#so i have to log in to tumblr and now i'm experiencing making a post from the desktop site while still pretty blitzed
onyourstageleft · 26 days
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#dan and phil#weed#besties i am so high rn i am losing it#i took like one too many bong hits#started playing flight rising on the desktop computer bc it loads so much faster than my chromebook#opened youtube to have something on the second monitor#found dan and phil's fuckin lofi album???#lost my absolute shit about it#went to post about it from tumblr mobile but wanted to make this meme to do it justice so pulled up a meme editor on my desktop#(the meme editor had so many advanced text options since when have meme editors come this far??)#anyway made the meme realized my phone is at super low battery so decided to just log on to tumblr to post it directly from the desktop#even though i'm nearly exclusively a mobile user now and have been for years#so i have to log in to tumblr and now i'm experiencing making a post from the desktop site while still pretty blitzed#is it firefox that allows me to edit the tags after i've typed them or is that a desktop thing now#oh shit do i have any extensions on#depending on what imported from chrome when i changed my browser like six months ago this may be some sort of extension#whatever it is im okay with it this is great#i'm having such a good time right now genuinely#also watched chappell roan's hot to go music video for the first time during an interlude in the whole meme making process#there is currently a restoration video playing in the other tab that's been going for 10 minutes while i've been making this post#this is me living my best life honestly#i need at least one person to acknowledge the journey of tags on this post if only so i know I'm not alone in knowing my experience
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not-poignant · 11 months
Hi Pia
I've seen your posts (and other bloggers posts) about antis, and although i don't agree that anyone has the right to dictate what media people are allowed to enjoy i never actually believed that they could be that bad (since I'd never had any interactions with them) and thought their unhinged behaviour was exaggerated. Until I posted a fic with a controversial pairing and OH. MY. GOD.
I have never received this much abuse (and of such a vicious sort) in my entire life. I guess this serves me right for doubting other creators' claims of how awful antis can be. I could just never believe anyone could be this... this... diabolical. But now I'm experiencing it first and it is wild.
Like I'm receiving actual death threats? Because of a 2,000 oneshot? I'm being told that me and my whole family deserve to die slow and painful deaths because of the characters I shipped?? They're calling me a pedophile and an animal abuser because one of the characters I wrote about is a teenager and the other is a human-animal hybrid??? What?
Like, are these people ok? Are they mentally unwell? This is just... I'm in shock honestly that people actually think and behave like this. Holy hell. It's been a hug eye opener and not a necessarily nice one.
Sorry if this message was unwelcome, I just couldn't think of anyone else to share this with. I hope you're having a nice day/evening ❤
Hi hi anon,
Yeah, this is what it's sadly like, and in the most extreme pockets of anti-communities are people who have literally tried to murder other people over fictional characters.
It's truly unhinged.
You have people who just don't like what other people are shipping, which is fine and normal, we all have notps and things we don't like, and then you have the people who genuinely think it's okay to torment, harass, abuse, and bully another person based over something fictional, and those people need to be blocked.
These people coming after you anon, if they're on AO3, report every single one because it might take a while, but those people get banned from AO3. If they're on Tumblr, block but also consider reporting, because death threats get people banned and all anonymous IP addresses are logged on Tumblr's side. If it's on Twitter, block on sight. Don't tolerate them, don't give them the air to breathe, and make sure you get offline sometimes or go to online safe spaces and spend time with the people who love you for who you are, it's the best weapon against antis who have no idea who you are and feel like you're a great figure to bully and abuse.
Ultimately, at the very base of what an anti is, is someone who believes their emotion of 'don't like that' justifies them bullying and torturing other people over fictional characters. It is at its foundation completely delusional, and even people who get 'logical' about it are still going 'my emotions are real enough to justify hurting you over something that is a figment of our collective imaginations.'
Some of those folks are very young, and will grow out of it, and have just drunk the collective Koolaid, some of them are older and always wanted an excuse to bully others but feel 'righteous' and 'pure' for doing it. Some really believe they're doing the right thing, others know they're hypocrities but can be all the more vicious for it. There are many recovering antis, but they're often silent about the things they've done, or the ways they've tried to hurt people.
I'm glad you posted that story anon, but not glad about the response you're getting. Consider moderating comments if it's on AO3, just to choke out the antis for a while. And yeah, practice self-care, because abusers want to hurt and harm others, and if you feel hurt and harmed, the more you can act to look after yourself, the more you thwart their goal/s and give them the big proverbial 'fuck you' that they so desperately deserve.
They do, usually, die down after a while, especially the more they get starved out. They'll often hunt for more vulnerable people. But in the meantime you also might want to inform folks you trust irl that you're dealing with this right now, because antis are unhinged, and online abuse is serious. Take care of you!! <33333 I'm sorry you had to learn about this pocket of 'society' in such a horrific way.
Antis are the worst.
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zer0carrds · 25 days
hi everyone! here's what's happening ... i very frequently receive inquiries about commissions, which is awesome, but i come across several problems while trying to work with people : i get ghosted midway through the process, i am expected to 100% know what they want though they don't get me any information, i am disrespected through the process, i am expected to have a complete product before receiving payment, or i'm expected to have a commission done within like two days. secondly, i know there's expectations i cannot meet without making adjustments, such as speedy response times or better support/help for anyone struggling with carrd making processes. so i've devised a plan.
i will be making a discord server, available to the public. it'll be easy to use, a great way to get in touch with me when i'm not logged into my resource account, and a BIG way to reduce stress on my part. there'll be updates for new PSDs, gif packs, carrd templates, channels specifically for carrd support, and commissions!!!
i've struggled quite a bit with offering public commissions. i've been left frustrated and confused multiple times, and often felt guilty for being ghosted, but i'm also at a point where i want to take this seriously and make this a hustle to supplement my job. i do enjoy taking commissions, i love communicating with customers and learning about people's visions/characters/etc, i love the lore dumping, i love all of it. to mitigate the constant issues with ghosting etc, i will only be making most of my commissions available through this discord server. there will be announcements and frequent updates, and it'll be a lot easier to discuss one-on-one, answer questions, etc. i've always preferred moving my commission related communications to discord anyways, so i feel this will be easier.
this does not mean i won't be active here; i will still be answering messages, i will still post for commissions occasionally, i will still be making templates available for free/to the public/low cost. i will still be taking commission inquiries, but i will not move the process further without clearly communicating expectations for both of us.
i feel this is the easiest way for me to operate as of right now, and it'll help with a lot of communication issues!
TO REITERATE: i'm not cutting contact through tumblr whatsoever, i will still be taking inquiries of all kinds, but the best way to obtain a commissions and have frequent updates and fast response times will be through this server.
i am 100% open to feedback as i'm not at all experienced with discord servers, and this will be my first time operating a server; i wanna hear your thoughts to make it better. i'm taking any suggestions. just hit me up.
i'm finishing up the server soon, and i'll be posting an invite link as soon as it's ready to go (:
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clorofolle · 4 months
Hello! I just found your post on pirating. I'm relatively experienced and I think most everything you suggested is smart.
I just wanted to ask, in regards to the VPN, do you have in particular gripes about Proton in regards to the privacy aspect?
I was trying to find a good VPN recently and thought that Proton's offers were pretty good, if expensive in comparison to the competition.
(I promise I'm not a shill, I'm actually wondering if I should regret my purchase lol. I also get that the post is dated last year and things may have gotten worse or better with them since)
Hi!! Sorry for the very very late reply, I didn't check tumblr for months.
To be honest, I did write that post a while ago and should I write it now, my position would be different and much milder. While throwing shade at Proton I was thinking of this incident specifically where, facing a court order, Proton was asked to log and provide the IP address of one of its clients, a French climate activist.
