#so Kyle has to go deal with a personal crisis and the girls all decide to hang out at the riding academy and listen to Patsy’s records
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Defenders (1972) #73
#ohh I love the Hulk soo much 😭#so Kyle has to go deal with a personal crisis and the girls all decide to hang out at the riding academy and listen to Patsy’s records#(side note that I like that while Kyle has this crisis going on he still offers to give Clea a ride home)#and after their long hectic adventure the Hulk hasn’t got it in him to listen to music#it’s too much sensory simulation for him right now#so he goes to sit in the peaceful quiet outside#and because the Hulk’s always had a hard time dealing with his emotions his mind is going to places like#why does Hulk need friends?#and Hulk just wants to be alone#when really the Hulk does like having friends and he doesn’t like being alone all of the time#it’s just that often his interactions with other people are deeply unpleasant for him#and he’s not equipped to be around people all the time#he’s built in a way that he needs his space#but this is genuinely a good moment for him like I don’t think he’s even leaving the riding academy property#he’s still in this safe place that the Defenders provides for him#he’s able to remove himself from a stressful situation and process his emotions on his own#and his friends don’t try to get him to stay and I really don’t think they’re bothered by his bluntness cause they’re used to him#so this isn’t blowing up into a situation where he lashes out at them#the Hulk still has a lot of room to grow#but I think that his time with the Defenders is where he’s done the most learning on how to mantain relationships with people#marvel#bruce banner#kyle richmond#patsy walker#valkyrie#clea strange#my posts#comic panels
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DC Ladies and Why They're so Awesome
Barbara Gordan: So of course Im going to start of with a good part. Babs is probably one of the smartest people in the entire DC universe. She graduated high school early (at like sixteen) and went to college. She got her masters degree so she could be a librarian. In her 20's she became a congresswoman but apparently was too liberal to get re-elected. On top of this all she was batgirl. When the Killing Joke happened the DC universe thought they lost Babs. Not only did Babs stick around she became stronger. Babs used everything she had and built up the Birds of Prey using her quick thinking and computer knowledge to keep her team safe. Not only that but as Oracle Babs was the information keeper for the Justice League. She had every single superheroes number easily accessible and knows them all personally. Also Babs became a Green Lantern! Like thats awesome. Babs has been at war with the Calculator for forever and has won every time. You can not tell me Babs isnt one of the best DC characters hands down.
Diana Prince: Okay I bet you're all surprised I didn't start off with Diana. I love Wonder Woman so much and there's so many reasons why. First off Wonder Woman defied her Amazonian sisters and went out to the real world. She didn't know what was out there and didn't really care. She wanted to promote peace and be a diplomat and that's what she was at least for a while. When Diana killed Maxwell Lord she regretted it so much that she decided not to be Wonder Woman anymore. Even though everyone told her that her reasoning was just (cause like yeah it was). Wonder Woman has this huge sense of responsibility and like how can you not love her for it. Also the fact she's more powerful than most of the Justice League and the Justice League knows and admires it. Yeah that's definitely a plus.
Mary Batson: Okay I love Mary and honestly I don't know much about her but I'm going to take a stab. Mary carries this sense of responsibility, she wants to be a hero and she's damn good at it too. When she lost her powers around Countdown she was devastated. When she got them back and become "Black Mary" that absolutely sucked. But she came back became Mary Marvel again and built herself back up. Mary is a key part of the Marvel family and I don't know what Billy would do without her. She's also still a kid. Like an actual kid. A teenager and she's out helping save the world. Yeah I have respect for that.
Kara Zor-El: Of course Supergirls on this list. Why would she not be? Okay supergirl has an interesting story. She's the sole survivor of not one but to planets. When she arrived on earth she knew nothing about the planet at all. She had to trust her cousin knew what he was doing to help her. She wanted to build a whole life away from being a superhero too. She just wanted to be a normal kid. She has her ups and downs but ultimately Kara is probably one of the best characters because she's realistic. She's written to be an angsty teenage girl who is still trying to figure herself out. Sure she's chronologically 30 years older than Superman (depends on what story you read) but that doesn't make her any less of a kid. Also she fought Darkseid and Lex Luthor while still figuring out her powers, she single handedly took down the entire Justice League and she's more powerful than Superman. I think that's pretty cool.
Dinah Lance: The Black Canary's name has belonged to like three different Dinah's at this point. But that doesn't make her any less awesome. Dinah is trained in all forms of martial arts and is thought to be the second best martial artist in the world. Yeah the entire world. Dinah is hot heated and can be moody at times but she knows what she's doing. Even after losing her Sonic Scream she continued to kick ass with the Birds of Prey. She did get her Sonic Scream back later while in the birds but she never seemed to rely on her powers, she always just used her gut instincts and quick thinking. At one point Dinah adopts a child who was being trained to be an assassin. She kept this child and even stopped being with the birds to settle down with Oliver Queen and have a family. Dinah is undoubtedly one of the best ladies in the whole DC universe.
Helena Bertinelli: Okay not only is Helena a superhero known as the Huntress shes also a school teacher. Helena originally was the daughter of Batman and Catwoman but at some point during Crisis she became a vigilante who was the daughter of a mob boss. After her whole family is murdered in front of her she vows to end the underground crime ring in Gotham. Shes pretty good at it and almost succeeds. Sure her methods arent well liked by Batman but she gets her job done. She joins the Birds at one point and actually gets a family. Babs gets her a job as a school teacher and Helena is happy again. Towards the end of the original Birds run Helena manages to take over the underworld and Gotham and manages to (almost) take it down.
