#so you guys get an art piece i drew in....january!
nyanbinary-87 · 19 days
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hello mcyt nation is this anything
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camellia-salazar · 2 months
Happy March, guys!
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I forgot to post this last month so please count it as a February piece. Also Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit's designs aren't gonna stay like that for the most part. Idk why I changed the designs I already have for them into these but just know that I've tried to stick to the right designs.
(Also scratch out the Mapleshade and Ashfur from January's drawings since I've changed their designs a bit too). Thank you.
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Was thinking about drawing this after realizing the similarities between the shows and their fan bases, mostly their opinions on these characters. I'm not gonna explain it all on here.
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Colored doodles of characters I felt like drawing, Idk I just wanted to see my progress on getting better at mimicking the respective art styles of each thing for the most part. Mostly because I'm into both Bob's Burgers and Ed Edd n Eddy rn, and pretty much everything else shown on here (besides Orel and Greg I just thought they'd be friends, and Bluey cause i never get tired of drawing her im also excitedfor more Bluey).
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I drew this basically as concept for an AU where Mapleshade was good. I know exactly what goes down but for now I'll just post whatever and probably talk about it more with some more drawings of this AU.
Also my designs for warrior cats are never consistent.
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Since my birthday I started drawing certain characters playing Lazer Tag (since that's what my family, my youngest sister's friend and I did on that day). So I included the characters that had their birthdays (that I at least saved on my calander) and also other characters I really like recently.
Read more for more explanation on this last piece since i thought up a whole story for it basically:
So Leafy and Teardrop was teaming up until TD betrays her and Leafy tries to get revenge but keeps on getting shot by her (based on personal experience).
The thing about Kenny is that Sniper headshot him with a real gun somehow, and Crocker was teaming up with him so he's unaware of Kenny's death here.
Don't mind ARG he ain't hating Mickey he's just in the zone and looking out for himself and possibly Mickey, they're friends cause I said so.
Also 2-D is here because I like Gorillaz rn. Frank is here because there's a whole thing that I can't explain here but that's why he's "alive" here. Also he wasn't really caring about the game until the tension was getting to him. He turns into a ghost and flees at the end.
Logan here is looking up at Louise and Joe who were at a high point. Joe isn't even really playing, he was practicing his swing with the baseball nets next door to the Lazer Tag arena, but joins in with Louise at the last minute. They're looking down on him and making faces.
So that's basically it. Thanks for reading it all if you did! 👍🌟💝
And thanks for looking at my fan art! Hope y'all had a great March and will have a great April! 💖✨️
(Also I can't tag every character so bare with me)
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summmeister · 5 months
A Look Over the Art I Made in 2023
2023 has come and gone, with a sizeable improvement on my art skills. Once again, I am VERY proud of the work I managed to accomplish this year. I'll be going over some of the highlights month by month in this post, being sure to point out anything of note.
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Starting off the year, I made some new artwork of Skweeb! I consider this fairly outdated now, but it did start a few trends with the character, mainly how I draw shine on him. His eyes bulge outwards, they're not holes! I also drew @akfamilyhome's character, Leddy.
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This was a BIG month for me! I tried a lot of new things, and most of them worked out! This month also contains what I consider to be one of my best drawings this year, a celebration of Hollow Knight's 6th anniversary. Other highlights include a dashing tribute to Dangeresque and an entirely new reference sheet for Skweeb!
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March was not a particularly noteworthy month. These are the only two drawings from it! That said, I am quite happy getting any drawings out this month at all! As you'll see later on, this wasn't actually my most dry month.
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A VERY full month! I can't even fit everything I wanted to! Lots of Skweeb here, some Lucy too! Also a fitting send-off to Courtney (very sad Dead End got cancelled). Tried some big things here, like with the parody Album art, but for the most part I was just doing what I was good at: simple character full-bodies.
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VERY dry month for art. This is the only piece from May! I participated in @some-fool-fp's aRtPG collab this month. Skweeb joins the party!!!!! Made my own custom logo for him, too.
I had a LOT of college work this month. I was working on a game!!! I got the highest grade possible on it, very proud of that. If you would like to play it, you can do so here. Just a warning though, it's very short and VERY jank at times.
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Another big month!! Some proper reference of Winslow, another Jevil drawing, and my FAVORITE piece of Skweeb art to date!!! The pose and the shading is just so good on it, I love it.
...Well this is awkward.
Art Fight was this month, and with all of my effort going towards that, I kinda... didn't draw any of my own art this month. Whoops.
Let's press fast forward, shall we?
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A NEW OC WAS CREATED THIS MONTH!!!! Meet Chao. He helps out at the circus. He babby. I put a TON of effort into getting his design just right and ensuring he had the proper referencing before working on anything else. I love this 'lil guy.
Also some of my favorite art from this year!!! Inspired by Lemon Demon's "One Weird Tip", I made some art that takes place on a ficticous desktop! Getting the shapes and text right was hard, but I am so glad I put the time and effort in.
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Always Watching.
WOW, I am so so proud of what I accomplished with this CoTL piece. Everything from the pose to the composition and the use of colour is just PERFECT. This is up there in my favourite pieces of art from this year.
Skweeb and Jack Frost are here too... wait, it's not December yet!
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A certain someone turned 2 this month! My baby boy, now 2 years old... how time flies...
It was halloween this month too... but Skweeb isn't dressing up this year. It's Lucy in his place! Got some nice Jax art here too, I love that asshole.
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I was never the most content with my previous Jevil artwork. I never felt like I was giving it my all, which is why I'm happy to say that this month, I did!
I also took a second shot at drawing Jax; this time, featuring Pomni! I used thinner lines and taught myself how to draw hands a whole lot better, I think it helped, haha.
Lastly, (part of) my piece for @hillelart's 10th Anniversary FNAF collab! The full thing is staying secret for now. Keep an eye out for January 15th!
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Finally, we arrive at December.
Funnily enough, I didn't actually draw for half the month. But when I got back into it, I got BACK in. I'm very proud of both of these pieces, and the shading and blending I used in them! This certainly feels like a new era of my art, and I'm looking forward to continuing it!
And that's it. You made it to the end! Most people just together a simple image for their art recap, and while that certainly works just fine, I like to go into the nitty gritty, write down my entire year in art, y'know?
