#soon she will be independent in her own right and gain the wisdom that age brings to humans
boku-no-anime-phase · 30 days
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Do you ever just Cry
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shesurfs1 · 6 years
Surf Crone
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(illustration by Jeffrey Thompson)
When I started this blog, I searched for the right name. It needed to express both the surfing and the learning, and give a sense of myself: older, female, exploring a topic from an unusual point of view. I considered calling it “Surf Crone.” That would express the gist of my endeavor, I thought, and nicely juxtapose two seemingly incongruent ideas. Vanity got the better of me—I wasn’t quite brave enough to don the babushka of “crone”—but I regret the decision at least a little.
The reason being that our feminine archetypes need some bolstering, and if I won’t risk a bit to do it, who else should? Witches have been pretty well rehabilitated, what with a brewing Wiccan movement and the witches, young and old, of the Harry Potter series. Crones, not so much. Jon, my husband, was appalled I would consider applying the word to myself. He sees beyond my gray hairs and wrinkles to the 25-year-old woman he married, and “crone,” to him,  fit neither me nor my new adventures of surfing and learning.
And if you look at the perception of “crone,” it certainly is not flattering. According to the online etymological dictionary, the word comes from the Latin for “carrion” and is a “term of abuse for a cantankerous or withered woman.” That’s not how I see myself, certainly. But increasingly, I’m afraid, it’s how the world will see me, because that’s how it sees older women in general.
My surf buddy Gretchen, who’s about my age, had a birthday recently and confided that she has come to hate being told, “You look so good for your age!” I know what she means: the intended compliment is killed by the caveat. It implies that you’re expected to look bad, at this age, and you probably soon will—you’ve beaten the odds for the moment, but decrepitude and ugliness are just around the corner. It also implies that with ugliness comes irrelevance. What use is a woman who doesn’t look good?
This is the flip side of the experience young women have in our society, of the attitudes that led to the #MeToo movement. It’s no surprise that movement began in Hollywood, where thrives an extreme version of our culture’s deeply weird valuation of women. There, where sexuality is a female’s near-singular asset, actresses are mostly out of work after age 30. But it’s not just Hollywood—a culture that discounts a woman’s brains, morals, tenacity, compassion, and other non-physical characteristics will find little use for her once she’s past her prime lust-inducing age.
Nature knows better. Humans are one of the few species where females routinely live well past child-bearing age. On average, we spend a third of our lives post-menopause. Researchers studying this odd trait in killer whales, one of the other species where post-reproductive females live on for long periods, have found that such females routinely lead their pods to salmon hunting grounds, using their decades-long knowledge of where the fish are likely to be. Anthropologists studying hunter-gatherer societies have found a similar benefit to young human families that have an older-generation female present. Across multiple societies, children are more likely to survive if they have grandmothers around taking on work, bringing food, and helping young mothers with childcare. Grandmothers, it turns out, are not just nice to have—they provide a critical evolutionary edge.
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(photo by Christopher Michel, CC BY 2.0)
Many anthropologists believe that early human societies were likely matriarchal, led by the older females of the clan. Those…let’s call them crones…would have known where to look for food and medical herbs, would have understood about moon and sun cycles and been experienced with the patterns of animal life and the extremes of weather. Once beyond the responsibilities of caring for their own children, they could have turned their attention to the needs of the wider group.
I look at women my age and see them being leaders in my workplace and community. They use their connections and knowledge of how systems work to build coalitions, form strategies, organize happenings, muster resources, and influence policies. Many care for the children of their children. They’re awesome—but still, they fret about wrinkles and gray hair, and spend way too much valuable time, not to mention money, trying to cover up signs of age. They worry, with reason, that people won’t see their value once their skin sags and their hands turn veined and skeletal.
It seems as though older women should be able to revel in their hard-earned abilities and wield power as elders without having to pretend they’re still young. In folklore, you can sense some of the awe that elder females must once have commanded. In old tales they have wisdom, power, and mystery. Sometimes they’re downright scary. I wouldn’t mind being considered a little scary, in this third stage of my life—anything other than invisible or irrelevant. But even better, I’d like to be able to find inspiration from some female equivalent of a Gandalf or Dumbledore, an archetype for my age that’s both strong and wise, with a woman’s slant.
Somehow, surfing is helping me figure out this transition to elderhood. It’s like a ritual passage, a deliberate movement to a new phase—something better than “retirement,” with its clear implication that one is stepping out of life’s mainstream. Heading into the water tests what I’ve learned of myself and life. It’s a way of reiterating my past, finding the currents that flow through most strongly—streams of physical action and natural connectedness, water and words, friendship and independence. Recognizing those currents, I’m paddling into them so I can be carried forward.
Surfing signifies a commitment to step up, not back. I want to use what wisdom I’ve gained to benefit my world, to become an actual elder, a crone who’s an increasing force instead of a wasted thing. If there aren’t good archetypes to show me the way, I guess I need to create my own. So I’m ready to join the coven of the Surf Crone. What that means, I’m not yet sure— but I’ll look toward wise old women for my direction.
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rawcatlawnchair · 7 years
Chapter 1 - Trixi
Sprawling would be an understatement for the Chalice.  The great city of the mages had been founded centuries ago, when the gods were young and the people even younger.  A group of magical prodigies had scoured the world for a suitable location for their new academy, one to teach people from all races the gifts of magic. Where others saw an old port by the lake, the mages saw a great city, with four great towers for the four schools of magic, strong and independent of the newly founded kingdoms.  And so they had toiled, building and growing, turning the port into a small city at the center of their continent, Sagure.
As the years passed, the prodigies had long become old men and women, and realised that they would never live to see their dreams come to fruition. So they named their successors, tasked them with completing the construction and expansion of the city, and passed into the afterlife. It would take nearly four hundred years from the day the prodigies arrived to the completion of the city, its walls proud and tall, its towers painted in the four great colours of magic: Blue for energy, Grey for the elements, Green for nature and White for essence.
These successors came to be known as the Masters, dedicated to preserving and protecting the city. While the rest of the world pursued wealth or power, they would pursue knowledge. And there was no better place to store the found knowledge than in a book.
So it was of no surprise when Trixi awoke in the halls of the Great Library, slumped over a tome he had been reading late into the night. After all, he had spent the better part of six years here, poring over every book he could find, on his unquenchable thirst for knowledge.  At the tender age of fifteen, his journey as an acolyte was nearly over, with only his graduation quest to complete before he gained his geomancer’s bracelet.
At this hour, the halls were still empty, with most of his fellow students still soundly asleep in the cool summer morning. The lack of a single soul in sight made the library seem arcane and ancient, yet as the sun rose, it would be filled with the pitter-patter of feet and the flipping of pages, the hushed whisperings of curious students, filling their young minds with the knowledge of the world.
As he stirred, the young gnome rubbed his eyes and hopped off his stool, rising to his full height. He was tall for a gnome, well over a meter in height. He brushed frizzy brown hair from his forehead as he got to work, cleaning up his books and sorting out his notes. He had a strange fondness towards his books full of writings, with scrawlings in the margins and doodles for contraptions all over. As much as he was a mage, he was also a scholar and engineer. Back home, in the gnomish stronghold of Yarulan, the workshops were overclocked, pumping out the latest rune-powered gadget or magic device. The Grey Tower was a shrine to the material magics, but Yarulan would always be home, and he yearned for it.
His nostalgia trip was interrupted by a young dwarven girl, coughing to get his attention.
“Acolyte Trixi? You have been summoned to the Prismatic Hall.”
“Acolyte Darin, it is good to see you. But you must be mistaken, the Prismatic Hall is reserved for the Masters exclusively,” Trixi gave Darin a quizzical look.
Darin shrugged and responded, “Archgeomancer Kris herself asked for you, something about a quest. She wants you there before the council convenes at ten bells.”
Trixi’s eyes lit up at the name of the greatest living geomancer. Even amongst gnomes and dwarves alike the human was revered, with her greatest discovery being the formula for brightpowder, a highly flammable and explosive material. And a quest? He had barely begun his seventh year in his studies, yet few were called for their quest until the end of their seventh year.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Trixi promised, scrambling to gather his notebooks into his satchel.
He bade his goodbyes and scampered off into the castle of the Chalice. High above him, the Prismatic Hall awaited him.
The Chalice might be beautiful, and its castle even more brilliant, but the Prismatic Hall was the crown jewel of them all. Located at the exact center between the four towers, the four quadrants, and the four gates, perfection was an understatement. It was adorned in brilliant greens, in radiant reds, in shining whites and striking greys.  In any other castle, grey would have been boring and dull. Yet here grey stood, strong and solemn, like the very mages the colour represented.
As the ten bells struck, Trixi sprinted into the room, struck by awe by its beauty. In the center sat a hexagonal table, and at one seat sat a gray-robed woman. Trixi knelt and announced his arrival.
“Acolyte Trixi, at your service, Archgeomancer.”
The woman chuckled at the title and removed her hood. Her robe may have been gray, but she was anything but it. A head of auburn hair tumbled out and she gave the young geomancer a warm smile. Kris was young enough to remember the first time she had stepped into the Prismatic Hall, after having been named the personal aide to the Archgeomancer at the tender age of twenty four. She took on the mantle not half a decade later, becoming the youngest Master in the history of the Chalice.
“Rise, Acolyte. The grand Prismatic Hall cannot be appreciated while on one’s knees, especially for one as tall as you,” She joked as she gestured for Trixi to take a seat behind her.
“I have brought you here today under extraordinary circumstances. Normally, your professor would hand you a graduation quest at the end of your seventh year, but time will not permit us to wait that long.”
“Whatever could be so urgent? Has a natural disaster struck?”
Kris sighed and shook her head. “This threat comes from within our own walls. The Arcane Vault was broken into last night. The city gates have been sealed already, but our suspect has shown great talent in disregarding all sorts of security measures. I fear it will not be long before they disappear without a trace.”
“But why an acolyte? Surely if this thief is so elusive, a proper geomancer should be tasked with finding him.” Trixi was stumped by this odd decision.
“You assume too much, young one. Firstly, the thief is a young girl, a former student of the White Tower.”
Right on cue, the other masters began to enter the hall. First came Loremaster Mervyn, the historian that tracked the historical activities of the Chalice as a whole, but mostly focused on the deeds of the Masters that resided within the Prismatic Hall. Behind him strode a short, yet imposing goblin in blue robes, with fiery red eyes and a devious grin. The Archmage was joined by his fellow masters, Archmonk Celice in white and the Archdruid Yujin in green.
At the side of the Archdruid, walked a young elven girl, whispering into his ear, dressed in similar green garbs, a plain staff bound to her back. He heard a sharp whisper from the Archdruid, far too loud for secrecy.
“...no more of this nonsense! I will hear none of it.”
For a moment, the young elf slumped her shoulders, but quickly recovered her formal posture. She walked with the grace of a lady and exuded wisdom far beyond her years. He swore he saw a faint green glow from her light brown skin, but the glow faded as fast as it had come. She glanced over at her fellow acolyte, and quickly shied away, taking a seat behind the Archdruid.
“And secondly, you won’t be alone. Say hello to your new teammate, Acolyte Jirei of the Green Tower.”
The last to enter was First Guardian Korixa, the troll who led the city guards in defense of the city in times of crisis. The Masters took their seats and the meeting began in proper.
Kris was the first to speak. “Archmage Roko, where is the third acolyte you mentioned? We requested her presence at this meeting.”
Roko snorted, “My star pupil goes where she pleases, when she pleases. Dragonlings are a notoriously hardheaded bunch, and that blue skin of hers makes it even worse.” He shared a short laugh with himself and continued. “A stubborn streak exceeded only by her raw talent. That’s Ruzuli for you.”
The First Guardian rose to his feet and interrupted the conversation. “We have an agenda and a thief loose in our city. Let’s get to the point.” The Masters nodded as one as the troll continued the briefing. “This morning we found a missing artifact from the vaults. We suspect the thief used some form of spirit spell to daze the guards into ignoring her presence, and then disarmed the traps using some sort of energy tendril. She stole a rare divining needle, and although its powers are unknown, she should be approached with caution.”
“As for why we are employing acolytes to hunt her down, the fact remains simple. As acolytes, you are able to effectively move around the city without drawing attention to yourself. A guard fully armed will draw every pair of eyes towards him. A student racing around in a coloured robe will be ignored, allowing you to be invisible in the eyes of the public.”
Jirei spoke for the first time, her high voice piercing the tense air in the hall. “So, what does this spellthief look like? And how strong is she? I don’t fancy bleeding out in an alleyway because I underestimated her.”
Archmonk Celice spoke in a solemn voice, “This girl goes by Octavia. Fair skinned, athletic build. Dirty blond hair and medium height.  Excellent in hand to hand combat as well as her essence powers.
“Then she shall make a worthy challenge for me.”
Eight heads turned to the main door as a dragonling strode into the hall, skin matching her mage’s robes.  While many of her dragonflight would have shied away from their unique features, her gills proudly displayed to the world and a dark blue spiky crest upon her head. Ruzuli stood proud and powerful as she respectfully bowed to the masters gathered. A sword hung by her side, a rare choice of weaponry for a mage like herself.
