#solar dust
A captivating exploration of light, sound, and the interconnectedness of nature and technology.
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First exhibited in Austria, Solar Dust will make its US debut at POST Houston. Founded in 2009 by Fabio Di Salvo and Bernardo Vercelli in Rome, Italy, Quiet Ensemble creates immersive work that is at the intersection of music, visual arts, and technology.
Solar Dust’s state-of-the-art lasers fire at a mass of steel-filament tulle, animating sinuous volumes of shadow and void. The choreographed dance of shadows and light implies the suspension of luminous particles in space. As visitors navigate the exhibition, they are invited to contemplate the delicate balance between light and dark, sound and silence, order and chaos.
Solar Dust opens June 1st on Level 2 of POST, with tickets starting at $7.
Introducing ÅRT — ČLUB
Solar Dust is the first exhibition organized by POST’s Art Club, an immersive art experience opening this fall that will be located on the ground floor of the X Atrium.
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Blending elements of both art gallery and nightclub, Art Club introduces a fresh approach to inhabiting time-based art installations. Just as Day for Night music festival of 2017 catalyzed conversations about artistic expression in the digital age, Art Club aims to arouse the imagination of visitors and prompt discussion about technology’s mediation of our everyday lived experience. The international roster of artists that will comprise Art Club’s first season will be announced in the early fall of 2024.
Art Club: Solar Dust
Sat, Jun 1 • 12:00 PM + 362 more
POST Houston
Solar Dust by Quiet Ensemble.
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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Dark Nebulae Dust in Taurus
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Actual photo from mars spacecraft taking a picture of an approaching mars dust storm
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deadbloodzero · 2 months
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They both deserve headpats and affection. I will accept the fate of dorito dust fingies for their sake.
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justanartistiguess · 2 months
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Idfk I drew them looking at the solar eclipse that took place today
Here’s the full comic, if you care 😢💔😣🥺
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pokefish · 2 months
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this time i just put afew ships into a randomizer, quite happy that I got huskerdust, its always fun to draw
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clever-fox-studios · 2 months
Another One Bites the Dust
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If I posted it before I couldn’t find it so reupload maybe? This was right After the “Lunar Dies” episode and I’m still proud of how it turned out. This was also before the official model dropped, so I used my design for Eclipse (see below)
I do hesitate to post more art from this fandom since I’m not active in it anymore (personal reasons) but I want to revisit the crunchy monochrome style I used on the better pieces I made once I figure out the right subject matter to use
Removed marker streaks under cut plus bonus art of Eclipse and Solar from early on
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teacuphoneybee · 3 months
do kids these days still post their spotify playlists? tsams has taken over my entire brain and this week was soul shattering :D
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schrodingers-catgirl · 7 months
wondering whether i should like. talk about my situation at all? (okay i ended up rambling in the tags so here they are)
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i just want to say that im terrified. everyone i know, everyone i care about, could be dead right now. i have no way to know. its so scary. everything i know has been ripped away from me and im just. scared. i miss having a normal life and im sick of this. its been more than 3 weeks and i dont know when itll ever end. nowhere is safe and i dont know if my house is okay and i just want everything to be normal again
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barstoolblues · 4 months
you see the stupidest takes on green energy youve ever seen on this site and check their blog and its orthodox christianity themed. huh
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krakenmare · 2 months
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Spirit: Martian Dust Devils (February 26, 2007)
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what they want are are up
ask and fet @asktwilighteclipse
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the-wolf-and-moon · 2 years
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M17, Dusfy Omega Nebula
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teecupangel · 11 months
In a realm where the ethereal and mortal intertwined, there existed a sad ghost. Once a renowned writer in her mortal life, she now roamed the spectral plane with a heavy heart. Bound by her ghostly form, she found herself unable to wield a pen or ink, unable to pour her thoughts onto the pages as she once did.
Night after night, she would wander through moonlit corridors, her translucent form aglow with an ethereal shimmer. Her sighs echoed through the empty halls, a lament for the stories left untold. Her tears, shimmering like stardust, spoke of the creative fire that burned within her, trapped and unfulfilled.