I'm not sure if this year contains as much progress as 2022, but it certainly contains a BOATLOAD of progress! Look back at the start of the post and compare it to the end of the post, the difference is insane!
Lastly, I've got just one more thing to show, once again, redrawing my first ever piece to mark off yet another year. I hope you like it, you'll only have to wait another 365 days for the next one!
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Bring on 2024!
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dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
Your sketching/art style is really pretty and clean. Do you ever do fully rendered pieces? I'd love to know what your painting style looks like? Or do you have any plans to paint any of the lads stuff you've done yet? Sorry if you've answered this before!
So this is a bit of a ~fun~ one to answer and might get a little long bit I'll do my best to keep it as short and simple as possible my dear sweet Anon ♡
First off, thank you! I used to do a lot of rendering and full-on painting in terms of digital art, but figure sketching is always where I've been happiest and most comfortable. The human body is my absolute favorite subject, and while painting it is lovely, I find the simple sketching of it to be very soothing. It's uncomplicated, and the shapes and lines don't get lost as easily imo. It's just nice to be able to see the curve and form of the body in its most uninhibited view.
That said, you won't see me do a lot of painting anymore. In March of last year, I got really sick and started to lose the mobility in my hands. I found out I had PsA (short hand for Psoriatic Arthritis, think of it like a cousin to Rheumatoid Arthritis), and so the amount of time I can spend drawing and painting is drastically reduced. This means that while I used to be able to spend all day working on rendering a piece no problem, I just can't do that anymore. To give you an example, I've been working on this piece since January in small bursts, and I'm still not halfway done-
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This is a project of love though (the dnd group I play in, the witch on the broom is my character) so it's still something I deeply enjoy working on so I'm happy to do it in little bursts.
Here are a couple other passion projects I'm chipping away at that are all personal projects and a bit of fanart that are all mid WIP. Hopefully this gives you an idea of my limited painting skills 😅🤣 even before my illness I was a mediocre painter at best, as it wasn't ever something that really drew me in to strive for improvement.
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I've taken quite a shine to doing manga panel redraws since my illness, enjoying the black and white/greytone styles, so I've been playing with those as well recently. Particularly with the Demon Slayer manga. They're much easier but still pack a punch visually, and I love the comparison between the original and my interpretation.
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I hope that answers your question (and I'm sorry it was probably waaay more than you asked for lmao). I'm sorry you won't be seeing many painted LnDS pieces from me anytime soon, or likely ever. As my hands continue to decline so will my skills and abilities. But I'm grateful you guys have been enjoying the sketches I've been able to do. I really appreciate all the love you've given me ♡♡
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kazeharuhime · 5 months
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Thanks to @authoroflight for the original template! (Though I might have customized it beyond recognizability ksdjgnsd)
2023... I got a lot of art done this year compared to past years! Though the year started out slow, between trades and commissions, the first quarter of the year somehow managed to have at least one good drawing a month, even if March's old-sketch-paintover looks a little strange next to all the creatures. XD; May and June continued the theme of painting over old, though June's original was considerably newer than May's. It also took me forever to find it!! Several of the ones I'd been going to put for June turned out to be from different months (no date on them so was going by modified date at first, oops!). And in July of course there was the Clysmia comic, August with the Choco 'comic'. September was another low but I managed to churn out another paintover. October of course had my annual flower-drawing saga with the last one featured here, and in November I got bored and drew Comet, and December held a delightful surprise in the form of a book-illustrating commission. :3 Gonna keep that one to just a preview since it's part of something that'll be published.
But! Let's go through all the rest. Keep reading for more on the rest of the pieces.
January - This was a secret santa for my good friend @toothpaste-dragon of her OC Baz! Love this grumpy crust of an alien. :D You can view the full pic here.
February - This was a commission from @dreagonarchives of her guy Guido! Full pic: x
March - Paintover I did of my character Sleepi from Torn Apart! Since it was done over an older pic the style looks a little incongruent from my current style 😅 But this was also almost a year a go now, so, y'know.
April - My half of a design trade with @chrystallink! Doggos are a bit of a challenge for me, but it was a fun one! Full pic: x
May - A fittingly sunny pic of my character Nola. This was another one that I think had started from a paintover and just went places from there. Still a little strange-looking, but oh well. Plus a photo of some sunflowers in the background. XD
June: Progress pic of an absolute freak. An attempt was made to sketch out a hand to keep it from hiding, but I never did get back to this pic... 😂
July: As mentioned above, a comic for my good friend Dia featuring her gal Clysmia!
August: The tail end of a final ArtFight attack against Chocobir! I had so much fun putting in on the Easter eggs, and Choco is so cute!
September: The suave business lizard himself, it's Nell! Another one that's painted over an older sketch. Overall I think I improved the face shape a bit since the sketch? Maybe?
October: The final flower from Floratober 2023! I had a lot of fun and it was so great getting so much feedback this year. The wonders of posting on places other than Tumblr! lol.
November: Comet from Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san! Whenever I need to get away and draw, Comet is there as my comfort anime. :) It's been a while since I've drawn the girl and watched the last bundle of episodes!
December: And of course, December's art! From a very fittingly snowy-themed project. :) I don't know yet how much I'll be able to talk about it, but it's certainly going to keep me busy for a while!
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I notice how you draw Harry and James is pretty different from how they look in game. I was curious how you decided their looks. It's interesting to hear about that sort of thing if you don't mind answering. Thanks
hi anon!! :3 thanks for the ask!! i will do my best to explain myself LOL but no promises it'll make any sense >:3c!
so let's go on a fun lil' art journey, anon. grab a granola bar and some gatorade, and c'mon!!!
well first and foremost: i am a NOTORIOUS "i do what i want"-er. going off the beaten path to the beat of my own drum is my favorite thing to do!
.. that said!! as i've mentioned before, actor Josh Charles was my first PB/"cast" for Harry Mason.
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and my very first piece of silent hill fanart (march 10, 2018) really reflects that, LOL
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incredibly, and almost a full year later to the date, i drew and posted this on march 4, 2019. now THIS is actually the closest canon-Harry i've ever drawn. (this was also around the start of the SH RP i was doing with a friend, which then spawned GOOMT lol.)
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april 25, 2019. first color piece for any SH art and my first "real" time drawing james. this is also the last time you'll see him with his bangs on the "correct" side LOL.
