#space cat😻🖤
writingforstraykids · 5 months
My beloved cutie mooties🥺🖤
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(edited 12.05.24)
Niki, my beautiful sunshine, I'm so grateful to have you through thick and thin. I'm still convinced you're cute and idc whether you accept that or not. I love talking to you and you're one of the kindest people I know (unless you yell at me you meanie...joking obviously, chill guys😂🖤) I'll always be there for you...also pls stop spending so much money on me cutie😭 Keep shining sunny bunny...love you, pretty girl🖤
my beloved (not so silent anymore) bestie, i love our shared European confusion and confusing the others together in return. you're such a cute little kitty and we all know u love being called cute so...you're very cute, deal with it🤭I love our shared stupidity whenever we talk about the boys and seriously, every time you send me your part for the rambles I'd drop to my knees and pay for it bc holy shit. I'll always be there if you need me, keep fighting lovey. love you unnie🖤
azzy, I'm so proud of slowly pulling you a little from the shadows you were hiding in😂 also...idk how I managed to do so, but I'm still laughing about achieving most of your tumblr milestones😭 i love sharing requests with you, working out ideas or simply do as you said and write what my brain couldn't figure out. thank you for always being there for me and sharing your brilliant brain with me, co-writer🤭 also it's such a bummer we live so far away bc after what we talked about so far I know you'd be the best cuddle buddy🥺 love you azzy my cutest little thing🖤
🖤@jinnie-ret 🖤
jinnie my dear, even though we haven't talked that much so far, I always love it when we get the chance🤭 can't wait to get to know you better as well and I'm already so excited for that fic👀looveeee your writing sm🖤
you're my newest mootie and I love you so much already it's ridiculous (niki can confirm that🥹) you're always so sweet and you literally outshine every fic with your loving reblogs and comments (I'm just too speechless to answer properly, I really love them🥺) so yeah, that's why you got the tag "the cutest" 🤭🖤
Ash. my dear, we don't have that much time to talk usually because you're either working or I'm asleep (a rarity but still). Nevertheless, you have a special place in my heart by now and I'm thankful for your presence in my life. I know who to text if I need someone to kick ass. Your reblogs make me smile like some idiot every time, thank you so much for appreciating my lil dummy ideas so much. love you mama wolf🖤
Miu, babyy, I've made you cry way too often with stuff like this—my bad. I know it's not always easy, but you're one of the kindest people I know, and I love that I have someone with whom I can talk in my native language for once. You're a sweetheart and thank you for always being there for me. I still plan to meet you one day hehe. Long story short, you're amazing, don't let anyone else try to make you believe anything less than that. Bin immer für dich da🖤
heyy mimi, we haven't talked much so far...sometimes accidentally when you mistook my icon for niki's I hope that's easier now😂😉 you seem like such a kind soul and I hope we'll get closer over time (no rush dear!) I'm happy over each of your reblogs, especially after you told us you're too shy to do so sometimes. I really appreciate it, you cutie🖤
I always loved seeing you pop up in my notifications with your sweet comments. I already think you're a sweetheart, I know we haven't talked that much yet. Still, I loved prereading your fics and getting a glimpse into your genius brain. Don't give up writing as long as you have fun with it, because you're truly amazing at it🖤
You've been around on my prior blog already and still my stupid brain didn't realize you've changed usernames for so long😭😂 I always look forward to your excited comments and reblogs, they're truly a boost of motiviation ngl. Hope to have you around for a long time🤭🖤
Your excitement for that Minchan series made me think about writing bonus chapters for the first time in months. I really love seeing how you get so invested in some of the stories, which makes me want to do better hehe. Also...omg...I'm still thinking about that one fic you wrote a while ago🫠 I'm excited to see what's next and hope we'll get the chance to maybe talk some more🖤
Without giving away too much, your brain is amazing. I love your requests so much and you're always so kind when I get back to you to make sure I get everything right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about certain topics and stuff I haven't so far🖤
love, love, loveee your blog (for obvious inspirational reasons😉) you seemed like a very sweet soul whenever we talked before and I'll always be there if you need someone to talk, even about the most random bullshit😂🖤
You're such a lovely person, I can't even put it into words properly. Your writing is beautiful and I'm still in love with that stargazing fic with Channie😭 always love talking to you and seeing your comments🖤
I've told you so before, I wanna kiss your brain so bad sometimes. The stuff you come up with for me to write is brilliant. I can't wait to finish more of your requests and share ideas as soon as possible! Love you hehe🖤
Heyy sweetie, I love seeing you in my notes and I swear I'll get that Minchan x Hyunjin thing done for you!! Thank you for all the love, dear🖤
The amount of times I made you choke back tears at work is...concerning and I'm so sorry, I don't do it on purpose, I swear😭😂 your reblogs are always so genuine and make me feel like I did exactly what I wanted to with the fic in question. I appreciate your words so much, thank you!
