#so i think it's realistic
multifandomsimagine · 10 months
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Imagine your crush, Numbuh 274, finding out that you're a talented singer and a member of the choir at school
——— Requested by @sacredwarrior88 ———
Numbuh 274 didn't usually leave the classroom in the middle of a lesson. He cared too much about his grades to miss something important due to needing to go to the restroom. But he hadn't had time during the break cause he had to meet with the theater teacher to discuss something about the school play and that took longer than expected. Just as his meeting with the theater teacher ended, the school bell rang sending him scurrying to his next class and a few minutes later, asking the teacher if he could go to the restroom.
Just as he reached them, the singing next door caught his attention. Checking the corridors to make sure no teacher or hall monitor was walking around ready to scold him for roaming about and seeing that there was none, he quietly walked to the classroom to investigate. Peeking through the door's window, he watched as everyone seemed to be gathered around a piano and who he assumed to be the teacher playing it. No one seemed to noticed him, being too focused on watching the teacher to noticed his face at the window.
As he listened to the playing, he had to admit the singing was good though he couldn't recognize the song that was being played. Scanning the room to see who was singing, he didn't see anyone he recognized but he did a double take when he saw you right there at the center of the first row, head held up high as you sang along with your classmates.
As much time as the two of you spent together during missions - Numbuh 362 paired you too up often due to how well you both worked together - the two of you never really talked about yourselves, sticking to focus on the objective. But now as he watched how happy you seemed to be in choir, maybe he could bring it up the next time you were paired up. After all, he did want to get to know you better.
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bophamet · 4 months
actually i think sony should take their sweet fucking time with beyond the spiderverse cuz even with the time they took with atsv it wasn't enough for the animators to have proper working conditions. like take ten years i don't fucking care, people can bitch and moan but i would rather know the employees aren't working 8hours a day plus overtime for 7 days a fucking week to get a movie about spiderman done cuz "waah waaaah i wanna see it" people won't shut up and sony demands their film be made for the profit of it all
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hinamie · 1 month
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i'm on an itafushi kick and i am making it everyone else's problem
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
saw a post the other day that said that psych survivors were overexaggerating and fearmongering for saying that people should be aware that having diagnoses on your record can be a danger + impede your life. and the more i think about it the more annoyed i am. because i think people need to know that there are exceptions to health privacy laws that can make having psych diagnoses and psych hospitalization history on your record risky depending on your circumstances. diagnoses follow you through your health interactions-you do not have to consent to have your information shared between providers. judicial proceedings are also an exception to the HIPAA privacy rule, so for things like custody battles, guardianship, getting orders of protection--the court can petition for medical records. there's so many other situations where even if they can't legally access your information without your authorization, people will require you to disclose diagnoses, records, previous hospitalizations and refuse to give you services/hire you/whatever unless you share that information with them. for example in many states anyone (a provider, a cop, friends and family) can disclose that you have certain psych diagnoses like bipolar to the DMV which then might require that you undergo drivers license review as frequently as every 3 months. my university is actively trying to kick me out right now because i had to disclose my medical record, psych diagnoses, and hospitalization history to them as a requirement to stay enrolled.
and i don't want to scare people or make people think that having a diagnosis on their records is automatically going to mean that it is weaponized against us. because i do know plenty of people who have never faced issues with their records. but i do expect that the community supports the people speaking out about the ways that we have been harmed by diagnoses creating barriers to accessing necessary parts of our life. instead of attacking us or saying that we're lying about things we are currently experiencing.
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hoofpeet · 5 months
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Modern Unicorn (left) next to extinct megafauna ancestor (right).. Based partially off of the extinct Kyptoceras + cave painting horses*
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koipepo · 4 months
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That omake of little Kabru not being able to show off his howetown sweets because of Misril gets to me a lot so...
Here's a happier Kabru (and Lairu)
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werewolfaday · 4 months
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day 44!
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heynhay · 5 months
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merry Christmas klancers 🎅
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i wanted to make an alternate more canon-compliant butterfly Howdy... similar but Different! the wings were a pain in my ass!
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pftones3482 · 1 year
I want to be excited for the live action Little Mermaid so badly
The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie. Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with mermaids as a whole and will watch any media that has them. Hell, I own my own tails and monofins. But every time I see a gif or a video for the new Little Mermaid, I cringe
(btw, this is NOT because of the casting. If you're against this movie because Ariel is black, you're a racist piece of shit and this post isn't for you)
My issue lies with the CGI. It just looks so FAKE. We've seen through the course of movies and TV shows that use it that CGI does not age well, and that's because technology is constantly improving. What was impressive in 2005 is not impressive in 2023 (Just look at Aquamarine, another movie about mermaids). And the CGI on Ariel and her sisters already looks fake and the movie isn't even out yet!
Compare this image from the trailer
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To this screenshot from H20: Just Add Water (a TV show that came out in 2006):
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You can see the details of the scales in the second image
The first image is flat. Sure, it's colorful, but it's flat. It's fake. Halle herself is the most beautiful and alive part of the image, because everything else is fake
The difference?
H20 had costume designers, ones specifically trained in mermaid tail making, HAND CRAFT every tail on the show. All of the scales were hand laid, all the tails molded to fit the actors/actresses perfectly, painted by hand
Let's even look at someone with no affiliation to TV or movies:
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This is Mermaid Linden, a very well known (in the mermaid community) professional mermaid. You can tell her tail is not as high quality as the ones made for H20 (though it's still a VERY expensive tail) - but it still looks like it's a part of her. You can still see the details. Because professional mermaid tails are also all handmade and molded to fit each person. Even if they don't lay every individual scale, good professional mermaid tail makers are very meticulous about what they do.
This is what happens when Disney refuses to pay practical effects artists. We could have had beautiful, handmade tails that would look real on screen for decades to come and could be reused for promotional purposes - instead, they're underpaying and overworking their non-unionized employees to make CGI tails that don't even look real now.
(to be clear, I'm not shitting on the artists. As I said, they're being underpaid and overworked. This is not their fault)
And before anyone comes and says "But swimming in those is difficult!" Absolutely it is. You should never swim in a professional level tail (or even just fabric tails) without practice and training. Which Disney could have given the cast if they were willing to PAY people (the cast of H20 [a TV SHOW] literally learned how to be mermaids on set. It's been done before)
Disney's "Live Action" needs to be rebranded as "CGI with some real people tossed in" because that's all any of these remakes have been, and it's exhausting when I look at what we could have had.
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ink-the-artist · 11 months
Workplace Divinity
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maskofnova · 2 months
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novicedraws · 7 months
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LOOK, I CAN EXPLAIN- I really loved their dynamic (in every aspect) in the game and feel like they don't get enough attention :(
This also got inspired by the behind the scenes video from the guy who helped shaped the fighting styles for MK1. He said that he was the most sore after Kung Lao, sooooo im just guessing he got mad shoulder strength LMAO
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gay-rad-desert · 10 months
Charlie putting the padlock on the bridge for him and Tao was actually one of my favourite scenes of the season. The way this scene shows the importance of friendship and puts platonic relationships on the same level as romantic ones is so fucking refreshing to me. Taking such an inherently romantic action and just making it not romantic in the slightest but about Charlie's love for his best friend that is equally important to the love he has for his boyfriend is so beautiful and important to me.
Heartstopper obviously does put a huge focus on different queer romantic relationships but I absolutely adore the way the second season portrays queer friendships and doesn't make them seem less worth than the romantic ones.
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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kitty colony au anybody?
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barghest-land · 4 months
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today the juice of the rotten pomegranate looked almost black on the granite chopping board
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