#someone was using a store toolkit
rohirric-hunter · 4 months
Appreciation post for LotRO NOT being a pay to win game. The only thing you have to pay for is access to certain content, after which point everyone is on even footing. And that's great!
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
Taekwondo Groundfighting
how does taekwon-do cover grappling? Or at least traditional taekwon-do? -justhugsplz
From asking Michi, the short answer is that it pilfers a lot of it's ground fighting from Jujitsu. Which, ironically, means we share the same ground fighting fundamentals. Taekwondo works from the perspective that you're not going to be spending much time on the ground, so it's not a focus, and a result, probably never really developed its own groundfighting toolkit.
There is a element of, “if you can't make your own, store bought is fine,” to martial arts. If a martial arts master identifies a gap in their curriculum, in a lot of cases, they simply find someone else's solution to that situation, and incorporate it, or adapt it to fit their needs.
Neither of us know what historical groundfighting looked like in Taekwondo. It should probably be said, but Taekwondo is not really a, “traditional,” martial art. It has its origins in the 20th century, so the integration of Jujitsu may have always been with Taekwondo, to some degree. It's also possible that the original intention was to supplement Taekwondo with some other groundfighting martial art, like Ssierum.
Traditional Korean martial arts include Ssierum, Subak, and Taekkyon. I'm not especially knowledgeable about any of those. Of those, Taekwondo sometimes styles itself as a successor to Taekkyon, but more in the sense of, “loosely inspired by,” rather than a reconstruction.
Though, in recent years there have been some genuine attempts to revive Taekkyon. I'm not saying, “reconstruct,” because I think there's an unbroken line, it just that Taekkyon fell out of favor in the 19th century, and almost died out, not that it actually had died off.
Taekkyon does have its own set of joint locks and grappling techniques, but I'm not familiar with those, so I don't know if they're unique to Taekkyon, or, “the same thing everyone else does.” There is a legitimate element to the idea that basic physiology doesn't change, if an arm lock works one way, that doesn't mean you copied from someone else.
As far as I know, Hapkido was developed independently of Taekwondo, so they probably weren't intended to work in concert, but some Taekwondo schools do pull their grappling from Hapkido.
So the short answer is, Taekwondo tends to lift its groundfighting from other sources, whether that's Jujitsu, Hapkido, or another available martial art, and as a result, it's quite possible that the original expectation was that practitioners would supplement their groundfighting from another source. Especially given that groundfighting isn't a priority for Taekwondo.
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Hi do you have any recs from where to buy affordable tools, like essential oils , crystals and other necessary stuff (for witchcraft ofc)
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Ah, cheapery. My third favorite hobby, beside spending money on things.
Essential oils are NOT necessary for witchcraft. They are medicine, have the potential to damage you severely (both immediately and in long-term damage), and are NOT better and more effective than just using the herbs they are manufactured from. You shouldn't be thinking about essential oils or considering them for your toolkit without herbalism education from a reputable school or licensed herbalist and paper research about each herb you use under your belt.
Moving on.
No physical item in witchcraft is essential. You could go into your kitchen cabinet and begin bespelling your home without paying anything. People like owning things, because sparklies are fun and we're all magpies at heart, but neither crystals nor tools are necessary to the craft- and some argue that they're not even backed by research into historic traditions and what ancient practitioners might have used. A lot of the tools people think are "essential" are specific to Wicca or introduced via the new age movement, which was only...what, 70 years ago now? There are certain paths which require certain tools, and religions and folk religions that require certain things to function, but unless you are in one and getting instructions from your teacher/mentor/godparent, you're not required to buy anything. We're Anti-capital here. Money is the enemy and dirt is our friend.
So, that being said, a few recommendations:
The thrift shop. Want an athame? Bell? Candle stand? Spoon? Find a pretty silver thing and consecrate it. Nothing in life has to be new when it gets to you, as long as you cleanse it well.
Your local kids museum will have cheap crystals at discount prices. The natural history museum told me then genuinely sell them by weight. You can't guarantee their ethical background that way (a lot of cheap rocks are mined with enslaved labor), but you can get your rocks.
If you can get to a rock and crystal show, rarer and harder to find crystals go cheap in there, but you do have to pay a flat fee to enter so it's kind of a financial wash in the end. It's fun though. They sell empanadas at my closest one.
Your local supermarket. Unless you're using bulk herbs by the bucket, which seems wasteful, you can usually get herbs and pre-packed larger quantities of herbs from the spice section in your supermarket. And this way they're guaranteed to be food grade and safe to consume or bathe with, which is never a guarantee when you pick something up from the metaphysical shop.
eBay and other secondhand sites. People leave the craft all the time, and hawk their stuff for cheap. A little Dr. Bronner's, a little sacred perfume or incense, and she's good as new.
Indian and other Asian grocery stores. When I'm down and in some trouble, I know they have my back. Thank you for carrying incense on the shelf when I needed you the most. And having bulk rice.
Local swap. Networking is everything! Sometimes local covens will host events where people get together to sell off old things or swap stuff. Good times to find a pre-loved tarot deck or altar cloth.
Your hands! *grabby hand gesture* Some stuff you can make. I have an old sewing machine, and I love her to death; I make storage pockets and altar cloths with her. I crochet altar cloths. Some people make their own candles. I know someone who learned glass-making to make their own altar pieces. Some hobbies are more expensive than others, but a crochet hook is like $3 and yarn can be like $4. Bam. Altar mat.
Speaking of candles, I forgot to mention the dollar tree and other discount stores have cheap candles: some even have the tall glass pillars you need if you're in one of the ATR diasporic traditions.
Quite frankly, my best investment in witchcraft tools I ever made was watching my mother buy an antique silver serving spoon, which I occasionally filch from her drawer and return after it's done it's job. Borrowing things from your family costs nothing.
I'm sure this wasn't what you had in mind, but (and not to be a weird adult who has a poor relationship with the internet here), sometimes you have to go out there and physically touch things before you find what's right for you. Find a thrift store. A secondhand shop. A goodwill. Browse. What could you use this in? What spells can you piggyback off of this thing you found? What use does this have in your craft? Try not to build your craft off of your tools; build your toolkit to support what you want to do with your craft. That way you won't have wasted time and money on a fun thing people said was essential to have! ...but now you never use this selenite wand you spent $30 on because you found out wands don't have a place in your practice. Blech.
Best of luck hunting! 💜✨
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Shoplifting, cont.
Again - this is for education not for practice. Don't commit crimes.
Part 2 - Techniques
Everyone has their own style of shoplifting. The most effective shoplifters are the ones who have found comfort and ease in their methods. Most people start out taking one thing here or there, usually something easily concealed in the hand.
Yes personal style matters, not just for blending in but for stashing loot. Tote bags, purses, and big loose pockets, are generally easier to drop things into. Even big unlaced boots can catch small dropped items. Big drop pockets can be sewn into the insides of coats and jackets, or temporary ones can be set up with a belt There are stories of cis men and cis-passing masculine presenting folks wearing glittery eye makeup with dark eyeliner and maybe in a skirt or dress causing employees uncomfortable in their own masculinity to be unwilling to make eye contact, let alone engage in confrontation.
Children, the elderly, people with mobility aides and, obviously, white people may find it easier to avoid suspicion - depending always on the context of course.
After the George Floyd Uprisings many grocery stores, food coops, and supermarkets cut ties with police and security and are less willing to pursue and prosecute shoplifters. That combined with the normalization of face coverings has opened up opportunies for people to expropriate from the same business regularly without turning heads. Finesse isn't always a requirement.
A basic comfort with sleight of hand magic and performance can increase awareness of perspectives from different viewing angles and where people's attention is directed, not to mention the ability to comfortably palm small things for a significant amount of time. The easiest time to put something in your pocket might be while you are asking an employee a question so you know where their eyes are looking, or at the checkout lane as you pull your wallet out. Knowing what items you are looking for and their general size and shape, you can plan and rehearse a movement in your head.