I take issue with companies that market themselves as useful tools to keep you safe and protected instead of actually disclosing what their service truly is about and what data they do have about you, as people might fall into a false sense of security and have no idea what they're actually paying for.
I am generally more warm towards Mullvad since they're extremely transparent about what kind of data they have on you and actively try to get as little data from you as possible, even favouring payment methods where they won't have to store any data on you whatsoever. They also allegedly were subject to a search warrant and were simply unable to give any data whatsoever as they truly had none, which if we want to assume good faith that they aren't making that up, is a good look on them as a whole. Though they've recently started to market themselves as some kind of saviours from "mass surveillance and censorship" in a way that seems... to be really alarmist and out of nowhere and might fool more people into thinking they need a vpn than they actually do, and I'm not happy about that direction at all, though their services still seem like some of the best around.
Still - I recognize that this is a big discussion, one I don't have enough knowledge over to completely discuss it either! And that for torrenting... this doesn't matter at all. In fact, Mullvad is not being recommended for torrenting anymore as it dropped support for port forwarding - for some apparently legit concerns - and it makes the torrenting experience much worse for many people. (My internet is slow as shit so I don't notice either way lol!)
All in all, I'm not a very experienced or savvy user at all. I try to learn about things as much as my lil brain allows me to understand, but were I to rewrite that post now, I wouldn't mention things that are still so murky/difficult to understand for me as well. Hope I sent you some interesting links to start some more research from though! Here's to understanding more of how things work as we go on :D
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blip bloop bitching below. keeping this out of the tags as I need to scream but don't want it to travel.
I hate so much that I genuinely dread days when Philza and Tubbo interact. Because they're friends and should be able to just hang and stuff! And it can be fun to watch! But it seems every time they even go near each other the Philza tag becomes full of crap, then people kicking back, and its /worst/ now Sunny is here (I love her, mostly, but it makes it so much worse). The post about Sunny being scared of Philza with the screenshots was at the top of the Philza Tag (by how I access them at least) for 3 days. It always defaults to top before I flip it to most recent. It wasn't tagged as discourse or neg or anything - it was just screenshots after all - but the bitching which came out of that was so much, and every time I saw them it bought the bitching to mind, and half of that wasn't tagged either (on the original posts, in the tags, where I like looking for fic and meta and fanart and check my top 4 tags each morning).
And, yeah, a 30-off year old streamer probably not even on tumblr doesn't need defending online. BUT the shit and the way those posts talk and the things they shit on him for... a) its very much cc!Phil not q!Phil no matter what people say, because he talks in the same way even on the fucking pumpkin carving stream and more importantly b) mirrors very real bullying, discrimination and hate I and a lot of other English people have experienced. (yes of course its worse if you're an ethnic minority or have a Scottish accent or any number of other things, but just because other people have it worse doesn't mean it isn't a genuine axis of discrimination).
And sometimes I need to fucking defend not him but myself, because I feel like I'm going mad.
You might not see it, you might not even know about the north-south divide and English class politics, but its embedded into near every fantasy movie you've watched, accent wise at least!
Just personal shit... I have a southern parent and a northern parent. I grew up in the south-east. As a kid I could switch accents at will. Using my mother's northern accent (slightly more natural to me, as she was home more often) I would get marked down in class for being aggressive and argumentative and other kids would think I was angry with them. My father genuinely suggested I switch which I spoke with, and it was effort but doable, and guess what? My marks went up and I was seen as friendlier than the other children. It still wasn't the accent for the region - where I grew up has a very distinct one even for the south - and yet I was treated better for it.
Which. Could have seriously messed up my future if my grades kept being marked down and I kept getting into trouble for behaviour over stuff in another accent nobody bat an eyelid to.
[I had a section here too about different treatment while getting bra fittings, but given it involved members of staff literally hurting me as a literal child only when speaking one of the two accents, I removed it. Minor hurt, but hurt.]
And that was just personal experience! Of being read as aggressive or scary or like I didn't care for sounding northern.
And of fucking course this is only ever about fucking Tubbo, the southern who logs in regularly, this shit always starts. The southerner, whose accent is on the respectable side of this not-quite-a-class-divide.
And you know how deeply routed the north-south divide is? Sociologists generally date it back to /1066/ and the north being massacred for causing trouble for the new king. Economically and in terms of reputation, the north has never actually recovered from that. Even when it was major industry, even when major ports, its /always/ been behind the south.
Not just in terms of money going around, but things like life expectancy and education expectations. Rich northerners still have a harder time than their southern peers.
(Honestly, Sunny having 'verbalised' being scared of him for his tone of voice and not other adults who treat them older than they are [because yk its impossible to tell with an egg model] also kinda rubs me the wrong way, because of that sort of treatment of me as a kid. If I was aware of more fear towards other adults she doesn't know as well it'd be easier. Yeah he's a bit intense, and he should maybe be more delicate with a kid, but heaven knows he's not the only character that is. Maybe as more people drift back we'll see it more, I don't know, the admin probably isn't English either, but dear god. The daughter of a southerner telling her daddy that the northerner is scary is such a fucking classist trope. And a really offensive one at that. And shit which actually happens irl, which sometimes leads to the police getting involved.)
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sim-berry · 6 months
Reminders for the upcoming TS4 update!
Simmers, the new expansion pack For Rent comes out on December 7th and as we all know, big updates can mess with your game especially if you use mods. I've learned my lesson from the last few updates and I'd like to give some suggestions to help!
Note: I use the EA App for Sims 4, on a Windows computer. The methods I describe here will probably not apply to MAC users. I also don't know if these work for pirated games so just be careful!
-BACK UP YOUR SAVES. Just in case your save gets corrupted or the update somehow manages to lose your saves (this has happened to me- after the update, my saves were gone). Here's what I do:
Navigate to your "Sims 4" folder. In my case it's Documents>Electronic Arts>Sims 4.
Find your "saves" folder and right-click to copy it.
Paste your copy of your saves folder to your desktop (some people paste to their external hard drive as well, but I'm not sure how to do this)
Right click on your copy to rename it. It's a good idea to write the date on which you copied your folder. Here's my current backup:
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Your saves are now backed up! If you lose your files in the game or they become corrupted, open up your backup folder, then select and copy all the files in the folder and then paste them into your actual saves folder. Your saves will then be restored! You should do this every so often just in case. I try and back up my saves once a month.
-Turn off automatic updates. This way you can choose when to update your game. I personally wait until mod creators start updating their mods and then update the game.
Open the EA App and head to your settings, then the "downloads" tab.
Turn off the "update games automatically" option.
When you're ready, update the game and enjoy!
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-Follow mod creators on social media. If you use mods, it's a good idea to keep up with updates and what the creators are up to. When there's a huge Sims update, many mods (especially script mods) tend to break and need to be updated by the creators. Keeping up with them allows you to see what their plans are for updating the mods. Creators use many different platforms, but from what I've seen most tend to use Tumblr, Patreon, and Twitter/X to post updates. If I find a mod I really like, I always follow the creator. They also deserve tons of support for their amazing work!
-Know which mods are broken and updated. In addition to following mod creators, there are multiple threads that log all mods with each update. They tell us which mods are broken, which are updated, and which were unaffected by the update. If you're experiencing a glitch with a mod, you can report it on these threads. Here are examples of threads from previous updates:
Always check these before writing to an official Sims/EA forum about a glitch. If you use script mods, the bugs you're experiencing will most likely be from these mods. Also, if you use UI mods like UI Cheats, don't freak out if your UI looks like this:
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Your game isn't corrupted, the mod is just outdated. UI Cheats almost always breaks after a big update. The creator of UI Cheats updates frequently, so make sure to check up on their Patreon page.