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
Good afternoon, darling Cat Mom! 💖 I hope that today is treating you well.
I am here to take up space in your ask box again with more questions about your version of our lovely Maggot Mommy. 🥰
In the film, Ellie’s physical body dies in the process of the possession taking hold, and is at least dead for a short period of time. ( Whilst she’s tucked up in bed. ) This is why she has the delightful blueish-grey tint to her skin. 😻
So, for your own personal version of Maggot Mommy.. Do you see her physical body to still be completely dead, or is her body alive again now that she is possessed? Or perhaps you see her as undead.. in the way that zombies are both dead but alive?
Does your Momma have a beating heart? Circulating blood? Does she have any specific bodily functions that still work? Or any bodily functions that still require use / attention? ( For example, eating / drinking? Going to the bathroom? Getting wet? 😏 )
Is your Momma warm to the touch, or does she feel cold? Perhaps certain parts of her feel warm, and other parts feel cold? For example, her skin may be icy cold like a corpse, but her mouth / tongue is still hot? Or maybe rather than feeling cold, Momma is actually hot to the touch,? Like a perpetual fever, from being inhabited by a demonic entity?
I am an absolute sucker for details, so I want to know everything that there possibly is to know. 🙊
Sending love and clawed Momma hair strokes your way x 🖤
Well hello there lovely! 🥰💕 I´m doing quite well, thanks for asking. 🥰
Hbu dear? You better stay hydrated in this weather! ☝🏼🫗
Oh please DO feel free to take up as much space as you wanna with all your delicious, detailed questions. Details are my weakness! 🥵🥵🥵
Ohhh, these are some questions indeed ALNALSDNFASDNLFÖ. My brain´s already tingling, lemme tell ya. Love them! 😍
...damn, that´s actually quite complicated lmao. Like, Momma´s dead but at the same time she´s not.
I like to think that a part of Momma - the Ellie part - is defo dead, rotten, has ceased to exist because otherwise that demonic entity wouldn´t have been able to take over. A body can´t have two residents, two souls (even if one of them is rotten to the core) and while split personality actually does exist irl that is a whole other topic and has nothing to do with demonic entities taking over (and I, in no way, mean to downplay that disorder or make fun of it).
So, when I say Ellie I´m talking about the very soul, the spirit.
Ellie had to die in order for that demon to take full control over mind and body. But, at the same time, while It doesn´t require vital functions like respiration, digestion, excretion or a beating heart to simply be, the (Ellie) shell It inhabits does. And, as with any housing, you gotta take care of it and do some maintenance so it doesn´t start falling apart over time.
So if that entity plans on getting comfy then It gotta keep the "house" in shape, lest it starts rotting.
So yes, that body IS still alive and kicking in a way because It makes it so in order to be up and about in actual, physical form. It´s like a parasite latching onto and taking over another life form to be able to thrive which is only possible if the parasite doesn´t kill its host.
Now, as for your deliciously detailed questions about Momma´s inner workings as well as her body´s temperature...I think it´s not a matter of if it happens but when. Because that body is still active in some way but, at the same time, not active enough to pass as a real human being. Meaning, the body being "alive" is not a permanent state but rather...it´s remaining on standby until the situation requires for it to "wake up". Or until it´s starting to protest because Momma keeps neglecting it because she doesn´t know how to human, at all.
So, Momma can be warm to the touch and can have a beating heart and circulating blood and she can have bodily functions that still require use...if the entity wills it or the situation requires/triggers it. My latest post is actually a good example of what a trigger might look like because her darling Drama Queen getting manhandled like that surely triggered quite a bit in Momma, made her boiling with rage and if someone were to (be foolish enough to) touch her in that moment they might actually hear a hiss! because Momma is literally boiling. Overcome with a fury you do not wanna witness.
