#someone was looking at Lin Yi through the window!!!
miyamiwu · 1 year
Went back to reading “I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend” to feed a little stimulation to my ADHD brain and... fuck, I am now wide awake
I just wanted a little bit of horror, okay? Just a little. But now this novel has me by a chokehold and I can't breathe 😣
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presumenothing · 4 years
When Yi had been tasked with accompanying His Highness the Crown Prince Yao on the trade deal negotiations with Amestris, this is not what they had been expecting. 
(Then again, they hadn’t expected to be tasked with this at all to begin with – if they’d ever wanted an eventful life they would’ve joined literally any other department besides the Ministry of Revenue, for heaven’s sake.
“Because the Minister is ancient and I’m allergic to the desert,” Vice-Minister Chen had said blandly; clearly the why had been writ large on Yi’s face, even though they hadn’t been about to ask aloud. “Besides, it’s no secret that the Crown Prince has the best chance of getting a favourable deal out of those Amestrisans anyway, as long as he doesn’t get distracted. That’ll be your main job, though nominally you’re there as a third party to ensure that he doesn’t ask for anything blatantly in favour of the Yao or Chang clans, since the Lins aren’t affiliated to either. Security’s already handled as well, you don’t have to worry about that.”
………Yi hadn’t even realised that could be something to worry about until right then. It was knowledge they really, really could’ve done without, just like the terrifying midnight visit from the Crown Prince’s knife-happy bodyguard to make sure that Yi isn’t some kind of assassin posing as a finance undersecretary.
Totally uncalled for, since if it’d been daylight Yi could’ve just shown with a schedule and simple math that they didn’t have time to work two jobs even if they’d wanted to.
Which they don’t; the only person they’ve ever wanted to murder is that one clerk in Jingzhou who always messed up the tax filings, and even that would be more trouble that it was worth.) 
Anyway. Yi’s preparation for this diplomatic visit had mostly been focused on reviewing the proposed trade deal, but they’d known even before leaving Xing that they were going to be negotiating with the Flame Alchemist, and… well, even someone who cared as little about politics as they did couldn’t help having some kind of assumptions on hearing that.
Which, Yi decides as they accept a mug of tea from General Mustang’s capable adjutant, only goes to show why they should continue sticking with numbers forever, seeing as pretty much every one of those assumptions had been mistaken. The tea is actually well-made, first of all, not burnt like the traders to Amestris always complained about.
It’s not poisoned, either, though of course Yi only thinks about that after the Crown Prince has taken several big gulps of tea, any one of which would probably have been sufficiently toxic if it’d actually been poisoned.
Which is in turn after the adjutant places a mug on… huh, the sill of a half-open window.
Yi blinks at that, then at the Flame Alchemist, who heaves the familiar sigh of the bureaucratically-burdened. “Can you please ask Lan Fan to just come in, we really could do without another assassination scare.”
The Crown Prince laughs – cackles, more accurately, like it’s not weird at all that a foreign general knows his bodyguard by name. “For that, your sentries would actually have to spot her first. Anyway, it’s just more incentive for you to wrap this up quickly, no? I’ve got an all-you-can-eat out there somewhere with my name on it!”
“Please don’t say that like I’m the one who’s been causing the delays in this deal.”
“Well, the last time it was Ed– huh, where are they, anyway?” the Crown Prince asks, twisting around in his seat like he expects someone to materialise despite the closed office door. “I’d have thought they would be here by now.”
General Mustang looks very much like he’s mentally pinching the bridge of his nose, which Yi mostly recognises by virtue of experiencing the exact same emotion. “In interest of finishing this sometime today, I banned the Elrics from stepping foot into Central Command until Hawkeye gives them the all-clear.”
Yi’s brain gets so stuck on the Elrics (calculating their potential lucrativeness in Xing’s economy is one of the most popular Ministry of Revenue party games after all) that they almost miss the Crown Prince’s question. 
“So what’s the all-clear?”
