witches-and-weirdos 16 days
Send in "FINISH HIM" to witness my muse delivering a brutal finishing blow.
He ran. So many of them ran these days, did Ionia run out of proper assassins? The General almost missed Zed's "shadow boys"...
Holding her breath, avoiding to swallow the tide of blood, Meria first reached after him and clenched her fist. The man's knees shattered. With a scream of the purest agony, he fell on the dirt and grass, his legs flying off in majestic arcs of crimson. Now she would recall the blood into her veins and mend her throat. A few coughs and a deep breath. "By The Bastion, you seriously should have known that wouldn't work, you're like, what, the sixth guy who tried to cut my throat? Seventh? It's getting sad." Her soldiers surrounded the howling man, spears and swords so close to almost skewer him. A few were rushing at her, checking wounds, but she waved them off. "I'm fine, it was an amateur."
She approached and lifted a hand, with it the man's body arose and turned, face to face. "Hell, I'd wager it was an angry local. Skilled for that though, getting this close..." She stared into his tearful eyes. No intel will come from this one, nothing useful at least. Sigh. Let's make it quick then.
In her mind's eye, she reached through his skull and touched his brain. Her hands clenched and moved together for a good hold on it, then apart! A pink-and-crimson splatter to paint the soil in red and scatter chunks of skull amidst the grass. The body fell, entirely headless. Her veterans grimaced, the fresh ones stared in amazed horror: So this was Blood Magic...
"Right, sorry boys." The General added nonchalantly, then with a simple motion gathered the blood from her soldiers in to a neat little orb and dropped it on the body. "All clean, now I want this cleaned up too, the rest back to your duties. Show's over."
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witches-and-weirdos 16 days
Send in "FINISH HIM" to witness my muse delivering a brutal finishing blow.
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witches-and-weirdos 17 days
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聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 RULES聽聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽MUN聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽HEADCANONS
//some rules will be modified <3 stay tuned <3聽
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witches-and-weirdos 18 days
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"I just kind of like movies and plays in general, horror included. Not my favorite pastime, but can enjoy them!"
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"Ooo, what are you? Beyond hot, I mean." Probably the smoothest Zinnya will ever get.
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"Hot, me? I like it! Wait..."
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"...half a head for horror movies? So you kind of like horror movies or you stop watching them halfway through? One is much better than the other."
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witches-and-weirdos 28 days
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So we met the evil cult in the campaign and they offered to show us "the truth"...
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witches-and-weirdos 30 days
Who gave her a minigun???
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witches-and-weirdos 30 days
A mighty, ancient voice bellows as the light in the room flickers and dies. Shadows coalesce into tangible tendrils of cold, deathly smoke, poisoning the air with their very presence. An unholy skull manifests from the purest darkness, its empty black eye sockets blazing with the green fires of blasphemous death magic.
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Can't understand where the boop came from, so she hesitantly boops back whoever that was to keep the war up but is already hearing betrayal background music.
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witches-and-weirdos 1 month
I found something extremely useful, go take a look and spread it like a plague!
Also, sorry for the big silence, life's been happening.
I found an amazing website for writers
You can put in words and phrases and get:
All its meanings
Examples for how to use it in a sentence
Other words starting with it / containing it / etc
Other forms of the word
All in 1 website, and after a brief testing it seems like one of the most competent such sites I've seen so far. Here's the link:
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
headcanon question for zinnya: what's her favorite strategy for avoiding tough situations?
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"Well, depends, though usually I just love Invisibility! Or looking like someone who's supposed to be here! Or if you mean social situations, eeeeeeh most of them are weird anyway, I just got used to it. And if you mean important big bad conversations to be had, you really shouldn't avoid those, it's just gonna make things worse for later."
Tiny story time: The group once got separated running away from a fight we really couldn't take at the moment, and of course she was invisible because that's how they tried to sneak past it (but she did a Nat 1 stealth, oopsie).
So these undead are chasing her running footsteps and then she turns a corner and stops and one of them also turns the corner and stops immediately next to her. And then it starts looking around and sniffing.
So she casts a small illusion to make a glass breaking sound in the next house and then just stands still like a nervous statue, watching the undead rush away and jump inside though the window like an idiot.
Zinnya exhales, then leaves.
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
kindness starter please :)
Starter Prompts
As Mairi returned, she could easily hear the loud argument being had at her tree trunk. There was a man with a thick dwarven accent, and a woman with a strong slavic one. They were clearly not from here.
"Oh c'mon, it's clearly magical!"
"Yeah, that's the point! It's someone's!"
"Yeah, ours!"
"Nope! You're not taking it, it's a selkie skin."
"Really! Now that just makes it even more valuable! We agreed to share loot and treasures we find, and this is my share."
"Oh you fucking wish! If that's how you wanna decide it, then take it from my share! I claim it and say we leave it here."
"Not on my watch you don't! Selkies make good brides, folk say, and you've already got some! I claim thi-"
"Alright listen here shortstack, do I look like a witch you wanna mess with? You wanna become a frog for two months, is that it? You could just ask, you know. Or you can keep going alone, the city ain't that far now, just two days, have a nice damn trip!"