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april 30, 2019. the SH RP is still going on, and this is where i'm starting to get a better handle on what i want them to look like. Harry also gets a maroon sweater. he's also notably thinner here, and still has a lot of Josh Charles vibes.
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sept 22, 2019. james sunderland thinnest browns edition. the bangs will be drawn on the right from now on.
(the only reason why they're on the right is because i forgot which way his hair actually parted. oops.)
the RP has ended. the first chapter of GOOMT is written a tumblr post and subsequently posted to tumblr october 3, 2019. i write/pst chapters 1 - 4 in the following days, then draw them again:
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james's jacket is still short (but at least he has eyebrows!!); harry is still thin(ner). he's also got more of a canon-harry super low cut sweatervest.
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ch 5, 6 is written/posted to tumblr. i draw and post this on october 27, 2019. please clap for my art journey LMAO
you'll also notice hte presence of A Knife. this is actually Angela's knife. shhh. ;)
still figuring out what they look like in goomt here tbh.
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stuff from the following week. more figuring out! DRASTICALLY different Harry, too! still very Josh Charles-y, but starting to take on his own look as well. (note his greys!!)
i like DILFs. i like dad bods. he was intended to be a little soft around the middle.
it's not until January 2020 that i draw these idiots again:
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very different nose for james lmao.
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this is actually my first full body for both in awhile.
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(i'm redoing this :3)
also more "accurate" debut of Harry's jacket!! this jacket was ALWAYS intended to look/be bigger on him. i can't really explain why because i don't know, other than it felt right.
at this point i've figured out how i want Harry to look. his design elements are very simple, because i'm EXTREMELY self-indulgent and i really. REALLY like:
widow's peaks
big thick eyebrows
noses. big beak noses
old men
grey hair
(you can actually find this sort of pattern across my various OCs that you'll never find evidence of on my blog anymore haha except for Zach good luck tho. >:3c)
January then gets very busy in the art department for these guys.
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Harry finally gets more of a pudge and starts to "look" like himself. James also starts to "look" like himself.
a note on james's bangs: i uhhhhhhh. Stylistically, i have a thing for drawing Big Hair and Tall Bangs. this is seen in my version of Jonathan Crane. but also my hair used to do the exact same bangs so are you really surprised.
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(bonus pieces of abandoned James GOOMT character sheet from 2001. i might have the files somewhere if you guys want to see What Almost Was LMAO)
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more from January 2020. rubs chin.
it isn't until the end of Janurary/beginning of February that Harry finally Gets Fatter.
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i'd been very unused to drawing fat people until Harry, and had been struggling up until here with actually drawing a more accurate representation of his body type to the one i saw in my head!
the reason why i made him fat is because it made sense to me that he was. people change, and being a single father changed him a lot. (and also i recognize that the only reason why the Dead Harry model was lean in sh3 was because it was a recycled Dead James model and they were Legit not going to actually put too much thought into it otherwise lmfao)
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march 2020. still getting used to drawing Harry's body type!! also: even tho James's jacket is Longer in my head, i'm still trying to draw it the game-canon length.
idk why.
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August 2020, James long jacket hours!!! and Harry really getting his look.
and FINALLY, one of my FAVORITES i've ever done of these two!!:
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james's jacket is short here (only bc i was a Dumbass and forgot to make it longer i think?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who's to say), but this is also the color debut for the backpack!!
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(bonus Sept 16 2020 YOUNG HARRY CONCEPT from when he pierced his ears in the 90s thinking Jodi was going to find him soooo handsome. he sure is he cute huh)
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attempted to re-do their character sheets back in 2021. this did not go as planned, and i was having a very hard year doing ANY personal art, so. gestures.
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(sorry i had to put them up here like this it's just a screenshot of the two files in preview bc i'm Totally Incompetent when it comes to computers lmfao)
this is where we are now!! now as these are just sketches for their Newest character sheets, Harry is a liiittle different in the actual file and is is literally just a screenshot of what i've already posted like mentioned above lmao.
what it comes down to is this:
i actually just forgor what he looked like and didn't ref my art to what he looked like in-game. simple as that! LOL
in the initial RP, James was played by my friend, while i grabbed the reins to Harry, so i naturally preserved some of the base features of what my friend decided for James (lean, Super Sad And Wet, pale af). i slapped on the caterpillar brows (this is also a thing i'm historically known for in character design), did some tweaks, and also let James evolve himself as i became a better artist.
longer coat because Aesthetics that's why LOL. i don't like the short jacket he wears in game-canon and i needed GOOMT james to put his hands in his pockets like how i drew him above. Reasons.
he's also so pale because [REDACTED] and much thinner than his in-game model because he did Not take care of himself very well in those three years during Mary's illness. (it's also in his genetics: Frank is lean, too (however much taller than James, rip dude 😔))
switch from blue to maroon: i like maroon/burgundy. (i realize later that the color he wears is more on the side of burgundy but y'all i hate the color spectrum and it can definitely also be called maroon so it's maroon LOL) i also just thought it looked better on him. the only other reason i can think of as to why i changed it was because.. people change. this is a new era in his life. i kept it a (more modest, sh1 harry you whore <3) v-neck sweater as a nod to his game-canon but just.. changed it to maroon. probably just a designator.
he's fat because of reasons detailed above (fatherhood, life on the road, settling down, etc). and also because he's hot and he deserves that. self-indulgent.
hair, nose, elf ears: self-indulgent.
for Harry especially there are a lot of aspects about him that "almost were" but got cut out of his development for one reason or another an really he's better off that way. i really really don't like to force development or force a "look".
the main reason i guess above all else is that Harry looks so different than his game canon is because he's not that Harry anymore. and in sh3, you never see the guy's face: him dead. i can't even recall if i'd seen the dead Harry model in full before trying to hammer out what GOOMT Harry looked like. young GOOMT Harry would look a lot closer to what his game model looks like, tho. i can tell you that much :3 (one day i'll draw a Younger Harry but don't expect it anytime soon unless the inspiration REALLY strikes lmfao)
a lot of their changes are just not that deep, honestly. my vision for them comes from forgetting which way the bangs go (looks James), developign them in my head over time, The Vibes™️, and The Indulgences™️. i'm a creature of habit for sure in the character design department LOL but my world my puddle we play in it.
i should go to bed now!! but if you have any questions about something else or anything about their designs in particular PLS let me know!! i realy REALLY love this question and wanted to answer it RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY (even tho it's been two hours since and I NEED TO GO TO BEEED DGLDFDFGDGFSKGDFDKGSDFGKH O O O P S ) SO i hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane (and my art tag archive LOL) and you have a good safe healthy and cool day :3c!!