“These kittens we happened to have found this morning,” answers General Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, as his adjutant indicates the definitely-meowing cloth-lined basket in one corner of the room. “Which I’m sure you wouldn’t want to deprive Alphonse of for a moment longer than necessary – stop laughing before I stuff these documents in your face.”
Then the general has to dodge the thwip of a knife flying in through the window to embed itself in the wall while the Crown Prince falls off his seat laughing and the adjutant remains completely unruffled.
“More tea?” she asks serenely.
Yi nods fervently, holding out the mug like they hadn’t left the desert after all. “Please.”
(more fics here)
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vermemesol · 4 years
College! AU | Nine Percent - Part 3
Pairing : Nine Percent x Fem!Reader
Genre : College!AU, Fluff
Note : From this part on, Justin will be referred to by his actual name, Huang Ming Hao.
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The weekend has ended and it’s back to school again.
When you arrived in the classroom, there was a huge present box next to your table. Literally everyone was staring at it. 
“Ming Hao... What’s this box doing here?” you ask.
“I’m not 100% sure, but I think I have an idea on what’s in it...” he says, followed by a sigh.
You lifted up the lid of the box and inside it was...
Lin Yan Jun.
Instantly, you put the lid of the box back on.
Yan Jun popped out from the box again. “Am I not good enough a present for you???” he pouts.
“Uh... how long have you been in that box?” you answer with a question.
“A long time!!! And you didn’t even appreciate it!!!” he crosses his arms.
“Yeah, what took you so long? You’re usually really early?” Ming Hao adds.
“Cheng Cheng asked to meet me this morning.” it was when you said this, that both the guys left and right of you, notice that you had a necklace on. It wasn’t that noticeable but they still noticed the tiny aquamarine gem that rested on your skin.
“Did he give you that necklace?” Ming Hao asks. Both of them were sure that they’d seen Cheng Cheng looking at that necklace through the window of a jewelry shop when they were hanging out during the weekend.
“Uh-huh.” you responded, continuing to write in your notebook.
Ming Hao felt defeated by the thought that he was one step behind Cheng Cheng, then again, he always was. Yan Jun on the other hand, a mixture of feelings, kind of upset and betrayed, the fact that you practically rejected him doesn’t help.
Yan Jun picks up the box that he was sitting in earlier and gets ready to leave, not saying anything.
“Yan Jun.” you call out to him before he’s out the door. You grab his hand and put a piece of paper in his palm. You then head back to your seat. 
Yan Jun is out the door and decides to look at the piece of paper you slid into his grasp earlier. On the piece of paper was a simple ‘thank you.’. It was just a ‘thank you’, but it made him feel way better than he did a few seconds ago. 
“Ming Hao.” as you called his name softly, he looks towards you, and to his surprise, you were smiling at him. “Cheer up, I’m not sure what is wrong, but you look better when you smile.” you pat his head before turning back to continue reading your notes. 
You weren’t the most oblivious when it came to the people around you. You always care for your friends, making sure that they aren’t upset, even if you don’t know the source of their sorrows. That’s why you did what you did, accepting Cheng Chengs present in the end when initially, you said he should give it to someone else; saying thank you to Yan Jun despite him making a somewhat big scene in class; and cheering Ming Hao up when you noticed how he didn’t look so happy.
Whilst everything was happening, what you didn’t notice, was all the glares that you had received from the girls inside and outside of your classroom. Basically anyone who could hear your conversation with Ming Hao and Yan Jun or could see what you guys did, they were damn right jealous and furious. 
“Y/N, We’re all going to the recording studio. Wanna come with?” Ming Hao asked. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. I gotta get these papers to the office first.” you tell him. He insisted that he goes with you, but you insisted that he not. Because although you aren’t sure what it was, you felt that something wasn’t right. 
Right after Ming Hao left the classroom. The girls in the class surrounded you. “Come with us.” it was the girl from before, the one that poured milk all over you. You knew it wasn’t good news, but you complied and they brought you to a deserted part of the school. 
