#social medi influencer
iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
You can't hurt someone who never felt anything for you in the first place.
I knew what is was from the very beginning.
I say what you were and knew what you were about.
I made a conscious decision not to tricked.
I the game from a mile away.
When you left I celebrated.
I get back to me.
I glad you found someone else.
Good for you.
A couple things real quick about me.
I can always finish but never be through.
Theirs only on me but I find a million and one yous.
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Your Throne (submission)
It's great to see all the love for manhwa lately, so I wanted to talk a bit about a personal fave of mine, called Your Throne.  It's an enthralling, twisty plot with well-written characters and lovely art, centered around the clever and ruthless Lady Medea Solon.
A couple years before the plot kicks off, her older brother Dekis left their father's dukedom, and he doesn't really come back into the story for a while.  (The story is estimated to be about halfway through rn by the author, so I'd say he comes back about a fourth of the way in.)  But their relationship, non canon as it is, is very sweet.
When one of Medea's allies first meets Dekis, he's shocked to hear Dekis casually refer to Medea as "Medi," because Medea allowing someone to nickname her? someone as terrifying as Medea?? seems absurd.  It's obvious from his introduction how deeply Dekis cares for his little sister.
When he's on his way back, we get flashbacks of their childhood together (starting with ep. 78 of the manhwa; honestly that through ep. 81 are fine to read for the siblings' dynamic even if one doesn't want to read the whole story--though again, I recommend it). One of Medea's early words (it's unclear but I like to think it was her first) was "Deki," and Dekis is so flustered and excited over it. He then gives her the nickname "Medi" in return.
Even at his young age, he reflects "I get too excited to sleep at night... when I imagine how you'll grow up." And soon after, "My dear Medea.  I do not ask because I am blinded by my adoration for you.  I ask because I'm very curious. Is there anything you can't do?" Although he's (a few years?) older, he kinda looks up to her and admires how gifted and brilliant she is.  It's a fun twist on the usual older/younger sibling dynamic and it's so sweet.
He secretly trains her in sword-fighting behind their abusive father's back, knowing their father wouldn't want her learning more than the basics. Meanwhile, their parents are well aware of their strong bond, their mother mentioning "our children are exceptionally close... compared to other siblings." Their father notes that Dekis's ability to endure beatings (again, the dad is really abusive) has "improved" now that he's an older brother, wanting to be strong for Medea's sake, and he wonders whether Medea will be Dekis's Achilles heel.
There's a scene as a ball where Medea gets Dekis to go outside with her under pretense of losing something, because he's been hiding a wound from being beaten by their dad and she noticed even if nobody else did, and needed space away from everyone else to take care of him.
And then when they look at the stars, Dekis thinks this! "Medea marveled at the stars' reflection on the lake and gazed down upon the water for a long time. But to me, her eyes admiring the beauty of the stars... were far more dazzling." It's so suggestive of something romantic, even if they're not canon! He thinks of her as "my pride and joy, my sole place of refuge." I swoon.
Sadly as they get a little older, Dekis starts noticing how Medea is being influenced by their father.  This influence has made her colder, less caring, and Dekis--despite loving her--becomes wary of this side of her. And she starts having less and less time for him as she gets older, involved in her studies. They become more estranged.
Dekis has started seeing more and more of their father in Medea. When their father berates him, he hears the words in Medea's voice, and resents how her brilliance makes their father compare the two. Still, he wishes desperately for her happiness. He looks forward to the day she gets married because he sees that as the only socially acceptable way for her to escape their father's house/clutches.
But when the crown prince/her fiance breaks off the engagement, Dekis goes to comfort her, telling her she can find someone else to marry, even offering to find someone for her. She snaps at him that she doesn't want to get married and how, every time Dekis does this, he looks like their father. He realizes that she's started seeing traces of their abusive father in him (like pushing her to marry) just like he's seen those traces in her, and that's what came between them. She thinks he wants her to marry for the family name, not realizing it's for her freedom/happiness.
They talk and realize they each had been projecting their own dreams onto each other. Dekis wanted Medea to marry so she could escape, because he wanted desperately to escape their toxic home.  Medea was disappointed in Dekis "failing" as an heir because she wants to be the heir to House Solon. "We have the same blood and lived in the same house, receiving the same abuse. So I mistakenly thought you (Medea) had the same dream."
Shipping potential aside, it's also a neat exploration (through Medea/Dekis and other characters too) of the different ways abuse affects people differently, even if the circumstances are similar/the same. It doesn't flinch away from the uglier side of that abuse on the victims, which I appreciate.
Dekis finds out some horrific stuff his dad was involved in, including trafficking children, and decides to leave home, which also enables Medea to become the new heir like she wanted. But before he leaves, he leaves a clue for Medea to find the evidence of their dad's evils.
A couple years later, Medea is putting together a case against their dad and the other nobles involved in it, and finds what Dekis left her. Meanwhile, she's sent one of her allies to see if he'll come back and testify against their dad. Dekis has been living a peaceful life, taking care of orphaned children to make up for his dad's actions and clearly still haunted by it. He tells Medea's ally that he won't go but hands over more evidence he's compiled, but he later has a change of heart and heads to see what Medea wanted to show him for himself.
He's just in time to witness the execution of their father and the other corrupt nobles, and Medea becoming the new Duchess Solon. He moves back into their home now that their dad is dead, and becomes another of Medea's allies. And they're such a badass team. As Dekis himself thinks, they're very similar in some ways but so different in others. Dekis is kinder than his sister, but they're both cunning and want Medea to reach her goals. They'd make such a power couple tbh.
(Of course, Medea is such a dynamic character that she's shippable with basically everyone.)
Anyway, as a secondary thing of interest, the Solon siblings have an adoptive cousin, Dion.  He was actually adopted into the family a couple years ago because his adoptive mother (I don't think she's been named in canon yet) was paying him to sleep with her, and then offered to adopt him. I'm assuming he was already an adult by then, or at least I hope so, and he seems around the same age as Medea. It's unclear if the mother adopted Dion as a future scapegoat (in the extended family's plot against Medea/the main family) or if the rest of the extended family decided to make him one later. Either way, it's not particularly shippable but it is adoptive m/s canon.
The mother pressures Dion to try and seduce Medea, his adopted cousin. Naturally she turns him down, but as he's sneaking back from her room, he's caught by Dekis. Desperate to not let Dekis find out what he was trying to do, Dion decides to try and seduce Dekis!  Dekis also turns him down, saying he's married. (It's unclear whether this is true or not; even if he is, he seemingly has no problem leaving his spouse for an indefinite amount of time to live with his sister instead.)
Still! Dion tried to seduce both his adoptive cousins, and he ends up swayed to join Medea's side as an ally by the point where the story has left off. It's unclear if he's actually into her or if he just respects/fears her, but... again, Medea has chemistry with basically everybody. I wouldn't be surprise if Dion also falls for her at some point.
Finally, although this isn't really incestuous, Medea's right-hand man Helio is madly (and I do mean madly) in love with her, and they're friends with benefits but she otherwise treats him as almost a cute pet or younger sibling figure despite knowing his feelings. After his parents died when he was 12, Medea took him under her wing (she's a couple years older) and there are multiple occasions where Helio/Medea reflects that she "raised" him. Again, not really incest, but it's a strange way to put it and I figured I would at least note it. (Plus they both have violet eyes, so I've just kinda headcanoned that they're somehow distantly related because why not? Not like it would stop them.)
