#so cwute~
ivorysodapop · 13 days
A3! But their outfits are their everyday outfits in our Sims 4 playthrough
#1: Sakuya! — Next
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eobard-thawne · 5 months
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where is this from please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Must be Santa, must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Claus
A Grouchy Puritan Mall Santa and His Holly Jolly Elf Brother!🎅🎄⛄⭐💕✨
🎁The headcanons for this AU are here!🎁
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chosoguapo · 1 year
bad bitches have hello kitty mirrors 😝
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bloodxhound · 9 months
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places this in ur hand. wyd
arrest him at once : / ray knows this look. he's scheming and up to no good. to jail he goes. ray believes in crime PREVENTION.
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042-240 · 1 year
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merry crisis
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candied-boys · 1 year
Birthday Ellis is so cwute <3
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yukumae · 6 months
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GAAHHH ALL MIKU CHWEEB TOGETHER HEHE 💗💙💚 they so cwute with their lil pokemon beside them 😭 maybe I should do more Miku Pokémon Trainers? Perhaps :DD
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dabisqueen · 6 months
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He's so cwute! 😍
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necrocutsies · 11 hours
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" Wrist c///ing led me happy, oh no My friends tried to beat me up, oh no, uh oh How do ya feel ab///sing me? I don't give a fuck, overkill "
- Girl2 by Shinsei Kamatte-chan
ctto: neko yeye on danbooru
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i wu v u sm it m-makes me wna c//rve u r name onto my t-thighs.. or i c-c//rve mine onto urs.. i cnat !! i-it's so cwutee !! AAa a AAaaA aaaaa !! hah ahahseh hsagahe i'm goign crazy i'm carzy i'm crzy i'm crazyy craazy craz yev erything is spinn ing nd i'm crazy i am a-absolutely insane and it's all y-your fault and i love it.. !! (●♡∀♡)
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honeybeewhereartthee · 4 months
spoiler for my stories
Bee stared at the blue sky, wondering about the event that occured previously. While he think about it, his webbing some spider silk into something.
He thought about what happened to blood, being able to finally gain his own stable identity, the appearance of the new blood, which now called Helter. He stared at the spider silk and see it's turn into a carnation.
"ey." He felt someone pulled his outfit and he look down and saw Helter looking up to him while holding a chunky lollipop like the size of his lil head.
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"your going to be like that rabbit." 'fat' he think as he point out the big candy and show an image of very well feed blob who's bigger and chubby.
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"that bunny weight like 100 pounds." He pointed out. "How did wa know dwat?" Helter who's a bit bad with his speech as his licking his lollipop ask him.
"Omae made me carry em before and I was surprised how heavy the bunny was." He obviously cannot say that out loud in front of you before so he really have to act like that rabbit is not heavy weight.
"if I'm like that then I'm cwute. People gets fooled by cute things. I'm going to steal something from you, like your spouse!>:( " Helter who still wasn't move on with the ordeal of Blood giving more to Bee pointed out and bee stared down at him unfreeze.
"Your already adopted forcefully by them anyway." He show a very much legal papers that's sign by grey
[ you can play house with em, bring back by seven! ]
"NANI?!"- Helter.
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bluebabiesunshine9008 · 6 months
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Age regression paci. Gosh I need someone to get me one of these it's so cwute ahhh :3
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savvygamer2012 · 5 months
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Thigh highs mwake me fweel so cwute and pwetty!~ 🐾🍮
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silenttanuki · 1 year
Dougie iz so cwute *happy squeals and bouncies*
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sigynpenniman · 10 months
I really genuinely do love being alive and the world is beautiful and I’m grateful to be in it but being reminded that people don’t take me seriously and probably never will does begin to grate eventually. I can’t even express what it’s like when you get asked to get up and speak to an audience or something like that and the immediate reaction of everyone is to giggle. Why am I funny!! What did I say that’s funny!! Is it just my existence? I’m funny and cute? While doing my job? Did you hear a word I said or were you too busy giggling at the cute little kitten pretending to be an adult? And no one MEANS any harm by it. like ever. It’s “love.” But it’s so fucking patronizing. The next time I get upset about something and someone starts giggling at the cute little baby girl who’s so uwu cwute when she’s angwey I’m going to bite someone’s head off
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YOU ATE HIM?!- Biersack Family
Summary: Andy and Amber decide to break the news to their baby girl that she’s going to have another brother or sister.
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Addison sat with Andy while Amber had practice. The couple made it work pretty well with both of them being in separate bands. 
They tried to make sure one of them was always with their daughter, but when it just wasn’t possible, Addison usually spent time with Grandma, Poppa and Grandma Brittany, or Grandpa Nikki and Grandma Taylor.