Partnerships are also effective. For example one person can create a diversion or commotion that provides cover for a partner. Or they can act sketchy on purpose. Those small stores that pride themselves on attentive customer service are easily absorbed by the suspiciousness of a single customer who does not want help or does not like to talk, creating enough space for someone else to get away with a bigger score than they would alone.
There are lots of little things that are commonly done at the checkout, especially the self checkout. Tags are switched out. The cheaper of 2 similar looking items (spice jars for example) is scanned twice. Depending on the store multiple items can be bagged at once without making the computer upset. Sometimes there is a long line at the self checkout and tired minimum wage workers walk around overriding screen locks left and right just to keep the line moving.
Some stores, usually ones that have a fake little cafe/coffee shop in the back, have 2 exits. Some people have luck walking straight through the store, grabbing and going, not looking back. Finesse isn't always a requirement.
These are just some of the methods people use to shoplift. The most effective shoplifters find a way to move in their own bodies that feels the most comfortable and natural. Confidence and a firm understanding of the impotence and (un)willingness of grocery store employeed to stop you from walking out the door are the biggest tools in the toolkit of someone who wants to eat for free.
That being said, don't break the law.
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priya-joshi · 8 months
My Favorite Full Stack Tools and Technologies: Insights from a Developer
It was a seemingly ordinary morning when I first realized the true magic of full stack development. As I sipped my coffee, I stumbled upon a statistic that left me astounded: 97% of websites are built by full stack developers. That moment marked the beginning of my journey into the dynamic world of web development, where every line of code felt like a brushstroke on the canvas of the internet.
In this blog, I invite you to join me on a fascinating journey through the realm of full stack development. As a seasoned developer, I’ll share my favorite tools and technologies that have not only streamlined my workflow but also brought my creative ideas to life.
The Full Stack Developer’s Toolkit
Before we dive into the toolbox, let’s clarify what a full stack developer truly is. A full stack developer is someone who possesses the skills to work on both the front-end and back-end of web applications, bridging the gap between design and server functionality.
Tools and technologies are the lifeblood of a developer’s daily grind. They are the digital assistants that help us craft interactive websites, streamline processes, and solve complex problems.
Front-End Favorites
As any developer will tell you, HTML and CSS are the foundation of front-end development. HTML structures content, while CSS styles it. These languages, like the alphabet of the web, provide the basis for creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
JavaScript and Frameworks: JavaScript, often hailed as the “language of the web,” is my go-to for interactivity. The versatility of JavaScript and its ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as React and Vue.js, has been a game-changer in creating responsive and dynamic web applications.
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Back-End Essentials
The back-end is where the magic happens behind the scenes. I’ve found server-side languages like Python and Node.js to be my trusted companions. They empower me to build robust server applications, handle data, and manage server resources effectively.
Databases are the vaults where we store the treasure trove of data. My preference leans toward relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB. The choice depends on the project’s requirements.
Development Environments
The right code editor can significantly boost productivity. Personally, I’ve grown fond of Visual Studio Code for its flexibility, extensive extensions, and seamless integration with various languages and frameworks.
Git is the hero of collaborative development. With Git and platforms like GitHub, tracking changes, collaborating with teams, and rolling back to previous versions have become smooth sailing.
Productivity and Automation
Automation is the secret sauce in a developer’s recipe for efficiency. Build tools like Webpack and task runners like Gulp automate repetitive tasks, optimize code, and enhance project organization.
Testing is the compass that keeps us on the right path. I rely on tools like Jest and Chrome DevTools for testing and debugging. These tools help uncover issues early in development and ensure a smooth user experience.
Frameworks and Libraries
Front-end frameworks like React and Angular have revolutionized web development. Their component-based architecture and powerful state management make building complex user interfaces a breeze.
Back-end frameworks, such as Express.js for Node.js and Django for Python, are my go-to choices. They provide a structured foundation for creating RESTful APIs and handling server-side logic efficiently.
Security and Performance
The internet can be a treacherous place, which is why security is paramount. Tools like OWASP ZAP and security best practices help fortify web applications against vulnerabilities and cyber threats.
Page load speed is critical for user satisfaction. Tools and techniques like Lighthouse and performance audits ensure that websites are optimized for quick loading and smooth navigation.
Project Management and Collaboration
Collaboration and organization are keys to successful projects. Tools like Trello, JIRA, and Asana help manage tasks, track progress, and foster team collaboration.
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Clear communication is the glue that holds development teams together. Platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams facilitate real-time discussions, file sharing, and quick problem-solving.
Personal Experiences and Insights
It’s one thing to appreciate these tools in theory, but it’s their application in real projects that truly showcases their worth. I’ve witnessed how this toolkit has brought complex web applications to life, from e-commerce platforms to data-driven dashboards.
The journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Whether it’s tackling tricky bugs or optimizing for mobile performance, my favorite tools have always been my partners in overcoming obstacles.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Web development is a constantly evolving field. New tools, languages, and frameworks emerge regularly. As developers, we must embrace the ever-changing landscape and be open to learning new technologies.
Fortunately, the web development community is incredibly supportive. Platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and developer forums offer a wealth of resources for learning, troubleshooting, and staying updated. The ACTE Institute offers numerous Full stack developer courses, bootcamps, and communities that can provide you with the necessary resources and support to succeed in this field. Best of luck on your exciting journey!
In this blog, we’ve embarked on a journey through the world of full stack development, exploring the tools and technologies that have become my trusted companions. From HTML and CSS to JavaScript frameworks, server-side languages, and an array of productivity tools, these elements have shaped my career.
As a full stack developer, I’ve discovered that the right tools and technologies can turn challenges into opportunities and transform creative ideas into functional websites and applications. The world of web development continues to evolve, and I eagerly anticipate the exciting innovations and discoveries that lie ahead. My hope is that this exploration of my favorite tools and technologies inspires fellow developers on their own journeys and fuels their passion for the ever-evolving world of web development.
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skythesnake · 10 months
Song of the Farmer
hey, uh- I don't know how to format this, is my first time
I don't think there's any trigger warnings, I try to keep it pretty chill. There's some swearing and it will pick up as the story does, but shouldn't be too bad.
Sam/Farmer - Penny/Maru - Emily/Shane
Pat breathed in the crisp mountain air as he got off the bus. The ride had been bumpy and he was horrified to notice smoke coming from the bus' front end. He stepped away quickly and turned at the sound of a clearing throat
"Ah, hello. You must be… Patr-"
"Just Pat. Please." I interrupted. The last thing I needed was my terrible name following me here. The old man standing in front of me smiled
"Alright. You must be Pat. I'm Lewis, the mayor?" That's right. He and my grandpa had been good friends back in the day. He and I had been communicating via email ever since I opened the letter my grandpa had given me.
"Right. It's nice to make your acquaintance." What else and I meant to say here? Something about my grandfather? A man I'd never met except on his deathbed?
"Well, I should show you to you to Hyacinth Farms" This wasn't another reference to Greek Mythology was it? A reference to Hyacinthus, a boy who was killed and turned into a flower as a result of Apollo and Zephros fighting over him. It probably was. I nodded and gestured down the path.The farm was a damn wreck. Weeds, large rocks, and fallen logs covered nearly every inch of the place. And trees were scattered around as if someone had sprinkled seeds around from above and hoped for the best. Worst was the house. It looked worn down and there were holes in the floor of the front porch. A woman with rust red hair stood next to it, a hammer in hand and toolkit sitting next to her. She saw us and waved
"Hey Lewis! And the new farmer! I fixed up the house for the most part, although you might want to get an upgrade from me in the near future." She laughed and Lewis shook his head
"The farmhouse is just fine!" He insisted. Something was clearly between them and I didn't want to get in the middle of it.
"Thank you… uh…" The woman smiled
"Thank you Robin for fixing the house up. It looks great for starting out, it's not like I need anything fancy." She smiled and the two of them left me to settle into my new home. I had all sorts of ideas to start clearing out the farm, but the second I got inside I crashed onto the bed.
