#so i couldn't tag the mun
You and @guardianofyesod (upcoming pun completely intended and correct btw) are literal shining stars in the tcol community on the whole and for your amazing writing. And while you might not believe this coming from an anon but I've read all of your stuff (your Kariom is phenomenal and that's just the beginning of what I could say) and you deserve all of the recognition from the fandom and that absolutely includes @lingrimmart. Both of you do. The fandom is made better by your love and content.
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((That....that truly truly truly means the world to me to hear you say that and I mean it. Honestly, I don't think I'm capable of properly expressing how deeply grateful I am but I'll try. You made me legitimately cry at work you absolute villain lol.
The sheer amount of effort that @guardianofyesod and I have put into into tcol---from understanding and theorizing about the lore, talking about the characters (and I mean literally everyone, not just our chosen muses, but we do talk about them the most), working on how we want to write them both separately and together, the intricate details that could easily be missed that we want others to notice and appreciate (honestly I could give you a veritable essay on JUST the character work we've done---especially in regards to my partner's work and sheer, undeniable love put towards Roui), etc, etc, is something that I legitimately cannot do with anyone else. They match my efforts and enthusiasm in a way that I'm incapable of doubting for even a second and that's something that's always on full display whether we're having an hours long ooc discussion or writing ic content on our blogs.
And I know---I'm really do know---that such dedication is a lot for people. It's a lot to keep up and a lot for the people just reading or interacting with our stuff to deal with but that's where the love comes in. If we didn't feel so strongly about this game; literally everything about it but especially the characters, it'd be hard but it's honestly the easiest thing in the world? The devs made it easy and so did my wonderful writing partner. The dedication and love is incredibly clear on both sides (but from us as fandom creators and from the actual creators themselves) and it's impossible not to react to that. I, personally, haven't been this excited or inspired by a game in the longest time and if I didn't act on that passion I knew I'd regret it. The drive that we have towards bringing these characters and the tcol world to life on our blogs and with our writing is legit a fraction of what it deserves on the whole and I can only fuckin hope that I succeed at it on my end of things. I can tell you that, even with my own personal doubts, I'm always trying to showcase 110% of how this has all effected me, especially in regards to portraying Kariom. I know @guardianofyesod succeeds at it because I've gotten to witness it firsthand and even be involved which feels like an honor at this point, that's how much it all means to me if that puts it into further perspective.
I know that I'm rambling on (and to an excess too, lol) but I didn't want to just thank you, you know? I'm not kidding when I say that you made me emotional (in a good way, don't worry!) and I just.....had to match your heartfelt enthusiasm with my own. The tcol fandom in particular, no matter how small it is, no matter if @guardianofyesod and I are the only people on the rp side of things, is incredibly special to me. As I said I haven't been this happy or inspired in an incredibly long time and that's thanks to the kindness of people like you, the devs (especially Lins, the opportunity of talking to them alone much less them following me + engaging with my content and talking to me about it and stuff in general still....floors me tbh and that's putting it incredibly lightly! Thank you so much!!!) and @guardianofyesod and I know merely saying thanks doesn't cover it, I know I need a better, stronger word for such a feeling, so I'll thank you all by continuing with...this. All of this. I'll always try to emulate and showcase that love and dedication because I wouldn't be able to write any of this stuff, no matter the character (but we all know who my two faves are lol) without you guys.))
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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//drawing this killed my hand a little but it's okay. a little hand pain is worth it to draw fictional people being cute <3
@paleontaxi i already showed you this on discord but uhhh jarosa rights <3
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outoftheirdifferences · 9 months
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stxrbxys · 2 years
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/ is the lil *jump* for me ♡ /
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brekkersource · 1 year
how to use beta + trim reblogs
so! we all know about beta editor by now. for better or for worse, a lot of us are using tumblr's new beta editor, and it's likely that everyone will have no choice but to use it soon. this unfortunately means a lot of us can't use the new xkit to trim our roleplay posts. there have been a lot of posts explaining this and the benefits of xkit rewritten; this one, this one, and this one especially helped me understand what's going on. however, a lot of people still seem to be floundering around in the dark so i wanted to make a tutorial that sums up everything i've learned from other tutorials as well as my own trial and error.
if you want a step by step guide to trimming reblogs (with screenshots) as well as a brief overview of beta editor's pros and cons, keep reading.
the first step, obviously, is to switch to beta editor and install xkit rewritten. the posts linked above explain how and why so i won't go into detail here. trim reblogs is the new version of edit reblogs, and it looks like this. one of the best features is that you can use it even after posting your reply, so if something glitches or you forget to trim, you still have a chance to fix it.