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b0nelessdoodles · 4 months
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Art Summary 2023
shoutout to the one month were i drew fanart and then everything else was just dnd content again lmao (also shoutout to me being late to posting this haaaaa)
2023 wasn't the best year for me personally. between money problems and job searching, health issues, mental health issues, unintentional discomfort at my new job, and the overall issues of the world it just hasn't been great and I felt it heavily in my creativity. I never really had any creative highs this year outside of artfight (and even then i felt like i didn't do well) which only fed into some of the issues I was having.
But looking back I am really happy with most of what I made! Sure I didn't draw much but hey I think I popped off when I did!
So here is to 2024! Already off to a good start in the art department and even if I slow down at least I've had fun so far!
(i was gonna put me gushing about things in tags but its a lot so i'm doing a read more this post is already so damn long lmao i'm sorry)
okay i'm here to gush about two pieces at a time and their contents cause then make me happy to look at so lets get started on that with march and september 'cause hey! look at the relationship development of my little goblin guy!
march was when kk (tic's best friend and now boyfriend) first appeared to the rest of the party outside of just tic talking about him. literally the entire party could see that kk was in love with tic and was just like "oh buddy sorry about that" 'cause tic was a dumbass and romance was just never something he thought about until meeting the party. then we flash forward to september where the two confessed to each other after what really felt like the end of tic's story arc. at least it felt that way to me 'cause he reached his goal of killing groll and becoming the king of goblins but i know he still has shit to do I'M LOOKING AT YOU TRAVELLER AND RIP! but yeah that was the whole reason he left and it was done. he did it! but it almost cost him kk and the two ended up having a really important talk about it. kk chewed tic out and spilled his guts and i still think about it a lot holy shit it was so good omfg but it was in that moment that it clicked for tic. that if he had actually lost kk he had no idea what he would do, that he felt like his whole life would fall apart without him. and just man it was good wholesome content. congrats to the goblins for being the first canon relationship! (even tho they were not the first confession that one goes to rhami!)
now that that block of the text is out of the way we get to more depressing ones, those being january and october with my guy, dr. cecil wilfree.
its just.... man. what do i even say about him. january was probably the last moment before his life went into a full downward spiral, eventually leading into his demise. that piece isn't even anything major but rather something like a reminder going "hey, remember when wilfree had two normal eyes? good times!" and just man (-insert that image of a horse standing on the beach-) compare that to where he's at in october and knowing what happened in those 10 months? january he still had trust and hope, he believed that he was going to get back home and help river out with his plague, maybe even get aster home if she'd let them, maybe find a way to cure himself and help casey. but by the end there was no hope and he found out that he had been used, was nothing more than a tool for someone who he trusted, despite knowing that he really shouldn't have. river was dead and it was his fault (at least in his mind it was), he had failed to protect aster and traumatized both her and willow, and he could do nothing to save an entire population from being wiped off the face of the map. and he caved under the guilt. he gave up. its sad to see him alive and pissy in january and then look at december and see a shell of the same man, no more thoughts in that head as his mind got disconnected from his body and self.
and then for extra sads we've got december which was his birth month, so i drew something from a time before the campaign. back when he was alive and well, no soul curse and unknowing of the horrors yet to come, and receiving a gift from someone whose life he could soon destroy due to his own hubris.
anyway! pay no mind to may! i didn't draw a damn thing that whole month!
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My Artist’s Year in Review
Unfortunately, I haven’t put out much art this year. So I’m using my favourite sketch pages from this year instead of pieces. I’ve had a lot of struggles w/ my mental health and personal real-life problems, so doing full pieces seemed a daunting task. But hopefully in this new year, I’ll be able to do more full pieces!
Pages (and artist’s notes) under the cut!
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December 2022
This was a difficult time for me motivation-wise, and this was the only full page I made at that point, as most of my (now-lost) art was digital then! My favourite sketch here is the Grant Cohen in blue at the bottom.
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2. January 2023
Another especially-difficult month for me. Again, the only full page I was able to fill, unfortunately. I really like the Norman in the top-left corner; he was so fun to draw!
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3. February 2023
My bestie (@harmonyblossom19 btw, hey girl) had said that MatPat gave off Fred ScoobyDoo vibes, so I drew their fusion—dubbing him “FredPat” shortly thereafter. It was the best of February’s doodles, though I’m still not proud of it. This was around the time I moved here from my old blog!
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4. March 2023
Do y’all remember The Orchard Mystery Series, that set of OCs I had a while ago? Well, here's the main two characters–Dick and Melanie! I wanted to try a washed background and layering the sketch on top of it—though I should have looked up some tutorials before taking on this task lmao
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5. April 2023
I posted this one on my Instagram (@/biblically_accurate_art btw if you want to see my art)! I got back into TMA after finally getting over the hump with some depression. Ngl, absolutely love drawing s3 Jon.
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6. May 2023
Ace but with a binder. Nothing else to say here, except that this was when I rediscovered Yugioh. These suckers ware going to get me through uni istg….
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7. June 2023
More OCs! These guys are part of my Arthuriana-based universe, The Quest for the Atlas Dias / The Atlas Stone. Meet Sol, Lyra, and Finnigan!
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8. July 2023
The only complete page I have for July lol. I’m especially proud of Ryou in the Spotify colours here!
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9. August 2023
I drew this after coming home from the camping trip that inspired the DMAU! I picked my favourite (left) and least-favourite (right) outfits, and drew my blorbos in them. Yugi’s bag is still my favourite bag I own irl to this day.
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10. September 2023
My favourite page out of this collection fr. I did fuck up Season 0 Yami/Maou’s hair, but the whole page is just a joy to look at. Tbh, I wish my current style worked with this type of page format.
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11. October 2023
My birth month babeyyyyy! And to celebrate ya boy’s 18th, I decided to draw some really nice-looking Ryous, and a full-body Yugi! The Ryou doodles are my favourite here, purely for the way the hair looks.
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12. November 2023
I love every aspect of this piece to DEATH! The way Atem is looking at Yugi, their facial expressions, the clothes, the pins on Yugi’s shirt! This is definitely one of, if not the best piece here.