Two days later, I'd gotten a good chunk of the clutter cleared out and some parsnips planted. I'd gone into town, but noped out when I noticed a group of people my age chatting in front of the store. I'd gone back later and bought a bunch of other seeds. Making friend's was easy for me, but all three people were *cute* and I didn't trust myself not to say something stupid. Today I was headed through town to go to Robin's. I wanted to follow up on the upgrade. How much was it going to cost me?
"Hey farmer!" I turned to see one of the people I'd seen before, his bright smile was infectious.
"Hello. I'm Pat, and you are?" Start off simple. Don't say anything stupid.
"I'm Sam! It's nice to meet ya Pat!" I smiled at him, unsure of what to say now.
"Do you skate?" He asked, gesturing to the skateboard tucked under his arm. I shook my head slightly
"Nope. Every time I try I fall flat on my face." Nice going, admitting that. I berated myself. He laughed loudly, but I didn't feel judged.
"Yeah, it's kinda difficult at first. Where are you headed?" He asked, curious. I threw my thumb over my shoulder, forcing myself not to stare at him
"Just up the mountain. Robin mentioned a house upgrade and the farmhouse has definitely seen better days." Sam nodded
"I'll walk ya up there. Sebastian lives there too, Robin's his mom. I was headed up to visit him actually." I smiled
"Sure. Is Sebastian an emo kid by chance?" That was the other boy I'd seen standing with Sam in front of the store the other day. I wondered who the girl was. Sam nodded as we started walking
"Yup, that's him! Have you met him?" Oops
"No, I just..." How do I finish this sentence? I saw you with him and a girl and then ran away because you were all too pretty?
"I've seen you and him around, figured I had a pretty good guess."
"What, and you didn't come say hi?" He teased.
"Nah, y'all looked too sketch for me." Oh shoot. Damnit Pat. This is why you don't think without speaking. Sam didn't seem hurt though. He laughed, damn that was a nice sound. We walked the rest of the trail in comfortable silence.
"Welp, this is where our paths divide. Looks like Sebastian is standing over there." I said, pointing to a goth looking kid standing by the waters edge of a lake nearby. Sam waved at me as he walked over to Sebastian. He was nicer than I'd expected for a skater boy hanging out with his goth friends. I walked inside and Robin looked up from the desk
"Hi! Pat, right?" She asked. I nodded and asked about the house upgrade. I nearly choked on air when she told me how much it would be and that I would also need to provide a whole lot of logs.
"Uh, that'll be a while coming. Thanks Robin." She smiled and waved as I headed out the door. I'd have to do a *lot* of farming if I wanted to achieve that amount of money.
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njadastonearm · 10 months
a short timeline of seemingly unrelated events:
I take a vintage pitcher from my parents' house when I move out of state with the intention to use it as a vase. I use it about five or six times in four years because while I love flowers, I find them hard to keep fresh and I hate when they start to wilt and rot.
I meet my current boyfriend.
I ask said boyfriend about Valentine's Day to clarify that I don't expect a gift since we haven't been dating long; he says that's okay but he likes giving gifts, so I internally panic and scramble to think of a gift to give him.
I have a moment of inspiration the day before Valentine's day and crochet him a bouquet of flowers. It's not perfect but he loves it. i make a note that next time I should try making some kind of armature instead of what I ended up doing (just crocheting a wide base to make it stable by itself) and maybe that might be a good use of my vase.
A few days later, my mom sends me an Edible Arrangement.
A couple days after that, as I'm eating said Edible Arrangement, I realize the little plastic stakes they use to secure the fruit are the same height as my vase. I wash them and put them out of the way to dry.
Several months pass and I do nothing with said stakes because as it is they are a little too short for the flowers to do anything more than peek out over the top of the vase, and I'm not sure how to create more dynamic heights.
My boyfriend drops his cat off before he goes out of town and brings one of her favorite toys, which has broken, and a bag of hot glue guns (not just a hot glue gun and a bag of glue sticks, but multiple hot glue guns) to fix it.
I fix the cat toy.
I realize that hot glue can also work on other things, like little plastic stakes.
I finally grab my toolkit and my most durable scissors to cut up some of the stakes and then hot glue the shorter pieces on top of the longer pieces. I also glue a few on the sides of some of the stems as branches to make it a little more dynamic.
That's as far as everything goes. I think I'm gonna spend a little time this weekend crocheting and listening to some music, maybe with the cat. I probably won't make all of them just yet but the goal is to have a bunch of different seasonal flowers that I can swap out. I do have a saved page with a bunch of flower patterns but I might have to go back and look for more that could be recognizable (as recognizable as a chunky crochet flower can be, at least) instead of mostly just generic/stylized/granny square flowers. If they go well I might try to convince someone to take me by the craft store to get more armature materials.
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Anyway here's Body Dystopia chapter 1
"I saw an elf in town yesterday."
"Hm?" I looked up from the makeshift counter to see Camila had sat down on the table across the room. "Oh, I guess that's a little unusual but it's not like they aren't allowed in."
"True, true, just this doesn't seem like somewhere they'd really want to be is all." She picked up her toolkit and started tightening a screw here and there on her arm. Leaving it exposed the way she did caused it to wear out quickly while she worked, but she refused to cover it while she was on the job, preferring to bear it as a symbol of her veteran status in the mines and a warning to any greenhorn who might underestimate the power of the machines they had to contend with nearly every day.
Chuckling at the thought of anyone wanting to be anywhere in this wasteland, I continued packing our lunches for the day ahead. "Hey Cam," I called over, "you said we were checking out something big today, right? Got any more details than that? Compared to us everything on Rhea's pretty damn big so a little more clarification might be helpful."
"No sé, one of the newer groups just told me they found something interesting and wanted us to take a look. Said the biologist they took with them couldn't identify it herself." She set down her pliers and sighed, "Guess we gotta find something interesting down there eventually. Leave it to some kids goofing off where they shouldn't to be the ones to do it. Sounds like someone I know." She leaned back in her chair and smirked at me.
"Hey now," I laughed, throwing a tiny piece of this city's excuse for bread at her, "in my defense my job is inspecting the mines, it’s not my fault we don’t always want me to inspect the same things.”
“Well you haven’t gotten yourself killed so far so I'll let it slide, but I swear if you end up dying I’m not letting you go exploring without an assignment for a year.” She smiled as she stood up, crossing the room in only a few strides to put her arms around me, “Also I’d be sad I guess, so be careful, Em.” She let go of me, taking one of the now finished meals and putting it in her pack. “Well, I’m heading over early to train the new groups on how to go about investigating a new find. Come at your normal time, you’re leading the group that found whatever it is that’s so interesting. Oh, and tell them to get started on a group name.” With that she nodded and headed out the door into the clamoring streets of Veta Nueva.
It seemed a little soon to be leaving, even with plans for an early shift, but Camila was nothing if not punctual, and she had never been known to give all the details of her plans if she didn’t think it was need-to-know information. That didn’t really bother me, though, I’d come to trust the judgment of the woman who raised me, even if our methods clashed on occasion.
With Cam gone and my shift not starting for a few hours, I decided to take the time to go out to restock our supplies. There wasn't much we needed, the two of us weren't picky about food, so whatever was cheap usually sufficed, and as long as we kept the mine running the city provided our power and fuel, but some other essentials were running low. I stepped out into the busy streets of the domed city, and feeling the humid air on my skin, began my trip to the main shopping district.
The streets were quieter than usual, though still full of pedestrians. I wondered whether it was just an unpleasant day to be outside or if some sort of event was drawing people away from where I was coming from. My answer soon came to me in the shouting I began to hear echoing from a large crowd gathered in a vacant store lot. “And what about the rest of us? What about the ones who they deem unworthy of saving?” A man shouted to the gathering throng, “We barely have the housing and resources to keep us all alive as it is, much less if we try to pack us all into hap-hazardly built ships. Do you really think they plan to take everyone? No, they plan to exploit your labor and leave you to die!”