“You know, I really didn’t like you ever since you came to the school.” Yi Lan, the girl that poured milk all over you, said. “Mhm.” you replied as you leaned on the wall behind you. “You think you’re so much better than all of us?! You slut!!!” Mei, her ‘minion’, yelled at you. Not a few seconds later, the girls start to attack you. Pulling on your hair, tugging on your clothes, hitting you anywhere they could reach. You didn’t just stand there of course, you defended yourself, trying not to hurt any of them still. Some of them fell down or maybe hit the wrong spot and ended up hurting themselves. 
Soon enough, they got tired and stopped coming at you, but you were on the brink of fainting because you hadn’t had anything to eat for the entire day and it’s already 3PM. They just left you there. As the coast was clear, you reached for your phone that fell out of your pocket during the situation. It was probably stepped on. The screen was badly cracked and probably not usable anymore. 
You tried standing up and walking, but once you did, you fell after three steps. First of all, you were beaten up in an unfair situation. Secondly, you had low blood sugar. You gave up after a few tries and just lied down on the ground.
When you started to open your eyes, all you could see was a familiar ceiling. It was... the hospital? You slowly sit up, looking around, you saw someone next to your bed. His face was buried in his arms so you weren’t 100% sure who it was. Upon carefully looking at him, you could finally tell who it was. It was Li Nong.
You just continued to lie on the bed, not waking him up. It was really boring since you didn’t have your phone. A few minutes later, you hear the door open and a few soft footsteps.
“Y/N!!!” as soon as the eight other guys saw you, they couldn’t help but feel relieved, calling out your name a little too loudly, which resulted in Li Nong waking up. 
They bombarded you with questions like, who, how, why. 
“Can I not tell you guys?” you sigh.
“Why not???” Cheng Cheng asked.
“I don’t want to cause any more trouble. Plus, I’m capable of defending myself.” you answer.
“Says the person who’s in the hospital bed.” Zheng Ting retaliated. 
“It was like 20 people against 1??? Zi Yi couldn’t even take them out if he was there!!!” you explained. “Okay, maybe he could- Wait, did you guys call my parents?” you added.
“No, your phone was a goner so we didn’t have any of your contacts.” Xu Kun answered.
“That’s good...” you sigh in relief. “I probably look really bad right now huh...” you lightly touched your face, feeling pain in a lot of places. They stayed silent. “How did you guys find me by the way?” 
“We were waiting for you at the studio...” Zhang Jing said first.
“But an hour passed by and you never showed up. So we went back to the classroom. And we saw your stuff there but not you.” Ming Hao added.
“So we spread out to look for you.” Li Nong added.
“Zi Yi found you first and then we called for an ambulance.” Lin Kai said.
“Hm... I’m heavy aren’t I?” you looked at Zi Yi with a small smile.
“How could you still smile at a time like this???” Cheng Cheng asks, almost furious.
“... It’s not the first time...” you fiddled with the blanket that was covering your lower half. They all just stared at you. “Have I ever mentioned that I have a 3rd grade black belt in Taekwondo?” you say. 
“And you’re telling us that because?” Xu Kun asks.
“I fought a lot, in matches of course. But also outside of matches because I didn’t have a choice. It was defend yourself or get hospitalized. And the last time I had to make that choice, it resulted in getting hospitalized. My left leg and arm were both badly messed up.” you explain. 
“Why’d you have to fight?” Zhang Jing asks.
“Because I was always picked on for being rich??? But this time wasn’t the case I guess... I think they might have picked a fight with me because I was always with you guys? So maybe we shouldn’t hang ou-” before you could finish, one of them cuts in.
“Hello??? We’re not gonna stop hanging out with you over this.” Lin Kai says.
“We’re gonna teach them a lesson for even daring to hit you.” Ming Hao adds.
“Uh... I don’t think it’s a good idea to hit girls?” you chuckle. Somehow they all had the same thought at this moment, ‘How could you still act like this in this kind of situation?’ 
“I think I should be fine after tonight... But I can’t go home with all these bruises, my parents will kill the people who hurt me and then kill me too.” you were starting to think about what to do about this.
“Maybe you could stay at my place?” Zi Yi speaks up. “My parents won’t mind and we have a couple of empty rooms.” 