Stephanie Brown: Okay Steph is the daughter of some low class supervillain called the Cluemaster. She becomes Spoiler as a way to make up for all the things that her dad did. She literally built herself up from nothing and became an amazing superhero. Steph might have never had a major standing in the comics but she was there in the background spoiling everyones plans. Also Steph got pregnant as a teenager. Like thats really hard to deal with. And she did it mostly while continuing to be a vigilante. Steph maintained a good friendship with Cass and when Cass ditched the title of Batgirl Steph took it up. While Batman never approved of her actions Steph did everything she could to be an accepted member or the batfamily. Plus she was briefly Robin which is really cool.
Cassandra Cain: Okay daughter of assassins is already cool but the fact she can speak solely with body language is amazing. Cass never learned how to speak and was trained to be the worlds best assassin. When she did learn how to speak she spoke few words. Despite that she maintained a great friendship with Babs and Steph. Babs trained her to be the new Batgirl and Steph ended up being her best friend. Cass is even better at fighting than Batman and she took down the Joker her first time fighting him. Not only did she break the Joker out of Arkham she beat him and sent him back just as easily. Cass had a great character arc and I just love her character. She really brought the name Batgirl to mean something entirely new and when she dropped it and gave the name to Steph she did it with honor. Cass did at one point leave to go run the league of assassins but she eventually came back to Gotham.
Talia Al Ghul: I dont know much about Talia but I think I know enough to write a paragraph about her. Talia is the heir to the demon. She trained as a child to be an assassin alongside her father Ra's Al Ghul. She also fell in love with Batman. But thats probably the least cool thing about her. I mean she is an assassin who will potentially inherit a whole army of assassins and be immortal. Like I dont know about you but I think thats pretty friggin awesome.
Selina Kyle: Okay Catwoman is amazing. She trained to fight under Catman which is pretty cool. Also like she controls part of the Gotham underworld. Selina is an amazing woman who is a great thief and she also has morals. She doesnt do killing (most of the time) and shes even been a hero for a while. Catwoman became a hero alongside Batman but at some point she decided to return back to crime. She's worked alongside the Birds of Prey a few times and at one point was even a member. Selina also decided not to marry Bruce because she knew marrying Batman might give him a reason not to be Batman anymore and she knew people needed Batman more than she needs Bruce. Also Selina helps girls on the street. Like thats a major thing. Helping kids who dont have much. Like thats great. Lastly she feeds and takes in stray cats and thats just wonderful.
Harley Quinn: Okay while I wouldnt consider Harls a hero persay (shut up new 52 and rebirth) she is still an amazing character. Harley is a genius, she blew through med school and became a psychologist. She built herself up from working at Arkham from the bottom all the way to working with the highest class psychos. Harls was also an amazing gymnast and she had tons of medals. After falling in love with the Joker she did some regrettable things but the fact she managed to get herself and she started to redeem herself shows a lot about. Harley now just wants to help people she wants to fix what she did wrong. Harley has a big heart and wants to do right and while she knows her methods arent that great shes trying hard. She just wants to please the people she loves and cares about.
Pamela Isley: Okay Ivy is a tricky character. She doesnt really have a set backstory or anything that I really know of. Ivy was a scientist and something happened that changed her physically. She became connected to the green. Now Ivy isnt really sure who she is. She became the Batman villain known as Poison Ivy and became an ecological terrorist (at least thats what I think they call her). Ivy really just doesnt know her place in the world. Ivy is wicked smart and she has patented a lot of biotech stuff and she made Harley the antidote that made her immune to toxins. She does end up re-entering the field of science a few times and is genuinely trying to turn a new leaf and become a better person. At first she didnt really understand that what she did was wrong she just wanted to help out the plants because she saw all these terrible things happening to them. For the most part Ivy is a misunderstood person who is trying to find her humanity.
Kara Zor-El (Earth Two): Okay Power Girl is a tricky character to figure out because she has so many different backstories due to the destruction and then reformation of the multiverse. Anyways Karen Starr is from another Earth specifically Earth 2. When she arrived on Earth 1 she learned there was already a Supergirl. She took on the name Power Girl and founded a company that focused on software (I think.) Shes older than Earth 1s supergirl and is kind of like a big sister figure at times even though her and Kara are the same person. The two also didnt start off on the right foot with eachother. Karen for a while led the Justice Society of America which is really flipping cool. Karen knows whats right in her heart which is what makes her like Superman in a way. Because like her cousin (even if the two arent really cousins on earth 1) she wants to help people.
Donna Troy: The original Wonder Girl will always hold a special place in my heart but I kid of want to focus on her time as Wonder Woman and also as simply just Donna Troy. When Wonder Woman quit being Wonder Woman Donna took her spot and she made a pretty great Wonder Woman. She doubted herself a lot and didnt think shed ever be as good as Diana she pushed herself up to the top and did it. As Donna Troy she was an amazing Teen Titan and she even cheated death. Her spot in the multiverse has been looked over a few times but her Roy and Jason last I heard were all kicking ass together.
Rachel Roth: Ravens a weird character Im not going to lie. Shes kind of mysterious. Rachel was a key addition to the Teen Titans, her powers are unmatchable in battle a lot of the time. Also shes the child of the demon Trigon. Rachel herself never really knew what to do with herself but while growing up she knew she had to do something and that she has to save people. She spent her teenage years with the Titans and continues to be with the Titans even if shes technically supposed to have aged out by now.