As I got closer I could now see the black and green banner a man next to him was holding, a symbol of the Cultivators who try to gather support to back large-scale ecological advances. They were the ones responsible for finding the process to convert the biological matter in Rhea into usable soil and farm penicillin in the plants grown in it. Without them we’d likely all be dead, though they are fanatics to a degree and often pushed back against anything they saw as inefficient use of materials harder than I tended to think was necessary, particularly, as seemed to be the case now, against the Stargazers, a group who have been trying to find a way to leave Rhea before it the resources dry up completely.
As the man continued the crowd seemed to thin out over the next minute until only a small gaggle of people remained, which seemed to upset him, but like the others I had heard my share of his shouting and continued on my way. I pondered what the right course of action really was, whether it was right to try to save a doomed ecosystem or abandon four centuries of work just for a chance to return to a home that we never knew and that probably forgot we existed decades ago.
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ifotoeditor · 2 days
What is Picsart and Why do We Choose Picsart to Edit Photos?
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Introduction:  If you have ever edited any images, PicsArt will not a strange name for you. It is a renowned photo editing app with comprehensive features. PicsArt allows users to transform ordinary photos into masterpieces with just a few taps. From basic editing tools like cropping, resizing, and color adjustments to advanced functions such as layering, blending modes, and a vast collection of filters and effects, PicsArt meets all kinds of editing demands. The UI of PicsArt is designed to be simple and neat and every button is easy to find on the editing page. Whether you are a professional designer or just someone without any photo editing background, PicsArt is a handy tool for you. Moreover, a thriving online community has given PicsArt more possibilities in the world of photo editing. Collaboration and inspiration occurs in the community all the time. Let’s see this app can bring your imaginations into visuals.
The Top 7 PicsArt Photo Editor Alternatives
The reasons for switching to a PicsArt alternative can vary. Stimulated by any stimulation, a visual artist may want to use other photo editing functions to start new creation. Or you are just fed up with PicsArt though it serves you well and you need to try something new. It doesn’t matter why you want to resort to other photo editors. You just need to make sure you jump to the best alternative of it so that you won’t get in trouble because of the sudden change. Here are the best 7 PicsArt photo editor alternatives for you to choose. You can judge which is the most proper for you based on the information we provide. iFoto iFoto is an AI-powered photo editing app ideal for beginners and casual editors. It provides iOS and Android version as well as online version which is based on browsers. Where iFoto really shines is its trendy filter AI features. With this tool, you can change clothing colors virtually, replace backgrounds with ease, or even add realistic-looking models to showcase your products. What’s surprising is that iFoto's extensive feature set provides great precision to your operations. Therefore, iFoto can help you create eye-catching edits for social media or online stores in just a few taps.
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Pros: 1. Comprehensive set of editing tools for advanced image manipulation. 2. AI-powered tools for enhancing and optimizing your images. 3. Batch processing capabilities for streamlining your workflow. Cons: Not found yet. Pixlr Pixlr is a free online photo editor that packs a punch. No downloads or subscriptions are necessary. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a casual user, the powerful editing features like exposure adjustment, selective editing, and blemish removal directly from your web browser can take care of your photo editing issues. Pixlr also offers a variety of artistic filters and effects to transform your photos into artistic creations. For those who want to edit photos without costing a penny, Pixlr provides an accessible solution.
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Pros: 1. Completely free to use the basic version with no subscription required. 2. Cross-platform compatibility, accessible from any device with a web browser. 3. User-friendly interface suitable for beginners and casual users. Cons: 1. Limited advanced editing capabilities compared to desktop software like Photoshop. Fotor Fotor is a like an one-stop shop for photo editing and graphic design. It offers a comprehensive toolkit that includes adjustments, filters, and text overlays. Feeling creative? A vast collection of collage templates and design elements are all built in Fotor to help you craft unique photo stories. Good news is Fotor not only extends beyond photo editing, but also offers design templates for social media posts, presentations, and marketing materials. Therefore, it’s extremely friendly with social media content creators.
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Pros: 1. Offers a wide range of editing tools, filters, and effects. 2. Intuitive collage maker and design tools for creating graphics. 3. Cloud storage integration for easy access to your projects. Cons: 1. The interface can feel cluttered and overwhelming for new users. Photoshop Adobe Photoshop, as the industry-standard photo editing software, cannot be missed when talking about photo editing. It has been lying in the armory of photographers’ or graphic designers’. In terms of features, its extensive toolbox allows for intricate photo manipulation. Layers, masks, and advanced selection tools can give you complete control over your edits. However, the big bummer is the high price, making it unaffordable for casual editors or temporary edits. Besides, Photoshop has a steeper learning curve, it might cost too much time for newbies to learn.
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Pros: 1. Industry-standard software with unmatched editing capabilities. 2. Seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps. 3. Robust support for advanced file formats like RAW and extensive color management. Cons: 1. Resource-intensive, requiring a powerful computer for optimal performance. Canva Canva is a graphic design platform that makes photo editing accessible to everyone. It is easy to handle thanks to its drag-and-drop features. No matter you are a beginner, or a deep user, you are under no pressure of creating stunning visuals. Canva leads you to the basic adjustments, filters, and overlays and also goes beyond. Being able to offer a library of design templates for social media posts also contributes to its world fame. Because things are easier to go viral once it gets involved with social media.
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Pros: 1. Incredibly user-friendly interface, ideal for beginners and non-designers. 2. Vast library of templates, graphics, and design elements. 3. Excellent for creating social media graphics, presentations, and marketing materials. Cons: 1. Collaboration features could be improved for larger teams. VSCO VSCO, another renowned a photo editing app, goes in another way of its own. It is famous for a curated collection of high-quality presets. It’s the best for lazy editors who want more but are not likely to work more. Those presets emulate classic film looks, adding a unique aesthetic touch to your photos. Of course, like every other editing tool, VSCO also offers standard photo editing experience. You can adjust exposure, contrast, and grain to enhance the preset's effect.  The Social media integration also doesn’t absent. Share your visual work seamlessly!
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Pros: 1. Simple and intuitive interface optimized for mobile editing. 2. Signature film-inspired presets and stylized filters. 3. Active community for inspiration and sharing your work. Cons: 1. Relies heavily on preset filters, which may not suit all editing needs. Snapseed Snapseed, a photo editor developed by Google. It is a free but powerful tool. Whether you’re an Android or iOS user, you can install this app on your phone for daily photo editing. With both a user-friendly interface and a wide range of editing features, Snapseed has won a lot of people’s hearts. Mostly it helps with basic adjustments like brightness and contrast to selective edits and artistic filters. With Snapseed, you can enhance your photo right from your phone.
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Pros: 1. Simple operation to navigate and apply edits to your photos. 2. Offers a comprehensive set of tools for selective edits, creative effects, and even brushes for targeted adjustments. 3. Free and available on multiple platforms. Cons: 1. Batch editing functionalities are fairly limited.
How to Edit Photos with iFoto?
Various functions can be realized in iFoto such as eliminating unwanted objects, changing background, recoloring clothes etc. You can sselect these functions according to your needs. Most of the editing is very simple. It just takes several minutes and a few taps. Here we will show you how to change background with iFoto as an example. Steps are as follows: Step 1. Open iFoto Background Changer online.
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Step 2. Upload a photo that you want to change the background. Step 3. Go to “Remove Background” in she dashboard, and the background will be removed automatically within a few seconds. If you want more customized cutout of the main object, you can hit “Edit” under the Cutout Preview on the right side of the page.
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Step 4. Go to “AI Photoshoot” > click “Upload Background” > Select a photo from your storage > Adjust the size and location of the background photo.
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Step 5. Download the photo with new background.
While PicsArt remains a popular and capable photo editor, exploring alternatives can open up new creative possibilities. Apps like iFoto offer great features and neat interfaces that may better suit your editing needs. Don't be afraid to experiment and chances are you will find a photo editing tool that resonates most with your artistic vision. Whether you do light adjustment on your photos or retouch your photos artistically, using the most appropriate app will save your time and energy and ensure the output. Hopefully, this article will be a great guidance for your exploration on photo editing apps. Just embrace the changes and you will be rewarded with higher levels of self-expression through the art of image editing. Read the full article
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edcater · 6 days
AI Data Science in Practice: Real-World Applications
In today's world, there's a powerful duo making waves: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. You might have heard these terms, but what do they really mean? Let's dive into the world of AI Data Science to understand how they work together and how they're changing the world around us.