“Dada? Can we watch the music?” Addison asked, not sure her dad fully understood what she wanted.
“Are you talking about a music video, baby girl?” He asked, and she nodded, her dark brown curls hitting her cheek.
“Do you wanna watch one of daddy's or mommy’s?” He asked, pulling up YouTube on their flatscreen.
“You,” she told him, her attention now brought to the tv.
“Tell daddy when to stop,” he told her as he went down the list.
“Top!” She demanded and it was on Fallen Angels.
“Uncle Jakey!” Addy clapped when she saw her godfather on the screen in his stage makeup.
“Uncle CC!” She called again when she saw her crazy uncle CC that always made her laugh.
“Daddy, your hair so long and pwetty,” She told him and climbed off his lap.
“Who’s that daddy?” Addison pointed to Ashley and Andy sighed.
“A man that was not a good person baby,” He told her. There was no doubt in his mind that he made the right call getting rid of Ashley.
Andy had to open his camera to record his little girl singing along with the video, dancing in the living room, twirling in in a circle, her black and red dress circling around her.
“We scweam, we shout!” She belted, lifting her arm with the horns, and Andy laughed before sending it to the group chat with Amber, Heather, Tommy, Nikki, and their wives.
As expected, once that video was over, Addy came bounding towards Andy again.
“One more daddy?” She asked, and he chuckled.
“Of course princess. Same thing as the last one. Tell daddy when to stop,” he told her and Addison had him stop at Perfect Weapon.
“That one,” she told him and her eyes lit up as she saw her dad in the corner of the window.
“Daddy, what happened to your hair?” Addison asked, and Andy smiled.
“Well daddy didn’t wash it and brush it sweetie,”
“Ew!” Her nose wrinkled.
“Yeah baby, mommy and daddy were on tour together and daddy got hurt and it was hard for daddy to wash his hair,” he explained to her. Even at almost 3, Addison knew about Andy’s incident at the release party of Set The World On Fire. Mainly due to her launching herself at him when his ribs were hurting, so they had to explain it to her.
“Guys, I’m home!” Amber called. The sound of paws hitting the hardwood floor filled the house.
“We’re in the living room kitten,” Andy called once he heard his wife greet their dogs.
“Mommy! We’re watching music,” Addy told her mom when she saw her round the corner with Persephone on her heels and Hades trotted forward to the three year old, laying at her feet.
“Mine or daddy’s?” Amber asked, having a good idea of the answer before the question left her lips.
“Dada’s,” she answered when the music really picked up.
“Addy, do you know that this is the first of daddy’s music videos that mommy watched,”
“Was it like a pwincess?” She asked, her blue eyes sparkling.
“Kinda. Mommy knew she wanted to meet daddy,” she answered, pressing a kiss to Andy’s lips.
“Didn’t Gamma Tay say she thought Dada was cwute?” She asked, having heard the story from Ella.
“Really?” Andy surprisingly never heard that story before.
“Yes baby. Gamma Tay thought daddy was so cute,” Amber told her and pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips.
“Hey sweetie, Daddy and I need to talk to you when you guys are done watching Daddy’s music videos,” Amber told her, her hand instinctively moving to her belly.
“Okay mama,”
Once the video finished, Andy turned off the tv so they would have her undivided attention and nothing would overstimulate her.
“Okay baby, so you know how Auntie Ella is Uncle Jude’s big sister?”
“But Uncle Jude is bigger,”
“That’s because he got Grandpa Nikki’s height, but Auntie Ella is actually older sweetheart,” Andy told her, rubbing circles in her back.
“Yeah, so how would you feel about being a big sister Addy?” Amber asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.
“Yeah. Can we take him back when he messes with my dollies?” Addison asked, making Andy snicker a little.
“No baby. If that happens, you come get mommy and daddy. Wait, what makes you think you’d get a little brother?” Amber asked, an eyebrow raised. Addison shrugged.
“Poppa said you having a boy,” Addison told her and a chill went down her spine. Tommy really had a talent for predicting baby genders, especially if their new baby is a little boy.
“Well, we get to see if Poppa is right. Sweetie, you’re going to be a big sister,” Andy told her with a beaming smile.
“Where is he?” Addison looked around, making her parents smile.
“The baby is in mommy’s tummy,” Amber told her.
“YOU ATE HIM!?” Addison snapped a horrified look at her mom, both parents having to stop from laughing.
“No baby, they have to grow in mommy’s tummy,” Amber moved strands of Addison’s curls out of her face before sitting next to her. Addison’s crystal blue eyes moved to her mom’s belly.
“You be nice to mama. I help Dada and Poppa make your room,” Addison smiled and pressed a tiny kiss to Amber’s belly.
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