Kate Kane: Kate is one of my favorite characters of all time. Batwoman adds so much to the story and it covers a lot of things Ive never even thought of. Kate was kicked out of Westpoint under Dont Ask Dont Tell. The story talks a lot about her experience with PTSD, being gay and also being in the army. Kate runs a major business and is Batmans cousin. Kate literally gives zero craps about what Batman says and she does what she wants even if he doesnt approve. Kate has a big heart and ultimately she just wants to save her sister. After being kicked out of Westpoint Kate became a party girl and an alcoholic becoming Batwoman changed all of that for her. She became the woman she was meant to be.
Maggie Sawyer: Maggie Sawyer is a badass cop. Shes also Kates girlfriend and shes a mom. Being a cop in Metropolis is one thing but since moving from Metropolis Maggie has joined the GCPD. Being a cop in Gotham versus being a cop in Metropolis are to completely different things. Maggie can do it all and she works well under pressure. Shes an amazing cop and deserves so much more credit that what she gets in the comics.
Renee Montoya: Renee Montoya started out as another Gotham City Cop well until she became The Question. Also one of Kates ex girlfriends Renee has taken up Vic Sage's mantel and become the Question. She's a cop turned vigilante who is trying to do everything she can to keep Gotham safe.
Zatanna Zatara: So Zatanna is a magician. An actually magician with real magic and also a performing magician for kids. She does a lot of volunteering and loves showing her magic to the kids. Shes part of Justice League Dark and her powers are probably some of the most powerful in the whole DC universe. Zatanna can literally do anything just by saying it backwards. She doesnt get as much credit as she deserves but Zatanna is a kid with a big heart and deserves a lot more than she gets. Also did I mention she once climbed Mount Everest?
Courtney Whitmore: Not many people know much about Stargirl but this teenage girl is a key part of the Justice Society. Stargirl is a nobody without her Cosmic Staff but with it she is one of the greatest members of the JSA. Courtney has befriended Supergirl and has run around on all sorts of adventures before she could even vote. Her friendship with Supergirl is strong even if it isnt seen too often in the comics. Stargirl is just another kid who wants to change the world and who does manage to do it.
Lois Lane: Supermans girlfriend has ring to it enough but pulitzer prize winner Lois Lane is so much more than that. Shes an investigative reporter who strives to find the truth no matter the cost. Time and time again she goes undercover and risks her life for her job. She has no powers and no fighting skills just faith and a keen eye for a story. So sure while she's Supermans girlfriend she so much more than that. She's a woman who's going places and will always be independent. (Bonus: the first time Clark meets Lois she's yelling at some guy at the phone for being sexist)
Lana Lang: Supermans other girlfriend. Lana kind of got abandoned for a while but trust me she's still great. Lana takes in Kara while Kara is still struggling to figure her life out. Lana is the most supportive and loving person there is. She really cares about Kara and treats her like a daughter and as a best friend. Her friend ship with Lois Lane is amazing and Lana had an amazing story arc when she became possessed. Moral of the story never mess with any of Supermans girlfriends because they will fight back and theyll fight back hard.
Lady Shiva: If it wasnt for Lady Shiva Black Canary would be the best martial artist in the world. Lady Shiva is a long time Batman villain and not even Batman himself can beat her. Shes said multiple times that the only time he did she let him. She just wanted to know how worthy of an opponent he was. Shiva and Dinah trained under the same sensei together and have a mutual respect for eachother. For a short period of time Shiva even took Dinah under her wing to teach her new techniques no one else in the world even knew.
Mia Dearden: Speedy is hands down the best Green Arrow sidekick. And no Im not talking about Roy I really do mean Mia. Mia was living on the streets for the longest time and as a teenager. Constantly in the comics she talks about what it was like as a teenager being homeless on the streets, doing drugs and even selling her body just to stay alive. She became a great fighter while training with Ollie and Dinah and becomes the second Speedy. Mia is quick thinking and knows how and when to act. Later in the comics before she joins the Teen Titans she gets diagnosed as HIV +. That was the first time the DC universe made a character be HIV + and it hit hard for a lot people. Her backstory is really sad but its meaningful and really tells a lot about things that nobody knows anything about. Mia is a spunky kid with a lot of personality and she wants to help people.
Emiko Queen: Emi wasnt really around until she become the Red Arrow in Rebirth. She had her ups and downs but she stay devoted to Ollie throughout all of it. Emi is a tough character who really wants to be just like her big brother. She does at one point join a cult but then she breaks away from the cult to save her brother. Emi really admires Dinah and their friendship is great. Her story is still just starting to develop and its really cool to see where its going.
Zinda Blake: Lady Blackhawk has been no where in sight since New 52 hit. Im not really sure if theyll bring her back but I hope they do. Zinda is a hotheaded pilot who thinks more with her fists than she does with her brain. Shes a key member to the Birds of Prey and a true hero. After somehow re entering the continuity despite having to have originally been in WW2 Zinda has begun to fit right in with her weird accent and odd slang. I really hope she gets put back in soon.