What is AI Data Science?
AI Data Science is like having a super smart detective team. Imagine you have a huge pile of puzzle pieces (that's your data), and you want to find the hidden picture (that's your insight). AI is the brainy detective that figures out patterns and makes predictions, while Data Science is the toolkit it uses to sort through all the pieces.
Understanding AI
AI is all about making computers do things that normally need human intelligence. Remember when you asked Siri or Alexa a question? That's AI! It's like giving machines a brain so they can think and learn. AI can recognize faces in photos, translate languages, play games, and so much more.
What is Data Science?
Now, let's talk about Data Science. It's the art of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make decisions. Think of it as the behind-the-scenes magician. Data Scientists collect data from everywhere – like your shopping habits, social media posts, or even your heart rate from a fitness tracker. Then they use special tools and math to find trends and insights.
The Power of AI Data Science
When you put AI and Data Science together, magic happens! Imagine you have a huge store with tons of customers. AI Data Science can help the store predict what products will sell best, so they can stock up and make customers happy. It's like having a crystal ball for business!
Real-World Applications
Now, let's see how AI Data Science is actually used in the real world.
1. Healthcare
AI Data Science helps doctors diagnose diseases faster and better. By analyzing patient data, it can predict which treatments will work best for different people. This means faster recovery times and more lives saved.
2. Finance
Ever wonder how banks decide if you can get a loan? AI Data Science looks at your credit history and other factors to predict if you're a good borrower. It helps banks manage risks and make fair decisions.
3. Transportation
Self-driving cars are a hot topic, and they're powered by AI Data Science. These cars use sensors and AI to "see" the road, make decisions, and even park themselves. It's like having a chauffeur who never gets tired!
4. Entertainment
When you're on Netflix, AI Data Science suggests movies and shows you might like based on what you've watched before. It's like having a personal movie critic who knows your taste perfectly.
5. Customer Service
Ever chatted with a customer service bot? That's AI at work! These bots use AI to understand your questions and give helpful answers. It saves time for both customers and companies.
6. Agriculture
Farmers use AI Data Science to boost crop yields. By analyzing weather patterns and soil data, they can decide when to plant, water, and harvest for the best results. This means more food for us all!
7. Cybersecurity
AI Data Science is like a guardian angel for your online accounts. It can spot unusual activities and alert you if someone's trying to hack into your account. It's like having a personal cybersecurity expert.
8. Gaming
In video games, AI Data Science creates realistic characters and smart opponents. Have you ever played a game where the bad guys seem to outsmart you? That's AI at work, making games more challenging and fun.
9. Climate Change
Saving the planet is a big job, and AI Data Science is lending a hand. It helps scientists analyze climate data, predict weather patterns, and find ways to reduce pollution. It's like giving Earth an extra set of eyes.
AI Data Science is more than just fancy technology – it's changing the way we live, work, and play. From healthcare to entertainment, finance to transportation, its impact is everywhere. So next time you ask Siri a question or get a movie suggestion on Netflix, remember: it's all thanks to AI Data Science, the dynamic duo shaping our world.
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racheldaniel · 6 days
A nutty journey to predicting diffusion
The HBS Case "Four Products: Predicting Diffusion" emphasizes the unpredictability of market success for new innovations and the importance of considering factors such as: consumer habits, perceived value, and the readiness of the market to adopt new technologies.
How can we successfully analyze radically innovative or "new to the world" products, understand their market potential, and learn to identify the key factors that could make a new product successful or unsuccessful?
Perhaps we can incorporate what we learned in the last class with the data toolkit. If we were to consider the case's example of Sliced PB, we may think about how the data toolkit can help us:
Ethnography -- when I think about what's taken for granted in the customer journey when it comes to peanut butter, I think people take for granted the smooth glossy gooey texture of peanut butter. While gooey-ness is something that will be difficult to achieve in a PB slice, perhaps when making the slice, we ensure it's as glossy as possible, and even perhaps appears to have some grooves in it like the knife grooves that might appear when you spread peanut butter yourself.
Netnography -- to analyze people's sentiments, perhaps we can start to post PB slice product pictures on Reddit and Twitter to start to gage audiences reactions to a product like this.
Interviews -- perhaps we try to interview people who leave grocery stores, asking them if they are peanut butter users and if so, would they be interested in peanut butter slices? If they are interested, what factors would be important to them when buying PB slices? Ingredients quality? Size or thickness of the slice? Color? Texture?
Focus groups -- I would be hesitant to use focus groups for fear of peer pressure in the room, if one person finds the product "disgusting" or "not classy" would they affect the opinion of someone who could be a potential buyer.
Surveys -- Surveys are a great option to couple with the live interviews. By utilizing consumer surveys, we can understand how consumers currently and historically have consumed peanut butter. In what settings? How is it consumed? What are the most common ways you eat it? This will helps us learn if sliced PB can truly be a viable substitute.
Experiments -- for this method, I would want to see if having slices of a food (i.e. cheese or meat) increase a consumer's consumption of said food category? This would be great to get some causal evidence to back up PB slice's theory.
While there may be a long road to knowing if PB slices are a viable "new to the world" product, there are many tools available that could get us closer to the answer.
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Unlocking the Power of SEO for Local Businesses: A Guide for Success
In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a strong online presence is really important for local businesses to do well. With the rise of online search engines, learning about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is key for making sure your business gets noticed by people in your area. This detailed guide will dive deeper into why SEO is so important for local businesses, give you easy tips to improve your online visibility, and show you how Viral Uncle Marketing Agency can help your business succeed online.
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Understanding Why SEO Matters for Local Businesses
In a time when many people use the internet to find local businesses, showing up at the top of search results is super important. Imagine someone in your neighborhood needs something your business offers. They pull out their phone and search online. If your business doesn’t show up near the top, you might miss out on connecting with them. That’s why SEO is crucial — it helps your business get found by people looking for what you offer.
How Viral Uncle Marketing Agency Can Help Your Business
At Viral Uncle Marketing Agency, we know how challenging it can be for local businesses to stand out online. Our team specializes in local SEO strategies designed to help elevate SEO for local businesses like yours get noticed. From improving your website to managing your online presence, we’re here to help your business attract more customers and grow online.
Expanding Your Local SEO Toolkit: Easy Strategies for Success
Make Your Website Easy to Use: Your website is like your business’s online store. Make sure it’s easy for people to use, loads quickly, and has all the info they need about your products or services.
Optimize Your Google My Business Profile: Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing is a great way to improve your local SEO. Make sure your business information is correct and up-to-date.
List Your Business on Local Directories: Being on sites like Yelp or Yellow Pages can help more people find your business online. Make sure your info is the same on every site.
Connect with Your Local Community: Sharing local news or events on your website and social media can help you build connections with people in your area.
Encourage Positive Reviews: Happy customers? Ask them to leave reviews online, especially on Google or Facebook. Good reviews can help more people find your business.
Wrapping Up: Seizing Opportunities for Growth
In summary, learning about local SEO is really important for local businesses that want to succeed online. By trying out the tips in this guide and working with Viral Uncle Marketing Agency, you can help your business stand out and attract more customers. Don’t wait for your competitors to get ahead — start improving your local SEO today and watch your business grow. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and partnering with Viral Uncle Marketing Agency, you can position your business for long-term success and attract more customers to your doorstep.
SOURCE: Visit https://vuma0502.medium.com/unlocking-the-power-of-seo-for-local-businesses-a-guide-for-success-e2855fd8a82e
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beck-a-leck · 2 months
I couldn't wrangle my muse to work on any of the Other Rune Factory stories I've got going on right now. But I did polish up the bits of the Star Wars AU I came up with like a year ago so...
Here you go!