-Check in with the community if you have a bug. The Sims Forums, r/Sims4 on Reddit, and Simblr are good places to go if you have a question about a bug you're having. r/Sims4 was a lifesaver for everyone who had the dreaded tooth glitch in Growing Together. If you're having a non-mod related bug, chances are others are having it too, so don't feel afraid to ask!
I hope this helps some of my fellow simmers. Good luck with the new update and pack, I can't wait to see how my favorite Simblrs use it in their stories and gameplays!💖
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leolithe · 6 months
Currently waiting for my first necramech to be built........ There are so so so many good things about this game's story i Don't even know where to start
For context, Warframe is my first MMORPG I'm actually playing seriously. I am 230 hours in and i may be dramatic but I'm just blown away honestly, so I'll write some of my thoughts before i start The New War.
- That Chains Of Harrow Quest. I was not expecting it AT ALL and thinking about it even now is just. Man I'm so glad i decided to pick up this game. The horror segment actually made me feel dread and it's a very fun example of changing up gameplay genres to serve the narrative. Letting you play as Rell and picking out those expression cards was such a good narrative-gameplay choice...... This quest made me cry
- Lotus ;-;;;;; mission mom...... The writers nailed everything about this plot point, especially the feeling of confused betrayal. I could really feel the hurt and fear and confusion, and god damn do the writers know what they're doing. The segment with the Lotus doing those fun poses to taunt us? I wanted to laugh at them so bad, but I couldn't, the situation was too heartbreaking.
- The Sacrifice was devastating. It was incredible. Excalibur Umbra's story was presented so well, and seeing my Operator bring him peace was such a memorable moment. Beautiful quest.
- I have so many feelings about my Operator.... Insert that old old pic that goes "i want to care for it i want to see it grow up strong and healthy etc etc". When I made the choice to consume the Kuva in The War Within, i thought the black eyeballs thing was a one-time choice-specific thing that'll never happen again. BOY! I WAS WRONG ABOUT THAT!
- The next day, after completing The Sacrifice, I logged in. I saw my Operator sitting on the codex table... Her eyes were black again. She was talking to a fake Lotus. She was reliving Excalibur Umbra's memories. She didn't move when I approached her, so I cautiously moved towards the foundry... And when I turned back, she was gone.
The fact that i feel the need to explain it convincingly and insist that THIS IS REALLY A THING THAT HAPPENED IN GAME I PROMISE, even though this story has been out for years and the playerbase has also experienced it, is a testament to the brilliant decision of incorporating the story into the perceived "non-story" parts of the game... All to establish the point that the Operator is hallucinating.
LIKE, FUCK!!!!! AHHGHHH my fucking heart dudeeeeeee. After being so noble and heroic and selfless, helping out Excalibur Umbra through that Incredibly Traumatic experience, of course she'd be scarred! She shared a mind with him, of course there'd be mental repercussions! It makes sense! It makes sense! It all makes sense!!!!!
And to make the PLAYER feel like THEY'RE hallucinating too?????? FUCKING GENIUS. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW BIG MY GRIN IS RIGHT NOW. Of course you're hallucinating! You're the Operator!!!! THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh I fucking love videogames, man. You can't get this stuff in film. I can't wait to start The New War. I'll post pics of my Operator and loadout sometime... Thanks for reading my 4am tumblr post 💖
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rahullkohli · 1 year
Hi, Annika. I just saw your last post and I wanted to check in and see if you're doing okay. I am sending you my best.
jesus christ this is two months old, i am so sorry. thank you so much for checking in on me, it's honestly so nice to log in to see. i appreciate it so much. i'll just put explanation under a cut because it's all just a lot. you don't have to read, but at least i can use it to dump my brain for what's been going on, because i don't have anyone to talk to about it.
but ily for caring about me, i truly was scared to log in and find that no one had noticed i was gone and that people just forgot i existed.
so basically, my dad was in the hospital with a blood clot in his eye at the beginning of december, which fucked up his sight a lot. and everything was just so heavy with christmas being the worst time of the year for me, and then on top of that last year was absolute hell for me so i just fell heavy into the depression.
then on january 4th or sth my dad had another blood clot in the brain, which brings us to the ninth blood clot in his brain in about two years. this time around was the worst hit so far, and he now needs so much help. so i'm basically his primary caregiver again. he has a nurse that comes a couple times a week, and social health workers coming every day to make sure he eats, do some cleaning, help with stuff like laundry and such, which is a huge relief. but there's still so many other things he can't help with, and that all falls on me. like going to his hospital appointments with him because his memory and eyes are basically worthless at this point.
on top of that my depression is just getting worse and worse. except for when i go to help my dad, i don't see anyone socially. my dad never asks me about how i'm doing, how my life is, or anything like that, neither does the rest of my family. i only hear from them when they ask about our dad. so i am more or less just a tool for them.
and tumblr just started feeling like such a negative place. most of what i saw was people telling others what they were allowed to like and not like, and if you didn't adhere to those rules you were told you were a monster. and most stuff i saw on my dash seemed to be new things i didn't have the energy to engage with (i still haven't watched wednesday even though i was so excited for it). and it was a lot of all the bad crap happening in the world, and tumblr didn't feel like an escape any longer, it just felt like it was amplifying my depression, and speaking into the catastrophe thinking side of my OCD and anxiety, and it made my intrusive thoughts hit a level i honestly haven't experienced before, and i was genuinely afraid of myself.
and i'm just exhausted. the past three months i have been in bed when i haven't been doing stuff for my dad. the only thing i have for myself to keep me sane atm is running twice a week, yoga once a week, and song lessons once a week. the support person i got switched to after my old one quit is on sick leave now, so i have a temp, but i can't really talk to her because all of my shit is just such a heavy baggage and i don't know where to start, especially since i'm hopefully only seeing her for another month.
i'm just tired. if i didn't have cas to take care of, i think i would have asked my doctors about options for psychiatric hospitals for a while. i feel like a zombie most of the time, and i only keep going because there's not really any other alternative. so i guess that's that.
at least i was able to work things out with my vet bill, and i'll be paying the last installment next month, and cas is strong and healthy as if nothing happened.
also, i'm using pedro pascal to cope.so that too.
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reasonablysurmised · 11 months
(re-posting a previous reblog response brain-vomit essay from this morning, because I actually care about what happens to this website and want to know if other agree I guess?)
To whatever second-tier Silicon Valley social media business consultant came up with the Tumblr Updates plan: 1) stay away from this website, and 2) the "new users" aren't gonna sleep with you.
Okay that was salty but in all seriousness: this reads like a plan by someone who came in with pre-set ideas about how social media is "supposed" to work, spent two weeks running numbers while absorbing little to nothing about what people actually enjoy about this website, and spat out a plan that could well be correct on "the numbers" but is off-target about everything else--in a way that WILL end up impacting "the numbers," because people will leave.
Ultimately, this reads like a plan to "optimize" not just this website, but the PEOPLE who make up the user base--the fundamental "problem" with the current user base is that we can't be optimized and despise all efforts to do so. Personally, I will walk away from this website in a heartbeat the second it starts to look like "optimization" is the new raison d'etre, and certainly if it starts to impact the functioning and content of the website and the interactions I have on it. I've quit Facebook and Twitter and breathed a sigh of relief over both; it wasn't difficult and I experienced zero regret.
If Disneyland stops being fun because they've started "streamlining the user experience" by mandating that you go on rides in a particular order that they've decided "maximizes fun" I WILL STOP BUYING TICKETS TO DISNEYLAND (metaphorically, I'm not actually a Disney adult, though godspeed to them as they partially enable DeSantis' demise).