(Btw, I absolutely love your idea of Momma being quite hot to the touch because of the fever she might´ve been suffering ever since that parasite took over. 👌)
Sometimes a situation requires certain bodily functions though and now the aforementioned maintenance comes into play. Like, yknow, making sure the facade hasn´t got any cracks and frequently unclogging any drains that require it and mowing the lawn and-
So, at some point, the body will give out these signals when something ain´t right. Be it dehydration, starvation or near passing out from a lack of oxygen because Momma does tend to forget us meek humans kinda need that stuff to survive - wimps.
However, as I´ve said before, it´s not permanent but more like a refill, like someone refueling their car - enabling them to continue driving over a longer period of time before the next refill is needed. Momma´s filling her tanks, so to speak.
However...given the right motivation...if SOMEONE desired her to...demanding her to get all hot and bothered there´d be no hesitation, Momma´s on it - body heating up in milliseconds - and you actually start to sweat a bit already-
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(I also feel it necessary to mention that Momma can heat up any part of that body...separately. The choice is all yours... 😏🔥)
I´d say she´s rather cold to the touch by nature though because that body has died already and runs on standby most of the time now.
So, to summarize:
It - the evil entity - is the main source of power that keeps everything running, the brain if you will. In order to exist in physical form It needs a host though. Enter Ellie shell (I´m sorry girl 💔).
Ellie shell needs constant maintenance to be able to run smoothly though. So It better take good care of Shellie because no body = no hands or tongue or anything to smother her darling Drama Queen with, climb into her and be one now and forever-
(It has to be said though, it does help with the maintenance that Maggot Momma´s got a rather excellent wound healing.)
Oh! One thing I´ve been wanting to mention as well is the fact this demonic entity knows stuff only human!Ellie could´ve known. Like the fact she calls aunty Beth "Bethy Boo" or "groupie (slut)" or just being quite maternal in general, albeit in a very deranged way. All signs that there´s a connection and Ellie is still there somewhere but not really present, it´s more like an echo.
(And now I´ve actually made myself fucking sad - mourning Ellie and thinking about how she deserved so much better. 😭💔)
But yeah, I like to imagine the whole process of being half dead and coming back to life again, systems booting up only if necessary, works similar to someone bridging their car because I asked Google because I´m a nerd and this is what it says:
"...where two channels are combined to produce one channel with maximum output power."
I think this hits the nail right on the head. ☝️
Tysm for your ask. I hope I was able to answer your deliciously detailed questions equally as delicious and detailed. 🥰🥰🥰
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middlenamesage · 2 months
There is some very healing and loving energy in the mix with today’s solar eclipse, and I woke up to immediate proof of it. 🖤😻
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My two cats were not only huddled up with each other (not that they haven’t done that before, but it feels like it’s been weeks or even months since I’ve seen it), they were both huddled up against me, specifically near the top of me this morning. They’re usually closer to the foot of me. But thinking about it just now🤔 Aries does rule the head. 🧐 Perhaps they were feeling a little insecure and/or wanting to protect me. But their energy was/is actually quite calm today.
Chiron (which is also my gray cat’s name!😻) is exactly conjunct this eclipse. My own many experiences with and reflections on Chiron have lead me to see his energy and function as cathartic healing as least as much or more, looking at my life at this point, than it is just wounding.
Honestly, Chiron has been an energy that’s pulled me in and compelled me to keep doing things that activate his wounds. He seems to heal through a kind of painful self exposure that at times looks like a person choosing to put themselves in situations that bring them personal anxiety and pain. But the resilience and strength I have been slowly building up from these years of Chiron in Aries squaring my own Chiron, and then my Mercury (which is conjunct my natal Chiron) feels honestly profound. Currently it feels like my Chiron conjunct Mercury in 5th house is mostly used to inspire healing self expression for myself, and in the best cases even others, through my writing. ✍️
Let us never forget Chiron is the wounded healer. I also wanna note that in the current transits, Mercury is only 5° from Chiron and this eclipse, and is retrograding back towards a full conjunction. You can use this energy in your own writing if you feel inspired to explore cathartic healing!