Charlie Gage-Radcliffe: Misfits not really a well known character but shes a good one. Shes a spunky kid with an obsession with Batgirl. She takes on the mantel of Batgirl briefly before the real Batgirl, Barbara Gordan, stops her. Babs takes her in as one of her Birds and trains her. Charlie is just a kid and Babs knows it. Charlie doesnt get to see much action throughout the series but her character really grows a lot and she molds into this amazing character. Misfit is pretty impulsive and her mind (and body) tend to bounce all over the place. Charlie is just like any other teenager and she does everything she can to look on the bright side of every situation
Cassandra Sandsmark: Cassies Wonder Girl is what got me into Teen Titans. Cassie knows what she wants and knows how to get it. She can be short tempered but she had a really good heart. Her friendship with Supergirl is one of the best friendships in the whole DC universe. Cassie ultimately just wants to impress Wonder Woman. When she's not roaming around with the Teen Titans or on Paradise Island she's like literally every other teenage girl. Sitting at home argueing with her mom. Her power for her lasso comes fron her anger which she seems to carry a lot of. Shes still figuring out how to be Wonder Girl but shes become a valuable asset to the team. Cassie is a really relatable character and I love her for that. Her and Diana are a great pair and seeing them together is amazing. (Bonus: In New 52 Teen Titans she can put up a fight against basically anybody including Tim Drake and she hates the name Wonder girl)
There are more characters but this took me about two hours to write so Im going to cut it here. If anyone wants me to add any more characters let me know in the notes and I'll edit this. Also special shout outs to characters who I didnt have enough info on to put on here but are still equally as awesome: Martha Kent, Director Cameron Chase and Linda Park.
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bloodycalligraphy · 6 years
multi-purpose-tool-guy replied to your post:
im just gonna.... scoot in here and uh..... enable you..... scoot scoot....
OK hear me out. Here’s some TLJ-based Kylux mpreg thoughts.
I think Snoke always knew Kylo was the knock-off brand of what he really wants. That Kylo is broken by the fact that he FEELS SO MUCH and he lets his feelings drag him around even though he clearly wishes he wasn’t like this. He was probably always like this. 
And Hux? Hux is useful but Hux lacks the sort of power that Kylo has by birth and breeding. Also he’s an absolutely sucking void of a human being with bile where other people have blood. He’s easy enough to control, but mostly exactly as you would a dog — reward it when it’s good and make sure it knows you could beat it if it’s not. Watch the teeth. Don’t take your eyes off it.
They’ll be steps to power, but are they really going to be heirs to his vision? Or are they the tools he’ll use until he can get better, shinier, less buggy and broken ones?
I’d like to thank the Rlos who want Rey to “continue the Skywalker line” because that sure sounds like the exact sort of shit you could feed Kyle Ron to make him do some Fucking Weird Shit and well, General, just lie back and think about the Empire. Kyle has probably never seen junk that wasn’t his own and the one Knight that he kissed once got sent out by Snoke to some planet acid-spitting worms and came back with their lips melted shut by scar tissue. And frankly I’m not sure anyone has ever in his life taught Hux that sex is about anything other than Power and Pain.
Anyway, Kyle over here’s like literally twice as wide as Armie, so obviously he’s got the space in that refrigerator-size torso for whatever demonspawn comes out of this.
Throw in some Force garbage about how if Kylo doesn’t spend a certain amount of time around Hux regularly he feels like he’s gonna puke his kidneys out because this INCREDIBLY FORCE SENSITIVE fetus would like to vibe with whatever weird vibes Hux gives off. Actually they’re probably very chill. Since he’s only got one (1) emotion: Hatred. And he’s got a boss and a PAIN IN THE ASS who can read his mind, I’m sure the inside of his brain is WMD blueprints and elevator music most of the time.
So they chill. They don’t... like each other? But maybe they realize that they’ve made some misjudgments and now they’re actually even better prepared to murder each other.
Hux starts researching weapons that a lightsaber can’t block. Force-resistant materials. He starts packing a couple extra energy blades on his body at all times. He buys a slug-shooting rifle and starts carrying it damn near everywhere.
Kylo is still gonna be killing his dad and getting gut-shot by a wookie and finding the true power of hatred after THE ANGRIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD hands him his own ass on a platter, obviously. You could stuff a whole watermelon in that boy and it would not slow him down. But it’s fucking with his head. Are his priorities... right? What does it all mean? Existential crisis with a side of his body literally doesn’t belong to him and he didn’t choose this at any point and WHY IS HE DOING ANY OF THIS AT ALL
Things explode. Things still very, very much explode.
And that’s going to be rather important, really, because Hux knows he can rebuild a planet-sized weapon and he can buy a new warship and he can train a hundred thousand more child soldiers. Every life except his own is replaceable and it always, always has been.
And Kylo is thinking obsessively about family, about his parents, about his childhood, about his life and where it has lead him, about right and wrong, light and dark. 
But all things must come to an end? And the boy sith who would be supreme leader doesn’t have enough time to telepathically tell Rey NOT to swing by really not a good time right now. 
Kylo gets his guts excavated by unfeeling, uncaring medical robots because this is a hideous dystopia of reproductive rights or something. Hux is there because, well, he’s a little bit of a sadist everyone knows that. That’s the only possible reason he could be there, isn’t it?
Haha no. He’s gonna make eye contact with that blue-eyed, screaming creature and all the crazy in that heavily hair-gelled head is gonna skew in exactly the expected ways. Because, well, he can BUILD another weapon. He can BUILD another army. But he can’t BUILD a fucking baby. Or well, he could, but it wouldn’t be this exact baby, now would it? And honestly, honestly? Why would he build any other? This one is PERFECT. He made that and it’s his and he would rather drown in his own blood than let anyone hurt it. 
(See? He’s not his father after all. He cannot even understand his father in this moment. He has always known himself to be weak and sought to protect himself. Now here is the weakest imaginable version of himself and he feels that same urge. It’s his and he will protect it or he will die. That has always been the only two options.)