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13. December 2023
This is all of the OCs I’ve stuck together for various universes. Lilith and Star are from a D&D-inspired universe called Spires of Heavenly Light and Shadow, and of course, Lyra and Sol are from TQFTAD. I’m so in love with the Star doodle here.
This was a train wreck of a year, but I think I pulled myself out of it pretty well. I hope your years have been just as great, if not better!
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firbetmakes · 1 year
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I posted 113 times in 2022
97 posts created (86%)
16 posts reblogged (14%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 111 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#artists on tumblr - 100 posts
#illustration - 99 posts
#art - 92 posts
#cute - 83 posts
#kawaii - 83 posts
#digital art - 59 posts
#oc - 53 posts
#original character - 48 posts
#traditional art - 39 posts
#artist - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#i read all the tags and comments on my posts and they never fail to make me absurdly happy
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Here’s the boy! A-Spectrum Cleric Wolf is here to support you all!!
Making these aspec pride wolves is always a joy and challenge >-<. Deciding to only use the flags colours for this year’s really was a choice.. got me to try some new shading and colouring methods tho.
This guy’s available on a hoodie if that’s your thing -> firbetshop.com
|LGBT|A-Spec|Ace|Aro|Pride Art|
133 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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🌻  Hope stands tall despite an uncertain future
204 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
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Fruity Dinos for a pattern I’ll make at some point. They’re so cute!!!
Went a bit of a roundabout way of drawing these. First I drew them with promarkers in my sketchbook, and then redrew them digitally to clean the lines up.
315 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
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The illustrated cover I drew up for @aspecjournal​ that I’m so proud of! It’s up for preorders right now till March 10th :D
It took so long to get all the colours right as I wanted to get as many aspec colours as I could into the piece. purple for ace // green for aro // yellow and blue for aroace // and black and white for aspec. Plus some red to represent the bonds of fate’s connection (being broken).
I illustrated Fenrir and his two sons Sköll and Hati from norse mythology. Fenrir has always hit something within me, with the theme of destroying the world to be released from bonds forced upon you, and having two children with no reference to another parent.
I’ve always enjoyed reinterpreting monsters and villains stories into something positive, so it should be no surprise I read into his themes with a bit of a cathartic aspec lens.
Cover text version ▼
See the full post
374 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Congrats Jaiden!! I’m so proud that she was able to come out publicly :0
And to anyone who found out about Aros and Aces through her video, Welcome!
The a-spectrum has been pretty looked over for a long time with many not even knowing we exist. It’s a very common story for aspecs, even I only discovered the identity a few years ago!
I’m so glad such a large youtuber (and one of my favourites) has been public with their aspec identity. Hopefully this will lead to many more aspecs discovering a refuge in this community. I mean the aromantic tag was in the top 5 for a while, everyone say thank you to Jaiden :P
The aspec community is here to welcome anyone who needs a refuge, even if you do find a different label later down the line.
There’s lots to discover and learn in this community so if you’re interested have a look around and learn something new :D
772 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dadfathers · 1 year
January ~ April Reading Review
Rounding up what I read in the first months of 2023!
Favorites in Comics, Fiction, and Nonfiction:
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The Karman Line
by Mitsuhashi Kotaro
Reading this comic was like being suffused in the calm, blue hour of evening. The deep blue ink was an amazing choice. One of my favorite comics of the year so far! Mitsuhashi is a graphic designer and his compositions and design sense certainly have the unique approach he’d strived for. I wish I could read the student manga magazine these were originally published in.
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Yowamushi Pedal & Yowamushi Pedal SPARE BIKE by Watanabe Wataru (scanlated the SPARE BIKE chapter with my sister…)
So fun, drew this a lot. I love sports manga! I really appreciate the art style for its whimsy and am in awe of his speed (from his Manben episode…)
Natsume’s Book of Friends vol. 25 & 26 by Yuki Midorikawa
Drawing this incessantly lol. I’ve liked it for a long time but I think now I can really appreciate the art style of the manga more. Kind of fits the theme of episodic shorts with a through-line about supernatural beings (like The Cabinet, Where the Wild Ladies Are, which are my fiction picks below)
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Not All Girls Are Stupid by Minami Q-ta
I don’t particularly like her story telling about romance lol and definitely prefer Pop Life but her art style and subtlety are soo charming
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A Favorable Wind on Full Sails by Arantoochika
The stories don’t really grab you but the art style, rough as it is, has a very indie appeal. I like how the night scenes and light in general are rendered
Lianhuanhua (5 different ones) from Paradise Systems
Cool little format…I want to make one!
Mermaid Town by Tsugawa Tomohiro
Dreams as manga, I liked the first one best
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Think I’ve Still Got It! by Wang XX
Cute and the book design is great…the middle story about Seal having to do an unethical job for low pay lmao
Eyeshield 21 (rereading but mostly watching the Anime) by Inagaki Riichiro and Murata Yusuke
Football….Murata can really draw! Alas, he is a bisexual misogynist (the vibes of one punch man especially) and clearly a legs and ass guy…
The Cabinet
by Un-Su Kim translated by Sean Lin-Halbert
I made a pitch deck about this one. Kind of a wild book…I loved it, obviously.
Where the Wild Ladies Are
by Aoko Matsuda, translated by Polly Barton
Also in my pitch deck. This is a series of short story feminist re-tellings of traditional Japanese folk stories. A great, light-hearted read with a fun through line that by the end links each story together in a fun way.
Ancillary Justice
by Ann Leckie
This one made me crazy for a few days and I’m really looking forward to finishing the trilogy! I love when the man-made city-like thing is sentient, and I love politically charged world-building.
The Employees by Olga Ravn
This actually works as an interesting companion piece to Ancillary Justice with some similar themes (humanoids who’s primary purpose is as employees on a space ship among human crew)
The Wedding Party by Liu Xinwu translated by Jeremy Tiang
Kind of a slog to get through but if you, like me, have interest in post Cultural Revolution life in Beijing this is apparently one of The Books about it
Carceral Capitalism
by Jackie Wang
My first book of the year and a great text for me to get into nonfiction reading this year. As someone who hasn’t read too widely in this domain before, I found it very comprehensive. If the title and it’s implications (to be clear, a big one is anti-black racism in the US) intrigue you in any way, it’s probably my top nonfiction recommendation so far this year.