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once you have them, there are two different ways i've seen people use xkit rewritten to trim their posts.
1. seperate reblogs
this is, in my opinion, the best and easiest way to go about this. mun 1 makes a post, mun 2 reblogs it, and then mun 1 uses xkit rewritten to trim their original post from the thread.
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however, this only works if the original post was made in beta. if you try to trim a post that was made in legacy, you get get a warning, and if you go ahead with it, it's going to glitch somehow. in my testing, my reply duplicated! which is very annoying. and despite what the warning says, repeating the trim usually does not last—even if it seems like it does at first.
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2. (probably) copy and paste
this is more visually reminsicent of editable reblogs from new xkit. there might be an easier way to do this that i don't know about—if so, please let me know. the name kind of explains it all; a mun will copy and paste their partner's reply, indent it, and write their own below. then, obviously, they'll have to trim all the past reblogs of the post. this is especially good for people who like doing pretty headers or editing their partner's url to look pretty, you know what i'm talking about.
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there is a glitch i have run into on my own blog a few times that i was unable to duplicate, so i've just taken a screenshot of my own blog with most of the information blanked out. if only one person if using beta, trim reblogs will still sometimes glitch and duplicate. i trimmed my reblog multiple times but every time i reloaded, my duplicated reply was back. please, please communicate with your partners. i know it's annoying and awkward but it will save everyone so much frustration. especially if you're clinging to legacy, please let your partners know so they can adjust accordingly—or consider switching to beta, even if just for that thread.
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but beta is not all bad i promise
i know how frustrating this all is (i fully refused to do drafts for a few days once beta really started kicking in and new xkit stopped working for me), but i am slowly coming around to it.
tags are editable now! i cannot explain the joy i experienced when i first realized this. no more typing up a long, rambling tag only to notice a typo as soon as you've hit return. you can edit tags at any point—even when going back and editing an old post! does this mean that i have accidentally started editing a tag when i meant to move it? yes but it's worth it.
making the text small is so much easier now. no more going into html or command+option+shift! instead, it's available as an option right in between the italic and link buttons when you highlight text.
you can now edit the size and type of text very easily! this did confuse me at first when i couldn't find the indent button, but it's now in a toggle list; if you click on the regular tab when text is highlighted, there are a ton of options including indent, chat, lucille (whatever that means), bigger/biggest, and more.
however, it's not all great. but it's tumblr, what did we expect.
the most frustrating thing for me personally is that you can no longer copy and past an image link into your reply, or else the image url will be tagged on underneath it. it looks funky and isn't great if you don't want to download a million gifs. while i've just been downloading/dragging the gifs i want to use to desktop and uploading them to my reply, it's annoying to have to clean up my desktop and empty my computer's trash so i'm not wasting storage space. additionally, this does not work if the gifset is in a post rather than a page; the only option there is to copy and paste and simply put up with the image url. clicking "add image" and then pasting the image or dragging the gif from the page/post's tab into the tumblr tab and onto your reply still results in a url. if anyone has figured out a workaround for any of this please let me know; otherwise, i think we should all just agree to ignore the url if it shows up. update: thank you sm to anon for informing me of @rpclefairy's roleplay formatter! if you put the gif in their formatter, copy the source, and paste that into the post when it's in html mode, not rich text mode, the link is gone! and thanks to tumblr realizing this was annoying, if you click the little link icon that appears when you hover over an image, delete the url, and hit done so it saves, the url will be gone!
formatting is......weird now. if you make your paragraph text small and then decide to add another sentence, the new text won't be small. you'll have to edit it again. text that has been formatted (small, italic, bold, etc) will be highlighted in a very strange way when the cursor is in the formatted section. as far as i've been able to figure out, even after poking around a bit in the html, there's no way to change any of this. not to sound like a broken record here, but if you've found a way to change any of this, please let me know. otherwise i think we just have to put up with this bullshit.