So that's a writeup of some of the relationships in Your Throne! Again, it's a great story in general, but Medea's insane shippability lends itself to some good incest shipping as well. She and her brother are chef's kiss.
Thanks for this great write-up! After reading some of those quotes/paraphrases of quotes, it's almost hard to believe that Medea/Dekis isn't canon. It feels SO close.
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marikabi · 1 month
Scrittore per caso
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Perché si diventa scrittori? Perché si anela a pubblicare? 
In un'Italia - in cui diffusa è l’iperbole secondo la quale ci siano più scrittori che lettori - si registra una smania grafomane, rectius: tastieromane. 
C'è più gente che vuole dire qualcosa di quanta ce ne sia che abbia genuinamente qualcosa da dire. Ci s'inventa scrittori, quando non si ha la possibilità di sfoggiare la propria vanità in un talk show, oppure quando non si è influencer? Ci si sogna scrittori perché abbiamo tutti qualche velleità e questa è a buon mercato? 
Tralascio tutta la nota questione sull'Editoria che pubblica la qualunque e a qualunque titolo, mentre alcuni intellettuali s'interrogano, per quanto timidamente, sullo scadimento qualitativo delle proposte editoriali. Qualcun altro svela che le vendite medie dei libri sono ridicole e che addirittura con meno di 1500 copie vendute si entra pure in Top 10 di categoria. 
In generale, le grandi case editrici pubblicano nomi già forti, soprattutto per notorietà mass mediale (TV, YouTube, star system, showbiz). Le piccole pubblicano ad occhi chiusi per puntellare i bilanci annuali. 
Se un islandese mediamente legge dieci libri all'anno, più del 60% degli Italiani non ha letto neanche un libro a stampa nel 2022 (fonte: ISTAT). Sic stantibus data, perché si scrive e si pubblica così tanto? 
Ma vi è di più. Fioriscono a decine i corsi per aspiranti scrittori. Si aprono laboratori di scrittura creativa. Si tengono seminari per futuri romanzieri anelanti un ISBN, tipo "Come pubblicare un romanzo (e vivere felici lo stesso)" pubblicizzato sui social. Suppongo che il relatore come pure gli eventuali partecipanti siano già ben consapevoli che 'essere pubblicati' non è sinonimo di 'avere successo' e/o di ‘scrivere bene’, ed è per questo che il titolo chiosa sul vivere felici lo stesso. 
Corollario a tali seminari, sono blog, podcast nonché altri seminari ed altri libri sui metodi per ignorare la frustrazione da insuccesso editoriale, spronando ad insistere, insistere, insistere nello scrivere e nel cercare editori. Si alimenta così la fola per la quale saremmo tutti degli sfortunati Hemingway non riconosciuti - umanità, quell’ingrata! - e si moltiplica l’editoria minuscola e a pagamento, oltre a consolidarsi la schiera delle attività inutili: trainer e motivatori di scrittori.  
Non nego, tuttavia, che esistano davvero perle nascoste nella piccola e media editoria, che mai conosceranno vasti pubblici, vuoi per carenza di risorse nel marketing, vuoi perché l'autore è territoriale, vuoi perché le grandi case editrici non perdono tempo a fare scouting, vuoi perché - è spesso così, credetemi – mancano al pur bravo autore gli agganci giusti. 
Nonostante l'insuccesso, l'invenduto e tutto il tempo sprecato a fare presentazioni (ci ritorno fra qualche rigo), la gente scrive, scrive più di quanto essa stessa legga. 
Personalmente, sono convinta che se si leggesse di più, avremmo meno scrittori, o quanto meno più qualità dei testi, dalla sintassi all'accuratezza di fonti e riferimenti, in narrativa e in saggistica. Se si leggesse di più, gli aspiranti scrittori capirebbero pure - nel confronto - che non sono poi quei novelli Manzoni, o nascosti Baricco che in pectore s’immaginano, e magari potrebbero pure desistere dall'inutile intento. 
Se si leggesse di più, voglio aggiungere, avremmo anche giornalisti migliori, meno sgrammaticati e più attendibili. Tuttavia, spesso ci s'improvvisa giornalisti come ci s'improvvisa scrittori: voler a tutti i costi dire qualcosa, talvolta pure sfidando il ridicolo. 
(Diciamocela fino in fondo: di giornalisti che raccolgono vere notizie e fanno inchiesta ce ne sono sempre meno, laddove il giornalismo dovrebbe essere solo inchiesta e ricerca. Una crescente parte di noi iscritti all’Ordine, ed io sono in prima fila, rimesta notizie già date agghindandole con sofismi ed opinioni personali - un esempio da manuale sono le Inchieste da fermo di un sopravvalutato Federico Rampini - spesso chiamando altri giornalisti a raccolta per rimestare meglio, quando non butta lì vere e proprie fesserie. Ho raccolto una delle tante sboronate – riportata dall’effervescente youtuber Gio’ Pizzi – raccontate durante i giorni delle colonne dei trattori agricoli in protesta. Trattasi di un episodio che sembrerebbe un peccatuccio veniale se non mascherasse invece perniciosa propaganda. Mario Sechi – direttore di una testata, manco un quidem de populo – ha proclamato [nella trasmissione Otto e mezzo, tra i più patinati consessi di giornalisti che rimestano solo opinioni, null’altro che opinioni] che l’agroalimentare in Italia vale 500 miliardi di euro, pari al 16% dell’intero PIL nazionale, mentre in realtà il valore reale del settore è di 74 miliardi pari al 3,5%. Se i dati sparati da Sechi fossero veri, il PIL italiano sarebbe di 3100 miliardi - e non di 2100 miliardi, com’è realmente - e l’Italia sarebbe un Paese agricolo fondato sui caciocavalli ed il lievito madre, laddove invece siamo molto più bravi, noti e richiesti per la raffinatezza e l’ingegno delle nostre tecnologie e non per il pistacchio di Bronte. Il teatrino di Sechi era strumentale a fomentare politicamente lo sdegno contro l’Unione europea che vessa gli eroici e sottovalutati agricoltori elettori e bla bla bla. Il mio rispetto agli agricoltori, il mio disprezzo agli imbonitori. E vogliamo sottacere il caso in cui il direttore di RAINews – Petrecca – ha oscurato le dichiarazioni del Procuratore di Napoli – Gratteri – sui politici che sniffano strisce di ‘bianca’?) 
Torniamo alle smanie letterarie. Chi pubblica un libro vuole anche presentarlo, o forse vuole soprattutto presentarlo, e ciò è ancor più valido in proporzione inversa alla notorietà. Diventa più appagante per la vanità personale avere una platea - ancorché minima – che sta lì a vederti ed ascoltarti, che non le cifre delle vendite dei volumi. Presentare libri non incide sulle vendite, ma coccola e nutre l’orgoglio personale. 
State leggendo un libello di una giornalista-scrittrice (eh già, sono a pieno titolo nel vituperato novero dello stesso oggetto dei miei strali) che presenta per hobby molti libri altrui. Mi piace presentare solo libri altrui, non i miei, avendo compreso appieno le ragioni di Groucho Marx quando affermò di non voler mai far parte di un club che accettasse tra i suoi soci uno come sé stesso. D’altronde, cantava Vecchioni, o uno vive per le cose che dice o non vive più, ed è per questo che non presento più i miei libri, per coerenza. 