A Feminist Reading of Debt
by Lucí Cavallero and Verónica Gago, translated by Liz Mason-Deese
A manifesto about why debt is a feminist issue, written in context of the Argentinian feminism movement starting in 2016. While my understanding of finance and the mechanism of debt is still rudimentary, I feel that this was a good all-round, short capsule of many topics worth delving into and counts as an international feminist must read according to me.
How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic
by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart, translated by David Kunzle
Anti-imperial media critique my beloved. This book was burned, dumped into the ocean, and otherwise systematically destroyed in the days following the 1973 CIA-backed right-wing coup and neoliberal regime in Chile. Footnote that the US refused to condemn the book burning against almost every other nation in the UN because of course they did. Evidently it’s hard-hitting stuff to critique Disney. Awesome to read this edition for all the extras on the Disney copyright foolery involved in keeping this book from reaching English language audiences until this one released in 2020. If your media critique hurts fascists and corporations this badly you’re doing it so right.
Race For Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
A very thorough profile of the period in time during which the US government housing policy set the tone for Black homeownership and Black urban housing. For me it kind of set the scene to understand some of the issues of housing, credit, and racism.
Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean by Peter James Hudson
As the title says! Not a lot of analysis but rather a walk through the time line of the early 1900s US expansion into foreign banking in the Caribbean, was helpful to get a grasp of how financial imperialism works.
Favorite Articles
Chapters in Manga’s Cultural Crossroads:
"Naruto" as a Typical Weekly Magazine Manga by Omote Tomoyuki
Women in "Naruto" Women Reading "Naruto" by Fujimoto Yukari
So good….I’m researching for a zine I want to do with my sister!
Ghost Ships by Miriam Posner from Logic Magazine
some interesting points about the global supply chain
Don’t Fall for the AI Hype with Timnit Gebru on Tech Won’t Save Us Podcast
If you want to know about AI ethics. I personally was validated that she said hating Bezos, Musk, etc. back in 2017-18 made people think she was being a highly specialized hater of a random few for no reason because that was me in 2017-18 and we were correct lol
China’s Newest Dating Craze: Real-Life Meetups With Virtual Boyfriends from Sixth Tone
This is Yuri…(the cosplayers acting as the fictional media boyfriends are all girls going on dates with girls)
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snowy-weather · 1 year
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I posted 2,987 times in 2022
883 posts created (30%)
2,104 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,382 of my posts in 2022
#snowy rambles - 357 posts
#snowy's art - 231 posts
#oc - 179 posts
#ace of swords - 170 posts
#the elder scrolls - 129 posts
#original character - 125 posts
#ralis sedarys - 115 posts
#skyrim - 109 posts
#attack on titan - 82 posts
#dunmer - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 74 characters
#it's just a piece of fabric fold it up and put it in a drawer or something
My Top Posts in 2022:
What I think of the Skyrim NPCs I just drew:
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Erandur is a sad, sweet, kind but badass priest. The way he calls you 'my daughter' or 'my son' is just... omg yes please be my priest dad. XD
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I married Revyn Sadri in one of my playthroughs and I love his marriage dialogue. Also, even though his voice sounds a bit arrogant he's actually a cool guy. ^^
See the full post
75 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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I drew a bunch of Skyrim NPCs I like for one reason or another. Including some of my absolute favourite. First time drawing some of these, so I still need to get comfortable with drawing them. 
Please consider reblogging my art. It tells me you like it and helps me stay motivated and keep drawing so I can give you more art! ^^
103 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
I noticed in the scene where Belos is not wearing his mask, he looks a lot shorter. This just makes me imagine him wearing fabulous high heels when he's in his 'full emperor' look. XD
120 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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This scene man, this scene T.T
266 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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In my opinion....
1,080 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I've never done this year in review before, but I thought it'd be fun. ^^
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silencescribbles · 5 months
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This year was... interesting, art-wise! 🖌️
January: Honestly kinda 'meh' in terms of art. February: I revisited the Next Gen guys more here! I wish I could've delved in deeper, I reeeeally want to get into Opal's story, but alas... March: I started ArtGens here, so a lot of the art from this month was that (unfortunately, that's had to be put on hold indefinitely). I also drew a lot for my friend this month: it was their birthmonth after all! April: Slow but nice month, this piece was a toss-up! Bubble Rat was runner up. May: I really don't have much memory of this month? But this was close to being Michael. June: Marked the end of ArtGens, marked the beginning of an emotional decline. But I was introduced to Love Letter to Unova and I'm so happy to have contributed! July: ArtFight! I'm especially proud of this character belonging to Cyph-- it's just a little sad that the holly isn't preferred, if I'd known I wouldn't have drawn it. August: Well... ArtFight doesn't end 'til August 2 at 4 AM! But otherwise, August was a slow month, due to university projects. September: Another slow one, but can you believe it? It's been 10+ years since Crimson's been around! October: You guessed it, university got in the way! This piece was the only one of the month that wasn't project related. November: This month I finished up uni, and got to work on personal stuff! In fact, my friend's AU was shared with me here, so a lot of this month was sketching stuff for that (which I never finished). Plus I decided to share my own cat AU here too! This picture's not related to any of those things, but it's still a nice reflection of the month that was. December: Aha, yeah... things got a bit rough. It's hard to come to terms with what's next. But Crimson's a comfort character regardless of his form... thank you Crim.
0 notes
seahdalune · 6 months
Seana’s 2020 art highlights (a thread)
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread i did on twitter a few years back. so these are really old.)
January: i didn’t draw anything complete that month.... closest thing i could find to finished is this art i made of my OC, Angelord. man. remember when i drew my OCs? [2023 note: it's..... funny you say that. you would try to start up an original comic for the entirety of next year.... not that it ever came to fruition.]
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February: i finished Link’s Awakening that month. i drew Marin bc i thought she was cute. i wish i could get motivated to draw fanart of recent video games i finished more... this is probably the last proper traditional art i made this year... after this, it’s mostly digital.