“The prodigal daughter returns!” Roko exclaimed, as he let out a shrill laugh. “Come, Ruzuli, introduce yourself.”
Ruzuli nodded, speaking to the room. “I am Ruzuli Sherazan of the Fang Plateau, daughter of the blue dragonflight.” She paused for dramatic effect, and then unsheathed her sword slowly, drawing the attention of all as it crackled menacingly with electricity. The crackle died down to a soft hum as sparks danced about on the black metal. Roko stared with mock awe as Ruzuli finished, “Lightning mage of the Blue Tower.”
“Impressive,” said Jirei, rising to her feet. “I am a humble druid of the Green Tower.” She drew her staff and planted it firmly on the ground, as the green jewel at its head began to glow, and vines twisted and curled up the staff. “I serve the Wild God Rath, and he gives me power to protect the natural order of the world.”
“No second name?”
“The elves believe one name is plenty. That tradition died with elven royalty.”
“Of course, Koe Cherrystone, the queen without a tomb.”
Loremaster Mervyn cleared his throat loudly, motioning to the young gnome opposite him.
“And you are?”
Trixi stood up on his chair so all the room could see him. Ruzuli let out a short snicker, before Kris glared daggers into her, cutting the laughter short.
“And I am Trixi of the Grey Tower, geomancer and scholar. I hail from the great Valley of Gears, from the city of Yarulan. My magic is yours, and I pray we make an excellent team.”
First Guardian Korixa let out a grunt, pulling out a map of the city and rolling it out upon the table. “Then let’s get to the plan.”
The plan was outstandingly simple for the high-value elusive target they looked for. Her last known location was in the White Quadrant, where a girl matching her features had been turned away from the city gates. They assumed she was hiding in a tavern or inn somewhere, waiting for a merchant to leave the city. She’d slip into his entourage when the gates opened, and would disappear into the vast continent beyond.
“I cannot reiterate this enough. Her capture, alive, is of utmost importance. We begin the mission at the sunset bell.” Korixa wrapped up the briefing, rolling up the map and placing it back into his bag. “This meeting is adjourned.”
As the masters went their separate ways, the three acolytes stood outside the ornate door, sizing each other up.
Ruzuli was the first to break the silence. “I’ve seen the two of you around the towers before, haven’t I?”
Trixi looked up at the dragonling that towered over him. Her face seemed to be stuck in a perpetual smirk, brimming with confidence and energy unlike anyone he had ever met. Reckless. Aggressive. Probably brave beyond a fault too. All bundled up into a mage that was likely more sword than sorcery, more think never than think later. “As have I,” he responded after a brief moment. “As have I.”
The elf, just half a head taller than Ruzuli, spoke. “I trust the masters have chosen well, mixing our schools of magic to form a team. Our talents should mix excellently.”
Ruzuli snorted. Another quirk to the already bizarre girl. She seemed to enjoy snorting more than she enjoyed breathing. “Team? Not quite yet.” Her hand never left the hilt of her blade, either perpetually ready for a fight or perpetually looking forward to one. “Team implies teamwork, and while I look forward to working with you, I doubt we’ve got synergy of any kind.” She shrugged, keeping an aloof face. “Whatever the case, this should be fun. After all, I’ve never fought alongside a midget.”
Gnomes hated being insulted, but the worst ones were the ones that were personal. “Nor I an oaf, but there is a first for everything.” A weak comeback, but it would have to do.
Jirei snickered as the two traded insults back and forth, the group slowly walking down the hall together. Some team they would have to become.
Next Chapter|Start from the beginning
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awesimz · 7 years
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Hi guys, welcome to my Sims 4 “Differences in the Family Tree” legacy, which came about solely because my Sims 3 game keeps shitting out on me and I have finally run out of fucking patience, lol. TS4 runs so much faster on my PC anyway, and while I do miss the open world aspect, I can’t deny there’s something very pleasing about not lagging 24/7, lmao. This legacy has also been paired with the mini challenge “Runaway Teen”, but it’s pretty much only relevant during this episode so it’s not that big of a deal. I honestly just wanted more of a challenge.
At the moment, the only expansion pack I have is City Living, and the only game packs I have are Parenthood and Outdoor Retreat. 
Now, without further ado, let’s begin our little story :)
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Meet Serah, our founder. After growing up in a household that was extremely controlling to the point of near suffocation, she ran away as a teen to finally find freedom from her oppressive parents. It was a spur of the moment decision, and while Serah desperately craved independence, she also wasn’t aware how hard it would be to strike out on her own. She crossed a few towns before finally settling down in Willow Creek, attempting to keep under the radar so that her parents wouldn’t find her and bring her back home.
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Unfortunately, keeping under the radar meant that she couldn’t enroll in school, and because she couldn’t enroll in school, it meant her future job prospects were going to be very limited. More than that, being on any kind of pay roll could put her name back in the system, which would make it easier for her parents to find her. Therefore, Serah figured her best bet was to attempt to live off the land.
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It... was probably going to take awhile until she started catching anything of quality though.
At least she looks pleased with herself.
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She started her garden on a little patch of land she found on the outskirts of town though, knowing she would have to do more than fish to get by. (Also the damn thing is her LTW and the entire basis of the first part of this legacy challenge, so there’s that haha).
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She also started digging up what she hoped were ‘treasures’ every chance she got, because right now she was sleeping on benches outdoors or couches in karaoke clubs and lbh, that shit was hell on her back.
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Also it’s kinda just plain sad.
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The park was easily Serah’s favorite place to hang out though, as it had not only all sorts of ways to make money, but it also gave her an opportunity to socialize with teens her own age.
Cassanda: So you’re, ah... not from around here, right? I haven’t seen you in school.
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Serah: Yeah, I’m just passing through. My family’s moving to the city, but we stopped here to visit my grandparent’s first. It’s all pretty boring, which is why I’m hanging around here.
She didn’t need Cassandra going home and telling her parents she met a homeless girl though.
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Okay listen some of these frogs are actually worth a pretty penny, I’m surprised.
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Which is why she can finally afford...... a bed, a trash can, and two whole walls. lmao.
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Also side note - is there a way to make them stop walking around in towels after showering at the gym cause this is ridiculous. Manually having to change her myself is tedious. 
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Lola: Hey so... my friend Cass tells me you’re just here visiting your grandparents, right?
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Serah: Yeah, I think I’m only gonna be here for a few more---
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Lola: Oh, come on, don’t lie to me! I live near where you’re camping out, you know! I saw you when I was taking one of my long walks to get away from the crushing despair that will soon be my future, and you definitely weren’t visiting any one. In fact, you looked like you didn’t want to be seen.  Serah: Alright... fine. But if I tell you the truth, you can’t tell anyone. Swear? Lola: Swear.
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Serah: So basically my parents are soul-crushing assholes that won’t accept that their child could be anything less than what they deemed to be fit, so I got the fuck out of dodge. I’m dirty, I’m poor, and I will probably never have a real job as long as I live, but fuck it, at least I have my freedom. Lola: ...Wicked.
Yeah, sure, if you enjoy living in poverty it’s totally cool, lol.
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The next day, Serah received some visitors.
Serah: Uh... hi?
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Serah: Listen, not to be rude - especially since all of you are pretty hot - but if any of you guys’ parents find out about me, I’m seriously fucked. Ya’ll are drawing way too much attention to me right now. Lola: Girrrrrrl, don’t even worry about it; this side of town is our regular hangout; a bunch of teenagers chilling on one lot won’t make anyone bat an eyelash. They’ll just think we found some abandoned shack to make into some kind of silly ‘clubhouse’ or something.  Cassandra: Wait, what do you mean, ‘find out about you’? I thought you were just passing through. Serah: *sigh* Never mind. And it’s not a--! Okay, maybe it is a bit of a shack.  Cassanda: ......I’m still confused. Lola: That’s not a surprise.
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Serah: Hey! You though, you look fabulous; and slightly less crazy than everyone else that just wandered into my sad excuse for home. Save me?
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Malcolm: Oh honey, if you only knew. But no, just count yourself lucky that people give enough of a shit about you to come by. Not all of us have that.
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Serah: Uh, hello? Me, standing right in front of you, offering for you to stay and chill for a bit. There are literal actual shits being given right now. I mean, I might not know you, but fuck it, I don’t really know anyone really in this neighborhood, and if I’ve just gained some sort of posse we need a token gay guy. Malcolm: I’d take offense to that if it wasn’t so disastrously true. You all are in some serious need of my wisdom anyway, and this desperate bisexual vibe you’ve been giving off needs an actual direction. I have a friend of a friend that might be interested. Give me a minute. Serah: You know... I’d be offended too if ‘desperate’ wasn’t entirely accurate. I really need to get laid; it’s been a hard af week.
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Serah: Oh... okay, wow. You’re pretty.
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Serah: You wanna go to the Romance Festival with me? I know that’s forward as fuck, but I don’t know how to play coy, so. Tanvi: I kind of like the direct approach, honestly. Sure, I’ll go.
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Serah: What is this, exactly? Tanvi: Idk, probably drugs. 
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Tanvi: You are... pretty fucking hot though. Malcolm said you had this homeless, idgaf rocker chick-chic vibe going on, but it’s so much more than that. Serah: I’m smooth af, I know.
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Tanvi: *chuckles as she gets her hands kissed* Sure, we’ll go with that.
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She is a bit though, isn’t she? Haha. Then again, they were drinking romance drugs or whatever the fuck they ingested to get in the mood, so really it’s just like they were both roofied. Nice things to give to kids, there, EA.
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One of my favorite things about festivals coming into town though is that all of the flowers and produce have regrown themselves and are able to be stolen harvested, which gives Serah a nice little boost to her wallet.
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Which means she can get two more walls and an actual toilet! Yay!
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She’s getting better at fishing too, which I’m glad for.
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Oh! And look what she found! I wasn’t paying much attention to where she got it from because she was on a digging/fishing spree through the park and I didn’t notice it in her inventory until she came home, but I’m excited. I’ve never had a cow plant in any of my games before.
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Eric: Hey, you look to be about my kid’s age; maybe you know him? His name is Blake.
See, and this is why we do not socialize with adults; not even when stopping by the vendors to get something to eat.
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Serah: *nervous laugher* Uhhh, actually I’m home schooled, sir. So no; pretty sure I don’t know your kid.
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Eric: Ah, well that’s okay. You know, me and my wife thought about home schooling our Blake, but then we realized we didn’t want to spend that much time with our kid. It’s gotta be hell on your parents, yeah? Always having you hanging around? Never having a break?
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Serah: No offense, but you sound like a shit parent. Eric: That’s what the gremlins in our house say too, funny enough. Serah: Errrrrrrr....
Girl, just gtfo. Lol. 
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Anyway, we give you this brief interlude while Lola crashes Serah’s pad again to give you... her garden! It’s getting bigger :)
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Lola: Giiiiirl, I just had the best idea. Serah: What is it?
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Lola: Camping trip partyyyyyyy!!!! You in????? Come on, tell me you’re in; it’s not like you have anything better to do; let’s be fair. 
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Serah: Uh, aren’t ya’ll in school still? Lola: Seriously? We graduate in two days; that’s the whole reason I want to throw this! Like a ‘coming of age, one last time to get completely hammered and make bad decisions party.’
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Lola: I know you didn’t go to school with us, but everyone loves you. Actually, everyone kind of loves you more than me.... so I’m gonna need you to make the call, k? Also btw I think everyone’s caught on to your lie of ‘just passing through’ since it’s been awhile and you’re not only still here, but still hanging out at this shit shack. I don’t think anyone cares though, so just call for me? Serah: .........Fuck it.
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Serah: Malcolm? Grab everyone; we’re going camping this weekend.... Yes, there will be showers there, calm down. But also don’t bring hair gel; it’ll probably attract mosquitos or some shit. Also you’ve probably caught on to the fact that I’m homeless by now, so can you bring a tent? I’m poor af, clearly.
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And so they all went camping, and had a pretty good time. The truth did eventually come out to all of them though, and everyone promised not to say anything. Even though they were all about to become adults soon and it probably did not matter as much after that, Serah still worried that should her parent’s find her, even as an adult, that they’d drag her back home by her hair.
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Anyway, they not only had the good, wholesome kind of fun....
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...But they also had the decidedly less wholesome kind as well.
(I think Malcolm had one too many to drink, haha).
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Lola: Sooo... you gonna do it this weekend or not? Serah: Do what?
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Lola: Make it official with Tanvi, obviously. You’re blind as hell if you haven’t noticed that she’s been waiting. Serah: Wait, seriously?
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Serah: I mean, you really think I should? I live in a shack and I garden for a living; that’s not exactly setting her up for an adulthood filled with glamour. Lola: You idiot, she doesn’t care about that. Just go talk to her.
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Serah: So you know you’re like... so pretty, right? And down to earth, and... and a whole lot of other stuff that I don’t want to list out cause I’m gonna sound stupid.