What if RF4 took place A Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
“Found something!” She announced as she climbed through the cockpit and into the sunlight, holding the backpack aloft triumphantly. Ventuswill was basking in the sunshine again and didn’t even open her eyes. “Did you now? What?” Frey sat down close to her and opened the bag. “A blaster, and this pack.” She began pulling out the contents. A toolkit and spare parts, small pieces and tools meant for fine work, well used. A first-aid kit, even more well-used than the toolkit. A hefty utility knife which had seen some use. Some rations of a similar brand of blandness to the ones in the ship. A change of clothes and other basic grooming items. And at the bottom, beneath the detritus of food wrappers and socks of questionable cleanliness were three of the strangest items yet. A curved piece of white plastoid armor, what must have been a shoulder guard, but for someone with larger shoulders than her. It was discolored with age and dirt, it was pockmarked in places, it must have seen a lot of use, but the painted details remained. In the center of the piece was a symbol of some kind, though Frey didn’t recognize it, it looked like some kind of starburst with a long top point, with a pair of wings flaring around either side. That had been painted by a sure hand in deep red. Around the edges of the armor, in a less sure hand was what looked like twisting, leafy vines in dark green. Here and there she could see where mistakes were made and painted over to cover them. Something ached in Frey’s chest as she ran her finger over the symbol. A sense of loss brought tears to her eyes. She should know what this was, who this armor belonged to, who painted the vines, what the symbol meant, but there was nothing. Sniffing, she set the armor aside and pulled out the next item. It was a beautiful prism-like item. A cube with its faces made from a lattice-work of gold and glass, or perhaps crystal. Something gleamed dully inside it, but the facets threw the light too much for her to see through them. A toy perhaps? It looked like parts of the cube could move, but they did not budge when she gave them an experimental twist. Maybe a decorative trinket. This one struck her as a puzzle to solve, but one she already knew the solution to, if only she could remember. She set it beside the armor. The last item was a cool metal cylinder, wide enough for her hand to wrap around comfortably, long enough for her to grip easily with both hands. It was beautifully decorated with silver and bronze accents, and a well-worn leather grip nestled comfortably, even naturally into her hands. She felt that pulse again, her heartbeat throbbing in her palm. “Ahh, I thought so,” Ventuswill purred with satisfaction. “I had my suspicions, but I now have proof. I know what you are.” “What’s that?” Frey asked, still studying the thing in her hands. What was it? A handle? No… that didn’t feel quite right. “You don’t know yet?” Ventuswill asked, genuinely concerned. Frey gestured to the items laid out around her. “I know these are mine. Just as I knew my name, I know this. But I don’t remember what they are, or what they mean.” “Well, this is armor, though not yours, I don’t think. That symbol there is of an Order, though there are none left of it now. This,” she tapped a gentle claw at the prism thing. “Is a holocron. I haven’t seen one for a very long time, but they store data. And in your hands, and I do believe it is yours, built to suit you exactly, is your lightsaber.” “Lightsaber?” “A weapon of a bygone era. A graceful, and beautiful, and deadly weapon, most often carried by your kind.” Frey got to her feet, holding the saber hilt – yes hilt, that was the right word for this – in her hands. “Twi-leks?” “No…” There was a switch on the side. She pressed her thumb over it. A blade of sapphire blue plasma sprung to life with a quiet hum. Frey gasped as she felt like a piece of her soul had been returned to her. No memories, but a satisfying sense of completion. “Jedi.”
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estwinggrozusa · 3 months
Unleash the Power of Precision: Buy Estwing Axes Online at Best Prices in the USA
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In the world of outdoor enthusiasts, survivalists, and DIY aficionados, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. One such indispensable tool is the trusty axe, a timeless instrument that has been a symbol of strength and utility for centuries. If you're on the lookout for top-notch axes, look no further than Estwing, a renowned brand that combines craftsmanship with durability. In this blog post, we explore why Estwing axes are a cut above the rest and where you can purchase them online at the best prices in the USA.
Why Estwing Axes?
Quality Craftsmanship: Estwing has been a pioneer in the tool industry since 1923, consistently delivering products that embody the perfect blend of craftsmanship and durability. Each Estwing axe is forged from a single piece of high-quality steel, ensuring that it stands the test of time and the rigors of heavy use.
Innovative Design: Estwing axes are not just tools; they are a testament to innovative design. The shock reduction grip, a patented feature of Estwing axes, minimizes vibration transfer, reducing user fatigue and enhancing control. This thoughtful design ensures that you can tackle any task with precision and comfort.
Versatility: Whether you're a seasoned outdoorsman, a camper, or simply someone who values a reliable tool, Estwing axes are versatile enough to meet your needs. From chopping wood for a campfire to crafting DIY projects, these axes are up to the challenge.
Where to Buy Estwing Axes Online in the USA:
Amazon: Amazon is a go-to platform for a wide range of products, and Estwing axes are no exception. With competitive prices, customer reviews, and the convenience of doorstep delivery, Amazon provides a seamless shopping experience.
Home Depot: Home Depot, a trusted home improvement retailer, offers a variety of Estwing axes both in-store and online. Take advantage of their online platform for an extensive selection and exclusive deals.
Estwing's Official Website: For the most authentic and direct experience, consider visiting Estwing's official website. Here, you can explore their full range of products, benefit from any ongoing promotions, and gain insights into the brand's history and commitment to quality.
Outdoor Retailers: Check with specialized outdoor retailers such as REI or Cabela's for a hands-on experience with Estwing axes. Many of these retailers also have an online presence, making it easy to browse and purchase from the comfort of your home.
Investing in a high-quality axe is an investment in reliability and performance. Estwing, with its rich legacy and commitment to excellence, stands out as a brand that delivers on both fronts. By purchasing Estwing axes online in the USA, you not only gain access to top-tier tools but also ensure that you're equipped for any adventure or project that comes your way. Upgrade your toolkit today and experience the power of precision with Estwing.
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gcpmasters · 6 months
Google Cloud Platform Tutorial From scratch to advance
the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Tutorial, your gateway to the world of cloud computing! Whether you're a curious beginner or someone looking to level up their cloud skills, this comprehensive journey will take you from the very basics of GCP to advanced, cloud-savvy heights. So, let's embark on this exciting adventure together.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
Exploring the Cloud
Why Google Cloud Platform?
Setting Up Your GCP Environment
Creating Your GCP Account
Navigating the GCP Console
Google Cloud Core Services
Virtual Machines with Compute Engine
Storing Data in the Cloud with Cloud Storage
Building Web Apps with App Engine
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Managing Permissions and Roles
Service Accounts: Who Does What
Networking in GCP
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Load Balancers and Networking Tricks
Data Storage and Databases
Structured Data with Cloud SQL
NoSQL Made Easy with Cloud Bigtable
Globally Distributed Databases: Cloud Spanner
Data Analytics with BigQuery
Supercharged SQL for Data Nerds
Data Warehousing with BigQuery
Developer Tools and Containerization
Your Toolkit: Cloud SDK and Cloud Shell
Dockerized Bliss: Container Registry and Kubernetes Engine
Serverless Computing
Going Serverless: Cloud Functions
Containerized Simplicity: Cloud Run
Diving into Machine Learning
Meet AI and ML
Model Training with AI Platform
Advanced Security and Compliance
Safeguarding Your Assets with IAP
Staying on the Right Side of the Law
Monitoring and Debugging in GCP
Keeping an Eye on Things: Stackdriver
Diagnosing Your Applications
Scalability and Load Balancing
Scaling Automatically: Auto Scaling
Globetrotting Apps: Global Load Balancers
Deployment Strategies
From Code to Cloud: CI/CD
Infrastructure as Code: Deployment Manager and Terraform
Cost Management
Decoding GCP Billing
How to Keep Costs in Check
Real-World GCP Use Cases
Lessons from the Field: Case Studies
Best Practices for Success
Preparing for GCP Certifications
Certification Paths Unveiled
Tips, Tricks, and Resources
Community and Learning Resources
GCP Universe: Blogs, Forums, and Communities
Additional Learning Materials
What's Next and Beyond
GCP and Your Career
Staying Ahead of the Cloud Curve
1. Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
Exploring the Cloud
Welcome to the brave new world of cloud computing! In the not-so-distant past, if you wanted to host a website, run an application, or store your precious data, you'd have to invest in expensive hardware, maintain it, and worry about scalability. Cloud computing changed all that. It offers scalable, on-demand computing power, data storage, and a vast array of services, all at your fingertips.