The next day, you were discharged from the hospital and you contacted your family attendant to help you get a new phone and some clothes delivered to the hospital that you were staying at. It was okay for him to see you because you trusted that he wouldn’t tell on you. You also let your parents know that you were staying over at a friends place, noting the fact that it was a couple of friends, plus there are adults and girls. The girls part, big lie.
Later on, when you arrive at his house, you see this, huge mansion??? Okay, mansion was exaggerating, but it was bigger than your place, just a little bigger. 
“Zi Yi, I knew you were rich, but this??? This is... wow... I’m at a loss for words???” you stare at his house. He scratches the back of his head and just smiles awkwardly.
He brings you to your room and you rest for a while before heading out to the garden. “This place, really is huge...” you look at everything that was surrounding the house. “What are you doing out here?” you turn around to see Yan Jun really close to you, like ten centimeters close. Naturally you take a step back. “I wanted to get some fresh air?” Ah, yes, the others were staying at Zi Yi’s place as well because only an idiot would let a girl stay under the same room as another guy. 
After walking around and chatting for a while, you remember something. The necklace that Cheng Cheng gave you. You wanted to return to your room to look for it but you couldn’t just leave Yan Jun. 
In the end, you could only look for it at night, after dinner. 
You dug through every inch of your belongings. You looked through your stuff over and over again until you heard a knock at the door. You get up to open the door and saw Zi Yi standing there. “Did I disturb you?” he asked politely. “No. Not at all. Is something wrong?” you replied. “I think this belongs to you. “ he held up a necklace in front of you. “Oh my God, yes. Thank you so much Zi Yi!!!” you gave him a hug. You didn’t know but Xu Kun saw you hugging Zi Yi and he didn’t feel great about it.
“Did it mean a lot to you?” Zi Yi asked as he looked at you examining the necklace. “Cheng Cheng gave it to me yesterday. If I lose it now, I’d feel really bad.” you explain. “I see... It’s getting late, sleep early, even though you don’t have to go to school tomorrow.” 
“Mhm. Goodnight!” you smiled and gave him a small wave before shutting the door.
- END -
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 8
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I haven’t typed episode 7 yet, but I was busy subtitling episodes so yeah. After a super nice bath, I figured I could treat myself a little more with a sheet mask and a few episodes before going to bed. Costume drams are just so addicting to me and this one is just soooooo beautiful. I just can’t. And I have candle that smells super good soooo yeah! So nice! So happy!
Okay let’s get down to business. Last episode Zuo Qingluan gave suspicious pills to Feng wu and I want to know if she was dumb enough to eat them or not. Hopefully not.
So Zuo Qingluan is teaching Feng Wu swordsmanship but there is no improvement at all. Well Zuo Qingluan probably just wanted to check if she had any spiritual powers left. She leaves after receiving a not. Communication was very convenient back then, notes would always find their way. She tries to summon the colourful phoenix but he won’t come out of the ring. She’s feeling a little down and lies on the beach. Then Jun Linyuan comes and teaches her. He’s so elegant, seriously! Where can I get one me too?
So Zuo Qingluan was called back to the capital by their master to attend some special guest.
Feng Yiran goes to pay a visit to his aunt and brought her gifts as a token of his apology for what happened. She’s rather upset about it and wants him to leave but that annoying guy has something which he wants to discuss with her which is finding a good match for Feng Wu. Qiu Ling happens to hear that and she’s so shook that she drops the medicine she was bringing and runs away. That Feng Yiran is really an annoying dude and ennemies of Feng Wu will definitely take advantage of the fact that he’s so dumb.
Qiu Ling finds Feng Wu after they are done flying on Jun Linyuan’s sword. He’s kind of unwell but the news that Feng Yiran is looking for a husband to marry her makes the two girls leave without poor Jun Linyuan, probably having trouble because of his loveless venom.