"Oh but you don't actually pay for anything here anyway," okay, valid and fair; if the PARK starts introducing "helpers" who smile at me and usher me to a particular bench and say "this is the view we think you'll like best based on the data we collected on you without your active awareness, the dogs are cutest from here, the sunset looks best from here, by the way YOU look best to other users from here (but also in case you want to look better here is a company with a monthly subscription to receive the most flattering clothes for your body type!)"......I will fucking run so fast from that park. I will never come back. I will start reading more, I have a backlog that can last me for years, don't try me. If I miss the outdoors and every single public park is like this I will start trespassing in people's wooded backyards before I will come back. I believe that I am metaphorically in the majority for current Tumblr users with this sentiment.
Now it's possible, maybe probable, that the part they're not saying out loud is that 1) they know they'll lose a lot of current users but they believe the glut of new users they will allegedly get by taking these actions will offset that loss, and 2) they believe that the new users are the type who can make the website money, while the current users are, by their nature, an obstacle to this website making money--to be fair, maybe an obstacle to them making enough money to keep the lights on and pay staff, I don't know.
If this is the thinking, here is my plea to @staff, on the offchance they will ever read this:
let's start with the good stuff. Thanks, weirdly and horrifyingly, for publishing this. I hate it, but I'd rather know it's coming if this is the future (you know, so I can start packing).
IMO, changing the experience for logged-off users in order to introduce them to different parts of the website seems fair enough (although it would be great to ALSO use whatever onboarding experience you come up with to introduce them to the DIY functions and general ethos the site currently has and thrives on); at any rate it probably wouldn't impact most of the Tumblr loyalists who are still here, as far as I know. So if you want to salvage one part of the plan, that's probably it--so long as it doesn't actually affect the current "user experience" for logged-in users, and DOES point the new logged-out users in the right direction.
I know we don't make you any money. Sorry. You picked the "become ungovernable" website, so. Kinda foregone conclusion. Some of us do understand that websites need some basic funds to operate. I personally really liked the crabs and little silly things introduced over the past year or so, the ones that showed an actual interest in the absurd spirit of this website. I would in fact consider buying a color-of-the-sky mug.
Onto the bad stuff: I'm no second-tier Silicon Valley social media business consultant, but I DO NOT BELIEVE you will actually get the wave of new, optimizable, profitable users you think you will, and here is why: reputation (and actuality). Every conversation I have with other people where I mention tumblr they give me a funny, bless-your-heart smile and say things like "Tumblr, really? Why?" I describe to them what I like about it--they're nice about it in the sense that they can see I like it, but clearly not INTERESTED; the overall CONTENT is not really their thing, but neither is the IDEA (that they have) of tumblr, and that won't change. Tumblr is, fundamentally, the weird kid table, this is what the current user base likes about it, and also why the Cool Kids you're targeting will never actually sit here--even if you change things, the legacy is there and the Cool Kids don't want to seem desperate.
@staff If you read one part please read this part: Sometimes when trying to explain to people why I still use tumblr, I mention that it seems like the last place on the internet that ISN'T obsessively capitlizing on human interaction and identity, that ISN'T being algothrithm'd to hell and back, and that is the one thing that sometimes gets traction and interest instead of polite dismissal. Most people I talk to about tumblr will never sign up; the few potential "new users" I encounter in the wild are interested in the fact that it's the opposite of the "optimized" social media experience. Namely, the style of website that already exists and that your current plan seemingly aims to discard.
Just in case you believe the departure of current users won't ACTUALLY be that bad: it will. Of course it can depend on what changes you make EXACTLY, but overall if you re-tool tumblr to be Quirky Artsy Twitter, the current users absolutely will leave in droves. If you do it all at once you'll see a porn-ban-sized exodus; if you implement changes gradually thinking you can frog-in-boiling-water the situation, we'll still leave, albeit equally slowly. If you're watching other user bases from other imploding social media websites, running numbers that somehow show that THOSE implosions weren't too bad: we are not those users.
Dear Tumblr, we actually like it here. For now (but Watch Out). Your theoretical New Users do not (know they) like it here, do not have pre-established loyalty, and are at best an enormous gamble. How do you lose a userbase? You forget to cherish them. Something to consider.
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dearfuturehusbandblog · 9 months
Triggers and Transparency
Or the Fall Out Boy title: I Have A Hater, So I Must Be Doing Something Right...
Dear Future Husband,
I reuploaded my last post because someone decided to comment publicly calling me out for "making a chillul Hashem" by posting it publicly, instead of messaging me privately and having a conversation about her feelings on the matter. And then she blocked me so her comments on that post are now hidden to me, but not to others who come across it and can see and respond to them. Fun.
And that is just super petty and manipulative, so I decided to hide those comments from the world too by hiding the post and just reuploading the whole thing.
But I also want to discuss this situation, because I think it's important to respond to what she had to say.
Let me start with this: Nobody has to like me or agree with me. I don't demand or expect that from my readers.
In fact, I don't demand or expect readers in general.
This is my tiny pixel of the internet where I can say what I want/need to say. For the most part I’m venting and yelling into a void anyway.
I've had this account for years. My first post was in 2016 and for the first few years, I didn't even have any followers, not that I really care whether or not I have followers, because that's not why I created this space for myself anyway.
If people choose to interact with what I have to say, that's awesome.
If they get something out of it, that's awesome.
If I get something out of it, that's awesome.
But I write lengthy things.
Sagas. Epics. Novels.
I write dark things.
I write a lot, but I don't share everything.
And what I share is my thoughts and experiences based on my experiences and thoughts.
That's not for everyone. And it isn't meant to be for everyone.
I'd assume most people click the "expand" button, see how long my posts are and nope right outta' there anyway. It's shocking to me if anyone actually cares enough to read what I have to say. Even more so if they choose to respond.
Do I love it when they do? Sure.
We all have that ego, and I'm sure we all post publicly in hopes people interact, as much as we do it for ourselves. If I truly wanted to keep these things private, I'd write in a journal (which I also do on occasion and a lot of that does not get shared), but most of my posts are somewhat of a cry for help (some more obvious than others) and if anyone sees my beacon and responds, it makes me feel less alone. And considering I've been super lonely most of my life, it's nice to share something I experienced and have someone out there say "hey, I get it, and you're not alone."
Now, I’ve been on tumblr in general for like 15 years and I have multiple accounts that I use for different purposes - different fandoms, different thoughts I want to share with different audiences, etc, and I created multiple accounts because when you comment on stuff it’s always associated with your main blog and that’s just wrong for the different ways I interact with different people about different things. Like, I don't want fandom stuff coming back to my religious blog or my food blog coming back to my music blog, etc. But I don’t come on tumblr as often as I used to back in the day, so while these accounts are still active, I don’t use them all that much.
So when I saw that after a small back and forth with this other person on my last post that their comments were suddenly “hidden, blocked, or removed,” I figured that meant for everyone and that she’d deleted them, so I in turn deleted my responses to her, feeling they wouldn’t make sense for someone to come across and just see mine.
But then I tried to send her a private message to discuss the matter and her blog somehow just magically “disappeared”… oooooh, so mysterious. Which made me realize, “oh, you dumbbell, she blocked you, which is why you can’t view the comments anymore.” And then I wondered if it was for sure just me who couldn’t see them or if it was everyone, so I logged into another account and lo and behold! The comments were visible! To everyone! So my deleting my own comments solved nothing and just made it look like I deleted my responses because she called me out, which was not the case. (I’m a fan of context and wouldn’t be that petty.)
So I used one of my other accounts to send her a message and told her I was open to an actual conversation about why that post of everything I’ve ever posted triggered her and she responded and then blocked me again so I couldn’t reply.
I anticipated that.
But in her response she made more accusations and basically called me an idiot (so nice, I know). So I used another account to send a follow up message to respond to one of her accusations and to basically say 'this has been fun, have a nice life.' To which she responded “I’m not even reading this.” And then blocked me again.