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there's always a chance that these things will be fixed; it is still just a beta system after all. for now, i think the best thing the community can do is communicate with partners, ask questions, and just accept that there's gonna be some weird shit going on and we're all doing our best.
if any of this changes i will update this post, but in the meantime, pls share if this helped or you want to share the word. and for the last time, if i've gotten anything wrong, just let me know and i'll update.
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vanillahub · 3 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Obviously, I'm heavily influenced by a set list of characters I personally love, which means I come up with a take/portrayal as I delve deeper into the lore. I tend to have a preference for side characters, rather than protags or lore heavy ones, bc of the freedom I get... BUT at the same time I've had numerous muses that carry a lot of weight in their respective franchises (see: Seto Kaiba, Captain Rex, rival Barry, Richter Belmont and Sea Dragon Kanon just to name a few).
I mainly write as canon characters, I genuinely have little to no interest in making or RPing as an OC. At most, I have 1 OC in two out of the RPCs I'm currently part of. Which explains this huge disparity.
is there anything you don’t like to write? My hard nos are Incest, Adult/minor types of relationships. Bodily fluids/toilet stuff and fetish focused RPs. One-liners and really short replies aren't fun for me, sure, they can be fun for crack/joke interactions. But they won't last long. I really love working and expanding on the source material, so RPs for me really need to have that good plotting to back it up. While I'm totally open for exploring darker/taboo subjects (e.g.: adultery, toxic relationships, etc.), they MUST carry weight on the characters and be handled accordingly.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? GIMME ALL THE WEIRD COMBOS TO INTERACT WITH!!! Characters that never met or barely interacted with one another in canon but, they can interact in our RPs!!! My jam is doing worldbuilding and expanding on the source material!!! I also enjoy writing comedy, fluff, romance, slice-of-life, over-arching stories that connect/get refferenced in other threads.
how do you come up with headcanons? I look for plotholes or anything that was barely touched upon, in the source material, and I go off from it. I try establishing connections or make them clearer, to serve as future reference for me and my RP partners. I also love taking influence from other medias I'm into.
do you write in silence or do you play music? I used to be able to multitask a lot easier in the past. Now, I mainly prefer writing in silence. Only in very rare cases, I may play some kind of lo-fi beat or lounge music.
do you plan your replies or wing them? It depends on the thread in specific! Most of them have been plotted out, so I go off what we have laid out. Only in a few cases I try to wing it.
do you enjoy shipping? YES YES. GIMME. However, due to some bad experiences in the past, I'm really picky with platonic and familial stuff (popular fanons my beloathed).
what’s your alias/name? Vani
age?  27
birthday? 19th of July
favorite color?  Purple, blue, white, red-
favorite song?  Tô de pé - Maneva
last movie you watched?  I genuinely can't remember it LOL. It must have been Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary.
last show you watched?  Saint Seiya Omega
last song you listened to? Discoholic - Disco Soul (Mr. Hoosteen's "Disco's Revenge
favorite food?  Pesto Pasta
favorite season?  Summer
do you have a tumblr best friend? Check these fellas out <3
These ppl know me for the longest time Gen ( @gems-of-lirema ), Simone (@unchcsen ) , Shiba ( @celestiialnotes ), Retto ( @245s ), Bobo ( @roleplayersoul ) and Smeargle ( @ofpokemon ) !! Really special mentions to @radi0activesmile, Val and @mxlik you guys will forever hold a v special place in my heart!!
Then I'm always chatting with Ama ( @gwiazdowe ), who genuinely is one of the best ppl I've met!! Honestly, I couldn't feel anymore happier to have met you! Can't forget urs truly Mica, who lives rent-free in my walls LOL. Lea ( @todefendlife ) and Mars own my house smfh.
And also special shout out to folks I've met more recently, but still deserve a place here: @shouxryuuxha / @wayfaringstrangxr / @eternalstarlights / @triko-the-fluffy-artist <3 Love u guys!
TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce TYSM <3333
TAGGING: Anyone wanting to do this!! Just say I tagged you <3 !
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melodicbreeze · 27 days
Author Portrait
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Basics Name/nickname: Ash Age: 26 Pronouns: they/them Years of writing: 10+
Reflection I saw others doing it back when roleplay groups were huge on Facebook. I started getting into more intensive writing in middle school when my friend and I would start writing self insert fanfics and the likes, especially when we started getting real into character crafting.