Tuttavia, mi piace presentare quelli degli altri, in quanto tale attività mi offre uno spaccato psico-antropologico, nel combinato disposto ‘autore-contenuti-platea'. L'unico sopravvissuto insuperabile merito della psicanalisi è di essere il miglior strumento per valutare i libri (ed i film), sia nello stile, che nei contenuti (mi riferisco alla narrativa – con netta esclusione di quella per bambini e ragazzi, davvero di ottimo livello in Italia - e alla saggistica da diporto, non a quella accademica e scientifica). 
Mi piace presentare libri altrui perché posso spaziare con gli argomenti, attingendo a tutto ciò che ho letto nella mia vita per fare collegamenti, operare agganci, suscitare evocazioni, rimproverare errori. Mi piace anche leggere ed analizzare per benino i libri che presento, perché imparo a scrivere meglio, a fare debunking, nonché a ridimensionare eventuali borie dell’autore, oltre a cercare di fare le domande giuste. 
Mi piace pure scoprire i motivi per cui si diventa scrittori. 
Così, durante questa mia attività collaterale (nonché assolutamente gratuita) ho scoperto un motivo in più, la spinta per la quale l’Autore che sto per introdurre è diventato scrittore: parlare ai propri figli. 
Mauro Del Mauro - di professione informatico (di alto livello), irpino (della notoria enclave autonoma di San Barbato) trapiantato in provincia di Milano, padre di due post-adolescenti - ha scritto numerosi testi per raccontare ai suoi figli il suo pensiero e la sua storia, razionalizzando la sua rabbia politica e i suoi rancori, ricordando le sue origini e la sua gioventù, acquietando i suoi tormenti ed i suoi dolori famigliari. 
Non ha mai pensato di scrivere per un pubblico diverso da sua figlia e suo figlio; non gli è mai importato avere una platea più vasta. Ha scritto a loro e per loro, invece che annoiarli con les neiges d’antan, affinché potessero scegliere di conoscere e non subire la conoscenza delle sue storie di vita. 
Così, rimanendo un po’ spiazzato quando – per caso – qualcuno gli ha chiesto per la prima volta in assoluto di presentare i suoi testi, Mauro mi ha chiamato a correità per un’inaspettata scorribanda nei cunicoli della sua robusta anarchia di pensiero, attraverso alcuni libri che più di altri (tra i suoi molteplici scritti) si collegano tra loro per sviluppo socio-storico-politico. Il Nostro, da intransigente e veemente kantiano per etica e morale, col tempo, diviene osservatore disincantato, più preso dai colori della campagna irpina (è originario di San Barbato, non dimentichiamolo mai) che dall’insistenza delle giovanili smanie di cambiare il mondo, denunciandone alcune aberranti storture, attraverso la satira, l’irriverenza o la semplice cronaca. 
Mauro – per inciso, mio compagno di liceo - è diventato Scrittore per caso (ma anche un po’ per necessità) ed è questo il titolo dell’incontro di domenica 7 aprile, dalle 17, organizzato dalla Pro Loco Mons Militum presso la biblioteca “Franco Basile”, in Piazza Umberto I a Montemiletto, un���occasione per riconsiderare storia, cronaca, politica e Irpinia da una prospettiva sui generis. 
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pixel-studios · 2 months
Innovative Strategies for Transforming Healthcare Marketing Through Social Media
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Innovative Strategies in Healthcare Social Media Marketing
In the ever-evolving landscape of Healthcare Social Media Marketing, healthcare providers and organizations are increasingly leveraging the power of digital platforms to connect with patients, disseminate vital health information, and enhance brand visibility. The fusion of Healthcare Marketing with social media tactics is not just a trend but a strategic approach to reach a broader audience more effectively. This comprehensive exploration delves into innovative strategies that underscore the significance of digital marketing for healthcare, illustrating how these approaches not only foster patient engagement but also drive the digital transformation of healthcare services.
Embracing Patient-Centric Content
At the heart of effective Healthcare Social Media Marketing lies the creation and sharing of patient-centric content. This involves crafting messages and stories that resonate with the target audience's needs, concerns, and aspirations. A shift towards patient-centered care necessitates content that educates, informs, and empowers patients, enabling them to make informed decisions about their health. By prioritizing content that addresses common health queries, debunks myths, and shares patient success stories, healthcare organizations can enhance their relevance and deepen patient trust.
Leveraging Data Analytics for Tailored Campaigns
The integration of data analytics in Healthcare Marketing strategies has revolutionized the way healthcare entities understand and engage with their audience. Through the analysis of social media metrics and patient data, marketers can gain insights into patient behaviors, preferences, and needs. This data-driven approach allows for the optimization of marketing campaigns, ensuring that they are tailored to the specific demographics and interests of the target audience. By harnessing the power of analytics, healthcare marketers can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their digital outreach.
Fostering Community and Support Online
A pivotal aspect of digital marketing for healthcare is the cultivation of online communities where patients and healthcare professionals can interact, share experiences, and offer support. Social media platforms provide a unique opportunity to build a sense of belonging among patients, particularly those dealing with chronic conditions or navigating recovery. Through moderated forums, live Q&A sessions, and interactive webinars, healthcare organizations can foster a supportive environment that encourages patient engagement and promotes health literacy.
Implementing Responsive Social Media Customer Service
In today's digital age, patients expect prompt and empathetic responses to their inquiries on social media channels. Implementing a responsive customer service strategy on these platforms is crucial for maintaining patient satisfaction and loyalty. By providing timely and accurate information, addressing concerns, and offering solutions, healthcare organizations can enhance their reputation and build trust among their social media followers. The agility to respond effectively to patient feedback underscores a commitment to patient-centered care.
Utilizing Influencer Partnerships and Advocacy
The collaboration with influencers and patient advocates represents an innovative strategy in Healthcare Social Media Marketing. These partnerships can amplify the reach of health messages, making them more relatable and trustworthy to the target audience. Influencers and advocates, with their personal stories and credibility, can help demystify complex health topics, making them accessible to a wider audience. This approach not only extends the reach of healthcare messages but also strengthens the connection between healthcare brands and their communities.
Engaging in Real-Time Health Awareness Campaigns
The dynamism of social media platforms enables healthcare organizations to engage in real-time health awareness campaigns. These campaigns can effectively raise awareness about pressing health issues, seasonal health trends, and public health emergencies. By leveraging hashtags, live videos, and interactive polls, healthcare marketers can create engaging and timely content that captures the audience's attention and fosters widespread awareness.
The intersection of Healthcare Social Media Marketing and digital marketing for healthcare offers unparalleled opportunities to enhance patient engagement, improve health literacy, and foster a community of informed and empowered healthcare consumers. By embracing innovative strategies that prioritize patient-centric content, leverage data analytics, foster online communities, implement responsive customer service, utilize influencer partnerships, and engage in real-time awareness campaigns, healthcare organizations can navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with agility and purpose. As the digital transformation of healthcare continues to evolve, the integration of strategic social media marketing efforts will be paramount in shaping the future of patient care and healthcare delivery.
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Digital Marketing Specialist: Navigating the Dynamic Digital Landscape
In today's fast-paced business environment, the role of a digital marketing specialist has become increasingly pivotal. As businesses shift their focus to online platforms, the demand for professionals who can navigate the intricate world of digital marketing has skyrocketed. This article explores the nuances of being a digital marketing specialist, from essential skills to the evolving industry landscape.