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March: look. i’m attempting anatomy... and i failed lol. i remember being like “how do you draw woman” after drawing this... i mean. i still wanna know how to draw woman, so i guess i haven’t changed lol. [2023 note: I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW WOMEN]
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April: wait NVM here’s another traditional piece i made this year. he was an adoptable i made... but nobody was interested in them so he’s with me for now. i’ll try and redesign them, either to sell them or to keep him. [2023 note: i never sold this guy.... i was lazy and nobody values points these days. probs for the best because scamming children with virtual coins is probably not a good idea lmao. at the same time, i wish there was an easy way to buy and sell designs+commissions without having to get a credit card or paypal or something.]
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May: another month where i didn’t draw anything. buuut i did some plush sketches to reference so das dat. [2023 note: you'll probably be able to name most charas here, but who's the guy i drew the most? that's Matteo, he's a little pink vampire and i made him through Gatcha Life.]
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June: ah. the month where i started digital art. this was fanart for my friend’s OC. i didn’t know a lot of features of digital art so it looks like shit LOL not the first digital art i made ever, but it might as well be. [2023 note: i actually received my tablet around 2018, but i never had time to draw on it because i had 1 hour of screentime every day. this restriction was finally lifted in 2020 (because online classes) and i finally had time to venture out into the world of digital art...]
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July: i made a lot of stuff this month, but to shorten the list... i finished the plush of my OC, Matteo. i wanna make another plushie... maybe with Suitcase.
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this was also the month i joined the OSC... oh hell. it’s been 6 months?? [2023 note: 2 YEARS BITCH. ITS GONNA BE YOUR 3RD ANNIVERSARY if i didn't get so tired and started to hate the community so much.]
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August: ...ergh. lets get over with this month quickly... Object OCs this. Object OCs that.
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occasional Algebians.
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i do not like the art here... it really shows that i’ve improved. ok let’s get outta here. [2023 note: i fucking despise the person who asked me why "they were old" to my humanizations of the Dangos. this is why i refuse to join another public server ever again and might have contributed to the delay of my human drawing skills.]
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September: lots of Taco II. i seriously liked her a lot. still do, but the love is a bit more spread out between characters.
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oh. and i watched ONE that month. cool.
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October: i finally found a style that i could weld. hooyah.
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don’t ask why i drew my friend as a cat maid... i thought it was funny ok.
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September: the month of gift art. nothing else to say, but i like the thin lines. yes, ‘thin’. ...god i need to think of better things to say. [i would then realize i said the wrong month, and unlike tumblr, i cannot edit tweets once published, so my only option was to delete the whole thing and start over. or just say this:] did i just say September... oh for fucks- no i am not fixing this i’m already tired of this just imagine i said November ok
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December: best art of this year so far (doh) nothing to say. just... happy that i improved. can’t wait to improve even more.
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[hey look! i was in the 2020 JnJ christmas video! thats me! me!!]
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aaand, that’s all for this year! man, i thought i was done with improvement. i can’t believe i proved myself wrong. usually other people do that for me lol. lets see if i can disprove myself again in 2021.
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real-oddity · 1 year
Happy New Year!
hello, welcome to my little new year post!!
i have never done one of these before but i thought its about time :D all my art below the cut :]
January 2022
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this is some art of one of my dreamcore ocs! this was one of my first "serious" drawing, with all the detail on the shading and also my first piece messing with lineweight (it.. didnt go too well lol)
February 2022
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Heres my baby boy baby, January (who i drew in February, yes haha :])
my teacher wanted me to try drawing everyday for a month, and this was day 2, i think it was casual clothes?
i got to like day 5 before i stopped lol
March 2022
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March-June was a dry spell for me art wise, all i could salvage for March was these drawings of a species me and my bestfriend have for our personal use :0
April 2022
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this was a redesign of an old oc, namely this guy
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it was maybe a 1.5 year difference, how the times change :']
May 2022
nothin D:
June 2022
still nothin T-T
July 2022
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artfight was in July, and i actually got a ton done, including this piece for my bestfriend! his ocs are amazing, dont tell him i said this but i really look up to his skill :]
August 2022
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i tried a different style, got more experimental! angular colored lines that actually wasnt lineart, just one big silhouette that i colored over! first time using a color palette in this manner, too!
September 2022
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this is when i started looking at a ton of my old ocs, lol
this is like a 6 year old oc that was an undertale au character, but is now just kind of a dude who sorta sometimes exists. this was actually an art project!
October 2022
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haha, you could tell i was getting back into my furry roots lol
i was mostly trying to animate this month, so not much to show other than stuff like this
November 2022
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oh hey look my first tumblr post!!
The Owl House Season 2 finale hit me HARD, it gave me enough steam to get this made when S3E1 came out
December 2022
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and hey look at that! a piece i finished a few days ago! honestly my art from the past few weeks have been so shockingly beautiful, and im so proud <:']
hoping to keep up this kind of work through the new year. thank you all for the love :]
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jazisnotonfire98 · 1 year
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I posted 29 times in 2022
That's 6 more posts than 2021!
13 posts created (45%)
16 posts reblogged (55%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 12 of my posts in 2022
#digital art - 12 posts
#procreate - 11 posts
#open commissions - 7 posts
#commission - 6 posts
#my hero academia - 3 posts
#my hero art - 3 posts
#adore delano - 1 post
#bnha ochaco uraraka - 1 post
#etsyseller - 1 post
#my ocs - 1 post
Longest Tag: 21 characters
#dungeons and dungeons
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Hiya. Here’s my most recent art commission. Her names Aoi and she’s a character for our current d&d campaign. I’m pretty proud of how she turned out. Let me know what you guys think!
1 note - Posted May 28, 2022
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I drew my new farmer. She’s a bit much.
1 note - Posted February 26, 2022
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Drew myself as Ochako
2 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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New piece! It’s a female version of Dabi from My Hero Academia So I guess this qualifies as fan art I’m proud of how it turned out. Let me know what you think!
2 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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To begin the year. The first piece I’ll share is a piece of Adore Delano. I love Adore so so much and what an absolute unit of a Queen. Hopefully she see’s this. And I hope I did her justice.
18 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + nanami kento from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 27 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : Goodday Violettelueur.😊 May I order classic black coffee? Okay ummm can I request headcanons Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji and Megumi Fushigiro (spell I his name right?) x S/O that's talent creative like painting, drawing, sewing, kriting, tinkering.
↳ barista’s notes : good day to you too~ i decided to take the painter/sketcher approach to your request, so i hope you don’t mind ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ but guys, when i was looking for an imagine for this banner, i cried reading the manga again because if you know, you know...ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ BUT other than that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When Itadori finds out that you are creatively talented, this boy will always ask you if you are planning to draw/paint soon because he wants to watch you do whatever you choose to do.