There came a heavy dwarven cursing, the sound of a sword being drawn, an echoing of arcane words and a strange sound like a muffled thunder, then the man screamed, and... croaking...
"There, asshole. I warned you!"
The loud croaking replied in a protesting tone, if frogs could make such.
"Just so you know, I'm not casting Animal Speech, you sound much more bearable this way." She spoke with sass, then sighed and looked around. A raven then descended from the trees and chose to try his best at perching on Mairi's head, cawing all the while as if warning the witch of her presence. "Ah, you're either the selkie or an entertained traveler. Hello!"
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
@heredis-sanguinis | Cont
Ah, the first and greatest haemomancer in the empire had known about her! Good, very good, though to some extent even a little bit expected, lately she found her fame penetrated much more than just the common folk and the military. She gently nodded at his recognitions. "A pity indeed, though I am glad my name had reached you already, and of course, what haemomancer wouldn't know of yours?" Raising her glass a little bit. "My father managed to find some of your personal students to teach me in my youth, and indeed they were well beyond just excellent! Ren茅 Loftwoln most of all, in case you still keep contact." She took a good sip of the exquisite red wine. The drinks here were better than some of the attendants, definitely a highlight of the evening.
0 notes
witches-and-weirdos 2 months
The cold, right, he often forgets. There were no seasons back home, and there was no such change affecting him for centuries either. The time of the whine snow meant terrible cold everywhere in this world. Now that he is finally reaching close to his corporeal return, he should actually take some mental notes on these things. Who knows, he might even need them once he starts building his presence and gathering his supplicants.
"I doubt a rat would do, highly, though I could try with that as well. I estimate I will need something no larger than..." He leans closer to inspect her. "...your nose, or eye. Even that might be pushing it. Besides, not long ago they were swarming everywhere. Surely they did not just disappear."
...summer. By not long ago he means summer.
The Deep One speaks. "Anika. Find something tiny for me, a little insect perhaps, maybe one of those 'flies' or 'mosquitos' or something of a comparable size, and kill it for me. I need a corpse for something."
Unfortunately, it is freezing winter, and the snow reaches well beyond her ankles.
"Ugh. Do you specifically need something that tiny? It's already going to be a challenge to find something at all with this cold..." the medium tugs onto the edge of her cape as she stops in her tracks and turns to the phantom by her side.
The city is far behind them, and the research for herbs has been, to say the least, disastrous. The forest looms from the edge of the road that brings back to the city. She tilts her head. "Would a rat or a bird of some kind suffice as well? Maybe they're easier to find once we're back to town, if not I'm telling you, we're going to take a while out here."
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
"Not training. Just testing." The tone still caries a hint of disappointment. "This form is a very significant step forward, but it is even weaker than my Emvalda was by itself... As of now, I can barely crush a human head with just force." He keeps looking at the stone, silent for a bit. He wants the next ritual sooner, his ungodly patience is - though still far from being exhausted - showing there might actually be a limit to it somewhere. The man is content, but not yet happy.
"Oh I've been testing my magic, but it is still insultingly restricted. Most of it only even works through willing conduits like you."
The Deep One manifests. He picks up a mug, coils his tendrils around it, and squeezes it until it shatters.
He grabs a chair, lifts it, rotates it around for inspection, then coils his tendrils around it, and calmly crushes it to pieces.
He looks around for a bit, then picks up a large rock. He tries the same with it, and... it merely cracks. He tries again, with visibly more effort, but the tendrils dissolve and move through it. The rock falls with a loud *THUD* and he looks down on it.
A disappointed "Hm."
"Hey there."
Anika merely raises her eyes from the book she's reading when her patron manifests into his physical form. By this point, it's common enough for him to decide for himself about staying invisible or otherwise; little changes for his daughter, who can see him all the same in both cases and fully trusts his judgement about making his presence known or not.
However, when he starts squeezing things around her tent, she can't but lose her focus and peek at him instead. She doesn't even make an effort to hide the amused half smile that blooms on her face when he starts testing his strength.
"What's the muscle training for? I thought you'd have been more interested in pushing your magical limits first, since some of your powers have been returning."
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
Honestly, ghouls and zombies bite a lot harder. Nillan offers a hug.
Anika needs a hug, but she might bite. What will you do?
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
Tiny call for Baldur's Gate blogs and TTRPG Originals in general?
So many of you interact only with mutuals, gotta break the ice in a way or another!! I'm active over @cosmosoracle, an oracle/wizard from a homebrew Pathfinder 2e campaign, and @undyingmedium, a warlock medium/summoner (baby necromancer basically) from another homebrew campaign turned to pf2e from D&D, but also the Dark Urge for my first run on the game.
Help me spread this around, I want to meet new people!!
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
Tumblr is doing some stupid AI shit so go to blog settings > Visibility > Prevent third-party sharing.
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witches-and-weirdos 2 months
Make a assumption about my muse and see how they react! Anything goes!
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