Also as anticipated, though I didn't follow up again after that.
But here’s the thing: she was accusing me of being condescending.
(I never claimed I wasn't... lol)
But her biggest issue seemed to be more that I was condescending while “targeting” irreligious Jews with my #tags, essentially inciting their responses and mocking them to their webfaces.
Except, no.
I also asked her why she felt the need to respond solely to this post out of all my other posts and she replied that she had responded to my posts before, and that I only couldn’t see them because she’d blocked me.
Except, no.
Using another account that she did not block I was able to check all the comments on all my posts (after having checked my notes before she blocked me on this account) and she has responded to exactly ZERO of my other posts. So, now we’re in gaslighting territory. Fun.
But I'd like to break down what she had to say and respond for my own edification and also for anyone who happened across those comments while they were live and should have context. Also in several years the whole "argument" will be confusing and I use posts like this for my own context.
So let's start at the beginning:
XXXXXXXX said: I’m frum and the amount of condescension dripping from every word of this post made even me deeply uncomfortable. I’m really not sure how you can claim you were respectful when you literally recorded the ceremony just so you could more accurately make fun of it later. Yikes yikes yikes.
Condescension dripping from every word. Mkay.
I believe she's referring there to the part about my cousin's irreligious wedding, despite me starting that post with how odd or confusing a lot of modern wedding tradition is to me in the religious Jewish sphere and how I'd like to do things when it's my turn.
I also didn't record it so I could mock it later, I recorded it because it was baffling to me while I was experiencing it, and I process things differently from most people, especially when I'm in a moment of heightened stress (which, being around family is for me) and wanted to remember things later and figure out what exactly went on. I do this all the time with other events and conversations too.
The fact that the recording came in handy when I was writing things out for my own processing was a bonus, honestly. I wish wish wish wish wish I'd recorded a lot of things in my life that I didn't. This was just one I wish I'd started earlier in the preceedings. The officiant said some really lovely things about my grandparents and I would have loved to have the recording for that too. I'm not super duper close with my cousins and don't know if I'll ever see the wedding video or if all of that will even be included in the video (since most people go cinematic these days and cut a lot of stuff or overlay music) and it would be nice to have that for posterity.
Just because I didn't outline it in my post doesn't mean there weren't other reasons for recording the event. Also, it's not like they said no recordings or anything before the ceremony. If they had, I would have respected that.
And being respectful to their faces and making "nice" in person is the Kiddush Hashem I was referring to in the original post. Being the religious relatives has always been exceptionally weird for us in so many ways.
Hell, a relative who exclusively reads the NYT believed that we were anti-vaxxers spreading covid to everyone and refused to show up at an event we were invited to, despite never having a conversation with us about it or even asking.
There are always assumptions made about us and how we live our lives and how we won't be part of things and aren't accepting of anyone and aren't courteous or respectful of things that aren't religious. And yes, in my anonymous post on a website none of my relatives frequent, I did express views that could be considered not respectful. But you know what I did in person? I smiled, I said hello, I gave hugs and handshakes, I made it clear that we're open and friendly and kind people, and that family is important to us.
Some say that's hypocritical, but when it comes to Shalom, you do whatever you can to ease interpersonal relationships, regardless of how you actually feel on the matter. If they aren't in a place to hear your opinions, you don't shove them in their faces.
And why would I close the door to the possibility of them doing kiruv in the future? If all they see is that their religious relatives are awful, they'd never want to do teshuva. By not expressing everything I'm feeling in person, it leaves them with positive feelings towards us "weirdos" and that leaves the door open to potential spiritual growth on their parts in the future. The positive feelings they continue to have towards people who believe in the Torah IS the Kiddush Hashem.
XXXXXXXX said: And then recording it all in writing and davka putting it in a tag on a website where the vast majority of people who will see it are not frum and likely don’t even personally know a frum person in many cases? There’s a chillul Hashem here, but it wasn’t the wedding.
Take a look at every post in my blog, babe. They're all tagged the same. They've always been tagged the same, going back to my very first post in 2016.
I started it that way because if I ever decided to deviate in a post, I wanted to be able to reference my own posts with relevant hashtags. At the time, I didn't know where things would go (if anywhere) with this blog and wanted that option. And again, in the beginning it was intended to reach an audience of possibly likeminded people who could commiserate with me. At this point, I hardly even think about the hashtags. Hell, one of them is #i am the shidduch crisis. I'm fairly certain I'm the only one who uses that one...
Saying that I davka went out of my way to post something offensive in a place where it would incite anger is just absurd. And if that post is offensive simply by existing in the Jewish zeitgeist, then so is every other thing I've posted and tagged the same way, considering the majority of my life experiences and writings are heavily negative, yet this was the ONLY post of mine she's ever responded to. And most of my posts have maybe two likes and zero comments, so most of the jumblr world couldn't care less either, apparently.
I unfortunately did not take screenshots of my responses to her in the comments, so I don't recall exactly what I said... but it was something along those same lines.
I think we also need to have a conversation about what a chillul Hashem actually is.
Desecration of God's name.
Or using God's name in vain.
You know... kiiiiind of like an incongruous priestly benediction or a bracha levatalah. Or nine of them. (Or 100 of them if you consider that most of the attendants also said the blessings using Hashem's name inappropriately...)
XXXXXXXX said: Wow. You have a very, very close-minded view of the world. Also, not sure if you understand how this website works. When you tag something jumblr, you aren’t just sharing it with 2 followers, you’re sharing it with everyone who follows that tag. By tagging it that way, you are ACTIVELY spreading it to a wider audience. Yeah, it’s your life and you can record it however you want, but you don’t get to pretend that putting something into the public sphere as an Orthodox Jew doesn’t impact how people view Orthodox Jews.
So now my tiny pixel of the internet is responsible for how the whole world views Orthodox Jews. Mkay.
Yes, words have power.
Yes, what I say and put out into the world matters.
Yes, I look to commiserate with people who get it.
But no, I'm not responsible for what people choose to read or ignore.
And again, I hardly even think about the hashtags when I apply them. It's just kind of rote at this point and, again, despite me using the exact same hashtags since 2016, my audience is still basically two people.
The hashtag jumblr has hundreds, if not thousands of posts on it. And people post things there that are offensive to me, but that doesn't mean they're offensive to everyone. If they can post their thoughts, I can post mine too. You can't please everyone.
All of these posts are like greeting cards on a rack at the grocery store. Using a hashtag is like giving it a category like "Birthday" or "Uncle's Retirement." You don't have to read all of them. Literally nobody is forcing you to. If you see one you don't like, put it back and move on with your life.
And again, my posts are usually so insanely long that most people don't have the time or attention span to read them. (Hell, I rarely do when I'm looking back over my own writings for things.) And so, these posts are not for them. They're essentially a diary of my experiences, and everyone experiences things differently. That's totally fine. I don't know why you have to get all up in arms about that just because I see the world differently than you.
It's also kiiiiind of hypocritical to tell me that I have to see the world the same way as you and in the same breath tell me that my relatives don't have to see the world the same way I do.
I did mention in one of my responses how interesting it was that she chose THIS out of aaaaaaaalllllll my 40 posts here on tumblr as the only one to respond to, despite my using the same hashtags since post #1. And that's when this one came:
XXXXXXXX said: And ftr I have replied to other posts of yours before…I’m sorry you don’t recall, but I don’t have to reply to every post you ever write to earn the ability to protest when you put something reprehensible out into, again, the public sphere consisting mostly of Jews who do not have much direct experience with Orthodoxy and whose negative views of that brand of Judaism you are actively reinforcing.
But no, honey, no you haven't. You know how I know? Cuz I checked. You've literally never commented on a single post of mine ever before.