And Kylo wakes up with his internal organs rearranged and stapled back together to see a fucking armed sociopath holding HIS CHILD and nearly kills Hux right then and there except if he died then he would definitely drop the baby and if Kylo sits up too fast his spleen is gonna pop out probably. 
They don’t even have to talk about things or lie to each other because they have spent a stupid amount of time with one another and they know. The fear in Hux now is the same fear that is swallowing Kylo up like a howling cyclone.
So they go to Snoke and it seems very much like Hux will betray Kylo like the untrustworthy dog that he is and Kylo will stay the loyal and steady servant of the darkness, but Kylo is a nest of serpents held together by medical tape. And all of Hux’s research? Well, if you want to blow the most powerful Force user you’ve ever met’s head off his ugly shoulders? You might need a real firearm and some Force-resistant bullets.
Cue a very different fight against the Praetorian Guard. Rey shows up twenty minutes late with Starbucks to a room full of corpses and fire and Kylo “Ben Solo” Ren trying to hold his torso together while Armitage “General Hugs” Hux looks increasingly red-faced and distressed at a very small and screaming baby.
No lightsabers explode.
No one’s around to sign the paperwork on DJ’s deal so he fucks off on the first ship he can break into while Phasma’s calls keep going directly to Hux’s voicemail.
The Resistance makes it to Crait safely and Holdo does not explode anything and Rose does not have to contemplate kicking 500,000 stormtroopers to death with her own two feet. (I mean she doesn’t, but she still DOES.)
Phasma’s call goes through. 
“Hey I’ve got two big Resistance morons and a soccer ball.”
“Cool. We killed the Supreme Leader and also it’s a girl.”
“Congratulations, sir. Does she have a name?”
“Not yet, I was a little busy.”
Rey watches Kylo get increasingly pale. “Are you okay?”
“Not really,” he says.
Hux remembers that someone helped MAKE this baby and she’s probably fond of him or something. Maybe Hux is fond of him. He’s not sure yet exactly. But he would probably shoot the scavanger girl if she hurt him. Of course, he would probably shoot her anyway, y’know? Just because.
Chewbacca is sort of waiting for Rey to come back.
He does not expect her to come back in the company of the First Order’s three most powerful leaders and also Rose, Finn and a VERY ANGRY BB-8.
Also there’s a baby? It’s a very cute baby. She’s got Ben’s nose already.
“What’s her name?” he asks.
“Haven’t decided,” Kylo Ren says at the same time Rey says, “I don’t know.”
They glare at each other. Chewie does not smack Kylo upside the back of his head simple because it looks right now as though a stiff wind would knock him over just as well. Also, well, he wouldn’t have helped Rey with this COMPLETELY INSANE PLAN if he didn’t think Ben Solo could still come home.
He can’t. Really. This is not Ben Solo going to his mother. This is Kylo Ren going to General Organa with three and a half hostages and a burning desire to get some war criminals off the hook.
(Maybe DJ does a nice thing and leaves something explosive behind when he goes. Or he gives the whole First Order a computer virus or something. They’d deserve it.)
Anyway, Hux probably is still set on handing his daughter the whole known universe and does something incredibly stupid like pull a gun on Leia and gets every blaster in the room pointed at him while he’s holding the infant Skywalker scion. Kylo forcibly (haha) disarms everyone in the room and gently sets Hux on his damn fool ass and not so gently shuts his jaw so tight he can barely breathe. But he can still breathe.
This still unnamed baby is going to be a princess in a world where everyone won’t be trying to kill her all the time, isn’t that good enough for you? (It isn’t, actually, but Hux can make world domination a back-up plan for at least the next two hours.)
Phasma refuses to take off her helmet. Or talk to anyone.
Rey is going to loudly insist that they’re not that bad — and they have a baby! They can’t be bad? At least the baby is probably not bad! 
Leia is going to call Kylo “Ben” and so everyone else is going to follow suit as he bleeds internally and hates them all. He would still stab his uncle if he saw him.
Does Phasma particularly care if her life’s work is sacrificed on the altar of peace? Uh, as long as she still has her LIFE, not particularly. 
Empires, warships, armies can be rebuilt. The universe is always going to be there to conquer. Right? And "princess” doesn’t seem like such a bad title, really, when it’s his baby girl.
Kylo is still an angry, bitter sack of vipers. Hux now has two emotions and they’re both terrifying and involve firearms. Not saying they “fall in love,” but they do practice kissing and trade insults that are maybe affectionate? Hux kills more than one person who tries to get at Kylo with his bare hands and a energy blade. They try extremely hard to be good parents.
Phasma takes her immunity and fucking RETIRES to make LOTS OF MONEY doing what she’s GOOD AT which is fighting and not dying.
