#sorry meyers but i wont let you spoil female friendships
fanfictionroxs · 5 months
Meyers really created this complex sibling dynamic/female friendship between Leah and Emily and expected me to just accept that they would forever be fighting over a guy? Nah man.. these girls loved each other FIRST. Sam came into the picture later, it was LEAH that was the first wolf Emily loved. And Leah imprinted on Emily long before Sam ever did in every way that mattered. They were sisters, they ARE sisters, they were best friends, they still ARE, they would kill for each other, they would die for each other. Sure, a guy came in between them, but it wasn't just any guy. He was Emily's soulmate who was WITH Leah for years.. what does it say about Emily and Leah's souls? How similar must they be or how attached or codependant or intertwined? Does this mean that at some point maybe Emily dated Leah's soulmate? Will she lead him/her to her sister as Leah brought Sam to her even if it was in the most fucked up way possible. Because see despite all the bitterness and anger, Leah agrees to be Emily's freaking bridesmaid despite clearly showing extreme antagonism towards Sam and everyone who gets in her line of fire.. yet none of it seems to be directed towards Emily (mostly) who it seems gets a special treatment from the girl who doesn't spare ANYONE. I dunno man, but the books gave me major 'Emily and Leah are each other's weaknesses' vibes and anyone who thinks that Sam is more than a stumble in their relationship needs to look again.
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