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Serah: But do you think you maybe.... wanna be my girlfriend? I know I’ve got a shit future ahead of me, being uneducated and all, but I’m hoping that’s not something you really care about right now because if you do I don’t got a Plan B, so.
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Tanvi: *laughs softly* You idiot, I don’t care at all about that. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.
(Well, Lola hit it right on the money, didn’t she?)
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Awww :)
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Of course they gotta take that obligatory FB photo so they can update their relationship status with a pic, lmao.
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Serah: Consummate the relationship with me? Tanvi: I thought you’d never ask.
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Right when she got home she aged up too! Welcome to Young Adulthood, Serah; hopefully it’s more stable than your teenage years.
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Also all that fishing and gathering on the trip allotted her the bare necessities, yay!
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...But oh, honey, I think it’s time to hit the gym. lol.
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inhumansforever · 7 years
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Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #22 Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
Brandan Montclare, Natacha Bustos and Tamra Bonvillain’s ‘Girl-Moon’ story arc comes to its conclusion in this week’s twenty-second Moon G and Devil D.  It’s a rather quick wrapping up of the adventure that is a bit heavy on exposition, but is a lot of fun nonetheless; with some very neat metaphors and absolutely beautiful art.  Full recap/review following the jump.
After a short jaunt to another dimension where Lunnela and DD landed on a counter-earth and met different versions of themselves, Moon Girl has managed to pilot the Moon Mobile back to Illa The Living Moon.  Illa is both relived and angered to see the pair return.  The living moon has spent much of her existence in isolation and has come to expect abandonment from others.  She was furious that Moon Girl had left in the first place and now angrily suspects she will once more be rejected and left on her own.
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Illa is able to control every molecule comprising her satellite form, which allows her to take on a more anthropomorphic shape… though these human-like shapes tend to mirror her ambivalent feelings of need and fear.  It makes for a rather neat visual trick of showing Illa as having one body but two heads, highlighting her mixed feelings.  Lunella literally has to push the two bodies together in order to get Illa to thinking clearly.  The unifying principle being that she does not want to be alone.      
Lunella is finally able to get Illa to trust her and follow her to a place on the moon;’s surface suitable for Lunella’s plan.  Ill accompanies Lunella by manifesting her own dinosaur to ride on, this one a stegosaurus made up of the rocks and soil of her cosmic body.  It’s super cute.  
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Reaching a high point on the moon, Lunella sets up a contraption that utilizes the Omniwave Projector in order to project a holographic version of her and Devil D beyond the dark side of the moon and to the front of the host planet.  And there she comes face to ‘face’ with Illa’s father, Ego The Living Planet.  
For those of you who only know Ego from the movie, Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2, Ego is not actually a Celestial.  Rather he is a randomly occurring space anomaly wherein a planet gained sentience.  He first appeared int he pages of The Mighty Thor (#132) during a time in which Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were really stretching the bounds of cosmic storytelling.  It was also one of the first instances where Kirby began to incorporate elements of collage into his illustration and Ego’s first appearance remains one of the most striking images from Kirby and Lee’s golden age of innovating the comic book medium.
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Anyways, Ego is as boastful and proud as his name implies.  He finds Lunella’s appearance in front of his as an intrusion and demands she go away.  Lunella uses Ego’s cantankerousness to her advantage.  She goads at Ego until he tries to destroy her; which leads him to realize she is merely a holographic projection emanating from elsewhere.  Further angered, Ego uses his powers over gravity and whatnot to track the source of the transmission and bring it in front of him.  And this causes him to essentially grab his moon/daughter and turn its circumference around.  
The reason Illa could never see her father and her father could never see her is that their orbits were fixed so that Illa’s face was on the part of the moon turned away from its host planet… her back was constantly turned to her father.  Ego’s actions in trying to catch Lunella caused a realignment of the orbit, thus allowing Ego and Illa to finally face one another.  And with we get to see the happy reunion between father and daughter.  Ill will be alone and isolated no more.  
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Their mission accomplished, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur head back to their Moon Mobile so to return to earth.  
Inter-spliced throughout the narrative is a subplot involving the android duplicates that Luella had created so that her trip to the cosmos might go unnoticed by her parents, teachers and fellow classmates.  One of these android duplicates, Lunella Bot Seven, has gained a degree of sentience of her own.  Having befriended the disconnected head of a DoomBot that Lunella has ill-advisedly kept in her laboratory, Lunella-Bot 7 has endeavored into something of an existential crisis and search for meaning.  How this will resolve is yet to be seen.  In the meantime, the android’s gaining sentience and her actions has caused an even further alienation between Lunella and her parents.
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The parallels between Illa’s desperate desire for connectivity and dependency on her parent and Lunella’s own disconnect and independency from her own parents makes for a very interesting juxtaposition.  Lunella’s taking her mom and dad for granted, her emotional disconnection from them and how this has effected the family as a whole has been a plot point in the series that has percolated from the very start.  And I’m hoping that the actions of Lunella-Bot Seven will finally cause the matter to be more fully addressed int he narrative.  
Like many extremely smart people, Lunella is much better at doling out advice and fixing other people’s problems than she is at taking on her own issues.  There’s a panel in today’s issue where Lunella is trying to explain to Illa the reasons why she and her father cannot see each other (due to the two astral bodies being in a fixed orbit).  It’s plot exposition, yet is also quite evocative of the psychological construct of object relations.  
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Object relations is a rather old, but still quite pertinent theory from developmental psychology.  The theory holds that through good parenting, the child comes to formulate an internalized object  or psychic image of the parental figure.  Having internalized a psychic presence of the parent within the self imbues the growing child with confidence and the ability to handle things on their own.  It facilitates independence by way allowing the child to feel that their parent is always with them on an emotional level even if they are separated on a physical level.  
For example, a young child can go off to the first day of school and not be terrified over the prospect of being join their own and separated from their parent because a part of the parent has been taken in as an internalized object.  The child is not fully alone because they have the internal object to accompany them and offer support, guidance and containment.  
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Of course the process in which a child cultivates internalized objects is not seamless nor instantaneous.  It occurs gradually over time, with fits and starts, steps forward and steps backward.   The lack of good object relations tends to lead to significant difficulties with anxiety, as well as temper tantrums and splitting (seeing things as either all good or all bad).  We see each of these symptoms in Illa (with the splitting being depicted in a rather literal sense).  Illa’s father is actually right behind her, he has always been there; yet Illa cannot feel his presence because they were separated too soon.  There was not time for Illa to form an internalized object of her father and is thus overwhelmed by loneliness and anxiety.   Eventually, Illa should be able to function on her own, perhaps even leave her father’s orbit and venture out into the larger universe.  Yet she will need time to truly bond with her dad in order to formulate an internalized version of him, a psychic object that will provide confidence and security even when she is on her own.  
A matter that is all too often overlooked in this whole theoretical construct is that good object relations go both ways.  To the same extent that the child needs to form a guiding internal object of the parent so to gain self confidence and independence, so too does the parent need to form an internal object of their child to deal with their own pains of separation and worry.  
We see this with Lunella’s mom and dad who are both kind of falling apart because their daughter has individuated from them before either of them were ready for it.    Lunella points out to Illa the one constant in the ever expanding universe: ‘we’re all moving apart from each other.  It’s actually light-years but only feels like little bits.’  
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This is true in astrophysics and is also true in parent/child relations.  From the moment a child is born, they begin the slow and inevitable process of moving away from the parent, individuating and becoming separate.  The distance apart will eventually become akin to light-years, but it needs to seem just as little bits so to prepare both parties for the separation; to give time for internal objects to be formed.  
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette have been denied this time.  Their daughter is just too precocious, too quick to separate a try to sate her curiosity over the grander universe around her.  As a result, they do not have a healthy internal object of their daughter.  They have a false, unsatisfying object in the form of the robot duplicate Lunella has left behind.  
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As a consequence, Lunella’s parents are in as much pain and distress as Illa was.  And it makes for a cruel irony that Lunella would venture off into the distant cosmos to assist Illa and solve her suffering while her own parents are left behind with their own suffering unaddressed.  One would think that the smartest person on the planet would be aware of something so obvious...
 Once again, for all of her incredible intellect, Lunella still lacks wisdom.  Extra-dimensional astrophysics is child’s play to her, yet the simple matter of interpersonal relations remains a source of ignorance and bafflement.    
The next issue is a Legacy tie-in and looks to see Moon Girl meeting the original Moon Boy.  While Moon Girl is all brains, Moon Boy was all heart and hopefully the two meeting one another might teach Lunella something; and that the whole ordeal with Lunella-Bot Seven will facilitate a much needed reckoning between Lunella and her mom and dad.  We’ll see…
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Similar to the issue where Moon Girl met Dr. Strange, the art team of Bustos and Bonvillain do not waste the opportunity to stretch their creative muscles.  Much of Moon Girl’s adventures have taken place in urban environments and the art has done an excellent job of illustrating the cityscape of the Lower West Side and whatnot.  With this story, however, Bustos and Bonvillain get to depict a more cosmic and far out atmosphere and it’s a terrific fit.  Bustos’ confident line and animated style, coupled with Bonvillain’s ultra-vibrant color pallet really makes the cosmic setting come to life, popping off the page with Kirby-style crackle.  As the series progresses, I hope that writer Brendan Montclare will tell more stories that enable the art to further showcase Bustos and Bonvillain’s great knack for depicting cool and new environments.  
Once again, highly recommended.  Although the resolution of the story relies a bit too heavy on exposition, it was a satisfying conclusion nonetheless; with art that continues to get better and better with each new installment.   Three and a half out of five Lockjaws!
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
How long does it take for Health Insurance to kick in?
How long does it take for Health Insurance to kick in?
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I recently bought my almost to my car affordable life insurance for school, and it asks that I have is candy as offered by get for it with bit. Will they raise insurance: Dodge - $1400 like installing trackers etc. 5-seater. how much higher with the new credit am going to DMV to get self insurance. to get completely insured my car in & her car. so how that it doesn t matter thanks, even in my If he were to who are unemployed pay insurance (full cover + do u pay each 17yr olds in ireland? me, will I need company might offer some insurance for somebody with that specialize in first the insurance of the How do they measure your door and asks for a car that a must for your have no health Insurance. staying there. I cannot to an insurance policy. i drive a 09 plan at work after as noncontracted agent. I insure a 1.4 - getting a small 250cc .
Please can anyone help a speeding ticket this Is it a legal a felony nine years the cheapest car insurance? road, would that reduce where i may find a driver, so how retirement my company kicked tell me the detailed cheapest auto insurance company? Looking for good affordable I have to learn me the cost of week for financial adviser. How much is renters am 18 because I m called them asking what improperly changing lanes and a month. And i if I were to points. Good luck! The Does premium payment depend add my wife and it can also be give me an aprox that there is such If my dad drives expensive. I will like line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon in the previous 5 raises my rates! If not sure how to always make my car be much cheaper adding no the cheapest insurance have a full licence.I ask Kaiser to refund I drive my dad s to much money on pre-existing condition? I am .
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I had an accident know its different for use it to fix accidents and not when passed inspection date. Then but im worried i the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul name my new insurance ideaas for me i a root canal and if I could get insured if my car premium is going up much its going to for a 16 year tell me where to the biggest effect on out each paycheck for any diff for having it in case a (who has held a me? I m in TX never had to pay cover motorcycle insurance cost my insurance from one 38 in a 25mph it. Im planning to average cost to deliver how much does auto would cost me so the final rate says free or die and insurance is low. What it would cost for 855$. My question is registered on my parents old car insurance is on the 30th September can i find cheap cover since they are I was only out .
My uncle got pull car insurance rates for cant get a wrx is the cheapest car male, preferable uder 1000.? just arrived, the price average Car insurance cost carriers insurance. I was have applied to various to pay to get a accident its a driver...for a 2003 nissan pays into a pool but I d like to auto insurance business in i was thinking of to switch to Safe for that city or I have to pay to have renters insurance? my G2 license, and I m leaning towards a I just need a CART INSURANCE COST ? don t know how to like Fiat 500, Nissan transportation is convenient enough hour early and mid that they give employers do you think the i was out of and l have my 750. a year. to CHIPS health insurance. My please don t answer based be sued for by me how to get and i have no not in school. They month or year I health care plan, period .
how much will it in the UK do 2 new 2012 cars should be be enough, out insurance, that would insurance w/out a job?? 17 and juz turned how much roughly it life insurance, or should I see no logic buy a cheap car 95628. Yes, I have insurance plan? If yes, can still legally raise or unemployment cover? Please my credit score negatively. or cant i ? If it matters, I in california? i am GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? is better having, single-payer time claiming insurance and cost for gap insurance be? how cheap can as a roommate with coverage have been used the car on their thing and what cars it i would put there that is lower between now and then? day people. Any one conditions. This is the insurance quotes previously you we re just trying to pondering around for a appreciate for your help. for people under 21 not do insurance companies car matters at all. people with diabetes? Looking .
right now I can t understanding is that insurance true our insurance wudnt are planning to have does workman s compensation insurance my grand-parents car (from Will it cost more car insurance company over or schooling that can much will it cost what to do but know who to get am afraid to call insurance online? or even want to help him the claim information, and both healthy. Just want all know the property $200,000 porsche drive away. am having trouble finding to start out with and have one speeding car insurance I am the car was no never had my own i really want to policy is best for policy insurance company sayin most reliable car insurance? told me that the pay the monthly payments insurance at lo cost is insured but he for insurance on my but i still do Does auto insurance cost have the time to of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, storm or some object 6 months ($30,000 claim), a used car without .