1. Introduction
Definition of a Digital Marketing Specialist
A digital marketing specialist is a professional well-versed in leveraging digital channels to promote brands, products, or services. This includes utilizing various online platforms such as social media, search engines, and email marketing.
Importance in the Modern Business Landscape
In an era where consumers are heavily influenced by their online experiences, digital marketing specialists play a crucial role in helping businesses connect with their target audience effectively.
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2. Skills Required
Analytical Skills
Digital marketing involves interpreting data to make informed decisions. A specialist needs a keen analytical mind to understand consumer behavior and campaign effectiveness.
Crafting engaging content and innovative campaigns requires a creative flair. Digital marketing specialists need to think outside the box to capture audience attention.
Technical Proficiency
From understanding SEO algorithms to managing advertising platforms, technical proficiency is a cornerstone skill for a successful digital marketing specialist.
Communication Skills
Effective communication is vital in conveying brand messages. Specialists must communicate clearly across various digital channels to build brand awareness.
3. Role and Responsibilities
Strategic Planning
Digital marketing specialists are tasked with developing comprehensive strategies to achieve marketing objectives. This involves identifying target audiences and selecting the most suitable digital channels.
Social Media Management
With the prevalence of social media, specialists must adeptly manage and curate content across platforms to foster brand loyalty and engagement.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Understanding and implementing SEO strategies is fundamental for a digital marketing specialist to ensure online visibility and ranking on search engines.
Data Analysis
Analyzing campaign performance metrics is crucial for refining strategies and achieving optimal results.
4. Qualifications and Education
Relevant Degrees and Certifications
While formal education in marketing is beneficial, certifications in digital marketing tools and platforms are equally valuable.
Continuous Learning in a Dynamic Field
Given the rapid changes in the digital landscape, specialists must stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies through continuous learning.
5. Tools and Technologies
Utilization of Marketing Tools
Digital marketing specialists employ various tools to streamline campaigns, manage data, and analyze results for continuous improvement.
Staying Updated with Technology Trends
Remaining informed about technological advancements ensures specialists can harness the latest tools for maximum impact.
6. The Evolving Landscape of Digital Marketing
Trends Shaping the Industry
From influencer marketing to immersive technologies, digital marketing is influenced by ever-evolving trends that specialists need to adapt to.
Adaptability and Flexibility
Success in digital marketing requires professionals to be adaptable, embracing change and adjusting strategies based on industry shifts.
7. Successful Case Studies
Showcase of Effective Digital Marketing Campaigns
Examining successful campaigns provides valuable insights into strategies that have resonated with audiences and achieved notable results.
8. Challenges Faced by Digital Marketing Specialists
Constant Algorithm Changes
The dynamic nature of algorithms on platforms like Google and social media poses a challenge, requiring specialists to stay agile in their approach.
Managing Online Reputation
Negative reviews and comments can impact brand image. Specialists must effectively manage online reputation to mitigate potential damage.
Data Privacy Concerns
As digital marketing relies heavily on data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations is a persistent challenge.
9. How to Become a Digital Marketing Specialist
Steps to Kickstart a Career in Digital Marketing
From acquiring relevant qualifications to gaining practical experience through internships, the journey to becoming a digital marketing specialist is multifaceted.
10. Industry Outlook
Growing Demand for Digital Marketing Specialists
As businesses increasingly allocate budgets to digital marketing, the demand for specialists is projected to grow exponentially.
Diversification of Roles
The role of a digital marketing specialist is evolving beyond traditional responsibilities, encompassing broader aspects of online brand management.
11. Future Skills and Trends
Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
The integration of artificial intelligence is shaping the future of digital marketing, with automation and personalization becoming key focal points.
Voice Search Optimization
As voice-activated devices gain popularity, optimizing content for voice search is becoming a critical skill for digital marketing specialists.
12. Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing
Basics of SEO
Understanding the fundamentals of SEO is essential for specialists to enhance the visibility and ranking of digital content.
SEO Strategies for Digital Marketing Specialists
Implementing effective SEO strategies involves keyword research, on-page optimization, and staying informed about search engine algorithms.
13. Personal Growth and Development
Networking in the Industry
Building a network within the industry facilitates knowledge sharing and opens up opportunities for collaboration.
Building a Personal Brand
Establishing a personal brand enhances professional credibility and can lead to increased opportunities in the field.
14. Collaboration in Digital Marketing
Cross-Functional Teams
Successful digital marketing often involves collaboration with professionals from various disciplines, emphasizing the importance of cross-functional teams.
Importance of Teamwork
Achieving digital marketing goals is a collective effort, requiring effective communication and collaboration among team members.
15. Conclusion
In conclusion, the role of a digital marketing specialist is dynamic and multifaceted. From staying updated with industry trends to navigating challenges and fostering collaboration, specialists play a pivotal role in shaping a brand's online presence.more info contact us Digital Marketing Solution
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Trends and Triumphs: Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Social Media Marketing
In the ever-changing landscape of social media marketing, staying ahead of trends is not just a strategic move; it's a necessity. As platforms evolve, user behavior shifts, and new technologies emerge, brands must adapt their social media strategies to remain relevant and effective. In this exploration of trends and triumphs, we'll delve into key aspects of navigating the dynamic world of social media marketing for continued success.
1. Embracing Video Content Dominance:
One of the prevailing trends in social media marketing is the dominance of video content. Short-form videos, reels, and live streaming have become integral to engaging audiences. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have fueled the rise of bite-sized, visually compelling content. Brands that embrace video content not only capture attention but also convey messages in a format that resonates with today's fast-paced digital consumers.
2. The Rise of Ephemeral Content:
Ephemeral content, characterized by its temporary nature, has gained immense popularity. Stories on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook provide a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging real-time engagement. Brands leverage ephemeral content to share behind-the-scenes glimpses, limited-time promotions, and authentic moments, fostering a more immediate and intimate connection with their audience.
3. Influencer Marketing Evolution:
Influencer marketing continues to evolve, with a shift toward authenticity and micro-influencers. Audiences seek genuine connections, and brands are recognizing the impact of smaller influencers who have highly engaged and loyal followings. Collaborating with micro-influencers allows for more personalized interactions and often results in higher conversion rates.
4. Social Commerce Integration:
The integration of social commerce has become a triumph in the social media marketing landscape. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer seamless shopping experiences, allowing users to discover and purchase products without leaving the app. Brands that leverage social commerce effectively capitalize on the trend of turning social platforms into full-fledged shopping destinations.
5. Conversational Marketing through Chatbots:
Chatbots have transformed the way brands interact with their audience on social media. By providing instant responses to queries, offering personalized recommendations, and facilitating transactions, chatbots enhance user experience and streamline customer engagement. The trend towards conversational marketing reinforces the importance of immediate and personalized interactions in building brand loyalty.
6. Social Responsibility and Values-Based Marketing:
Consumers today are increasingly conscious of the values and social responsibility practices of the brands they support. Brands that align with social causes, demonstrate authenticity, and engage in transparent communication resonate more deeply with their audience. The triumph lies in building a positive brand image and fostering a sense of community among socially conscious consumers.
7. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences:
Augmented Reality experiences have gained traction, providing innovative ways for brands to engage their audience. AR filters, interactive experiences, and virtual try-on features enhance user engagement and contribute to memorable brand interactions. Brands that incorporate AR into their social media strategy stand out in the competitive digital landscape.