Do you have any writing routines? Not at all! I write when the mood strikes me. Usually it's not hard to get into a mood when I started working on something.
What's your favorite part about writing? Getting to create something together with someone! Also the plots. It's like, getting to read a fanfiction that ticks off all the stuff you want in one. It gets me so jazzed up and scratches the best itch in the brain.
Three things you like about your writing:
I like writing dialog! It helps that Venti is very chatty (even if he talks a lot but says little yknow). A lot of other muses I've had were pretty silent, so I thought I might stumble with dialog, but it's not really that hard for me!
I like that it's apparently good enough to gain some roleplay partners who want to write with me, haha.
I like that it lets me meet people! I've met some great friends, and my wonderful boyfriend, because I write!
A question for the next person! Write a question for the next person to answer. Once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer. From Vênus: What's the most challenging thing and character you've written, and why?
The most challenging writing I would say has to be on my previous main blog. I wrote Ryou Bakura, and he was a very quiet type. I had to work a lot with introspection, thoughts, and setting while writing him because I couldn't lean on dialog to keep the thread moving forward. I don't think there was one specific thread that was more difficult than the others, just that in general.
Anyway, it was great to learn and practice the "yes, and" of roleplaying. Responding to the previous reply being the yes, and then furthering it being the and, so that not one mun is solely moving the plot along.
My question for you: Is there a character from media you disliked that you then grow to really like because of a specific mun's portrayal?
Tagged by: @predvestnik
Tagging: @viridianwins @sylvctica @deiscension + anyone who wants to!
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oftoska · 2 months
A Little About the Mun
Name? Metric. Pronouns? She/They. Communication Preference? DM's are the best. I now have a discord available upon request but I am very bad about checking it. Muses’ Names? Malcom Gillespie. Best Experience? I've met some really lovely people. But overall, getting to write, explore, and chat about Mal with everyone so far has been amazing. My personal muse has never been higher, and everyone's excitement over him makes it stay up. Pet Peeves? There's a lot, but mostly being wildly dramatic. People treat this like a platform for airing out personal drama or starting popularity contests and it should be about writing. Muse Preferences? Mostly I write men, but whoever I have muse for. Plotting or Winging It? Mostly plotting. Sometimes winging it works out but it can also end disastrously. Long or Short Replies? I always say I will do shorter replies, but I wind up being long-winded. Best Time To Write? Whenever the muse strikes. Are You Like Your Muse? The only thing I have in common with Mal is how much I love my pets. Otherwise I couldn't be more opposite.
Tagged by: Stolen from @lunarruled Tagging: :)
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dragonsongmakhali · 3 months
Mutual catch-up!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: X-Files, though we're doing a mythology-only watchthrough. We're most of the way through Season 4 at the moment :> tbh I'll likely go back and watch all of the episodes we skipped once we've finished the plot.
THREE SHIPS: all of my ships are OCxOC ships, so it would likely be silly to list them here. Y'all would be familiar with Makhali/Khasan [aka Makhasan], tho!
FAVORITE COLOR: If forced to choose one, black. If I'm allowed an accent color, red.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: XIV, though gpose is less consumption and more creation. It is consuming my waking thoughts, though, so I think it counts.
FIRST SHIP: Inuyasha and Kagome. Yeah, I was in the inu trenches.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Born in raised in Florida, babey :(
CURRENT LOCATION: still Florida (unfortunately)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: happily married to my best friend
LAST MOVIE: believe it or not. The original Shrek, because we were on a plane (the third of the day) and my anxiety was so bad I couldn't sleep or relax, so my husband put on something silly and made sure I wasn't thinking about the endless turbulence on our flight.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: ton of Makhali/Khasan poses, both in ideas/composition and pose-building itself. I realized how much serotonin I get from posing them and now I must make that the world's problem 👍
Tagged by: @sealrock - aaa thank you!!
Tagging: @mimble-sparklepudding @paintedscales @healersadjust @chadhunkler and @airis-ray - if any of y'all have done this, feel free to ignore! I only just recently figured out what year it was, so I'm not sure who's gotten to share some fun mun factoids :'>
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azure-steel · 2 months
Meet the Mun.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Yeesh, LOADED question xD Uhm... well I fell in love with Cloud way back in his polygon popeye arms phase when I was around 15 or 16. That moment when he trundled down the stairs on the Hardy Daytona. But like... there's elements of his character that kind of remind me of me that I don't want to go into here tbh. In short I was having a hard time at home when I first took to Cloud, I owe him a lot, and I just pray that I do him justice, you know?