You know what you HAVE responded to?
ONE comment that I made on one of YOUR posts.
That's it.
Ze hu.
Also, you don't have to reply to every post I ever write to "earn" the ability to protest when I write something you disagree with, but some kind of prior relationship would be helpful instead of literally coming out of left field with hostility.
I mean, I followed her, but she never followed me. I didn't even know I was anywhere on her radar.
It's also interesting to me that I'm actively reinforcing negative views of Orthodoxy by being confused by the inconsistencies of people who claim Judaism matters to them, yet have such a lack of respect for what Torah and being Jewish actually means.
Why does being Jewish even matter if you're not going to do anything that shows even one ounce of respect for anything of the tradition of Judaism? We're more than bagels and smear, my dear.
If they wanted to have a secular service, I wouldn't have cared!
If they just wanted a party for family and friends and to exchange vows despite being legally married already, I wouldn't have cared!
Ok, I would have cared a little. It would have been sad, but I wouldn't have written a whole post about it.
And it's baffling to me that someone of Torah values wants me to just ignore the fact that my irreligious family is basically laughing off the whole religious thing as a meme and not something of deep significance for our people.
Intermarriage, especially when it comes to the offspring who THINK they are Jewish but ARE NOT has ramifications***. It literally would have been better if she'd never attempted a conversion at all. Because at least then there'd be honesty, and their kids would know they're not Jewish. This entire thing is built on sheker.
My aunt was literally laughing at the fact that they'd have to remind the non-Jewish relatives to not add crab to a crab cake for a bris. Like, whatttt!?
Just as an aside, these are the same relatives who, when LittleBean was barely a year old and LilSis took her out of her onesie and put her in a bib so she could eat without making a mess at a family event, started making strip club sounds, whooping, and pretending to fling dollar bills. AT AN 11 MONTH OLD.
So, I'm sorry you're offended by my take on the situation. As I said, my content is not for everyone. It's not meant to be and most people won't even read it, so I couldn't really care less.
But all of this was also coming from someone who posts condescending, negative stuff ALL. THE. TIME.
I guess the only difference is that she... doesn't use the hashtag jumblr? Cuz it's not like any of her content isn't public and can't be found by irreligious Jews on tumblr and associated with Orthodoxy or anything... *insert confused shrug gif here*
I could post examples, but I'm trying to be respectful of her block and not cause further machlokes. (Lawd, give me strength...)
Regardless, my message to her from my second account was basically combatting the claim that she had responded to posts of mine in the past ("the lie detector determined THAT was a lie").
I mentioned that it seemed like due to that fact alone that something I wrote was a trigger for her and I was willing to have an actual conversation about why she was triggered. (Mostly for my own edification. My intention with my posts isn't to trigger people and although I'm not responsible for their mental health, if there's something I can do to improve the way I express things I'm open to hearing about it, whether or not I choose to implement it later.)
And I said that if she wasn't interested we could chock it all up to a difference of view and opinion and move on with our lives.
I also mentioned that I bear no ill will towards my relatives who mock the Torah, nor do I bear ill will towards her for her responses towards me and my post.
I started with "Hiya" and ended with "K'siva v'chasima tova." I all-capsed some words to emphasise my points, but think it was otherwise a respectful message.
But she instead hit back with: You can't see my previous comments on your posts *because I've blocked you.* Bizarre that you recognized that was the reason for replies to one post disappearing but didn't make the connection to the rest. Regardless, I don't think you're actually open to having an actual conversation about this topic if your only interpretation of a non-Orthodox rendition of a Jewish wedding is one of "mocking."
No "hi," no "clearly we're both defensive of our positions" or anything, just straight in with a thinly veiled "you're an idiot."
Because it's not like I'm smart enough to use a second account where her comments ARE visible to check and see if she's commented on any of my other posts or anything... Nope, I'm just a moron. Mkay.
Also, I have more than one interpretation of non-Orthodox renditions of Jewish weddings. It literally depends on the context. If they'd been respectful, I would have too. But hon, you weren't there. Soooo.... yeah, my interpretation was the same as my non-denomination GayUncle and his lapsed CatholicHusband's interpretation - it was a sham. Seems there was a consensus among at least a few of us about that, and we don't have remotely the same values or world views at all.
Hell, I once went to a Bucharian wedding for two baalei teshuva who don't have frum families that was vastly different from anything I'd ever experienced before and even THAT made more sense to me that the disjointed mess I experienced this past Sunday.
She then said: These people were not raised with your knowledge base or experiences. They are just getting through life the best they can, and the fact that they ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO HAVE A JEWISH WEDDING instead of doing something completely disconnected from Judaism or letting the legal wedding be the beginning and end of it should show you that they...actually do care. The jump from "these people aren't doing things how I would do them" to "these people hate and mock Judaism" is an absurdly and depressingly cynical one and I just don't think there's a productive conversation to be had if that's how you think about these things.
They "actually do care" about... what?
If they "actually do care" they'd do things properly. And by properly I mean traditionally. And by traditionally I mean the way that even my non-denominational GayUncle and his lapsed CatholicHusband recognize as correct.
They are not "just getting through life the best they can." They're doing things "uniquely."
I mean, you wanna talk privilege... that's it right there, babe.
But I'm open to a "change my mind" segment. Just because I view things in an "absurdly and depressingly cynical" way doesn't mean that with a conversation I couldn't be swayed to see things her way.
Unfortunately, she chose anger and hostility and to block me instead.
Like, babe, you don't know my life.
You've clearly never cared enough to chime in before, so I guess what I've written previously wasn't so offensive as to incite a response from you in the past. But ok.
There was no "hey, this sounds incredibly negative, are you sure this is content you want to put out into the world?"
Or "I don't know if you're aware, but this is directed at a large audience who probably don't see things the same way and you may want to change how you phrase things."
Or "just so you know, these kinds of views may not be well received by the people who use these hashtags, so you may want to change or remove them."
It was just "you're an awful person for the way you see things."
Which means you don't know my lived experiences or what has caused me to have this outlook on life.
You know what's a great way to learn those things? By having an actual conversation. *shocked pikachu face*
But no, she's way happier dismissing me entirely.
And you know what, that's fine. Because again, this content is not for everyone and it's clearly not for her. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
So, if you read this far, then maybe this is the content for you. If so, welcome! I'd love to have you here. Just be warned, a lot of it is dark and often cynical.
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on what I have to say. Or don't. Ghosts are also welcome!
And if you've read this far and decided this greeting card isn't for you, just stick it back on the rack and move along. That's really ok too.
***I wanted to add this into the post, but it didn't really match with the flow. There was a story that came out of Israel like a year or so ago about a family of missionaries posing as Jews. And based on what I read and heard, it seems that the way they were able to infiltrate the frum community was by receiving a gett.
I don't recall all the details exactly, but I think the husband had been married previously or something and he was able to acquire a gett for a marriage that didn't have a kesuba, but he was then able to use that gett as proof of being a religious Jew that then allowed him to not only make aliyah, but also end up in a position as a community rav and mohel. So, this non-Jewish, Christian missionary with a frum-looking wife and children with peyos was giving brissim to frum boys.
So when I say these kinds of things have ramifications, I'm being 10000% serious.
WifeLizzy IS NOT JEWISH. But she thinks she is. Which means their children will believe they're Jewish too. This is no joke. Who even knows what kind of ripples that will have on future generations?
Literally, Moshiach now.