8. Data Privacy and Personalization:
As data privacy concerns grow, brands must prioritize ethical data usage. The triumph lies in striking a balance between personalization and privacy. Brands that respect user preferences, offer transparent data practices, and provide personalized content tailored to individual interests can build trust and loyalty in an environment where privacy is paramount.
Trends in social media marketing are not just fleeting fads; they are indicative of the evolving preferences and behaviors of digital consumers. To triumph in this dynamic landscape, brands must not only embrace current trends but also anticipate future shifts. Whether through the dominance of video content, the rise of ephemeral content, the evolution of influencer marketing, the integration of social commerce, the adoption of chatbots, values-based marketing, augmented reality experiences, or the balance between data privacy and personalization, success lies in adaptability and a forward-thinking approach.
Navigating the evolving landscape of social media marketing is a journey of continuous learning and innovation. By staying attuned to trends, brands can not only survive but thrive, forging deeper connections with their audience and achieving enduring success in the ever-changing digital sphere.
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notizieoggi2023 · 4 months
Seguici sul:https://notizieoggi2023.blogspot.com/2024/01/non-solo-chiara-ferragni-cosi.html
Non solo Chiara Ferragni, così l'influencer marketing spinge le Pmi e il Pil Dopo la storiaccia con Balocco sono arrivate nuove linee guida Agcom per le superstar del web. Un giro di vite utile anche alle aziende: gli investimenti delle piccole e medie imprese in pubblicità su TikTok hanno generato 3,5 miliardi di euro di ricavi nel 2023 tra Germania, Francia, Italia, Olanda e Belgio. Contribuendo al Prodotto interno lordo con 4,8 miliardi di euro. Se usati bene, i social sostengono la crescita economica.
Non solo Chiara Ferragni, così l'influencer marketing spinge le Pmi e il Pil
Quando è esploso il caso della beneficenza opaca di Chiara Ferragni con Balocco, il Garante italiano per le comunicazioni stava già collaborando con i regolatori europei dell'audiovisivo per elaborare linee guida che disciplinassero le attività degli influencer. Il commissario dell'Agcom, Massimiliano Capitanio, precisò che «le nuove regole erano in discussione ben prima del caso Ferragni». Pertanto, sarebbe stato più opportuno parlare «di principi di trasparenza, rispetto e buon senso da condividere con gli stessi creator in un apposito tavolo tecnico».
Un po' d'ordine per chi ha almeno 1 milione di follower e il 2 per cento di engagement Già, il tavolo tecnico rappresenta uno degli aspetti principali del tentativo di mettere un po' d'ordine nel mondo dell'influencer marketing a partire dalle superstar del web, ossia chi ha almeno 1 milione di follower e un engagement pari o superiore al 2 per cento. Tecnicismi a parte, non è cosa di poco conto. Per intenderci, si fa riferimento ai personaggi con un seguito autentico, una comunità che interagisce e partecipa attivamente. Considerando che, in media, il livello di interazione sulle piattaforme è dello zero virgola, si intuisce la portata della misura.
Non solo Chiara Ferragni, così l'influencer marketing spinge le Pmi e il Pil Obiettivo trasparenza: bisogna dire chiaramente quando è pubblicità Da un lato, questi professionisti del marketing saranno tenuti a una maggiore trasparenza, rendendo chiara la natura pubblicitaria della loro comunicazione. Dall'altro, si tratta di un giro di vite che potrebbe giovare non solo alla categoria degli influencer in sé, ma anche alle aziende stesse, soprattutto alle piccole e medie imprese che trovano nei social media un terreno fertile per la loro crescita.
Su Instagram l'83 per cento dei consumatori scopre nuovi brand Solo nel Regno Unito, per esempio, due piccole imprese su tre generano più fatturato tramite Facebook (30 per cento), Instagram (18 per cento), X (10 per cento) e TikTok (9 per cento) rispetto ad altri canali di vendita. Meta, la società che possiede tra gli altri Facebook, Whatsapp e Instagram, ci informa che è proprio su quest'ultima piattaforma che l'83 per cento di noi consumatori scopre nuovi brand. Questi aspetti ci aiutano a comprendere le ragioni dietro gli investimenti pubblicitari. Secondo l'ultimo rapporto della Oxford Economics, società specializzata in previsioni economiche e analisi econometriche, gli investimenti delle Pmi in pubblicità e marketing su TikTok hanno generato 3,5 miliardi di euro di ricavi nel 2023 nei cinque mercati europei analizzati, tra cui l'Italia.
Non solo Chiara Ferragni, così l'influencer marketing spinge le Pmi e il Pil I social media creano nuove professioni e spingono la trasformazione digitale Ma il punto chiave è un altro: nel 2023, l'uso di TikTok da parte delle piccole e medie imprese nei Paesi sotto indagine, ossia Germania, Francia, Italia, Olanda e Belgio, ha contribuito al Prodotto interno lordo con 4,8 miliardi di euro. In Italia parliamo di una contribuzione pari a un miliardo di euro. Una ricerca pubblicata dal Journal of Knowledge Economy ha messo in evidenza che la diffusione dei social media è correlata positivamente alla crescita economica, creando nuove professioni e contribuendo a una trasformazione digitale nei modelli di acquisto e consumo. In definitiva, è ragionevole sostenere che i social media rappresentano un volano di crescita.
Regole pronte a essere estese anche ai personaggi più piccoli Quindi, più che un'azione contro gli influencer, si configura come una strategia che potrebbe fare scuola ponendo le condizioni per un mercato più stabile. Giacomo Lasorella, presidente dell'Agcom, ha confermato al Guardian che le regole saranno eventualmente estese agli influencer più piccoli: «Il mondo digitale corre come una lepre e le regole lo seguono. Ma questo è un passo importante verso la regolamentazione del settore».
Non solo Chiara Ferragni, così l'influencer marketing spinge le Pmi e il Pil Il mercato degli influencer è più che triplicato dal 2019
Sono parole che fanno riflettere. Allargando infatti lo sguardo, emerge un tema significativo: secondo le stime di We Are Social, una società di consulenza, su oltre otto miliardi di persone nel mondo, sei su 10 utilizzano i social media, e nella quasi totalità (93,4 per cento) si tratta di utenti attivi. Un sondaggio del luglio 2021 tra gli utenti di internet nei principali mercati online ha rilevato che il 43 per cento di tutti gli intervistati seguiva un qualche tipo di influencer dei social media. Questo ci aiuta non solo a capire il valore del mercato globale degli influencer, stimato in 21,1 miliardi di dollari nel 2023 e più che triplicato dal 2019, ma anche perché molti giovani preferiscono diventare youtuber piuttosto che astronauti.
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solution21 · 5 months
Healing Online: The Prescription for Success with Medical Industry SEO Services
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In the digital era, where individuals increasingly turn to search engines for health-related information, medical practitioners and healthcare organizations must prioritize their online visibility. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in ensuring that medical services are easily discoverable by those actively seeking healthcare solutions. This comprehensive guide explores the significance of medical industry SEO services, delving into key strategies, considerations, and the overall benefits for medical professionals and the healthcare sector.
The Importance of SEO in the Medical Industry:
Changing Patient Behavior: Patients are now more inclined to conduct online searches to find healthcare providers, research medical conditions, and seek information about treatment options. Effective medical industry SEO services ensure that healthcare entities are prominently featured in these search results.