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Not really? I'll have a go at anything. I don't usually know if something is going to bother me or if I'm not feeling it until I'm in the moment. But if that happens I'll let you know :)
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Heh, probably angst tbh. I have this nasty habit of turning the most upbeat thread into a sea of misery if I don't keep myself in check. It's not like I enjoy watching my muse suffer... no... that's a lie OMG. But I love shippy things too, fluff, smut and all that stuff. But the one thing that's key to me is WORLD BUILDING. I love exploring a character's emotions, the things that surround them and how it affects them. Honestly, if I feel stifled in a thread I lose interest pretty fast.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Usually on the fly, as I'm writing replies. It's not something I do often for Cloud considering that his lore is already quite extensive so I don't often feel a need to elaborate on what we already know. It depends really.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I prefer to have music playing and I like the music to fit the mood of the thing I'm writing. Helps me keep my flow and it blocks out everything around me. I can be easily distracted.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
A bit of both. Totally depends if the thread is plotted or not honestly.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh man I LOVE IT. A bit too much to be fair. But I'm a bit shy and I don't want to come off as pushy if I feel like my muse could ship with someone elses so it's not often I'll bring it up like that. There's so many good characters here I would love to ship Cloud with but I'm a damn coward xD
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Saphie or just Saph is fine. It's been my online alias for YEARS now.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm over the age of 30, so OLD
25th of March. Team Sheep!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
I... don't think I really have one? I do art as a profession so I love all colour I guess.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Oof, I don't have one to be honest because my tastes change so sporadically. I just love music in general.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uhm... I want to say Advent Children because that was a movie I specifically put on to watch about a month ago. I'm sure there's been movies on the TV that my husband has been watching and I watched by proxy since then but I couldn't tell you what they are. I have a memory like a sieve...
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Everybody Loves Raymond as I was stuffing my face at breakfast this morning.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
I am currently listening to Who's Side Are You On by Tommee Profitt.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
CAKE, though if it has cheese on it I'm in!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Anything apart from winter. I hate the cold and I can't look cool walking to work in the snow when I'm slipping around on my face...
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I do!! @ghostofnibelheim/ @nanakithewarrior/ @roleplay-abiogenesis2 GO FOLLOW THEM!
Tagged: Yeah... I pinched it from @mezzomorendoTagging: Just steal it and say I tagged ya~
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cc1010fox · 4 months
Hi there. I've recently started following you, and I was wondering what the meanings of some of your tags are. Sorry if this should be obvious, or already explained.
I know the translations for all except Nau'ika. But are they for like... diff AUs you have? I first thought Vencuyanir was I fic title but couldn't find it.
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(Also, don't feel like you must answer this on the blog. PM would be perfectly okay as well.)
[ It's not a problem for me to explain anything on my blog, so always feel free to ask! The tags especially. None of them should be obvious, unless you know a few words from a fictional language. Lol.
Most of the tags are just character descriptors.
Nau'ika means "little light". It's a cute nickname Fox has for Thorn, since he's a light in the darkness that is Coruscant. I think the fandom just agreed that Thorn is a refreshing presence.
Fox's tag, haryc, means "tired". It's just a description of him. Lol.
Vencuyanir means "to sustain, keep alive, preserve". My queue sustains this blog while I'm either away for a decent reason...or just being a lazy mun.
So the Mando'a tags are usually just descriptors of the characters or words they're by. That's all. When I tag something as just "Commander Fox", "Commander Thorn", "Commander Stone", etc., it's so it'll appear in those commonly searched tags. That's usually for the little chat posts I make that I think (hope) the fandom will enjoy. ]
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witches-and-weirdos · 5 months
Mun VS Muse
Tagged by: @cosmosoracle Tagging: You
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I couldn't decide between the 2 Zinnya eyes so here are both.