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marami-ko · 2 years
been almost a year since my last login. logging in really just bc i'm curious. also, now that i think about it...i'm logged in on a desktop and can't remember the last time i used tumblr not on my phone but wow does it feel different. and slower-paced, but in a good way!
writing this makes me miss blogging, musing to no one really.
i hate to date myself but wow...experiencing all of this now makes me realize how different the internet experience is now.
like... i'm remembering the days i'd waste hours scrolling on a desktop/laptop EXCLUSIVELY. and when i'd step away, i'd be physically leaving the internet. now, it's so ingrained. have a quiet moment waiting around (not at home)? hop on the mobile. actually, even sometimes, having a quiet moment at home, hop on the mobile internet. (i know laptops can be fairly mobile and tablet can mirror the desktop experience but..y'know what i mean).
even the content. i forgot how slow it is to scroll with a mouse. that the tumblr desktop view isn't optimized to just take up the whole screen. that there are still a lot of text posts/text based images.
idk. am i making sense? lol. like i said though, i miss this and have been looking for a slower online experience. if at all.
art, expression, the internet. it's been interesting.
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dukeofdumbass · 1 year
hello! i was going through my ao3 bookmarks the other day and i noticed that all of the ones written by you had been archived into a collection, inaccessible. Can I ask why? Is it just a temporary precaution, or are they gone for good?
HI!!!!!! i'm so sorry for causing any inconvenience - as it happens, as of just a couple hours ago, before i logged back into Tumblr, all of the works have been unarchived. whenever my works do go into an archive collection, there is a sort of safety net in that i'm too obsessive/compulsive to actually delete them from Ao3, because that means that all their stats and comments disappear too. something something media/data preservation, something something the work is really only complete to me once i post it (my spreadsheet more or less ensures that...).
now. i'm gonna soapbox on your lovely ask. i am constantly editing my Ao3 bio trying to say something like this...
as to why: i've just put a lot of pressure on myself, starting back when there was rather a lull in TTGC fic (my longest fic was in the works for a couple months before i made my Ao3 account in mid-May of 2021), to sort of be The Author in the [Xeno] tag(s) who has all the best concepts and ships and interpretations and style, consistently, universally. i want to appeal to everyone! i want everyone to love me! i want everyone to respect me! i want everyone to smile when they see my username pop up YET AGAIN in the tags. i want to be recommended! i want to be remembered... i'm not on Twitter so much anymore, and the culture's obviously quite different here, so how do i even ensure that people who don't browse the tags know who i am? hough...the impossible task... so, i have only continued to experience that pressure in comparing myself to other creators (writers/artists) who are "less online" than i've been at points but have "better" work in terms of length, range, appeal, quality, imagination/esotericism/divergence, themes/mood/gravity, self-indulgence, representation...you name it. newsflash for me: that's just not a thing! it can't be!! fanwork is as varied and personal as each and every person who's ever experienced media properties and expressed their thoughts in any medium or forum. i seek out other creators/fans who like the same elements as i do (all minoade fans, you're on my list) specifically to converse with them and conquer my feelings of inadequacy head-on, and when i find myself scared to join a conversation with those who have become my best friends (or speculating from afar on ex-friends from whom i just grew apart, for these reasons or others) because i feel like i'll ruin the "quality" of the conversation...it's really not a good feeling. when i'm really feeling like a fraud and an intrusion, away go the fics...
all that to say: if you create something, if you think something, if you love something, i love you. even if it's really hard and scary, i'll make myself do it. that's what i want my fandom experience to be about <3
(but most importantly THANK YOU for asking - i am glad that i didn't see this before deciding to re-reveal the works, because it honestly might have spooked me, but seeing it now lets me know that it was the right decision :)
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duskwingmoth · 5 months
notes and highlights from reading my discord message history (2016):
girl u used to be so sillay. I should get silly with it sometimes
2016 me was a little confused but was also so fucking right about lars steven universe
ough. Failure to recognize imminent trump presidency. You stupid fucking liberal ffs
do u rember enjoying overwatch. I rember...
Liveblogging the sonic 2016 stream like "this new charmy bee album is bussin"
"I just saw the quintessential torb potg"
"beginning with him dying"
hanging on his corpse for the full respawn timer"
"while his turret did the hard work"
"predictably nowhere onscreen"
I was the first drop dash hater. If there are no more drop dash haters i am dead
attempting to read through this sexting now KNOWING FOR SURE i was absolutely faking it is. cringe
S. Skoop. I forgot that i called skype "skoop" (and that there was a brief period where i had it on my phone while discord was on my pc)
Talking about multiple story/game concepts i have since abandoned. Death
Doesn't matter if it's 2013, 2016, or 2024; somebody somewhere is complaining about JJ Abrams. It is probably me
There was a dang stevenbomb when these messages start and tbh I was right on the money abt steven universe in general. More ppl should have listened to me instead
huniepop lmao
I was still in iPhone Hell
Making comments to friends about things i refuse to share or elaborate on. I have learned nothing
playing ALL the hits tbh we even got Complain About Family in here
Scoutposting but it's overwatch
"defense shouldn't have left the point undefended"
Bitch shut UP about Pokémon
Oh my GOD just Shut Up About Video Games in general
The Sword Art Online hater has logged on
All these tumblr links that don't work anymore. Sad
How did i make it to 22 without realizing i was experiencing caffeine withdrawal
Yes yes past robin you've got nintendo diagnosed as fuck can you not sound rude and elitist and also cryptoracist about it
(three hours worth of messages just ranting about nintendo jfc. 2009 youtube would have loved me)
The Traumadumping,
Watch watch. You can see the exact moment steven universe rips her heart in half
Reading through basically all the previous things in varying order. Knowing what's coming up.
The moment
Oh no... The Federation Force announcement. The five stages of grief logged in real time
girl your dick was not out for harambe you did not even know what that meant
Hare-brained game concepts part 3027498: radio station with hundreds of hours of recorded dj voice lines
360 controller sucks send post
It is so easy to tell what youtube poop i was hyperfixated on at any given point
girl u really went looking for and personally banned specific slurs in your twitch chat and proceeded to NEVER STREAM. Self-harm champion. Self-harm's strongest warrior
Oh my god. The inception of steam user gofasthog was on my birthday
Is sent jerma rumble live-action with no prior knowledge or context. Complains
Affirming my girlfriend's life choices and gender. Rare pre-crack based moment
Not long now
The PSVita Chronicles. Very short-lived
"Why is twitter orange" wtf are you on about
September 26th, 2016; 09:00 AM PDT:
Tumblr media
There really is like. A shift in my tone after this. Immediately so much performative anger is just gone
"I'm trying not to think about it tbh" no you should be thinking about it more. More please for your health pLEASE think of the hips you are going to lose your chance
Lesbian Gay Bacon Tomato Quiche Ice Arson. I cracked the code
Impostor syndrome. Envy. Jealousy. Girlthing you need to chill
Posting through having my shoes disintegrate instead of asking for a new pair. Lol. Lmao even
Finally watched the jerma rumble series and enjoyed myself. The redemption arc we all deserved and didn't know we needed
Utterly failing to code basic game functions. I needed my girlf frend to help me she is so smart and cute and lovely
the wii u woes
And the switch jokes. They're bad! They're very bad
I had played the paladins beta. You can tell because i complained about torbjörn overwatch again
Civ VI release date, or: how i learned that having good CPU was actually really important
Also the day i committed to my new name
More coding failure
Mere hours before the election polls are called it dawns on us both that we really are going to get a trump presidency and i weep with despair while trying to convince us both that the worst won't happen
(It didn't. We are alive and together)
You can see me desperately struggling with the growing reality that i am not as politically reasonable as i consider myself
A dark pall over the holidays. I won't elaborate. I don’t think it's necessary
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starlit-mansion · 11 months
I'm not fully sure how to articulate this but part of my ongoing consternation about the state of fandom is that everything becomes a filmy slime of personal projection and memes and half-formed thoughts when it's all just loose on social media, which is fine for incredibly consumable product-ass products but becomes very bizarre with complex texts with meaningful themes
like sometimes it does feel like an emperor's no clothes situation, of like "why are we only drawing these guy's dicks instead of appreciating the whole story?" but also this is a really specific hobby with a lot of social conventions and any given person you talk to is usually pretty happy to expound on the meaningful parts of the text and is just having fun making memes and ship art because for them, there's just not that much left unsaid about the quality of the text
like in many ways, i'm glad that my actual first experience with the book dracula was just straight up listening to an unironic free podcasted audiobook a few years before it became memetic, because there's something about making it an activity that changes the state of matter of the entire story, starts to break it down and dissolve the intention
when I was very young, i only engaged with fanfic that was set out into the world as a complete thought (even if the fic itself wasn't complete, there was a sort of inherent concreteness of presenting a piece of art with something to say), but i don't even really like fanfic and the endless distending and warping of text that much anymore. not a lot would be added to my life from hanging around ao3 instead of here, because I would only start to articulate more of the things that make me angry.