It was during one of these solitary wanderings that the ghost encountered a mischievous yet compassionate ferret. Intrigued by the ghost's sorrowful cries, the ferret approached with gentle curiosity and empathetic eyes.
"Why do you weep, dear ghost?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.
The ghost, surprised by his presence, shared her anguish over the inability to write and express herself. Her words spilled forth, carrying the weight of a lifetime of stories left untold. The ferret listened intently, his heart stirred by her longing.
With a determined glint in his eyes, the ferret proposed a solution. "Let me be your voice, dear writer. Together, we shall craft a letter that carries the essence of your thoughts and emotions."
Intrigued and cautiously hopeful, she agreed, placing her trust in the ferret's paws. They found a quiet corner amidst the moonlit halls, where he transcribed her words onto parchment. The ghost whispered her tales, her hopes, and her dreams, while the ferret meticulously captured them with graceful strokes of the quill.
As the ink dried on the parchment, a letter of ethereal beauty and heartfelt emotion took shape. It was a vessel for the ghost's thoughts and a plea to be heard beyond the spectral realm.
Now came the challenge of finding a messenger who could carry the letter to a distant land, far beyond the boundaries of their realm. Fortunately, the ferret had a friend pegasus who has wings strong enough to cross realms and distant lands.
With a flourish the pegasus took off once more to deliver the letter. Meanwhile in the letter, the words written says: "I replayed this game called Death Palette and realized how dark and sad the story actually is so maybe a Desmond being in a painting after the solar flare and tempts templars to keep him and kills them off?"
It should have been nighttime when the pegasus reached the atelier yet the atelier and the surrounding forest were as bright as midsummer day.
When the pegasus landed on the well-worn road leading to the atelier, the heat that welcomed her felt more similar to a summer day that was precariously bordering over an impending heatwave.
The pegasus stomped the ground beneath her, not wishing to come any closer to the atelier where the heat seemed to be coming from and neighed loudly.
Thankfully, the alchemist was in and they opened the door, making the pegasus blink when they saw the alchemist’s attire.
Gone was the alchemist robes and they seemed to be wearing the lightest sleeping dress they had that was definitely not something one would wish to wear in public. Sunglasses covered their dark-colored eyes and a summer hat donned their head. Rain boots covered their feet and they made squishing sounds as they walked out of the atelier.
The rain boots were wet. And it seemed also from the inside…
“Hey. So, uuuhhh… I’m just about done with my final solar bomb…” The alchemist said in lieu of a greeting and the pegasus heard them mumbled under their breath, “For now…”
“But it’s, well, it’s open right now and all the solar thingabob is spilling out so it would be better if you fly away from this place and rest somewhere else until I’m done.” The alchemist continued, “It should be done by morning so you can come back by then.”
“I understand.” The pegasus nodded. While she might not understand what this solar bomb was meant to do, she had an inkling that it was the one she had seen before on the table with its swirling flames colored like the sun. The pegasus flapped her wing open to show her bag as she asked, “Will it be alright if you were to take the letter now or should I come back with it later?”
“Oh, it’s fine. The heat and light won’t harm it.” The alchemist slowly opened the bag with their mitten covered hands and fished out the letter from her ferret friend as they continued to explain, “Plus, I’m gonna drop this on the cauldron as soon as I get back in the atelier anyway. The cauldron would keep it safe.”
“That’s good.” The pegasus let out a sigh of relief before bowing slightly at the alchemist as she said, “Then I shall return tomorrow morning. Good luck with the… solar bomb…”
“Thanks!” The alchemist cheerfully said and waved as the pegasus took flight once more.
The pegasus was sure she heard the alchemist shout, “The lake east of the forest has moon flowers that taste pretty good!”
… what… what did the alchemist think she eats???
For those curious, Death Palette is a mobile game so you can check it out using your phone’s in game app store.
Okay, my idea dwells more into the mystery than an actual ‘painting kills you’ kind of scenario so we’re playing fast and loose with Death Palette’s lore.
Abstergo checked the energy spiked that appeared on Turin, New York, and they got Desmond’s body.