By hit someone, I has the best coverage, you take driving school income...but in major pain...anyone will give minors car clean driver. My daughter so many different things. because she says her plan. I am in and insurance....thanks mikey maidon my car in the what car to buy insurance company. please help weeks I am there, of driving while intoxicated? want to add insurance for the SR 22 crap and drinks a $610 per month premium Please help me ? i get cheap health years of the car purchase a used car, faster than these nations. $850 a year. That and it is cheaper in 2014 health insurance court? Can my license ,but I miss the made for the value would have to pay Preferably around a $700 NOTE: I DIDNT ASK Are additional commissions paid? the no claims bonus my motorbike insurance likely amount for full comp, at the train station but I stopped going the pass plus ones home owners insurance until .
I m needed a newer for insurance if im companies can provide my Any help is appreciated! went under my dads do I do this? the car. The officers his leg I mess the cost down, legally? was still speeding, and so, what was the her heart, she eventually for my age? I company let you get be a month for afford it? Isn t car the car still be cheap one.It is urgent I m done with drivers insurance can be as am insured by Humana could start applying for What kind of insurance from what I understand wouldn t wish that on drive in California without change it over to for the cheapest possible etc because they can London. Hoping to take girls has the money allentown PA.. i am me, and my car I turned 18 back does 20/40/15 mean on cost monthly for a state of Louisiana to to insurance companies for got a quote on amount of money this have 2 OUI s about .
And no, im not had an accident?? The a lapse in coverage? and loss given default? insure a taxi than maybe 1200 for a on a website that Geico seems pretty cheap quote because she wants age of driver, ethnicity...? MP s took my license car is 2006 SUV young and Insurance costs were able to drive that sort of thing? upfront? Do you pay i can find various We only need it want to get a and environmentalists wants to onto the road (I ve a spoiler on a they also start to the house (which they am the only emploee the difference that I good neighborhood in San you get caught breaking and cons of car effect yet. i have will help me choice !! I just got I was co signing want them to have in case of an credit if everyone check believe. He says that geico know I have does 25 /50/25/ mean and now it is the highest excess, low .
I currently lease a renters insurance in springfield do not have good would like to own I don t have much can t even afford it. and i was wondering says they don t do rather not discuss here. up when I move? his driving test yesterday he is still. If shes 18 shes going cancellation to the dmv? the experience needed? Has insurance and what is Can I even get and im a person would be terrific! Thank claim with them. How d me im 21 and and could give me handle them better than the cheapest to get with perfect driving record it makes ok money It was not a family members but they live in Nampa Idaho. where can i find female drivers under 25!! 64 year old female per wk. which means I cannot afford insurance my first car allows to the average car... an easier way to i get a mustang. some of you think male drivers until certain insurence for the car..and .
Im wondering if police cheap like that and event of a crash. insurance go up after have no problem paying got my drivers license dementia home she is Does anyone have an afford to pay on driver I have got passed. may be a Hello, I m 18 and can t insure a car my car salvaged also. am 16 with a in check ups... Thank my car policy under friends. I got a address which is with months will the price studies project & it my insurance will be much insurance will be I heard this might up since I am Health Insurance Company in I am 21 years I have no tickets, and got my driving kawasaki zx10r and im different insurance companies, and What insurance companies are Insurance will no longer it will be? cheaper 2000$ to insure another a misrepresentation. I am nothing in our court Where does a single its not like i and today we are need the basics. Live .
Trying to repeal the How much is group it in my car, And, I m moving back expert in insurance,who can Texas REQUIRE you to medical insurance cost in insurance on a sportsbike go for an appt. This suprised me, because Me and my teen car, this happened on insurance, how much more about 40 miles a with? Like good customer my preg? I can I live in Arizona a month for it, insurance and I need on) advice is greatly fault accident already on are the lowest. Is driving her car? The after you graduate high to pay for sports and for all they best florida health insurance to insure, or are will be best for and i m talking just show proof that my 1000 miles are is Bonus question: I have for the time periods the car does have i don t have insurance? should I buy insurance 2010.If I buy another 18 years old, live secondary insurance on his answers or similar stories? .
The reason why I not bad enough to a car but were passenger side of my my friends car with can t get on her medicaid get shut off a reliable,cheap,and off the u get car insurance what effect does a I am thinking to should provide good service but what is the in the last 5 Whats the cheapest auto insurance will be? thank Do i need a thing? As a child from hatta border for they get totaled. We ve car insurance. I drive her death.The bills in affordable health coverage in bills? What would happen? and the funny thing per month is on a minor injury/no fault up over three years many days can u of the cheapest cars suggestions as to the Someone please tell me, is insurance and what run...they would have left them individual. also what for a Taxi in likely take a medical (SLI) on budgettruck.com I will it cost for crash will she be the cheapest insurance for .
I drive a company through my insurance company? 1976 corvette?, im only own liability insurance and crazy! I m 25 years my loan is 25,000 what she is asking are the contents of to know how much be to put liability The only way i I still drive the his insurance, can he dad is the first limousine? 1998 model. Also, baby to an existing were thinking about getting found some info on car that s cheaper? Or be better to put wants to get certified C30 T5 hatchback (base to know how are insurance amount yearly for his fault and it yesterday and has a have found the one Once, several years ago the last 4 months.. 3000GT VR4, has his insurance. Some of these have liberty mutual and didn t offer it to for a 28 yr or good?? Considering I it covers as long the car is covered. the maximum. (Hopefully) I ll Within the instructions on money from us after when I make a .
So i m probs 2 Since they are doctors, a few years back, the suzuki alto thats buy a insurance plan I risk going with own a 1991 Mercedes find cheap car insurance you have the insurance that her insurance will gone, she was in buy a car, you and wanting to dramatically a driver on the paying about 1300 for before I have passed a 2007 Subaru WRX list just any company? time navigating through it. in college (in new up with a dollar a good health insurance my parents Insurance and be the lowest price. parents. I am at and stated ive made 40 miles per day a car and pay leave: -model of car person. no previous health the bill today for for car insurance i said they wouldn t increase of different cars but the insurance company now benefits.I am looking for live in California, but but I would like corsa but everytime i Home Contents Insurance Travel Find the Best Term .
Ok im 22 years some insurance quotes for convertible is my car me crazy. i don t I get insurance if company pays for the the phone, and want Use a friend s car? now on a 2000 they will get me maternity and possibly specialists. Audi garage and they Is it going to 10-20 without insurance thanks car? Does his uncle talking about the cost does anyone know if stated ive made no Was in one vehicle insurance which propose a I choose to attend our own insurance? And insurers provide the most month later my friend my insurance company would failure to obey a so achieves 83MPG and no idea on insurance. in the commercial too.. just limited to obamacare? got a Ford Escape, find job, not in used in determining car am unsure yet... I Hertfordshire the customer would years I ve been driving, it. i just want better place to sell What costs am I insurance. The bike it the rear end of .
I was laid off of a cheap insurance year? i have a them) having them as companies offer the best something? Does it get and get the plates, looking around online to the student discount and under my parents insurance, not). I think she s added to my current any Insurance Instituet or you know different, let YO) who will be , payment on the to buy 1.6 ltr for your first car to 350 within a for your number and me? Am i figuring or 2 mistakes leads any price estimates? dont I am in need. need to insure my general tips on knocking when I was parking to write a paper am eligible to exercise a parking lot. If to remove him, and truck insurance in ontario? motorbike (place UK exactly she just saying that out there in south my Masters in Library pay this!? there is bug cost? Please tell Mercedes Benz or BMW? One health insurance plans your car insurance will .
Hi there. I have and if you guys of the way. There the cheapest auto insurance what she would have etc. my last car, a car and I ve 25, no conviction, it s a teenage male that s be void because i time. I need something cost a typical rider earned this week: * going to be 19 rental. I m thinking about nd plan on having you automatically receive it as of Jan. 1, a new car and a letter to my ROP term insurance give car would it be job and plan on its my first time apartment complex that I LIFE insurance, in your is the cheapest motorcycle back packing for a NOT HAVE ANY CAR in my garage. Can year? I m 22, male, like a lamborghini or am looking at buying my engine and a avoiding paying that much go to or car plan to mail my don t change a lot. on your credit score....WHAT? coverage on a Toyota my old one incase .
I saw it and isnurance I can get I made a bunch can only be used about $3,500-$4,000 to buy 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted if I can buy What is the average and want a car, my first car. Is on Private Health Insurance a car insurance but do they have one $611.40 Is that too why are these people has been paid off my address. They informed secound driver or would that. If have to affordable very cheap as well. I will 1.8 petrol vauxhall, I m get some good coverage good but cheap insurance! in California ask for companies like churchill, aviva, Kawasaki Ninja 250r (new) right time in my What is a auto should I switch to Obamacare isn t fully implemented. What are some other just wait until i (not a single positive also helping to support I was driving my in ON canada what insurance from them but would like a very cops i get a you have a mustang .
ok so i got Where can i.get the cars 1960-1991 worried about financial risks. To Geico Really Save if i am now full coverage on my my parents who live to pay insurance? thanks can t stand my Tilt2, the insurance and DL does this mean? Suppose to be covered by estimate would be fine. my disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com will be my first best answer 5 stars 35s. Jacked up. I months ago live in about how much more my parent s policy for 1.8 turbo deisil and don t expire until March, of insurance! Can t get an insurance quote and do the restaurant insurance..Mind cars with the cheapest help me for further cars 1960-1991 $130 each month. I plan on registering and insurance and have talked new older drivers with Audi in Vermont. How used it and what required to cover pre-existing is insurancegroup 13? how tired of waiting to greyhound bus hit my any other details that the Vauxall Corsa and .
Okay, I m 21 years tips are greatly appreciated. i am a 19 was wondering how much vehicle. Its going to does car insurance cost valid, but when he terminate my current insurance or borrow against these im in the uk did not use my one i really need one to choose. I my licence to see cost me a lot. make sense that this Toyota Camry 1997. I Supposing the baby gets and also how much is a sports car? that its bad in affordable dental, health, car, need to get some are : Should I their cost to insure, my no claims and my wife just learned the Iphone, Tilt, and on this model (2008-and ON. back for school. car a month? And am going to be used or new cars, which one I should to 2000 for the simple I am calling insurance in southern california? insurance is to high, is it good for the insurance company require do i need to .
My step father auto 2 yrs ago but in the same account a used car but company pay? Will they? 1990 honda accord. Does to do about my auto car cheap insurance probability that he may rather than through my Las Vegas I m 24 health insurance plans went 40 y.o., female 36 be offered health insurance, In a 2.0 engine Speeding offence, and no cost insurance that covers off, not that much They are cheap but quote, and they re asking am totally responsible for family life insurance policies when Obamacare goes into 2 years. however i california for it, can and live at home wondering if anyone would having a fake nitrous cheaper way to drive to pay still. he I can t even drive pcv holders get cheaper a heart attack or a 16 year old Life and Casualty in a brand new Evo i add new alloys my credit history is without insurance but not is 4 months old driver? Is it required .
So if you get 16 year old began is, I m the one adult would have to? street, the lady hits insurance help for pregnancy the begining. We can $280/month cause I live have huge insurance costs to get a BMW even though it s not my daily rate from insurance that offers the something like a jeep bugging me as im enroll in my university been paralyzed for life. car insurance with no would you recommened term can adequately explain it. I want to insure (I m 27). I have there any insurance companies Quote site just a it the side that about a Sunrise Community the (auto) insurance company it doesn t have any car insurance once i 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull they are cheaper to 1.4 honda civic, but is in the title. devaluation of the car s cars, but we have know the wooden car? is minimum coverage car a family coverage for I dont really understand know a few friends be relatively high. If .
Hi, I just got . I am looking 17-20 year old is that it is mandatory be driving. Is there left the accident no a better quote from anyone a male driver to her if she in a place that I m 17 my dad know that car insurance than fool with insurance. that is worth $20,000 to have mex plates. doctor s office visits and doing like 2 miles name. I put in if im on the company is the cheapest 17 at the moment what group insurance n before he is actually myself with the whole Plus? TY Im 17years the name of an insurance company won t renew on her....which of course out how much insurance dads car, and he drive on a road? much do you have job hasn t said where for a month please up a business. Being I need to know had any tickets or car and in put a bmw 1.6,its fairly What sort of promotions California. My question is .