Anyway they name the baby Padme. She has a COMPLETELY HIDEOUS temper and blue eyes like her great-grandfather.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
I Told Myself That I Should Stop Drinking But I'm Not About To Listen Skeleton T Shirt
3 Wall Street St where all records will in a I Told Myself That I Should Stop Drinking But I'm Not About To Listen Skeleton T Shirt logical that the will a great really die for lack being Wall Street well seems to be known as golf when you look for consider the price consuming concerning Mike Brown and Matthews Courtney very much Michigan has reached a preliminary agreement to dollars to victims of different water crisis is to be approved by the generous support from years gone for over a tinted water it anywhere that money might illegal hell like you know me rich and I like it ANA to say Craig Davis is a lifelong Flint resident who had to leave to the devastation brought on by the city’s tinted water crisis is almost into the with the water because of who already drink it comfortably like you know so you. Why did you expect him to take a break job so the elite eight minutes in the war I think the time is right now that the start raping girls blind you want to know the ring the bells but am in general warned about the current tracking to the North menand that’s important because they were driving home the point that war is ugly bad things happenand throughout the whole series they been driving home the point of it is badand that is good it is that these things are grayer than you thinkand all these great characters as opposed to blackand white were was one of the beautiful parts about game of thrones but then just got done really clumsily in a clumsy way got arrested in China fitted into six episodes in a thoroughly happyand pleased with still low because I couldn’t make a better showedand that was with a bit is beautiful so I however they do not stand I don’t want I don’t want to goand said no Erin Foster mean it’s better than what you think you could ask his heart gauge art in general is like could I have or even could I like the present with they gave to still enjoy area will on to in lifeand I will if I could’ve done better for the parallel I will say this very you mean a game of thrones that Israel is on a better job with the force awakens the you could’ve done better was when I was that moment Kyle Star Wars is best all I have is installed on your eye is devoid that should start start trigger me yes as my shit out you always get my busiest to Cripsand bloods the girl I like the idea this was a people love to heat things I love things that I’m not quick to throw stuff at game of thrones all the time but after watching unlike man that was an hourand 20 minutes maybeand it was like 50 minutes of just dragons flying around doing special effects as it allowed the college or at least the novel the episode before the war that we I why I didn’t like the Masters is way better than that was a great episode to one loved loved it right there were all they’ll knew they were going to die either singing around pottery sangand he can singand keep in that bullet in the chamber for eight years nowand I’m amazed use caulk considering knows how to cook who got you think killing machine so acerbic episode two was amazing within episode three happenedand it made to worse because all of them sort of dealing with how they face their death didn’t die you got it I like that outside this ideological game ball either all I didn’t like itand let me to we went on for so long for to seeing anything I’m sure what happened in the moment we’re all like it’s happening finally good anything all they put on the screen I’m enjoying that’s I was but then I thought back on what a minute the best fight in this show but there’s ever been I think was when Oberand Martz out the red viper door thought the mount no question you are out in the open fight choreography like professional like best bet is good as any movie he killed that he is a bright daylight we can see everything there actually fighting you got two very different desperate fighting style completely different note that the quick agile guy with the spearand the gigantic powerful one regard with this longsword as big as a man it was great to watchand the ending of course was just heart to heart out of your chestand also the whole trip liquidated all was what was in that stairwell all darkand dustyand they kept cutting away from it so we could see are you getting tossed about by rubble find out when the web story okay different lookand see show me them fighting some of them fighting on the staircaseand show we started credible yes I was I was in my area are our house as well as a zygote it was like eight season buildable the mountainand the hound about to go at itand it was a little at the chromatic outline enjoy the way took him out the height of the fire is my personal could the bowl I knew what was happening I saw them head into the it like they headed up the stairs as the rubble he tells aria to turn back IQ of the video because I know it’s going downand I play this I played itand I love the end was everything I hoped it would be now this video plays for like four or secondsand then there’s silence I forgot about itand I hear through the visitors I heard another airhorn I might only put it in there all okay little fan service whateverand then againand again you thought likely airhorn in the gameand I don’t understand why still playing will visit autoplay of another air you before it was at the data to do their just a little airhornand Sony are autoplay until like 10 hours of airhorn’s waiting warned like blast was a parent or horn blast on what what why they are blessed you something else up so that I can get over little bit if I tryand rationalize myself have been reading explanations of help little bit but it’s like the nurses just suddenly deciding to burn the city doesn’t make senseand I know people will be like she’s going to mention in your take people along I’m just going mad thoughand it’s like will no figured like people are confusing like madness going crazy matter blood Metro fire with the rationality she’s been irrational the entire series but every time she’s gone bloodand gore she spared innocence it’s been old is the greater good to to get people out of trouble on crucifying these people because their slaveowners in theand are eviland whatnotand so for her to have already won the battle for it to be over she could fly straight to the red keepand burn Circeand all them she wantsand she decides to lay waste to everyone it just like maybe in the rationality hurt is like all she was so afraid of John stealing her receipts that she decided I have to establish fear among everyone so they don’t betray meand I was just like just doesn’t feel like Danny she stressed so many times I cannot my father’s daughter in that way on that you know I’m not like that I’m not out to just burnand kill everything so you just it didn’t make that much sense to me I thought that twoand then I read this twitter thread right is my guyand he sees the particular thread will kind of a seat my thoughts on the very start targetingand she’s always been one of the most loved characters this season is right are to flesh out these character are with that being said Danny has shown multiple occasions the capacityand willingness to burn down cities of threadand he just went downand he named Freddie do I do have them in front of me after open thread at the glad as I was there I was going to get on the same road as him but I don’t have your eyes oh okay Danny had into the micro told you he has clips from actual show is is or can we have the audio on your was pretty good might mimic allowable you to get us not to be placed on the counter living like this or any of this was the seven very early on hard to the burning down whateverand whoever to take dire no exit by the super knocking Glenn is having succeed to you coming in is is as well when the 13th of course of course turn Danny away she told them when I drag on the Woodburn city to the ground turn this way will burn you for’s told me me will delay the time of the time goes crazy would you put them when you say all of our cities to the ground will mean you going to vacate the innocent people you burnishand also Lacie has shown that throughout the entire overburden are not taught back by Thierryand or Sarah’sand sell me your way to Georgia. 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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Week 2017 - Day 6 (part 1): AU
Category : Gen
Genre : Angst / Murder / Mystery
Fandoms : DC Comics, Batverse - Superverse
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary : Tim really didn't want to deal with a murder case.
