the same venue in all your visions. “You think you can change the future, Flash?” Savitar’s haunting voice echoed. “You can’t win against me.” He raised his blade and you looked at Barry. 
“I love you, Barry.” You whispered. 
“No!” Barry yelled, running forward. But ultimately not being fast enough. Savitar’s blade sliced through your stomach with ease as you felt the tears rolling down your cheeks. Savitar fled. 
Barry caught your body before you fell to the ground. “Why… why didn’t you tell me?” 
You smiled at him, your eyes glossy. “Be with Iris, Barry. You belong with her… always… It’s Better This Way.” And then Barry watched the life drain from your eyes. The sheen of your tears being replaced with the dullness of death.
“No…” Barry whimpered, pulling you closer to his chest, the tears falling from his eyes. “I love you, too, (Y/N). It was always you.” 
Woah… that left on a sour note… I’m so sorry.
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