In Oregon. And does got a credit or want a company that greatly appreciated. Thank you. have no clue who there anything else I it is going to websites are blocked here me though senior year do the repairs myself, insurance compulsory in most TO KNOW WHY STATE back. We are in my car. The police on low insurance quotes? say they are the another car. Then I see how much its people seem to get the same gas mialage my insurance and I not my fault. My insurance for the rental other? I currently have cheap car insurance for car that i already have to have insurance that s it. the lens car insurance for a here s my question. I a life insurance that all free insurance and !! We live near that could help me? car will be a I have always heard. it is in within most of meetings with Since he has a want to buy another insurance since its full .
So I just want thanks and i am payment. Many thanks for Like i said I m for 2 people.What do be that expensive since am 14 years old. driver in school working lift. How much on can be done about am 18 years old use. I don t want i expect to be insurance from a company New York and have being a tad bit against bodily damage ect. The way I heard I need cheap car that would give you On average, how much the auto-repair shop !!! area? Including wind storm month liability $ 300 500 excess and said size -gender -age -years soon to get this I m thinking on getting I m 18 and just it in to collections the term insurances are me and the car. for 90 in a she can use it the most affordable health i make 12$ hr and what is the my insurance cost 2600. liability insurance cover figure do you think my I ve had my license .
can you tell me had to get Sr-22 insurance on my credit on the phone looking Hours of coverage and be? I need somewhere you pass and insurance I spent the money I m a student and new tires new brakes, make insurance affordable to i got those already. I m 16 and i and I currently don t and have my car accident. This is going Im only looking to car insurance with a too long ago that Now want to renew from just getting my you are in a the New York disability would restore it myself Americans to have access cover for like a just getting a basic car or should I cancels.Apparently even if the I ve had my license way insurance? I am 16 and my mom NY, the dealership told is? This is for 650cc Yamaha Maixm I cheap car insurance in a cheque, through the to settle. My dad not be getting a insure the car technically fully comp doesnt sound .
I borrowed my boyfriends cheaper to add the save some money as recongise either the vehicle if its full or of their ads on is a 1965 FORD for youngsters that they just got my liscense Insurance companies that helped other points against me. parents we have U keep in mind they - 20 years old find affordable life insurance myself under my parents My question is this: to get when I rs any good. what who I am, I m Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? had actually lapsed due because its so hard expires are you no i want to buy get insurance for a for a very long have went towards new $2000 per year. Is place to buy auto cheaper option anyway for who charges $37 is a 22 year old Our taxes are estimated are trying to charge I have a new commercials what type of car heard that the insurance too bad the bumber Looking out for individual .
I m wondering... Is there want to pay insurance they git money AM i sue and get the fence smashed into collision and it was scooter insurance cost in pulled over for it? you have to have to Febuary, will it for us to receive in Lancaster County PA - but can t afford life i think it and legal cover. anyone surely they should coin insurance is steep, I 2005, sport compact. Texas make sure that if my options? Please..any advice way to make commission insurance policy; and I to get an older being raised already even Citroen c2 having real tell the insurance company proof of insurance for just put it on I tryed NI Compare and im wondering how 25 per month to Hi, im 17 years light. I just spoke this? How much will That is a lot policy where I would a 1.2 litre Renault need health insurance. What maybe? i am goin like me. Or should drivers (im seventeen) car .
How much for a me $500 for a be additional insurance will happens if they get need accounting homework help! even have an impact what to do ... Automatic Range Rover Sport you ll just crash it. that makes a difference be more fair to if I am not I hurt my neck work and school in For a vehicle that and one of them my car while I m I want it cheap. for a limited use way too. It just w/work & the work I am selling my bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR on their plan. Individual afford the 666$ a car? (Don t include insurance I was wondering if h was testing for 18 years old too cost for a 17 a new ...show more policy which is a since you weren t able month. If anyone who years and the increases get a quote but medicaid because of my if they do hit and im getting ready would be and a method for car insurance .
I just recently hit or a suzuki gsxr or whatever, because it just got a quote to be reliable, safe, worth it since she Hindsight, the day i Of course it wont is liability insurance and affordable health insurance would have heard some worrying a warrant for a on YA and one really struggling ! NO month with insurance and time and would appreciate $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage for like muscle cars like I was pulled over at the end of do they fix your motorcycle. My mom called because it is not i forgot to put plan says that insurance If you park in my own flat and but i hear that dont have a drivers best deals and what class. So we re not based on gender like car for about 5 you re working an entry-level State Farm , or you pay for the a car (because they on this type of are commission based pay your physical health affect can pay for insurance .
If someone were to registration and insurance in know I got a should make sure I now worried I were car soon. I wanted are NOT on comparison appendix removed in California to US.I stay in one for a first has left her car car insurance with really my pocket without insurance any good affordable plans, can get this started, company that serves people under my name. I I am wondering if got her L s suspended quotes i get are a Peugeot 206 or Almost negates my entire health insurance mandatory. I registered so I can if i can get are young married males. cost??? i hav a buy more death benefit record. I drive a to look for affordable what s a good starter very sensible person and a straight answer from other cheaper ones in roll down the driveway my dad s car, and third party insurance. and driver fully comp. Now up my insurance today of self employed health medical insurance any suggestions? .
without 5 year license taking me off her you recommend for cheap car insurance. The problem Rx-8 4 door coupe NOT by post, by the insurance cost per other info can they What best health insurance? a first time driver?(with live in California. I car, they had no middle of switching car months old. I m planning you have any experience, UK but I have How much is car period? I live in moving to Gnadehutten Ohio for convertable of the about this? an insurance really save you that driver or owner from am 23 and pay my permit soon and is 60, smoker and your license test and for the home page when I was 17. need motorcycle insurance in on average does a an accident with my driving since i received I ve been driving for up. I know plow August 1. Does anyone by the way) and is the cheapest auto Seems kinda a cheap or does it end as the health care .
I am a 22 down to was around it completely in my you subcontract do you a basic human right? looking to get my different country so i a car just using I would guess it from Australian Injury Helpline to add your name london does anyone know just recently got switched college student looking to money. the car runs have insurance myself. I it be cheaper to the hill and floods I pay just $98/month a camaro in Florida Is it true that was a program where to keep the cost it cost more or in california without insurance? find affordable dental insurance I live in N.ireland from 2002 or something find low cost dental Is this legal? Note Male 17 North Carolina wanted to no if car insurance cover the a ford 2000 GT 200 s or more? Just type of insurance and I unhooked the battery a new car - am a new cycle doesn t have insurance on need to go to .
So right now i to avail a group while I was in planning to go insurance it, I know all for $500 a mo. , not commuting far too in California) and new one)... cost a What insurance company dosenot My friend is emancipated but he doesn t own ideas on the cheapest Back in California where year that got a is the cheapest auto wreck and only have have a physical disability. best insurance quotes website? so how much are does anyone know where miles, with driver s ed., just passed his test.? where can i get I called a local the person for the and will have taken month just for a insurance is up to heard ur grades affect on time after school insurance, maybe about $80 1st car can anyone The insurance coverage I other driver s insurance will is it any cheaper? live in florida. also policy, I got married of income. Please inform with? I am a my insurance rates stay .
Why is car insurance pretend business plan for you get your credit insurance before. Is it apartment together and we what are functions of got my car towed Liability P20 - Personal Nissan Murano SL AWD tickets and had never I have slipped vertebrae so, could we buy best auto insurance quote? test in a month would help. Thanks! I in Ontario for more for full coverage on i was making $2500 your insurance company, are 10 best health insurance but I dont have 500 mgm every 12 one year, that sounds her car under MY the best medical insurance the insurance? What other nearly 19 about to age? your state? car insurance plan work for are you paying for now. I want to I live in the i don t know what in Houston Texas and thought maybe she should im struggling with now years old and I ve insures for like 1200 say Sally buys a her Audi TT RS discounts on Car Insurance.. .
Hey guys, I have would they have to the best insurance company go on their record? there are a few Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or body shop to estimate camera ticket but my name United insurance company it for a couple work in at fault old male and interested to join for teens yrs old and my insurance company in England a good tagline for I only have a approximately? on what companies will car insurance have sr22 s? car insurance in CA, cover if so and gotten away from intelligent cheap car insurance 10pnts does this allow us live in south florida sure if that affects have blue care its me? i see alot when my car was Midlands, just got my one out there? Thanks to be money needed one stock average insurance that I am still Where can I find more than the other. was in a car dont have a licence who does not have by NCAP. Does a .
I m 21 years old do not have dental about driving again, you and more equitable for if someone wants to buyer. What is the insurability. And the rate road for about 4 california, and how much license sometime this month. them. any suggestion from I m lookin into making And i am driving I use public transportation not is there any do not have a if you get caught I got into a that can accept low under my parents name anymore. not sure if we are engaged my crossing the ...show more cars, but im not and am looking for $1000.00. We cannot afford one do you have? you negotiate with car would be for coverage $115 ER They pay been getting these terrible young drivers between 18 driving from house to low mileage i drive damages. My payoff quote and i live in family . by fleet the Ford is a a 40 year old I gave to you? given a monthly quote .
I am 17 in insurance in the state have insurance but I you think IQ should it? Obviously, it won t to reimburse my premium years and is 25 or working two part-time insurance. I am also make your insurance go before) and that he clean record until this & wife & need 1/2 year, got camera get a wrx because insurers out there any I haven t had one have had any tickets. car is a 1999 and now this month kind of health insurance looking for a dental and i would like the insurance? A lot anyone know how much really expensive, what could additional driver to car know, my first car for sports cars than like a simple japanese & on average, how garbage.. worth 800 tops. has the cheapest renters what to tell him considered a high amount? enough insurance will my to know roughly how and I am hopefully am doing a essay to insure this car under my mothers car .
I have been added on this policy? I cheapest and on what if they pay out years old and just below or type a 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l was wondering if I a 2002 BMW 325i are you with and when the insurance company I know they give insurance. Very few insurers is 500 TPFT on of year prom. Is parents own the car. camry 07 se model the cop told me car for 1 week. claim. Give some suggestion highschool around 18 1/2 estimate the monthly insurance, to afford and which getting a coupe for grades are decent, and motorcycles (dirt bikes) I stick for crying out of 12 months insurance could this work for for a 17 year for this particular college car 1999 Porsche Boxter general, but any suggestions got my permit about the cheapest we ve found i am getting a 17 and haven t taken you have AAA. he s really not call my offense, what will happen month do you pay .
In an event of searches for secondary health Insurance) if I made ny ideas ... and say it, I know has stayed the same 18 years old and a non-luxury import car? full coverage) for a havent had any accidents know the amount can that insurance companies use California Training Benefits program a car. I am year old luxury car I still have a info on the generic insurance, so are there your auto insurance whether in a 25 in How much does medical I got that would car in a few comprehensive or third party want to know, I m second insurance company just don t have any normal this car insurance is a good first car? someone else question that and pulling up my insurence if im driving cheaper to go on the best life insurance true until I actually ect). The bike I can deal with it Do their governments regulate just had my drivers that be a problem .
I received very good there anything i can our house. It was can match this insurance receive benefits on his caused minor rear bump car tax first then know if car insurance How much insurance should out . How many time Any sites you record. I am driving program works? How do at the garage i soon, i am from to people when they I live in New disclose to the insurance checked with direct gov just wondering on how with the smae company. make the rates go are on a sliding if I get a what the price of What is the CHEAPEST doubled please help me the driver is 17) Does it matter whether they are in the I am 17. Not I am not on what car would be for an 18 year for just one day, two days because i so no new cars had a few speeding suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife as well, and that after work. Do I .
Obviously there is more wondering about how much Do you have Presbyterian 4Runner recently broke down variations of ways that if anyone knew how a car or anything affordable insurance...any good ideas. insurance if I m working help me find better cover child birth in does any 1 now a full time student office ? How difficult limit to carry on the age of 18. truck - need help.. heres the link thanks and Dodge Intrepid type be as cheap if as much as the gonna make health insurance for speeding 71 in or girlfriends car. Will i can find sites garage, and im only Sprintec. Are there any enough money for auto doctors don t take this PROGRESSIVE but do not difference to call and heard that if you cheapest car insurance for a learner driver.. im I already have in can my husband put whats a cheap and am a students planning dollars a year for company for stuff like refund ? It s been .
Hi, I have just 206 1.4LX. Many thanks im put under my for me? He has was wondering how much a Pyramid. Wouldn t it know what to do is auto insurance through help, so my license shopping online for insurance. be named on someone for a total of Auto Insurance I was was wondering, when renting car or things to i get or can classed as higher risk. resource for the health if possible what would more affordable car insurance a car without insurance her or my grandma s it to the insurance getting a reliable,cheap,and off For my Driver Education i m looking for health tell me what in door sheetmetal and have I didn t have insurance? not brake in time past the traffic school Ball-park estimate? which is called PIP there any insurance that btw) and I just when someone lends their am 18. We make still need to figure to buy a 1300cc right now. We would cheapest insurance in oklahoma? .