Zuo Qingluan asks Feng Liu to assist Jun Linyuan in her stead while she’ll be gone. I hate that girl. She’s so... ugh. Well. At least Zuo Qingluan knows how to use people to her advantage. She tells her to focus on Jun Linyuan, but Feng Liu is still determined to take Feng Wu down. While Feng Wu is arguing with Feng Yiran and making it clear that she won’t get married as he decides, Feng Liu comes out with her whip. She’s definitely ready for a fight. Ugh. I so hate her, she’s a pain... Okay so she callenges her to a fight. If she wins Feng Wu has to give away the Phoenix Chant sword. If she loses, she’ll go back to the capital. Well that’s unfair. FEng Wu has no spiritual powers. Not to doubt her wit, but how could she win?
At the same time, Yu Mingye comes at Jun Linyuan. He shows him the pendant and say he will give it back if he tells him what’s his relationship with Feng Wu. But he won’t. That’s kind of dumb. They don’t have a relationship, what’s the point of hiding it?
So it’s a double fight. Feng Xun wants to help Feng Wu but neither he nor Xuan Yi can interfere with the business of the FEng family. They’ll save her last minute if needed. Yu Mingye asks Jun Linyuan to give him back his pendent and to hand Feng Xiaowu to him. Jun Linyuan figures out Feng Wu told Yu Mingye that he has captured Feng Xiaowu. So he hands back the pendent and leaves. Yu Mingye asks him why is he not fighting anymore and Jun Linyuan tells him he has been tricked again. Both of them now knows that Feng Xiaowu is Feng Wu. When Feng Liu is about to beat FEng Wu, the sword comes to her and her phoenix blood, well her master’s, mark appears on her forehead and she beats the crap out of Feng Liu. Right when Jun Linyuan arrives. Then she faints and everyone rushes to her side.
When Feng Wu wakes up, she hears the trio talking about interrogating her, so she runs away through the window and goes to see Old Ba who finished making the nine transformations spiritual restauration pill so she eats it and the taste is disgusting, as all good medicine are. Just when she’s done eating it, Jun Linyuan is on his way up to Old Ba’s place. While she’s trying to hide, Yu Mingye comes in through the window - he doesn’t like doors as we now know so well. He tries to hit on her but then Jun Linyuan is coming so she hides him behind the furnace. When she says she has no ties to the darknight court, Yu Mingye isn’t happy about it and comes out saying he wish they were working hand in hand but Feng Wu wouldn’t give him the chance of doing that. All of this activates yet once again the loveless venom and Jun Lin yuan summons his sword, drawing lightning from the sky. I feel poor Old Ba’s house will burn into ashes. Beut then Yu Mingye kidnaps Feng Wu. And Jun linyuan has pains again when he takes back control of himself.
Well Feng Wu won’t follow Yu Mingye to the darknight court and on her way home she saves a little boy that was bullied. And that triggers a memory to Yu Mingye and ugh. This character is going to break my heart, I can already feel it. It seems he was raised the harsh way. Poor baby. The ring is starting to act up so she leaves him behind. As soon as she’S alone, she goes into the ring. She tries to wake up her master but he’s still in deep sleep.
Jun Linyuan finds Yu Mingy and asks him where is Feng Wu. Oh wow. Fist fight. None of them wins over the other. Yu Mingye finally tells Jun Linyuan she went back home. Aww. Those two. The so would have been BFF if there were born in the same clan. This is such a shame. They so break my heart. I just know it so bad.
Yu Mingye gets called back by his father.
Feng Wu’s mom promises that Feng Wu will help Jun Linyuan to repay her debt for causing him that much trouble.  They organize some event that I don’t really get and during that time she apologize and young master Bi seem to take a liking to her and Feng Yiran notices that. Jun Linyuan seems to see also the looks of young master Bi on Feng Wu and he gives him the killer stare: he’s a possessive lad. Oh so basically they sent notes to the dad of Jun Linyuan to make him happy. Someone even compared him to Liu Bei and he doesn’t who it is. OMG. That’s... OMG. And he’s the big ruler. Wow... So lacking culture. I really like how they plug so many stories characters so far. It makes it more enjoyable to me.
Well there’s not much to say about my expectations for next episodes. Also I’m just moving on with episode 9 right now. A lot happened in this episode. I feel the story is starting to move on. See you in episode 9!
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