The others didn't come out so well, so meh
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dualisume · 6 months
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༘ ೀ⋆。 #Dualisume.   ⸻  a highly selective , && mutuals only rp blog for , Regina of all Waters — Furina De Fontaine !! of Genshin Impact , heavily headcanon && portrayal is inspired by the Biblical Bible && Marie Antionette . — Triggering && Dark themes are present in this blog / Not Spoiler Free ! Read Rules Before Interacting Minors or anyone below 20 don't interact . Personals Don't Reblog
⸻  ༘ ೀ⋆。 Loved && Cherished by Eri ༘ ೀ⋆。 ⸻  ( Carrd | Headcanon | Drafts : 5 | Asks : 17 )
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༘ ೀ⋆。 The world is just a stage It's better to laugh than to cry because laughter is of human nature Laugh at it all, don't worry — Let's enjoy today !!
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Simplified rules for mobile below the cut!
༘ ೀ⋆。Mun . Hi , hi!! You can call me Eri ! I've been rping for so long that I couldn't remember when i started but i do know i used to rp in GAIA online , I've been rping in Genshin fandom since version 1.0 so haha i've been around so long orz , also english is not my first language in fact it's the third one i learned , so I'm sorry if my English sometimes sucks or not deep.. what else? I love cats, frogs & dogs -- also my pronouns are whatever you feel like && I'm also 26 years of age
༘ ೀ⋆。 Selectivity . I'm very selective due to the reason that i get easily overwhelmed when there's a lot of things going on in my dashboard , I wanted it to be clean && not filled with untrimmed posts, too much ooc post , etc -- ( sorry! ) also i only follow the blogs I'm certain I'm going to write with && i'd like to keep things like that. Regarding to OCs , i will follow you -- once i read all your about > . < , I love your OCs i really want to write with you but due to my hectic schedule && ADHD , i always forgot to read some , so it is my fault why i got no time -- I'm really sorry. I wont follow you if you're below 20 + && ships incest , pedophile ships.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Activity . I work as a fulltime artist/designer so i have always free access to Tumblr ( except going home / to work ) but this doesn't mean my whole life revolves in tumblr. I also have hobbies && life outside tumblr -- so even if I'm always online here doesn't mean I'll reply to you immediately . Please understand that thank you!!
༘ ೀ⋆。 Shipping. Furina is currently a mess of a character in her way to figure who she really is a person , so shipping --- is a bit hard with furina, since she will question a lot of things but , but , but! I adore shipping & would love to slowly build a relationship with anyone -- as long as the character is of age , i also do shipping only when there's a lot of amount of interaction between our muses , so it feels more natural
༘ ೀ⋆。 Triggers. Hi please tag if you're ganna post Dolls or Spiders, i don't like them --- they scare me thanks.
༘ ೀ⋆。 Headcanon & Graphics Anything you see in here is made by me, unless i specified that it isn't . My headcanons, graphics & arts are something i worked really hard on, so please don't steal them . I appreciate it!
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adventuringalchemy · 8 months
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there is something wonderful stirring in the depths of your being. something within you– something latent– is sleeping there, in the cradle of your mind. creativity comes naturally to you, just as breathing or blinking. you have the capability to extend yourself through art. but are you afraid of it? creating something– terribly afraid that it will never be as good as you hope? it will never be made unless you use your own hands.
TAGGED BY : ( found from, actually ) @praemoniitus TAGGING : @ellegaard , @sprucewoodfae , @new-king-of-boomtown , @marv3l-drag0ns-rp !!
mun notes below .
i absolutely adore how ivor is my favorite tarot card omg?
at first i was iffy about this one even though i answered everything in character but now it makes total sense to me. i see this as who he used to be. the part of him he was hiding for so long because he was so afraid of showing his true self. so engulfed with rage and a lack of trust, he couldn't show his true emotions. he was afraid to, because how the hell can he trust the people who lied to him? now that jesse and the new order has let him be him, he can let his true self run free and he doesn't have to hold it back anymore. it's very nice.
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gcrdy · 2 months
🎤 Get to know the mun | ACE
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PRONOUNS: He/They. I'm just some fucking guy.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is definitely preferred. I'm pretty much always online since I have it on my phone, and I'm generally pretty quick to respond if you message me there. I can do IMs here, but I'll definitely be slower since I don't get notifications for that on my phone.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): My only current muses are Gordy here and Orin Scrivello DDS on my other blog (@scrivellc), and both of them are so loud in my brain right now. I do have some muses I don't currently have blogs for and some strewn about on other blogs...maybe I'll consolidate them one day onto a multimuse for my own sanity.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I've been RPing since kind of forever? Or well, probably since I was 14? I started out on Proboards and Invisionfree back in the day, so I've been at this for 18 years at least. On tumblr I started out I think....college? My first blog on here was a Hunger Games OC (who I still love dearly even if I'm never on his blog anymore)
BEST EXPERIENCE: I mean, I haven't really had any AWFUL experiences, so I couldn't say there's been one thing I could call a best experience? Probably just the ongoing meeting of great people who I still occasionally subject to my weirdness. Thanks for thinking I'm a chill dude.