No matter what, listen to yourself right now, because this eclipse wants to speak to you; to let you know what you need to embrace in yourself and also potentially some things you need to shed, in order to start a new cycle of having more clarity and confidence in your distinction as an individual. ♈️
As for relationships, I think this eclipse will also be speaking to us. If a relationship is holding you back as an individual, that will probably become clearer than ever. Don’t ignore the messages. Likewise, relationships that have been allowing both parties continual growth in their individualities while also providing a safe space to come together, will likely strengthen in the aftermath of this Aries-Libra eclipse season.
What this is, is a supercharged New Moon. Have compassion for yourself in this possibly tumultuous season of rebirth. ❤️‍🔥
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keikiiart · 1 year
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Our fourth (& my personal favourite 😻) pin reveal of the campaign…Devilbat Cat! This pin will be a 2” hard enamel pin with METALLIC BLACK METAL PLATING 🖤👀 designed by the lovely @violetcascade , this pin will come for free if you pledge for a hellfire club / tiefling #itabag on our catsanddevilbats kickstarter ! Or, you can pledge just $10 to get just a pin :)
Our Kickstarter is almost 50%!! Our wish is to hit 50%/$5k before the end of the night. Have you adopted your space kitty yet?!
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iffoundreturntosea · 3 months
February 23, Day 54
Day 54 2015
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Yay, it's not a picture from my bedroom!
#nofilter #ice #rocks #winter #chilly #cold #picoftheday #project365 #day54
Day 54 2016
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Playing with my new macro lens on my iPhone!
#sweater #closeup #macro #thread #red #pink #shadesoflove #february #picoftheday #project365 #day54
When I do themes it can leave out a lot from what I did that day. For example, this day I got to see my pupper, Josey, which happened once a year until she passed away. This is a great example that you never know what anyone of us is going through at any given time.
Day 54 2017
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A somewhat delicious, cool chocolate drink on a hot day....in February.
#yoohoo #chocolatedrink #cool #hotwinterday #chocolate #february #picoftheday #project365 #day54
Day 54 2018
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It’s a zoo around here!
#surprizamals #niece #stuffedanimals #toys #play #smile #laugh #silly #love #pictureofapicture #instax #polaroid #snapshot #february #picoftheday #project365 #day54
Day 54 2019
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Carly is such a good girl.
#carly #pup #dog #dogsofinstagram #tongue #goodgirl #outside #beautifulday #greengrass #springisbasicallyhere #treat #dogtreat #dogbiscuits #nationaldogbiscuitday #february #feb23 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day54
I'm always excited when I get an animal tongue! haha
Day 54 2020
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I need space
#create #imagine #space #wateronthewindshield #water #raindrops #waterdrops #february #february23 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day54
I also really enjoy turning water droplets on my windshield into something else.
Day 54 2021
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Today was so hideous I took a walk and watched this weird duck harass these other ducks.
#texas #notsowinter #80freakingdegrees #creek #buffalocreek #water #ducks #hybrids #mallards #nature #outdoors #lessstressmorefun #whateverthehelliwant #february #february23 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day54
Day 54 2022
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My snuggle bug all nestled in 😻
#leo #kitty #cat #furbaby #snuggles #itscoldoutside #february #february23 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day54
I lived for the days that it would finally be cold enough for Leo to come snuggle me!
Day 54 2023
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Totes not ready for spring and summer.
#wtfistotes #flower #wildflower #create #springiscoming #nature #february #february23 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day54
Though I agree with the sentiment a year later, I'm not sure what possessed me to say totes! ahaha
Day 54 2024
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Found me a black shell on the beach today 🖤
#black #dailytheme #beach #bluesky #shell #february #february23 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day54
I’m not ready for summer… ever and it’s way too early for these spring days!
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Up for a challenge?
Tell us about when Owin met Chloe, from Chloe's POV.
Why did she decide to adopt him? 😻
I'm going to make this a double. You'll get to see what lead Owin to want to adopt, and then him there at the shelter, but also Chloe. Because this is too funny!
Tolerate You
Summary:  Owin meets Chloe
Pairings:  Owin X Mrs. Drysdale, Owin X Chloe, Owin X Aster
Rating:  cute and fluffy, with a bit of vulgarity 
Warnings: language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.4K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Owin Everett-Levinson Masterlist
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“Owie, I think you’re lonely,” you take a sip from your coffee, but he just shakes his head no.  “Yeah, you are.  You don’t bring your couple week long girls here.  You eat at your parents house the majority of time, unless you’re at Az’s and cooking for her and Ellie.  You are lonely.  Why don’t you want to be here?”