this is all a personal problem. i'm like... constantly clenching my teeth about the fact that there's no news event or disaster that won't become a meme, but also. i'm on the meme website. I should probably just leave. but also. i've taken so many sanity breaks from tumblr over the last year. at one point, i changed my password to autogenerated gibberish and didn't save it so that i couldn't log in anymore, and i would be forced to sit with myself for the time it would take to reset it and remind myself that i was getting so angry and scared every single day and for WHAT
it didn't really work
because without it, now that i'm working from home and don't talk to people much and don't have an irl social circle due to not being very social on my own and moving across the entire fucking country in first year of the pandemic to spend a year and a half exclusively sitting inside a different set of rooms, not having the casual interpersonal connection of mentally hanging out in a shared space is also very bad for my brain, and leads to a lot of bitter rumination once the novelty of breaking yourself of the phone loop and reading a book in a non-public way wears off. we all know this. we've all experienced it on some level or another due to the collective experience of the last 3+ years.
not sure how to wrap this up in a non bleak way and go back to my regular scheduled posting and avoiding too many spoilers about a movie trailer that i WANT to watch and CAN'T MAKE MYSELF DO IT because of MY ABBY NORMAL BRAIN. generally i do enjoy the stuff i engage with and try to keep my haterade guzzling to occasional dabbling in criticizing things i don't like.
this is how my depression way goes though. i don't necessarily spend all day hating and despising myself and ruminating on how all my actions are simultaneously valueless and harmful to others. The endless slog through a lukewarm knee-deep ocean of salt water is that my ability to sincerely and happily engage with things diminishes, anhedonia sets in, caring about things starts to feel like inflammation. the light hurts, because it brings too much with it. i want to take the edge off of things, and joy is an edge too.
it's not that i don't understand the sanding away of nuance, it just reminds me of my worst self, angry and overwhelmed, more interested in chewing on bones than eating.
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toakley · 1 year
Tumblr Blaze vs Promoted Tweets
Twitter has been going through an...interesting time recently. In the months since Elon Musk's takeover there was an initial increase in users on other platforms such as Mastodon (to a peak of 2.5 million monthly active users) and Tumblr (a 62% increase in downloads of the iOS app in the week after the takeover. Social media platforms live and die based on their users and communities, and both Twitter and Tumblr have been experiencing the effects of this.
My dissatisfaction with Twitter was a primary driver for me logging into my Tumblr account for the first time in years. I wanted to be able to post in multiple formats and actually keep a personal blog rather than the limitations on a platform such as Twitter. That being said, Twitter does have a larger and more diverse user base where I miss some of the content relative to me (generally referred to as #medtwitter) which was significant enough in the medical community that commentary could be found on this topic within the British Medical Journal.
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Both Twitter and Tumblr have business models that are primarily driven by advertising revenue. Both services have tried to diversify their revenue streams through subscriber models with Tumblr taking a tongue in cheek approach and adding features like two checkmarks, and crabs to people's dashboards.
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Another thing that both platforms have in common is the option to promote posts for a fee. Twitter has promoted posts, while Tumblr introduced their Blaze feature on April 20th 2022 (420, Blaze it haha). I bet Elon is kicking himself that Tumblr beat him to the punch on that one.
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With the recent Junior Doctors' Strike in the UK
I felt that if something was significant enough for me to withdraw my labour and take industrial action then people should know about it. Clearly a first step is being present on the picket line, a visible presence at my place of work; but only a limited group will see that without media publicity. Hence, I posted on both Twitter and Tumblr to share this message. Then I noticed the Blaze button on the Tumblr app. If I'm losing pay by not working anyway, may as well double down and pay to share my message I gathered.
So what do you get for your money?
My £10 on each platform offered me the following:
• Tumblr - 2500 impressions
• Twitter - 390 - 3700 impressions (over a 24 hour period)
Right out of the gate, the range in the number of people I can reach on Twitter seems huge. Points to Tumblr for giving me a set number of impressions.
I expected that Twitter would net more engagement, it likely has a bigger user base of people who would be interested in what I was posting and that might generate increased engagement through comments.
The reality was fascinating. I got ~1800 impressions on Twitter, with 19 likes and a single comment.
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On Tumblr, I got 3662 impressions (with the campaign apparently still going), with 113 likes, 27 reblogs and 3 comments. Not only did I get more than I paid for from Tumblr, but there was much more engagement with the post. There was also some follow through where users checked out other unrelated posts of mine.
Tumblr media
What does this mean?
It is difficult to determine why the posts performed differently. As an AB comparison a lot of things were identical (post content, post timing) while I do not have a big following on either platform (42 followers (who largely do not use the service now) on Tumblr vs 147 followers on Twitter.
Perhaps I had more impressions on Tumblr as Tumblr has less advertisers and so for them to be competitive, my money went further with them. As for why I received notably more engagement on Tumblr, it is likely that the audiences on Tumblr and Twitter are very different. Tumblr's user base is younger and possibly more likely to be left-left leaning in their political viewpoint, whereas Twitter may represent a user base that is broader and has more people that simply don't care about what I have to say.
You can make the argument that my Tumblr post was more successful because of the better engagement, but you also need to consider what the point of my post was in the first place. Is it useful for me to make my post reach people who are already sympathetic to what Junior Doctors are doing? Is it more useful to reach an audience that needs convincing? When using data to make conclusions you need to make sure you are measuring the right thing, and I am not sure in either case there is a suitable metric to decide this.
• The communities on a platform you are advertising to are important
• Engagement and impressions aren't everything
• My personal experience on Tumblr was more positive than on Twitter
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
Seriously. How do you get rid of the bots?!?! I leave for a bit and come back to my notifications blown up by these random follows, I feel like I'm being watched and going to be hacked, lol.
Also, I feel like I'm the only one b/c I haven't seen anyone else complain, and you don't have to answer if this makes you uncomfortable b/c Idk if you've been seeing it, but when I look up fanfics to read, I type in "___ x reader" (I've checked all BTS members tags and it has it) and there is so many of these nasty links being posted by these bots, too. Does this happen to you, too? I hate that stuff so much and it just ruins my enjoyment for Tumblr every time I log on, that's why I've slowly been quitting and have been considering deleting my account for a long time now honestly. :/
RIGHT LIKE having all these followers but like only 2/3 of them being real people is making ME feel like a bot i hate it 💀💀💀
BUT i actually haven’t experienced the tag situation but mostly bc i don’t really search through them like if i’m looking for something new to read i usually just go through the people i follow and you know at the bottom of the page they’ll recommend similar posts yeah i be looking through there or they’ll have fic rec blogs or i’ll see something someone else reblogged or something like that but i can imagine how frustrating that is like ain’t nobody tryna see all that 😭 tumblr really gotta do something and i’m sorry it’s ruining your experience <\3
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