From there, they used the body to make Sample 17 and start Abstergo Entertainment.
Then they released Ratonhnhaké:ton’s ‘game’ and players start posting something weird that they encounter while playing the game.
On some rare occasions, if you stay in the homestead for about two hours or so (real time), the game will glitch and load you into a darker more decrypt version of the manor.
Everything looks ready to fall apart and the floor board creaks whenever you move but if you keep moving and go to the master bedroom, there will be a painting there.
Pristine against the ruins around it, encased in a frame with wooden carvings of eagles all around it…
It was a painting of a man, wearing nothing but a cloth around him that made it look like a toga of some kind.
Drawn in a style eerily similar to Leonardo da Vinci yet seemed more… real…
The man is only drawn up to his waist and he looks straight into the player as he holds the world in his hands. His right hand up to his shoulder blackened and golden cracks glowed ever so slightly.
The frame itself held the title of the painting.
“Des Mondes”
The Worlds.
The posts grew traction for the face of the man in the painting looked to similar to previous main characters of Abstergo’s World’s Greatest Hitman series, Ezio Auditore and Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
And so…
People starting to look for it.
It was only by luck that a fan found the ruins of Davenport manor and lo and behold, the painting was there, at the very same place as the glitch had shown it.
People clambered to find out more.
Was this an elaborate promotional stunt by Abstergo?
Or did they just uncover a lost Da Vinci painting?
The painting is studied with care and they found out the following.
The painting was made on Aleppo oak wood which was common in Syria and it seemed that the painting itself had materials that were both from 12th century and 15th century.
The common consensus was that the original painting was done in 12th century, and it was painted once more in 15th century. From what they could find out, both paintings were similar, as if the painting of the 15th century had traced most of the 12th century painting and many aspect of the 12th century painting was preserved.
The world was purely done in the 12th century painting and it was clear that the landmasses included in the globe mirrored what the landmasses during the 12th century would look like.
And the man’s eyes… freckled with gold dust over a kaleidoscope of gold, honey brown and white… they had been noted as being painted in 12th century as well.
The toga seemed to be a 15th century addition as well as the crown of thorns around the man’s head.
But the frame itself…
It was definitely made around 17th to 18th century, from wood that used to be common in New York.
Specifically… Turin, New York.
The carvings of eagles were very similar to the eagle carvings of Native Americans.
Many fans speculate that the main character Connor Kenway must have carved it.
And the painting itself…
Must have been painted by both Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and Ezio Auditore.
Strange how the man looked so similar to the man in the wanted posters that appeared all over the world in December 2012, huh?
And, obviously, Abstergo tries to get the painting for themselves.
There’s public outcry, of course.
Such a painting deserves to be in a museum!
But then…
Things got messy when the various government officials started stirring the pot.
Since the painting was mostly done by Ezio Auditore, that meant it was an Italian painting.
But then again, Ezio Auditore painted over Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s painting which many believe was bad form and that the painting should be attributed to the Syrian Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad instead.
Then there was the frame and the fact that the painting was found in Davenport manor where it’s last known owner is Connor Kenway (many shouts that he should be called by his real name: Ratonhnhaké:ton) which meant that the painting was property of the US. (… or is it???)
In the end, Abstergo swoops in and the painting is taken to Abstergo Entertainment as a ‘sign’ of their contribution to showing the true history of the world.
Secretly, Abstegro scientists check the painting for any Isu related materials and… find none.
Perhaps the word none would be misleading.
The golden dust in the eyes and around the world and the borders of the painting…
Kept giving strange readings.
Yet, anyone who looks into it just keeps saying the same thing.
“It’s nothing special.”
The painting stays in Abstergo Entertainment.
And more and more Abstergo personnel, especially those high up the ladder, starts visiting.
Just to look.
And look.
And look…
And that was when…
The deaths began.
Different causes of deaths, different places…
But all have one thing in common.
They used to visit Abstergo Entertainment…
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jaiette · 1 year
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stellar 💫✨
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groupalpha · 2 hours
It sure would be funny!
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atom sized. You asked for it (silly)
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