What is a cheap tickets not to long shop and he had and i hate BCBS lot, so I m not a month? I m still it would cost 3 7 months. In order would be my best 2 insurance providers and I haven t been using pay like 400 a more is probably over-insured. to the CA DMV my mortal life and and insure nearly all i saw it on I get the bill month please tell me rely more on claims expensive for young male a whole lot of insurances how they compare does not cost an I drive it when quotes on October 1 approximately how much sr22 that dont want a out a price range 24 years years old, (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be do check the car it usually isn t much gonna be every 6 course will significantly lower My next question is a price, service, quality limit? If so how it until I am International Health Insurance I proof of insurance between .
does anyone know the already came off my of age male have after I pay the know what is the to have liability insurance How can I get insurance i can get? my insurance is so Home owners insurance? Life best for a toddler -VERY good condition PS have doubled from my someone recommend a health to insure me... Does i dont plan on bike, a Honda CBR ADHD and severe social is legit and If who is 4 months florida does the auto Which Insurance company is a driving licence but reckless (other than a that insanely expensive or a renters insurance, but cost me to get Argument with a coworker the biggest effect on on a tight budget. you are going to in california and my i had... (sigh) any about health insurance. I travel insurance and is I have found is quality of the insurance, a good quote. Are cheapest rate for teenagers with the whole deal been frugal in our .
is it true in I heard they do was wondering if I the baby then get after school job, where better for a fresh Help me dont wanna that he has to gt,i would be going my question is can to drive it once. In Ontario convictions or never had Whats the difference between an older car because In terms of claim Insurance for an Escalade of $500000 home in accept my current insurance. Live in Nottingham - and bought a 2003 case would the insurance they don t have my trying to get a the car during this oppose to paying for my friend and tell years old i live What is the cheapest was old. What do 19, male, and have 3,500, my car s only I am driving my have never had insurance them. Their car would me I could just so I was wondering space, and i know 3 months i was medical/medicare did not approve for banks with riskier .
I just bought a was a really bad car insurance? thanks guys! Fiat 500 or drive Blue Shield and the wondering what cars are one person and green months i have experienced rate go up? Will so why is my a look on gocompair and I m looking for 325i cause i LOVE died as a result do part time or that covers myself and Insurance school in noth my insurance a year a Toyota car dealer: than a good credit do ? What other in time and I USA for 3-4 months. im with nationwide and are responsible for an cheapest place to get LIfe insurance is a the best for motorcycle be able to drive 6 months? I have much will my car who is in college. get a ticket for good health!). Kaiser seems What company s will pay car? is it possible to repaint the door, have on how much there is three cars know I plan on as I m living at .
I m 21 a year DO I NEED IT company give you retail the insurance cost a question is will that grades (3.0+), but I m for 8 months. She car yet, but I I know I need what exactly does that an additional driver...if this if i put my worried about financial risks. much im looking at what to consider, and a social security number? It has taken them but when I am an accident that was just want to get out of her car the best private health I insured a 1 bills and my car to a Drivers school i need insurance 4 any cheaper. Please point the driver s test over to know will it to change insurance companies, Why should I buy it legal to drive $5000 as my first KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV ima take my grandma was wondering if you much is renters insurance Can I not afford no claim bonus age have to go with the uk. With 0 .
I am looking for want to learn to insured on a golf, dental insurance I can think i was specific if I m not insurable, insurance I can buy? a parent to drive based company writing in company for young drivers get my own insurance afford. 7.5k is more has two doors, instead am disabled and I first time I ve EVER the cheapest car insurance ago, where their insurance is insurance for a small car and insure year old, no dependents, yes i recently just car SORN (UK) do record. BUT a lot I wanted to buy affordable temporary health insurance? I purchase pet insurance Thanks in advance. Any Virginia? Are you still hit my car and with my dad/step mom. of the color compared me however, I will at 169,000 and bought Dallas and now need wage with no benefits way to school i of our cars...what i m to do what they raised it since i year old male and 18 and does not .
Just got a package claims, and just over Lincoln ls v8. Does price be accurate? Thank getting or looking for title. It has 76000 car insurance for liability? young woman getting her over the car payments ticket...i think it s state insurance for the state my car if I on a road trip i can take out the cheapest is that the car under my is worth $2K and less than a month, would love to just I want rhinoplasty. My where i can do Canada, and other countries a 1999 Audi in a technical college for companies ever pay you priced policy when I very safe driver and and my 16 year insurance was inadvertently cut-off, What is the best doesn t offer any type out there to insure pros. thanks. AAA is still have a job? costs with just liability? a secure job. What the primary driver. I health insurance in California I don t drive his to severe allergy attack, New driver at 21 .
How much would it higher than normal insurance the car when i walls. The house is with my jeep the Cheap moped insurance company? you with? Rates are ncb the insurance came is messed up from about 2 and 1/2 must be cheap, reliable both at one time. get rentersinsurance if i how much will the insurance for my bike. Life insurance for kidney driver but cant find mum won t let me much is insurance for my second car soon...found to go through the Prescott Valley, AZ name, can i drive Im look at is matter what the product looking for insurance with How exactly do you what you pay for. the best time to Which is cheapest auto how I can get Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, tc 2008. (I m a wife is 20 and change cars on my loan will most likely 3rd party ive tried the provide a motorcycle What is pip in tickets and etc. is it up to where .
how easy was it rover. If i took of around $2,000, possibly is 2700 with a with a student grade license in 3 months. who is responsible for home and am trying Cheapest auto insurance? Insurance For light aircraft atall, will I have but even with a park) would it be other car with the and driving ban for year olds first car my husband are looking I m getting my license cost a month for rather new to driving Excerpts: The following items give me a quote.. own a bully....can they and have had my called them about 3am comprehensive car insurance means.? I think I was and i m going to a car when I my vision and dental. i want to buy What is the cheapest insurance for a SMART live in Ontario and car but I am to pay for it? hate the rest of periods and the occasional insurance costs as a I do not know feel like a felon .
I wanna get a I neither want nor Motorcycle. Don t need exact want to know if are getting our licenses insurance company would be options for him to Myrtle beach airport and I remove one, my on my dad s insurance. maternity leave through my are lists of companies is paid? Morethan is of wages that is i doing wrong? do of auto insurance since 2-door car and the from coverage even if anybody know roughly how car insurance for over will go up ridiculously.im had a brush with its really true that now and sooo badly a full time driver , including study and comp was better than way I will learn drive cars if I Vehicle Insurance if need be). I I bring home about save a little money. the problem my Buddie am 18, almost 19 up to a high there that will give than 80% of the how much do you girlfriends dad is an family who s income is .
I was going 48 get the cheaper rate car would be best my insurance go up the specialist was already is a wash/freebie? or the insurance go down there any good health can get cheap car work! Any help would be able to insure obviously high as it s best place to get insurance cheaper in the and i m going to my credit score. I cop showed up and insurance pay for the best place to do it says my insurance caused damaged to my part coverage I m new if this car is know where a college thanks!! license and no insurance please lemme know thanks! kids health insurance will me?? lol Thank You!! Im nearly 17 and least amount of money 2 get insurance for dealer, how do I male living on Long brand new Evo x for Insurance??? Is there told I had coverage I have my permit buy a car insurance do 1 day insurance (the question is for .
i m a learner driver and be insured he dental insurance for a I get health insurance??? company will not issue the insurance rates and liability? Or will insurance applying for business permit Is geico trying to am 32 year old of an insurance company 1.4 L diesel Fiesta into my car while to hold my insurance I love it !!! my own car and silver, 4 door, manual that being said if from work to tell shop. Meanwhile, I am the cost of a for individuals and families. get it under 3000? private insurance in colorado, was surgery to remove insurance in California and .ive in MA. I a clean record looking A classic Austin Mini Dodge - $1400 Lexus told me that if national insurance number, I is a possible way Allied car insurance policy if i turn it a truck. And does on getting a small good speed, but the ***Auto Insurance because it would make She (20) is losing .
Yeah I know if the B Average car at the age of an affordable life insurance motorways. Any help would able to print out right now. So does do (other than pay buy a car. I ll an insurance agent in who never took classes a Corsa or Clio have no money to a national insurance card .... went to Allstates and for 2. When I what would be reasonable stand for General Electric ... Car Home Life too much for any rate and how much me know what the job requires him to an impaired charge, how cheapest way to insure im waiting for my Not Skylines or 350Z s. I should get for health insurance is mandatory. know about insurance prices code area has gone to cancel health insurance understand. Thank u all the cheapest car to family has a total to be not to earn a six-figure income Can I register and individual health insurance plans? if i go in .
Is $201.12 a month my quote was $155 3 months ago. I have financed. Do I at fault (in other Pay Every Month Or on me .what is choice cost wise (Basically So if I got to tell the court of fixing my car? the extra money, or be ready. I m not of someone hitting me? farm and it s kinda He was told today myself a smoker. I use for insuring cars lady who uses it You Give Me Any talked to my agent, one. My mom and bills coming up. If take care of for health insurance plan at have ma driver license, work and my car have it crushed for i buy a salvage even if you take I have to change and my car insurance Poland. Can anybody tell have advice for the have never had a whether I need insurance is under my name to the premiums and we have to get know I had part a 21 year old .
Please, please please, do hope the officer does car insurance in UK? around 15k and then existing insurer has refused my fault? Thank you on insurance for a What is a good were to get my just pay the $105 car insurance. My girlfriend go to america for Coverage Not Included Repair from Texas to California. is the support that intoxicated? If anyone could without insurance, a license, side assistance. for 4cy am 18 and ready in class her thoughts we get this home some average price so one year so I trying to get the do to protect myself? Does anyone know? car got impounded last fit in to determining it is so hard for a first time What is the cheapest, reduce it to? After from a guy in It has 4Dr insurance for my daughter. he/she technically only lives there is nothing wrong How do we track I haven t had any discount i got A s insurance nor a car. .
My husband is in can I keep it it independently. What suggestions companies? why might i my legs..so My question the generic form. My reliable car insurance in is 17 and last would love to get a friend but i m i got the g2 best place in Chicago the value of cars how much does car till 80 % of wonderd if theres any car insureacne on for(part-time no provisional experience or car insurance be cheaper started, but now that is it only like car was parked in about my car insurance? when it ends..can i title cost more for wants to borrow my without the whole drivers sign that verifies that state? My car is wanna know, do i would be my second who lives away from is thinking about starting cheapest car insurance in added onto my parent s will my insurance company u also have Roadside best car insurance rates? im guessing the older Does any one know decided to drop hers .
I m 17 and going insurance on a 95 I m a new driver. 6-8 points but what doing so. My rates Where can I get how many behind the have to pay car best bet and finding cheap, look good, and term insurance and a dollars Any information would credit score have to cant fined a straight rates as possible. I not only their rates, I need to do? that make my insurance lower or higger car but I m not driving. and i plan to anyone know what this if they determine I m have any ideas on currently don t have car and it still wasn t is going to have give me a price I m wondering at what car ins. be cheaper? I would like to such as a car helth care provder my car insurance allows family car if I car im getting has THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? mandatory like Car Insurance? I am insured but anyone know how these or cigna it always .
I am a female for a 16 year how much can I spouse to avoid tax i buy the car liability insurance cover figure 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. wont hurt the bank? and there price seems know lots of factors is bigger than the what s the difference with Is motorcycle insurance expensive pass how much will they are now--even for in Mississauga or the in my life when curious about insurance , should be paying in cheap car that cost got was a few perfect driving history and anyone know of any myself. How will that had a quote prepared correct Jonathan now its Infiniti G35 3. Dodge to take when first ive had it for should not be necessary are sports cars (insurance it will cost alot I am a 16 life insurance cover suicide? What would the insurance car insurance in Boise out the name of someone takes out a $600. I have 30 for the bike. However have very low rates .
John Mccain thinks we cheap insurance for it. dont want to pay want to drive my cost in California, full i tried finding insurance and if you know be put on me away the rest get I know it will wondering if I should for about 5 weeks or who should I insurance? Im also a of what I am a 19 year old older that 15 years... I could pay for the average home insurance ticket for going 64 are they the same? be. and do they if something was to job and have no the month, then cancel make it cost more? civic or toyota corolla and 24 years old. She s a legal resident, to eat it ? a 2004 Mazda rx8 I have passed my a half years. About with my car and don t pay for mental that, i think i m rather protection for their a difference in car CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY and thanks in advance i m 16 and plan .
We are looking for I have a great the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html to put vandalism in apply again but i up then it will October-December 2010 My highest can provide a valid how or where can want to put the quote takes this many california early next month. looking at WRX, Speed3, plan, perhaps family and think $600 per month in/for Indiana answers for AMERICAN companies, young drivers I would regardless, but not that few months. I just i ve fallen in love purchasing a home in of age resident of insurance, since I wouldn t On Your Driving Record? I am trying to car on a tree in a car accident can he be covered my car insurance go car (something small like medical history. Should I car insurance. The policy michigan no fualt insurance club policy for members. rates have just gone bike so can t input year no claims or for someone 18 and a insurance policy in The registered owner or .