RP PET PEEVES: I'm not really sure...I guess when someone doesn't give you that much to work with? There honestly isn't all that much that bothers me.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: It all just depends on what I'm in the mood for since I can probably make up some fun scenarios for all of those genres. I do have a soft spot for angst and smut because I'm a big boy who likes to make in character trouble :3c
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both are good actually! I love working from a prompt, but anyone who's messaged me knows I can get so deep into plotting. Honestly, sometimes I even enjoy doing long conversations about characters and dynamics more than RPing itself lol
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I can be a longwinded person and make weird and long replies, but honestly my sweet spot is probably 2-3 paragraphs. So I guess that's kind of...medium length?
TIME TO WRITE: Usually in the early evening is best for me since that's when I get home from work and want to unwind a bit. Lately I've been a little on the tired side, but hopefully my mojo will be back soon now that I'm done dealing with some personal business.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I'm not sure. You'd have to ask my friends lol I'm really bad at discerning how I'm perceived by other people. I do like to think I'm more intelligent than Gordy, but that's kind of a low bar. I love him dearly, but he's a dummy.
TAGGED BY: @ofwealthandtaste TAGGING: Whoever wants to do it
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daddymothxxx · 2 months
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ཐིཋྀ || NAME?: Asche
ཐིཋྀ || PRONOUNS?: she/he/they
ཐིཋྀ || MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?:  Valentino here, of course. OC Lucifer (@burningfeathersx) and my OG OC Devang (@disasterghaster)
ཐིཋྀ || RP PET PEEVES?:  If you're here to write a story with yourself by using me as a spring board, please don't. It's boring. And frustrating.
ཐིཋྀ || EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Started before 2001 in notebooks with my best friend at school, lol. Then AIM then Xanga and been moving along since then to now.
ཐིཋྀ || FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?:  I seem to gravitate to angst? But all types of interactions have their merits in the right context. Long as smut isn't for smut's sake or the like. Though I enjoy action the most. Action and conflict is what drives character arcs and developments. Only so much fluff/domestic/smut can propel a story as an element of progression, lol. Not apposed, but too much of anything can cause stagnation and that's what I'm not into so much.
ཐིཋྀ || PLOTS OR MEMES?: Well, as long as it leads to interaction, I don't have much preference. Very organic about things and been doing this long enough to not care too much about strict structure. Seems like memes are the current culture, but before memes was plotting and before plotting was just literally smashing characters together in and seeing what happens. Guess that sticks with me the strongest.
ཐིཋྀ || LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?:  There's a punctuality to short and quick that lends well to goofiness and banter-ish character interactions, but long also is enjoyable to read when things are more intense. So, either-or. Long as they is some kind of content to play off of--couldn't care less.
ཐིཋྀ || TIME TO WRITE?:  You'll catch me writing the most either in the time I'm awake between sleep and pre-work nap or early morning after I get off work. I do some of my best work when my inhibitions are down due to exhaustion or wake-up fog, lmao.
ཐིཋྀ || ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Uhhh, not really for Valentino I don't think? He's very his own thing unless one counts like...childhood trauma (not the same exact kind, don't worry). Lucifer has a little bit of my RSD I think? He also likes fudge stripe cookies like I do. I can't say that I don't impart some part of myself into a character, we all do if we're honest, but I am very strictly separated from them as well. So while they might have traits to enhance their 'realness', they're not me and will never be me. The traits are used, but don't directly reflect how I experience my own symptoms of depression for example. No self-insertion occurs. That was a big deal when I started and sticks with me now. (Not looking down on anyone who self-inserts or kins or the like, promise. Left behind that biased stigma a long time ago, but the way I do characters just sticks is all.)
tagged by ; @radioiaci tagging ; @tangledfate (( teej got everyone else ))
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