It is known that Itadori is your number one fan and supporter and will cheer for you in the background quietly because he knows that you need to concentrate when you’re doing your thing.
When you are either painting or drawing, Itadori will always sit next to you with his head on your shoulder because he wants to see the process but mostly the final result.
If you are painting, Itadori will ask if he can help mix paints to make different colours for you since he doesn’t want to ruin the piece you are making.
Imagine him shyly using an extra paintbrush and just cutely mixing colours next to you - guys...I can’t, I’m going to start crying.
Even though he is nervous, when you want him to paint on your canvas, he would always ask you what colour to use and where to paint even when you tell him he can do anything he wants and you’ll go on from there.
During this time, he will apologise profusely when he thinks he has ruined the painting - so please tell him that he is doing a good job as he goes along, it gives him confidence.
Since he is your number one fan, he will take a picture of your sketches/paintings and shows them off to everyone like the proud boyfriend he is.
“Look! Look! Y/N drew this yesterday, isn’t it so cool?!”
Fushiguro and Kugisaki will be amazed but will get annoyed at Itadori constantly shouting at them to look at your art - “We already know Y/N is an amazing artist, you don’t need to keep telling us…”
If you gift him a painting or a sketch of him, this boy will cherish it with all his heart and will compliment on how well you got his features - you can’t tell me otherwise at all.
In conclusion, Itadori will be the proudest boyfriend ever and will show you off - not in a possessive way - it’s more out of happiness and cheeriness.
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When Fushiguro discovers your artistic talents, he will invite you over to his dorm to hang out together as an excuse to see you draw or continue on what art piece you were doing before.
He knows that you don’t ever come to his room without your art supplies because usually, you both are in his room just silently with each other.
He will stay silent and leave you to continue your work - when you are in your dorm room - but expect him to keep coming back once every 5 minutes to admire your work over your shoulder until you tell him that he could say if he wanted.
His favourite sights to see is when you are on his bed laying on your stomach sketching away on your book or you sitting on a stool with your canvas and easel in the sunlight with the touch of his divine dog calmly laying on the floor beside you.
Sometimes, when you are in his room, you would ask him if he wanted to draw with you, to which, of course, he would deny the offer since he doesn’t want to ruin your sketchbook.
Once you convince him it’s fine, it is known on a daily occurrence that you would draw/paint on one page of your sketchbook and he would do the same on the other - if he can, he would hold your other hand.
When you are feeling bored, Fushiguro will allow you to draw on his arm since he knows it’s a coping mechanism for you - I don’t think he would wash it off anytime soon…
Unlike itadori, it is unknown to you that he takes pictures of you drawing/painting as well as your work - he probably has a whole folder dedicated to you and a picture of you painting is probably his wallpaper.
If you draw him, expect him to blush and ask why and if you tell him ‘it’s because you are pretty’ that blush will just go redder.
I don’t think he will show your talent off, not because he’s not proud but maybe because he wants this knowledge to only himself - like yours and his little secret I guess.
Overall, Fushiguro is someone that will admire your work but also want to somehow relate to you by joining in with your sketching sessions - he has some pride inside of him to have such an artistic partner but wants to keep that to himself.
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When Gojo finds out that you can draw and paint, he will always try to find your sketchbook and canvas to see if you have done anything new without his knowledge - because curiously kills that cat right?
If you have drawn something without his knowledge, he will pout and complain to you on why you didn’t tell him about it
“Honey~ why didn’t you tell me you were going to draw this week? I wanted to watch you~”
If you draw/paint him in any way, he will get cocky and confident because, of course, he is an amazing subject to be used. 
Of course, Gojo has to be that one person that takes a picture of something and will ask you if you could draw/paint what is depicted on the phone screen.
He will also allow you to draw on him and expect him to take a few photos while you are doing so because he thinks you look adorable doing so.
He will also ask you if you want him to model for you - because he is confident in his looks - and if you say ‘yes’ make sure to say what you want to draw from him because he thinks you want to draw all of him.
When you are painting, do not expect a peaceful session, because this guy will play with your paints and paint-brushes.
What I mean by this is him dabbing a paintbrush into the paint before brushing it on your face or anywhere that you are showing skin.
His excuse will be because you are a masterpiece and he will continue to swipe white paint on your face and maybe your hair to ‘match with him’.
Gojo will also mix paint to match the colour of his eyes and will use it to paint on you also - he just loves to tease you.
If you paint of him, he will cuddle you to get you both messy with paint since it’s another excuse of his to have a shower together~
In conclusion, Gojo will always mess with you when you are drawing and painting, he wants to be the subject of most of your works but he is grateful that he has a talented significant other like you.
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Namami will give you more privacy than his senior - Mr Gojo Satoru - because he has an idea on how much time and concentration it takes to make one masterpiece.
When you are in the middle of something, Nanami will make you some of your favourite beverage and place it next to you with a bowl of fruit or his favourite sandwich.
His favourite site of you when you draw is when you both go on a coffee date together and you sit next to him with your sketchbook in hand - he would have a soft look on his face as he admires you and the book.
When you are painting, it would be you that will brush some paint on him since why not help him have a little fun?
He will groan at you for being a bit annoying but once he hears you laugh, he will forget about the little incident since this moment is something he wants to appreciate with you.
If you do any artwork that is related to him, he would seem nonchalant about it but you know on the inside he is really proud of you.
He would admire the work for a long time even when you have gone to do something else and if you are sly about it, you could see him sitting on your stool with a small smile being displayed on his face.
When the painting has dried or when a drawing has been completed, he would gently trace the drawing and will ask for a copy of it - even though he already has a picture of it on his phone, he just wants more.
“It’s really incredible Y/N, thank you for doing this”
When you have finished your work for the day or if you are tired, he will help you clean up and place your work somewhere for it to be safe or to dry since he is really proud of your work and doesn’t want anything to happen to it.
He doesn’t really have pet names for you - usually, it’s darling, love or something endearing - but he will add a new one for you and he will call you his “little artist”.
Overall, Nanami is very discreet when it comes to you and your art but is really amazed by all your work since he is a person that takes everything to detail - sometimes he is shocked at how well you get every little detail into your work.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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