Among the giants in the cloud arena, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) stands tall. What sets GCP apartLet's take a quick peek
Scalability: GCP's infrastructure can grow with your needs. Need more power? Just a few clicks away.
Global Network: GCP boasts one of the world's largest and fastest networks. Your services are globally accessible with minimal latency.
Security: GCP puts security front and center. Your data and applications are in good hands.
Data Analytics: GCP offers impressive data analytics and machine learning capabilities. It's not just storage; it's insights!
Are you ready to dive in Let's roll up our sleeves and start this GCP journey.
2. Setting Up Your GCP Environment
Creating Your GCP Account
First things first: you need to create a GCP account. Don't worry; Google makes it a breeze.
Sign in with your Google account or create one if you don't have it.
Follow the prompts to set up your billing account and access the free trial.
Navigating the GCP Console
Once you've got your GCP account, the GCP Console becomes your new best friend. It's your control center for managing GCP's vast array of services. It's not just about creating virtual machines; it's your portal to an array of cloud-based possibilities.
The GCP Console is divided into a few key areas:
Navigation Menu: This is your gateway to GCP's offerings, like Compute Engine, Storage, and Big Data. It's like a treasure map to the cloud.
Dashboard: The dashboard gives you a snapshot of your GCP resources, billing info, and any important alerts.
Search Bar: Looking for something specific The search bar is your trusty guide through the GCP wilderness.
Now that you're all set up, let's explore the essential GCP services that will turn you into a cloud superhero.
3. Google Cloud Core Services
Virtual Machines with Compute Engine
Meet Google Compute Engine: your virtual playground for creating and managing virtual machines (VMs). VMs are the heart and soul of most cloud-based applications, providing the computational power you need.
Creating a Virtual Machine
Let's roll up our sleeves and create your first VM in GCP:
In the GCP Console, head to "Compute Engine."
Click "VM instances."
Hit "Create" to start configuring your new VM.
Choose your VM's region, zone, machine type, operating system, and other settings.
Click "Create" to launch your VM into the cloud.
Congratulations! You've just unleashed your first VM into the wilds of GCP.
Storing Data in the Cloud with Cloud Storage
Got files to store Cloud Storage is your best friend. It's GCP's object storage service, the place to keep your data safe and sound.
Uploading Data to Cloud Storage
Here's how to upload a file to Cloud Storage:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Storage" and select "Storage."
Click "Create bucket" to create a new storage bucket (a virtual container for your data).
Once your bucket is ready, click on it.
Hit "Upload files" to select and upload your data.
Ta-da! Your data is now cozily stored in Cloud Storage.
Building Web Apps with App Engine
Google App Engine is your shortcut to building web applications. It's a platform as a service (PaaS) that takes care of infrastructure management, letting you focus on writing code.
Deploying a Web Application
Let's deploy a simple web app on App Engine:
In the GCP Console, go to "App Engine."
Click "Create Application" to set up a new app.
Choose your runtime environment (e.g., Python, Node.js, Go).
4. Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Managing Permissions and Roles
In the cloud, ensuring that the right people and services have access to your resources is paramount. This is where Identity and Access Management (IAM) comes into play. It allows you to control who can do what within your GCP projects.
Creating IAM Roles
To manage permissions effectively:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "IAM & Admin" and select "IAM."
Click "Add" to assign a new member to a role.
Choose from predefined roles or create custom roles tailored to your needs.
Set the permissions for each role based on your project's requirements.
IAM empowers you to fine-tune access, enhancing your cloud security.
service accounts
Service accounts are the virtual workhorses of your GCP projects. They represent applications and services, allowing them to interact with other GCP services securely. By using service accounts, you can delegate specific tasks to them without exposing your credentials.
Creating Service Accounts
To create a service account:
In the GCP Console, go to "IAM & Admin" and select "Service accounts."
Click "Create service account."
Choose the service account's roles and access scopes.
Generate a key for the service account, which can be used for authentication.
By using service accounts, you can ensure a secure and fine-grained approach to managing resources.
5. Networking in GCP
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in GCP is your customizable, private slice of the cloud. It's where you define your network topology, allocate IP addresses, and configure firewalls. This virtual network keeps your cloud-based services secure and isolated.
Creating a VPC
To set up a VPC:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "VPC network" and select "VPC networks."
Click "Create VPC" and give it a name.
Configure your VPC's IP range, subnets, and firewall rules.
With VPC, you have the freedom to design your network infrastructure as you see fit.
Load Balancers and Networking Tricks
Load balancers ensure that your applications remain available and responsive even when traffic spikes. GCP offers various types of load balancers, including HTTP(S) Load Balancers, TCP/SSL Load Balancers, and Network Load Balancers.
Configuring Load Balancers
To set up a load balancer:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Network services" and select "Load balancing."
Follow the prompts to create the type of load balancer you need.
Configure health checks, backends, and routing rules to distribute traffic.
Load balancers are your secret weapon for high availability and efficient resource utilization.
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6. Data Storage and Databases
Structured Data with Cloud SQL
Cloud SQL provides managed database services for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. It offers a reliable and secure way to store structured data in the cloud.
Creating a Cloud SQL Database
To set up a Cloud SQL database:
In the GCP Console, go to "SQL" and select "SQL instances."
Click "Create instance" and choose your database type.
Configure settings like instance ID, password, and database version.
Define access control, backups, and maintenance options.
Cloud SQL simplifies database management, making it an excellent choice for applications requiring relational databases.
NoSQL Made Easy with Cloud Bigtable
If your project requires a scalable, high-throughput NoSQL database, Cloud Bigtable is your solution. It's designed to handle massive amounts of data with low latency.
Creating a Cloud Bigtable Cluster
To create a Cloud Bigtable cluster:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Big Data" and select "Bigtable."
Click "Create instance" and configure the instance settings.
Define the cluster, nodes, and storage.
Cloud Bigtable is perfect for applications that require rapid and efficient data access.
Globally Distributed Databases: Cloud Spanner
Cloud Spanner is a globally distributed and strongly consistent database. It marries the benefits of a traditional relational database with the scalability and global reach of a NoSQL database.
Creating a Cloud Spanner Instance
To create a Cloud Spanner instance:
In the GCP Console, go to "Spanner" and select "Instances."
Click "Create instance" and configure the instance settings.
Define the instance configuration and set up nodes.
Cloud Spanner opens the door to building global applications with ease.
7. Data Analytics with BigQuery
Supercharged SQL for Data Nerds
Google BigQuery is a serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective data warehouse. It allows you to run SQL-like queries on vast amounts of data for real-time insights.
Running Queries with BigQuery
To analyze data with BigQuery:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Big Data" and select "BigQuery."
Create a dataset and upload your data or connect to external data sources.
Write SQL queries to explore, transform, and gain insights from your data.
BigQuery's incredible speed and efficiency make it a data analyst's dream.
Data Warehousing with BigQuery
If you need a powerful data warehousing solution, BigQuery provides that too. It allows you to store, analyze, and query large datasets with ease.
Setting Up a Data Warehouse
To create a data warehouse with BigQuery:
In the GCP Console, head to "Big Data" and select "BigQuery."
Create a dataset for your data warehousing needs.
Define tables, load data, and start writing SQL queries to gain business intelligence.
BigQuery's data warehousing capabilities make it an indispensable tool for decision-makers.
8. Developer Tools and Containerization
Your Toolkit: Cloud SDK and Cloud Shell
The Google Cloud SDK (Software Development Kit) and Cloud Shell are essential developer tools that simplify GCP management and development. They provide a command-line interface and an online shell environment for you to interact with GCP services.
Installing the Google Cloud SDK
To get started with the Google Cloud SDK:
Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
After installation, run to configure your SDK with your GCP account.
The Google Cloud SDK allows you to manage GCP resources and perform various tasks efficiently from the command line.