Word Count : 1861
To read it on AO3
Day 6 : Crossover
Author’s notes (under the cut ‘cause it’s long) :
A few things before starting this AU : 1. This What if Universe is "What if Tim had never talked to Dick and Bruce ?" It basically went down like this : Batman got a lot more violent until meeting Steph a year later. She underwent about 6 to 8 months of training and is a pretty good Robin (she and Cass are still BFF of course but she's also Wonder Girl's BFF). When Tim's parent died when he was 13, he was sent to a foster home. But there's like 1 social worker for 17 cases and Tim's personality is not as big as that of some of the other cases his social worker had to, well work. So he ended up in a few pretty bad foster houses and decided to run away from one when he was almost 16. He got out of the state of NJ and right into NY where he made his way into Metropolis. Also he's a lot less sexist that he was in canon 'cause women didn't let him be in this verse and Tim is a character that usually learns when confronted with his problems (it doesn't show here 'cause there are no female characters).2. Tim shows signs of (complex ?)PTSD + Development of Borderline Personality Disorder in his early days. Meeting Dick and Bruce and becoming Robin kinda helped prevent Tim from actually developing the PD but he still kept some of the symptoms up to the end of the preboot. So if he hadn't met Dick&Bruce, Tim would have most probably developed the PD so here he was diagnosed with it. Remember that once you have developed a personality disorder you can't get rid of it but you can be taught on how to control your behavior.3. As for Kon, without Tim there to form YJ he and Bart sometimes see Secret and she comes to ask for their help but nothing more. He and Wonder Girl met a few times during the different crisis but without being forced to hang out together nothing ever came out of it. The Teen Titans were never re-formed. And Kon's parcour was similar to that of the 2nd part of Superboy v3, without the extra fuckboy crap. After Roxy's cameo she and Superboy stayed in contact, as such he went with her instead of going to live in Metropolis when Cadmus Disappeared. Superman still had him go live with the Kents but Roxy is a constant presence and ends up visiting a lot once she stopped bailing her father out. She's still very much his sister (like we needed the blood transfer for that to happen), Kon still only does superheroing on the W-E once he lives in Smallville but with Superman, Supergirl and Steel. Some of the character changes never happened without Tim like : his arrogance is still partially there, he's more angry because his friends are scarce. He still talks to Hero who is, by all means his BFF along with Bart I retcon Geoff Johns' retcon that made him slightly homophobic OKAY. STill, between his PTSD and depression he has his own anger issues. Overall he met the others but beside Bart never really befriended them. He and Kyle worked together a few times though and he really looks up to him. Without feeling like he had to protect Cassie, he never died (one of the scientist also miraculously thought about sunlight in Infinite Crisis)
Tim didn't know what he was doing. He was lucky Perry White had some sort of conscience hidden and locked somewhere deep inside his gruff journalist interior and exterior otherwise he'd be living on the street (or maybe not, he was pretty resourceful and a hard worker after all. And he had pretty much lived under a bridge for about two years before meeting Mr. White six months ago). And okay, working at the archives of the Daily Planet was about as exciting as feeding your goldfish but Tim got to read weird stuff in the comic and in the miscellaneous news items which gave him a sense of randomness that was much needed despite his desire for a slightly more stable life than what he had had in the past few years.           Of course, this lack of excitement was not that common, even in a simple archive room because this was metropolis and, while obviously not on Gotham's crime levels, it was in its on category as far as big crisis went. And he wasn't talking about one of Ms. Lane's dubious request either.
Now if only he could convince the guy -whose trembling hand held a a gun that was pointed toward him- that he was simply a low-level employee, maybe he could have a chance of making it alive because, unlike what a lot of people thought, completely unexperienced people were as dangerous for low mortals like himself as perfectly trained ones for the simple reason that they were unpredictable. And really Tim may not have been all that attached to his life but it didn't mean he wanted it to end this soon.
So, here he was, sweating profusely when none other than Superboy arrived and started a "conversation" with the man (read: made unfunny jokes about the man) who, in frustration at the young man, started shooting at them.       Superboy put himself between them before punching the guy who lost consciousness on the spot. He was about to turn the guy in to the police when Tim stopped him urgently:
"Wait! Don't you want to know what he wanted?"
"What? No. Why should I care?" came the condescending answer of a superhero Tim just knew he wouldn't like. As such, he couldn't help the equally condescending tone as he answered him:
"Well this isn't exactly Metropolis Bank you know. Why do you think a guy in his forties who obviously never touched a gun in his life visited the archive room of a big newspaper, genius?"
Superboy glared at him and replied, clearly losing the little patience he had:
"Okay then, what did he want Smartass?"
"How would I know? He just showed up and pulled a gun on me when you appeared and insulted him before knocking him out without asking him what his goal was", Tim snapped.
This seemed to have struck Superboy speechless and increase his annoyance with Tim. Not that Tim felt any better than him…or that he minded, he was seriously hoping not to see the young man again after whatever this was (hopefully it wouldn't last more than a few minutes or he might get really angry and he was trying to control his "intense anger" dixit the therapist he was "forced" to see as part of his deal with Mr. White -because it was pretty obvious that Tim was not *okay* and while Mr. White wanted to help he wasn't going to let in some kid who could be a danger to his employees).