Competitive Landscape: The healthcare industry is competitive, with numerous providers vying for patient attention. SEO strategies allow medical professionals to rise above the competition, securing higher rankings and increased visibility in search engine results.
Building Trust and Credibility: High search engine rankings contribute to the perception of trust and credibility. Patients are more likely to trust medical practices and professionals that appear at the top of search results, positioning them as authoritative sources in their respective fields.
Key Strategies for Success with Medical Industry SEO Services:
Keyword Research and Optimization: Thorough keyword research is foundational to medical industry SEO. Identifying relevant keywords related to medical services, treatments, and specialties allows healthcare providers to optimize their online content for better search visibility.
Local SEO for Medical Practices: Local search optimization is crucial for medical practices targeting specific geographic areas. Optimizing Google My Business listings, acquiring local backlinks, and ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information across platforms enhance local search visibility.
Content Marketing: Regularly publishing high-quality, informative content is integral to medical industry SEO. Blog posts, articles, and other content not only attract patients but also establish medical professionals as authorities in their respective fields, positively impacting search rankings.
Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of smartphones, medical websites must be optimized for mobile devices. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its rankings, making mobile optimization a crucial aspect of medical industry SEO.
User Experience and Site Speed: A positive user experience influences search rankings. Medical websites should be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and have fast loading times to enhance both the patient experience and search engine visibility.
Considerations for Medical Industry SEO Services:
Adherence to Healthcare Regulations: Medical industry SEO services must adhere to healthcare regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality is paramount.
Reputation Management: Online reputation significantly impacts search rankings. Encouraging positive online reviews, managing online reputation effectively, and addressing negative feedback professionally contribute to a positive online presence.
Integration with Other Marketing Strategies: SEO should complement other marketing strategies employed by medical practices. Integrating SEO with content marketing, social media, and paid advertising creates a holistic approach for maximizing online visibility.
Benefits of Medical Industry SEO Services:
Increased Visibility and Patient Acquisition: Effective medical industry SEO services result in improved search rankings, making medical professionals more visible to potential patients actively searching for services. Increased visibility directly translates to a higher likelihood of patient acquisition.
Enhanced Patient Engagement: Well-optimized online content and a positive online reputation contribute to a strong patient engagement strategy. Patients are more likely to trust and engage with medical professionals who have a visible and reputable online presence.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional marketing methods, SEO is a cost-effective strategy with a high return on investment. It targets individuals actively seeking healthcare services, making it an efficient and targeted approach.
Competitive Advantage: In a competitive healthcare landscape, effective medical industry SEO provides medical professionals with a distinct advantage. Securing higher rankings ensures that healthcare providers stand out, attracting more patients and establishing themselves as leaders in their respective fields.
In conclusion, medical industry SEO services are a prescription for success in the digital age. By implementing key strategies, adhering to healthcare regulations, and prioritizing online reputation management, medical professionals can optimize their online presence, connect with patients actively seeking their services, and thrive in the competitive online healthcare landscape.
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aliblog1 · 5 months
Best Online Seo Services in lahore
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In the ever-expanding digital landscape, the quest for online visibility and prominence has become more challenging than ever. Among the myriad strategies available, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands out as a cornerstone for achieving and maintaining a strong online presence. This comprehensive guide explores the nuances of online SEO services unraveling the intricacies of this indispensable digital marketing tool.
2. Understanding the Significance of SEO in the Digital Landscape
In a world where online competition is fierce, understanding the significance of SEO is paramount. Online SEO services encompass a variety of techniques and strategies designed to enhance a website's visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic and improving overall digital performance.
3. Key Components of Online SEO Services
3.1 Keyword Research and Analysis
Effective SEO begins with in-depth keyword research. Unraveling the language of your target audience and identifying relevant keywords is crucial for crafting content that resonates and ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs).
3.2 On-Page Optimization
On-page optimization involves fine-tuning elements on your website to make it more search engine-friendly. This includes optimizing meta tags, headers, and ensuring a seamless user experience.
3.3 Off-Page Optimization
Off-page SEO extends beyond your website and involves building a robust online presence through backlinking, social media engagement, and other external factors that influence your site's credibility.
3.4 Technical SEO
Technical SEO focuses on the behind-the-scenes aspects of your website, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and indexing. A technically optimized website contributes significantly to its search engine ranking.
4. The Role of Content in SEO
4.1 Quality Content Creation
Content remains king in the digital realm. Crafting high-quality, relevant, and engaging content not only satisfies search engine algorithms but also captivates and retains your audience.
4.2 Content Marketing Strategies
Incorporating effective content marketing strategies into your SEO efforts can amplify your reach. From blog posts to infographics, diversifying your content ensures a multifaceted approach to digital visibility.
5. Local SEO: Navigating the Local Search Ecosystem
For businesses targeting local markets, mastering local SEO is imperative. Optimizing for local searches involves strategies like Google My Business optimization and local citation building.
6. The Impact of Social Media on SEO
Social media and SEO are interconnected in today's digital landscape. Leveraging social platforms not only enhances brand visibility but also contributes to SEO through social signals and increased online engagement.
7. Mobile Optimization: A Must in the Mobile-First Era
With a significant portion of internet users accessing content on mobile devices, mobile optimization is no longer a choice but a necessity. Google's mobile-first indexing prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search rankings.
8. The Evolution of SEO Algorithms
Staying ahead in the SEO game requires an understanding of how search engine algorithms evolve. Google's updates, such as BERT and Core Web Vitals, impact how websites are ranked, emphasizing the need for ongoing adaptation.
9. Choosing the Right SEO Service Provider
Selecting a reliable SEO service provider is a critical decision. Factors such as experience, client testimonials, and transparency in their strategies should guide your choice.
10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How long does it take to see results with online SEO services? A1: The timeline for SEO results varies, but noticeable improvements typically occur within 3 to 6 months.
Q2: Can I do SEO on my own, or is it better to hire a professional service? A2: While basic SEO can be done independently, the complexities often necessitate professional expertise for optimal results.
Q3: Is social media important for SEO? A3: Yes, social media signals play a role in SEO, influencing search engine rankings.
11. Conclusion
In conclusion, the realm of online SEO services is multifaceted, encompassing various strategies to enhance your digital presence. From the intricacies of keyword research to the ever-evolving landscape of search engine algorithms, mastering SEO is a continuous journey. As you navigate this landscape, remember that the ultimate goal is not just to rank higher but to provide value to your audience and create a lasting online footprint. By investing in online SEO services, you're not just optimizing for search engines; you're optimizing for success in the digital age.