“Because no one is here, but I’m not lonely.”
“You need an independent animal,” Owin shakes his head no starting to protest.  “Yes.  A cat for you Owin!  They’re independent.  You’ll want to be at the loft more.  You’ll have something to snuggle with in the middle of the night.”
“Aren’t you a dog person?”
“But are you?  No.  Dogs are needy.  Cats can be needy, but they also like their space.  Want me to go to the shelter with you and just see how you feel about cat sweet boy?” 
“Owin Apollo, you’re going with me to a shelter, and you’re going to look at the cats.  That’s it.  Plus, think of how adorable a giant man and a little pussy cat would be.  The pussy you keep chasing around might stay a bit longer,” you get up to leave his loft, and when you catch a glimpse of that smirk, you know where this is going.
“Mrs. D, so that means if I get a cat, you’ll give me your...”
“Owie, you better stop before I call Ransom.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
Owin looks around the shelter and is immediately overwhelmed.  Complete heart eyes at every little cat he comes across.  Spotting a giant Maine Coon immediately he runs to it.  “No.”
“Mrs. D, look at it.  It’s giant like me.”
“No, the loft isn’t exactly big enough, and that cat needs space to play outside.  You’re place isn’t suited for him,” Owin pouts at you, but you still shake your head.
“I guess I’m moving into the guest house, and this one can roam around,” you still shake your head.  “You just don’t want Mr. D to be jealous of me being that close.”
“You figured me out, Owie.  Look at this one,” you point at a little kitten.  “It looks sweet.”
“Can I have them all?”
“You didn’t want any, and now you want all?”
“They need me.  They’re lonely just like your favorite giant.  I want them all,” he stops his words to see a crate being carried away with a hissing cat in there.  “Where are you taking that?”
“No one wants a hissing kitty.  We uh...” they stop when Owin walks closer and looks into the crate.  “Ragamuffins usually aren’t this feisty.”
“Ragamuffins?  This...that’s the breed?  Ragamuffin?  Huh, look at you, you little bitchy thing.  Not so tough looking at me, huh?  I feel like we’re meant to be.  I love muffins.  You are a muffin.”
The cat moves further back into the crate looking at the big man.  Terrified at the large demon that dares to invade her privacy.  She attempts to give him a little hiss, but it falters in her throat and it only makes her more angry.  “You’re nothing but a little puss with me.”
“I want to hold her,” the volunteer just looks at Owin odd.  “I’m a big boy.  If she scratches me, I promise I won’t cry.  I want the cat, and I need to know if she’ll let me hold her,” the cat pushes way up against the carrier.  “You stop that, and let me hold you.
A mitt sized hand grabs her out, and cradles her against his chest.  She can’t quit glaring at the large man holding her.  Her body rigid in his arms, but she doesn’t hiss.  Doesn’t go to scratching him.  Her mouth open almost like she’s going to hiss, and it pisses her off that she can’t.  “What’s that cat’s name in Aster’s favorite movie?”
“Aster has a favorite movie?” 
“Yeah, the puppet boy.  That black cat.”
“Fiagaro?” the volunteer asks.
“Oh...no, the fish’s name then?”
“Chloe?” you ask him trying to remember the characters name in Pinocchio.
“Yep, that’s it.  Chloe, you are mine,” it isn’t until an inked up finger pushes on her cute little nose that she stares up at this giant.  Realizing that he has claimed her.  Making it her mission to protect him, and ward off any creatures that may harm him.  “Chloe it’s perfect for this bitchy puss!  Bag her up.”
“He’s not being serious.  Get the papers for him to adopt the bitchy kitty,” when the volunteer just stares oddly at Owin, you’ve had about enough.  “He’s taking the cat home.  She is calm with him, yes?  My son, and I use that loosely.”
“She means, I didn’t come from her vagina.”
“Owie, hush.  He’s my second son, and he’s a good kid...adult,” you can’t believe you called him an adult.  Still seeing him as your own child.  Chloe looks over at you, and it’s now you that boops her pink nose.  Her blue eyes zero in on you, now vowing to protect and love you.  Make sure no harm comes to you.  You are now her peoples.
“Az!?” Owin shouts carrying the fluffy cat through the door.  “Azzie?  Aster!” he shouts again.
“What?” she walks around the hallway carrying a two year old Ellie that screeches seeing the cat.