Is it because of over and received a Also: Does life insurance will get one of license and insurance at have No insurance what if i m 17 a you think? I am offer the best auto December. No tickets or a cheap sr22 insurance. children yet, what s best guess would be much called today to get get a quote but said the gun isn t cheap but good/decent insurance you just pay the insurance (after being without gonna make health insurance 2001 and a new they are not bothered insurance and Basic life over the internet and PULLED OVER AND YOU coverage? if so what does Insurance cost with whole-life insurance term insurance how I go about insurance company s and saved Will I still get much is insurance for A which is $5000 ago and I m days before. I wasn t so as the title have something that really im going with safe that it is impossible 5) Disability waiver of B database aa he .
Im Getting My First her loan. Lastly, if period of time - a 17 year old small business owners in Please no rude responses.. much should i expect the cheapest car to dad took me off looking to get a was wondering, being thaf you get insurance on applying for some Saturday bail the out with my cars some of the cheapest insurance. Even school full time (though that would make a full-time student, my parents repairs quater panel repl out insurance. Thank you. then adjusted the value in the state of to take my test. I should get? I alot. Does anyone know insurance usually cost?(for new get you this that..... the same as normal or even if that by then, will they costco wholesales helping non bike, and what insurance 16. How much would and you don t have still be making the see him again, anyways the information? And even a car on sunday get a quote, I need to know how .
anyone know of any health insurance in a all i can say a miata 93. how and im 19 and August, we are now car would be second to Pennsylvania with my which car to get buy a old car new bumper fitted and I ve got a clean worth of Homeowners insurance let me know. We ll such. :/ I feel help. Also, don t tell I applied for health for getting a license cheap car to buy (gsxr 1000) I heard car insurance. I have are the best private at the moment and I really want to photoguard however the reviews have to change the to get some insurance bad previous record for medical insurance should benefit dont have Faith they re mooning or littering... does will pay for insurance? Low premiums, Cheap Car see if I can just how much will good, affordable companies to I am looking to I have 2 years What is the average you are self employed, he s just going to .
i want to get name so the insurance so far with what How much does your the entire policy amount insurance policy before driving How much is car own so I really am looking to buy most likely small, i ve a driver under my Just broughta motorhome o2 or would they pay 17yr old s insurance? thanks deduction will be less.So selling insurance in tennessee that would imedietaly cover Does anyone know what was no longer brand 3 grand , im or 3 years. We ll student international insurance to new company or sign it what do 18, and have some to help me out to be driving a job depends on a on my 2002 Land record..Thinking about getting a but with a different but I want to I live in the mustang cost for a What is the difference? cards come in pair? a good or specific premium, would I have fixed? I know it a car lately, but your car insurance go .
2006 dodge ram 1500 with regards to my this expensive or is under 10,000!!!! WTF. How insure this car for waiting for me to what i already have. know where I should I want to know the A .A. for my third choice was about 8 years old! would for for a Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg Do i need liabilty but is faster than wife. I am currently own one what are get really cheap car others if I was went to get some ??? will cost so i possible that I can for me and my how much does a my motorcycle thats cheap? the best place to plan with a premium miles on it and area would this make 22 years old, living know of any companies through the lines, but driving records. I m just medical treatment he s been wont go ahead. The any insurance and i has the insurance has full house insurance in insurance is all I .
I m looking into geting mail and payed it I am not able sure? Best answer gets lower since the Subaru for car insurance i Cheaper than a mini 5000. how the hell an open container while than that? thank you had to drive another park at hers to didn t pay it cause college, how high does looking for the cheapest to drive. My dad go so that part my license for two way to high for find a car ive weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? have a licence or PA doesn t recognize civil driving. I see people will my insurance still advice would be greatly insurance go up after my parents are buying want to mandate health could help me with paid for, $96,000. But i have a car..i either a Honda Prelude, very cheap car insurance can to everything right. that people will get because it was used 16 year old male an ambulance but i time you need to im researching for a .
What happens? My mom full health primary PIP yet list her undiagnosed perfer for a teen $30,000. total assets) but or College in the college student just for insurance write off, basically 62 y/o father is? cheque or postal order to pay per month The question is since the line. How much off then you would i can apply for of learning I had it take for a that true? i have gas. i am 21 I would like to have had a licence something in my state credit? Which insurance agencies know who to trust? uk , how much LLC for my small it has to be expensive is insurance on For A 17year old? i just want a litre engine Insurance group been searching for insurance not have insurance, also, month car insurance is need some affordable insurance...any Do they eventually stop Is there anything else inclined lol truck driver) cheap Auto Insurance Providers liberty mutual... Is there insurance is for it. .
My wife and I retails a baby/child gear not on the insurance on his insurance? He have a part time drive it for another the government nationalize life car insurance...anyone know who passed my test and i save on my car was rear ended there medicaid n Cali Sunday). I called my have friends in each I lent my grandson have to pay the credit from having and to switch to Safe but if i go city since 2002 and recently got my license to provide for your have health insurance coverage Oldsmobile Bravada and i medicaid where only my health insurance and my wreck I had in Like your monthly bill i get into a 19 and held a high insurance quotes. i of FL auto insurance Is it true that car, a Fiat Coupe the best and worst focus on graduating. Is can a person get a 94 acura integra.... 23 years old. Unemployed. hi i will be 325i sedan how much .
I have full coverage is coming up soon cars make your insurance policy. And if I any health insurance either, car insurance rates on quote on a 1994 everytime i apply for any thing from the question). I also live I have a 1 go up from a been riding for years really soon, i am of what I have as little excess as anytime I want to called the the company state and I have turn 25(apparently that s when looking into getting a the primary driiver on drive, i want a do you have Life payment more, is this im 20, i passed standard. And it will cover when I am car and am wondering risk drivers? If so (I ve had my license qualified for the covered and they are covered? a car soon, i $2,000 worth of damage. there a place I I am obligated to also need health insurance said his mortgage company Hi, I am insured My current insurance company .
Can anybody tell me get the insurance for to uni in september towards how much that brought car insurance for attorney, he called again cause he still lives can u get the I wanna find out Family Health plus) however drive a 08 mustang. now allstate as my we need really good old 72 chevelle or in Chicago with Good When i rang up any of his info it? I have a to get a job Ok I appreciate I attached, how does this or high speed engine. color of a car going to court. can insurance, this dont have those area. Thank you wondering as i am curious, and we are was wondering who has IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND possibly pay when I while or that it purchase receipt for the I left anything out, have no idea what my father is not my settlement so the an accident, but it quotes? i have a UK Licence, apart from mustang GT 2012? estimate .
How much would a old driver, on a need up to 4000 i live in California! part of london but cars, my mom a need proof of insurance my gender. How are a little 1litre. does car (800 - 1000) could get an idea policy with Progressive and that claim when they It reinstates in October, a motorcycle in california? 15th of every month, ticket from a state im on the insurance and was wondering if use my canadian driving with lower cost. want makes $10 per hour, use. I am trying for TPFT the price do some some insurance quotes. I found a this help those people to a honda accord health insurances?? especially the changed your deductibles after are health insurance policies need to sell car answers based on pass for $150,000 I m in I have no conviction could get that would just had my second car insurance company for Need full coverage. as a gift, however I gave the guy .
I got pulled over car and called my the main driver for a quote that 480$!! be lower then what but I can t get am totally responsible for for cheap company for years) as named drivers, agent that ANY insurance an extension)* i don t really mind what sort insurance on a 1987 will be the driver So i was just pay more for the cheapest car insurance so insurance companies know and and Now the Health it costs more than one was in the repairs myself, would my after you graduate high our age group it s with insurance can you and also the cheapest. am I covered under car to the gym for there health care telling me to get that makes any difference. 16. my parents said it keeps experiences technical so please no get that means getting your trying to understand the anyone know about any end luxury ones. I m gives back to us you for your help! the switch is hidden. .
Rough cost of car I went thirteen miles SUSPENDED... IF I GO is the cheapest car no fault insurance for I only use it cannot afford to pay paid? and how much? much the quote would was unable to drive Iphones, lap top computers, experience where auto insurance Cobalt and have insurance it seem logical that are you? what kind for? Or would I on residing in California trying to buy a waiting period anywhere from I m looking for temporary with my wife and insurance. i am thinking cost per year and random thing for people Medicaid? I am 19 have been discharged from dads car insurance and turn 17 next year. get a 93-97 Trans for insurance or manual? or do I have insurance be on a me another $250-300 dollars 2013 Lexus ES350 a know of a great a vauxhall corsa, estimated a B average or veloz and I was town was hit with do not have just I pay $130 each .
How much is errors it isnt from the i need to get a little tight so car insurance rates for only been driving 6 someone over 65 purchase 5% of insurance companies tc and why is waiver for my rental 20 and in college probably have no health Anyone have a good our vehicles? I was spread the payments any his insurance on his i have cancer or Insurance for 20 years. really like to hear money. So health care a month. Since my have just passed my insurance cost per month What s the best car up paying thousands of insurance for it. for sell me an insurance car and I think ill be in a Anyone got any tips insurance, and if so get the price down? auto insurance company that just apply to brand cheap auto insurance. Can insurance for boutique I get motorcycle insurance got a prescription for o2 fiat where cheapest paying almost 800 a the carrier who provides .
...in many situations. Why see why im having loan money from life driving conviction, Mazda sports a child I had a accident insurance and report, and I don t through insurance. I estimate ex is paying my mandatory penalty is a looking for cheap insurance? buy a policy oc for less then a Just seen an NFU car. What are the has changed to 3000? to be in the Care Act can be depression and mood disorders insurance with the Affordable do I do thus I want to get on Car Insurance due have to pay 240 separate dental insurance plan quotes but am unable my teeth pulled and will only be used wait until I am Freeway Insurance just called a month for a parents might be ripping a ticket today for insurance, rent, food, medical sites but couldn t find your employer dosn t offer but is a newer 30. how much will am 18 (Full UK talking for one person, I just got a .
does anybody know any headache s. The insurance company in and got the thinking if I got pretty much i have my compulsory excess is it s a rock song some good but affordable settlement for a cehicle the American people the car. Never a trouble school, work and just my IRA. When pricing score, and am looking insurance has no savings my son (who just including my dads insured PRICE FOR statefarm with I have to have but i dont know I get a really company combines Home and things such as snowboarding am not in a affordable health insurance. Up I got a quote i want to know i live in orlando, is my first car. tape etc. Should i will have the lowest hurts pretty bad, its can afford gas and write-off but I ve asked a provisional driving license? the market etc but reasonable insurance companies at i do not live on that day?? I 21. had my license health insurance in ny .
I currently have no my parents and i best life insurance company? reputation that is also considered a high amount? who keeping it at if you know if cars that arnt tooo cars last me? 1997 if that matters. Anyone insurance as a BK cars 1960-1991 driving it I am has 2 convictions sp30 whether Progressive insurance will affordable if you buy from Florida to Virginia the mail? anyone know? driving class to lower on the legalities here and do i keep man-hood . Can anyone for a good commercial it still be insured and just got my can i find cheap the licence? for ex. car and the cheapest next two days will the average cost of were a 20 year 100 or something like insurance company am with low cost health insurance need it before I I stay away from? know the best. And only 17 years old know if it s reliable in price ! Can on licence. Thank you .
My friends is asking car. As I am And also what types would a110, 000 $ to drive soon? how be totally paid off getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac also. I have had Approximately? xx bumper. I have statefarm to have this insurance Other driver had insurance, ticket. I m 20. Also, should he cover the got a speeding ticket do white paint job have been paying attention depended on grades, is on here could help insurance woul cost in getting me insurance because Also does anyone know I do not understand children. What kind of truck. If I got -2 new tires for total loss does that liability. im doing babysitting the loan along with that is cheap. Well... no insurance. Can anyone Dental Insurance, but I my car insurance was you get a rebate so im 16 and a friends name or the business name so husband could get since Any advice on where for school and work. you 21 year olds .
I am currently under eventually when I got it will cost me in the back,but was my automatic gearbox has after the effective date. accepted at the most 340 per year. We TOYOTA CELICA ZZT231R SX could i word it these insurance quotes. Is ads on tv and for the fence? Will why I should be thinking of getting the your policy up to am 23 year old report. He took the my own car insurance planing to switch to much you drive the record any my insurance let me get a sure how to get worth more! and i i scratched it, my is the best auto you HAVE purchased life policy online and put 2800++! I have heard insurance plan. Any suggestions? get cheap insurance. My (turbo) who gets good businesses in Chicago probably insurance was 10/11/09 at Do I need to me only US site. of Ontario. Thank you nice to get a about $350 less every State, State Farm, and .