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kusnorio · 7 months
Denny Ja: Poetry as a medium for delivering effective political messages: challenges and opportunities
Literary arts have always been an effective medium for delivering political messages. One branch of literature that is very popular with many people is poetry. Poetry can issue deep feelings and ideas from the author so that the message to be conveyed can be more easily understood by the reader. In the political context, poetry can also be an effective medium for conveying political ideas, views, and political aspirations. Denny JA, as a writer and Indonesian political figure, also believes that poetry can be an important medium in delivering political messages. This article will discuss poetry as a medium for delivering effective political messages and challenges and opportunities faced. Poetry as a medium for delivering effective political messages Poetry has the power to convey political messages effectively because poetry is able to present complex concepts and ideas in a simple and easy to understand way. Through poetry, a writer can express dissatisfaction, hope, excitement, and suffering about the political situation. Therefore, poetry often becomes a strong form of expression in the political context. In addition, poetry can also inspire readers to act and participate in political change. Poetry can be a source of inspiration for individuals or groups to change the existing political situation. Through poetry, a writer can influence the reader to fight for their rights and take the actions needed to achieve their political goals. Challenges in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages Although poetry can be an effective medium in delivering political messages, there are several challenges in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages. The first challenge is the difficulty of conveying political messages explicitly in poetry. Poetry is often abstract and indirect in conveying his political message. Therefore, some readers may find it difficult to understand the political message that a writer wants to convey. The second challenge is the author's ability to create poetry that can be accepted by the wider community. There are some poems that are too rigid or too complicated so that they cannot be understood by the wider community. This can make poetry difficult to be spread and accessed by the wider community. Opportunities in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages Although there are challenges in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages, poetry also has a great opportunity in delivering political messages. The first opportunity is to access the public through social media. In the current digital era, poetry can be shared easily through social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This allows poetry to be accessed by the wider community and can convey political messages to many people. The second chance is to increase public interest in literature and poetry. Many people today are interested in reading poetry and literature. This is an opportunity for a writer to convey his political message through poetry that arouses the feelings of his readers. Conclusion In the political context, poetry becomes an effective medium in delivering political messages. Poetry can inspire readers to act and participate in political change. But there are several challenges in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages, such as the difficulty of conveying political messages explicitly and the difficulty of creating poetry that can be accepted by the wider community. However, there are also great opportunities in using poetry as a medium for delivering political messages, such as the use of social media to spread poetry and increasing public interest in literature and poetry. Denny JA, a writer and Indonesian political figure, has proven that poetry can be an important medium in delivering political messages.
Check more: Denny JA: Poetry as a medium for delivering effective political messages: challenges and opportunities
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Thursday warm up
Day breaks and as the first rays of the sun shines I am thankful that I get the opportunity to rise.
Somewhere someone wasn't granted the grace.
I know today I have a chance to run and win my own race.
Today I can push myself to come in first place by choosing peace and making improvements on my temple.
I'm so happy to be able to make these leaps and strides.
Yesterday day's training helped me to withstand the currents and the tides.
My eyes are widely opened.
My footing is sure.
My heat rate is steady.
I know today I will endue.
I have gained new incite and transformed all the uncertainty and chased away all that was grey.
I know today will be a great day.
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pooma-education · 7 months
Group Discussion
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Topic: Effective Teachers
▪️Dr. Anis Ahmad: Effective teacher: An effective teacher is more than an educator; He/She is a mentor, guide, and source of inspiration. Has a profound impact on his/her students, instilling not only knowledge but also values, skills, and a love for learning. His/Her dedication, adaptability, communication skills, empathy, and high expectations make him/her indispensable in the development of the next generation. Effective teachers are instrumental in shaping the future and changing lives, one student at a time.
▪️Azeez: My: Experience:
I once asked a very effective teacher how he got his students so engaged. He said it was easy. “All I do is start a fight.” He meant making some provocative remarks that stirred arguments among students.
Although learning is the central task of education, many educators would be hard-pressed to explain how learning occurs. Worse are the students who say, in effect, “I dare you to teach me.” We have reluctant learners who sit in classrooms waiting for the curtain to rise.
Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.
Classroom management would be difficult when we teach the learners to change and check what they are made for; their learning personality; what they ought to be. Just help them with what they are capable of being from their existing capabilities.
People today do not even know what children are actually like. They only know what children are like in schools. Don't educate them, just elevate them.
Educate children, they elevate themselves.
▪️Dr. Balasubramanian: Children's demands are highly emotional, whether they are young or older. Many things cannot be expressed adequately in words or text messages. We need to invest valuable time in conversation and communication, as well as practice good listening.
Over the past 20 years, we are pleased to note an improvement in education for both genders, with a majority of students graduating. However, we lack patience and often expect children to progress more quickly than their mental development allows. We should reduce the emphasis on classroom teaching from textbooks, as the content is readily accessible and understandable with minimal effort. Parents and teachers should primarily serve as facilitators, potentially tailoring their roles for different age groups.
In the past, we used to accept the differences in various education streams and make compromises when necessary. Now, the saddest part is the influence of media, including social media, newspapers, and even unusual places used for marketing purposes. In the streets, we see various forms of transportation, including walking, cycling, motor vehicles, cars, and buses. They all coexist, but they cannot reach the same destinations at the same time, leading to the challenge of comparison, which has become a pervasive issue. Many programs designed for residential schools cannot be implemented in day schools due to time constraints.
For instance, activities like skits during prayers work well in residential schools, where students have more free time, easier access to teachers, and ample time for rehearsal and practice. Implementing such activities in day schools often disrupts the normal routine.
Parents, teachers, and school management should avoid comparing their schools to others, as this can lead to stress. Many problems can be resolved if we focus on walking in the right shoes and wearing appropriate uniforms, rather than trying to imitate schools from different regions with distinct attire.
When it comes to higher education, medical and competitive exams like JEE (similar to IAS/IPS) are aspirations and possibilities for the top 10% or 15% of students. However, not all students should be expected to study the same syllabus. Some may prefer pursuing normal science degree programs. The government's decision to shift focus solely to MBBS programs, which lead to jobs in the medical field, while considering all other programs as unwanted or useless, is lamentable. The worst aspect of this situation is the constant comparison, which is akin to a virus. We should cease such comparisons, as fish cannot fly and birds cannot swim. Parents should help their children find the right domain, or they will bear the costs. Human beings are not machines for producing results. Learning, just like cultivation, requires proper preparation and time, and one should never expect it to happen in a day.
▪️Azeez: There are no misfit children in our society. There are misfit courses of study, misfit textbooks, and misfit teachers. But in the very nature of the case, there can be no misfit children…One might as well say that a man does not fit his clothes as to say that a child does not fit the school…It is one of the tragedies of human institutions that they tend to become formal and mechanical, that they tend to gather about them people who have a vested interest in their perpetuity.
Children are different from one another and have a recall of their lives that illustrates the significance of their activities, mostly unrelated to school.
Children out of school are viewed differently from the way they perform in school. Their imaginations, natural curiosity, and energy soar so differently from the humdrum life at a school desk.
Teachers don’t know children because they only experience them in school.
When this expression out of our school campus, when it is expressed in school, we take it as a mark of indiscipline.
Naturally it is not, children sometimes fail to discriminate between social life and school life. What about we, the teachers, do the same error.
Hence give the children, a space to elevate themselves. This is what I said, educate children; they elevate themselves.
Young children know much more than words. The reason why do we follow teaching through activities, They grasp the differences among such concepts as mother, sister, grandmother, cousin, girl, and woman. They know the difference between a chair, a sofa, and a stool, though they were never taught those differences.
Small children are like explorers in their drive to understand the world around them and like sponges in soaking up understanding. If you ask a child what makes the sun come up, the child will answer, proposing a hypothesis, if you will.
The child, a budding psychologist, has learned, for example, whether Mom or Dad would be better to approach for permission.
In that context, the same child is a lawyer, arguing the rightness of the request.
The child is a mathematician who loves counting and numbers and who knows what one-half an apple is. (You can divide the apple but your brother gets to choose his part first.)
The child is an artist who tackles drawing or dancing without reservation.
Now......How do schools squelch these enthusiastic drives and motivations?
The need of a child from us is not help; our support to grow their personality and not accurate performances.