Using Cloud Shell
GCP's Cloud Shell is a web-based shell environment that provides quick and easy access to GCP resources and development tools. It comes pre-configured with the Google Cloud SDK.
To open Cloud Shell:
In the GCP Console, click the Cloud Shell icon in the top right corner.
Cloud Shell is particularly handy for running quick commands, managing resources, and performing development tasks directly from your browser.
Dockerized Bliss: Container Registry and Kubernetes Engine
Containers have transformed the way we develop and deploy applications. GCP offers Container Registry for storing container images and Kubernetes Engine for orchestrating containerized applications.
Storing Container Images with Container Registry
To use Container Registry:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Kubernetes Engine" and select "Container Registry."
Create a container repository.
Push your Docker images to the repository.
Container Registry simplifies the management of container images, making it a breeze to deploy applications.
Orchestrating Containers with Kubernetes Engine
Kubernetes Engine is a powerful tool for managing containerized applications.
To create a Kubernetes cluster:
In the GCP Console, go to "Kubernetes Engine" and select "Clusters."
Click "Create a cluster" and configure the cluster settings.
Define your containerized applications and deploy them on the cluster.
Kubernetes Engine automates the deployment, scaling, and management of your containerized applications.
By harnessing the power of containers and Kubernetes, you can streamline your application development and deployment processes.
9. Serverless Computing
Going Serverless: Cloud Functions
Serverless computing allows you to focus on your code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Google Cloud Functions is a serverless compute service that lets you run code in response to events.
Creating Cloud Functions
To set up a Cloud Function:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Cloud Functions."
Click "Create function" and configure the function settings.
Write your code, define triggers, and set up runtime options.
Deploy your function.
Cloud Functions are perfect for event-driven, small-scale code execution.
Containerized Simplicity: Cloud Run
Google Cloud Run allows you to run containerized applications in a fully managed environment. It's the serverless way to deploy containerized applications effortlessly.
Deploying Applications on Cloud Run
To deploy an application on Cloud Run:
In the GCP Console, go to "Cloud Run."
Click "Create Service" and configure the service settings.
Define the container image and other deployment options.
Deploy your application.
Cloud Run is an excellent choice for containerized applications that need to be highly available and scalable.
Whether you choose Cloud Functions for small-scale, event-driven functions or Cloud Run for containerized applications, serverless computing simplifies application deployment and management.
10. Diving into Machine Learning
Meet AI and ML
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken the tech world by storm. GCP provides a range of tools and services to help you get started with AI and ML.
AI and ML on GCP
GCP offers services like Cloud Machine Learning Engine, Cloud AutoML, and AI Platform to help you build, train, and deploy machine learning models. Whether you're looking to create custom models or use pre-built ones, GCP has you covered.
Machine Learning Models in GCP
To work with machine learning models in GCP:
In the GCP Console, explore the AI and Machine Learning section.
Choose the service that suits your needs.
Follow the provided guides to train and deploy your models.
Machine learning opens the door to predictive analytics, natural language processing, and computer vision, empowering you to create intelligent applications.
11. Advanced Security and Compliance
Safeguarding Your Assets with IAP
Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) is a security feature that controls access to your cloud applications by verifying the identity of the user or service trying to access them.
Setting Up IAP
To use IAP:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Security" and select "Identity-Aware Proxy."
Configure IAP for the desired resource, setting access policies based on user or group identity.
Enable and customize context-aware access controls for an extra layer of security.
IAP provides fine-grained access control, ensuring that only authorized users can access your cloud resources.
Staying on the Right Side of the Law
GCP takes security and compliance seriously, offering a range of services to help you meet regulatory requirements and protect your data.
Security and Compliance Services
GCP provides services such as Cloud Security Command Center, Security Key Enforcement, and the Resource Manager to enhance your cloud security posture.
To strengthen security and compliance:
In the GCP Console, explore the "Security" section and review available services.
Implement services and practices that align with your specific compliance and security needs.
GCP's robust security and compliance offerings help you keep your cloud environment safe and secure.
12. Monitoring and Debugging in GCP
Keeping an Eye on Things: Stackdriver
Stackdriver is GCP's monitoring, logging, and diagnostics platform that provides insight into the performance, uptime, and health of your applications and infrastructure.
Using Stackdriver
To monitor and log with Stackdriver:
In the GCP Console, navigate to "Operations" and select "Monitoring."
Create dashboards to track your resources and set up alerts for issues or anomalies.
Use Stackdriver Logging to collect, analyze, and store logs from your applications.
Stackdriver makes it easier to keep your cloud services running smoothly.
Diagnosing Your Applications
Troubleshooting and debugging are essential in any cloud environment. Google Cloud provides tools to help you pinpoint and resolve issues effectively.
Debugging in GCP
To debug your applications in GCP
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nextskilltechnologies · 7 months
Digital Marketing Fundamentals: Unlocking the Power of Digital Marketing
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Digital marketing fundamentals are the compass that guide businesses to success. Whether you're a curious newcomer or a seasoned marketer, understanding the fundamentals of digital marketing is key to harnessing its power. In this friendly and informative article, we'll embark on a journey to explore the core concepts, tools, strategies, applications, and vast scope of digital marketing.
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the art and science of promoting products or services using digital technologies. Instead of traditional mediums like billboards or TV ads, digital marketing leverages the internet, making use of websites, social media, search engines, email, and more to connect with a target audience. It's like an all-access pass to engage with customers, enhance brand visibility, and drive sales—all in the digital realm.
Digital Marketing Tools:
Digital marketing offers a toolkit brimming with versatile tools to help you conquer the online world:
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): SEO is the wizardry that enhances your website's visibility on search engines like Google. It involves optimising keywords, improving site speed, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and crafting compelling content.
Content Marketing: Content is the heart of digital marketing. It includes blog posts, videos, infographics, and more. This approach focuses on creating valuable, relevant content to attract and engage your audience.
Social Media Marketing: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are bustling hubs of potential customers. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content to boost brand awareness and engage with your audience.
Email Marketing: An effective, cost-efficient way to connect with your audience directly. It involves sending personalized emails to subscribers, promoting products, sharing news, and nurturing leads.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC allows you to display ads on search engines and websites. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a budget-friendly way to drive traffic to your site.
Analytics and Data Analysis: Data is your guiding star in digital marketing. Tools like Google Analytics provide insights into website traffic, user behavior, and campaign performance, helping you make informed decisions.
Digital Marketing Strategies: Crafting the Blueprint
No successful campaign is built without a solid strategy. Here are some fundamental digital marketing strategies:
Content Strategy: Develop a plan for creating and sharing content that aligns with your business goals and resonates with your audience.
Social Media Strategy: Identify the platforms where your audience is most active and create a posting schedule that maintains engagement.
Email Campaigns: Craft personalized and engaging email content to nurture leads and convert prospects into customers.
SEO Strategy: Optimize your website for search engines to improve organic search rankings and drive more traffic.
Paid Advertising: Plan and execute paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and social media to reach a wider audience.
Digital Marketing Applications: Where the Magic Happens
Digital marketing is a versatile tool with myriad applications:
E-commerce: Boost sales and customer engagement for online stores.
Brand Building: Establish and strengthen your brand's online presence.
Lead Generation: Attract potential customers and convert them into leads.
Customer Retention: Keep existing customers engaged and satisfied.
Event Promotion: Promote events, webinars, and workshops to a global audience.
Digital Marketing Scope: Beyond the Horizon
Digital marketing's scope is boundless. It's a dynamic field that constantly adapts to emerging technologies and trends. As businesses continue to invest in digital strategies, job opportunities in digital marketing are on the rise. From social media managers to SEO specialists, the digital marketing world is your oyster.
In conclusion, the fundamentals of digital marketing are your stepping stones into a world of endless possibilities. Whether you're a business owner or an aspiring marketer, embracing these basics will set you on the path to digital success. So, get ready to explore, experiment, and excel in the exciting world of digital marketing! 
More Details
Website: https://nextskilltechnologies.com/
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