Superboy took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself, and turned to face the man. He tied him up and they waited. It only took a minute before he woke up. He looked up, surprised, and tried to move his arms before he realized he was tied up. Superboy looked at him with a cold look in his eyes which made Tim shiver slightly from fear and it effectively stopped the anger he felt toward the young man. In his annoyance, he had forgotten that Superboy was, in fact, a powerhouse, no matter how ridiculous he could seem on TV (granted that hadn't happened in a while). Good Cop/Bad Cop it would be then... he hadn't expected to ever play the part of the good cop though. He placed himself besides Superboy and tried to be engaging.
"Excuse him he's not very welcoming toward people who shoot others for no reason." Okay, so Tim was indeed not used to being the good cop... or soothing... or nice in general, he was quite clearly out of practice even if his therapist had helped him make tremendous progress in behaving in a more acceptable fashion. "What I mean is, why are you here?" And now Superboy was looking at him like he was an idiot, like it's not hard to not be tactless. As if the guy was allowed to say anything considering he's the one who insulted the man without thinking things through and startled and annoyed him into shooting at them. Tim continued while trying to prevent the anger that was starting to build again from coming out.
"I mean you obviously didn't come here for the money. "
Now the question for 300 000 $: Which is worse, Condescension or Hostility? Seeing as the man was now frowning and more ready for a fight than scared to death, hostility might have been better. Oh well. He could see Superboy rolling his eyes, yeah well, it was still mostly his fault they were in this situation.
Superboy placed himself between them again, apparently no amount of annoyance could prevent him from protecting people. Good to know. He glowered at the man who cowered and started trying to explain himself and apologize every few words.
"I'm sorry I just, I've been wrongly accused of a crime and, I, sorry, I, I got out of jail a few months ago but no one wants to believe me, I tried to get journalists to help but they wouldn't and the library doesn't have every newspaper of the Daily Planet and I don't know how to use the internet well enough and I needed the information. And I didn't expect anyone to still be here at this hour"
Tim looked at the man then shared a look with Superboy. They both seemed to agree that this man most likely needed help and the police wasn't going to be it. So Tim turned back to the man and asked him what his name was and when the crime had happened: April 19th 1998.           And Tim found it, a young woman had been lacerated and slowly bled to death. She was found on an altar in her boyfriend's basement along with every single one of the boy's close family members who were found surrounding the altar in a circular fashion, stuck in a prayer position, forehead against the floor, arms resting next to their heads, a knife in the neck. They were all wearing dark robes with a hood lowered, stained with their blood. And okay, Tim felt like throwing up. Superboy barely seemed phased but the widening of his eyes gave him away. The man, Martin Bastre, was the boyfriend in question and the haunted look in his eyes as he managed to get up and look at the screen wasn't that of a man who committed a murder so much as that of a man who couldn't prevent it. Tim now truly believed that he was innocent and if he had to think objectively, there was almost no chance anyone would bring back this kind of story to the surface unless they were innocent... or a narcissistic person who wanted everyone to remember their crimes (which would suggest they considered this their best work, a work which could never be reproduced or they would have simply done another one. Since this one concerned his family and girlfriend it could very easily be his favorite work).     And now Tim had a headache.   So maybe his gut chose to believe the man because the other possibility was too screwed up, even for him, or maybe it was because he really believed it. In any case he really wanted out of this right now. He had been forced to look into too many murder cases in his life and now that he had a choice he'd rather be far away from it. So first he told Martin that even while his gut seemed to believe the man, he still had a thing to talk over with Superboy. Then as he whispered his thoughts to the young man he could see that the reasoning had never entered his mind - then again, managing Tim's brand of pessimism mixed with naivety was a very hard thing to do.     Tim tried to make sure Superboy understood he only told him as a "just in case" scenario and not as a really big possibility for the man to be that horrible so he wouldn't go and knock him out again after Tim left them to their own device. This seemed to slightly surprise Superboy.
"Well I'm not gonna join you in anything dangerous. I'm trying to work on my issues not worsen them. So I'm gonna help try and find a few things to connect together but I'm just a kid who was, honestly not that good at school, and I may be able program a VCR player but I am no genius okay, my abilities stop at web design and hacking photoshop."
Superboy looked at him as if he was a very strange person. Then again, he was surrounded by teen heroes, so he was probably not that used to non-heroic types being involved in a case like this refusing to go out and fight bad guys.
In any case Tim ushered the both of them out, saying it was too late and that if the Martin's murderer friend had been out for 20 years, one more night wasn't going to change anything. He told them he would looked through the archives during the day and to meet him again tomorrow night at the Planet when no one would be around.  Once the two started leaving. Tim turned on to go home without looking back. He was in no hurry to continue this adventure but if the man was actually innocent he really did not deserve what had happened to him. And someone had to help. If it was him and SuperAttentionSeeker then so be it. He still hoped their working duo wouldn't last.
As he got home, Tim never noticed the mics hidden in the plug sockets of his apartment. He made himself a warm cup of hot chocolate before slipping in his bed, soon joined by the two cats who had decided to overstay their welcome. Not that Tim actually minded. Especially not tonight. He burrowed his face in one's fur and held the other close to his heart. The two almost teddy bears started purring and helped him fall into a semi restful sleep, hoping not to have any nightmares about the pictures he saw that night.
Authors’s Note 2 : I only wrote this as a "mise en bouche". This is why a lot of things are not explained (like how Tim ended up working there). If you want me to I might write a multi chapters fanfic about it (I know everything about this AU, which includes this arc and the others).
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