Some children get exactly support and some get help. Supported children grows in discipline and helped children grows slow in their discipline; it is not indiscipline; slowly catching up DISCIPLINE.
We teachers need to know this discrimination please.
We have radically altered our evolved species’ behavior by artificially segregating children in same-age peer groups instead of mixed-age communities, by compelling them to be indoors and sedentary for most of the day, by asking them to learn from artificial text-based materials instead of contextualized real experiences, and by dictating arbitrary timetables for learning rather than following the unfolding of a child’s developmental readiness.
Common sense should tell us that all this will have complex and unpredictable results. And it does. The result is Indiscipline, according to our dictionary.
Is it true that keeping our belief wrong and blaming little angels?
▪️Mrs. Sangeeta Thygarajan: I couldn't agree more.
We are somehow catering to the corporate firms' need for slaves who work from dawn to dusk without questioning by training students from a very young age.
We confine them in schools and desks for hours on end, thus robbing them of enjoying the most beautiful hours of the day.
They are so used to these confined hours that they become model employees.
We should note that the syllabus is set that way, too.
No creative individuality is encouraged
▪️Dr. Sekar Srinivasan: Your observations are profound. Yet i feel whatever the syllabus greatly depends on the attitude of the teachers and their passion to transform with effective utilization of available resources to pull up. Subject proficiency should not be the only criteria but the art of teaching plays a vital role. For this teaching degrees and diploma should not be there through correspondence courses or open universities where passing the examination is mainly through assignments. Teachers training is more worthwhile than medical professional training. If standard teachers training institutions are monitored and felicitated then more than 60 percentage of the problems could be resolved.
▪️Azeez: While some children seem able to function in the school’s artificial environment, most cannot.
Around the world every day, millions and millions of normally bright, healthy children are labeled as failures in ways that damage them for life.
My mentioning of different ways for schooling doesn’t mean everything is wrong with current instruction or that newer ways will be entirely better.
New ways just have to be better, not perfect. Your critics, take notice!
There is general agreement among cognitive scientists, and educators that all children:
¹Are born with curiosity and the ability to learn.
²Are not born with the same capacities for learning the same things.
³Come to school with different levels of cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development due to a combination of nature and nurture.
⁴Come to school with different needs, interests, and abilities.
⁵Are active learners with unique needs.
⁶Should bear the responsibility for learning.
⁷Learn best when intrinsically motivated.
⁸Are motivated when respected, encouraged, and exposed to opportunities that capture their interest and build on their previous experience, and are recognized for their accomplishment.
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joachimnusch · 7 months
Wo sind die Friedensaufrufe und Socialmedia- Friedensstifter?
In einer Zeit, in der soziale Medien einen immer größeren Einfluss auf unsere Lebensweise und Werte ausüben, fällt eines besonders auf: die Überflutung von Postings und Beiträgen von Influencern, die sich hauptsächlich mit Selbstinszenierung und der Werbung für preiswerte Konsumprodukte beschäftigen.
Doch in dieser Ära des digitalen Selbstmarketings und des exzessiven Konsums stellt sich die drängende Frage: Warum sehen wir so wenig Aufrufe für Frieden in den sozialen Medien? Ist es nicht an der Zeit, dass Influencer ihre Reichweite und ihren Einfluss nutzen, um eine Botschaft der Harmonie und des Friedens zu verbreiten?
Es fehlt an Friedensaufrufen:
In den Weiten des Social-Media-Kosmos ist es schwer zu übersehen, wie Influencer und Influencerinnen mit glänzenden Produkten, luxuriösen Reisen und schillernden Lebensstilen prahlen. Es scheint, als sei die Konsumkultur allgegenwärtig, und unsere Bildschirme sind überflutet von Selfies und Produktplatzierungen. Doch wenn wir genauer hinsehen, fällt auf, dass Aufrufe für Frieden und soziale Gerechtigkeit in diesem digitalen Getümmel kaum Platz finden.
Influencer verfügen über eine immense Reichweite und Millionen von Followern, die ihnen aufmerksam zuhören. Diese Reichweite könnte dazu genutzt werden, um positive Veränderungen in der Welt zu bewirken. Stellen wir uns vor, wie wirkungsvoll es sein könnte, wenn Influencer sich für Frieden einsetzen, Friedensprojekte unterstützen, Friedensansätze vorstellen und ihre Plattformen nutzen, um Bewusstsein für Konflikte und Ungerechtigkeiten zu schaffen, vor allem für Lösungen und Projekte, wie zum Beispiel die Muschelhornkampagne, die zum Frieden beitragen könnten.
Einige wenige Influencer haben bereits erkannt, wie wichtig es ist, ihre Reichweite für einen guten Zweck einzusetzen. Zum Beispiel hat die Umweltaktivistin Greta Thunberg mit ihren Instagram-Posts und Tweets weltweit Aufmerksamkeit auf die Klimakrise gelenkt. Auch Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen wie Angelina Jolie und George Clooney nutzen ihre Prominenz, um auf humanitäre Krisen aufmerksam zu machen. Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass es möglich ist, die sozialen Medien als Plattform für soziale und globale Anliegen zu nutzen.
Metaphern und philosophische Zitate:
In einer Welt, die von Konsum und Selbstinszenierung geprägt ist, können Influencer zu Botschaftern des Friedens werden.
Wie der berühmte Philosoph Konfuzius einst sagte: "Die besten Zeiten sind die, in denen das Vertrauen da ist und keine Angst herrscht."
Dieses Vertrauen kann durch eine verstärkte Präsenz von Friedensaufrufen in den sozialen Medien aufgebaut werden.
Studien haben gezeigt, dass positive Botschaften und Aufrufe für soziale Gerechtigkeit das Wohlbefinden, positive Nachrichten und Diskussionen, der Menschen steigern können. Eine Welt, in der Friedensaufrufe in den sozialen Medien häufiger sind, könnte zu einer insgesamt friedlicheren und harmonischeren Gesellschaft führen. Das bestätigt auch die positive Psychologie.
Es ist an der Zeit, dass Influencer, aber auch alle andere Menschen die in den sozialen Medien aktiv sind, ihre Macht und Reichweite nutzen, um Friedensaufrufe zu verbreiten. Es braucht eine digitale Friedensrevolution. Die sozialen Medien bieten eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, positive Veränderungen in der Welt herbeizuführen und eine tiefe, sozial-geistige und spirituelle Erneuerung stattfindet. Lassen wir uns gemeinsam daran arbeiten, dass Frieden nicht nur ein ferner Traum ist, sondern eine allgegenwärtige Botschaft in unseren digitalen Leben.
In den Worten von Mahatma Gandhi: "Sei du selbst die Veränderung, die du dir wünschst für diese Welt." Lassen wir diese Worte in die Tat umsetzen und die Welt der sozialen Medien zu einem Ort des Friedens und der Inspiration machen.
Peace Begins within
©️ Joachim Nusch
#Frieden #Friedensaufrufe #Weltfrieden #Influencer #Socialmedia #Facebook #Instagram #spiritualität #Medien #Politik #Psychologie
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Gabriella Annalisa Biography
Gabriella Annalisa is a young and talented social media personality from the United States. She has made a name for herself as a Social Media Influencer, TikTok Star, and Content Creator. Gabriella’s social media is flooded with millions of fan followers. People always wait for their social media posts to watch her lip-sync, comedy videos, and entertaining & engaging dance videos. Read More
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