“Why do you have a cat in my house?” 
“This is my bitchy puss, Chloe,” he proudly sets the cat down who is just frozen looking at the little person.  
“Kitty!” Ellie sits down in front of her, and Chloe can’t take her blue eyes off of Ellie, and then the little beastly boops her nose.  Zeroing in on this little creature, she crawls into her lap and starts purring.  “My kitty.”
“No, Owie’s kitty.  Chloe?”
“I thought you would like it.  I named her after your fish,” Owin gives her a big smile. 
“Do you see a fish here?  I don’t do fish.  What are you talking about?” 
“Well, the fish in Pinocchio,” Aster only laughs, not realizing she’s giving Chloe a pet to her head, and even rubs her cute pink nose.  Chloe’s eyes move between the three, realizing her numbers are vastly increasing.  She’s unsure of how she got here, or why there’s so many of these things.
“The fish in Pinocchio is named Cleo.”
“Well, I like Chloe.  Your mom said that her name was Chloe.”
“Don’t trust mom with Disney.  You should have asked dad,” Aster lifts the cat’s head up to look at her.  “She is kinda cute.”
“My kitty!”
“Owin, I think it’s time for you and the puss to leave.  My child is not having a cat.”
“I’m offended, Aster Drysdale.  This puss is perfect for Ellie, but her is my puss.  Aren’t ya Chloe?” Chloe in a trance at the giant just nods her furry head with him.  “See?  She told me I was her and she was mine.  Now, what’s for dinner?”
“I don’t cook.  So you tell me, Owie?”
“Oh, I see what cha did.  You know, if you and Joshie get married, is he going to expect you to cook?”
“Ah, but that plan doesn’t go into effect until I’m thirty-five.  I’m still only twenty-nine.  Not to mention, we were children when we made that bet.”
The two leave Ellie and Chloe in the living room together, and Chloe just rubs her fluff all over Ellie.  This youngest beast, is her favorite.  She must leave her scent all over her.  Loving the little giggles when she tries to clean Ellie’s fur.  Not even caring when the little beastly tries to push her away.  This little one needs cleaning, and she tastes like...strawberries and Biscoffs.
“How come you never made that pact with me?” Owin asks pulling stuff out of the pantry, while Aster grabs two wine glasses for the cookie process.  
“Do you remember the one time we kissed?”
“Nope, remind me.”
“Yeah, you remember it,” she starts taking a sip from the wine, and Owin narrows his eyes at her.  “Sorry, I’ll save this glass for me for later.  Here’s your beer,” she responds popping the top.  “I threw up.  You pushed me away so fast, I almost threw up on myself.”
“You were drunk.”
“I was buzzed.  Did it feel right?  You wanna try again right now big boy?” Owin only gags, and Aster takes a peek into the living room.  Ellie laying flat on her back, while Chloe and her just look at one another.  “That’s creepy.”
“No, I don’t need a repeat.  It felt like kissing my sister.  So does Joshie have a big dick?”
“I’m sure if you asked, he’d pull it out and show you, but I ain’t talking.”
“Az...what was it that Joshie pulled out of you for the first time.”
“Shut up.”
“Joshie always will have a special place in your heart, because, he gave you, your first orgasm.  You cried because you had never felt that way, and Joshie just kissed away your tears.”
“Owin Apollo!”
“Aster Sapphire!”
“We don’t talk about that,” she answers calmly.  “Add some wine to the pasta.”
“You love me though.”
“I guess,” she grouses, “You love me more.”
“I love Ellie more.  I tolerate you.”
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
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@galaxycatdrawz trying to make me get some sleep every evening and stop writing😂😂
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
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AZZY, NIKI WTF 😭🤣🥺 @galaxycatdrawz @atinyniki
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
You're literally flirting with so many people. Kai, Niki, Miu and now @galaxycatdrawz
Is that a question or an observation?
Also...Are we?👀 @galaxycatdrawz
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
At this point I should call @galaxycatdrawz my co-writer...or brain. The amount of times I've showed him an ask and he delivered the perfect idea I just had to put on paper...😂
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So if I talk about a collab with the shadows in the future you know what's up😂 Thank you Zehina unnie @skzoologist for these very accurate little memes🤣🖤
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! ❤🌹♥ Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people you adore! Absolutely no pressure but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better🌹❤
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
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