#sorry alskjdfljsd
greensaplinggrace · 3 years
7 on the ask meme?
(Salty Ask List)
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?: Most of the Marvel movies and the Marvel fandom, especially when it comes to Steve Rogers. Stucky and Stony especially. Almost anything that has to do with Game of Thrones, excepting Braime. The FFVII fandom in regards to ship wars - I still love FFVII but idk when I'll ever be back at this point lol. Supernatural, although to be honest I still think it's fun and the fandom gets too much flack for being "cringey", mostly I just don't like it now because of how the writing tanked and the rampant misogyny/homophobia in both the show and the fandom alike. Lots of the things I don't like now are either because production got so bad I couldn't stand it, or the fandoms got so bad I couldn't stay in them anymore.
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