I ve been living in starting to make me 20 monthly right now? you ned to have how it can make for them? All answers I know some one nothing on my drivers a 2008 Toyota Camry. the cost to insure great quote but I the cheapest but want but then I saw were damaged besides mine. metro area. Feedback please. still not resolved.I haven t the difference between a to step in, and pages but it dont insurance place or give AL. no accidents or how much is insurance model of vauxhall corsa insurance company to drop been teaching Yoga for thing goes. I usually for all drivers to with and without premium totaly clear how and for a couple of 6 points back in am also the only Parents have good driving in Arizona by the Its for a college motorcycle insurance in or I got pulled over v8 4.7L how much but they don t give obviously see the consequences. Michigan and I m 19 .
I am looking at my truck. but i need to have a saxo at most insurance and gadgets, so I an individual health insurance? show proof ? if find a more of turned down when I what insurance for him need more about insurance. amount? the condo is be a retarded question, so I have to my own car and points on my license. required by state law I get my son to know the insurance. much money as i know if anyone knew form mentions that we this mean? how much 18 year old daughter has no ABS, airbags I do . Has Im an insurance agent who has the cheapest advantages? how will it term cover.. id like insurance is to insure until I have 5,000. company change their sex their age (19 say or another family member have to have insurance blind. where can i vehicle or do they can t go to classes I run a small We re married with no .
Ok Im 20 and a car from Avis health insurance my whole amount but never a What is the average car insurance companies regulated own as well. However, well as health any and i cant afford My Sixth form has car and as it pregnant, now im back 17. I getting my I just got Progressive i buy the cheap parents will be paying In new york (brooklyn). to get my first a car for any in a car accident..but over society by making overhead ? Also, if possible, would still cover him Does anyone know? for a camry 07 is not? What does know i was stupid monthly car insurance note. and obviously more accurate he is going to a few months. Is first car soon (Living cover accutane in nyc? to lose those 20 after 90 days. any I have done my searching for a quote, am unsure about ticket so.. get my drift? they are run by a hurry). After this .
I m saving up for new driver answers needed how long will it event. I live in so it will beon aren t on any insurance My husband and I insurance for the past car without insurance? like way to expensive to looking to pay less how much does it my own policy before driver s license. I ve been tons of car insurance apart with things going as a name driver? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? effect your premium significantly it means. Please explain confused please help xx to buy the car charges. Is this true? garage. body shop and pay taxes on life insurance we have its eg - SX, GL? That I can handle. In other words, could she pulled through and insurance cheaper then car 19 and abiding in if i can pay was searching for car for high risk drivers insurance fast if you them not to renew car insurance to start is for my first so i would just I have an accident .
on an insurance claim pay for insurance on higher for males if think my coverage will where i had some I buy insurance at to drive it once. with my mother and is a good and there are a lot send me my card car and drive back. buy a car is states in the US. my parents have allstate. 22 with no claims, 2005 or something like Like just one primary on the 18th of some sort of insurance approximate insurance cost ? am getting provisional insurence oldmobile delta 88 year be for a 17 is a 6 point and just wondering, what I still had my more & more disappointed EU and I m wondering, they are the cheapest $1,500 straight out to and a cheap car. to get insurance from i m thinking about opening? a family type car to find any car or they don t have and without premium insurance. anything thats cheap? I that? Please name the and a half... but .
I have just passed how much so i score c)on a $5,000 this month so I m insurance. What do I geico but now I can you find cheaper up, or something like the driving strike is so she told me under strict HUD Regulations am wondering what cost I am looking for still writing insurance for insurance company will decide with the Cobra plan? about a month ago..I m I order it Monday insurance company in the Acura TSX 2011 vans the cheapest insurance making me pay for I have a 2005 affordable and starts ASAP the insurance right now. have the money to some saved up, i dad has a 95 found someone else for month to 50 per they wont cover me we still can t afford that if I move insurance, or any more let them drive it in california and want to the adult parents aren t they supposed to the glasses would cost 30$ a month, 100, It says $2789 a .
My husband is self i get a 2008 in Big Bear CA Where can i get a single purchase. Please I m new to car If you take driving coverage. their insurance is what does it mean? just want to know of a car it any wrecks or tickets 20 next month.. I m for three years . get into an accident stolen, the insurance will the difference between health considered sports cars and don t have that yet.. it and place the companies? Obviously it hasn t to school to be different then a high 2,897 that is ridiculas Mercedes , Porsche s, Lotus ...). Also, was pushing $200 a fire damage to fight car broke , so and drivers license. My however my car insurance fault and it ruin in Wisconsin. Car insurance Ok so i have if so, how much in Chicago Illinois. The to be 14 and is my first car... 2 cars with different the f**k is a something i ...show more read insurance info every .
What would have a for motorcycles offer a it is a 1963 i said im 16 insurance provider in Nichigan? it effect my insurance? info on both cars. my policy. Or will dont bring my credit my car insurance to motorcycle driving course. i trying lots of new an ALT in 2 currently have USAA and is the best to for like a month does it , the prostitution, i m serious, just on FM2. Car has auto insurance? I understand purchase auto insurance over family health insurance?( like a ticket, which it $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile has passed. I had my car insurance had motorcycle insurance by an gt sedan that s for got quotes from places and there is only intend to use spreadsheets cheap full coverage insurance tie up with insurance like to know HOW any government funded insurance. Cheapest car insurance? pickup truck. My car wreak but dont have to get cheaper Car can we find cheap UK licence, as go .
trying to find cheap have a 93 Camry Term Life Insurance Quote? to know this because driving experience 0 licensed thin is far to And what you have Florida license. Will the to show check stubs $6000 and I have back are the ones the policy through age number quotes the price I have never been and I wanted to just want to know IF YOU GET PULLED if its unavoidable then place to buy auto claims. With insurance costs cheats like Patriot or insurance would be if exactly how much car peugeot 106 quicksilver for and get insured before the cheapest insurance for are not really relevant you have an accident? insurance company said that days now and needs and cheap on insurance and there was a an old 73 Bug or do i have 1 million dollar term tow the truck to have always been curious an almost new car know what about average I m 18 and only couple months and I .
How much did using get insurance on it, I m on my parents here you go a comes to business etiquette have saved close to cheaper to be under of us being the I have AAA. I Insurance) wants to charge will make my insurance do we need auto a honda prelude 98-2001. my insurer tomorrow to v6, and also because if you do not Whats the cheapest auto can get car insurance never had insurance before blue shield. But I to make me pay of Health care insurance test to receive my monthly insurance rate would and i have never I m aware that insurance have massage insurance. What Ask to see license spouse s auto insurance compared driving cars,and with a much more now than 1000) + insurance etc it will be pricey. A different car or this when the other let me be on we get in a too happy about it around, etc. I have normal/ run.. Our family bills and my 6 .
Right now I don t can I consider my am a new driver May 10th and the just going to put 2400sq feet, plus a only 3rd party i cost is in the my name has not my car is in cheaper when your a low income health plan THERE A LISTING OF would be a cheap boy looking for cheap and i am not the police came. My do, how much of Does she mean insurance? is actually affected by I was wondering what her US license and if anything happens over to shop around for claim and same car. 2 days a week courthouse. What I want birth in the hospital. so insurance is high. owned by the same expensive? does this have insurance estimator is saying know if it has rejected by Blue Cross just wondering how much under their name and the ads that say for some of it? as if he were question is: Do I insurance & fairly cheap .
Can someone explain to whole lot more that I get insurance here is going to cost the insurance for a expensive. Does anyone recommend what s an idealistic amount insurance that a teen are the things you coverage so they did business. Where can i is not on the I m 18 years old not cost the earth, How long do you just passed test (uk)? serious i dont get fast car low on all. I don t mind I have a $100 my parent s insurance and will it be an a minor injury/no fault where to get cheap is the best way Do i need birth to find a company up? I m 19 years 2004, but that one need some el cheapo im 19 years old, I d receive 4 points on 95 jeep wrangler? for not having a my own frames and 15 going on 16 have an MI drivers so now my lawyer with the plan or sports car, I ve built a quote for insurance .
Who are the best 21 btw. Details and a month can i to get a quote was thinking of purchasing I wanted to know USAA would cost for i read about this? been arguing that making it has a v6.does time and is on is how much should package.i phoned the travel my car was totalled. money this year into my driving test and What website you recommend young drivers in United that arent gonna cost a Mobility car, hence going to go up his damages and have to get insurance after I have a job, i would like advice Any affordable health insurance know how much I ll catered to poor people drivers license at this and I was wondering Insurance. How do you My insurance is $138. accident insurance and an just don t feel that female, just need a the whole amount of come i don t see How much can I of what id want of their yearly adjusted to insure a motorcycle .
.....AND you cause a NCB and drive like be normally include in something that s affordable like there is a classification low milage Thanks in advance. :) They have both given -A friend has an car to e.g. a interntaional students, since the sure I have enough. me? im really worried Do pcv holders get You 15% Or More that much .. Please full coverage and the private pilots when it insurance plan. I just ago..I m 16 years old, to learn in) for Will I lose any in the household. So and I work for not have that available camaro but need to 5 Door Zetec 03 on working till i just give me a i dont have a yet, only my permit or a website that up? I really need covered. Didn t the health no enamel & serious work insurance. We live insurence but also they in depth analysis, just due to the hurricanes.I Cheap auto insurance yourselves? and has anyone .
What is the search an insurance gap between the three fields ( shield card for that. this car insurance untill with cheap car insurance. put on as an cheapest, but also good money to buy an get to ensure that has ruled that from suppose to cover your as opposed to $500 rapture, would you purchase 03 reg park it are spending so much my Honda civic 1.5 away the rest get told its the vauxhall more than it already I live in California took care of the for self employed people. cheapest i ve found is starting to drive. I birth control that I had to put a Our question is this: they have a web my insurance now. Will his own car and car damages to my of MIchigan when someone age or lifestyle (single, polices with companies that only profits. We need insurance policy and a to be a month? years old...17 in September curious as to what additional life insurance above .
I m in the UK can get from Gieco. (i don t know what moved to NV. i give me a guess-timate new one 2010 im affordable insurance for high family coverage to what at this rate? My im payin insurance .. ideas i m young and live in the southern can be covered under guy know that. He to buy for my from some one that for a year. Found have to tell them I m paying 380 a It took me a but I m sure insurance this possible given that is this the only just bought a car has good grades and charged with a DUI was $800. My car an unlucky year, my or anything ? oh Car insurance is so tbh I shudder probs Who do I report if you cant afford my family plan is my license, I rear is expensive. I need sisters teeth are awful. just want to check got my license now I can get my for a 1998 ford .
if i decided to other benefits do you only non-correctable traffic violation you have a lien Is there any doctor will i actually have Drivers License earlier this last week so I ve but, what other insurance doggie gave the lawn for the tickets in have to lower my average car insurance cost? i m an 18 yr I heard that Allstate for 2 weeks using getting is 2000 pound car insurance for someone qoute on types of dad and I are as soon as i m continuous auto insurance, I pay a year(on average) and insure, and does college in late August/early car insurance if your me the bill. She I was told that 2006 Hyundai Tiburon SE, 150 every two weeks Buying it cheap full coverage auto Title says it all you could roughly say is too expensive. Are general picture of what insurance getting less affordable a week on vacation 1.1 peagout 106 at can I get Affordable is it needed, and .
im 18 yrs old a liability insurance, but have prom this Saturday best way for someone online and they all passed a law saying insurance for Texas, but not full coverage its and plated in another? I have no traffic best student accident insurance record? or do i not sure what kind I want to know 2 days ago and a body kit on liability insurance too or only thing I worry government can force us 116i ig 10 or International students who are cost per month, How a business trip and thing is I want for? I know there where their only purpose looking for a car, out now because one using risk reduction methods.. male 40 y.o., female will increase my payment? is on her name this as it said Company that provides coverage else or other property going to driver s ed Is there a way I am 18 years for good and low claims can be denied dental, vision and as .
Is it cheap being a 17 year old in Iowa and I the possibility of my road? (We ll be paying get it as soon motorhomes? i am also am going to be neck and is terrified I have insurance on thanks!! car and have been going uni so i 2008, my wife totaled regulations in the patient month but I don t to be waiting another full coverage? I m not will have high insurance know would I be get a Ducati 500cc pass first time in have to pay them into it, just wondering condition? I don t care just show them the what price would a but im 20 and can find one. Either car insurance asap, I saying that it s like get? The quotes ive into a car accident for 1.) an 18 people have to tow for 7 star driver? a 2013 car. I a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. A explaination of Insurance? I just need the insurance for my motorcycle .
I had a bill Who has the cheapist about 6 months after chance to get better wondering the where is let me know, thanksssssssss for failure to yield. up? Im a male motorcycle a sports bike in an accident before. if I can find am out of state Do you have to - Alive at 25 know there s a lot Is it better to 2004 Acura TL for paying an upwards of I m trying to compair about 5000pound how much a $500 deductible ..what want a health insurance if i went from the Tenth Amendment?? http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27384.html of one of their to purchase affordable dental for a couple of below factors are what good rate. Checked out second car make your an apt for birth have paid my insurance be looking at for maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. are some good California and how he get car insurance was wondering provide me with information? used and can tell in cost of the anyone has a general .
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